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Property Investment
The Foothills Estate,
Armidale NSW 2350
Transfield Avenue, Edgeworth,
Newcastle NSW 2285
Acquisitions Checklist....................................................................................................................3
Acquisition Manager................................................................................................................... 4
Investment Snapshot.....................................................................................................................5
Property Overview..........................................................................................................................7
Introduction................................................................................................................................. 8
Key investment indicators.......................................................................................................... 8
Price List....................................................................................................................................... 9
Finance Summary.....................................................................................................................10
Rental Assurance Program .....................................................................................................13
Property Pictures..........................................................................................................................14
Floor plan...................................................................................................................................15
Stage Plan...................................................................................................................................16
Master plan ...............................................................................................................................17
Satellite map..............................................................................................................................18
Property Expectations..............................................................................................................19
Rental Appraisal........................................................................................................................20
Comparable sales .....................................................................................................................22
Research & articles...................................................................................................................23
How to Finance the Deal..........................................................................................................27
Approval and Construction Timeframes ...............................................................................28
Expression Of Interest (EOI)........................................................................................................29
Positive Real Estate Pty Ltd does not provide advice on investments. All interested parties must
rely on their own research before making any investment decision and should seek advice from a
qualified Financial Planner or similar professional.
The information contained within this document has As part of your due-diligence, it is the Purchaser’s
been compiled from various sources to assist you in responsibility to seek a legal opinion of the contract and any
conducting your due-diligence. Please ensure you validate additional terms or clauses. You must adhere to the terms,
all information contained within this document. All sources conditions and subject clauses contained within the contract
for information contained within this Property Summary will of sale. We note that Positive Real Estate Pty Ltd has made a
be disclosed at your request. Positive Real Estate Pty Ltd will number of assumptions when preparing this analysis – these
not accept responsibility for inaccurate information provided assumptions have a material impact on the financials and
from external sources or third parties. therefore should be assessed carefully by investors.
Acquisitions Checklist
This is what we do so you don’t have to:
Population base and growth ü Armidale: 22,484
Average annual growth of 5.44%
Infrastructure spending next 5 years ü $1.2b+
Total lots and current stage ü 12
Land Contract
Checked by solicitor to ensure standard terms as below ü
21 days finance for land and build ü
21 days settlement following finance approval ü
$2,000 initial deposit with balance 10% at finance approval ü
Sunset clause negotiated 6 months
PRE Acquisitions have met the builder ü
Builder has built projects successfully for PRE before ü
Build Contract
Standard Contract Terms ü
Fixed price contract ü
Build period negotiated 20 weeks
Liquidated damages equal to weekly rent ü
Turnkey includes
ü A/C in master bedroom and living area ü blinds and flyscreens ü fencing ü strata preparation
ü dishwasher ü turf and basic landscaping ü headworks charges û body corporate setup
Type Of Property
Custom Build
The following page details the key indicators of the property’s outlined in this report, which allows you to make an educated decision when
purchasing. From prices to rents to growth figures, the facts are examined for you. It is important to note that financials are done using
estimation calculators and further assistance on this topic may be required from your Property Consultant (PC).
SCORE 9.0/10
Rental Projections
Purchase Price $601,600 Yr 1 Pre-tax Cashflow +$153
Note: Completed on 100% finance. For more financial information see property financial details. Buyers please be aware that all information has been collected
by third parties and buyers need to conduct their own further due diligence on all aspects suggested within this report.
Demographics The population of Armidale in 2006 was 21,451 people. By 2011 the population was 22,484
showing a population growth of 4% in the area during that time. The predominant age
group in Armidale is 15-24 years. Households in Armidale are primarily couples with
children and are likely to be repaying between $1,000 - $1,400 per month on mortgage
Infrastructure Great economic expansion marked by $12 million legal precinct and Courthouse, the $60
million Centro Shopping Centre, $50 million rebranding of Kmart Plaza, etc.
Suburb Yield And Yield Variation 5.55% vs 6.4% with subject property
Supply And Demand Increasing demand in line with economic growth. Subsequent increasing supply to cater
for demand.
Location Map
abundance of parks and recreational The custom build duplexes are turnkey 8 minutes to Armidale CBD
facilities available to the community. and include everything required for
12 minutes to Armidale Airport
Many of the Heritage National Parks your tenant to move in on completion
Both private and public hospitals,
within the region offer fantastic walking such as A/C to the master bedroom
trails. Armidale has a number of and living areas, flyscreens and blinds, schools and shopping within 10
sporting team both competitive and turf and basic landscaping, fencing, minutes drive
social. The University of New England council headworks charges and strata
The Armidale economy is a strong
facilitates individual and team sports preparation. On completion the
weekly. duplexes will present very well and economy that has experienced
This rural oasis may feel like a world have a high level of finishes including steady growth.
away, but it is just minutes from Caesar stone kitchen & bathroom
Armidale will grow by some 6,500
schools, shops and other town bench-tops, stainless steel kitchen
people by 2031 at an annual rate
conveniences. Armidale is part of the appliances including dishwasher,
New England Health network and down-lighting throughout and partial of 1.1 per cent, or 25.8 per cent
there are a number of local facilities: external render for brick surfaces. overall.
