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Question Bank CRE-2024

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1.The principle of chemical kinetics determines
a) how far the reaction can possibly proceed under any prescribed condition
b) at what rate the reaction will proceed towards the maximum extent under any prescribed
c) heat generation of absorption in chemical reaction d) none of these
2. Rate of homogeneous reaction is a function of
a) temperature b) pressure
c) composition d) all a, b and c
3. For a homogeneous n th order reaction, nA→Pn, the dimension of reaction rate constant is
a) time-n, b) (concentration) - (1-n),
- (1-n)
c) (concentration) /time, d) (concentration) (1-n)/time
4. Half life period of a chemical reaction is
a) time required for the limiting reactant concentration to become half of its initial value.
b) half of the reaction space time
c) the half of the total batch time
d) none of these
5. A second order reaction of the type A + B→ C (CA0 is initial concentration of A and CB0 is
initial concentration of B) behaves like a second order reaction of the type 2A → C, when
a) CA0 = CB0, b) CA0 > CB0, c) CA0 < CB0, d) CA0 ≥ CB0
6. For a constant volume reactor, for a gas phase reaction of type, aA + bB → rR + sS, the relation
between partial pressure(p) of A (pA) and total system pressure (P) is
* 0 subscript indicates the initial condition
a) pA = pA0 + (a /Δn)(P – P0) b) pA = pA0 - (a /Δn)(P – P0)
c ) pA = pR0 + (r /Δn)(P – P0) d) pA = pB0 - (b /Δn)(P – P0)
7. Batch reactor is suitable for
a) large scale production
b)gas phase reaction on commercial scale
c)liquid phase reaction in small scale production of a component
d) achieving high conversion
8. The reactor which is suitable for high pressure gas phase reaction is
a) batch reactor
b) continuous stirred tank reactor
c) semi batch reactor
d) tubular flow reactor
9. In a reactor, presence of backing means
a) the concentration of reactant is low throughout
b) the concentration level is high at the start of the reaction and has a low value only
towards the end of the reaction
c) the chance of collision between reactant and product molecules increases, to give
unwanted product as in series reaction
d) all a, b and c
10. For gas-phase reactions,
a) Decrease in moles of the product increases the volume of the reaction mixture
b) Increase in moles of the product does not affect the volume of the reaction mixture
c) Increase in moles of the product increases the volume of the reaction mixture
d) Increase in moles of the product decreases the volume of the reaction mixture
11. If rate of a first order reaction is 10 mol / m3×s at concentration of reactant 5 mol /m3,
then the value of rate constant is ____
a) 2 s-1
b) 5 s-1
c) 10 s-1
d) 1 s-1
12. Which of the following is the most suitable reactor for the pharmaceutical industry?
a) PBR
b) MFR
c) PFR
d) Batch reactor
13. For the reaction A + 2B  P, the rate of reaction (- rA) is given as - rA = k CACB, C’s are
concentration terms. The reaction is
(a) Elementary reaction
(b) Non – elementary reaction
(c) Third order reaction
(d) slow reaction
14. A Tubular reactor is
(a) same as ideal stirred tank reactor
(b) same as plug flow reactor (PFR)
(c) same as recycle reactor
(d) ideal at very low conversion
15.For the reaction α A + β B  γP + θQ, the rate of consumption of A (– rA) is related to the
rate of consumption of B (– rB) as ( C’s are concentration terms)

(a) – rA = (– rB )
(b) – rA = (β / α) (– rB)
(c) – rB = (β / α) (– rA)
(d) – rB = (β θ / α γ) (– rA)
16. Chemical kinetics predicts the …… of the chemical reaction.
a) speed b) feasibility c) both a and b d) neither (a) nor (b)
17. Rate of a chemical reaction is independent of the concentration of reactant for
a) zero order reaction b) auto catalytic reaction
c)pseudo first order reaction d) none of these
18. The theory which does not propose the temperature dependence of rate constant is
a) Transition state theory
b) Bohr’s theory
c) Arrhenius theory
d) Collision theory
19.The half life period of a first order reaction (k = reaction rate constant) is
a) 0.693/k b) ln 2/k
c) ln k/2 d) both a and b
20.As per transition state theory, the relation between reaction rate constant and temperature is
given by
a) kα T1.5
b) k α exp(-E/RT)
c) k α exp(-E/RT).T
d) k α T0.5
21.For a constant volume reactor, for a gas phase reaction of type, A + 2B → rR + sS, the
relation between partial pressure(p) of A (pA) and total system pressure (P) is
* 0 subscript indicates the initial condition
(a) pA = pA0 + (2 /Δn)(P – P0)
(b) pA = pA0 - (1 /Δn)(P – P0)
(c) pA = pR0 + (r /Δn)(P – P0)
(d) pA = pB0 - (s /Δn)(P – P0)
22. For the reaction A + 2B → 3C, find the correct statement
a) rate of disappearance of A is half of rate of disappearance of B
b) rate of disappearance of A is one third of rate of production of C
c) rate of production of C in 1.5 times rate of disappearance of B
d) all a, b, c
23. Back mixing in a reactor means
a) uniform mixing between reactant molecules
b)uniform mixing between product molecules
c) mixing between fresh reactant and partially converted reactant molecules
d) the mixing in radial direction only
24. Injection of hot inert to a reactor
a) lowers the partial pressure of reactant without the need to operate at sub –
atmospheric pressures
b)provides an internal heat source for endothermic heat of reaction, making adiabatic
operation possible
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b
25. The fractional change in volume (εA) is used for
a) constant volume system
b) variable volume system
c) constant density system
d) liquid phase reaction
26. If the conversion of a first-order liquid phase reaction occurring in a CSTR is 75%,
molar feed rate is 5 mol/min, the rate of the reaction is 5 mol / litre..min then the volume of
the reactor (in litre) is?

