Bess Rfp Final Version
Bess Rfp Final Version
Bess Rfp Final Version
IPP in Uzbekistan
Project site is in Guzar district of the Kashkadarya region.
The Service Provider shall quote each item of the Base Scope and Extra Scope independently and as a
standalone service. The Service Provider is required to provide individual quotes for all line items.
The Service Provider shall keep all information which the Sponsor discloses to the Service Provider strictly
confidential. The Service Provider shall provide its professional services in exclusivity to the Sponsor, in
relation to the Project, until the scope is successfully executed.
The Service Provider shall develop the basic engineering and deliver the following documents, layouts,
drawings and diagrams based on the design guidelines for the Base Case above. Deliverables are required
for the New Site, ESIA Area or both of them, as applicable. All documentation delivered will be in English.
Drawings shall be provided in both DWG and PDF versions.
No. Discipline Description Site
1 Civil Plant Substation and Narada BESS Plant Layout N/A
2 Civil Plant Substation and Shanghai Electric BESS Plant Layout N/A
3 Civil Slope Heat Map Both
4 Civil Site Levelling and Grading Both
5 Civil Tracker Foundation Calculation Both
6 Civil Tracker Foundation Drawing Both
7 Civil Tracker Foundation Distribution Map Both
8 Civil Flood Mitigation Arrangement Both
9 Civil Drainage System Layout Both
10 Electrical BESS Plant Cable Sizing and Loss Calculation (Narada) N/A
11 Electrical BESS Plant Cable Sizing and Loss Calculation (Shanghai Electric) N/A
12 Electrical PV Plant Cable Sizing and Loss Calculation Both
13 Electrical Plant Substation Optimization Report Both
14 Electrical Plant Substation Optimized SLD Both
15 General General Layout (identifying best areas for development) Both
16 General Design Basis Report (including any basic calculations) Both
17 General Bill of Quantities (with quantities and costs) Both
18 General PVsyst Report Both
The Bill of Quantities (BoQ) prepared by the Service Provider shall be detailed and include list of elements
of the BOQ, unitary price and total number of units for each element of the list as measured from the
drawings. The format shall be approved by Sponsor.
The Service Provider shall also follow the following design principles to carry out the basic engineering.
In case that the Service Provider has not considered the below principles, then the basic engineering will
be reproduced considering the below at no cost for the Sponsor:
• Power block according to the Sponsor’s selection of inverter and inverter block.
• DC design shall consider the minimum cost and the lowest losses.
• For general layout preparation, any equipment installation shall be placed on the best areas
available based on the outcome of the Site Levelling and Grading, Tracker Foundation Distribution
Map and Cable Sizing and Loss Calculations. Unused areas shall remain undeveloped (i.e., no cut
and fill) and this shall be consider in the BoQ.
• For slope heat map: 0-7%, 7-10%, 10-14%, 14-20% and >20% to be considered
• Module mounting structure foundation and associated calculation. Based on available studies,
Technical Advisor will recommend tracker foundation depths considering below mentioned
scenarios and types using L Pile analysis with manual calculation using Brinch Hansen Method or
Broms Method. Service Provider will provide tracker foundation distribution map so best area for
development can be considered.
% of each type of Foundation
Direct Ramming %
Predrilling followed by ramming %
Concrete Foundation (Pile Foundation) %
RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) Foundation %
Any other Foundation Type %
The timeframe for draft deliverables of each of the Tasks is listed below:
Task No. Description Delivery timeline
C.1 Basic Engineering Within 14 days of notice to proceed of this task
C.2 Design Optimization Within 7 days of notice to proceed of this task
Revised reports and drawings for each task mentioned above shall be delivered by the Service Provider
within five (5) days after receiving the comments from the Sponsor. Final report for each task shall be
within five (5) days after receiving the comments from the Sponsor.
The Service Provider shall quote each of the following tasks separately: