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Module: Linguistics

Level: L2

Teacher's Name: Dr. ADDER Fatima Zohra

Unit 2: Schools of Linguistics

Lesson two: Structuralism

The Development of Structuralism in Linguistics:

Structuralism is a school of linguistics that focuses on the structure of language. It
emerged through the ideas of the Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure (1857–1913) who is
considered as the father of modern linguistics and the father of structuralism. Saussure’s seminal
Cours de linguistique générale (Course in General Linguistics, 1916) was edited and
posthumously published by two colleagues and a student who assiduously took notes at his
lectures in Geneva University. Despite all the vagaries of its composition, Cours de linguistique
générale is a hugely influential work and has probably contributed to the establishment of
linguistics as an independent discipline than any other single book.

Although Saussure had a background in the historical study of language, he was

unusually critical of neogrammarian philology, which he accused of being overly absorbed in
diachrony (that is, issues of the evolution of languages). Saussure also criticized traditional
grammarians for neglecting entire aspects of language, but allowed that their method was
fundamentally correct and that they properly emphasized synchrony. Hence, whereas the
discipline of historical linguistics that grew up in the 19 th century was almost entirely diachronic
in its orientation, linguistics in the first half of the 20 th century - following the lead of Saussure -
became a largely synchronic enterprise. It was not long before European structuralism crossed
the Atlantic to become the predominant methodology of American linguistics.

The German-born American anthropologist Edward Sapir (1884–1939) was responsible

for many enduring concepts in linguistic research. As an author of the landmark volume
Language (1921), Sapir emphasizes that language is tightly linked to culture. For Sapir,
language is an acquired function of culture rather than being biologically determined. This view
is completely opposed to that of the mentalists (to be further explained in the next lecture
‘Mentalism’), who believe (but have not proved) that human beings possess a genetically
determined predisposition for language - including many of its most specific and distinguishing
features - that is already present at the moment of birth. Sapir is undoubtedly correct when he
points out that, sans society, an individual will never learn to talk in meaningful terms, or to
communicate ideas to other persons within a given community. This can easily be demonstrated
by observation of feral or mentally abused children and in children suffering from autism or
other psychological disorders that affect the acquisition and manipulation of language.
Similarly, infants who are born into one linguistic environment, but are adopted into a
completely different linguistic environment will obviously not grow up speaking the language of
their biological parents. If there is any "hardwiring" of linguistic abilities, it occurs around
puberty, after which time it becomes increasingly difficult to attain full fluency in a second
language or to lose all ability in one's mother tongue. Sapir, of course, could not have predicted
the degree to which the mentalists would divorce language from its social and cultural matrix,
but he would have regarded it as a fallacious approach to language.

Although Leonard Bloomfield (1887–1949) was a contemporary and colleague of Sapir,

and the two are widely regarded as the founders of American structuralism, they were quite
dissimilar in temperament and outlook. Whereas Sapir was more dramatic and imaginative,
Bloomfield tended to be methodical and preferred to rely strictly on evidence in formulating his
positions. In 1914, he wrote Introduction to the Study of Language, which in later editions was
called simply Language (1933). Bloomfield was responsible for an influential synthesis that
brought together three earlier traditions of language study (historical, philological, and
practical), and forged them into a coherent whole. He worked hard to establish linguistics as a
science. Bloomfield was especially critical of those who took the features of Latin as the
normative form of human speech. He was much more favorably inclined toward the
grammatical studies of the ancient Indians because the latter were themselves excellent
phoneticians who had also developed an intelligent systematization of grammar and lexicon.

In the following section, we will shed light on the emergence of the Structuralist school
starting from Europe and moving to America.