Armidale Public Hospital, Armidale
Private Hosipital, Faulkner Street
Medical Centre, and Marsh Street
Medical Centre are all only 10 minutes
away from the estate. Also there are 5
shopping malls in very close proximity
to The Foothills, and many more.
201 Duplex 6 4 2 210 29.4 43.9 284 886 $155,000 $446,600 $601,600 Low Set
202 Duplex 6 4 2 210 29.4 43.9 284 947.5 $158,000 $446,600 $604,600 Low Set
10 Year Forecast
Description 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
Capital Growth & Property Value
Capital Growth – 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%
Value Added – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Renovations – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Property Market Value 601,600 619,648 638,237 657,384 677,106 697,419 718,342 739,892 762,089 784,952 808,501
Rental Income
Gross Rental Income – 38,760 39,000 38,480 39,624 40,820 42,068 43,316 44,616 45,968 47,372
Gross Rental Yield – 6.4% 6.5% 6.4% 6.6% 6.8% 7.0% 7.2% 7.4% 7.6% 7.9%
Net Rental Yield – 5.1% 5.1% 5.0% 5.2% 5.3% 5.5% 5.6% 5.8% 6.0% 6.2%
Annual Expenses
Loan Interest Rates – 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5% 5%
Loan Interest Payments – 24,064 24,064 24,064 24,064 24,064 24,064 24,064 24,064 24,064 24,064
Principal Repayments – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Property Expenses – 8,061 8,229 8,340 8,590 8,849 9,115 9,387 9,669 9,960 10,262
Additional Expenses – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest on Equity Funds Used – 6,482 6,482 6,482 6,482 6,482 6,482 6,482 6,482 6,482 6,482
Interest on LOC Funds Used – 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Annual Expenses – 38,607 38,775 38,887 39,136 39,395 39,662 39,934 40,216 40,507 40,808
Capital Expenses Annual Income & Expenses Tax & Market Factors
Property Value 10 Year Variable Rental Income NRAS applies Property Specifications
Description Amount Year Average PW Wks Vacant Rent PA Description Specification
Market Value at Year 2015 601,600 Year 1 760 1 38,760 Purchase Price 601,600
Purchase Price 601,600 Year 2 750 0 39,000 Nearest City Sydney
Value vs Purchase 0% 0 Year 3 740 0 38,480 Standard of Finish Medium
Year 4 762 0 39,624 Property Type House
Due Diligence Costs Year 5 785 0 40,820 Construction Date 2015
Description Fund Amount Year 6 809 0 42,068
Building Inspection Cash 0 Year 7 833 0 43,316 Estimated Depreciation Schedule
Pest Inspection Cash 0 Year 8 858 0 44,616 Year Amount
Other Cash 0 Year 9 884 0 45,968 Year 1 16,000
Other Cash 0 Year 10 911 0 47,372 Year 2 12,000
Total 0 Year 3 11,000
Annual Property Expenses Year 4 10,000
Settlement Costs Description Amount Year 5 9,000
Description Fund Amount Rates 2,500 Year 6 9,000
Deposit 20% Equity 120,320 Land Tax 0 Year 7 8,000
Stamp Duty Equity 4,228 Building Insurance 1,000 Year 8 8,000
Legal Fees Equity 2,000 Body Corporate 0 Year 9 8,000
Vacancy Buffer Equity 2,000 Repairs & Maintenance 0 Year 10 8,000
Total 128,548 Cleaning 0
Service Contracts 0 10 Year Average Capital Growth
Loan Establishment Costs Garden and Lawn Maintenance 0 Description Amount
Description Fund Amount Letting Fee 760 Average Annual Capital Growth 3%
Set up Fees Equity 300 Landlord insurance 700
LMI Equity 500 Other 0 Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Valuation Fees Equity 300 Property Management Fee % 8% Description Amount
Other Cash 0 10 Year Average 3%
Total 1,100 Additional Annual Expenses
Year Fund Amount Annual Income
Improvements Year 1 Cash 0 Investor Ownership Amount Tax Bracket
Year Fund Amount Value Added Year 2 Cash 0 Investor 1 100% 100,000 37%
Year 1 Cash 0 0 Year 3 Cash 0 Investor 2 0% 0 0%
Year 2 Cash 0 0 Year 4 Cash 0
Year 3 Cash 0 0 Year 5 Cash 0
Year 4 Cash 0 0 Year 6 Cash 0
Year 5 Cash 0 0 Year 7 Cash 0
Year 6 Cash 0 0 Year 8 Cash 0
Year 7 Cash 0 0 Year 9 Cash 0
Year 8 Cash 0 0 Year 10 Cash 0
Year 9 Cash 0 0
Year 10 Cash 0 0 Loan Details
Total 0 0 Description Amount
Value Add Margin 0% 0 Loan Type Interest Only
Loan Term (Years) 25
Selling Costs Loan Amount 481,280
Description Amount Loan to Value Ratio (LVR) 80.0%
Agent Selling Commission % 0%
Advertising 0 10 Year Average Interest Rate
Legal Fees 0 Description Loan Equity LOC
Other 0 Rate % 5% 5% 0%
Other 0
Line of Credit
Year Limit Drawdown Balance
Year 1 0 0 0
Year 2 0 0 0
Year 3 0 0 0
Year 4 0 0 0
Year 5 0 0 0
Year 6 0 0 0
Year 7 0 0 0
Year 8 0 0 0
Year 9 0 0 0
Year 10 0 0 0
Total 0 0
• 100% borrowing
As part of the Positive Real Estate service, we would like to 5. Paid in Arrears – claims will not be processed until the
give you extra piece mind. Our team works hard every day expiration of the 8th week of vacancy or 14 days after
to find the best possible property opportunities in upcoming tenancy secured, whichever occurs first.
