Lirui Wang1 , Yiyang Ling2,3* , Zhecheng Yuan4* , Mohit Shridhar5 , Chen Bao6 , Yuzhe Qin2 ,
Bailin Wang1 , Huazhe Xu4 , Xiaolong Wang2
MIT CSAIL, 2 UC San Diego, 3 Shanghai Jiao Tong University,
Tsinghua University, 5 University of Washington, 6 CMU
arXiv:2310.01361v2 [cs.LG] 21 Jan 2024
Achieving general-purpose robotic policies necessitates significant amounts of data, which is labor-
intensive to collect in the real world. Although simulation provides an economical solution for
generating diverse amounts of data at the scene level and instance level (Akkaya et al., 2019; Kauf-
mann et al., 2023; Fang et al., 2022; Deitke et al., 2022), increasing task-level diversity in simulation
remains challenging due to the significant human effort required, especially for complex tasks. For
example, creating new tasks involves specifying new asset relationships and task progression, as
well as ensuring achievability and transferability to other contexts such as the real world. Due to the
challenges, typical human-curated simulation benchmarks usually have only tens to hundreds of tasks
(Zeng et al., 2021; Yu et al., 2020; James et al., 2020).
Recent years have witnessed significant progress in Large Language Models (LLMs) (OpenAI,
2023; Bubeck et al., 2023; Anil et al., 2023) in natural language processing and further in code
generation (Chen et al., 2021; Rozière et al., 2023) for various tasks. In robotics, LLMs have been
applied in multiple aspects, ranging from user interface (Ahn et al., 2022; Shridhar et al., 2022;
Lynch et al., 2023; Driess et al., 2023), to task and motion planning (Lin et al., 2023; Huang et al.,
2022), summarizing robot logs (Liu et al., 2023), and cost and reward designs (Yu et al., 2023b; Ha
et al., 2023), revealing impressive capabilities on physical grounding and code generation. In this
work, we take a step further to investigate whether LLMs can be used to create diverse simulation
See our project website (https://liruiw.github.io/gensim), demo (https://huggingface.co/spaces/Gen-Sim/Gen-
Sim), and code (https://github.com/liruiw/GenSim).
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
Figure 1: Task gallery of over 100 tasks generated by GPT4. GenSim leverages a LLM code
generation pipeline to scale up simulation tasks for policy training and task-level generalization.
tasks, tapping further into these capabilities. Our LLM-based framework, GenSim, provides an
automatic mechanism to design and validate task asset arrangement and task progression. More
importantly, the generated tasks exhibit great diversity, fostering task-level generalization of robotic
policies. Conceptually in GenSim, the reasoning and coding capabilities of LLMs are distilled into
lingo-visuo-action policies via the intermediately synthesized simulation data.
The framework is structured around three components: (1) prompting mechanisms that propose new
tasks in natural language instruction and their corresponding implementations in code; this provides
an automatic mechanism to design and validate task asset arrangement and task progression. (2) a
task library that caches previously generated high-quality instruction code for validation and language
model finetuning, returned as a comprehensive task dataset. (3) a language-conditioned multi-task
policy training procedure that leverages the generated data to enhance task-level generalization. The
framework operates in two distinct modes. In the goal-directed setting, where the user has a specific
task or desires to design a task curriculum, the framework adopts a “top-down” approach. It takes the
desired task as input and iteratively generates related tasks to attain the targeted objective. Conversely,
in the exploratory setting, where no prior knowledge of the target task is available, the framework
gradually explores beyond existing tasks and aims to establish a task-agnostic foundational policy.
By initializing the task library with 10 human-curated tasks (Shridhar et al., 2022) , we use GenSim to
scale it up and generate over 100 tasks (Figure 1). We propose several tailored metrics to progressively
measure the quality of generated simulation tasks, and evaluate several LLMs in both goal-directed
and exploratory settings. Based on the generated task library from GPT4, we conduct supervised
finetuning on, including GPT3.5 and Code-Llama to further improve task generation performance of
LLMs. Additionally, we quantitatively measure task achievability by policy training, and present task
statistics across different properties, and code comparisons among different models.
Importantly, we have trained multitask robotic policies that generalize well on the generated tasks
altogether and improve zero-shot generalization performance compared to models that train on only
human-curated tasks. Furthermore, we also show that training jointly with GPT4-generated tasks
can improve the generalization performance by 50% and have around 40% zero-shot transfer to new
tasks in simulation. Finally, we consider sim-to-real transfer and show that pretraining on diverse
simulation tasks achieves better real-world generalization capabilities by 25%. Overall, policies that
trained on diverse LLM-generated tasks have better task-level generalization to new tasks, which
indicates the potential of training foundational policies by scaling simulation tasks with LLM. The
contributions of this work can be summarized as follows:
• We propose a novel simulation task generation pipeline through LLMs to generate over 100
tasks. We observe that LLMs are capable of generating high-quality, achievable, and diverse
tasks by bootstrapping from existing human-curated tasks.
• We benchmark state-of-the-art LLM models such as GPTs and Code-Llama on simulated
manipulation task creations. We find that prompting and finetuning based on the task library
can significantly improve the capability of LLMs generating higher quality tasks.
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… construct- color-ordered-
Task-Level Generalization
corner-blocks insertion
Synthesis Engine
Task Creator
Sim-to-Real Adaptation
Figure 2: GenSim is an LLM framework to scale up simulation task diversity for robotic policy
training. We investigate goal-directed mode (top prompt) and exploratory mode (bottom prompt) that
generate robotic simulation task codes. The generated task codes are cached in a task library which
can be used for policy training to achieve better task-level generalization and sim-to-real adaptations.
We present GenSim (Figure 2), an LLM framework to generate simulation environments, tasks, and
demonstrations through program synthesis. The GenSim pipeline starts with a task creator (Sec.
2.1) with a prompt chain operating in two modes, namely goal-directed mode and exploratory mode,
depending on the knowledge of the target task. As a memory component, the task library (Sec. 2.2)
is used to store previously generated high-quality tasks. Finally, the stored tasks from the library can
be used for multitask policy training (Sec. 2.3) or finetuning LLMs for better task generation.
The goal of the task creator is to propose novel task descriptions and corresponding code implementa-
tions, which can be further broken down into scene generations and demonstration generations. In
particular, we use the Ravens benchmark (Zeng et al., 2021; Shridhar et al., 2022) which focuses on
motion primitives such as pushing and pick-and-place that can be parameterized by two end-effector
poses at each timestep. From the example in Figure 3, the reset function in the simulation environment
code, efficiently initializes the assets and their attributes and poses, as well as the spatial and language
goals that parameterize the action in each step2 . In the exploratory task generation setting, the
pipeline is prompted to generate a novel task that is sufficiently different from the existing tasks. In
the goal-directed setting, the pipeline aims to fill in the task descriptions and implementations of a
specified task name. The exploratory approach requires creativity and reasoning capability to come
up with new tasks while goal-directed approach focuses on simulation coding as a specific task.
In both settings (Figure 3), the language chain first generates a task description and associated
implementations afterward. The task description includes the task name, assets, and task summary.
