Saddle systems for stay cables are at the moment one a consequence of the sensible savings of material provided
of the preferred solutions in the field of cable-stayed bridge in the pylon erection. As a matter of fact, the absence of
design across the world, and this trend seems to increase day anchorages at pylon level allows the designer to reduce the
by day. overall dimension of the tower, making it more slender
A stay cable saddle system allows the bundle of tensile and, as a consequence, architecturally elegant and graceful.
elements to run continuously from one anchorage to the other, On the other hand, a stay cable saddle is a complex
both at deck level, without using a terminal anchorage at structural system whose correct behavior is, in many cases,
pylon level. This provides a remarkable reduction in the overall intrinsically nonlinear and strictly dependent on a proper
dimensions of the pylon and, as a consequence, material savings detailing of all its components. Moreover, inspectability,
as well as aesthetically pleasing architectural shapes. maintenance, and replaceability of the stay cable system
The most advanced systems currently available for can be more complicated when saddles are present.
parallel strand stay cable systems are multi-tube friction A careful design of the saddle and an accurate instal-
saddles, where each single strand runs into an individual tube lation procedure are the two main keywords for a safe
and the stay cable differential force is transferred by friction. behavior of the cable-stayed bridge.
The structural behavior of a specific saddle device is a very
complex topic involving many mutually dependent aspects. DESIGN HINTS
The development and validation of saddle systems is usually In general terms, a stay cable saddle is a structural
performed in design assisted by testing, a procedure which is device that allows continuous deviation of the tensile
making its way in the civil construction field. elements from the deck through the tower and back to
An extended testing campaign has been performed the deck, as well as transferring the stay cable force into
to investigate the saddle behavior. Tests have been the pylon. The most advanced systems available by now
carried out, taking into account current developments of are multi-tube saddles, where each single strand runs into
international recommendations, such as PTI DC45.1-12 an individual pipe and the differential stay cable force—
and fib Bulletin 30. Friction, fatigue, and static behavior that is, the difference between the forces acting at saddle
have been assessed through full-scale tests executed in the ends—is resisted by friction.
Structural Laboratory of Politecnico di Milano (Italy). The first key point to be considered when designing
This paper describes the results of these tests and the main a saddle is of course its geometry, which in many cases is
design considerations that follow. dictated by the configuration chosen for stay cables. It is
clear that the stress level in the cable is strictly influenced
INTRODUCTION by the saddle. In other words, the uniform tensile stress
Multi-tube saddle systems have become usual distribution produced by permanent and live loads over
solutions in cable-stayed and extradosed bridges, mainly as the stay cable cross section is locally disturbed by bending
stresses induced by the geometrical curved configuration
PTI JOURNAL, V. 14, No. 1, October 2018. Received and reviewed under of the saddle. Such bending stress distribution is difficult
Institute journal publication policies. Copyright ©2018, Post-Tensioning Institute.
All rights reserved, including the making of copies unless permission is obtained
to be properly predicted due to the intrinsically nonlinear
from the Post-Tensioning Institute. Pertinent discussion will be published in the interaction among wires. Many formulas are available
next issue of PTI JOURNAL if received within 3 months of the publication. in literature to compute the bending stress developing
PTI JOURNAL | October 2018 17
in a curved rope. However, different formulas often lead to duced formulas is summed up in the following table. It can
completely different stress values, which are in many cases very be seen that, regardless of the approach used, the bending
high with respect to what is observed on actual stay cables. stress is often not negligible (Table 1).
The maximum bending stress in a bent rope can be The accurate estimate of the maximum bending stress
computed assuming the same behavior of a beam to which in a strand is a complex topic out of the scope of this paper.
a curvature is imposed. Let E, d, and D be the elastic It is worth noting that bending stresses may dramatically
modulus of the material, the diameter of the rope, and affect the behavior of a bent stay cable and, therefore, must
the diameter of the curve, respectively. Thus, the so-called always be taken into account.
Reuleaux’s formula is obtained Secondly, interaction between strand and pipe may
produce fretting fatigue phenomena, leading to significant
d damage of the strand and even breakage. Proper saddle
σb = E (1) detailing must be carried out to avoid any unintentional
contact, which may lead to sudden and brittle failure of the
Equation (1) provides the maximum bending stress The design of a multi-tube saddle must investigate all
inside a rope or a strand under the assumption of perfect of the main aspects characterizing its response, which can
interaction between wires composing the rope or the strand. be summed up as follows:
However, this behavior is only valid when stresses are small. 1. Mechanical performance:
For increasing bending stress, the external wires may slip a. Transfer of differential stay cable forces (by
and the bending stress reduces abruptly. friction in a multi-tube friction saddle);
In the specific case of spirally coiled wires, Timosh- b. Fatigue strength; and
enko’s formula provides the bending stress as a function of c. Static efficiency.
the strand lay angle α. 2. Functional performance:
a. Corrosion protection; and
d 2 cos α b. Replaceability.
σb = E (2) Friction influences the force transmission from the
D 2 + ν cos2 α
stay cable to the pylon and may remarkably affect the
saddle device’s structural efficiency. As a rule of thumb,
In literature, plenty of formulas have been proposed to the higher the friction, the greater the horizontal load that
correct the first one, taking into account the actual working the saddle can transfer to the pylon. Thus, the friction
condition of a rope. For instance, Bach’s formula, used for coefficient developing at the interface between strands and
ropes, introduces an effective elastic modulus E0 = 3/8E. pipes becomes an important design parameter required by
designers to control the maximum unbalanced load acting
3 d upon the deck.
