10. How is the motor end plate different from other parts of the sarcolemma?
The region of the sarcolemma opposite the synaptic end bulbs, called the
motor end plate is the muscle fiber part of the NMJ. Within each motor end
plate consist of 30 million to 40 million acetylcholine receptors, integral
transmembrane proteins to which ACh specifically binds. The motor
endplate is the only specific part of the sarcolemma that contains
acetylcholine (ACH) receptors and helps form the neuromuscular junction
(the region of the muscle cell where a motor neuron stimulates the cell to
11. Which ATP-producing reactions are aerobic and which are anaerobic?
The ATP- producing reactions includes from Creatine phosphate, which is an
aerobic cellular respiration that formed from ATP while the muscle is
relaxed, transfers a high-energy phosphate group to ADP, forming ATP,
during muscle contraction. The Breakdown of muscle glycogen into glucose
and production of pyruvic acid from glucose via glycolysis produces both
ATP and lactic acid. This requires no oxygen, so this is an anaerobic
pathway. Within mitochondria, pyruvic acid, fatty acids, and amino acids are
used to produce ATP via aerobic cellular respiration, an oxygen-requiring set
of reactions.
14. Why is the term recovery oxygen uptake more accurate than oxygen debt?
Recovery oxygen uptake is a better term than oxygen debt for the elevated
use of oxygen after exercise. First reason is, the elevated body temperature
after strenuous exercise increases the rate of chemical reactions throughout
the body. Faster reactions use ATP more rapidly, and more oxygen is needed
to produce the ATP. Second, the heart and the muscles used in breathing
are still working harder than they were at rest, and thus they consume more
ATP. Third, tissue repair processes are occurring at an increased pace.
15. How are the sizes of motor units related to the degree of muscular control
they allow?
Whole muscles that control precise movements consist of many small motor
units. Because all the muscle fibers of a motor unit contract and relax
together, the total strength of a contraction depends, in part, on the size of
the motor units and the number that are activated at a given time. For
instance, muscles of the larynx (voice box) that control voice production has
as few as two or three muscle fibers per motor unit, and muscles controlling
eye movements may have 10 to 20 muscle fibers per motor unit. In contrast,
skeletal muscles responsible for large-scale and powerful movements, such
as the biceps brachii muscle in the arm and the gastrocnemius muscle in
the calf of the leg, have as many as 2000 to 3000 muscle fibers in some
motor units.
19. Demonstrate an isotonic contraction. How does it feel? What do you think
causes the physical discomfort you are experiencing?
My muscles feel slightly warmed and stretched after executing isotonic
contractions. My muscles are heavily contracted. This, I believe, is due to the
force and tension that exists within my muscles.
20. Why are some skeletal muscle fibers classified as “fast” and others are
said to be “slow”?
-Skeletal muscle fibers contract and relax at different speeds, and vary in
which metabolic reactions they use to generate ATP and in how quickly they fatigue
(fast or slow).
21. In what order are the various types of skeletal muscle fibers recruited
when you sprint to make it to the bus stop?
The sequence of skeletal muscle fibers recruited when we sprint to make it
to thebus stop is the following:
Slow Oxidative Fast Oxidative–Glycolytic Fast glycolitic fibers
23. What are the similarities among and differences between skeletal and
cardiac muscle?
Cardiac muscle fibers feature the same actin and myosin arrangements as
skeletal muscle fibers, as well as the same bands, zones, and Z discs.
Intercalated discs, on the other hand, are found only in cardiac muscle
fibers. These tiny structures are irregular sarcolemma transverse
thickenings that connect the ends of cardiac muscle fibers to one another.
24. What are the differences between visceral and multiunit smooth muscle?
Visceral smooth muscle fibers connect to one another by gap junctions and
contract as a single unit while multiunit smooth muscle fibers lack gap
junctions and contract independently.
25. How are skeletal and smooth muscle similar? How do they differ?
The principles of contraction are identical in skeletal and smooth muscle.
Smooth muscle fiber contraction, on the other hand, begins slowly and lasts
far longer than skeletal muscle fiber contraction. Another distinction is that
smooth muscle has a greater ability to shorten and stretch than other
muscle types.
26. Which type of muscular tissue has the highest capacity for regeneration?
Smooth muscle tissue has significantly stronger regeneration abilities than
the other two forms of muscle tissue.
29. Why do you think a healthy 30-year-old can lift a 25-lb load much more
comfortably than an 80-year-old?