a) 0.33
b) 0.4
c) 0.75
d) 0.5
27. Which of the following is the most suitable reactor for the pharmaceutical industry?
a) Batch reactor
b) MFR
c) PFR
d) PBR
28. A back mix reactor is
(a) same as ideal stirred tank reactor
(b) same as plug flow reactor (PFR)
(c) suitable for gas phase reactions
(d) ideal at very low conversion
29. For an elementary reaction A + 2B  P, the rate of reaction (- rA) is given as ( C’s are
concentration terms)
(a) - rA = k CACB2
(b) - rA = k CACB
(c) - rA = k CA ×2CB
(d) - rA = k CACB2 CP
30.The chemical reaction rate is
a ) a chemical property
b) a physical property
c) an intensive property
d) an extensive property
31.The correct expression for the rate of a reaction is
a) Moles unreacted / Volume of fluid×Time
b) Moles of product formed / Volume of fluid
c) Moles of reatant consumed / Volume of fluid×Time
d) Molesof reactant initially taken / Volume of fluid×Time
32. The unit of activation energy is
a) J/ mol
b) K
c) mol
d) mol.K
33. The react ions wit h low act ivat ion energy are
(a) slow, (b) fast, (c) always spontaneous, (d) non spontaneous
34. The rate constant of a first order reaction depends on the _____________
a) Temperature
b) Concentration
c) Time
d) Pressure
35. In which of the following reaction the rate of reaction is a function of rate constant alone is?
a) Zero order reaction
b) Third order reaction
c) First order reaction
d) Second order reaction
36. The catalyst in a first-order chemical reaction changes the _______________
a) Activation energy
b) Equilibrium constant
c) Heat of reaction
d) Heat of formation of the product
37. Which of the following is true for the rate law of a reversible reaction?
a) Rate law can be written only in terms of concentrations
b) It reduces to irreversible form when product concentration is zero
c) It satisfies thermodynamic relationships at all times
d) Rate law can be written only in terms of partial pressures
38. Which of the following represents second-order bimolecular type reversible reaction?
a) A+B ↔ R
b) A ↔ R+S
c) A ↔ B
d) A+B ↔ R+S
39. The fractional volume change (εA) is used for
a) constant volume system
b) variable volume system
c) constant density system
d) liquid phase reaction
40. If the conversion of a first-order liquid phase reaction occurring in a CSTR is 75%,
molar feed rate is 5 mol/min, the rate of the reaction is 5 mol / litre..min then the volume of
the reactor (in litre) is?
a) 0.33
b) 0.4
c) 0.75
d) 0.5
41. Which of the following is the most suitable reactor for the pharmaceutical industry?
a) Batch reactor
b) MFR
c) PFR
d) PBR
42.The steady state reactor is
(a) an ideal stirred tank reactor
(b) a plug flow reactor (PFR)
(c) both an ideal stirred tank reactor and PFR
(d) neither an ideal stirred tank reactor nor a PFR
43. For α A + β B  γP + θQ, the rate of reaction (- rA) is given as - rA = k CAa CBb ( C’s are
concentration terms). If the reaction is elementary,
(a) a = α , b = β
(b) a = α , b ≠ β
(c) a ≠ α , b = β
(d) a ≠ α , b ≠ β
44. For the reaction α A + β B  γP + θQ, the rate of consumption of Q (– rQ) is related to the rate
of consumption of A (– rA) as ( C’s are concentration terms)
(a) – rQ = (– rA )
(b) – rQ = (θ / α) (– rA)
(c) – rA = (β / α) (– rQ)
(d) – rQ = (β θ / α γ) (– rA)
45.Which of the following is NOT a part of reactor design?
a) Flow rates of the reactant and product streams
b) Method of operation
c) Type of the reactor
d) Size of the reactor
46.If τ = 5 s, first order rate constant, k = 0.25 sec-1 and the number of tanks, N is 5, then the
conversion is?

a) 87.45%
b) 33%
c) 75%
d) 67.2%
47.For parallel reaction, a high reactant concentration favors the reaction of
a) higher order, b) lower order, c) order zero, d) negative order
48. For reaction in series …….. is the key to the formation of intermediate
a) mixing of fluid of different composition,
b) concentration level of reactants,
c) contacting pattern of feed streams,
d) temperature and pressure
49. Consecutive reaction A→R→S is characterized by
a) maxima in concentration of A, b) maxima in concentration of R,
c) maxima in concentration of S, d) minima in concentration of R
50.The ratio of moles of reactant converted into the desired product to that converted into
unwanted product is called
a) Operational yield, b) relative yield, c) selectivity, d) none of these
51. To carry out a multiple reaction where, higher concentration favors higher yield, the
suitable reactor is
a) PFR, b) CSTR, c) CSTR in series, d) Semi batch reactor
52. In an isothermal PFR with uniform initial concentration, the conversion varies with
a) real time, b) diameter of the reactor, c) length of PFR, d) none of these
53. Space velocity of 3 hr -1 means that
a) one reactor volume of feed can be processed in 3 hrs
b) three reactors volume of feed can be processed per hr
c) the flow rate of reactants is 5 units per hr
d) none of these.
54. Injection of hot inert to a reactor
a) lowers the partial pressure of reactant without the need to operate at sub –
atmospheric pressures,
b) provides an internal heat source for endothermic heat of reaction, making adiabatic
operation possible,
c) both a and b
d) neither a nor b
55. If V represents volume and Q represents volumetric flow rate, then which of the following is a
valid expression for space velocity? C A0 = Initial concentration of the limiting reactant A.
a) V / Q
b) Q / V
c) Q × V
d) V / CA0
56. The combination of ideal reactors among the following is ____
a) Plug flow reactor and batch reactor
b) Batch reactor and mixed flow reactor
c) Plug flow reactor and mixed flow reactor
d) Batch reactor only
57. For a PFR, the area under the curve 1/ (−rA ) vs XA gives ____
a) FA0 / V
b) V / FA0
c) VCA0
d) VFA0
58.N number ( N is large) of small CSTRs in series of total volume V is equivalent to
(a) a PFR of volume V
(b) a semi batch reactor of volume V
(c) a recycle reactor of volume V
(d) N number of PFR in series of total volume V
59.For a reaction, whose rate concentration curve rises monotonically ( n > 0) , the
reactors should be connected in series in a order to keep the concentration of reactant as
high as posssible if the rate concentration curve is
(a) Concave, n > 1
(b) Convex , n < 1
(c) having a maxima
(d) having a minima
60.Which of the following correctly represents autocatalytic reactions?





