CT20234204705_BGC_Form (1)
CT20234204705_BGC_Form (1)
CT20234204705_BGC_Form (1)
Basic Details
Nationality : India
Email ID : nehagoud46564@gmail.com
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TCS Confidential
Academic Details
Course Name Duration Duration Course University/Institute Board Of Major Subject CGPA/Marks Total Percentage
Graduate BACHELOR OF 01/12/2020 30/06/2024 Full Time Gokaraju Rangaraju ELECTRONICS & 8.02 10.0 76.19
Technology, Hyderabad
XII STANDARD XII 01/06/2019 30/04/2020 Full Time Sri Chaitanya Junior State Board OTHERS 956.0 1000.0 95.6
/ H.S.C. College
X SSC 10/06/2017 30/04/2018 Full Time Jeevadan High School State Board OTHERS 9.7 10.0 97.0
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TCS Confidential
Security Details
Are you involved in any pending and / or closed Civil / Criminal / case / proceedings / charges / enquiry prior to joining No
Are you involved in any pending and / or closed Disciplinary / malpractices and / or any other charges / proceedings / No
enquiry / case pending against me in any University or any other educational authority / institution prior to joining TCS.
''If the answer to any of the above mentioned question is YES give full particulars of the case / arrest /detention / fine
/conviction / sentence / punishment etc. and / or the nature of the case pending in the Court / University / Educational
authority etc. at the time of filling this form.''
Reference Details
Company/Institute Name: Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute Of Engineering And Technology
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TCS Confidential
In connection with my application to render services to Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (the Company), I hereby agree as follows:
I certify that the information furnished in this form as well as in all other forms filled-in by me in conjunction with my employment is factually correct and subject to
I accept that an appointment given to me on this basis can be revoked and/or terminated without any notice at any time in future if any information has been found to be
false, misleading, and deliberately omitted/suppressed. As a condition of Company's consideration of my application for employment with the Company, I hereby give my
consent to the Company to investigate or cause to be investigated through any third parties my personal, educational and pre or post-employment history. I understand
that the background investigation will include, but not be limited to, verification of all information given by me to the Company. I confirm that the Company is entitled to
share such investigation report with its clients to the extent necessary in connection with the Services, which I may be required to provide to such clients. I confirm and
undertake that the Company shall incur no liability or obligation of any nature whatsoever resulting from such investigation or sharing of the investigation results as
above.I certify that I am at present in sound mental and physical condition to undertake employment with TCS. I also declare that there is no criminal case filed against
me or pending against me or I am involved in any case in any Court of law in India or abroad and no restrictions are placed on my travelling anywhere in India or abroad
I hereby declare and undertake thatI shall not resort to any unethical, unfair practices to augment my chances of selection with TCS by adopting unlawful means directly
and / or indirectly within and outside TCS and shall strictly adhere to the selection process made applicable by TCS.
My candidature for employment in the Company is liable to be rejected in the event it comes to the knowledge of TCS that I have resorted to unethical, unfair practices to
augment my chances of selection with TCS.I am fully aware that TCS is an equal opportunity employer and the decision of TCS to hire me is solely will be made on my
credentials duly validated and on the assessment of my capability to perform a role for which I am interviewed by TCS.
Date: 26/10/2024
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