This research presents the results of the aerodynamic brake plates mounted on the hyperloop pod, on a fluid flow field,
and overall braking force under the same velocity with different angle deployment of the brake plates. Aerodynamic
brake plates are designed to generate the braking force by increasing the aerodynamic drag when It was deployed
against the fluid flow, in this research three plates are used one is a horizontal plate mounted on the roof of the pod and
the remaining two are vertical plates which are mounted on the left and right side of the hyperloop pod. In this research
to develop the case studies different combinations of angle deployment of the brake plates are used, the sixteen cases of
hyperloop pods with different angle deployment of brake plates are designed by using CATIA VR-6R. the flow
simulation was made by Ansys CFX software for sixteen cases of the pods with different angle deployment of the brake
plates under the same velocity.
This research founds that the aerodynamic drag force is a function of angle deployment of the brake plates
under the same velocity, drag force can increase or decrease by changing the angles of the brake plates. the result shows
that 2.4 times of drag force increased for a fully deployed angle of attack of the brake plates when compared with the
the same pod with no brake plates shows us that employing the brake plate increases the drag force This outcome will
provide a major contribution to the development of the aerodynamic braking system of the hyperloop pod.
KEYWORDS: hyperloop pod, aerodynamic drag, 𝑘 − 𝜔 model, aerodynamic brake
Hyperloop is a hypothetical transportation system that maintained nearly or above 10,000pa this allows for
is designed to decrease cost and relative time travel further scope of improvement in the aerodynamic
from any place. It is a proposed high-speed mass performance. The changes in the pod, brake plates
transportation system for both passenger and cargo. design result in the variation of aerodynamic forces.
Hyperloop is also defined as a sealed tube or system of Currently, braking systems available for the hyperloop
tubes in which a pod travels without any air resistance pod are friction brakes and eddy current brakes, these
or friction, Passengers being transported through the two brake systems require a lot of maintenance and
tube is not a new notion. George Medhurst, a British parts replacement. An alternative to this braking system
mechanical engineer, and inventor received the first is an aerodynamic braking system which depends on
patent for transporting products in tubes in 1799. the aerodynamic forces. The aerodynamic braking
Medhurst published a pamphlet in 1812 outlining his system uses the drag force to decelerate the hyperloop
plan to carry persons and cargo through air-tight tubes pod, advantages of the drag-based aerodynamic braking
propelled by air. Other comparable systems were system are less power consumption, more effectiveness
suggested or experimented with within the early 1800s. in high velocity, easy control, easy installation, and less
In July 2012, during a PandoDaily event in Santa maintenance required. The purpose of the paper is to
Monica, California, Elon Musk first announced his identify the effectiveness of the drag-based
plans for a "fifth mode of transportation," dubbed the aerodynamic braking system using three braking plates
Hyperloop. This proposed high-speed mode of with different angles under the same velocity.
transportation would have the following features:
weather resistance, collision-free operation, double the 2. METHODOLOGY
speed of an aircraft, minimal power usage, and energy Inside the tube, the flow is in low pressure, while
storage for 24-hour operation. From late 2012 through dealing with the low-pressure flow we have to verify
August 2013, a team of engineers from Tesla and whether the continuum approach is applicable to solve
SpaceX collaborated on Hyperloop conceptual the flow field at the given operating condition.
modeling. This describes one potential design, Knudsen number(kn) is a dimensionless number, it is
function, pathway, and cost of a hyperloop system. The defined as the ratio of the molecular mean free path
MIT Hyperloop team created the first Hyperloop pod length to the characteristic length of the model if
prototype. Electrodynamic suspension and eddy current kn<0.01 then the flow is a continuum. After evaluating
braking are used in their design. In November 2020, the Knudsen number(Kn) we got the result 6.307 x
Virgin Hyperloop completed the first-ever passenger From this, we can say that the continuum
test of Hyperloop technology with two company approach is applicable to solve the flow field around
workers. the pod.
The contact between the pod and the ground is nullified Knudsen number Formula give as
by using Electro Dynamic Suspension [1], so there will
be no contact friction, and propulsion in the hyperloop
pod is generated by using Linear Induction Motors, √
which is used to accelerate or deaccelerate the pod [2].
The hyperloop concept was proposed to operate at In this study k-𝜔 SST Turbulence model is used. k-𝜔
0.015 psi 100pa which is about 1/1000 of the earth's turbulence model is a two-equation model that predicts
atmospheric pressure [2]. by evaluating partial differential equations (PDE) for
The effect of drag reduction is negligible when the the turbulence kinetic energy 𝑘 and the specific
vacuum pressure is less than 1000 Pa. As the vacuum turbulence dissipation rate 𝜔, the 𝑘−𝜔 model handles
pressure increases from 1000 to 10000 Pa, the drag
separated flows well, where large adverse pressure
reduction effect enhances slowly and then increases
gradients exist. The SST model predicts accurately the
rapidly beyond 10000 Pa [3]. It was identified that
flow separation and flow transition from laminar to
below the pressure of 10,000 Pa the drag reduction is
not significant, so the tube pressure should be
Boundary conditions are velocity inlet where a static tube is assumed as a free slip adiabatic wall and the
pressure (11kpa), static temperature (always 300 K), pressure outlet is assumed as a static pressure(10kpa),
and velocity (126.944m/s) are imposed. The surface of k-𝜔 SST Turbulence model considered.
the pod is considered as a no-slip adiabatic wall, the
Figure .2: Representing a 3D model of pod with brake plates traveling in tube and boundary condition
Figure.3: Aerodynamic brake plates position on the pod with angles movement
Case Horizontal top plate Vertical left Vertical right Drag (n) Lift (n)
angle plate angle plate angle
1 131.887 -13.441
2 115.291 -9.231
3 106.185 -8.057
4 90.503 -4.337
5 115.979 -14.329
6 99.732 -10.300
7 90.506 -8.741
8 75.914 -6.502
9 107.598 -12.880
10 91.2294 -9.613
11 82.068 -7.551
12 68.056 -5.767
13 93.061 -10.347
14 77.104 -6.656
15 68.114 -5.523
16 54.947 -3.591
Table.2: Braking force and negative lift force at different deployment angles