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Bess Rfp Final Version

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Guzar 300 MW Solar 75 MW / 75 MWh BESS

IPP in Uzbekistan

RFP for Technical Advisory Services

A. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 3
B. Project Description ................................................................................................................................... 3
C. Scope of services ...................................................................................................................................... 6
C.1. Basic Engineering ........................................................................................................................ 6
C.2. Design Optimization .................................................................................................................. 11
D. Delivery Timeline .................................................................................................................................. 11
E. Pricing Matrix......................................................................................................................................... 11
Appendix 1. Available Information ............................................................................................................. 12

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On 29th November 2023, Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company - Masdar (“Sponsor”), through the project
company “Nur Kashkadarya Solar PV" FE LLC, entered into a Public-Private Partnership Agreement (the
“PPPA”) with JSC National Electric Grid of Uzbekistan (“NEGU” or “Offtaker”) to design, build, finance,
own, operate, maintain, and decommission or transfer a 300 MWac solar photovoltaic power plant and
associated facilities (the “PV Plant”), a 75 MWh / 75 MW battery energy storage system and associated
facilities (the “BESS Plant”) and a 35/220kV step-up substation (the “Plant Substation”) and to construct
and transfer an associated grid connection transmission line and the extension of Guzar substation (the
“Electrical Interconnection Facilities”). The Project is located at a site nearby the city of Guzar,
Uzbekistan (the Site”). The distance from Site to Shahrisabz by road is approximately 55km and about
10km to Guzar.

Project site is in Guzar district of the Kashkadarya region.

Figure 1: Project Location

The geographical coordinates for the Project are presented in Table 1 below.
Project Geographical Coordinates
Guzar 38.68N; 66.37E
Table 1: Project Coordinates
The Site had to be relocated due to the existing Guzar - Kamashi underground gas pipeline. An overlay of
Original and New Sites is shown in Figure 2. The Original Site is shown in Figure 3 below and the New
Site is shown in Figure 4 below. Figure 5 shows the overall ESIA area overlapped with the New Site. The
existing underground gas pipeline is represented in yellow colour in all figures. The Sponsor requires
Service Provider’s assistance to identify the best areas within the New Site and the ESIA to develop the
Despite the Site relocation, the location for the construction of 220kV GIS Switchgear with 2-line bays with
two main and transfer schemes in the existing Guzar substation remains unchanged. New 220 kV cells will

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need to be built, taking into account an extension to a reserve location on the north-west side of the existing
Guzar substation, which is currently being used as a warehouse.
The transmission line route between Plant Substation and existing Guzar substation switches from East side
of Guzar substation to West side. The transmission line has an approximate total length of almost 1600
meters, which is a combined 700 meters OHTL and 900 meters underground cable. This transmission line
starts as an overhead line at Plant Substation, which allows the gas pipeline to be crossed through the air.
Before crossing the existing 500 kV overhead lines (about 60 meters to the existing overhead lines), at point
3-1, the transmission line transitions to an underground cable and connects to the existing Guzar substation
in the northwest. This scheme does not require disconnecting existing lines to connect the proposed route.
The access road to the Site is located on the northeastern side of the existing Guzar substation and connects
the existing asphalt road to the Site. It is currently a dirt road with an approximate length of 1700 meters.
This road crosses an underground gas main pipeline. The access road should be arranged in such a way as
to allow a constant flow of traffic. The connection of the access road to the existing local road network
should comply with the relevant rules and regulations in force in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Additional surveys (geotechnical survey, topographical survey, hydrometeorological study and pull out
tests) were carried out by the Sponsor for the New Site. A site visit report assessing the condition of primary
and secondary equipment at the existing Guzar substation and a routing report for the transmission line are
also available. Appendix 1 lists the available information.

Figure 2: Overlay of New and Original Sites

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Figure 3: Original Site

Figure 4: New Site

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Figure 5: ESIA Area with the New Site overlapped

The Service Provider shall quote each item of the Base Scope and Extra Scope independently and as a
standalone service. The Service Provider is required to provide individual quotes for all line items.
The Service Provider shall keep all information which the Sponsor discloses to the Service Provider strictly
confidential. The Service Provider shall provide its professional services in exclusivity to the Sponsor, in
relation to the Project, until the scope is successfully executed.