We adopt few-shot prompting for code generation in the pipeline. LLM is prompted to retrieve
reference tasks and codes from existing tasks in the task library introduced in the next section. This
process is critical for LLM to know exactly how to implement a task class (such as the procedure of
sampling asset URDFs and building scene first, and then adding a spatial goal and language goals). In
contrast to other LLM coding tasks, there are various feedback forms in robotic simulations including
the execution pipeline, simulators, policy training, and humans. See Appendix §D for more details
on the prompts and generated example code.
Note that in this work, a task is defined by its code (and the associated language template) rather than a
specific scene configuration, object relations, or demonstration trajectory.
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Task Code Policy Training Single-task policy training success
Goals and instructions rates is lower than 5%
Human Inspection
The task looks not matching the
language instructions
Figure 3: Our automatic simulation task generation pipeline (top left) generates a task code that can
be used to generate scenes, simulations, and expert demonstrations for imitation learning. In addition
to common execution-based feedback in LLM program synthesis tasks, the LLM critic and the task
library provide task quality feedback. Finally, humans and single-policy training can provide the final
on the expert and learner rollouts without any extensive coding experience (Appendix D.6).
composition extrapolation
In the GenSim framework, we leverage an external memory, dubbed task library, to retrieve the
generated tasks by the task creator to come up with better new tasks and to train multitask policies.
The task library is initialized from the tasks in the human-curated benchmark. It provides the task
creator with a list of past task descriptions to condition on in the description generation stage and a
list of past codes in the code generation stage. Then, the task creator is prompted to retrieve reference
tasks from the task library as examples for coding new tasks, i.e. retrieval augmented generation
(RAG). After the task implementation is finished and can successfully generate demonstrations,
we then prompt the LLM to reflect on the new task and the task library and form an ensembled
decision for whether the newly generated task should be added to the library. In Figure 4, we observe
interesting composition and extrapolation behaviors in the tasks generated by GenSim. These saved
task codes can be used offline to generate demonstration trajectory data for multitask policy training.
The task library, generated in exploratory mode, can be used as bootstrapping data for iteratively
training task creators to generate better simulation tasks in goal-directed mode. This is important to
scale up task generations and incorporate human feedback as finetuned models are more economical
to use as task creators. In the next section, we discuss how to distill the task-level generalizations in
LLM code generation into policy learning, by expanding the corpus of the training tasks.
Once the tasks are generated, we can use these task implementations to generate demonstration data
and train manipulation policies. We use a similar two-stream transporter network architecture as in
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Policy Improvement
on Related Tasks
Figure 5: The task library can be used for retrieval and finetuning in GenSim Pipeline. Moreover,
task code embedding can be used to create an embedding space in the task library (visualized as a
T-SNE plot), which can be used for clustering tasks and policy training. For example, the purple
represents the tasks involving rope, and blue denotes tasks that involve building structures.
Shridhar et al. (2022) to parametrize the policy with affordance predictions. The code generation to
language-conditioned behavior cloning process can be viewed as the distilling process from LLMs
into the low-level control and affordance of robot policies. Treating the program as an efficient
representation of the task and associated demonstration data (Figure 5), we can define the embedding
space among tasks, whose distance metric is more robust to varying factors from perception such as
object poses and shapes and yet more informative than the language instructions.
In this section, we aim to use experiments to validate our framework, through the following specific
questions: (1) How well can LLM design and implement simulation tasks? Can we improve the
performance of LLMs on task generation? (2) Does training on LLM-generated tasks improve policy
generalizations? Does policy training benefit more if more generated tasks are given? (3) Can
pretraining on LLM-generated simulation tasks benefit real-world robot policy deployment?
In this section, we ablated the design of the exploratory LLM pipeline with a simulation task-driven
metric. Specifically, we measure a sequence of pass rates on “syntax-correct” which measures
basic coding syntax issues as well as answer formatting problems, “runtime-verified“ which tests
asset hallucinations and code reasoning capability, and finally “task completed” which measures the
designs of task demonstrations (the success in pick-place motions). These metrics are shown in the
x-axis of Figure 6. Our metric has an incremental structure from syntax to runtime to successfully
generate demonstrations where failing the former metrics implies failing on the latter metrics. Note
that some problems such as misaligned language instruction and task behavior will not be captured by
these metrics. To distill these task generation capabilities into more economic and scalable language
models and to potentially conduct self-improvement, we use the 100 GPT4-generated tasks in the
task library as a dataset for finetuning. We use OpenAI API to finetune GPT models and achieve
better performance through this finetuning process. Moreover, we also finetune open-sourced LLMs
such as Code-Llama (Rozière et al., 2023) with LoRA (Hu et al., 2021). We use the task names with
a short prompt as input tokens and the task code as output tokens for autoregressive training.
Exploratory task generation. In total, the pipeline generates 120 diverse tasks that can be used
for task demonstrations. We compare our task description and code separation prompt with a single
prompt that requests both together as well as zero-shot prompt that does not provide as many reference
codes. Figure 6 shows that a two-stage prompt chain with few-shot examples and task library can
effectively improve the code generation success rates. The exploratory task generation requires the
LLM to have language reasoning capabilities to understand the prompts and creativity for new tasks.
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Figure 6: Left) The prompt chain with few-shot examples and the task library are helpful for LLM
simulation task generation. Right) Finetuning on GPT4’s generated tasks can improve simulation
coding capabilities, for both closed-source GPT3.5 and open-source Code-LLama-Instruct-13B.
Few-shot Improvement by Adding Zero-shot Generalization by Pretraining Few-shot Improvement by Adding tasks
GPT Tasks on GPT Tasks on Different Sources
Figure 7: Joint training with augmented data generated from the GenSim tasks can improve policy
performance, in both single-task and multi-task settings. Left) the x-axis denotes single CLIPort task
+ N GPT tasks where N=0,2,4 and multiple CLIPort tasks + N GPT tasks where N=0,4,8. Middle)
We also showed that when training on more and more tasks, the policy exhibits stronger and stronger
zero-shot generalization capabilities. Right) The performance of few-shot joint training varies for
different sources of task generation including open-source LLMs.
Goal-directed task generation. We also experiment with the goal-directed procedure to measure the
coding capabilities of different language models. Specifically, we pick 10 held-out tasks and prompt
each model to generate three trials (multiple implementations of the same task) for evaluating the
metric. We observe that GPT4 is still outperforming other models in the specific robot simulation
coding tasks. More specifically, strong closed-source models such as GPT-3.5 and GPT4 with
in-context learning (prompting) can generate creative tasks and yet are still prone to hallucinations
in code. We observe that the finetuned open-source models can achieve closer performance as
state-of-the-art LLMs. The finetuned open-source models can generate the correct code flow and
syntax but they occasionally exhibit misalignment between high-level objectives and implementation,
due to the complexities of long simulation code. This motivates increasing better language models in
simulation task creations such as self-instruct (Wang et al., 2022) as well as distillation from more
capable models. See Appendix §A, §D for more experiment details and examples.