The Prague School

In Europe, structuralism did not remain a monolithic linguistic monopoly. The Prague
school (which grew out of the Prague Linguistic Circle) is a branch of structuralism, but with a
difference. The members of this school hold language to be a system of functionally related
units and focus on the observation of linguistic realia ( that is the (linguistic) data collected
through experiments and research tools) at discrete moments. They are interested in language
change, not in maintaining a strict dichotomy of langue and parole - a key tenet of Saussure - or
of synchrony and diachrony. The starting point of the Prague School is to clarify the function of
the various elements of actual utterances. The Prague School has made a lasting impact upon
many areas of modern linguistics, particularly with regard to the analysis of the sounds of

The Copenhagen School

Another noteworthy structuralist school is the Copenhagen Linguistic Circle. One of its
leading theoreticians was Louis Hjelmslev (1899–1965), whose Prologomena (1943; English
edition 1953) is intended as a series of preliminary statements essential for the formulation of
any theory of language. Hjelmslev faults the humanities for being overly descriptive and
insufficiently systematizing. He views language as a self-sufficient totality of its own. He
foresees the emergence of an "algebra of language," which he calls "glossematics." This novel
linguistic approach, which strongly emphasizes form, is intentionally designed to distinguish the
ideas of the Copenhagen School from the traditional forms of structural linguistics, such as
those of the Prague School. Hjelmslev does adhere to Saussure's basic principles of
structuralism, but attempts to make his theory more axiomatic, having been influenced by the
logical empiricism of Alfred North Whitehead (1861–1947), Russell, and Carnap. With the
ostensible goal of eliminating confusion between the object (language) being studied and the
methodology used to describe it, Hjelmslev tries to create noncontradictory descriptive
terminology by employing mathematical logic.

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Another controversial legacy of structuralism that continues to attract attention is the

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis concerning the relationship between language, thought, and culture
developed by Benjamin Lee Whorf (1897–1941), who was also a student of Sapir and who
based his hypothesis on the approach of his mentor. The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis has two main
facets: (1) linguistic determinism (the language one uses conditions the way one thinks), (2)
linguistic relativity (each language is distinct from the other languages.). Whorf did intensive
work on North American indigenous languages that have different grammatical and lexical
properties from Indo-European languages, so it is altogether comprehensible that his intimate
familiarity with their distinctive outlooks would lead him to develop the hypothesis that he did.
That a given language determines the thought and perception of its speakers is seen by many to
have been refuted by the study of Brent Berlin and Paul Kay on basic colour terms and their
supposed universality (1969). The conclusions of Berlin and Kay, however, have not gone un-
challenged: John A. Lucy and Richard Shweder have demonstrated significant behavioural
differences in regard to colour perception on the part of speakers of different languages. In any
event, the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis should be easily testable by extensive investigation of the
thought patterns of individuals who are thoroughly bilingual (or multilingual) in noticeably
dissimilar languages. Simply asking such individuals whether it is easier to think certain
thoughts in a given language than in another language, or whether it is impossible to think the
thoughts of one language in another language, should go far toward determining the validity of
the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

Principles /Assumptions of Structuralism

Structural linguistics relies on the idea that langue is abstract and parole is concrete.Thus,
the role of the linguist is to study the concrete level of language. Structuralism is based on the
following assumptions that can be summarize d as follows:
It focuses on the spoken language.

It relies on the objective study of language.

It gives importance to the synchronic study.

It puts emphasis on the structure of language.

It is based on Saussure’s ideas concerning langue and parole.

Structuralism gives too much importance to grammar. The main element involved in
structuralism is the immediate constituent analysis which was introduced by Bloomfield in
1933. Bloomfield illustrated the idea of immediate constituent analysis through the sentence
‘Poor John ran away’. This sentence is composed of two constituents: the subject (poor John)
and predicate (ran away). The subject includes two constituents: the head (John) and the
modifier (poor). The predicate involves a verb phrase consisting of the verb (ran) and the
particle (away). Immediate constituent analysis considers the sentence as the basic unit of
language. Its ideas developed when Chomsky added rules for the generation of sentences in
order to create generative grammar. Generally speaking, structuralism contributed to the
development of the study of language and helped to make linguistics as a science.
Further readings:

This lecture is slightly summarized from: https://science.jrank.org/pages/9907/Language-Linguistics-


Suman Ghosh. “Ferdinand De Saussure and the Development of Structuralism”, Retrieved from:

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