C.1. Basic Engineering

C.1.1 Base Scope
Sponsor requires the Service Provider to follow the below design guidelines as Base Case:

Parameter Unit Value

802 (if New Site)
Available Area ha
1,161 (if ESIA Area)
PV Plant
General Configuration
Maximum Export Power MWac 300
Total DC Installed Capacity MWp 330

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Total Inverter Capacity @DT MVA Service Provider to determine
Design Temperature (DT) °C Service Provider to determine
Modules per string - Service Provider to determine
Pitch m 7.1
Plant Step-Up Substation after HV/MV
Delivery Point -
PV Module
Manufacturer - DAS Solar
Model - DAS-DH144NA-XXX
Parameters - 575Wp (50%) and 580Wp (50%)
Mounting Structure
Manufacturer - Arctech Solar or Trina Solar
Model - SkyLine or Vanguard-1P
Configuration - Single Axis Tracker 1P
Height - 1.8 meter above ground
Foundation - Service Provider to determine
Robotic Cleaning System - Service Provider to determine
Manufacturer - Sungrow
Model - SG320HX
Configuration - String
BESS Plant
General Configuration
Option 1: Narada
BESS Integrator -
Option 2: Shanghai Electric
Storage Capacity MWh/MW 75 / 75
DC Installed Capacity MWh As per Technical Proposals
BESS Block Composition - 4 battery containers and 1 MV Station
1 m between battery containers
Distances for BESS Blocks - 3 m between battery containers and MV Station
3 m between different BESS Blocks
Distance from BESS Plant to
buildings (including the Substation
- At least 30.5 m
Building, the O&M Building and
any temporary building)
EPC BoS related losses

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Substation HV/MV transformers - Service Provider to determine
MV cabling from Substation MV
- Service Provider to determine
busbar to MV Station
DC cabling from PCS to battery
- Service Provider to determine
Plant Step-Up Substation
As per Sponsor SLD subject to Service Provider’s
Configuration -
comments and optimizations
2 transformers each rated at 190 MVA with 17%
PV Plant HV/MV Trafos. -
impedance and an OLTC range of ±12 x 1.25%
1 transformer rated at 90 MVA with 15% impedance
BESS Plant HV/MV Trafos. -
and an OLTC range of ±10 x 1.25%
Transmission Line
Overhead Transmission Line - As per Routing Report
Underground Transmission Line - As per Routing Report
Guzar Substation Extension
Configuration - Sponsor to share at a later stage
Roads (for both PV Plant and BESS Plant)
Type A: Site Access Road (i.e. Asphalted dual carriage access roads, 6.0m wide
from public road to Site entrance) and on both sides 2.00 m hard shoulders
Type B: Road from main gate to Asphalted dual carriage access roads, 6.0m wide
substation building access and on both sides 0.5 m hard shoulders
Compacted/Gravel/Crushed stone road minimum
4.0 m wide, 0.5 m shoulders on both sides if such
Type C: Perimeter Roads -
perimeter road are used for access to inverter
station. If not, then 0.5 m shoulder is not required
Compacted/Gravel/Crushed stone road minimum
Type D: Internal Roads -
4.0 m wide, 0.5 m shoulders on both sides
Type E: Plant Substation roads Asphalted minimum 4.0 m wide, 0.5 m shoulders
(i.e., inside the substation) on both sides
PV Plant
O&M Building - For 40 people
Warehouse m2 600
Gatehouse - -
BESS Plant
O&M Building - For 15 people
Warehouse - -
Construction Facilities

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Laydown Area - Service Provider to determine
Temporary Site Offices Area - Service Provider to determine

The Service Provider shall develop the basic engineering and deliver the following documents, layouts,
drawings and diagrams based on the design guidelines for the Base Case above. Deliverables are required
for the New Site, ESIA Area or both of them, as applicable. All documentation delivered will be in English.
Drawings shall be provided in both DWG and PDF versions.
No. Discipline Description Site
1 Civil Plant Substation and Narada BESS Plant Layout N/A
2 Civil Plant Substation and Shanghai Electric BESS Plant Layout N/A
3 Civil Slope Heat Map Both
4 Civil Site Levelling and Grading Both
5 Civil Tracker Foundation Calculation Both
6 Civil Tracker Foundation Drawing Both
7 Civil Tracker Foundation Distribution Map Both
8 Civil Flood Mitigation Arrangement Both
9 Civil Drainage System Layout Both
10 Electrical BESS Plant Cable Sizing and Loss Calculation (Narada) N/A
11 Electrical BESS Plant Cable Sizing and Loss Calculation (Shanghai Electric) N/A
12 Electrical PV Plant Cable Sizing and Loss Calculation Both
13 Electrical Plant Substation Optimization Report Both
14 Electrical Plant Substation Optimized SLD Both
15 General General Layout (identifying best areas for development) Both
16 General Design Basis Report (including any basic calculations) Both
17 General Bill of Quantities (with quantities and costs) Both
18 General PVsyst Report Both

The Bill of Quantities (BoQ) prepared by the Service Provider shall be detailed and include list of elements
of the BOQ, unitary price and total number of units for each element of the list as measured from the
drawings. The format shall be approved by Sponsor.
The Service Provider shall also follow the following design principles to carry out the basic engineering.
In case that the Service Provider has not considered the below principles, then the basic engineering will
be reproduced considering the below at no cost for the Sponsor:

• Power block according to the Sponsor’s selection of inverter and inverter block.