In this section, we study how the generated tasks from LLM can help with tabletop language-
conditioned visuomotor policy learning for generalizations and adaptation. We adopt the 0 (fail) to
100 (success) scores proposed in the Ravens benchmark (Zeng et al., 2021) which considers partial
credits for completing tasks. The simulation robot setup is a Universal Robot UR5e with a suction
gripper. The policy input is a top-down RGB-D reconstruction, and the output is an affordance
map that is then transformed to pick and place actions. We use the CLIPort (Shridhar et al., 2022)
architecture but the framework is independent of which policy parametrization we use. The set of
testing tasks is not particularly selected. We have released a language-conditioned benchmark ( with
model weights and task lists) generated by GPT, ranging from 10 tasks to 100 tasks, to study scaling
policy learning with affordance prediction.
Few-shot policy generalization to related tasks. In particular, from Fig. 7 left, we show that
jointly training LLM-generated tasks can improve the policy performance on the original CLIPort
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Pair-Blocks-On-Line: “put the other blue block next to the second red block on the line”
Build-Wheel: “place the purple and green blocks around the white cylinder, to form a wheel shape”
Figure 8: (a) The labels and the affordance heatmap of different real-world policies (green denotes
placing and red denotes picking). (b) Executions of long-horizon tasks by GPT4-pretrained models.
(Shridhar et al., 2022) tasks by over 50%, especially under low data regime such as 5 demos. The
result is averaged over two different task splits. This is expected as adding related tasks reduces
the overfitting problem on a few demos. On the right, we also experimented with pretraining with
different task sources of the human written tasks, closed-source LLM, and open-source finetuned
LLM, and observed similar improved performance.
Zero-shot policy generalization to unseen tasks. From Fig. 7 middle, by pretraining on more tasks
generated by LLM, our model can generalize better to tasks in the original Ravens benchmark. The
task-level generalization is surprising to us considering that the task and language instructions have
not been seen in the training datasets. Note that these tasks are selected using the distance metric on
the task embedding (Figure 5). One intuition is that LLM code generation expands the task data, and
thus training on these related tasks leads to more robust generalizable representations.
Specifically, as shown in Fig. 4, the color-ordered-insertion can be thought of as a compositional
task between block-insertion and place-block-in-bowl from CLIPort original task tasks. The former
task involves placing a block into some colored bowl, while the goal of the latter task is to insert a
specific block into fixtures. In the left of Figure 7, our experiment suggests that learning jointly with
related and more complex task color-ordered-insertion has the potential to contribute to enhanced
generalization capabilities of put-block-in-bowl. On the other hand, when we try to learn a base policy
for novel task generalization and even across domains, it is more beneficial to learn from as diverse
tasks as possible, corresponding to exploratory task generation. See Appendix §B for more details.
In this section, we conduct experiments to transfer the policy trained in simulation to the real
environment. We hypothesize that by expanding the diversity of training tasks generated by LLM
in the simulation, the trained policy would exhibit enhanced adaptability in real-world scenarios.
To further enhance the sim-to-real transition, we incorporate an adaptation process for the real
world. This process includes collecting a small set of real-world data for each task, followed by
data augmentations and the fine-tuning of the simulation-pretrained model over 50 epochs. We
perform our real-world experiments using an XArm-7 robot equipped with a suction gripper. A
bird’s-eye-view camera is installed facing downward to capture RGB-D observations. In Table 1, the
model pretrained on 70 GPT4-generated tasks achieves an average success rate of 62.5% over 10
trials of 12 tasks, an over 20% increase compared to baselines that only pretrained on CLIPort tasks
and 15% improvement on models that pretrained on only 50 tasks. Qualitatively, baseline models
without sufficient pretraining often pick or place the wrong objects, and baselines without adaptations
have diffused affordance prediction. We hypothesize that GPT4-generated task pretraining exposes
policy with broad language instructions and task compositions, which allows it to generalize better to
a diverse set of tasks after sim-to-real adaptation. Moreover, we qualitatively observe that pretraining
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Table 1: Success rates (%) of multi-task policies that are finetuned on the base models from simulation.
The test performance is measured across different scenes and tasks.
on diverse simulation tasks improves robustness on long-horizon complex tasks (Figure 8). For
example, the GPT4-pretrained model has a more robust performance on build-wheel task in the real
world. Additionally, we show that the simulation pretrained weights can also be useful for tasks such
as place-bread and sort-garbage. These are distinct from the simulation tasks with different assets
and semantic information. We defer the task, training, and evaluation details to the Appendix §C.
Simulation Training Success Rates. On Table 2, we showed single-task and multi-task policy
training success rates on a subset of our generated tasks with 200 demos. The average task success
rate for policy training on GPT4-generated tasks is 75.8% for single-task and 74.1% for multi-task,
which is similar to 76.6% for a single task and 76.1% for multi-task from human-curated tasks in
CLIPort (Shridhar et al., 2022). See Appendix §B for more training details.
Generated Task Statistics. In Figure 9 (a), we showed task statistics on different features of the 120
generated tasks by LLM. We observe an interesting balance of colors, assets, actions, and the number
of instances generated by the LLM models. For instance, the generated code contains many scenes
with over 7 object instances and many primitive actions of pick-and-place and assets such as blocks.
Code Generation Comparison. In Figure 9 (b), we qualitatively evaluate failure cases in the
top-down experiments for both the Code Llama and GPT4. The coding objective is to implement
the multi-step logic of placing a cylinder on a pallet first and then placing the block on the pallet.
Based on the add goal step, we observed that Code LLama has ignored the pallet completely, and
GPT4 got the order of placement wrong, while being a bit noisy in text descriptions. Other common
LLM modes include misaligned language descriptions and task objectives as well as imbalanced task
distribution when scaling the LLM generation pipeline. More details can be found in §A.5.
Human Effort Evaluation. In Section §D.6, we discuss and evaluate the human verification time
spent and pass rates on the LLM-generated tasks. The average human time is around 10 seconds (if
each task is checked) and the success rates are above 50%.
Reasoning and Coding via LLMs. There have been impressive emerging abilities of LLMs,
including zero-shot prompting and intricate reasoning (Wei et al., 2022; Chowdhery et al., 2022)
in the past few years. For example, Park et al. (2023); Zhang et al. (2023) use language models in
explorations of new tasks. Our work, which uses separate LLM critics to evaluate the generated
programs and a memory for storing and reflecting previous outputs, is also related to the rich line
of work on parameterizing agents with LLMs (Li et al., 2023; Wang et al., 2023). On the other
hand, program synthesis has a long line of research in NLP (Manna & Waldinger, 1971; 1980; Chen
et al., 2021; Wang et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2018). LLM models, such as Codex (Chen et al., 2021)
make program synthesis accessible by only requiring a specification of docstring or incomplete code.
Execution-based code generation (Ellis et al., 2019; Chen et al., 2018) uses execution outcomes at
the code compiler level to iterate code generation. Skreta et al. (2023) uses a rule-based verifier
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Figure 9: (a) Task statistics across different properties in the generated benchmark. (b) Example
failure modes of the Code LLama after finetuning, and GPT4 through prompting.
