Students Absenteeism and Its Implication to Academic Performance (2) (1)
Students Absenteeism and Its Implication to Academic Performance (2) (1)
Students Absenteeism and Its Implication to Academic Performance (2) (1)
This undergraduate research entitled “STUENDTS ABSENTEISM AND ITS
by Jhon Jason D. Era, Edzmar S. Pilin, Amran B. Muttaal, Kenneth Throy N.
Sagukom, Danny Boy M. Aday, Angelic Loreane V. Bonbon, Mary Jessille B.
Bersabal, Micah Jaryza S. Asgali in partial compliance of the requirements
Research has been examined and recommended for approval.
Research Teacher
Research Teacher
Date: ______________
Any project like this is always a team effort. Theres is no way the researchers could pay
back the many people who have encouraged and assisted the researchers in their continuing quest
to make meetings more effective, in doing so, the researchers would like to extend their gratitude
and overwhelmed appreciation to the following person who have extend their assistance in making
Ms. Marecel C. Lucero their dear adviser for her untiring effort, support, and guidance in
Ms. Pairuja Sali, their mentor, for his encouraging advice to pursue this research study.
Our parents, for giving us inspirational courage. And financial support to do this research
Our great creator, the Almighty God for giving us strength and wisdom.
The Researchers
This research aims to delve into the multifaceted issue of student absenteeism at Rio Tuba
National High School (RTNHS) and explore its underlying causes and potential implications on
academic performance and overall student well-being. The study employs a mixed-methods
research design, incorporating both qualitative and quantitative data collection methods to provide
The research begins with an extensive literature review to contextualize the study within
the broader educational landscape, highlighting the various factors influencing student attendance
patterns. Subsequently, surveys and interviews will be conducted with students, teachers, and
parents to gather insights into the specific circumstances contributing to absenteeism at RTNHS.
Attendance records and academic performance data will also be analyzed to identify any
correlations or patterns.
The findings of this research will contribute to the development of targeted interventions
and strategies aimed at addressing the root causes of absenteeism in the school setting.
Additionally, the study seeks to shed light on the potential consequences of frequent student
absences, such as lower academic achievement and increased likelihood of disengagement from
school activities.
aspires to inform educational policymakers, school administrators, and other stakeholders about
environment. Ultimately, the goal is to enhance the overall educational experience for students at
Rio Tuba National High School and contribute valuable insights to the broader discourse on
as a foundation for personal growth and societal progress. However, one persistent challenge faced
and intentional non-attendance of students at school, can have detrimental effects on academic
attendance is crucial for the effective delivery of educational content, understanding of concepts,
and successful completion of coursework. Investigating the reasons behind increased absenteeism
at Rio Tuba National High School will enable the identification of potential barriers to academic
Rio Tuba National High School, located in Rio Tuba Bataraza Palawan, has experienced a
noticeable increase in student absenteeism in recent years. This trend raises concerns about the
factors contributing to this issue and its potential consequences on the overall educational
understand the root causes and implications of student absenteeism in Rio Tuba National High
Education is not only about acquiring knowledge but also fostering social skills and
relationships. Regular school attendance facilitates interaction with peers and educators,
contributing to the overall social development of students. A rise in absenteeism may signal
underlying social challenges or disengagement that need attention. A thorough investigation will
help uncover these factors and allow for the development of strategies to enhance the social
employment. Chronic absenteeism can hinder students' chances of pursuing further education or
entering the workforce successfully. Investigating the reasons behind absenteeism will allow the
school to implement targeted interventions to ensure that students are equipped with the necessary
measures and support systems. By conducting a comprehensive investigation, Rio Tuba National
High School can develop tailored interventions to address specific challenges faced by students,
whether they be personal, familial, or community related. This approach can contribute to a more
The primary problem addressed in this research is the escalating rate of student absenteeism
at Rio Tuba National High School. This phenomenon is characterized by a consistent pattern of
students intentionally missing classes without valid reasons. The consequences of absenteeism
extend beyond the immediate academic impact, affecting students' cognitive development,
1. How does student absenteeism affect the academic performance of students at Rio Tuba
3. What further measures can be implemented to mitigate the negative impact of student
4. How does the frequency and duration of student absences correlate with academic
achievement, including grades and standardized test scores, at Rio Tuba National High
students. This study will consider the students at Rio Tuba National High School for the school
year 2023-2024. The researcher will give surveys students about the topic. The survey will
determine the cause and effects of absenteeism to the academic performance of the student.
Definition of Terms
ABSENTEEISM- In this study it refers to the habit of staying away from school without
OPPORTUNITIES- In this study it refers to the chances for academic success and
LEARNERS- in this study it refers to the individuals engaged in the process of acquiring
ATTENDANCE- In this study it refers to the act of being present, regularly, or punctually,
POTENTIAL BARRIERS - In this study it refers to the obstacles or challenges that may
Absenteeism was an individual and unplanned action in the 1950s and 60s, it has turned
into an organized and planned group action since the 2000s, and group absenteeism constitutes
approximately 70-80% of absenteeism cases. Students who move away from social and cultural
life due to absenteeism and cannot recognize their peers may also be deprived of the desired gains
of informal education in school. While students interact with each other in the group they form
with their peers, they become social by learning to help, solidarity, cooperation, obey the rules,
and adopt the values of the group.
Hence, students who receive fewer hours of instruction during the school year are
disadvantaged in their learning, receive lower grades, perform more poorly on exams, and are more
likely to drop out after compulsory schooling (Morrissey et al., 2014).
The present study aims to advance our understanding of the association between school
absenteeism and students’ educational outcomes. Specifically, we investigate whether different
reasons for absenteeism (truancy, sickness, exceptional domestic circumstances, and family
holidays) vary in their association with students’ results in high-stakes examinations at the end of
secondary schooling—a stage of schooling for which more research on absenteeism is needed
(Kirksey, 2019)
Students frequently absent from school may also feel less integrated into their class and
struggle to participate in classroom activities and interactions with peers and teachers, which is
harmful to their learning (Korpershoek et al., 2020). While missing out on school, peer interactions
and directed learning and instruction are crucial for understanding negative associations between
school absence and academic achievement, it is also important to consider why students are absent
from school. Investigating specific reasons for absenteeism may help us understand whether other
mechanisms are at play in accounting for these negative associations.
On the one hand, sickness absence may be less negatively associated with students’ academic
achievement than other absenteeism forms. First, pupils who have been involuntarily sick may be
motivated to make up for the lost time and put more effort into engaging with missed lesson
content. Second, teachers and parents may be more willing to support students in catching up on
lesson content if students missed lessons due to authorized reasons such as sickness. On the other
hand, sickness absences may signal underlying health conditions, including mental health
problems that have a long-term impact on learning and achievement. Evidence shows that sickness
absences are associated with more doctor visits and unauthorized absences (Pijl et al., 2021),
Research Design
The study was designed to the researchers will employ the Quantitative method and
descriptive design to determine the student’s absenteeism and its implication to academic
performance. this method will gather data about varying subjects and is undertaken when the
investigator probing or exploring the areas where little is known about research problem also the
benchmarking will employ to collect, analyze and summarize students absenteeism and its
implication to academic performance thus the descriptive quantitative research design which is a
quantitative research method attempts to collect quantifiable information for statistical analysis of
the population sample. This data aims to know why we should conduct this study it allows
Target population is all the students at Senior high school of Rio tuba Nation High School
The researchers use quantitative research method using Likert scale was used in order to
All of the questions are close ended which are 15 in numbers. Time limit for filling the
questionnaire is 5-10 minutes. Further, researcher was collected the secondary data.
from article, books, website, and magazines.
The researchers use Co-relational study design and data is gathered by “random sampling”.
Both male and female students at Senior high School. Age 18 or above will be selected to fill the
The students of other grade level of RTNHS are excluded. There are two variables
Data Analysis
The data of this research were gathered and collected based on the descriptive survey form
approach. We, the researchers, created the survey composing of suitable questions. This included
the process of conducting and gathering data needed in the said research study.
Research Instrument/Questionnaire
TITLE: Students Absenteeism and Its Implication to Academic Performance
STATEMENT 5 4 3 2 1
1. Difficulty in understanding academic material leads to student
2. Lack of connection between classroom learning and real-life
application affects student attendance.
3. High workload or academic pressure leads to student absenteeism.
4. Lack of relevance or interest in the curriculum affects student
5. Inadequate teacher support or guidance contributes to student
• Once a week
• Twice a week
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PISA 2015 Results (Volume II) : Policies and Practices for Successful Schools | PISA | OECD iLibrary (oecd-