• DC design shall consider the minimum cost and the lowest losses.

• Switchgear grouping concept needs to be optimised.

• Suitability and feasibility of tracker foundations based on soil investigation report.

• For general layout preparation, any equipment installation shall be placed on the best areas
available based on the outcome of the Site Levelling and Grading, Tracker Foundation Distribution
Map and Cable Sizing and Loss Calculations. Unused areas shall remain undeveloped (i.e., no cut
and fill) and this shall be consider in the BoQ.

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• Earthworks taking into account slope for tracker and automatic robotic cleaning system
o Clearing and grubbing (m2), cut (m3) and fill (m3). For filling, excavated soil or external
soil from borrow pit to be specified. Gatch material required for filling if required to be
specified separately. Presence of this material inside the Site based on geotechnical report
needs to be recommended by the Service Provider.
o Soil compaction / dynamic compaction if required, needs to be highlighted.
o Presence of existing structures, trees, transmission line, etc. needs to be highlighted.
o Ground improvement related requirements and technical support if required.
o Natural watershed & geomorphological characteristics need to be considered for levelling
& grading philosophy.
o Note: In case the grading volume is high, then grading needs to be derived using another
type of mounting structure also

• For slope heat map: 0-7%, 7-10%, 10-14%, 14-20% and >20% to be considered

• Plant drainage philosophy developed based on existing watershed and geomorphological

characteristics considering existing surveys. Scouring or erosion potential need to be studied and
mitigation measures to be proposed. Causeway and culverts to be considered. Special requirement
such as bund/dyke (slope stability analysis) if required to be highlighted. Length, cross sectional
details and BoQ for each type to be provided.

• Module mounting structure foundation and associated calculation. Based on available studies,
Technical Advisor will recommend tracker foundation depths considering below mentioned
scenarios and types using L Pile analysis with manual calculation using Brinch Hansen Method or
Broms Method. Service Provider will provide tracker foundation distribution map so best area for
development can be considered.
% of each type of Foundation
Direct Ramming %
Predrilling followed by ramming %
Concrete Foundation (Pile Foundation) %
RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) Foundation %
Any other Foundation Type %

Embedment depth of above type of foundation

Direct Ramming m
Predrilling followed by ramming m
Concrete Foundation (Pile Foundation) m
RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) Foundation m
Any other Foundation Type m

C.1.2 Optional scope

The Service Provider shall provide a lump sum price for reperforming the basic engineering for a different

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C.2. Design Optimization
C.2.1 Base Scope
Based on a Site to be selected by the Sponsor, Service Provider will consider the following 3 cases for
optimizing the PV Plant design:

Parameters Value Case 1 Case 2 Case 3

Pitch m 7.1 (Base Case) 6.5 6.5
Mounting Structure Height m 1.5 1.8 (Base Case) 1.5
Total Available Area ha Based on Site Based on Site Based on Site
Total Used Area ha Service Provider Service Provider Service Provider

The Service Provider shall provide for each case:

No. Discipline Description
1 General General Layout (identifying best areas for development)
2 General Bill of Quantities (with quantities and costs)
3 General PVsyst Report

C.2.2 Optional scope

The Service Provider shall provide a lump sum price for each additional case.

The timeframe for draft deliverables of each of the Tasks is listed below:
Task No. Description Delivery timeline
C.1 Basic Engineering Within 14 days of notice to proceed of this task
C.2 Design Optimization Within 7 days of notice to proceed of this task

Revised reports and drawings for each task mentioned above shall be delivered by the Service Provider
within five (5) days after receiving the comments from the Sponsor. Final report for each task shall be
within five (5) days after receiving the comments from the Sponsor.

The Service Provider shall quote each of the following tasks separately:

Scope Description Price (USD)

Basic Engineering (Base Scope) As provided in Section C.1.1
Basic Engineering (Optional Scope) As provided in Section C.1.2
Design Optimization (Base Scope) As provided in Section C.2.1
Design Optimization (Optional Scope) As provided in Section C.2.2

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Appendix 1. Available Information
The following information will be shared with the awarded Service Provider after Task Order issuance:
- Equipment:
o PV Module Datasheet
o PV Module PAN File
o Narada’s BESS Technical Proposal
o Shanghai Electric’s BESS Technical Proposal
- Interconnection:
o Sponsor’s SLD
o Site Visit Report
o Routing Report
o UZTRANSGAZ Act of Intersection Inspection
o UZTRANSGAZ Technical Conditions
- Project Agreements:
o Executed and Redacted PPPA
- Site Boundaries:
o kmz file for New Site
o kmz file for ESIA Area
- Site Studies:
o RFP Stage
▪ Feasibility Study
o Sponsor’s Studies
▪ Topographical Survey
▪ Geotechnical Survey
▪ Hydrological Study
▪ Pull Out Tests

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