Table 2: Success rates (%) of the trained policy on example GPT4-generated tasks.
to improve program generation and Wang et al. (2023) incorporates environment feedback and
self-verification in Minecraft into the pipeline. Our work benchmarks simulation task creation with
both open-source and closed-source LLM code models. In addition, our method also leverages
multiple verification methods as feedback for simulation task scripts in robotic simulations.
Task and Scene Generation for Simulation. In robotic simulations, recent works have explored
domain randomizations (Tobin et al., 2017; Fang et al., 2022; Chen et al., 2023; Ramos et al., 2019)
and procedural asset generations (Deitke et al., 2022; Makatura et al., 2023) and text to 3D (Jun &
Nichol, 2023; Nichol et al., 2022; Poole et al., 2022; Yu et al., 2023a). In this work, we treat each
task as the code implementation and expand the original 10 tasks in the Ravens benchmark (Zeng
et al., 2021; Shridhar et al., 2022) to over 100 novel tasks and associated expert demonstrations
through LLM. Consequently, different from previous works that study compositional generalization
(Jiang et al., 2022) or object-level (Shridhar et al., 2022) generalization, we study the task-level
generalization of policy learning.
Language Models in Robotics. In robotics, large language models have been applied to policy
learning (Driess et al., 2023), task and motion planning(Lin et al., 2023; Huang et al., 2022),
summarizing logs (Liu et al., 2023), as well as synthesizing policy programs (Liang et al., 2022) and
optimization programs (Yu et al., 2023b). Past work has also explored LLM’s physical grounded
capability (Liu et al., 2022) and concurrent work explores using LLM together with task and motion
planners to create expert demonstrations (Ha et al., 2023). Ahn et al. (2022); Lynch et al. (2023)
attempted to collect huge-scale real-world interactions but are only focused on specific task families.
Instead of interacting in expensive real-world settings, we explored how to create increasingly
complex simulation tasks and demonstrations jointly with LLM, and study the scaling law on policy
generalizations through training on GPT-generated tasks.
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In this work, we present GenSim, a scalable LLM framework to augment diverse simulation tasks for
robotic policy, which aims to distill LLM grounding and coding capabilities into low-level policies.
We investigate LLM prompting, retrieval-augmented generation, and finetuning in both goal-directed
and exploratory approaches to generate new simulation task codes. We leverage the generated tasks
for training multitask policies that show generalization capabilities both to new tasks in simulation
and the real world.
We have seen some limitations in enabling LLM to design tasks and demonstrations in robotic
simulation. The generated code still contains basic syntax errors and suffers from hallucinations and
a lack of grounding in physical and geometric details. Another problem is that the code generation
evaluation metric is imperfect (such as misaligned language description) and therefore the generated
tasks can require some manual filtering before policy training. Finally, we have only explored
table-top pick-and-place task generation, and generating dexterous and complex robotic tasks could
be more challenging. We hope these limitations shed some light on future attempts at simulation code
generations with LLMs.
We thank MIT Supercloud for providing computing resources. The authors would like to thank many
helpful discussions from Yoon Kim and Russ Tedrake at MIT. This work is supported in part by the
Amazon Greater Boston Tech Initiative and Amazon PO No. 2D-06310236.
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Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
1 Introduction 1
3 Experiments 5
3.1 Evaluating LLM Robotic Simulation Task Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Task-Level Generalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Adapting Pretrained Model to the Real world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3.4 Additional Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Related Work 8
6 Acknowledgement 10
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The held-out simulation task list used to compare and evaluate LLM models is “align-rainbow-along-
line”, “cylinder-in-colorful-container”, “splitting-piles”, “stack-cylinder-pyramid”, “build-pyramid-in-
zone”, “block-on-“cylinder-on-pallet”, “align-cylinder-in-zone”, “construct-symmetric-block-wall”,
“insert-blue-on-red-cylinder”, “rainbow-pyramid”. We will prompt different LLMs with these task
names and run targeted task generation evaluation experiments on code generation three times.
We have also experimented with a longer LLM pipeline with components such as API reviews
and common error reviews. In these two stages, we provide the base task definition of the Ravens
benchmark and summarize several syntax errors that GPT tends to make when designing and
implementing tasks. We empirically observed these to generate more stable codes for challenging
tasks, but require more budgets.
In Figure 5, we visualize the GPT embedding of the generated task codes using PCA to project to 50
dimensions and then use TSNE for visualization on 2D. We then apply KNN clustering to discover 6
clusters of the generated tasks. As shown in the plot, different colors of clusters represent different
groups of tasks such as specific objects or specific types of motions. For instance, the purple color
represents mostly the tasks involving rope, and the blue color represents mostly the tasks that involve
building some structures using primitive shapes. Inspecting, expanding, and cleaning this task library
is also straightforward because of the nature of the code. This embedding space is useful both for
retrieving tasks as retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and finding related tasks for joint policy
Although we focus on the task-level diversity and generalization of simulation in LLM, in this section,
we investigate some task statistics of the 120 generated tasks by LLM. Shown in Figure 9 (a), we
observe an interesting balance of colors, assets, actions, and number of instances generated by the
LLM models. For example, common colors such as “red, blue, yellow, green” show up in many tasks.
Due to our prompt, overall GPT generates multiple objects in the scene. In Figure 13, we also showed
a gallery of the generated tasks. We can easily generate and scale more of the simulation tasks if the
budget permits. See project website for animated rendering of the tasks.
In addition to the prompting pipeline, we explored different training and finetuning schemes on
LLMs. Different from designing a full prompting techniques to improve GPT4 base model, finetuning
focuses on domain-specific tasks such as given the task name, and output its implementation. It
has several benefits such as cheaper costs and faster inference speed. We use the 112 tasks as the
dataset for finetuning experiments. We use the task names with a short prompt as input tokens and
the task code as output tokens for autoregressive training. For closed-source LLM models such
as GPT-3 (davinci), GPT-3.5, we use OpenAI’s finetuning API for training and inferencing. For
Code-LLama experiments (Rozière et al., 2023), we use the open-source Code-LLaMA-Instruct 7B
and Code-LLaMA-Instruct 13B models. We use Huggingface transformers for LoRA (Hu et al.,
2021) finetuning with quantization and parameter-efficient finetuning for 10 epochs on 2 V-100
GPUs. The training on GPT4 generated dataset with batch size=1 takes around 4 hours to finish 3000
iterations. Generated examples for these open-sourced models can be found in §D.
In evaluating the open-sourced code-llama model, we were not able to get sensible results with
just prompting. Specifically, it generates the example code in the prompt for all prompts in the
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
few-shot case or random answers in the zero-shot case. With finetuning, the model writes much
more structured code and can achieve similar performance as GPT-3.5. Overall we see improved
code generation with the finetuning models and leave self-bootstrapping and training on more code
examples for future work.
There are several common failure modes in the task description and implementations generated by
LLM that need to be aware of. These raise attention for inspections before potential downstream
applications and also hopefully shed light on future directions. We recommend users to play with
to get a sense of the generation process and limitations. Here, we provide detailed descriptions and
examples below.