- Skeletal muscle mass is gradually lost as people age, and it is replaced by
fibrous connective tissue and fat. Muscular limitation occurs as you become older;
you'll have less muscle movement and become restricted with time. As you become
older, your lean body mass decreases, limiting your ability to handle big burdens.
When you are younger, you have more muscular mass and strength than when you
are older. Younger bones are stronger and less prone to osteoporosis.
14. Match the following (some questions will have more than one answer):
2 (a) has fibers joined by intercalated discs (1)skeletal muscle
3 (b) thick and thin filaments are not arranged (2)cardiac muscle
as orderly sarcomeres (3) smooth muscle
1 (c) uses satellite cells to repair damaged
muscle fibers
1&2 (d) striated
3 (e) contraction begins slowly but lasts for
long periods
2 (f) has an extended contraction due to prolonged
calcium delivery from both the sarcoplasmic
reticulum and the interstitial fluid
1 (g) does not exhibit autorhythmicity
3 (h) uses pericytes to repair damaged muscle fibers
1&2 (i) uses troponin as a regulatory protein
3 (j) can be classified as single-unit or multiunit
3 (k) can be autorhythmic
2&3 (l) uses calmodulin as a regulatory protein
1. Weight lifter Jamal has been practicing many hours a day and his muscles
have gotten noticeably bigger. He tells you that his muscle cells are
―multiplying like crazy and making him get stronger and stronger.‖ Do you
believe his explanation? Why or why not?
Answer: No, I don't believe Jamal's statement because it's only his opinion
without any scientific backing. To begin with, mature skeletal muscle fibers
do not undergo mitosis. Following birth, muscle cells lose their ability to
divide. As a result, the increase in size is attributed to growth of existing
muscle fibers rather than an increase in the number of muscle cells
(hypertrophy). Forceful, repetitive muscle exertion might cause this
hypertrophy. It will stimulate the muscle fibers to develop more internal
structures like mitochondria and myofibrils, as well as increase the diameter
of the muscle fibers.
2. Chicken breasts are composed of ―white meat‖ while chicken legs are
composed of ―dark meat.‖ The breasts and legs of migrating ducks are dark
meat. The breasts of both chickens and ducks are used in flying. How can
you explain the differences in the color of the meat (muscles)? How are they
adapted for their particular functions?
Answer: The "dark meat" of both chickens and ducks is composed primarily
of slow oxidatiSO) muscle fibers. These fibers contain large amounts of
myoglobin and capve (illaries, which accounts for their dark color. In
addition, these fibers contain large numbers of mitochondria and generate
ATP by aerobic respiration. SO fibers are resistant to fatigue and can
produce sustained contractions for many hours. The legs of chickens and
ducks are used for support, walking, and swimming (in ducks), all activities
in which endurance is needed. In addition, migrating ducks require SO
fibers in their breasts to enable them to have enough energy to fly for
extremely long distances while migrating. There may be some fast oxidative-
glycolytic (FOG) fibers in the dark meat. FOG fibers also contain large
amounts of myoglobin and capillaries, contributing to the dark color. They
can use aerobic or anaerobic cellular respiration to generate ATP and have
high-to-moderate resistance to fatigue. These fibers would be good for the
occasional "sprint" that ducks and chickens undergo to escape dangerous
situations. In contrast, the white meat of a chicken breast is composed
primarily of fast glycolytic (FG) fibers. FG fibers have lower amounts of
myoglobin and capillaries that give the meat its white color. There are also
few mitochondria in FG fibers, so these fibers generate ATP mainly by
glycolysis. These fibers contract strongly and quickly and are adapted for
intense anaerobic movements of short duration. Chickens occasionally use
their breasts for flying extremely short distances, usually to escape prey or
perceived danger, so FG fibers are appropriate for their breast muscle.
3. Polio is a disease caused by a virus that can attack the somatic motor neurons
in the central nervous system. Individuals who suffer from polio can develop
muscle weakness and atrophy. In a certain percentage of cases, the individuals
may die due to respiratory paralysis. Relate your knowledge of how muscle fibers
function to the symptoms exhibited by infected individuals.
Answer: As what I’ve learned from the book, the lack of stimulation to the skeletal
muscles will occur from the destruction of somatic motor neurons to skeletal
muscle fibers. Muscle tone begins to deteriorate when it is not stimulated on a
regular basis. Muscle fibers degenerate, shrink in size, and can be replaced by
fibrous connective tissue as a result of lack of use, leading in denervation atrophy.
Because motor neurons do not stimulate the breathing muscles (particularly the
diaphragm), the breathing muscles become unable to contract, resulting in
respiratory paralysis and possibly death from respiratory failure.