growth markets, so you can gain capital growth and make a
profit. Criteria
1. Positive Real Estate preferred Property Manager must
We are confident that the properties we provide will be be engaged at least 2 weeks prior to settlement.
successfully rented, however, there will always be ups 2. Best endeavours demonstrated to advertise and
and downs in the real estate market. To provide you with proactively locate a tenant (as assessed by Positive Real
additional security, we would like to introduce the Rental Estate audit of Property Manager).
Assurance Program. If, after the settlement of your property, 3. Property maintained to the highest standard to attract
it is vacant for four weeks or more, we will cover the rent tenancy.
at market value from week five, up to a maximum of four 4. Consultation with Positive Real Estate when any offer is
weeks of rent. made in relation to tenancy.
5. Either your Property Consultant or Mentoring Coach
We reassess day-to-day on how we can make a difference in must be contacted if and when the property reaches its
your property journey and how we can go that extra mile to 3rd week of vacancy, which will allow us to make any
help you reach your financial freedom. necessary changes to the letting campaign.
Conditions: Exclusions
1. Positive Real Estate will determine Fair Market Rent at 1. No payment will be made if independent Property
time of settlement. Vacancy period paid from weeks 5 – Manager is appointed.
8 inclusive. 2. Advertised rental must be ‘fair market rent’ or Rental
2. Pro-Rata payment if tenanted during weeks 5 – 8 (e.g. Assurance will not apply.
vacant for Week 5 only, then one week’s rent will be
The Rental Assurance will be organised with PRE via your
3. No shortfall of rent paid; it will be between the Property
coach or Property Consultant.
Investment Report rent amount and actual market rent
at settlement.
4. For duplex, dual income or small development deals, if
one dwelling is rented within weeks 1-4 the assurance
program is not applicable to any vacancy for the second
dwelling. Full assurance benefits are applicable for both
dwellings if both are vacant beyond 4 weeks.
Strategic projects
1. EOI submitted with a $2,000 holding deposit to the real 6. You can now order a valuation for mortgage purposes
estate agent (this comes off your 10% land deposit). and endeavour to obtain formal finance approval within
Deposit accounts detailed in EOI your 21 days finance period. A valuation for the bank will
be organized through your broker
2. Land Contract issued within 7 days
7. Ascertain formal finance approval, unconditional
3. Build Contract sent to you within 7 days exchange on balance 10% (minus $2,000 for your initial
holding deposit) deposit for land and 5% of building
4. Submit your finance application for BOTH land and build
contract. Bank accounts can be supplied to you by your
ASAP using your build contract and land contract front
8. For your building contract you need to also send a letter
5. Build Contract and land contract signed and returned
of finance approval to the builder.
within 48 hours of receiving them – conditional
exchange! 9. Settle on the land 21 days following registration of titles.
Please note the type of loan you require for the Building Contract is a “construction loan”.
The Expression of Interest is a formal ‘offer to buy’ a property. It will clearly set out the property
description, price and terms of sale.
The EOI will also contain certain information such as your broker and/or solicitor contact details.
It may also contain a s47 Disclosure regarding fees and charges.
This is not a binding contract – the deposit is completely refundable should a buyer choose to
not proceed with the purchase.
Positively geared — this occurs when Reserve price — the minimum Vendor — the seller.
the investment income exceeds your amount a seller will accept at an
Vendor’s terms — refers to instances
interest expense (and other possible auction.
when a property owner is prepared to
deductions). For example, the rent you
Sold under the hammer — this offer buyer finance or other assistance,
receive may be $1000 a month, but the
means a property that goes to auction such as staged payments to assist with
monthly repayments are only $750 a
sells at the auction. the purchase of the property (also
month. You can also receive additional
known as wrapping).
tax benefits on any income derived
from a positively geared investment. Serviceability — whether or not
you can manage your mortgage Yield — the return by an investor on
PPOR or PPR — principal place of payments, based on your income and an investment, shown as a percentage
residence. expenses. of the amount invested.