1. Repeated Tasks: GPT can generate tasks that have different names (and even different im-
plementations) but represent the same tasks, such as “color-sequenced-block-insertion”, “put-
block-in-bowl” and “color-coordinated-ball-insertion-in-bowls”, which all aim to instruct
the robot to put some colored blocks into colored bowls. Similarly, “color-linked-ball-bowl-
ordering”, “color-coordinated-sphere-and-bowl-match” and “colored-bowl-ball-sorting” are
also same tasks.
2. Mismatched Language Instructions: GPT can generate mismatched language descriptions
for tasks. For instance, for task “color-coordinated-cylinder-stand-in-line”, the language
instructions try to set goals for each step to put the corresponding colored cylinder on the
stand, such as “place the red cylinder on the red stand”. However, the task implementation
tries to stack as many cylinders as possible onto the same block. This problem is also not
captured by the metric used in the benchmark.
3. Ungrounded Motion Sequence:. For instance, the task “color-coordinated-bowl-stacking”
has the description “put each block in the bowl of the same color and stack the bowls from
largest to smallest in the sequence of red, blue, green, and yellow”, and yet the action to
stack bowls, is neither implemented nor achievable in the benchmark. Similarly in task
“ball-in-container” with language instruction “Use the spatula to lift a ball over a wall of
boxes and drop it into a container”, the action of using a spatula to lift an object is not
grounded well. Finally in “push-block-into-container”, the motion of pushing a block into
some other objects are unlikely to succeed.
4. Noisy Descriptions:. There are usually some noises in the task names, task descriptions,
and language instructions. For instance “ball-in-bowl-obstacle-course” has “obstacle-course”
which is not capturing the task goal. The task descriptions also contain sentences such
as “The task requires the robot to pick up four balls of different colors (red, blue, green,
yellow) and place each of them into the corresponding colored bowls strategically positioned
at different corners of the maze, without knocking over any blocks, demanding careful
navigation and color coordination”, which is not in its most concise form. Similarly,
“rearrange, sort, insert, place” are usually used interchangeably by LLM.
5. Imbalanced Tasks:. Due to the bootstrapping process, LLMs has a certain bias towards the
majority of the tasks in the task library, especially if the LLM reflection/filtering is turned
off. For instance, we usually see “color-coordinated” and pick-place motions in the task
generation whereas tasks involving rope and piles are more rarely. For improved success
rates, we also do not consider tasks that are overly complicated such as palletizing boxes
and tower of haoni. Moreover, the definition of a task is still subjective in robotics. Different
tasks such as ”arrange,insertion,put” end up using the pick and place motions, and the hope
is LLM can help distinguish among different tasks. We limit the benchmark to 100 tasks for
a balance of diversity and control of quality.
6. Task Complexity: Overall this work only explores top-down pick and place tasks where the
demonstration action can be parametrized by pick and place actions. More dexterous tasks
in robotics (higher degrees of freedom, more contact-rich motions etc) and reward designs
for automatically figuring out how to solve these tasks will be interesting future works.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
We follow the original CLIPort(Shridhar et al., 2022) setup for training. All simulated experiments
are performed using a Universal Robot UR5e equipped with a suction gripper. This setup offers a
systematic and replicable environment for evaluation, particularly for benchmarking the capacity
to ground semantic concepts like colors and object categories. The input observation is derived
from top-down RGB-D images captured via a RealSense camera. We downscale the original image
dimensions from 640 × 480 to 320 × 160 for policy input. To enhance the transition from simulation
to reality, we incorporate data augmentation techniques such as color jittering.
Note that our implementation supports multiple samples in a batch (the original version only supports
batch size 1) which speeds up training. We train on 4/8 GPUs for 2 days for the multitask setup and
train for 10000 iterations for the single-task setup. For larger-scale pretraining experiments, 100 tasks
can take up to 5 days with 8 GPUs.
When training language-conditioned multitask policies, the relations among tasks need to be con-
sidered in the joint dataset. For instance, the tasks “put-block-in-bowl” and “place-red-in-green”
both involve putting colored blocks into colored bowls with similar language instructions. This
could potentially lead to conflicting data points that instruct placing the red block into the green
bowl or into bowls of other colors. Surprisingly, we find the policies pretrained on all 10 CLIPort
tasks only achieve lower than 5% success rate in GPT tasks. Conversely, there could be many tasks
that involve the term “pyramid” in instructions, but this could refer to varying layers of the block
pyramid. This ambiguity could pose a challenge when training a single policy for multiple tasks.
The question of whether training with certain tasks can help generalization can be best addressed
by the bias-variance trade-off fundamental in machine learning. Tasks that are semantically closed
have a higher likelihood of being beneficial, and vice versa. Therefore, we leverage the task code
embedding to pick related tasks for joint training, and find that to be robust in finding tasks. During
the evaluation of our GPT-generated tasks, we exclude specific tasks that fall outside of the task
generation domains, such as the tower of Hanoi and inserting kittings. In addition to the consideration
of compute budgets, these tasks also help us focus more on task-level generalization. The few-shot
generalization experiments have been evaluated with 1-shot generalization performance on tasks such
as “mixing-piles” and 5-shot generalization performance on “block-insertion”.
For our real-world experiments, we employ an XArm-7 robot equipped with a suction gripper. A
bird’s-eye-view camera, mounted overhead and oriented downwards, is used to capture RGB-D
observations. We leverage workspace boundaries and background subtraction to generate a mask on
the depth images. See Figure 11 for a detailed setup. In the real world, we observe the following
failure cases: (1) manipulate with the wrong color of objects. (2) imprecise picking and placing. To
tackle the challenge of scene-level generalization, we use data augmentation such as color jittering,
and also data relabeling where we increase the data multiple times and relabel the language prompt
based on the objects on the table. Our labeling tools on pick and place motion do not require a
real robot and can efficiently label up to 100 images within 2 minutes. Real-world training takes
50 epochs of the augmented data and usually takes less than 3 hours to complete. The tasks are
selected with a focus on long-horizon tasks and task-level generalization, i.e. how well the policy
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RGB-D Input
F/T sensor
Figure 11: Realworld Setup. We have an overhead camera for observing top-down rgb-d images
similar to the simulation setup.
generalizes to new tasks rather than different colors or object instances in a compositional sense. We
have experimented with providing both the per-step instruction or high-level goal of the tasks, and
did not find much performance difference in the single-task setting. We thus share similar limitations
on the policy side as in Shridhar et al. (2022). We note that the main limitation for this choice of
pick-and-place task is due to hardware (only suction cup) at the time of experiments.
• task-name: build-car
• task-description: Construct a simple car structure using blocks and cylinders.
• assets-used: [ block/block.urdf, ball/ball-template.urdf ]
Task: Color-Coordinated-Ball-Insertion-In-Boxes
• task-name: color-coordinated-ball-insertion-in-boxes
• task-description: Pick up four balls of different colors (red, blue, green, and yellow) and
insert them into four separate boxes of matching colors. The boxes are located inside corners
of a square structure and the task requires precise insertion, color coordination, and careful
navigation around the square structure.
