Alexander Mayer∗1 , Dominik Wied2 , and Victor Troster3
Università Ca’ Foscari
2 University of Cologne
arXiv:2402.09744v2 [econ.EM] 6 Dec 2024
Corresponding author. E-mail address: alexandersimon.mayer@unive.it. We would like to thank
Lukas Hoesch for helpful comments and highly appreciate the suggestions and comments made by par-
ticipants at the Econometrics Workshop 2024 at the Goethe University Frankfurt, the research seminar
at Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, and the IAAE 2024, Thessaloniki. We would like to thank the associate
editor and two referees for valuable comments and suggestions that helped to improve the paper.
1 Introduction
The definition of Granger (1969) causality is a fundamental concept in time series
econometrics. Accordingly, let zi denote a series contained within an information
set that gathers all relevant information available up to time i, then zi is said to
Granger-cause yi if zi provides information relevant to predicting yi . Although
Granger causality is uncovered by the conditional distributions of yi , applied re-
search focuses often on Granger causality in mean because it entails easily testable
implications. However, by solely testing the significance of zi in a conditional mean
regression of yi on zi , one runs the risk of neglecting possible tail relationships or
It is for this reason that more recent research is also concerned with Granger
causality in quantiles, which allows for an equivalent characterization of Granger
causality in distribution. This implies that the conditional quantile function of yi
depends on zi for some quantiles of interest, given all the available information until
time i. For instance, Lee and Yang (2012) found fragile evidence of Granger causal-
ity between augmenting monetary policies and national income at the conditional
mean; nevertheless, the authors reported strong evidence of Granger causality at
extreme quantiles of the distribution.
One way to elicit potential evidence for Granger causality is by means of quantile
regressions. Koenker and Machado (1999) developed a parametric significance
test of quantile regression coefficients, which is frequently employed in empirical
work to test for Granger causality in quantile regressions (see e.g. Chuang et al.,
2009 or Yang et al., 2014). Troster (2018) extended the method of Koenker and
Machado (1999) by providing a semiparametric omnibus test for Granger causality
in quantiles that allows for nonlinear specifications of the quantile regressions under
the null hypothesis of no Granger causality. On the other hand, Jeong et al. (2012),
Taamouti et al. (2014) and Candelon and Tokpavi (2016) derived nonparametric
tests for Granger causality in quantiles. Bouezmarni et al. (2024) proposed such
a test for expectiles.
What all these papers have in common, is, however, that they implicitly assume
the pattern of Granger (non)causality to be stable over time. In this paper, we
therefore propose tests for Granger causality in quantiles that are robust against
temporal instabilities. This is of importance because financial and macroeconomic
data structures, where Granger causality is frequently tested, are subject to strong
fluctuations and volatility (Clark and McCracken, 2006; Rossi, 2005, 2013; Rossi
and Wang, 2019; Stock and Watson, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2006; Baum et al., 2021,
forthcoming). Rossi (2006), for instance, provides evidence of failure of traditional
Granger causality tests to detect Granger causality from certain macroeconomic
fundamentals to exchange rate fluctuations due to parameter instabilities in the
models over time. Chen et al. (2010), on the other hand, do report evidence
of Granger causality from exchange rates to commodity prices, when applying
Granger causality tests that allow for structural breaks. Caporin and Costola
(2022) have made similar arguments.
In addition, Giacomini and Rossi (2010), Rossi (2013), and Rossi (2021), among
others, show that instabilities in the parameters of the models can affect the perfor-
mance of Granger causality tests in different ways; hence, these authors recommend
incorporating structural breaks in Granger causality tests rather than testing for
instability in the parameters. Following this idea, it is important to apply meth-
ods that are robust to structural breaks or instabilities for correctly performing a
Granger causality analysis in macroeconomic or financial time series.
We thus extend the method of Rossi (2005) and Rossi and Wang (2019) in a
consolidated way for testing for Granger causality in quantiles under structural
instabilities. We do so by drawing from results on structural break testing in
quantile regressions by Qu (2008) and Oka and Qu (2011); see also Hoga (2024) for
a recent extension to predictive quantile and CoVaR regression. To our knowledge,
no test for Granger causality in quantiles with structural instability has been
developed so far in the literature.
More specifically, the main idea is to consider under the null the intersection of
two sub-hypotheses: First, we hypothesize that the effect of the potential Granger-
causing variate is constant over time and over quantiles. Second, we assume that
this effect is zero. Likewise, the alternative in a local neighbourhood around the
null consists of two parts: one that specifies local deviations from the null hypoth-
esis of no Granger causality in quantiles and another that specifies local deviations
from the null hypothesis of constant parameters (over one or more quantiles of the
distribution). Thus, we construct our test statistics in such a way that ensure non-
trivial local power against the union of these two alternative hypotheses. For this
reason, we do not require a priori knowledge of whether any of the two alternative
sub-hypotheses holds (or whether both hold). Finally, we propose tests that nei-
ther involve trimming over time nor require the specification of tuning parameters.
Here we distinguish two cases, on the one hand, we have a single quantile, on the
other hand, we consider a continuum of quantiles (as a subset of the interval [0, 1]).
This idea goes back to, inter alia, Sowell (1996) and Rossi (2005) who have devel-
oped similar test procedures in a general generalized method of moments (GMM)
framework. Our extension is non-trivial. Unlike the GMM framework considered
by Rossi (2005), we demonstrate, for example, that the limiting distribution might
not be pivotal in certain cases. It is pivotal in certain important special cases such
as homoskedasticity or conditional mean independence between regressors. In
cases where the limiting distribution depends on nuisance parameters, we propose
alternatives, including a new bootstrap procedure whose validity is established.
This extends the semiparametric bootstrap used in Rothe and Wied (2013), where
the estimated quantile functions are applied to uniformly distributed random vari-
ables. Therefore, we provide (bootstrap) test statistics with correct asymptotic
size, which are consistent against fixed alternatives and possess nontrivial power
against local alternative hypotheses. This is also corroborated by our Monte Carlo
simulations; the finite-sample evidence shows that the test has appealing size and
power properties in finite samples. In all cases (structural breaks and no structural
breaks under the alternative), our tests are more powerful than the existing sup
Wald test. Given that our new test rejects, the question arises how to interpret the
result. To address this question, we propose an additional two-step procedure to
further characterize the data generating process. After applying a plain CUSUM
test for detecting and dating a structural break, we apply our new test in the
detected regimes. So, we get precise information about in which parts of the time
period we have Granger causality.
