Introduction To Data Science 325E6B Common for B.C.A. , B.Sc.-SA , B.Sc.-CSc Credits 3 Lecture Hours:5 per week Learning Objectives: (for teachers: what they have to do in the class/lab/field) An understanding of the data operations An overview of simple statistical models and the basics of machine learning techniques of regression. An understanding good practices of data science Skills in the use of tools such as python, IDE Understanding of the basics of the Supervised learning Course Outcomes: (for students: To know what they are going to learn) 1. Clean and reshape messy datasets 2. Use exploratory tools such as clustering and visualization tools to analyze data 3. Perform linear regression analysis 4. Use methods such as logistic regression, nearest neighbours, decision trees, support vector machines, and neural networks to build a classifier 5. Apply dimensionality reduction tools such as principal component analysis Units Contents Introduction: Introduction to Data Science – Evolution of Data Science – Data Science I Roles – Stages in aData Science Project – Applications of Data Science in various fields – Data Security Issues. Data Collection and Data Pre-Processing: Data Collection Strategies – Data Pre- II Processing Overview – Data Cleaning – DataIntegration and Transformation – Data Reduction – Data Discretization. Exploratory Data Analytics: Descriptive Statistics – Mean, Standard Deviation, III Skewness and Kurtosis – Box Plots –Pivot Table – Heat Map – Correlation Statistics – ANOVA. Model Development: Simple and Multiple Regression – Model Evaluation using IV Visualization – Residual Plot –Distribution Plot – Polynomial Regression and Pipelines – Measures for In-sampleEvaluation – Prediction and Decision Making. Model Evaluation: Generalization Error – Out-of-Sample Evaluation Metrics – Cross V Validation – Overfitting –Under Fitting and Model Selection – Prediction by using Ridge Regression – TestingMultiple Parameters by using Grid Search Books for References 1. Jojo Moolayil, “Smarter Decisions : The Intersection of IoT and Data Science”,PACKT, 2016. 2. Cathy O’Neil and Rachel Schutt , “Doing Data Science”, O'Reilly, 2015. 3. David Dietrich, Barry Heller, Beibei Yang, “Data Science and Big data Analytics”,EMC 2013 4. Raj, Pethuru, “Handbook of Research on Cloud Infrastructures for Big DataAnalytics”, IGI Global.
Laddernet: Multi-Path Networks Based On U-Net For Medical Image Segmentation Juntang Zhuang Biomedical Engineering, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA