Ms Word Mcqs
Ms Word Mcqs
Ms Word Mcqs
Govt. Jobs Test Preparation with Sufian Goraya
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ےبکشروزاگراکامکلاہللےہ۔وہرپورداگرامتمافسروشںاورروشوتںےسدنلبےہ۔ذہلامہرزقالحلےکوصحلےکےیلرصفاہللرپنیقیر ےتھئوےئآپیکتنحمےساجباحلصرکےنںیمرواحیناورداینوی(یمیلعت) دمدرکںیےگ۔اہللامہریاورآپیکدمدرفامےئ۔آنیم!
1. How many different positions can you set for drop cap? 15. Which of the following button will allow you to add, delete, or
a. 1 change records in your Data Source?
b. 2 a. ‘Data Source’ button
c. 4 b. ‘Edit’ button
d. 6 c. ‘Edit Data Source’ button
2. How many ways you can save a document? d. ‘Data Editing’ button
a. 3 16. How much space in minimum must be provided between
b. 4 columns?
c. 5 a. 0"
d. 6 b. 0.5"
3. What is the maximum number of lines you can set for lines to c. 1"
drop box? d. 1.5"
a. 3 17. What is the smallest width of a column?
b. 5 a. 0"
c. 10 b. 0.5"
d. 15 c. 1"
4. Single spacing in MS-WORD document causes _____ point line d. 1.5"
spacing? 18. By default, your document prints with:
a. 10 a. 1 inch top and bottom margins
b. 12 b. a portrait orientation
c. 14 c. 1.25 inches left and right margins
d. 16 d. all of the above
5. What is the default number of lines to drop for drop cap 19. Word is preset to use standard 8.5-by-11-inch paper with _____
a. 3 margins.
b. 10 a. 1-inch left, right, top, and bottom
c. 15 b. 1.25-inch left, right, top, and bottom
d. 20 c. 1.25-inch left and right margins and 1-inch top and bottom
6. What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a drop d. 1-inch left and right margins and 1.25-inch top and bottom
cap? 20. What is the default left margin in Word 2003 document?
a. 3 a. 1"
b. 10 b. 1.25"
c. 15 c. 1.5"
d. 20 d. 2"
7. How many columns can you insert in a word document in 21. What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size
maximum? tool on formatting toolbar?
a. 35 a. 8 and 72
b. 45 b. 8 and 64
c. 55 c. 12 and 72
d. 65 d. None of above
8. In a document what is the maximum number of columns that 22. The Footnote Text style defines characters as ____ _.
can be inserted in MS Word Table? a. 12-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as single-spaced and
a. 35 right-aligned
b. 15 b. 10-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as double-spaced and
c. 63 left-aligned
d. 65 c. 12-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as double-spaced and
9. What is the maximum scale percentage available in Scale drop right-aligned
down box? d. 10-point Times New Roman and paragraphs as single-spaced and
a. 500 left-aligned
b. 200
c. 100 exam preparation materials.
d. 90 23. What is the default font size of a new Word document based on
10. What is the maximum font size you can apply for any character Normal template in Word 2003?
a. 163 a. 10 pt
b. 1638 b. 12 pt
c. 16038 c. 14 pt
d. None of above d. None of above
11. Word, by default, places a tab stop at every______ mark on the 24. The minimum number of rows and columns in MS Word
ruler. document is
a. .25" a. 1 and 1
b. .5" b. 2 and 1
c. .75" c. 2 and 2
d. 1" d. None of above
12. What is the default file extension for all Word documents? 25. How will MS Word will respond in repeated word.
a. .txts a. A Red wavy line under the repeated word
b. .word b. A Green wavy line under the repeated word
c. .docs c. A Blue wavy line under the repeated word
d. .docx d. None of the above
13. The file type _____ indicates the file is a Word document. 26. In mail merge operation which of the following might
a. .msw represent the main document?
b. .wor a. A sales brochure
c. .wrd b. A form letter
d. .doc c. A database of Names and Addresses
14. With Word’s AutoCorrect entries, to display an indifferent face d. All of above
( :| ) type ____ _. 27. Pressing F8 key for three times selects
a. :) a. a word
b. :( b. a sentence
c. :| c. a paragraph
d. :/ d. entire document
3 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورئیہ
28. What do you call ‘a collection of character and paragraph 41. How many different documents you can open at one time?
formatting commands’? a. No more than three
a. the defaults b. Only one
b. a template c. As many as your computer memory will hold
c. a style d. As many as your taskbar can display
d. a boilerplate 42. Which of the following is the second step in creating a macro?
29. What is a Document Outline View? a. Start recording
a. A preview in a full screen b. Using your mouse or keyboard, perform the task you want to
b. A preview with margins automate
c. A View with a margins and gutter c. Assign a keyboard shortcut to the macro
d. A view with a structure of heading at various levels d. Give the macro a name
30. Ctrl + Z 43. When assigning a shortcut key to a symbol, you should always
a. Undo the last Action try to select a key or key combination that is:
b. Redo the last Action a. unassigned
c. Add the new page b. located on the ten-key pad section of your keyboard.
d. Paste the contents from clipboard c. assigned to another task.
31. The______ in the Resume Wizard dialog box indicates the wizard d. from the same font family as the symbol.
is ready to create the document. 44. Which feature is used to replace straight quotes with smart
a. Start panel quotes as you type?
b. Address panel a. Auto Correct as you type
c. Add/Sort Heading panel b. Auto Change as you type
d. Finish panel c. Auto Format as you type
32. What does Ctrl + = key effect? d. Smart Tags as you type
a. Superscript Preparing computer jobs exams? You can't stay away from
b. Subscript!
c. All Caps 45. Which of the following command is not available in Tools
d. Shadow menu?
33. The spike a. Auto text
a. Allows you to combine text from several documents and tehn b. Autocorrect
insert all the text into one document at onwe time c. Auto summarize
b. Allows you to edit auto text entries d. Macro
c. Allows you to format uto text entries 46. Word has a list of predefined typing, spelling, capitalization,
d. All of above and grammar errors that _____ can detect and correct.
34. The word wrap reature a. AutoEntry
a. Automatically move text to the next line when necessary b. AutoCorrect
b. Appears at the bottom of the document c. AutoAdd
c. Allows you to type over text d. AutoSpell
d. is the short horizontal line 47. If you want to convert a symbol or several lines of text into an
35. How can you make the selected character superscripted AutoCorrect entry, you should:
a. Ctrl + = a. Insert the symbol or type the text in a Word document first. Then,
b. Ctrl + Shift + = select the text or symbol and go to the AutoCorrect dialog box.
c. Alt + Ctrl + Shift + = b. Click the Tools menu and choose AutoCorrect Options. Then, click
d. None of above the Insert menu and choose Symbol (or click the Format menu and
36. When typing in a word field manually, what must you press to choose Paragraph) to add the symbol or paragraph to
insert the code’s braces? AutoCorrect.
a. Ctrl + F6 c. AutoCorrect can only accommodate one line of text. It is not
b. Ctrl + F9 possible to convert a symbol or multiple lines of text into an
c. Alt + F11 AutoCorrect entry.
d. Shift + F12 d. Insert the symbol or type the text in a Word document first. Then,
37. What is the short cut key to open the Open dialog box? select the text or symbol and click the Edit menu followed by
a. F12 Paste Special. Select New AutoCorrect Entry and then click OK.
b. Shift F12 48. Which option is not available in Insert Table Autofit behavior?
c. Alt + F12 a. Fixed Column Width
d. Ctrl + F12 b. AutoFit to Contents
and a expert answer to your questions c. Autofit to Window
38. What is the shortcut key to split a table? d. Autofit to Column
a. Ctrl + Alt + Enter 49. When you click on File menu in Word 2010, it opens
b. Ctrl + Shift + Enter a. File menu
c. Alt + Shift + Enter b. File Commands
d. Alt + Space + Enter c. Backstage View
39. Which key is used to increase left indent? d. File Ribbon
a. Ctrl+I 50. Tabs stop position cannot be the following alignment
b. Ctrl+M a. Decimal Alignment
c. Alt+I b. Center Alignment
d. F10 c. Bar Alignment
40. When the same word is used in multiple locations or a word is d. Justify Alignment
used that was not quite appropriate, a thesaurus can be used 51. Why the document you created at home displays with a
to look up a (n) or a word similar in meaning. different font at school?
a. synonym a. Because you have a different printer at school than at home
b. homonym b. Because you have a different monitor at school than at home
c. antonym c. Because the font you used at home is not installed on your school
d. metronym computer
d. Because the version of Windows is different
52. Ctrl + B
a. Search the selected text
b. Paste the selected text
c. Bold the selected text
d. Open the specified file
4 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورئیہ
53. A master document contains ________ , each of which contains a 66. A (n)_____ is a dot or other symbol positioned at the beginning
pointer to a file on a disk? of a paragraph.
a. Placeholders a. bullet
b. subdocuments b. logo
c. bookmarks c. cell
d. references d. target
54. If the number of columns is selected 1 and the line between 67. Which of the following is not a type of page margin?
check box is marked, where is the line drawn? a. Left
a. in the left margin
b. Right
b. in the right margin
c. Center
c. both in left and right margin d. Top
d. None of Above 68. Uppercase on Change Case dialog box and All Caps on Fonts
55. A feature of MS Word that saves the document automatically dialog box both converts selected text into Capital Letters.
after certain interval is available on What’s the difference between the two?
a. Save tab on Options dialog box a. Both are same. They are only two different ways of capitalize text.
b. Save As dialog box b. It is faster to convert from Change Case than from Font dialog box
c. Both of above c. Change Case makes conversion permanent but All Caps on Font
d. None of above can always be reverted
56. After typing header text, how can you quickly enter footer text? d. All Caps on Font dialog box makes the change permanent where
a. Press PageDown key and type the text for footer Change Case can be always reverted
b. Click on Switch between Heeder & Footer then type the text
69. Ctrl + A
c. Both of above a. Align Right
d. None of above b. Select All
57. To move the cursor page to page of document
c. Change font
a. Ctrl+PgDn
d. Save document
b. Ctrl+PgUp
70. Which of the following is not on Home ribbon?
c. Both of above
a. Columns
d. None of above
b. Font color
58. You can jump to the next column by
c. Change Style
a. Clicking with your mouse on the next column
d. Font
b. Press Alt + Down-arrow
71. When three hyphens, underscores, equal signs, asterisks, or
c. Both of above number signs are typed and then the enter key is pressed, the
d. None of Above AutoFormat feature ___ _.
59. Which of the following enables you to paste data multiple a. places a border above a paragraph
times? b. creates a numbered list
a. Windows Clipboard
c. changes the characters to an em dash
b. Office Clipboard
d. creates a bulleted list
c. Both Windows & Office Clipboard 72. Microsoft Office Word is a (n)_____ _.
d. None of the all a. area in the computer’s main memory in which Microsoft Office
60. You need to jump to the next column breaking current column text files are stored temporarily
right at the cursor position. How can you break column?
b. program included with Windows 2000 that can be used only to
a. Pressing Ctrl+Enter
create or edit text files, smaller than 64K, that do not require
b. Pressing Alt+Shift+Enter
c. Break command from Insert menu
c. classified password that prevents unauthorized users from
d. Both b and c
accessing a protected Microsoft Office item or document
61. In Word you can force a page break
d. full-featured word processing program that can be used to create
a. By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing
and revise professional looking documents easily
the F1 key
73. Ctrl + E
b. By using the Insert/Section break on the Insert tab
a. Exit Application
c. By positioning your cursor at the appropriate place and pressing
b. Select All
c. Clear All
d. By changing the font size of your document
d. Align Center
62. How can you increase the font size of selected text by one point
every time?
a. By pressing Ctrl + ] 74. When a custom tab stop is set, Word ____ _.
b. By pressing Ctrl + [ a. clears all default tab stops
c. By pressing Ctrl + } b. clears all default tab stops to the right of the custom tab stop
d. By pressing Ctrl + { c. clears all default tab stops to the left of the custom tab stop
63. How to use Format Painter multiple times d. does not clear any default tab stops
a. By Click on Lock Format Painter Icon 75. When inserting Page number in footer it appeared 1 but you
b. By Double Click on the Format Painter Icon wish to show a. How can you do that?
c. By Selecting Edit -> Format Painter -> Multiple Use a. From format menu choose bullets and Numbering and configure
d. Format Painter cannot be use multiple times necessary setting
64. What is the default font used in MS Word 2007 document? b. From Insert menu choose Page Number and specify necessary
a. Times New Roman setting
b. Arial c. Click on Page Number Format tool and specify required setting
c. Calibri d. All of above
d. Preeti 76. How do you close a word document without closing Word
65. Word includes a series of predefined graphics called ______ that window?
can be inserted into a Word document. a. Click on the Close button on the title bar
a. clip art b. Click on Xminimize button on the title bar
b. hyperlinks c. Click on the Close command on Office menu
c. captions d. Click Exit on the File menu
d. bookmarks 77. To switch between insert mode and overtype mode, ____ _.
a. click Caption on the Insert menu
b. double-click the OVR status indicator on the status bar
c. click Text Box on the Insert menu
d. double-click the INS status indicator on the status bar
5 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورئیہ
78. What should you do if you require to paste the same format in 91. What is the shortcut key you can press to create a copyright
many places? symbol?
a. Click the Format painter and go on pasting in many places holding a. Alt+Ctrl+C
Alt Key b. Alt + C
b. Double click the format painter then go on pasting in many places c. Ctrl + C
c. Click the format painter then go on pasting to many places holding d. Ctrl + Shift + C
Ctrl Key 92. What is the short cut key to open Font dialog box?
d. All of above a. Ctrl + F
79. Which would you choose to save a document with a new name? b. Alt + Ctrl + F
a. Press Ctrl+S c. Ctrl + D
b. Click File, Save d. Ctrl + Shift + D
c. Click Tools, Options, Save 93. What is the shortcut key to "Center Align" the selected text?
d. Click File, Save As a. Ctrl + C
80. You cannot close MS Word application by b. Ctrl + E
a. Choosing File menu then Exit submenu c. Ctrl + F
b. Press Alt+F4 d. None of above
c. Click X button on title bar 94. What is the shortcut key for Spelling Check in document?
d. From File menu choose Close submenu a. F7
81. Which of the following option is not available in Insert >> b. Shift + F7
Picture ? c. Ctrl + F7
a. Chart d. Alt + F7
b. Word Art 95. What is the shortcut key to Update Formula in a table?
c. Clip Art a. F9
d. Graph b. Alt + F9
82. Which option in File pull-down menu is used to close a file in c. Ctrl + F9
MSWord? d. Shift + F9
a. New 96. What is the shortcut key for "Font" dialog box?
b. Quit a. Ctrl + F
c. Close b. Ctrl + D
d. Exit c. Ctrl + G
83. Ctrl + O d. None of the above
a. Save Document 97. What is the shortcut key for "Find and Replace" dialog box?
b. Print Document a. Ctrl + F
c. Close Document b. Ctrl + R
d. Open Document c. Ctrl + H
84. Which feature do you use to create a newspaper like d. Ctrl + Shift + F
document? 98. What is the shortcut key to "Insert Hyperlink" in a document?
a. Bullets & numbering a. Ctrl + H
b. Tables b. Ctrl + L
c. Columns c. Ctrl + K
d. Tab stops d. None of above
85. A______ contains buttons, boxes, and menus that allow tasks to 99. How can you access the font size tool on formatting toolbar?
be performed more quickly than using the menu bar. a. Ctrl + S
a. format bar b. Ctrl + Shift + S
b. status bar c. Ctrl + P
c. command bar d. Ctrl + Shift + P
d. toolbar 100. What is the shortcut key for "Subscript" the selected text?
86. A letterhead should contain all of the following EXCEPT____ _. a. Ctrl + =
a. full street address b. Ctrl + -
b. logo c. Ctrl + Shift + =
c. complete legal name of the company, group, or individual d. Ctrl + Shift + -
d. None of the above 101. What is the shortcut key for "Superscript" the selected text?
87. Which of the following is not available in Font Spacing? a. Ctrl + =
a. Normal b. Ctrl + -
b. Loosely c. Ctrl + Shift + =
c. Condensed d. Ctrl + Shift + -
d. Expanded 102. What is the shortcut key to Close Active Document in Microsoft
88. To convert a hyperlink e-mail address to regular text, right- Word?
click the e-mail address and then click______ on the shortcut a. Ctrl + F4
menu. b. Shift + F4
a. Edit Hyperlink c. Ctrl + Shift + F4
b. Select Hyperlink d. None of above
c. Convert Hyperlink 103. What is the shortcut key to show font dialog box?
d. Remove Hyperlink a. Ctrl + D
89. Which enables you to move directly to specific location in a b. Ctrl + Shift + F
document? c. Ctrl + Shift + P
a. Subdocuments d. All of the above
b. Bookmarks 104. How to remove all character formats?
c. Cross-references a. Shift + Spacebar
d. Outlines b. Shift + Enter
90. Each time the______ key is pressed, the paragraph formatting in c. Ctrl + Spacebar
the previous paragraph is carried forward to the next d. Ctrl + Enter
paragraph. 105. What is the shortcut key to "Undo" the last action in a
a. enter document?
b. shift a. Ctrl + X
c. ctrl b. Ctrl + Y
d. alt c. Ctrl + Z
d. None of above
6 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورئیہ
106. Which key do you press to force a page break? 120. To erase a character to the right of the insertion point, press
a. CTRL+ALT the _____ key.
b. CTRL+ break a. cancel
c. CTRL+ Enter b. backspace
d. none of the above c. delete
107. To increase a paragraph indent, use the______ shortcut keys. d. either b or c
a. ctrl+l 121. Ctrl + D
b. ctrl+e a. Delete Dialog Box
c. ctrl+1 b. Font Dialog Box
d. ctrl+m c. Delete All
108. To move to the end of the document, press the______ key(s). d. Do nothing
a. down arrow 122. Ctrl + Y
b. end a. Undo the last Action
c. ctrl+down arrow b. Repeat the last Action
d. ctrl+end c. Delete the last page
109. Which key is used to select all the text in the document? d. Delete the first page
a. Ctrl+T 123. "Ctrl + Delete" is used to
b. Ctrl+A a. Delete the word just after the cursor
c. Ctrl+F b. Delete the word just before the cursor
d. Ctrl+N c. Delete the single letter just after the cursor
110. To undo the last work, press ….. d. Delete the single letter just before the cursor
a. Ctrl+U 124. "Ctrl + Backspace" is used to
b. Ctrl+Y a. Delete the single letter just before the cursor
c. Ctrl+Z b. Delete the single letter just after the cursor
d. Ctrl+W c. Delete the word just before the cursor
111. The scroll box on the vertical scroll bar indicates the ____ _. d. Delete the word just after the cursor
a. position of the insertion point from the top of the page 125. Auto text and Auto correct are____________ tools.
b. distance of the insertion point from the left margin a. styling
c. current relative location of the document portion displayed in the b. editing
window c. designing
d. rank of the word in which the insertion point is found d. none of the above
112. Headers and footers can include text and graphics, as well as 126. In normal view, automatic page breaks ____ _.
the ____ _. a. do not display
a. current date b. display on the screen as a single dotted horizontal line
b. page number c. display on the screen above the header and beneath the footer
c. current time d. display on the screen as a line separated by the words Page Break
d. all of the above 127. What is the extension of Word files?
113. Text boundary can be displayed or hidden from a. FIL
a. Auto text option from Insert menu b. DOT
b. Options from Tools menu c. DOC
c. Customize from Tools menu d. TXT
d. All of above 128. To autofit the width of column
114 ______ are types of changes that occur when text has been a. Double click the right border of column
omitted from a document and must be inserted later. b. Double click the left border of column
a. Copy c. Double click the column header
b. Paste d. All of above
c. Cut 129. To open Columns dialog box quickly
d. Paste Special a. double click on the left margin area of ruler
115. Which would you choose to move selected text from one place b. double click the space between area on ruler
to another? c. double click the right margin in ruler
a. Move and Paste d. All of above
b. Copy and Paste 130. To cancel a job that is printing or one that is waiting to be
c. Cut and Paste printed ____ _.
d. Delete and Paste a. click the Print button on the Standard toolbar
Please help MCQ Sets to spread the good materials over the Internet. b. click the printer icon on the taskbar
Don't forget to Like, Tweet and G+ it's pages! c. double-click the Print button on the Standard toolbar
116. Ctrl + X d. double-click the printer icon on the taskbar
a. Close Document 131. Which of the following enables you to make multiple changes
b. Close Word Application in a document at once?
c. Cut the Selected Contents a. find command
d. Copy the Selected Contents b. Replace command
117. Which is not a data source component? c. Drag and Drop
a. mail merge toolbar d. copy command
b. header row 132. Which of the following is best for quick copy operation?
c. data fields a. Copy and Paste
d. data records b. Windows Clipboard
118. In Word, the mailing list is known as the ___________ _. c. Drag and Drop
a. data sheet d. Auto Text
b. source 133. Which of the following is best for quick copy operation?
c. data source a. Copy and Paste
d. sheet b. Windows Clipboard
119. On the horizontal ruler, an upside down T indicates a ______ tab c. Drag and Drop
stop. d. Auto Text
a. left-aligned 134. Which of the following operations moves text from clipboard?
b. right-aligned a. Copy
c. decimal-aligned b. Paste
d. centered c. Drag and Drop
d. Cut
7 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورئیہ
135. To select a group of words, ____ _. 149. Which of the following function key activates the speller?
a. click the Group button on the Formatting toolbar a. F5
b. double-click anywhere within the group to be selected b. F7
c. drag the mouse pointer through the characters to be selected c. F9
d. right-click the first and last characters of the group to be selected d. Shift + F7
136. On which toolbar can you find Format Painter tool? 150. Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same
a. Standard toolbar formatting is required in more than one location
b. Formatting toolbar a. Auto Text
c. Drawing Toolbar b. Format Painter
d. Picture Toolbar c. Font dialog box
137. What must be used to control the layering of objects? d. None of the above
a. formatting toolbar 151. Which simplifies the process of formatting text if the same
b. picture toolbar formatting is required in more than one location?
c. drawing toolbar a. Auto Text
d. image toolbar b. Format Painter
138. Where can you find the Draw Table tool button? c. Font dialog box
a. Standard toolbar d. None of the above
b. Formatting toolbar 152. There can be many ways to insert page number in a
c. Drawing toolbar document. Which of the following lets you insert page number
d. Tables and Formatting toolbar a. Page number from Insert menu
139. Which toolbar has crop button? b. Page Setup from file menu
a. Standard toolbar c. Footnote from Insert menu
b. Formatting toolbar d. Both a & c
c. Drawing toolbar 153. The MLA style specifies that a superscript be used for a note
d. Picture Toolbar reference mark to signal an explanatory note exists either at
140. Which of the following is graphics solution for Word the bottom of the page as a(n) _.
Processors? a. footnote or at the end of the document as a startnote
a. Clipart b. headnote or at the end of the document as an endnote
b. WordArt c. footnote or at the end of the document as an endnote
c. Drop Cap d. headnote or at the end of the document as a startnote
d. All of above 154. If you need to change the typeface of a document, which menu
141. Which of the following is not of the merge process? will you choose?
a. Sort the data source records a. Edit
b. Format a main document b. View
c. Edit a data source c. Format
d. Merge the two files to print or create a new document d. Tools
142. What would you do when you want to update the data in an 155. Although it is not shown in normal view, to view a header,
embedded worksheet range? click on the menu bar and then click Header and Footer.
a. double click the worksheet range object a. View
b. right click worksheet range object & choose format object b. Edit
c. edit the data in the destination document c. Format
d. edit the data in the source document. d. Tools
143. Which command is used to establish a link between a source Do you know, you can attempt same quiz set multiple times?
document and a destination document? 156. To change margin settings, click ______ on the menu bar and
a. Tools, Link, Documents then point to the Page Setup command.
b. Tools, Link a. File
c. Edit, Link b. Edit
d. Edit, Paste Special c. Format
144. To select multiple cells, rows, or columns in a table that are d. Tools
not adjacent to one another, select the first cell and then hold 157. Which menu in MSWord can be used to change character size
down the _____ key while selecting the next cell, row, or column. and typeface?
a. alt a. View
b. shift b. Tools
c. enter c. Format
d. ctrl d. Data
145. The paragraph mark (¶) is a formatting mark that indicates 158. From which menu you can insert Header and Footer?
where the______ was pressed. a. Insert Menu
a. tab key b. View Menu
b. spacebar c. Format menu
c. enter key d. Tools Menu
d. shift key 159. What is the tool in Word that copies only the format of
146. Which of the following option in File pull down menu is used selected text so that you can apply on other text?
to close a MS Word document? a. Copy
a. Quit b. Paste
b. Close c. Format Painter
c. Exit d. Paste Special
d. New 160. Select a ______ to apply a predefined format to a Word 2007
147. Which keystroke is used for updating a field? table
a. F6 a. Table style
b. F9 b. Table format
c. F11 c. Format Style
d. F12 d. None of above
148. Pressing the _____ key instructs Word to replace an AutoText 161 ______ are types of wizards and templates in the Resume Wizard
entry name with the stored AutoText entry. dialog box.
a. f1 a. Standard, Contemporary, and Sophisticated
b. f2 b. Professional, Contemporary, and Elegant
c. f3 c. Formatted, Unformatted, and Graphic
d. f4 d. Basic, Comprehensive, and Formatted
8 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورائیہ
162. Changing the appearance of a document is called 175. Where is the quick Access Toolbar and when should you use
a. Proofing it?
b. Editing a. upper-left corner and use it for your favorite commands
c. Formatting b. floats over your text and use it when you need to make formatting
d. All of above changes
163. Which language does MS-Word use to create Macros? c. Home tab and use it when you need to quickly launch or start new
a. Visual C++ document
b. Visual Basic d. None of above
c. FoxPro 176. When you save a file as a Web page, Word converts the
d. Access contents of the document into ____ _.
164. Word stores all frames associated with a Web page in a single a. Java
file called the ___ _. b. Perl
a. authoring page c. HTML
b. text page d. Unix
c. frames page 177. By default, Word automatically formats each heading in a
d. hyperlink page table of contents as __________
165. You wished to justify text over the height of paper, which a. bookmarks
option will you choose b. cross-references
a. Page Setup from File menu c. hyperlinks
b. Paragraph from Format menu d. word-fields
c. From formatting toolbar 178. Footnotes, endnotes, and indexes are all inserted as __________
d. Font from Format menu a. bookmarks
166. If you need to hide some paragraphs, how can you do it? b. cross-references
a. From Paragraph dialog box c. hyperlinks
b. From Font dialog box d. word fields
c. From Options Dialog box 179. Which of the following is not the part of standard office suite?
d. None of above a. Word Processor
167. To display more of the document on the screen in print layout b. Database
view, the _____ can be hidden. c. Image Editor
a. white space at the top of the pages d. File manager
b. white space at the bottom of the pages 180. Ctrl + L
c. gray space between pages a. Left Align
d. all of the above b. Left Indent
168. Which of the following is Page Orientation? c. Increase Left Margin
a. Landscape d. Decrease Left Margin
b. Portrait 181. The keystrokes Ctrl + I is used to
c. Gutter a. Increase font size
d. Only A & B b. Inserts a line break
169. Which indent marker controls all the lines except first line? c. Indicate the text should be bold
a. First Line Indent Marker d. Applies italic format to selected text
b. Left Indent Marker 182. Ctrl + K
c. Hanging Indent Marker a. Insert Page Humber
d. Right Indent Marker b. Insert Hyperlink
170. Which of the following typically appear at the end of c. Insert Header
document for citation of source? d. Insert Footer
a. End notes 183. Which of the following can NOT be used to create parallel
b. Foot notes style column?
c. Header a. Format Tabs
d. Footer b. Table Insert Table
171. MS Office provides help in many ways, which of these is one of c. Insert Textbox
them? d. Format Columns
a. What is this? 184. Which of the following is used to create newspaper style
b. Office Assistant columns?
c. Help menu a. Format Tabs
d. All of the above b. Table Insert Table
172. To advance rightward from one cell to the next in a table, c. Insert Textbox
press the______ key. d. Format Columns
a. tab 185. Which menu do you choose to create footer? (in MS Office
b. backspace 2003)
c. home a. format, header and footer
d. enter b. view, footer
173. Which key deletes the character to the left of the cursor? c. insert, header and footer
a. End d. view, header and footer
b. Backspace 186. Which menu do you choose to create header? (in MS Office
c. Home 2003)
d. Delete a. format, header and footer
174. Which key deletes the character to the right of the cursor? b. view, header
a. End c. insert, header and footer
b. Backspace d. view, header and footer
c. Home 187. What happens when you insert an AutoShape by simply
d. Delete clicking in the document?
a. it appears near the insertion point
b. it is inserted in its default size
c. is selected
d. all of the above
9 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورائیہ
188. What does EXT indicator on status bar of MS Word indicate? 201. The ability to combine name and addresses with a standard
a. It indicates whether the external text is pasted on document or not document is called _________
b. It indicates whether extended add-ons are installed on MS Word a. document formatting
or not b. database management
c. It indicates whether Extended Selection mode is turned on or off c. mail merge
d. None of above d. form letters
189. What happens when you click on Insert >> Picture >> Clip Art 202. Which enables us to send the same letter to different persons?
a. It inserts a clipart picture into document a. macros
b. It lets you choose clipart to insert into document b. template
c. It opens Clip Art task pane c. mail merge
d. None of above d. none
190. What happens if you press Ctrl + Shift + F8? 203. A word processor would most likely be used to do
a. It activates extended selection a. keep an account of money spent
b. It activates the rectangular selection b. do a computer search in media center
c. It selects the paragraph on which the insertion line is. c. maintain an inventory
d. None of above d. type a biography
191. What is the use of "All Caps" feature in MS-Word? 204. What is gutter margin?
a. It changes all selected text into Capital Letter a. Margin that is added to the left margin when printing
b. It adds captions for selected Image b. Margin that is added to right margin when printing
c. It shows all the image captions c. Margin that is added to the binding side of page when printing
d. None of the above d. Margin that is added to the outside of the page when printing
192. The feature of Word that automatically adjusts the amount of 205. Which can be used for quick access to commonly used
space between certain combination of characters so that an commands and tools?
entire word looks more evenly spaced. What is that feature a. Status bar
called? b. Tool bar
a. Spacing c. Menu bar
b. Scaling d. Title bar
c. Kerning 206. Which of the following is not essential component to perform
d. Positioning a mail merge operation?
193. Gutter position can be set in following positions a. Main document
a. Left & Right b. Data source
b. Left & Top c. Merge fields
c. Left & Bottom d. Word fields
d. Left Only 207. When the Language bar is _____ , it means that you do not see it
194. The ____ indents all the lines of a paragraph except first line on the screen but it will be displayed the next time you start
a. First Line Indent Marker your computer.
b. Hanging Indent Marker a. restored
c. Left Indent Marker b. hidden
d. Right Indent Marker c. minimized
195. A document in portrait orientation prints d. closed
a. the same characters per line with the same document in landscape 208. AutoCorrect was originally designed to replace __________ words
b. More characters per line than the same document in landscape as you type.
c. Less characters per line than the same document in landscape a. short, repetitive
d. Smaller fonts in order to fit the same amount of characters per line b. grammatically incorrect
with landscape c. misspelled
196. A _____ is a formatting mark at the end of a line that moves the d. none of the above
insertion point to the beginning of the next physical line. 209. Home Key
a. paragraph break character a. Moves the cursor beginning of the document
b. nonbreaking space b. Moves the cursor beginning of the paragraph
c. line break character c. Moves the cursor beginning of the screen
d. nonbreaking hyphen d. Moves the cursor beginning of the line
197. Which option enables automatic updates in destination 210. "Ctrl + Right Arrow" is used to
documents? a. Moves the cursor one word right
a. embedding b. Moves the cursor end of the line
b. objects c. Moves the cursor end of the document
c. links d. Moves the cursor one Paragraph down
d. relationships 211. End Key
198. Which of the following position is not available for fonts on a. Moves the cursor end of the line
MS Word? b. Moves the cursor end of the document
a. Normal c. Moves the cursor end of the paragraph
b. Raised d. Moves the cursor end of the screen
c. Lowered 212. "Ctrl + PageDown" is used to
d. Centered a. Moves the cursor one Paragraph Down
199. Which corner of the Word window has the zoom control? b. Moves the cursor one Page Down
a. upper-left c. Moves the cursor one Line Down
b. upper-right d. Moves the cursor one Screen Down
c. lower-left 213. "Ctrl + Down Arrow" is used to
d. lower-right a. Moves the cursor one paragraph down
200. When you point to the______ corner of a table, the table move b. Moves the cursor one line down
handle appears. c. Moves the cursor one page down
a. upper-right d. Moves the cursor one screen down
b. lower-left 214. Page Up Key
c. lower-right a. Moves the cursor one line up
d. upper-left b. Moves the cursor one screen up
c. Moves the cursor one page up
d. Moves the cursor one paragraph up
10 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورائیہ
244. Change the ______ to create a document in wide format 257. Ctrl + C
a. Page Orientation a. Copy the selected text
b. Page margins b. Cut the selected text
c. Paper Style c. Print the selected text
d. Paper Source d. Paste the selected text
245 ______ formatting is the process of changing the way letters, 258. Ctrl + Q
numbers, punctuation marks, and symbols appear on the a. Paragraph formatting (Line Space and Paragraph Space)
screen and in print. b. Close Word Application without saving Document
a. Document c. Print Whole Document without confirmation
b. Character d. Does nothing
c. Paragraph 259. Background color or effects applied on a document is not
d. Object visible in
246. The Word Count command on the Tools menu displays the a. Web layout view
number of words as well as the number of _____ in the current b. Print Layout view
document. c. Reading View
a. lines d. Print Preview
b. characters 260. Ctrl + R
c. paragraphs a. Re-Open the last closed document
d. all of the above b. Re-Print the last printed page
247. Which operation you will perform if you need to move a block c. Re-Apply the last paragraph formatting
of text? d. Right align the selected Paragraph
a. Copy and Paste 261. When Word flags a possible spelling or grammar error, it also
b. Cut and Paste changes the mark on the Spelling and Grammar Status icon to
c. Paste and Delete a ___ _.
d. Paste and Cut a. green X
248. Ctrl + V b. green check mark
a. Paste Texts in the beginning of Document c. red X
b. Paste Images in the beginning of Document d. red check mark
c. Paste Tables at the middle of Document 262. Which of the following is not a font style?
d. None of the above a. Bold
249. The _____ , or typeface, defines the appearance and shape of b. Italics
letters, numbers, and special characters. c. Regular
a. font d. Superscript
b. font size 263. The other Col# are inactive when you’ve select 3 columns.
c. point How will you activate those boxes?