The rest of the paper proceeds as follows. In Section 2, we propose our test statis-
tics for jointly testing for Granger causality in quantiles and parameter instability.
In Section 3, we derive the asymptotic distribution of our test statistics; we also
propose and justify a bootstrap method for implementing our test statistics. In
Section 4, we perform Monte Carlo simulations to validate the finite-sample per-
formance of our test statistics. In Section 5, we present an empirical application
of our proposed tests. Finally, we conclude the paper in Section 6.
Throughout the paper, we use the following notation: Bm (λ), λ ∈ [0, 1], is a vector
of m independent Brownian motions, and BB m (λ) := Bm (λ) − λBm (1) is a vector
of m independent Brownian bridges. For a positive definite matrix A, A−1/2 is
defined as the Cholesky factor of its inverse A−1 , so that A−1 = (A−1/2 )′ A−1/2 .
Notation “⇒” and “→d ” indicates weak convergence and convergence in distribu-
tion, respectively. Notation T represents a closed interval such that T ⊂ [0, 1].
For an m × 1 vector z, we define ∥z∥∞ := max |zj |.
2 Granger Causality
Suppose we suspect that the p × 1 vector zi Granger causes the dependent variable
yi , and, at the same time, we have reasons to question temporal stability. In other
words, we expect Granger causality, but we are unsure whether its pattern persists
over time.
δ(τ ) i ∆(τ )
γi,n (τ ) := γ0,n (τ ) + √ g , γ0,n (τ ) := √ , (2)
n n n
Riemann–Stieltjes integrable function.
Our setup is essentially similar to the approach of Rossi (2005) that extends the
earlier procedure of Sowell (1996), in which the null hypothesis consists of two
different restrictions. On the one hand, the parameter γi (τ ) is constant over i and
τ ; on the other hand, this constant is equal to 0. Analogously, the alternative
hypothesis also consists of two parts. The alternative H1,1 := ¬H0,1 specifies local
deviations from the null hypothesis of constant parameters, whereas the alternative
H1,2 := ¬H0,2 specifies local deviations from the null hypothesis of no Granger
causality in quantiles. Our tests are constructed in such a way that they have
power against the union of these alternatives. For this purpose, it is not required
to know a priori which of the two alternatives (or both) holds.
3 Test Statistics
Consider the following sequential process based on the subgradient of the uncon-
strained quantile regression
Sn (λ, τ, t) := n−1/2 xi ψτ (yi − x′i t), t ∈ Rm ,
where λ ∈ [0, 1] indexes the time fraction, and ψτ (u) := 1{u ≤ 0} − τ . Moreover,
introduce the (constrained) estimator β̃n (τ ) := (0, αn (τ )′ )′ , where
ρτ (yi − wi′ α),
αn (τ ) := arg min ρτ (u) := u(1{u ≤ 0} − τ ). (4)
α∈Rk i=1
The main idea behind our test statistic is to combine two detectors that are re-
spectively designed to find deviations from H0,1 and H0,2 . More specifically, a
CUSUM-type statistic
LM1 (λ, τ ) := R′ ∆Hn (λ, τ, β̃n (τ )) , R := ,
∞ 0k×p
∆Hn (λ, τ, β̃n (τ )) := Hn (λ, τ, β̃n (τ )) − λHn (1, τ, β̃n (τ ))
is used to test H0,1 , while the restriction of H0,2 is verified using the LM (Lagrange
Multiplier) statistic
LM2 (τ ) := R′ Hn (1, τ, β̃n (τ )) .
Since LM1 has no power against constant deviations from the null, and LM2 lacks
power if Granger causality is unstable, our tests will be of the form
φ LM1 + LM2 , (6)
In what follows, we distinguish between situations where our interest lies in detect-
ing deviations from the null (i) at a given quantile or (ii) across various quantiles.
To derive the properties of theses tests, we impose the following assumptions that
are similar to those in Qu (2008) and Oka and Qu (2011).
Let fi (·), Fi (·) and Fi−1 (·) denote the conditional density, conditional distribution,
and conditional quantile function, respectively, of yi given wi .
Assumption B .
B.1 The distribution functions Fi (·) are absolutely continuous, with continuous
densities fi (·) satisfying 0 < u ≤ fi (Fi−1 (τ )) ≤ ū < ∞ for all i.
B.2 For any ϵ > 0, there exists a σ(ϵ) > 0 such that |fi (Fi−1 (τ )+s)−fi (Fi−1 (τ ))| ≤
ϵ for all |s| < σ(ϵ) and all 1 ≤ i ≤ n.
C.3 There exists a > 0 and A < ∞ such that E[∥xi ∥4+a ] ≤ A.
C.4 There exists b > 0 and B < ∞ such that for any n:
n n
1X 3(1+b) 1X
E[∥xi ∥ ] ∨ E[ ∥xi ∥3 ]1+b ≤ B.
n i=1 n i=1
C.5 plimn→∞ n1 i=1 xi x′i = λJ uniformly in λ ∈ [0, 1], where J is a m × m non-
random positive definite matrix.
These assumptions are standard in the context of tests for structural breaks in
quantile models and of tests for Granger causality in quantiles. Assumption A
restricts the dependence over time. Serial independence is not required, instead
we have a martingale difference assumption on the innovations. Assumption B
introduces positivity and smoothness assumptions on the conditional density of yi
given xi . Assumption C imposes restrictions on the regressors xi , in particular on
the existence of moments. This assumption rules out trends in the regressors, but
it allows for heteroscedasticity. It might be interesting to relax this assumption
in future work to allow also for frequency-dependent regressors as, for example,
in Li (2012) in order to test for Granger causality at different frequencies akin to
Breitung and Candelon (2006).
Jα , denote the lower-right k × k block of H(τ ) and J, respectively, and partition
β0 (τ ) = (γ0 (τ )′ , α0 (τ )′ )′ , where, under the null, γ0 (τ ) = 0p .
The limiting distribution of the restricted quantile estimator, and the two detectors
can now be summarized as follows.
P (τ ) := C(τ )R̄(R̄′ C(τ )R̄)−1 R̄′ , R̄ := .
Moreover, it holds that uniformly in λ ∈ [0, 1]
Z λ !
h(τ )J Sn (λ, τ, β0 (τ )) ⇒ Bm (λ) + h(τ )C(τ )R λ∆(τ ) + δ(τ ) g(v)dv ,
=: Z (1) (λ, τ ),
where B̃m (λ, τ ) := T (τ )Bm (λ), with T (τ ) denoting the inverse of the m × m matrix
of eigenvectors of I − P (τ ).
Interestingly, and contrary to the corresponding GMM result in Rossi (2005), the
limiting distribution of the LM statistic Hn (1, τ, β̃n (τ )) is not pivotal because the
projection matrix P (τ ) is oblique (i.e. idempotent of rank k but not symmetric).
An important exception is given if the following additional condition is satisfied:
A sufficient condition for Assumption D is Hc(τ ) = J(τ ) for some scalar c(τ ) ∈
(0, ∞), which holds under homoscedasticity. Alternatively, Assumption D is satis-
fied if w is just a constant or, more generally, under conditional mean independence
of z with respect to w (i.e. E[z | w] = E[z]) as both of theses conditions ensure
under the null Q(τ ) = 0p×k .
Corollary 1 Under the null hypothesis and Assumptions A–D, we get for a given
τ ∈ T and uniformly in λ ∈ [0, 1]
Bp (λ)
h(τ )Hn (τ, λ, β̃n (τ )) ⇒ ,
BB k (λ)
Based on the previous result, we will now introduce our first test statistic, suited
to test H0 at a given quantile τ
LM(τ ) := h(τ ) sup LM1 (λ, τ ) + LM2 (τ ) .
For fixed τ , the test statistic essentially consists of the sum of two individual test
statistics, which reflect the two parts of the alternative hypothesis. Both statistics
are based on the standardized subgradient of the unconstrained quantile regression
through the process Hn (λ, τ, t) from (5). The first part, LM1 (λ, τ ), is the CUSUM
part that detects structural breaks in the parameter γi (τ ). Typically, for CUSUM
statistics, one considers the supremum over the potential breakpoints λ ∈ [0, 1].
The second part, LM2 (τ ), is essentially the LM statistic for the hypothesis H0,2 .
Corollary 1 states why it makes sense to consider the sum of the two individual
test statistics: The first statistic does have local power against structural breaks,
but it has no power if there is Granger causality with constant parameters. The
second part has power if there is Granger causality with constant parameters, but
it has no power if ∆(τ ) = 0 and 01 g(v)dv = 0. The interpretation of the latter
would be that there are structural breaks that lie in opposite directions over time.
where BB p and B̃p (λ, τ ) are independent. If Assumption D holds, then B̃p (λ, τ ) =
Bp (λ).
Thus, unless Assumption D is satisfied, the limiting distribution is not pivotal due
to the second element LM2 of our test statistic that induces dependence on the
quantile level τ via Q(τ ). More specifically, it can be shown that
While both weighting schemes (over τ ) direct power against relatively distantly
located alternatives, expLM can be considered optimal (see also Rossi, 2005).
Similar to Proposition 1, we first derive the properties of the process Eq. (5) that
serves as the building block of our test statistics. To this end, define Sem (τ, λ) :=
T (τ )Sm (τ, λ), T (τ ) defined in Proposition 1, Sm (λ, τ ) := (S1m (λ, τ ), . . . , Smm (λ, τ ))′
is an m × 1 vector of independent Gaussian processes with
Proposition 2 Assume that Assumptions A, B, and C hold uniformly in τ . Then,
uniformly in τ ∈ T , we have
C(τ ) n(β̃n (τ ) − β0 (τ )) = −P(τ )J−1/2 Sn (1, τ, β0 (τ )) + op (1).
so that
Z λ Z 1 !
′ ′
R ∆Hn (λ, τ, β̃n (τ )) ⇒ SS p (λ, τ ) + δ(τ )R C(τ )R (1 − λ) g(v)dv − λ g(v)dv
0 λ
=: Y (1) (λ, τ )
Z 1
′ ′
R Hn (1, τ, β̃n (τ )) ⇒ Se p (1, τ ) + R T (τ )C(τ )R ∆(τ ) + δ(τ ) g(v)dv =: Y (2) (τ ).
Again, the weak limit of Hn (1, τ, β̃(τ )) is affected by nuisance parameters un-
less Assumption D holds, in which case Sep (λ, τ ) = Sp (λ, τ ). Moreover, note that
S(1, τ ) = B(τ ), while the Gaussian process SS(λ, τ ) is also referred to as a Brown-
ian pillow or a pinned Brownian sheet; see also Qu (2008, Sec 4). From the above,
the limiting distribution of the test statistics follows readily by the continuous
mapping theorem:
while, under the null, Y (1) (λ, τ ) = SS p (λ, τ ) and Y (2) (λ, τ ) = Sep (1, τ ). If Assump-
tion D holds, then Sep (λ, τ ) = Sp (λ, τ ).
a pivotal limiting distribution; e.g. for a given τ ∈ T
LM2 (τ ) q
h(τ ) q →d |B1 (1)| ≡ χ2 (1).
1 + Qn (τ )Qn (τ )′
Unfortunately, a similar re-scaling does not work for other values p > 1. Therefore,
we propose an additional resampling procedure that especially for the ‘many-τ ’
case is significantly less time consuming.
Algorithm 1.
Step 3 Use the bootstrap data {(ybi,b , xi,b ), 1 ≤ i ≤ n} to obtain bootstrap esti-
mates Hn,b (λ, τ, β̃n,b (τ )), say, of Hn (λ, τ, β̃n (τ )) and construct the corre-
sponding test statistics for τ ∈ T .
Step 4 Our tests reject if they exceed the corresponding bootstrap critical values
cb(α), say, for some α ∈ (0, 1).
The algorithm above means that, for generating a bootstrap sample, we first draw
with replacement from the regressors, where random sampling is justified by As-
sumption A (i.e. Corollary 2 and Corollary 3 are unaffected by the temporal
dependence of xi ). The corresponding y-values are obtained by applying the esti-
mated quantile function on randomly chosen standard uniformly distributed ran-
dom variables. Thus, it is ensured that, under the null hypothesis, we asymptoti-
cally generate data from the distribution of (y, x) with Qy (τ |x) = x′ β(τ ) so that,
in Step 3, no centring of Hn,b (λ, τ, β̃n,b (τ )) is needed. Here, it is crucial to draw
from a uniform distribution on the whole interval (0, 1) in Step 2 to get simulated
data from the whole conditional distribution of y given x, although the interval T
is a strict subset of (0, 1). So, the restriction is stronger than actually necessary,
but the null distribution is still enforced. Under the alternative hypothesis, the
critical values remain stochastically bounded as the validity of the null hypothesis
is enforced within the generation of the bootstrap sample.
is rejected in the first step.
To be more specific, we follow the discussion in Oka and Qu (2011) and introduce
to this end the scaled subgradient
⌊bn⌋ ⌊λn⌋
xi x′i xi φτ (yi − x′i t),
Ha,b,n (λ, τ, t) :=
i=⌊an⌋+1 i=⌊an⌋+1
defined on λ ∈ [a, b] ⊂ [0, 1], while β̃a,b,n (τ ) := (0, αa,b,n (τ )′ )′ denotes the con-
strained estimator on the restricted sample, where
ρτ (yi − wi′ α).
αa,b,n (τ ) := arg min
α∈Rk i=⌊an⌋+1
where the subsample detectors for violations of H0,1 and H1,1 are respectively given
LMa,b,1 (λ, τ ) := R′ Ha,b,n (λ, τ, β̃a,b,n (τ )) − λR′ Ha,b,n (b, τ, β̃a,b,n (τ ))
expCUSUMa,b := sup exp LMa,b,1 (λ, τ ) dτ.
λ∈[a,b] τ ∈T 2
Algorithm 2.
Step 1 Perform the expLM test at a significance of α. If the test rejects go to Step 2,
otherwise terminate.
Step 2 Perform the expCUSUM0,1 test at significance level 1 − (1 − α) 2 . If the test fails
to reject, GC is detected
on [0, 1];terminate. Otherwise, the first breakpoint
λ1 := arg max τ ∈T exp 12 LM1 (λ, τ ) dτ is announced; go to Step 3.
Step 3 Perform the expLM0,λ1 and expLMλ1 ,1 tests at the significance level 1 − (1 − α) 4 :
1. If both tests fail to reject, the procedure is inconclusive on [0, 1]; terminate.
2. If the tests fail to reject on [0, λ1 ] but reject on [λ1 , 1], no GC is detected on
[0, λ1 ]. Perform the expCUSUMλ1 ,1 test at a significance level of 1 − (1 − α) 5 .
a) If the test fails to reject, GC is detected on [λ1 , 1].
R 1
b) If the test rejects, then a second break λ2 := arg max τ ∈T exp 2 LMλ1 ,1 (λ, τ ) dτ
λ∈[λ1 ,1]
is announced. Perform the expLMλ1 ,λ2 and expLMλ2 ,1 test at a significance
level of 1 − (1 − α) 7 .
i) If both tests fail to reject, conclude that the procedure is inconclusive
on [λ1 , 1].
ii) If both tests reject, GC is detected on both segments.
iii) If only one test rejects, GC is detected on the respective segment.
3. The tests reject on [0, λ1 ] but fail to reject on [λ1 , 1]: See Case 2 with the roles
of [0, λ1 ] and [λ1 , 1] inverted.
4. If both tests reject, compute max expCUSUMλk−1 ,λk ; set the significance level
to 1 − (1 − α) 5 .
a) If the test fails to reject, then GC is detected on [0, λ1 ] and [λ1 , 1].
b) If the test rejects, a new breakpoint λ2 is announced as the respective max-
imizer. Suppose λ1 ≤ λ2 and compute expLMλ1 ,λ2 and expLMλ2 ,1 ; the test
on [0, λ1 ] has already rejected; set the significance level to 1 − (1 − α) 7 .
i) If both tests fail to reject, the procedure is inconclusive on [λ1 , 1].
ii) If both tests reject, GC is detected on all segments.
iii) If only one test rejects, GC is detected on the respective segment.
Before proceeding, a few points are worth discussing: First, the choice of the
individual significance levels at each step corresponds essentially to a Šidák cor-
rection aimed at counteracting excessive accumulation of false rejections (see also
Galeano and Wied, 2017, pp. 339–340). This allows us to identify potential
regimes of Granger causality with a probability of committing a type one error
bounded by α. Second, it can be conjectured, based on the results collected in
Oka and Qu (2011), that the estimated break locations are n-consistent and their
effect on the limiting distributions of the tests in Step 3 will thus be asymptotically
negligible. This conjecture is supported by the finite sample evidence of the next
section. Third, in practice, the application of the CUSUM statistic in Step 1 can
be accompanied by plotting the CUSUM curve; a point that will be illustrated in
our empirical application. Fourth, regarding Step 2, note that the CUSUM test
also has non-trivial power, if there is more than one break point in a given inter-
val (see, e.g. the discussion in Qu, 2008, Section 5). Fifth, regarding Step 3.4,
note that we calculate the maximum of the CUSUM statistics in order to reduce
the total number of applied tests to two; see also Borsch et al. (2024) for details
about these two comments. The limiting distribution of the maximum of the two
CUSUM statistics is that of the maximum of two independent Brownian pillow
processes and can be simulated under the null of no additional break (see Oka
and Qu, 2011, Theorem 3). Fifth, and contrary to the CUSUM statistics, that
are nuisance parameter free even if Assumption D fails, we suggest to apply the
bootstrap procedure of Algorithm 1 in Step 1 to get critical values for the various
expLM statistics in case violation of Assumption D is suspected.
yi = wi + γi zi + (1 + αwi )εi ,
First, we investigate the size properties setting γi = 0 for all i. We distinguish
between homoscedasticity (α = 0) and heteroscedasticity (α = 3). In the latter
case, Assumption D will only be satisfied if E[z | w] = E[z]. Therefore, we consider
three scenarios: (1) α = 0 & z ⊥ w, (2) α = 3 & z ⊥ w, (3) α = 3 & cov[z, w] ≃
−3/4. Thus, it is only in scenario (3) where the asymptotic critical values based
on the asymptotic approximation under Assumption D are wrong.
We perform tests at five selected quantiles τ ∈ {0.05, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.95} as well
as across the complete interval [0.05, 0.95]. We consider the case where test statis-
tics are compared to critical values obtained under Assumption D (labelled ‘asy’).
Alternatively, we adjust the statistics as explained in Section 3.3 when testing at
a given τ or, when testing across all τ ∈ [0, 1], use the bootstrap (both labelled
‘adj’). For comparison, we compute also the supWald test of Koenker and Machado
(1999) given by
supWald = sup nh2 (τ )γn (τ )′ Ω−1 0 2 ′
n (τ )γn (τ ) →d sup h (τ )BB p (τ ) BB p (τ ) (10)
τ ∈T τ ∈T
where we equip the statistic with (pairs) bootstrap standard errors Ωn (·) imple-
mented using the quantreg package of R (Koenker et al., 2018). Critical values are
easily obtained from a discrete approximation of the Bessel limiting process. For
all bootstrap procedures we use B = 499 replications. All test decision are carried
out at the five per cent significance level.
Table 1 contains the Monte Carlo results under the null hypothesis of Granger non-
causality based on 2,000 Monte Carlo repetitions. As can be seen from panel a) and
b) of Table 1, size is controlled if n is moderately large irrespective of conditional
homoscedasticity/heteroscedasticity because conditional mean independence and
thus Assumption D is satisfied. As suggested by our theory, the performance
of the tests using the asymptotic approximation derived under Assumption D
deteriorates if cov[z, w] ̸= 0 (cf. panel c) of Table 1). However, in this case the
adjustment/bootstrap alternatives do their job by effectively keeping size. The
empirical size of the supWald test is in all scenarios in line with the nominal
significance level.
a) Homosc. & uncorr. x b) Heterosc. & uncorr. x c) Heterosc. & corr. x
.05 .025 .50 .75 .95 [.05;.95] .05 .025 .50 .75 .95 [.05;.95] .05 .025 .50 .75 .95 [.05;.95]
n = 150 LM supLM expLM LM supLM expLM LM supLM expLM
adj .050 .045 .051 .048 .027 .053 .054 .060 .043 .054 .046 .033 .056 .054 .091 .074 .076 .062 .035 .048 .066
asy .064 .047 .051 .052 .038 .051 .046 .068 .043 .055 .047 .039 .053 .050 .124 .094 .091 .083 .057 .112 .100
Wald supW Wald supW Wald supW
asy .063 .045 .054 .058 .068 .067 .041 .032 .043 .047 .049 .043 .052 .049 .034 .038 .048 .040
n = 1,000 LM supLM expLM LM supLM expLM LM supLM expLM
adj .046 .049 .049 .049 .033 .048 .051 .042 .058 .055 .045 .034 .054 .053 .044 .061 .058 .048 .033 .044 .053
asy .050 .050 .049 .049 .038 .048 .052 .046 .059 .055 .045 .041 .055 .049 .099 .100 .091 .086 .081 .115 .095
Wald supW Wald supW Wald supW
asy .051 .047 .050 .051 .046 .067 .048 .059 .044 .053 .041 .058 .057 .052 .047 .046 .048 .055
Table 1: Rejection frequencies at a nominal size of five per cent of various tests statistics constructed over a grid [0.05, 0.06, . . . , 0.95]
based on 2,000 Monte Carlo repetitions.
(i.e. Assumption D is satisfied) and evaluate tests over the complete quantile
interval [0.05, 0.95]. First, let us consider the following three break scenarios:
γ i ≤ ⌊n/2⌋ 0 i ≤ ⌊n/2⌋
A : γi = B : γi = C : γi = γ.
−γ otherwise
γ otherwise
This means that, in Scenario A, we have a structural break in the Granger pa-
rameter and the parameters sum up to zero over time (i.e. 01 g(v)dv = 0). Also
in Scenario B, there is a structural break, but the sum over time is not zero. In
Scenario C, the Granger parameter is constant and equal to γ (i.e. ∆(τ ) ̸= 0).
We consider our two statistics supLM, expLM (bootstrapped version) and the
supWald test. It is expected that our tests have power against all alternatives,
which increases in n, while supWald has no power in Scenario A, also for large n
because 01 g(v)dv = 0. This is indeed the empirical result. Somewhat surprisingly,
the power curves in Figure 1 suggest that in all scenarios, the break-robust tests
are more powerful than the supWald; in particular, also in Scenario C, where no
break is present. Among our new tests, the expLM test has more power than the
supLM test.
A n = 150 B n = 150 C n = 150
A n = 300 Bs n = 300 C n = 300
A n = 500 B n = 500 C n = 500
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0 0.1 0.2 0.3
Figure 1: Rejection frequencies under the alternative scenarios A, B, C as a function of γ ∈ [0, 0.3]
for supLM (orange), expLM (blue), and supW (black), with B = 499 using 2,000 Monte Carlo
iterations over a grid τ ∈ [0.05, 0.06, . . . , 0.95].