• assets-used: [ ball/ball-template.urdf, box/box-template.urdf, square/square-template.urdf ]
Task: Color-Coordinated-Zone-Arrangement
• task-name: color-coordinated-zone-arrangement
• task-description: On the tabletop, there are nine blocks of three different colors (three red, three
blue, and three green) and three pallets of matching colors (one red, one blue, one green). The
task is to pick up each block and place it on the pallet of the same color, arranging the blocks on
each pallet in a line. However, there are a few small blocks randomly scattered on the tabletop,
which the robot has to navigate around without knocking them over while transporting the
blocks to the corresponding pallets. The challenge lies in the precise navigation, placement of
the blocks, color matching, and maintaining the balance on the pallets.
• assets-used: [ block/block.urdf, pallet/pallet.urdf, block/small.urdf ]
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“move the block to the corresponding zone” “place the purple and green blocks around the white
cylinder, to form a wheel shape”
“first place the blue bowl in the yellow zone, then place the
“put the blocks on the four corners of the zone”
green block in the blue bowl”
“place the blue block in the green bowl” “place the blue and red block along the green line side
by side”
“stack the red block on the blue block” “move the spheres from the zone to the bowl”
“stack a block tower at the corner” “pack pens and spoons into the box”
“sort the garbage into different boxes” “place the pizza and bread from the plate to the bowl”
Figure 12: We show the start and goal of the 12 tasks in the real-world experiments. The set involve
long-horizon tasks and tasks with very distinct assets from the simulation.
Task: Place-Blue-On-Line-Ends
• task-name: place-blue-on-line-ends
• task-description: Pick up each blue box and accurately place it at the end of a green line.
• assets-used: [ line/line-template.urdf, box/box-template.urdf ]
Task: Move-Kit-From-Zone-To-Cylinder
• task-name: move-kit-from-zone-to-cylinder
• task-description: Place the specific kit from a zone to a cylinder.
• assets-used: [ cylinder/cylinder-template.urdf, zone/zone.urdf, kitting/object-template.urdf ]
Task: Put-Blues-Around-Red
• task-name: put-blues-around-red
• task-description: Place the blue blocks around the red block.
• assets-used: [ block/block-for-anchors.urdf ]
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Task: Multicolor-Block-Bridge
• task-name: multicolor-block-bridge
• task-description: Build a bridge by stacking three red, three blue, and three green blocks on
a pallet. Arrange in a sequence from left to right: red, blue, and green. Then, place three
cylinders of corresponding colors on top of the stacked blocks, forming a bridge. The cylinders
should roll from the top block to the pallet, creating a challenge of precision and control.
• assets-used: [ block/block.urdf, pallet/pallet.urdf, cylinder/cylinder-template.urdf ]
Here are all the assets. Use only these assets in the task and code design.
Here are some examples of good tasks. Try to learn from these structures but avoid overlapping
with them.
Here are some tasks that you have come up with before. Try to learn from these structures but
avoid overlapping with these tasks. For instance, ‘bowl-ball-placement‘ and ‘sort-balls-in-bowls‘
are the same task. ‘pile-boxes-in-corner‘ and ‘stack-blocks-into-pallet‘ are similar tasks, ‘align-
cylinder-in-corner‘ and ‘align-cylinder-corner‘ are similar.
Now please describe the new task in natural languages and explain its novelty and challenges.
Format the answer in a python dictionary with keys ”task-name” and value type string, ”task-
description” (one specific sentence) and value type string, and ”assets-used” and value type list
of strings. Note that
- Do not use assets that are not in the list above.
- Tasks that have more colors and shapes are interesting.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
- Be as specific as possible about the number, shape, and color of each asset in the descriptions.
- The task need to obey physics and remain feasible.
Here are all the assets. Use only these assets in the task and code design.
Here are some examples of good tasks. Try to learn from these structures but avoid overlapping
with them.
Here are some tasks that you have come up with before. Try to learn from these structures but
avoid overlapping with these tasks. For instance, ‘bowl-ball-placement‘ and ‘sort-balls-in-bowls‘
are the same task. ‘pile-boxes-in-corner‘ and ‘stack-blocks-into-pallet‘ are similar tasks, ‘align-
cylinder-in-corner‘ and ‘align-cylinder-corner‘ are similar.
The goal is to solve the task ‘TARGET-TASK-NAME‘ eventually. Due to its complexity, let’s
think step-by-step about what simpler task can be useful to achieve this goal. Please describe
the new task, which is not ‘TARGET-TASK-NAME‘ but can help training a policy to gener-
alize torwards it, in natural languages in a clear and detailed way. Think step by step how
this task can help contribute to the skills that are quired to solve TARGET-TASK-NAME.
Then format the answer in a python dictionary with keys ”task-name” and value type string with
lower-case and separated by hyphens, ”task-description” (one sentence and do not mention urdf
paths) and value type string, and ”assets-used” and value type list of strings. Note that
- Do not use assets that are not in the list above.
- Tasks that have more colors and shapes are interesting.
- Be as specific as possible about the number, shape, and color of each asset in the descriptions.
- The task need to obey physics and remain feasible.
Do not use libraries, functions, and assets that you don’t know. For each object, try to describe
its color, size, category in the task first before you write the code. You do not need extra helper
functions. Comment the code liberally to explain what each piece does and why it’s written that
Now write the code for the task ”TASK-NAME-TEMPLATE” in python code block starting with
“‘python. Reminder: TASK-STRING-TEMPLATE
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
Then LLM is prompted to answer whether to accept this new task and this improvement will also be
in the context window in the next round of the agent task design. Note that to improve the robustness
of this stage, we prompt GPT three times in parallel to get diverse answers with temperature 0.5,
and only accept the task if there is an agreement. The simplified task reflection prompt can be found
Task Reflection Prompt
Do you think your task is sufficiently interesting to be added as a new task for future tasks given
that we already have the following task name and descriptions? Moreover, does the simulation
code achieve the goal and the language descriptions in the task? Be as rigorous and high-standard
as possible.
Reply explain your reasons and then say True or False, formatted in a python dictionary, do not
miss commas or add extra spaces. Here are some examples.
The finetuned model usually only requires less tokens and complex prompt as input. Here is an
example of the prompt for the finetuned model.
Finetuned Model Task Implementation Prompt
Write the pybullet simulation task class [TASK NAME TEMPLATE]. Provide answers in a python
code block starting with “‘python
We have observed interesting reference task selection in the task memory to show how the memory
can benefit the task creation process.
Task Reference Conversations for “Color-Coordinated-Arch-Construction”
Question: Please pick 4 task python files that you would like to use as reference. Format them in a
python list.
Answer: Sure, based on the task description, the following tasks seem to be the most relevant:
We also have observed interesting task descriptions and code critics from the task memory. This shows
that the critic has looked into the code implementations and reaching an agreement indeed requires the
task to be sufficiently high-standard. In this example, the task “color-coordinated-insertion-rearrange”
is described as a new task that would rearrange the blocks into a different fixture, but the code and its
purpose is exactly the same as the “color-coordinated-insertion”. The first critic thinks that the task is
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repeated with minor differences, while the second critic catches the coding error and refuses to add it
to the task library.