61.Selectivity in parallel reactions is defined as the ratio of___

a) Moles of desired product formed to the moles of undesired material formed
b) Moles of undesired product formed to the moles of desired material formed
c) Moles of product formed to the moles of reactant consumed
d) Moles of reactant consumed to the moles of product formed
62.For the parallel reaction, A→B, represented as (-rA) = k1CA5 and A→C represented as (-rA) =
k2CA3, theideal reactor preferred is ____
b) CSTRs in parallel
c) CSTRs in series
d) PFR
63. The final concentration of product is related to the yield as ____
a) Final concentration = Yield × Reactant fed
b) Final concentration = Yield / Reactant fed
c) Final concentration = Yield × Reactant converted
d) Final concentration = Yield / Reactant fed
64.Selectivity in parallel reactions is defined as the ratio of___
a) Moles of desired product formed to the moles of undesired material formed
b) Moles of undesired product formed to the moles of desired material formed
c) Moles of product formed to the moles of reactant consumed
d) Moles of reactant consumed to the moles of product formed
65.The reaction yield is defined as the ratio of ____
a) Moles of reactant reacted to the moles of product formed
b) Moles of product formed to the moles of reactant reacted
c) Moles of desired product formed to the moles of undesired material formed
d) Moles of product formed to the moles of reactant fed
66.For the parallel reaction, A→B and A→C, if B is the desired product and the reaction A→B is
of positive order n1 and C is the undesired product and the reaction A→C is of negative order n2,
then increasing the concentration of A _____
a) Decreases desired product selectivity
b) Increases desired product selectivity
c) Initially increases and then decreases desired product selectivity
d) Does not affect desired product selectivity
67.For the parallel reaction, A→B of order n1 and A→C of order n2, if B is the desired product,
then which of the following reactor/ combination of reactors is used if n1 > n2 ?
b) CSTR followed by Bubbling bed reactor
c) PFR
d) CSTR followed by PFR
68.The unit of space velocity is ____
a) sec
b) sec-1
c) m3
d) m-3
69.Which of the following represents series type deactivation model? (Where R is the product and
P is the poison)
a) A → R + P↓
b) A → R → P↓
c) A → R, A → P
d) A → P↓
70. If V represents volume and Q represents volumetric flow rate, then which of the following is a
valid expression for space time? C A0 = Initial concentration of the limiting reactant A.
a) V / Q
b) Q / V
c) Q × V
d) V / CA0
71. Which of the following is true for a reaction occurring in a batch reactor?
a) The accumulation term is zero
b) Only the component input term is zero
c) Only the component output term is zero
d) Both the component input and output terms are zero
72.The area under the curve 1/ (− rA ) vs XA gives
a) FA0 / V for CSTR
b) V / FA0 for PFR
c) VCA0 for PFR
d) VFA0 for CSTR
73.N number of PFR in series of total volume V gives the same conversion as a
(a) a single PFR of volume V
(b) a single CSTR of volume V
(c) N number of PFR in parallel of total volume V
(d) N number of CSTRs in series of total volume V
74. For a reaction, whose rate concentration curve rises monotonically ( n > 0) , the reactors
should be connected
(a) in parallel
(b) in series
(c) in series – paralled combination
(d) based on the type of reactor
75.Autocatalytic reactions are the ones in which ____
a) One of the products poisons the catalyst
b) There is no catalyst employed
c) Only one reactant is involved
d) One of the products catalyses the reaction
76.If the area under the curve of 1 / (− rA) versus XA for a PFR used to carry out an
autocatalytic reaction is 5 (m3 s / mol), then the ratio of change in volume to molar feed rate
is ____
a) 5
b) 10
c) 15
d) 20
77.Which of the following reactors is used for carrying out autocatalytic reactions?
b) PFR
c) Batch reactor
d) A combination of CSTR and PFR.
78. What is the concentration C A4 at the end of 4th reactor, for n unequal sized CSTRs in
series, where X4 is the conversion in 4 th reactor? CA0 = Initial concentration of A.
a) CA4 = (1 – XA4)
b) CA4 = CA0XA4
c) CA0 = CA4 (1 – XA4)
d) CA4 = CA0(1 – XA4)
79.The combination of reactors to achieve the required conversion for the
autocatalytic reaction depicted below is _______

a) PFR followed by batch reactor

b) CSTR followed by PFR
c) PFR followed by CSTR
d) Batch reactor followed by CSTR
80.If A→B, (rB) = k1CA2 and A→C, (rC) = k2CA1, then the yield of C is ____
a) k2 / k2+k1CA
b) k2 / k2+k1
c) 1 / k2+k1CA
d) k2k1CA
81.For equal sized CSTRs in series carrying out 1st order reaction, the
concentration at the outlet of nth reactor is ____
a) CN = 1/ (1+τk)N
b) CN = C0 / (1+τ)N
c) CN = C0 / (1+k)N
d) CN = C0 / (1+τk)N
82. For the parallel reaction, A→B, represented as (-rA) = k1CA5 and A → C
represented as (-rA) = k2CA3, theideal reactor preferred is ____
b) CSTRs in parallel
c) CSTRs in series
d) PFR
83.Space time is defined as ____
a) Time required to process unit volume of feed
b) Time required for the reaction to occur
c) Time required to produce unit volume of product
d) Time to process the entire volume of feed entering
84.Injection of hot inert to a reactor
a) lowers the partial pressure of reactant without the need to operate at sub
– atmospheric pressures,
b) provides an internal heat source for endothermic heat of reaction,
making adiabatic operation possible,
c) both a and b,
d) neither a nor b
85.If V represents volume and Q represents volumetric flow rate, then which of
the following is a valid expression for space velocity? C A0 = Initial concentration
of the limiting reactant A.
a) V / Q
b) Q / V
c) Q × V
d) V / CA0
86.Which one of the following combinations gives the highest conversion for second order
a) PFR followed by smaller CSTR followed by a bigger CSTR
b) PFR followed by bigger CSTR followed by a bigger CSTR
c) Smaller CSTR followed by PFR followed by a bigger CSTR
d) Bigger CSTR followed by a PFR followed by smaller CSTR
87. The area under the curve 1/ (− rA ) vs XA gives
a) V / FA0 for a tubular reactor
b) FA0 / V for MFR
c) VCA0 for PFR
d) VFA0 for MFR
88. N number of tubular reactor in series of total volume V gives the same conversion as a
(a) a single tubular of volume V
(b) a single MFR of volume V
(c) N number of tubular in parallel of total volume V
(d) N number of MFRs in series of total volume V
89. For a reaction, whose rate concentration curve rises monotonically ( n > 0) , the
reactors should be connected in series in a order to keep the concentration of
reactant as low as posssible if the rate concentration curve is
(a) Concave, n > 1
(b) Convex , n < 1
(c) having a maxima
(d) having a minima
90. Role of catalysts:
a) Changing the molecular path of the reaction
b) Plays with the mechanism of reaction
c) Increases the rate of reaction d)All of the above
91. mUnsupported catalyst is preferred oversupported catalyst when
a) Low pressure drop is desired and heat removal is easy
b) High pressure drop is desired and heat removal is difficult
c)Low pressure drop is desired and heat removal is difficult
d)High pressure drop is desired and heat removal is easy
92.Promoter is added to the catalyst to improve its
a) Porosity b) Selectivity c) Surface area d) None of these
93.The activity of a catalyst at a time t = 0 is ____
a) Negative b) Zero c) Unity d) ∞
94.For the reaction step to be the controlling mechanism in a catalytic reversible reaction, which of
the following is valid?

a) Rate of adsorption > Rate of desorption

b) Rate of adsorption < Rate of desorption
c) Rate of adsorption = Rate of desorption
d) Rate of adsorption ≠ Rate of desorption
95.In a reversible reaction, a catalyst increases the rate of forward reaction
a) Only
b) To a greater extent than that of the backward reaction
c) And decreases that of the backward reaction
d) And the backward reaction equally
96.The B.E.T. theory is used in calculating the ____________
a) Surface area of adsorbate
b) Surface area of adsorbent only
c) Surface area of adsorbents and catalyst
d) None of the mentioned
97.Which of the following does not control the design of fluid – solid reactor?
a) Reaction kinetics for single particles
b) Density of fluid being treated
c) Size distribution of solids
d) Flow patterns of solids and fluid
98.Increase in temperature for an endothermic reaction ____
a) Decreases equilibrium conversion
b) Increases equilibrium conversion
c) Does not affect equilibrium conversion
d) Initially decreases and then increases equilibrium conversion
99.For early mixing, which of the following reactors/ combination of reactors is used?
a) CSTR followed by PFR
b) PFR
c) Two CSTRs in series
d) Two CSTRs in parallel
100.Which of the following is not a characteristic of tracer?
a) Easily detectable
b) Absorbance onto the reactor surface
c) Inertness
d) Non-reactive
101.According to Langmuir adsorption model, the rate of adsorption of a gas molecule onto the solid
surface is ____
a) Proportional to the square of the partial pressure of the gas
b) Proportional to the partial pressure of the gas
c) Inversely proportional to the square of the partial pressure of the gas
d) Inversely proportional to the partial pressure of the gas
102.If the residence time obtained for a reactor by the RTD experiments is less than that expected, it
indicates the presence of ____
a) CSTR b) PFR c) Bubbling Bed Reactor d) Dead Volume
103. Which of the properties is/are possible in case of X-rays?
a) Polarization b) Diffraction c) Interference d)All of the above
104.An FTIR instrument record a signal in the
a) Time domain b) Frequency domain
c) both (a) and (b) d) None of these.
105.Which of the following is an incorrect statement for a catalyst?
a) Catalyst does not start a reaction.
b) Catalyst changes the equilibrium constant of reaction
c) Both (a) and (b)
d) None of these
106. Substance that enhance the activity of the catalyst is known as
a) Promoter b) Inhibitors c) Poison d) None of these
107.The substance that increases the speed of a chemical reaction is called:
a) Promoter b) Inhibitor c) Catalyst d) None of these
108.At the end of chemical reaction the catalyst remains
a) Unchanged in quantity but change in composition
b) Unchanged in quantity and composition
c) Unchanged in composition but changed in quantity
d) Changed in quantity and composition
109.Adsorption of gases on solid surface is exothermic because
a) Enthalpy is positive b) Entropy decreases
c) Entropy increases d) Free Energy increases
110.Which of the following empirical equations represents the Freundlich adsorption curve?
1 1
a) = 𝑘𝑝𝑛 b) 𝑥. 𝑚 = 𝑘𝑝𝑛
1 1
𝑚 𝑥
c) 𝑥 = 𝑘𝑝𝑛 d) 𝑚 = 𝑘/𝑝𝑛
111.B.E.T method of finding out surface area of a catalyst, use the extension of ………… isotherm
a) Silica gel in contact with water vapour
b) Nitrogen on TiO2
c) Painting
d) All of the above
112.If the adsorption is due to the weak van der waals forces between adsorbent and adsorbate, it is
termed as
a) Physisorption b) Chemisorption
c) Desorption d) Pseudo Adsorption
113.The amount of gas adsorbed on a solid surface
a) Increases with increase in the temperature
b) Increases with decrease in the temperature
c) Independent on temperature
d) None of these
114.Consider CSTR of internal age distribution I (α), and space time (τ). What is the relation for exit
age distribution E(α)?
∝ ∝ ∝
a) 𝜏 𝑒 − 𝜏 b) 𝜏𝑒 − 𝜏 c) 𝑒 − 𝜏 d) None of these
115.The variance of a PFR is ___

a) 1 b) 0 c) ∞ d) -1
116.The variance of a CSTR is ___

a) 1 b) 0 c) ∞ d) -1
117. For equal sized CSTRs in series carrying out 1st order reaction, the concentration at the outlet of
nth reactor is ____
1 𝐶𝑜
a) 𝐶𝑛 = (1+𝜏𝑘)𝑛 b) 𝐶𝑛 = (1+𝜏) 𝑛
𝑜 𝑜 𝐶
c) 𝐶𝑛 = (1+𝑘) 𝑛 d) 𝐶𝑛 = (1+𝜏𝑘) 𝑛

118.Selectivity in parallel reactions is defined as the ratio of___

a) Moles of desired product formed to the moles of undesired material formed
b) Moles of undesired product formed to the moles of desired material formed
c) Moles of product formed to the moles of reactant consumed
d) Moles of reactant consumed to the moles of product formed
119.The reaction yield is defined as the ratio of ____
a) Moles of reactant reacted to the moles of product formed
b) Moles of product formed to the moles of reactant reacted
c) Moles of desired product formed to the moles of undesired material formed
d) Moles of product formed to the moles of reactant fed
120.Process in which catalyst has a different phase to a reaction mixture, this process is known as
a) Homogeneous catalysis b) Heterogeneous catalysis
c) both a and b d) neither (a) nor
121.For an exothermic reaction, a change in temperature leads to change in
a) reaction rate & rate constant
b) activation energy
c) frequency factor
d) None of these
122.The catalyst does not affect the __________ of reaction.

a) Rate
b) Equilibrium
c) Selectivity
d) Activation energy
123.Catalytic reaction steps happening over the supported catalyst are given below. Identify the
correct order.
I.Diffusion of product into the bulk fluid
II.Surface reaction
III.Adsorption of reactant species on active sites
IV.External diffusion of reactant species from bulk fluid to catalyst surface
V.Desorption of product species
VI.Internal diffusion of reactant species to catalyst active sites
124.Carrier in a catalyst increases its
a) Surface area
b) Activity
c) Performance
d) None of these
125.When a catalyst increases the rate of chemical reaction, the rate constant
a) Decreases
b) Increases
c) Remains constant
d) Becomes infinite
126.The variation of Chemisorption with Pressure is ____
a) Chemisorption increases with increase in pressure
b) Chemisorption decreases with increase in pressure
c) Chemisorption increases with decrease in pressure
d) Change of pressure has no effect on Chemisorption
127.Which of the following is not an assumption of Langmuir model?
a) Energy of adsorption of gas molecules to the adsorbent site is different at
different adsorbing site
b) Maximum amount of adsorption corresponds to a monolayer
c) Desorption rate depends on the amount of material adsorbed onto the solid
d) Gas phase molecules are adsorbed on discrete points on the solid surface
128.B.E.T adsorption theory is applicable for
a) Monolayer adsorption mechanism
b) Multilayer adsorption mechanism
c) Both type adsorption mechanism
d) None of the above
129. Which of the following statement is false?
a) RTD is used to predict the conversion of new reaction when conducted in the
existing reactor
b) RTD is the measure of mixing that happens in the reactor.
c) Rate of reaction of species in the gas-liquid system depends on the surface area of
the gas-bubble available in the dispersed phase.
d) RTD affect the intrinsic kinetics of reaction.
130.Which of the following are the desirable properties of Tracer used in RTD studies?
a) non-reactive and easily detectable
b) completely insoluble
c) should not adsorb on the wall
d) its physical properties should be different from reacting mixture
131.The resolving power of TEM is derived from _______________
a) electrons
b) specimens
c) power
d) ocular system
132.The cathode of transmission electron microscope consists of a ____________________
a) tungsten wire
b) bulb
c) iron filament
d) gold wire
133.Image formation in electron microscope is based on _____________________
a) column length
b) electron number
c) differential scattering
d) specimen size
134.Which one of these is the correct option for the given equation?

∫ 𝐸 (𝑡)𝑑𝑡
a) 1 b) F(t) c) 1-F(t) d) None of These
134.The importance of diffusion in a catalyst are increases by
a) Large catalyst particle size
b) An active surface of the catalyst
c) Small pore diameter
d) All (a), (b) & (c)
135.Effective diffusivity is a function of
a) Tortuosity factor
b) Constriction factor
c) Pores interconnecting factor
d) All of the above
136.For a catalytic reaction with order greater than 1 conducted under diffusion-
controlled regime and isothermal conditional, the overall rate of reaction can be
increased by
a) Using smaller pellets
b) Increasing the temperature
c) Increasing the concentration at the external pellet surface.
d) Increasing the internal surface area.
137.Frossling Co-relation for mass transfer for flow around a spherical pellet is
1 1 1 1

a) Sh  2  0.6 Re Sc
3 2
b) Sh  2  0.6 Re Sh
3 2

1 1 1 1

c) Sh  2  0.6 Re Sh
2 3
d) Sh  2  0.6 Re Sc2 3

136.Sherwood No. in mass transfer is analogous to ...........no. in heat transfer.

a) Prandlt b) Schmidt c) Nusselt d) Grashof
137.Which of the following is NOT a part of reactor design?
a) Size of the reactor
b) Type of the reactor
c) Flow rates of the reactant and product streams
d) Method of operation
138.For any type of reactor, the material balance equation is valid.
[Rate of reactant flowing into element of volume] = [Rate of reactant flowing out
of element of volume] + [Rate of reactant loss due to chemical reaction within the
volume element] + [Rate of accumulation of reactant in the volume element]
Which of the following is false?
a) Two terms disappear in case of a batch reactor
b) Only three terms are non-trivial when we analyze a semi batch reactor
c) One term becomes zero for a steady-state flow reactor
d) There is no flow of reactants in a batch reactor
139.The rate determining step of a series of reactions is the one _____
a) That is fastest
b) That is slowest
c) That does not contribute to the reaction
d) That does not occur
140. An assumption of Steady State Approximation is ____
a) Reaction occurs without the formation of intermediates
b) Catalyst does not accelerate reaction rate
c) One of the intermediates in the reaction is consumed as quickly as it is generated
d) Equilibrium state is attained at the end of a reaction
141.Which of the following does not control the design of fluid – solid reactor?
a) Reaction kinetics for single particles
b) Density of fluid being treated
c) Size distribution of solids
d) Flow patterns of solids and fluid
142.The design equation for constant volume batch reactor in terms of partial
pressure is (Assuming the gases to be ideal)
1 𝑑𝑝 𝑉 𝑑𝑝 𝑃𝑉 𝑑𝐶 𝑑𝐶
a)−𝑟𝑖 = 𝑅𝑇 𝑑𝑡𝑖 b)−𝑟𝑖 = 𝑅𝑇 𝑑𝑡𝑖 c)−𝑟𝑖 = 𝑅𝑇 𝑑𝑡𝑖 d)−𝑟𝑖 = 𝑉 𝑑𝑡𝑖
143.For the following reaction, calculate εA, containing 50% A and 50% inerts
a) 0.5 b) 1.5 c) 2.5 d) 0.75
144. For a reaction with density change, the following statements are suggested
for increasing effectiveness factor. Identify the correct statement/s:
I) for a reaction with ε < 0, high Thiele modulus is preferred.
II) for a reaction with ε > 0, as low Thiele modulus as possible is preferred.
a) I is correct II is wrong
b) I is wrong II is correct
c) Both I and II are correct
d) Both I and II are wrong.
145. Bulk diffusion in catalyst pore __________ with increase in pressure.
a) increases b) decreases
c)remains unchanged d) increases exponentially
146.For first order reaction, the thiele modulus can be expressed as
𝑘 𝑅 𝑘 𝑘
a) 𝜑 = √ 𝐷𝑛 b) 𝜑 = 𝑅√ 𝐷𝑛 c) 𝜑 = √𝐷 𝑛𝑅 d) None of them
𝑒 𝑒 𝑒
147.The final concentration of product is related to the yield as ____
a) a) Final concentration = Yield × Reactant fed
b) Final concentration = Yield / Reactant fed
c) Final concentration = Yield × Reactant converted
d) Final concentration = Yield / Reactant
148.What is the mole balance of a component in a CSTR? (Where F0 is the molar
flowrate of reactant entering and F is the exit molar flowrate)
a) F0 = FX + F
b) F0 = FX + F0
c) F0 = F0X + F
d) F0 = X + F
149.For single particle mass transfer during the reaction, when reaction rate
constant (kr) << diffusion rate constant (kc), then the effective constant keff will be
a) kc b)kr c)kc + kr d)kc/kr
150.To increase the overall rate of a rxn limited by internal diffusion the reaction
should not ______
a) a) decrease the radius R
b) increase the concentration of A
c) increase the radius R
d) increase the temperature
151.In heterogeneous reaction, if a reaction proceeds slowly even in the presence
of adequate substrate, then mass transfer will be?
a) Slow
b) Very slow
c) Rapid
d) Negligible
152. During a chemical reaction, the
a) mass of catalyst remains unchanged
b) physical state of catalysts remain unchanged
c) changes in chemical composition of catalysts may be observed
d) chemical composition of catalyst may change
153. In homogeneous catalysis_________
a) All reactants are in the same rate
b) The catalyst is in a different state to the reactants
c) The reactants and catalyst are in the same state
d) All the products are in the same state
154. If overall effectiveness factor Ω << 1, then _________
a) CAS = CAb
b) CAS < CAb
c) CAS > CAb
d) CAS = CAb = 0
155.The ratio of momentum diffusivity (kinematic viscosity) and mass diffusivity
is referred as:
a) Nusselt number
b) Schimdt number
c) Sherwood number
d) Reynolds number
156.The overall effectiveness factor symbolizes by ___
a) μ b) φ c) ɳ d)Ω
157. The excess energy of the reactants required to dissociate into products is
known as the ___ energy.
a) thermal b) activation c) threshold d) binding
158.If the solid-gas non-catalytic reaction occurs at very high temperature, the rate
controlling step is the ____ diffusion.
a) film b) ash layer c) pore d) None of these.
159.A batch reactor suffers from following disadvantages
a) Poor product quality control
b) High labour and handling cost
c) High shutdown time requirement for emptying, cleaning and refilling.
d) All of the above.
160.Limiting reactant in a chemical reaction decides the
a) rate constant b) conversion
c) reaction speed d) equilibrium constant
161.For a first order chemical reaction in aporous catalyst, the Thiele Modulus is
162.The effectiveness factor is approximately equal to
a) 1 b) 0.5 c) 0.1 d)0
163.External diffusion will be the rate limiting step when
a) Bulk gas velocity is high
b) Bulk gas velocity is low
c) Particle diameter is large
d) Particle diameter is small
164.For catalytic reaction, the overall reaction rate is controlled by the diffusion when
thiele modulus (φn),
a) φn2>>1
a) φn2<<1
b) φn2=1
c) φn2≠1
165.For a reaction, n' and Eapp are observed order and activation energy. The
relationship between true order of the reaction (n) and the true activation Energy (E T)
a) n'=(1+n)/2 & Eapp=2×ET
b) n=(2n'-1) & ET=2×Eapp
c) n=(1+n')/2 & ET=2×Eapp
d) n=(1+n')/2 & Eapp=2×ET
166.According to Weisz-Prater criterion for a first order reaction when C wp<<1, then,
a) No internal diffusional resistance
b) Negligible concentration gradient insides the pellet
c) Concentration is uniform everywhere
d) None of the above
167.The performance of a CSTR can be improved by adding
a) a CSTR in series b) a CSTR in parallel
c) a PFR in series d) PFR in parallel
168.For the reaction, C→A+B, identify the rate limiting steps if the experimental data
are plotted in the form of reaction rate Vs partial pressure of C as shown below:

Which of the following options helps to conclude the correct rate –limiting step using
the above three plots (X, Y and Z)?
a) X-adsorption, Y-surface reaction, Z-desorption
b) X-surface reaction, Y-adsorption, Z-desorption
c) X-adsorption, Y-desorption, Z-surface reaction
d) X-desortion, Y-adsorption, Z-surface reaction
169.For single particle mass transfer during the reaction, when reaction rate constant
(kr)>> diffusion rate constant (kc), then the effective constant k eff will be
a) kc b)kr c)kc + kr d)kc/kr
170. In a reactor, presence of backing means
a) the concentration of reactant is low throughout
b) the concentration level is high at the start of the reaction and has a low value
only towards the end of the reaction
c) the chance of collision between reactant and product molecules increases, to give
unwanted product as in series reaction
d) all a, b and c
171. For a particular duty, the ideal CSTR volume required is same as that of an ideal
PFR, when
a) order of the reaction is more than one
b) order of the reaction is zero
c) order of the reaction is one
d) order of the reaction is infinite
172.According to the surface renewal theory mass transfer co-efficient (kl)
a) a) kl α DA b) kl α √DA c) kl α (1/DA) d) kl α √(1/DA)
173.Catalytic action in a catalytic chemical reaction follows from the ability of catalyst
to change the
a) Activation energy
b) Equilibrium constant
c) Heat of reaction
d) None of these
174.Pick out the correct statement
a) In catalyst reaction, the catalyst reacts with the reaction
b) A catalyst initiates a chemical reaction.
c) A catalyst lowers the activation energy of the reacting molecules
d) A catalyst cannot be recovered chemically unchanged at the end of the chemical
175. For the gas-film controlling, what is the rate of reaction?
[A=gaseous species, CAS=surface condition, Cab=bulk concentration]
Assume: Shrinking core model
a)  rA''  k c (C Ab )
b)  rA''  k c (C Ab  C AS )
c)  rA''  k c (C Ab  C Ab )
 rA''  k c (C AS )
176.A first order reaction and spherical catalyst particles, the dimensionless
concentration profile will be,
cosh(1 ) cosh(1 )
a) b)
 cosh 1  sinh 1
sinh( 1 ) sinh( 1 )
c) d)
 sinh 1  cosh 1
177. The internal effectiveness factor symbolizes by ___
a) μ b) φ c) ɳ d) θ

Which reactor type is best suited for reactions with fast kinetics in industrial catalysis

A) Batch Reactor
B) Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor (CSTR)
C) Plug Flow Reactor (PFR)
D) Packed Bed Reactor
In a Continuous Stirred-Tank Reactor (CSTR) operating a catalytic reaction at steady-state,
the concentration of reactants:

A) Increases with time

B) Remains constant
C) Decreases with time
D) Varies periodically

What is the primary factor affecting the rate of reaction in heterogeneous catalysis?