% rejection frequencies
given LM & CUSUM reject % detected λ1,n λ2,n
n LM CUSUM [λ0 , λ1 ] [λ1 , λ2 ] [λ2 , λ3 ] = < > ? mean median var mean median var
500 sup 97.30 90.35 1.94 100.00 87.75 11.70 0.55 0.00 0.6253 0.6480 0.0048
exp 99.45 96.55 1.52 100.00 95.70 3.80 0.50 0.00 0.6406 0.6580 0.0032
1,000 sup 100.00 99.85 1.83 100.00 98.65 0.15 1.20 0.00 0.6428 0.6570 0.0019
exp 100.00 99.95 1.46 100.00 99.25 0.05 0.70 0.00 0.6511 0.6610 0.0011
(0, 0, γ)
2,000 sup 100.00 100.00 1.38 100.00 98.05 0.00 1.95 0.00 0.6546 0.6625 0.0005
exp 100.00 100.00 1.26 100.00 98.90 0.00 1.10 0.00 0.6589 0.6645 0.0003
4,000 sup 100.00 100.00 1.37 100.00 98.25 0.00 1.75 0.00 0.6601 0.6643 0.0002
exp 100.00 100.00 1.22 100.00 98.50 0.00 1.50 0.00 0.6623 0.6653 0.0001
500 sup 97.60 90.85 100.00 1.82 88.20 11.05 0.75 0.05 0.3761 0.3520 0.0052
exp 99.35 97.05 100.00 1.25 95.95 3.45 0.60 0.05 0.3582 0.3400 0.0032
1,000 sup 100.00 99.95 100.00 1.67 98.65 0.05 1.30 0.00 0.3583 0.3420 0.0022
exp 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.56 99.10 0.00 0.90 0.00 0.3474 0.3370 0.0012
(γ, 0, 0)
2,000 sup 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.88 98.30 0.00 1.70 0.00 0.3457 0.3370 0.0006
exp 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.31 99.35 0.00 0.65 0.00 0.3412 0.3355 0.0003
4,000 sup 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.58 98.05 0.00 1.95 0.00 0.3400 0.3355 0.0002
exp 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.31 98.95 0.00 1.05 0.00 0.3373 0.3343 0.0001
500 sup 100.00 30.10 100.00 2.61 100.00 19.15 80.85 0.00 0.00 0.3331 0.3320 0.0010 0.6649 0.6660 0.0012
exp 100.00 50.80 100.00 2.16 100.00 41.60 58.40 0.00 0.00 0.3288 0.3300 0.0012 0.6731 0.6680 0.0013
1,000 sup 100.00 75.80 100.00 1.57 100.00 73.40 26.60 0.00 0.00 0.3320 0.3330 0.0007 0.6668 0.6660 0.0006
exp 100.00 93.80 100.00 1.29 100.00 93.25 6.75 0.00 0.00 0.3284 0.3320 0.0006 0.6702 0.6670 0.0006
(γ, 0, γ)
2,000 sup 100.00 99.40 100.00 2.16 100.00 99.40 0.60 0.00 0.00 0.3313 0.3330 0.0003 0.6683 0.6665 0.0003
exp 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.20 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3298 0.3320 0.0002 0.6695 0.6675 0.0002
4,000 sup 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.40 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3322 0.3333 0.0001 0.6679 0.6668 0.0001
exp 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.05 100.00 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3316 0.3330 0.0001 0.6685 0.6670 0.0001
500 sup 90.90 34.40 2.61 100.00 4.58 22.95 77.05 0.00 0.00 0.3260 0.3300 0.0012 0.6684 0.6680 0.0012
exp 96.20 53.10 1.58 100.00 3.04 44.45 55.55 0.00 0.00 0.3305 0.3320 0.0011 0.6679 0.6660 0.0012
1,000 sup 99.95 78.45 1.81 100.00 1.94 77.25 22.75 0.00 0.00 0.3294 0.3320 0.0007 0.6709 0.6670 0.0007
exp 100.00 93.95 1.23 100.00 1.18 93.55 6.45 0.00 0.00 0.3299 0.3330 0.0006 0.6698 0.6670 0.0005
(0, γ, 0)
2,000 sup 100.00 99.90 1.65 100.00 1.65 99.90 0.10 0.00 0.00 0.3299 0.3320 0.0003 0.6694 0.6670 0.0003
exp 100.00 100.00 1.20 100.00 1.75 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3310 0.3325 0.0002 0.6686 0.6670 0.0002
4,000 sup 100.00 100.00 1.70 100.00 1.60 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3307 0.3325 0.0001 0.6686 0.6668 0.0001
exp 100.00 100.00 1.55 100.00 1.45 100.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.3316 0.3329 0.0001 0.6678 0.6668 0.0001
Table 2: The various tests statistics constructed over a grid [0.05, 0.06, . . . , 0.95] of quantile levels;
the initial significance level is α = 0.05; 2,000 Monte Carlo are used. Rejection frequencies in
columns labelled ‘LM’ and ‘CUSUM’ are relative to total number of repetitions. The columns
labelled ‘% detected’ give the rate of detected breaks relative to the total number repetitions
while labelled ‘=’, ‘< / >’, and ‘?’ gives the rate of correctly detected breaks, too few/many
detected breaks, and the rate of inconclusive test decision, respectively.
for Fi := σ({ROILj , RSj , j ≤ i}). Here, ROILi and RSi denote the oil and stock
returns at time point i, respectively, QYi (· | Fi−1 ) denotes the conditional quantile
functions of a given variable Yi . Of main interest are the coefficients γk,j (τ ), which
describe if one series helps to predict the conditional quantile of the other.
Table 3 presents the p-values of our bootstrapped expLM and supLM tests, as well
as the supWald test in Eq. (10) equipped with bootstrap standard errors, each
computed over different quantile intervals using a step size of 0.01 for the grids. In
simulations, these three bootstrap-based tests display best size and power proper-
ties. In particular, the latter test equipped with bootstrap standard errors outper-
forms in our simulations the test equipped with a kernel based plug-in estimator
for the asymptotic covariance matrix used by Ding et al. (2016), so that we refrain
from using that test. As number of lags, we consider the values q ∈ {1, 3, 6, 9}.3
Out of 160 scenarios in total, the p-values of our test are smaller than or equal to
these in Ding et al. (2016) in 160 − 17 = 143 times. The cases in which our p-
values are higher, mostly concern the index KOSPI, where our p-values are larger
seven out of 16 times. But this mainly concerns cases, where the p-values are large
anyway. So, we have a robust finding that, if there is some evidence for Granger
causality, our test strengthens this evidence.
Having identified models, for which the null hypothesis is rejected, we aim at
identifying regimes of Granger causality with the multi-step procedure from Algo-
rithm 2. In order to limit computational complexity, we only consider the interval
[0.05, 0, 95] and the same lag lengths as in the first step. Table 4 yields the results
The results do not change substantially when using the sequential lag-length procedure of
Ding et al. (2016), where we consider the highest number of lags (with 9 as the maximum number)
for which the tests reject the null hypothesis.
for all stocks but SHA that did not display evidence of Granger causality.