Task Reflection Conversations for “Sphere-Insertion”
• task-name: color-coordinated-insertion-rearrange
• task-description: There are four colored ell objects (red, blue, green, yellow) inserted in
randomly ordered fixtures on the tabletop. The task is to remove each ell object from its
current fixture and insert it into a new fixture in a specific color order: from left to right, insert
red, blue, green, and finally yellow.
• assets-used: [insertion/ell.urdf, insertion/fixture.urdf]
Critic 0:
Add to task library?: No
Reasons: The task is very similar to “color-ordered-insertion” which also involves inserting colored ell
objects into fixtures in a specific order. The only difference is that in the existing task, the ell objects are
matched with fixtures of the same color, while in the proposed task, the ell objects are rearranged in
fixtures of different colors. However, this difference is minor and does not add significant novelty or
complexity to the task. Therefore, it may not be necessary to add the proposed task to the task list.
Critic 1:
Add to task library?: No
Reasons: The task is similar to “color-ordered-insertion” but adds a new challenge of rearranging the
ell objects. This task would require more complex manipulation skills and could be interesting for
developing advanced robotic skills. However, the simulation code does not seem to ensure the color
order from left to right as described in the task. It randomly places the fixtures and ell objects, and the
goals are added in the order of the colors array, not according to their positions on the tabletop
We include additional misaligned task and language instruction examples as well as error messages
in this section. Specifically, we have collected an “error book” to be used as a reflection on LLM’s
failures and also include into prompts to improve task generation success rates. Here we show a
selected list of concrete examples and our analysis.
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10. add only one or fewer language goals which cause language-motion inconsistency. Note
that the language goals usually are the same number as the pick and place goals.
We detail the various feedback forms, which have a hierarchical structure, in GenSim in this section.
Specifically, once a simulation code is generated by GenSim, it will first be checked on syntax errors
by “evaluating” the code piece in python. Then we run through the code to generate demonstrations.
During this runtime, we check both the runtime errors (such as missing paths or run out of bound),
and if the code can successfully generate demonstrations. Successfully generating the demonstrations
requires having the actual robot execution to correctly achieve each subgoal and attain the full
reward. This test is unique to robotic simulation, and is critical to filter out bad tasks without any
real-world risks. The tasks saved at this stage could already be used for training, but as in other
ML pipelines, good training performance depends highly on quality. We note that there are three
caveats here: (1) a task code can successfully generate demonstrations but is also mundane or
repeated (2) it has misaligned instructions and actual demonstrations (3) it can be perfect but the
task is too hard to train a policy. Therefore, to ensure the high-quality tasks, our validation stage has
LLM critic that automatically reflects on whether the task is interesting. We have single-task policy
training to evaluate if a task is good for training. Finally, we have the human verification which only
requires a few seconds on average to look at the generated visualization videos without any technical
backgrounds, and can be large-scale deployed with mechanical turks. We detail the human efforts
required to scale up simulation tasks in the next section.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
Table 3: Human verification time spent and pass rates on tasks generated. The average human time is
around 10 seconds (if each task is checked) and the success rates are above 50%.
Despite the impressive performance that we have seen in the GenSim system, it still has gaps to
automatically generate infinite “meaningful and diverse” tasks to train robotic policies in simulation.
We note that as in other ML systems, data engineering efforts by humans are also inevitable, and
currently general judicious LLM evaluation is still an open research question. Luckily, in the GenSim
pipeline, we have various feedbacks before a human has to come into inspection (for instance, in
order to even be considered to be saved as a task, the task needs to be able to successfully generate
demonstrations and be considered by other LLM critics as interesting). Moreover, even when a
human has to come to check if a task is meaningful and interesting, he/she usually only has to look
at the generated demo and give a binary answer, which is almost effortless and can be done very
efficiently. Actual code modification and manual human tasks are sometimes useful, but collaborative
coding with GenSim in the top-down mode will also be helpful in that case. Overall, we generated 30
tasks to benchmark human filtering, and we measured the amounts of human efforts for three different
users with varying experiences in robotic simulation and observed that the average time spent on each
task was less than 10 seconds. This usually means looking at the visualization videos and checking if
the robot actions match the language instructions, rather than actually checking the code. See Table
3 for more details. We note that the human time spent and the pass rates are likely subjective and
depend on each person’s familiarity with the contexts of robot simulations. One interesting future
direction is to comprehensively study how the quality of the generated tasks might affect the quality
of the trained policies. For instance, what levels of degrades can be attributed to misaligned language
instructions. For example, GPT-4 model sometimes hallucinates concepts such as “boundary” and
“ascending size” without actually implementing them in code. This language annotation problem will
not show up in single-task policy training, but it might affect multi-task policy training in some ways.
Although we have shown scaling the simulation task generation with foundation models, we discuss
how to improve the efficiency and scalability of such systems in the future. We first note that such a
system can support both automatic generation (exploratory) and co-pilot generation (goal-directed)
and it reduces the technical backgrounds required for making a new simulation task to train robot
policies. We usually can let the program run for an hour or a few hours and then check back on
the generated tasks. One issue we have observed is that codebase modifications to support cleaned
and documented code structures as well as adding fixes to tolerate some common hallucinations
is important to improve the success rates. Two things that we plan to explore in the future are
larger-scale retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and advanced sampling in task references. These
are important to provide contexts to LLM and guide toward generating more balanced tasks. Finally,
we note that such a system can already be deployed with Amazon Turk to scale up more tasks.
We attach a few generated code examples from LLM (library imports ignored). The generated task
visualizations are also attached.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
Task: Color-Colored-Insertion
class ColorOrderedInsertion(Task):
"""Insert differently-colored ell objects into the matching
color fixture in a specific order."""
def __init__(self):
self.max_steps = 20
self.lang_template = "put the {color} L shape block in
the L shape hole"
self.task_completed_desc = "done with insertion."
# Add fixtures.
fixture_size = (0.12, 0.12, 0.02)
fixture_urdf = ’insertion/fixture.urdf’
fixtures = []
for color in colors:
fixture_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
fixture_id = env.add_object(fixture_urdf,
fixture_pose, color=utils.COLORS[color],
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
Task: Four-Corner-Pyramid-Challenge
class FourCornerPyramidChallenge(Task):
"""Construct a pyramid of blocks in each zone with a
specific color sequence."""
def __init__(self):
self.max_steps = 20
self.lang_template = "build a pyramid of blocks in each
zone with the sequence red, blue, green, and yellow
from bottom to top"
self.task_completed_desc = "done building pyramids."
# Add zones.
zone_size = (0.12, 0.12, 0)
zone_urdf = ’zone/zone.urdf’
zone_poses = []
for _ in range(4):
zone_pose = self.get_random_pose(env, zone_size)
env.add_object(zone_urdf, zone_pose, ’fixed’)
# Block colors.
colors = [
utils.COLORS[’red’], utils.COLORS[’blue’],
utils.COLORS[’green’], utils.COLORS[’yellow’]
# Add blocks.
block_size = (0.04, 0.04, 0.04)
block_urdf = ’block/block.urdf’
blocks = []
for i in range(4):
for _ in range(4):
block_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
block_id = env.add_object(block_urdf,
block_pose, color=colors[i])
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
In this section, we showcase different LLM’s output for an example task in the top-down evaluation.