A) Temperature of the solution

B) Surface area of the catalyst
C) Volume of reactants
D) None of the above

Which of the following is an example of heterogeneous catalysis?

A) Enzyme catalysis in biological systems

B) Acid catalysis in aqueous solution
C) Platinum catalyzed hydrogenation of ethene in a gas-solid system
D) Base catalysis in organic synthesis

Which method is commonly used to determine the surface area and pore size of a catalyst?

A) BET Analysis

Physical adsorption differs from chemical adsorption in that it:

A) Forms strong covalent bonds with the surface
B) Involves weak van der Waals forces
C) Only occurs at high temperatures
D) Requires the presence of oxygen

Substance that enhances the activity of the catalyst is known as

A) Promoter
B) Inhibitors
C) Poison
D) None of these
At the end of chemical reaction, the catalyst remains

A) Unchanged in quantity but change in composition

B) Unchanged in quantity and composition
C) Unchanged in composition but changed in quantity
D) Changed in quantity and composition

Which of the following statements is true for heterogeneous catalysis?

A) Catalyst is difficult to separate from the product
B) Catalyst can be easily separated from the product
C) Catalyst dissolves in the reaction medium
D) None of the above

Which method is commonly used for preparing solid catalysts?

A) Dissolution
B) Impregnation
C) Condensation

In chemical adsorption, the interactions between adsorbate and adsorbent are:

A) Weak and non-specific

B) Strong and specific
C) Only physical
D) Unrelated to temperature

Selectivity in parallel reactions is defined as the ratio of

A) Moles of desired product formed to the moles of undesired material formed

B) Moles of undesired product formed to the moles of desired material formed
C) Moles of product formed to the moles of reactant consumed
D) Moles of reactant consumed to the moles of product formed

In designing a reactor for catalytic gas-solid reactions, which factor is most important for
optimizing performance?

A) Catalyst particle size

B) Temperature uniformity
C) Flow rate of reactants
D) All of the above

What is the main purpose of a catalyst in a reactor design?

A) To increase reaction yield

B) To decrease the reaction time
C) To increase reaction selectivity
D) All of the above

What does the term "internal mass transfer" refer to in catalytic processes?

A) Movement of reactants to the surface of the catalyst

B) Movement of heat within the catalyst
C) Diffusion of reactants within the catalyst pores
D) All of the above
Which modelling approach is commonly used to understand the behaviour of non-ideal

A) First-order kinetics
B) Plug flow model
C) Tank-in-series model
D) Batch reactor model

For single particle mass transfer during the reaction, when reaction rate constant (k r) <<
diffusion rate constant (kc), then the effective constant keff will be

A) kc
B) kr
C)kc + kr

If overall effectiveness factor Ω << 1, then

A) CAS = CAb
B) CAS < CAb
C) CAS > CAb
D) CAS = CAb = 0

RTD (Residence Time Distribution) analysis helps to determine:

A) The flow behavior of reactants in the reactor
B) The temperature profile in the reactor
C) The conversion efficiency of the reactor
D) The reaction kinetics

RTD (Residence Time Distribution) is used to analyze:

A) Catalyst activity
B) The distribution of time that reactants spend in a reactor
C) The thermal properties of the catalyst
D) The surface area of the catalyst

If the solid-gas non-catalytic reaction occurs at very high temperature, the rate controlling
step is the ____diffusion.

A) film
B) ash layer
C) pore
D) None of these.
For a first order chemical reaction in a porous catalyst, the Thiele Modulus is 10. The
effectiveness factor is approximately equal to

A) 1
B) 0.5
C) 0.1
D) 0

What does a broad RTD curve indicate about a reactor?

A) Perfect mixing
B) Short-circuiting or dead zones
C) High catalyst activity
D) Low conversion

Which of the following statements is true regarding non-ideal reactors?

A) They behave exactly as ideal reactors

B) They may have variations in residence time
C) They only operate at steady-state conditions
D) They have no effect on reaction kinetics
Operational yield (ΦA) is defined as
a) the ratio of moles of A transformed into desired product and total moles of A reacted

b) the ratio of moles of A transformed into desired product and total moles of A fed to the reactor
c)the ratio of moles of reactant converted into the desired product to that converted into unwanted
d) none of these

(ii) For a constant volume reactor, for a gas phase reaction of type, aA + bB → rR + sS, the relation
between partial pressure(p) of A (pA) and total system pressure (P) is
(a) pA = pA0 + (a /Δn)(P – P0)
(b) pA = pA0 - (a /Δn)(P – P0)

(c) pA = pR0 + (r /Δn)(P – P0)

(d) pA = pB0 - (b /Δn)(P – P0)
* 0 subscript indicates the initial condition
(iii) The principle of chemical kinetics determines
a) how far the reaction can possibly proceed under any prescribed condition
b) at what rate the reaction will proceed towards the maximum extent under any prescribed condition

c) heat generation of absorption in chemical reaction

d) none of these
(iv) Rate of homogeneous reaction is a function of
a) temperature b) pressure c) composition d) all a, b and c
(v) For a homogeneous nth order reaction, nA → Pn, the dimension of reaction rate constant is
a) time-n b) (concentration) - (1-n) c) (concentration)-(1-n)/time d) (concentration) (1-n)/time

(vi) Half life period of a chemical reaction is

a) time required for the limiting reactant concentration to become half of its initial value
b) half of the reaction space time
c) the half of the total batch time d) none of these

(vii) When relative yield is more relevant,

a) unreacted reactant can be separated and recycled at low-cost
b) reactor can probably be operated at low conversion per pass economically
c) reactor can probably be operated at high conversion per pass economically
d) both a and b

(i) In a reactor, presence of backing means

(a) the concentration of reactant is low throughout
(b) the concentration level is high at the start of the reaction and has a low value only towards the end
of the reaction
(c) the chance of collision between reactant and product molecules increases, to give unwanted
product as in series reaction
(d) all a, b and c

(ii) For a particular duty, the ideal CSTR volume required is same as that of an ideal PFR, when
(a) order of the reaction is more than one
(b) order of the reaction is zero
(c) order of the reaction is one
(d) order of the reaction is infinity
(iii) A constant density first order reaction carried out in two CSTRs in series, requires minimum
volume, when,
(a) equal CSTRs are used
(b) unequal CSTRs with smaller one coming first
(c) unequal CSTRs with larger one coming first
(d) unpredictable, as more data are required for any conclusion

