Econ Problems
Econ Problems
Econ Problems
12. Find the present worth of a future payment 14. A contract has been signed to lease a
of Php300,000 to be made in 10 years with an restaurant at Php20,000 per year with annual
interest rate of 10% compounded annually. increase of Php1,500 for 8 years. Payments
What will be the amount if it will be paid 5 are to be made at the end of each year,
years later (on the 15ᵗʰ year)? starting one year from now. The prevailing rate
is 7%. What lump sum paid today would be
equivalent to the 8 year lease program?
15. Mr. Cruz buys a second hand car worth 17. Which is more advisable to invest
Php150,000 if paid in cash. On installment Php5,000 for five (5) years, to bank A that
basis, he pays Php50,000 down payment, offers 5% compounded continuously or to bank
Php30,000 at the end of one year, Php40,000 B that offers 10% simple interest?
at the end of two years and a final payment at
the end of four years. Find the final payment if
interest is 14%.
16. Philip invested $100 on a bank. The bank 18. Ms. Glydel Marquez borrowed money from
offers 5% interest compounded continuously in a bank. She received from the bank Php1,342
a savings account. Determine (a) how long will and promised to repay Php1,500 at the end of
it require for him to earn $5 (b) the equivalent 9 months. Determine the following: (a) simple
simple interest rate for 1 year of the bank. interest rate (b) discount rate or often referred
as Banker’s discount.
19. What is the current value of a $50 payment 21. Maintenance cost for a small bridge
to be made at the end of each of the next expected to last for 60 years is estimated
three years if the prevailing rate of to be Php1,000 each for the first 5 years,
interest is 7% compounded annually? followed by a Php10,000 expenditure in the
15ᵗʰ year and Php10,000 in the 30ᵗʰ year. If
interest is 10% per year, what is the
equivalent uniform annual cost over the 60
year period?
20. An obligation of Php20,000 is to be repaid 22. What is the equivalent previous worth of
in uniform annual amounts each of which Php500 annuity to be paid constantly in
included repayment of the debt and interest 60 years 72 years ago, if annual interest is
over a period of 5 years. If interest is 10% 1%?
per year, what is the annual payment?
23. Find the annual payment to extinguish a 26. Find the value of x in the cash flow
debt of Php10,000 payable for 5 years at 12% diagram, given that would make the
interest. equivalent present worth of the cash flow
diagram to Php22,000 and interest rate is
at 13% per year.
24. A savings loan is made between a man 27. Determine the uniform annual payments
and banker. What should be the uniform which would be equivalent to the cash flow
monthly payment that the man should make diagram given. Interest rate of 12% per
if he is to borrow Php50,000 and he is to pay year.
in 10 years? Interest is taken as 6%
compounded quarterly.
25. What annuity is required over 10 years to 28. What is the current value of a $50 payment
equate with the future amount of Php15,000. to be made at the beginning of each year, for
Assume i = 5%. three years if the prevailing rate of
interest is 7% compounded annually?
29. What is the accumulated value of a $25 31. Don Jose deposited Php5,000,000 on a
payment to be made at the beginning of bank that earns 10% compounded
each of the next three years if the annually. Five years later he died. His will
prevailing rate of interest is 9% compounded states that his beneficiary is an orphanage
annually? which will be receiving the money in
perpetuity a year after he died. How much is
the yearly fund the orphanage will be
30. How much should Mr. Sy invest on a bank 32. If money is worth 8% compounded
that offers 10% interest so that he would quarterly, compute the present value of the
earn Php1,000 each year in perpetuity. perpetuity of Php1,000 payable quarterly.
33. Prepare a depreciation table for an asset 35. A machine which costs Php10,000 was
which was bought at Php15,000 and useful sold as scrap after being used for 10
for a period of 7 years. Estimated salvage years. If the scrap value was Php500,
value is 10% of its original cost. determine the total depreciation and book
value at the end of the 5ᵗʰ year.