3 23.800 2.401 10.205 69.755 17.359 30.715 32.325 4.502 6.303 17.880 18.409 9.955
1 15.000 0.400 1.901 40.705 5.153 4.352 5.470 0.900 1.201 14.680 11.956 1.751
9 12.350 0.000 0.000 5.445 0.000 0.000 48.680 1.351 1.151 36.140 4.202 4.752
6 6.100 0.000 0.000 2.440 0.000 0.000 9.475 0.650 0.450 38.460 5.103 2.901
3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.105 0.000 0.000 1.480 0.500 0.100 15.945 2.301 0.950
1 0.150 0.000 0.000 0.150 0.000 0.000 4.855 0.000 0.000 15.205 0.250 0.050
9 27.100 9.405 10.305 9.560 0.200 0.250 94.870 40.770 25.713 78.880 85.343 93.947
6 4.200 5.553 9.155 1.325 0.100 0.800 85.910 26.013 18.759 67.860 70.585 91.196
3 0.350 2.951 2.551 0.540 0.100 0.800 47.815 12.456 6.653 99.625 78.339 75.088
1 3.350 1.401 2.501 0.965 0.050 0.350 45.500 4.952 7.454 82.990 39.020 51.876
9 23.050 0.000 0.000 8.005 0.000 0.000 21.185 0.000 0.000 91.845 9.105 5.303
6 4.200 0.000 0.000 6.755 0.000 0.000 6.165 0.000 0.000 97.065 6.503 6.703
3 0.200 0.000 0.000 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.495 0.000 0.000 79.005 2.051 0.500
1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.000 0.560 0.000 0.000 66.245 0.450 0.300
9 49.600 7.554 29.115 41.165 10.605 11.056 58.780 30.515 35.018 19.355 1.401 1.151
6 85.900 51.576 72.636 64.760 13.007 6.653 90.725 92.096 84.692 50.935 19.460 41.521
3 23.700 54.927 33.217 28.275 9.805 10.305 98.700 93.397 96.298 86.275 45.773 74.387
1 62.300 66.183 64.932 95.250 87.794 96.648 59.255 61.281 60.130 30.890 11.056 13.457
Table 3: p-values (percentages) for detecting Granger causality from lagged WTI returns (zi ) to
different stock index returns (yi ).
Table 4: Identified regimes of Granger causality (checkmark) or no Granger causality (cross) for
the interval τ ∈ [0.05, 0.95] based on Algorithm 2 using an initial significance level of ten percent
together with the p values (percentage) of the expLM test over the complete time series {1, . . . , n}
for lag length q ∈ {1, 3, 6, 9}.
In case of the SHA, HAN, and KOS, we identify two regimes: Before the onset
of the financial crisis of 2008 there seems to be no evidence of Granger causality,
while Granger causality is detected thereafter. This also applies to the NIK, where,
however, Algorithm 2 identifies three regimes 0 < λ1,n < λ2,n < 1. To rule out the
possibility of false rejection, we apply an additional refinement step by computing
the CUSUM statistics over [0, λ2,n ] and [λ1,n , 1], both of which clearly reject with
p-values given by 0.001 and 0.003, respectively, thereby confirming our findings.
Finally, Figure 2 succinctly summarizes the preceding discussion graphically by
plotting the respective CUSUM plots for all four stock indices where Step 1 rejects
in case of q = 1.
SHA λ1,n HAN λ1,n
new procedure detects a break. For HAN and NIK, they are smaller than 0.001,
for Shanghai, the p-value is 0.009, for KOS, the p-value is 0.014.
6 Conclusion
We have proposed new tests for Granger causality that are robust against struc-
tural breaks and compete very well against existing tests. For future research, it
might be interesting to consider nonlinear quantile models such as in Troster (2018)
instead of pure linear ones. Moreover, one could consider systems of equations: In
our setting, we have one cross-section regression equation and test for restrictions
in this equation. In our empirical application on stock returns, this leads to five
different tests for each interval of quantile levels. Merging the information to one
system of equations might increase the power even further because cross-sectional
dependence would be taken into account then.
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A Proofs
Lemma A.1 Recall β0 (τ ) = (0′p , α0 (τ )′ )′ is the parameter value under H0 , and
suppose Assumptions A-C are satisfied.
(ii) If Assumptions A-C hold uniformly in τ , then uniformly in (τ, λ) ∈ T × [0, 1]
Z λ !
Hn (λ, τ, β0 (τ )) ⇒ Sm (λ) + J H(τ )R λ∆(τ ) + δ(τ ) g(v)dv .
Proof of Lemma A.1. To begin with, we note that (by Qu, 2008, Lem A.1,A.2)
the process Sn (λ, τ, β0 (τ )) is stochastically equicontinuous on [0, 1] × T equipped
with the norm ρ({λ1 , τ1 }, {λ2 , τ2 }) = |λ2 − λ1 | + |τ2 − τ1 |. We now prove first
Part (i). Fix some τ ∈ T , and let βi,n (τ ) := (γi,n (τ )′ , α0 (τ )′ )′ denote the m × 1
parameter vector under the local alternatives given by Eq. (2). Now, under the
sequence of local alternatives in Eq. (2), one gets
Sn (λ, τ, β0 (τ ))
1 ⌊λn⌋
xi ψτ (yi − x′i β0 (τ ))
n i=1
1 ⌊λn⌋
xi ψτ (yi − x′i βi,n (τ ))
n i=1
1 ⌊λn⌋
X h
+√ xi 1{yi ≤ x′i β0 (τ )} − 1{yi ≤ x′i βi,n (τ )}
n i=1
− Fi (x′i β0 (τ )) + Fi (x′i βi,n (τ ))
1 ⌊λn⌋
xi (Fi (x′i βi,n (τ )) − Fi (x′i β0 (τ ))) =: I + II + III,
+√ (A.1)
n i=1
1 ⌊λn⌋ Z λ
xi x′i fi (x′i βi,n (τ ))Rγi,n (τ ) + op (1) ⇒ λHR∆(τ ) + δ(τ )HR
III = √ g(v)dv,
n i=1 0
which, as Xn′ Xn /n = J + op (1) (cf. Ass. B), proves the claim. Part (ii) follows
analogously noting that J−1/2 I ⇒ S(λ, τ ). □
Proof of Proposition 1. Recall that αn (τ ) denotes a solution to the constrained
optimization defined in Eq. (4) (i.e. assuming γi,n (τ ) = 0). Moreover, recall that
R̄ is an m × k selection matrix such that
R̄α0 (τ ) = β0 (τ ) = .