Task:cylinder-in-colorful-container (Zero-Shot Prompt Before Code-LLAMA-Instruct Fine-
class CylinderInColorfulContainer(p.Task):
def __init__(self, cylinder_radius, cylinder_height,
container_size, container_color):
self.cylinder_radius = cylinder_radius
self.cylinder_height = cylinder_height
self.container_size = container_size
self.container_color = container_color
def create_cylinder(self):
cylinder_id = p.create_cylinder(self.cylinder_radius,
return cylinder_id
def create_container(self):
container_id = p.create_box(self.container_size,
return container_id
def run(self):
cylinder_id = self.create_cylinder()
container_id = self.create_container()
return cylinder_id, container_id
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
class CylinderInColorfulContainer(Task):
def __init__(self):
self.max_steps = 3
self.lang_template = "put the cylinder in the colorful
self.task_completed_desc = "done with insertion."
"""Add cylinder."""
size = (0.1, 0.1, 0.04)
urdf = ’insertion/cylinder.urdf’
pose = self.get_random_pose(env, size)
cylinder_id = env.add_object(urdf, pose)
matches=np.int32([[1]]), targ_poses=[targ_pose],
rotations=False, metric=’pose’, params=None,
step_max_reward=1, symmetries=[2 * np.pi],
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
import numpy as np
from cliport.tasks import Primitive
from cliport.tasks.task import Task
from cliport.utils import utils
class CylinderInColorfulContainer(Task):
"""Pick up each cylinder and place it into the container of
the same color, in a specific color sequence."""
def __init__(self):
self.max_steps = 20
self.lang_template = "place the {color} cylinder in the
{color} container"
self.task_completed_desc = "done placing cylinders in
# Add containers.
container_size = (0.12, 0.12, 0.12)
container_urdf = ’container/container-template.urdf’
container_poses = []
for color in color_sequence:
container_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
env.add_object(container_urdf, container_pose,
’fixed’, color=color)
# Add cylinders.
cylinder_size = (0.04, 0.04, 0.04)
cylinder_urdf = ’cylinder/cylinder-template.urdf’
cylinders = []
for color in color_sequence:
cylinder_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
cylinder_id = env.add_object(cylinder_urdf,
cylinder_pose, color=color)
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
import random
from cliport.tasks import primitives
from cliport.tasks.grippers import Spatula
from cliport.tasks.task import Task
from cliport.utils import utils
import numpy as np
from cliport.tasks import primitives
from cliport.tasks.grippers import Spatula
from cliport.tasks.task import Task
from cliport.utils import utils
class CylinderInColorfulContainer(Task):
"""Put a cylinder into a container of a specific color"""
def __init__(self):
self.max_steps = 10
self.lang_template = "put the cylinder into the {color}
self.task_completed_desc = "done putting cylinder in
# Add cylinder.
cylinder_size = (0.02, 0.02, 0.05)
cylinder_urdf = ’cylinder/cylinder.urdf’
cylinder_pose = self.get_random_pose(env, cylinder_size)
cylinder_id = env.add_object(cylinder_urdf,
# Add containers.
container_size = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
container_urdf = ’cylinder/container.urdf’
# Colors of containers.
container_colors = [utils.COLORS[c] for c in
utils.COLORS if c != ’red’]
container_poses = []
container_ids = []
for i in range(3):
container_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
container_id = env.add_object(container_urdf,
container_pose, color=container_colors[i])
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
import numpy as np
from cliport.tasks.task import Task
from cliport.utils import utils
class CylinderInColorfulContainer(Task):
def __init__(self):
self.max_steps = 10
self.lang_template = "Place the {color} cylinder in the
{color} container"
self.task_completed_desc = "Cylinders placed in
# Add containers
container_size = (0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
container_template = ’container/container-template.urdf’
container_poses = []
for color in containers:
container_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
container_urdf =
container_template.replace(’COLOR’, color)
env.add_object(container_urdf, container_pose,
# Add cylinders
cylinder_size = (0.05, 0.05, 0.1)
cylinder_template = ’cylinder/cylinder-template.urdf’
cylinders = []
for i, color in enumerate(colors):
cylinder_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
cylinder_urdf = cylinder_template.replace(’COLOR’,
cylinder_id = env.add_object(cylinder_urdf,
# Add goals
for i, color in enumerate(colors):
language_goal =
matches=np.ones((1, 1)),
targ_poses=[container_poses[i]], replace=False,
rotations=True, metric=’pose’,
params=None, step_max_reward=1,
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
import random
from cliport.tasks import primitives
from cliport.tasks.grippers import Spatula
from cliport.tasks.task import Task
from cliport.utils import utils
class CylinderInColorfulContainer(Task):
"""Pick up a cylinder of a specific color and place it into
a container of the same color."""
def __init__(self):
self.max_steps = 20
self.lang_template = "put the {color} cylinder in the
{color} container"
self.task_completed_desc = "done placing cylinders in
# Add cylinder.
cylinder_size = (0.04, 0.04, 0.04)
cylinder_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
cylinder_id =
cylinder_pose, color=utils.COLORS[color])
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
import numpy as np
import os
import pybullet as p
import random
from cliport.tasks import primitives
from cliport.tasks.grippers import Spatula
from cliport.tasks.task import Task
from cliport.utils import utils
import numpy as np
from cliport.tasks.task import Task
from cliport.utils import utils
class CylinderInColorfulContainer(Task):
"""Pick up four cylinders of distinct colors (red, blue,
green, yellow) and place each of them into a container
of the same color."""
def __init__(self):
self.max_steps = 4
self.lang_template = "put the {} cylinder in the {}
self.task_completed_desc = "done placing cylinders in
# Define colors
colors = [’red’, ’blue’, ’green’, ’yellow’]
# Add containers.
container_size = (0.12, 0.12, 0.12)
container_template = ’container/container-template.urdf’
container_poses = []
for color in colors:
container_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
env.add_object(container_template, container_pose,
category=’fixed’, color=utils.COLORS[color])
# Add cylinders.
cylinder_size = (0.04, 0.04, 0.12)
cylinder_template = ’cylinder/cylinder-template.urdf’
cylinders = []
for color in colors:
cylinder_pose = self.get_random_pose(env,
cylinder_id = env.add_object(cylinder_template,
cylinder_pose, color=utils.COLORS[color])
Figure 13: Gallery of generated tasks by GPT-4.
Published as a conference paper at ICLR 2024
“Put the {color} L shape block in the L “Build a pyramid of blocks in each zone with
shape hole” the sequence red, blue, green, and yellow from
bottom to top”
Figure 14: The simulation task visualizations for “color-ordered-insertion” and “four-corner-pyramid-
challenge” correspond to the implementations below.