*Corresponding Author:
Dr. Abhishek Singh
Abstract: Etiological factors leading to hyperbilirubinemia vary among different geographic regions. The present study
was planned to study the pattern, causes, risk factors, treatment and outcome of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia in a tertiary
care setup from northern India. A retrospective cohort of jaundiced neonates seeking care for their illness at this tertiary
care centre during formed the study population. All treated cases of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia were analyzed and data
on gender, gestation age, mode of delivery, blood group incompatibility, sepsis, parity and birth weight were obtained.
The commonest cause of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia was physiological jaundice (41.04%). Mean bilirubin values for
pathological cases (18.11± 5.54 mg/dl) were higher than physiological jaundice (12.06 ± 3.59 mg/dl). Top three causes of
pathological hyperbilirubinemia were ABO incompatibility (32.55%), Rh incompatibility (11.79%) and breast feeding
(6.13%). Mean age of presentation with jaundice was three days. Majority (48.58%) of the cases had their total bilirubin
levels equal to or below 15mg/dl. Almost all the neonates showed improvement with phototherapy and exchange
transfusion. Hyperbilirubinemia is a commonly encountered problem in our NICUs. ABO and Rh incompatibility are
mainly responsible for pathological jaundice. Phototherapy is found to be a safe and cost-effective way to manage
neonatal jaundice.
Keywords: Neonatal, hyperbilirubinemia, pathological, physiological, phototherapy
Majority (48.58%) of the cases had their total comprising the physiological cases of
bilirubin levels equal to or below 15mg/dl mainly hyperbilirubinemia (Table 2).
Almost all the neonates showed improvement exposure until improvement. Exchange transfusion was
with phototherapy and exchange transfusion. Sixteen given only in six severe cases of jaundice due to ABO
physiologically jaundiced neonates improved without incompatibility (Table 3).
any active treatment. They were advised daily sun