α0 (τ )
Now, using the same argument that lead to Eq. (A.1), we get
where β̃n (τ ) = R̄αn (τ ) = (0′p , αn′ (τ ))′ . Equation (1) uses a first order Taylor-series
expansion (see Qu, 2008, proof of lem. 1), (2) is due to xi x′i R̄ = xi wi′ , and (3)
is due to Ass. C that also defines the m × m matrix H(τ ). Moreover, recall that
Hα (τ ) and Jα denote the lower-right k × k block of H(τ ) and J, respectively, and
see also Koenker and Machado (1999, Proof of Thm 1) for the partitioning. More-
over, some algebra reveals
Hα Sn,α (1, τ, β0 (τ ))
0p×p 0p×k 0p
= −1 −1/2 −1
0k×p Hα (Jα ) Jα Sn,α (1, τ, α0 (τ ))
0p×p 0p×k J−1/2 Sn (1, τ, β0 (τ )) =: A(τ )J−1/2 Sn (1, τ, β0 (τ )),
= −1 −1/2 −1
0k×p Hα (Jα )
say, where the m × m matrix A(τ ) has been implicitly defined. Hence,
where we recall C(τ ) = J−1/2 H(τ ). The matrix, P (τ ) = C(τ )A(τ ) is idempotent
of rank k; cf. Eq (7) so that, by Lemma A.1, the distribution of the restricted
quantile estimator follows.
In particular, if λ = 1, then
Im − P (τ ) = RR′ T (τ ) (where T (τ ) = Im if Ass. A holds). Therefore,
Z 1
h(τ )R′ Hn (1, τ, β̃(τ )) ⇒ T (τ )Bp (1) + h(τ )R′ T (τ )C(τ )R(∆(τ ) − δ(τ ) g(v)dv).
Noting that B(1) and BB(λ) are independent because cov[B(1), BB(λ)] = 0 by
construction, this completes the proof. □
Proof of Corollary 2. The claim follows from the continuous mapping theorem
and Proposition 1. □
1 ⌊λn⌋
xi ψτ (yi − x′i βi,n (τ )) ⇒ Sm (λ, τ )
n i=1
Proof of Corollary 3. The claim follows from the continuous mapping theorem
and Proposition 2. □
for bootstrap weights πi,b ∼ π =d Multinomial(n, 1/n). Based on this observation,
we show first
√ √
n(αn,b (τ ) − αn (τ )) = n(αn (τ ) − α(τ )) + oP∗ (1). (A.3)
To see that this is true, observe that
n(αn,b (τ ) − αn (τ )) = − H−1
α (τ )Sn,b,α (τ, αn (τ )) + oP∗ (1),
1 ⌊λn⌋ ′
tα ∈ Rp .
Sn,b,α (λ, τ, tα ) := √ wi,b (1{ŷi,b ≤ wi,b tα } − τ ),
n i=1
1 ⌊λn⌋
E[Sn,b,α (λ, τ, αn (τ )) | Xn ] = √ E[wi,b (1{ŷi,b ≤ wi,b tα } − τ ) | Xn ]
n i=1
1 ⌊λn⌋
E[π]wi (E[1{wi′ αn (Ui,b ) ≤ wi′ αn (τ )} | Xn ] − τ ).
n i=1
We can conclude by the FCLT for IID data that, uniformly in (λ, τ ) ∈ [0, 1] × T ,
1 ⌊λn⌋
xi,b ψτ (ybi,b − x′i,b β̃n,b (τ )),
Sn,b (λ, τ, β̃n,b (τ )) = √
n i=1
where β̃n,b (τ ) = (0′p , αn,b (τ )′ )′ . We can then follow the proof of Proposition 1,
using the above argument in conjunction with the stochastic equicontinuity of the
two-parameter process Eq. (5) in (λ, τ ) ∈ [0, 1] × T , and obtain
Sn,b (λ, τ, β̃n,b (τ )) = Sn,b (λ, τ, β̃n (τ )) + λH(τ ) n(β̃n,b (τ ) − β̃n (τ )) + oP∗ (1).
√ √
By Eq. (A.3), n(β̃n,b (τ ) − β̃n (τ )) = n(β̃n (τ ) − β̃(τ )) + oP∗ (1) and, using similar
arguments, Sn,b (λ, τ, β̃n (τ )) = Sn (λ, τ, β̃(τ )) + oP∗ (1). In view of Proposition 2 and
Corollary 3, this proves Part (i). For Part (ii), note that under fixed alternatives
ĉ(α) = Op (1) because the way the bootstrap sample is generated enforces the null
hypothesis. Therefore, following the same argument used in the proof of Theorem
3 (ii) in Rothe and Wied (2013), Part (ii) is proven. □
yi = γi,n zi + α′ wi + ui , ui ∼ N (0, 1),
size power
n supLM expLM supLM expLM
asy 4.50 4.30 17.1 20.3
boot 4.30 4.50 16.0 22.0
asy 5.15 4.55 18.1 21.3
boot 4.91 5.01 17.5 20.1
asy 4.75 4.85 20.8 25.6
boot 4.37 4.40 19.0 29.1
asy 4.60 4.95 20.4 26.5
boot 4.50 4.60 18.5 24.0
Table 5: Monte Carlo rejection rates (percentages) where ‘size’ and ‘power’ refer to rejection rates
at a five percent significance level under the null and local alternatives, respectively. The labels
‘asy’ and ‘boot’ refer, respectively, to the use of critical values obtained from the asymptotic
approximation and the bootstrap procedure from Algorithm 1.