d. paragraph formatting a. double click on spacing box
250. Columns dialog box can be opened from b. double click on inactive Col#
a. Format menu Columns submenu c. Remove mark from Line between checkbox
b. Double click on column space in ruler d. Remove mark from Equal Column Width check box
c. Press Alt + O + C 264. From where you can access Save command?
d. All of above a. Home tab
251. You can detect spelling and grammar errors by b. Insert tab
a. Press Shift + F7 c. Review tab
b. Press Ctrl + F7 d. None of above
c. Press Alt+ F7 265. How can you remove tab stop markers from ruler?
d. Press F7 a. Double click the tab marker and choose Clear All
252. How can you break the current column and start a new b. Drag the tab stop marker out of the ruler
column immediately? c. Right click the tab stop marker and choose remove
a. Press Ctrl + Shift + Enter d. All of above
b. Press Alt + Enter 266. Ctrl + M
c. Press Ctrl + Enter a. New Document
d. Press Alt + Shift + Enter b. Close Document
253. How can you disable extended selection mode? c. Right Indent
a. Press F8 again to disable d. Left Indent
b. Press Del to disable 267. Which of the following is not available on the Ruler of MS
c. Press Esc to disable Word screen?
d. Press Enter to disable a. Tab stop box
254. To instruct Word to stop bulleting paragraphs, do any of the b. Left Indent
following except____ _. c. Right Indent
a. press the enter key twice d. Center Indent
b. click the Undo button on the Standard toolbar 268. In Word, the default alignment for paragraphs is ____ _.
c. press the backspace key to remove the bullet a. left-aligned, or flush margins at the left edge and uneven edges at
d. click the Bullets button on the Formatting toolbar the right edge
255. Which of these toolbars allows changing of Fonts and their b. centered, or equidistant from both the left edge and the right edge
sizes? c. right-aligned, or flush margins at the right edge and uneven edges
a. Standard at the left edge
b. Formatting d. justified, or flush margins at both the left and right edges
c. Print Preview 269. In MS Word, Ctrl+S is for …..
d. None of these a. Scenarios
256. to view headers and footers, you must switch to b. Size
a. normal view c. Save
b. print layout view d. Spelling Check
c. print preview mode 270. Ctrl + W
d. both B and C a. Save and Print the Document
b. Save and Close Word Application
c. Save and Close document
d. Without Save, Close Document
12 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورائیہ
271. The key F12 opens a 284. To use your keyboard instead of the mouse to select tools on
a. Save As dialog box the ribbon, you display the KeyTips by pressing the
b. Open dialog box _ ___________ key?
c. Save dialog box a. Alt
d. Close dialog box b. Ctrl
272. Ctrl + I c. Shift+Enter
a. Italic d. Alt+Enter
b. Left Indent 285. Press _____ to create a line break, which advances the insertion
c. Save Document point to the beginning of the next physical line – ignoring any
d. Close Document paragraph formatting instructions.
273. Ctrl + S a. shift+enter
a. Save Document with different name b. ctrl+enter
b. Save Document with same name c. shift+tab
c. Save Document and Close Word Application d. ctrl+tab
d. Save Document and Print whole Pages 286. A word field may consist of an optional field instruction called
274. If you will be displaying or printing your document on a(n) ______
another computer, you’ll want to make sure and select the a. subdocument
_ ________ option under the ‘Save’ tab. b. symbol
a. Embed Fonts c. signal
b. Embed True Type Fonts d. switch
c. Save True Type Fonts 287. Essential business letter elements include the ____ _.
d. Save Fonts a. date line and inside address
275. Ctrl + J b. message
a. Align Justify c. signature block
b. Insert Hyperlink d. all of the above
c. Search 288. Which of the following helps to reduce spelling error in the
d. Print document?
276. What is a portion of a document in which you set certain page a. Auto Format
formatting options? b. Auto Correct
a. Page c. Smart Tags
b. Document d. Auto Text
c. Section 289. It is possible to _______ a data source before performing a
d. Page Setup merge.
277. If you need to double underline a word, how will you do that? a. create
a. Go to Format menu and then Font option. Open Underline Style b. modify
and choose Double Underline c. sort
b. From Format menu choose Font option and then from Font tab d. all of the above
open Underline Style and select Double Underline 290. Word has Web authoring tools allow you to incorporate _____
c. Select the text then choose Format >> Font and on Font tab, open on Web pages.
Underline Style and choose Double Underline a. bullets
d. Click double underline tool on formatting toolbar b. hyperlinks
278. How can you apply exactly the same formatting you did to c. sounds
another text? d. all of the above
a. Copy the text and paste in new location. Then type the new text 291. When typing in Preeti font all the Ukars turn to something
again. else? What's the cause?
b. Copy the text and click on Paste Special tool on new place a. Autotext
c. Select the text then click on Format Painter and select the new text b. Autocorrect
d. All of above c. Speller
279. Which of the following is not one of the three ‘Mail Merge d. Preeti font does not work with Word
Helper’ steps? 292. Which of the following commands should you always use
a. merge the two files before submitting a document to others?
b. create the main document a. find command
c. set the mailing list parameters b. Replace command
d. create the data source c. Spelling and Grammar
280. To select a block of text, click at the beginning of the selection, d. Thesaurus
scroll to the end of the selection, position the mouse pointer at 293. What is placed to the left of horizontal scroll bar
the end of the selection, hold down the _____ key, and then click a. Tab stop buttons
(or drag through the text). b. View buttons
a. ctrl c. Split buttons
b. alt d. Indicators
c. shift 294. Insert Date, Format Page Number, and Insert AutoText are
d. tab buttons on the _____ toolbar.
281. What is the shortcut-key for manual line break? a. Formatting
a. CTRL + Enter b. Header and Footer
b. Alt + Enter c. Standard
c. Shift + Enter d. Edit
d. Space + Enter 295. Which of the following do you use to change margins?
282. Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MS- a. formatting toolbar
Word? b. page setup dialog box
a. Down Cursor Key c. Standard toolbar
b. Enter Key d. paragraph dialog box
c. Shift + Enter 296. In order to email a Word document from withing MS Word
d. Ctrl + Enter a. Office button >> Send to >> Mail Recipient
283. What is the shortcut key to display field codes? b. Save the file as an email attachment
a. Alt + F9 c. Start Outlook and attach the file while open in Word
b. Ctrl + F9 d. This is an impossible operation
c. Shift + F9
d. Space + F9
13 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورائیہ
297. A screen element of MS Word that is usually located below the 310. Which tab in Font dialog box contain options to apply font
title bar that provides categorized options is effects?
a. Menu mar a. Font tab
b. Tool Bar b. Character Spacing
c. Status Bar c. Text Effects
d. All of the above d. Standard Toolbar
298. In Word 2007 the Zoom is placed on 311. To save an existing document with a different file name, click
a. View tab _____.
b. Home tab a. the Save button on the Standard toolbar
c. Status bar b. Save on the File menu
d. A & C both c. the Save As button on the Standard toolbar
299. The _____ is a short horizontal line indicating the conclusion of d. Save As on the File menu
a document. 312. When you point to a text entry in the Office Clipboard gallery
a. insertion point in the Clipboard task pane,____ _.
b. end mark a. the first several characters of text in the item display as a
c. status indicator ScreenTip
d. scroll box b. the text entry is deleted from the Office Clipboard gallery
300. Small squares, called_____ , on the selection rectangle that c. the text entry is pasted into the document at the location of the
surrounds a graphic can be used to change the dimensions of insertion point
the graphic. d. all of the above
a. scroll boxes 313. What happens if you mark on Hidden check box of Font dialog
b. sizing handles box after you select some text?
c. status indicators a. The text is deleted from document and you need to bring from
d. move handles Recycle Bin if required again.
301. A _____ is not attached to an edge of the Word window; that is, b. The text is hidden and you need to bring it by removing the check
it displays in the middle of the Word window and can be moved box if needed again
anywhere in the window. c. The text is deleted and cannot be returned back
a. floating toolbar d. The text is hidden and cannot be returned back
b. scroll bar 314. Which is true when you insert an excel worksheet into a word
c. status toolbar document?
d. menu bar a. word is the destination document
302. Which of the following best describes the contents of a mail b. excel is the destination document
merge main document? c. the worksheet is the destination document
a. Information that is unique for every form letter created d. the document is the source document
b. Information that is same for every form letter created 315. Which of the following provides a list ofx synonyms?
c. Styles and fonts for the data source a. Find command
d. None of above b. Replace Command
303. A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is c. Thesaurus
known as d. Spelling and Grammar
a. outlined 316. The _____ is a special toolbar that displays a series of names,
b. raised each of which represents a list of commands that can be used
c. superscript to perform tasks.
d. subscript a. scroll bar
304. The shortcut keys for the _____ character formatting are ctrl+ b. status bar
shift+ plus sign. c. title bar
a. case of letters d. menu bar
b. underline words, not spaces 317. Dropcap means
c. superscript a. All Caps
d. all capital letters b. Small Caps
305. Using Find command in Word, we can search? c. Title case
a. characters d. None of above
b. formats 318. Press the enter key in all of the following circumstances
c. symbols except ____ _.
d. All of the above a. to insert a blank line into a document
306. Thesaurus tool in MS Word is used for b. when the insertion point reaches the right margin
a. Spelling suggestions c. to begin a new paragraph
b. Grammar options d. in response to certain Word commands
c. Synonyms and Antonyms words 319. Why Drop Caps are used in document?
d. All of above a. To drop all the capital letters
307. Which of the following can be used to divide a web page into b. To automatically begin each paragraph with capital letter
areas? c. To begin a paragraph with a large dropped initial capital letter
a. frames d. None of above
b. theme 320. In MS-Word, for what does ruler help?
c. table of contents a. to set tabs
d. none of the above b. to set indents
308. The ribbon in Word 2007 consists of a series of c. to change page margins
a. Gates d. All of the above
b. Smaller ribbons 321. What is the purpose of inserting header and footer in
c. Tabs document?
d. Icons a. to enhance the overall appearance of the document
309. Borders can be applied to b. to mark the starting and ending of page
a. cells c. to make large document more readable
b. paragraph d. to allow page headers and footers appear on document when
c. text printed
d. All of above
14 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورائیہ
322. A bookmark is an item or location in document that you 334. When using the MLA style, position explanatory notes either
identify as a name for future reference. Which of the following at the ____ _.
task is accomplish by using bookmarks? a. top of the page as head notes or at the end of the paper as
a. to add anchors in web page endnotes
b. to mark the ending of a paragraph of document b. bottom of the page as footnotes or at the end of the paper as
c. to quickly jump to specific location in document endnotes
d. to add hyperlinks in webpage c. top of the page as head notes or at the beginning of the paper as
323. What is the use of bookmarks in Microsoft Word? front notes
a. To easily correct the spelling errors d. bottom of the page as footnotes or at the beginning of the paper
b. To quickly jump to a specific location in the document as front notes
c. To quickly jump to the ending of the document 335. If you want to keep track of different editions of a document
d. To create a link within the document which features will you use?
324. What is the use of Document Map? a. Editions
a. to quickly format the document b. Versions
b. to quickly print required page c. Track Change
c. to quickly navigate the document d. All of above
d. to quickly correct spelling mistakes 336. Which feature is used for monitoring all document changes?
325. Which bar is usually located below that Title Bar that a. Edit Document
provides categorized options? b. Monitor Change
a. Menu bar c. Track Change
b. Status Bar d. Track all
c. Tool bar 337. Which of the following line spacing is invalid?
d. Scroll bar a. Single
326. The formats defined by _____ include character formatting, b. Double
such as the font and font size; paragraph formatting, such as c. Triple
line spacing and text alignment; table formatting; and list d. Multiple
formatting. 338. How many margins sare there on a page?
a. options a. Two (header and footer)
b. styles b. Four (top, bottom, right and left)
c. toolbars c. Two (landscape and portrait)
d. tabs d. Four (center, top, left and bottom)
327. To get to the ‘Symbol’ dialog box, click on the ____ menu and 339. Which of the following is correct regarding Underline in MS-
choose ‘Symbol’. Word?
a. Insert a. Color of Underline can be change
b. Format b. Style of Underline can be change
c. Tools c. Underline can be set using by shortcut key
d. Table d. All of the above
328. To insert a drop cap in one of the paragraph you should 340. On the works cited page, list works by each author’s last name
access and _____ the title of the work.
a. Insert Menu a. italicize or underline
b. Format b. boldface or italicize
c. Tools c. underline or boldface
d. None of above d. enlarge or underline
329. To set an exception to an AutoCorrect rule, click ______ on the 341. Ctrl + U
menu bar and then click AutoCorrect Options to display the a. Undelete the previously deleted text
AutoCorrect dialog box. b. Undo the last changes
a. Format c. Underline the document name
b. Edit d. Underline the selected text
c. Tools 342. When a hyperlink is created, Word formats the Web address
d. View as ____ _.
330. How do you magnify your document? a. italicized and colored red
a. View, Zoom b. italicized and colored blue
b. Format, Font c. underlined and colored red
c. Tools, Options d. underlined and colored blue
d. Tools, Customize 343. What is the name of the feature that will allow you to take a
331. Which would you choose to list Synonyms & Antonyms of a step backward if you've made a mistake?
selected word? a. Redo
a. Tools, Spelling & Grammar b. Cancel
b. Tools, Language c. Undo
c. Tools, Options d. Backspace
d. Insert, Cross-reference 344. To read through a document you may
332. Which would you choose to display the statistics about a a. Use the arrow key
document? b. Dragging the scroll box on the scroll bar
a. tools, word count c. Use your ENTER key to go down line by line
b. insert, statistics d. Only A & B
c. tools, spelling and grammar 345. Which of the following can you change using the page setup
d. tools, statistics dialog box?