σb = E (3) The differential force transferred by the cable shall
8 D
then go from the saddle to the pylon. To this purpose,
shear connectors (studs or plates) are usually used to
Carstarphen’s formula modifies the previous formula improve the stress transfer to concrete, which otherwise
using an effective elastic modulus equal to E0 = 0.44E. would just rely on bond.
The width of the saddle should be designed in such a
d way that pressure transmitted to the underlying concrete in
σ b = 0.44 E (4) the most severe load combination would be small enough
to avoid any concrete failure.
(Fig. 1). The inner surface of each tube is covered with a and the loading condition. Taking into account all of
special high-friction compound. the actual inclinations that a stay cable can have on a
To assess the behavior of the TSS-T saddle system, bridge, the friction coefficient was measured on saddles
a wide testing campaign was developed over a period with deviation angles ranging between 30 and 150 degrees
of almost 3 years. Most of the tests were carried out at (Fig. 2 and 3).
the Structural Engineering Laboratory of Politecnico Stay cables were subjected to different initial loads
di Milano, following recommendations described smaller than 50%GUTS, which is the maximum design
previously and introducing additional improvements in working load of the stay cable. To properly evaluate
testing protocols. the effect of the actual force in the cable, friction was
Friction tests were performed over several TSS-T measured on the same saddle for several load levels (20%,
saddle systems, varying both the geometrical configuration 25%, 30%, and 35%GUTS).
As expected, tests proved that neither the saddle
deviation angle nor the stay cable initial tension significantly
affect friction and provided friction coefficients ranging
between 0.35 and 0.42, with an average value equal of 0.40.
To further analyze the saddle capacity, a full-scale
tensile fatigue and static test was performed over a seven-
strand saddle system (Fig. 4 and 5).
To this purpose, a 10-ton steel frame was designed,
manufactured, and assembled in the laboratory to resist
all of the loads expected for the test, with the stay cable
Fig. 1—TENSA multi-tube saddle system TSS-T. configuration as close as possible to the one actually
adopted on site. Expensive and dedicated equipment was
Fig. 2—Setup for friction test over a multi-tube saddle with remark- Fig. 3—Setup for friction test over a multi-tube saddle with small
able deviation angle. deviation angle.
During dismantling, two strand failures were Tommaso Ciccone is TENSA Technical Director for
detected. The first one was located at saddle exit, post-tensioning and stay cable systems. He has 17 years
where the resisting cross section of the strand was of experience in the field and he is an active member of
reduced due to fatigue wire break. The other failure PTI Committees DC-45, Cable-Stayed Bridge; M-50,
was recorded in the deviation length of the stay cable, Multistrand Tendon; and CRT-70, PT System Qualifica-
close to the deviation system. No evidence of damage tion Testing and Certification Committee. He is also an
of the saddle system and anchorages was detected— active member of fib TG5.5, cable-supported structures.
just some negligible steel powder was observed He received his MS in civil structural engineering from the
on several strands due to an incipient fretting Politecnico of Milan (Italy) and an Executive Master in
fatigue phenomenon. Business Administration (MBA) from MIP – Politecnico
The testing campaign provided a widespread and of Milan (Italy).
complete insight into the structural and functional Andrea Castiglioni di Caronno is a Project Engineer in the
behavior of multi-tube saddles, accounting for several Technical Department of TENSA, where he has worked
working conditions. Particularly, the TSS-T saddle on stay cable system and post-tensioning system develop-
system matched all the existing recommendations ment, design, and testing, with a major focus on multi-tube
requirements—that is, providing a structural perfor- saddle system analysis and validation. He received his BS
mance equivalent to what is expected for a traditional and MS in civil structural engineering from Politecnico of
stay-cable system, and gave up satisfactory responses for Milan (Italy) in 2015. He is also a member of fib.
the conditions not fully described and detailed in the
current recommendations.
A wide and expensive testing campaign was carried
out during the last 3 years to develop performing multi-
tube saddle systems for stay cables, able to fulfill all Share Valuable
the requirements introduced by the main International
Recommendations. Tests provided a lot of important
Industry Knowledge
and satisfactory results, which gave a complete and
clear view of the structural behavior of these devices. Gain recognition and share your case studies,
The TENSA multi-tube saddle system proved to be research, innovations, and expertise with the
adequate to withstand all of the severe loading conditions post-tensioning industry. Submit a session
required by testing, providing at the same time enough presentation for upcoming PTI Conventions.
friction to avoid any strand slippage and, also, ensuring a
suitable level of strand corrosion protection as required E-mail
during testing by fib Bulletin 30 and PTI DC45.1-12. The for more information.
good results obtained in all the performed tests provided
good confidence in the use of multi-tube saddle systems
within cable-stayed bridges.
1. PTI DC45.1-12, “Recommendations for Stay
Cable Design, Testing, and Installation,” Post-Tensioning
Institute, Farmington Hills, MI, 2012.
2. fib Bulletin 30, “Acceptance of stay cable systems
using prestressing steels,” International Federation for
Structural Concrete (fib), 2005.
3. EN 1993-1-11, “Design of steel structures; Part
1-11: Design of structures with tension components,”
CEN, 2006.
PTI JOURNAL | October 2018 23