333. Which is an Office feature that makes it easy to edit embedded a. margins
objects? b. page orientation
a. pasting c. vertical alignment
b. visual editing d. all of the above
c. tools, update, links 346. The header and footer command are located on the _____ tab
d. edit, links a. Home
b. Insert
c. View
d. Header
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15 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورائیہ
347. The column command is located on the __ tab. 355. The______ on the right side of the menu bar lets users type
a. Insert free-form questions, such as how do I save, or terms,
b. Home such as copy, and Word responds by displaying a list of
c. View topics related to the word or phrase entered.
d. Page Layout a. Type a question for help box
348. Using the ribbon where should you go to activate the b. Question Mark button
ruler on your document? c. What’s this? command
a. View >> toolbars d. Index sheet
b. File >> Open 356. Selecting text means, selecting?
c. View >> Ruler a. a word
d. Insert >> Reference b. an entire sentence
349. Which menu do you choose to shade words and paragraph? c. whole document
a. format, borders and shading d. any of the above
b. insert, borders and shading 357. Which of the following is the latest version of MS Word?
c. view, shading a. Word 2000
d. none of the above b. Word 2007
350. Suppose you wanted to create an AutoCorrect entry c. Word 2010
that would type the words ‘We regret to inform you that your d. Word 2011
submission has been declined’ Of the following choices, which 358. Bold, Italic, Regular are known as
would be the best name you could assign to this entry? a. font styles
a. regret b. font effects
b. subdecl c. word art
c. We regret to inform you that your submission has been declined d. text effects
d. 11 359. Shimmer, Sparkle text, Blinking Background etc. are known
351. Before creating a master document, you must switch to _________ as
a. Normal View a. font styles
b. Outline View b. font effects
c. Web Layout View c. word art
d. Print Layout View d. text effects
352. Before moving a subdocument to another location 360. Superscript, subscript, outline, emboss, engrave are known
within a master document, you must switch to _________ as
a. Normal View a. font styles
b. Outline View b. font effects
c. Web Layout View c. word art
d. Print Layout View d. text effects
353. Which of the following can be used to navigate documents? 361. The main elements of the _ are the insertion point, end
a. frames mark, mouse pointer, rulers, scroll bars, and status bar.
b. hyperlinks a. Word toolbar
c. web toolbar b. Formatting toolbar
d. all of the above c. Word document window
354. Which of the following symbol sets would be most likely d. Graphics toolbar
to contain a mathematical symbol such as a degree sign, greater 362. MS-Word automatically moves the text to the
than or equal to, or a Greek letter? next line when it reaches the right edge of the screen and
a. Wingdings is called?
b. Wingdings 3 a. Carriage Return
c. Webdings b. Enter
d. Symbol c. Word Wrap
d. None of the above
363. Which of the following statement is false?
a. You can set different header footer for even and odd pages
b. You can set different page number formats for different sections
c. You can set different header footer for first page of a section
d. You can set different header and footer for last page of a section
16 0131 66 11 301 سفیان احمد گورائیہ
1-B 2-A 3-C 4- B 5-A 6-B 7-B 8-C 9-B 10 - B
11 - B 12 - D 13 - D 14 - C 15 - C 16 - A 17 - B 18 - D 19 - C 20 - B
21 - A 22 - D 23 - B 24 - A 25 - A 26 - A 27 - B 28 - C 29 - D 30 - A
31 - D 32 - B 33 - A 34 - A 35 - B 36 - B 37 - D 38 - B 39 - B 40 - A
41 - C 42 - D 43 - A 44 - C 45 - A 46 - B 47 - A 48 - D 49 - C 50 - D
51 - C 52 - C 53 - B 54 - D 55 - A 56 - C 57 - C 58 - C 59 - C 60 - C
61 - C 62 - A 63 - B 64 - C 65 - A 66 - A 67 - C 68 - C 69 - B 70 - A
71 - A 72 - D 73 - D 74 - C 75 - C 76 - C 77 - B 78 - B 79 - D 80 - D
81 - D 82 - C 83 - D 84 - C 85 - D 86 - D 87 - B 88 - D 89 - C 90 - a
91 - A 92 - C 93 - B 94 - A 95 - A 96 - B 97 - C 98 - C 99 - D 100 - A
101 - C 102 - A 103 - D 104 - C 105 - C 106 - C 107 - d 108 - d 109 - B 110 - C
111 - C 112 - D 113 - B 114 - C 115 - C 116 - C 117 - A 118 - C 119 - D 120 - C
121 - B 122 - B 123 - A 124 - C 125 - B 126 - B 127 - C 128 - A 129 - B 130 - B
131 - B 132 - C 133 - C 134 - B 135 - C 136 - A 137 - C 138 - D 139 - D 140 - A
141 - A 142 - A 143 - D 144 - d 145 - C 146 - B 147 - B 148 - C 149 - B 150 - B
151 - B 152 - A 153 - C 154 - C 155 - A 156 - A 157 - C 158 - B 159 - C 160 - A
161 - B 162 - C 163 - B 164 - C 165 - A 166 - B 167 - D 168 - D 169 - C 170 - A
171 - D 172 - a 173 - B 174 - D 175 - A 176 - C 177 - C 178 - D 179 - D 180 - A
181 - D 182 - B 183 - D 184 - D 185 - D 186 - D 187 - D 188 - C 189 - C 190 - B
191 - A 192 - C 193 - B 194 - B 195 - C 196 - C 197 - C 198 - D 199 - D 200 - D
201 - C 202 - C 203 - D 204 - C 205 - B 206 - D 207 - B 208 - C 209 - D 210 - A
211 - A 212 - B 213 - A 214 - B 215 - B 216 - C 217 - A 218 - D 219 - A 220 - B
221 - D 222 - A 223 - C 224 - D 225 - D 226 - B 227 - B 228 - C 229 - C 230 - C
231 - A 232 - A 233 - D 234 - A 235 - A 236 - B 237 - A 238 - B 239 - A 240 - A
241 - C 242 - C 243 - D 244 - A 245 - B 246 - D 247 - B 248 - D 249 - A 250 - D
251 - D 252 - A 253 - C 254 - B 255 - B 256 - D 257 - A 258 - A 259 - D 260 - D
261 - C 262 - D 263 - D 264 - D 265 - B 266 - D 267 - D 268 - A 269 - C 270 - C
271 - A 272 - A 273 - B 274 - B 275 - A 276 - C 277 - C 278 - C 279 - C 280 - c
281 - C 282 - B 283 - A 284 - A 285 - a 286 - D 287 - D 288 - B 289 - D 290 - D
291 - B 292 - C 293 - B 294 - B 295 - B 296 - A 297 - A 298 - D 299 - B 300 - B
301 - A 302 - B 303 - C 304 - C 305 - D 306 - C 307 - A 308 - C 309 - D 310 - A
311 - D 312 - A 313 - B 314 - A 315 - C 316 - D 317 - D 318 - B 319 - C 320 - D
321 - D 322 - C 323 - B 324 - C 325 - A 326 - B 327 - A 328 - B 329 - C 330 - A
331 - B 332 - A 333 - B 334 - B 335 - B 336 - C 337 - C 338 - B 339 - D 340 - A
341 - D 342 - D 343 - C 344 - D 345 - D 346 - B 347 - D 348 - C 349 - A 350 - B
351 - B 352 - B 353 - B 354 - D 355 - A 356 - D 357 - C 358 - A 359 - D 360 - B
361 - C 362 - C 363 - D