(iv) If the reciprocal reaction rate vs conversion curve is concave downwards

(a) order of the reaction is < 0
(b) CSTR volume requirement is less than that of a PFR
(c) both a and b
(d) either a nor b, it is valid for order > 0

(v) A semi batch reactor is characterized by

(a) the reaction vessel is essentially a batch reactor
(b) At the start of a batch, one of the reactants is charged totally
(c) the second reactant is not added at once, but continuously over a period of time at a particular
(d) all a, b and c

(vi) For same operating conditions and final conversion n number (n  α) of equal CSTRs in series
is equivalent to a

(a) single PFR of volume < nV (b) single PFR of volume > nV (c) big CSTR of volume nV
(d) none of these

In a packed-bed reactor, increasing the flow rate of gas through the bed generally:
A) Decreases the reaction rate
B) Increases contact time

C) Decreases contact time

D) Has no effect on reaction rate
Which type of reactor is most commonly used in laboratories for catalytic gas-solid reactions?
B) Plug Flow Reactor (PFR)

C) Batch Reactor
D) Fixed Bed Reactor

A catalyst increases the rate of a chemical reaction by:

A) Increasing the temperature of the reaction
B) Increasing the activation energy

C) Providing an alternative pathway with a lower activation energy

D) Consuming the reactants

Process in which catalyst has a different phase to a reaction mixture, this process is known as
A) Homogeneous catalysis
B) Heterogeneous catalysis
C) both a and b
D) neither (a) nor

X-ray Diffraction (XRD) in catalyst characterization is primarily used to determine:

A) Elemental composition
B) Surface area
C) Crystalline structure

D) Thermal stability

Which adsorption isotherm is widely used to model multilayer adsorption?

A) Langmuir Isotherm

B) Freundlich Isotherm
C) BET (Brunauer-Emmett-Teller) Isotherm
D) Temkin Isotherm
The fractional change in volume (εA) is used for
a. constant volume system
b. variable volume system
c. constant density system
d. liquid phase reaction

(ix) The order of an elementary reaction A + 2B→C is

a. 1
c. 3
d. 2.5

(x) Consecutive reaction A→R→S is characterized by

a) maxima in concentration of A b) maxima in concentration of R
c) maxima in concentration of S d) minima in concentration of R

(xi) For the reaction aA + bB → cC + dD, the relation between the rate of reaction with respect to A (-rA) and the rate of reaction with
respect to B (-rB) is
a. -rA/a = -rB/b
b. -rA/b = -rB/a
c. -rA×a = -rB×b
d. more information is required to draw any conclusion

(vii) An autoclave is nothing but

(a) a high pressure – high temperature batch reactor
(b) high pressure tubular reactor
(c) high temperature CSTR
(d) atmospheric pressure batch reactor

(viii) For parallel reaction A→R with rate equation r R = k1CAα1 and A→S with rate equation
rS = k2CAα2, the selectivity is φ = (k1 / k2) CA (α1- α2). If α1> α2, to get maximum production of R
a) CA should be maintained at high value in the reactor
b)a small batch or a PFR is a good choice
c)inert concentration should be low
d) all a, b and c

(ix) In a batch reactor

a) there is no in and out of the components
b) there is no continuous in and out of the components
c) there is a variation of concentration with time
d)both (b) and (c)

(x) In an isothermal PFR with uniform initial concentration, the conversion varies with
a) real time b) diameter of the reactor c) length of PFR d) none of these

Catalytic reaction steps happening over the supported catalyst are given below. Identify the correct order.
I. Diffusion of product into the bulk fluid
II. Surface reaction
III. Adsorption of reactant species on active sites
IV. External diffusion of reactant species from bulk fluid to catalyst surface
V. Desorption of product species
VI. Internal diffusion of reactant species to catalyst active sites


Heat transfer is a major consideration in designing reactors for:

A) Endothermic reactions only

B) Exothermic and endothermic reactions
C) Isothermal reactions only
D) Reactions without catalysts
In catalysis, what does the catalyst do to the reaction equilibrium?

A) Shifts it to the right

B) Shifts it to the left
C) No effect on equilibrium
D)Prevents equilibrium from being reached

Which technique is used to analyze the thermal stability of a catalyst?


(xii) As per transition state theory, the relation between reaction rate constant and temperature is given by
a. kα T1.5
b. kα exp(-E/RT)
c. kα exp(-E/RT).T
d. kα T0.5
(xiii) The frequency factor is associated with
a. the frequency with which the activated complex breaks down into products
b. the frequency of collision, as per simple collision theory
c. either a or b
d. neither a nor b

(xiv) The multiple reactions A + B →R and R + B→S are said to be

a. series - parallel reaction
b. series reaction with respect to A
c. parallel reaction with respect to B
d. all a, b and c

(xi) In an ideal CSTR

a) reaction rate varies with time
b) reaction rate varies with position
c) residence time varies with position
d) concentration of any component remains constant

(xii) Space velocity of 3 hr -1 means that

a) one reactor volume of feed can be processed in 3 hrs
b) three reactors volume of feed can be processed per hr
c) the flow rate of reactants is 5 units per hr
d) none of these

(xiii) In a recycle reactor, recycle ratio, R is the ratio of

a) volume of fluid returned to the reactor entrance and volume leaving the system
b) volume of fluid returned to the reactor entrance and volume entering the system
c) volume entering the system and volume of fluid returned to the reactor entrance
d) volume at R = 0 and volume at R = α

Calcination of a catalyst precursor typically involves:

A) Heating in the presence of a liquid

B) Heating in the absence of oxygen
C) Heating in the presence of oxygen
D) Cooling below freezing point

Which of the following is not an assumption of Langmuir model?

A) Energy of adsorption of gas molecules to the adsorbent site is different at different adsorbing site
B) Maximum amount of adsorption corresponds to a monolayer
C) Desorption rate depends on the amount of material adsorbed onto the solid surface
D) Gas phase molecules are adsorbed on discrete points on the solid surface

Which factor does NOT directly affect the kinetics of solid-catalyzed gas-phase reactions?
A) Catalyst surface area
B) Activation energy
C) Reaction volume

In non-ideal reactors, what is often the cause of deviations from ideal behaviour?

A) Catalyst poisoning
B) Uneven flow patterns
C) Temperature fluctuations
D) All of the above

What happens to the effectiveness factor when the catalyst particle size decreases?

A) Effectiveness factor increases

B) Effectiveness factor decreases
C) Effectiveness factor remains constant
D) Cannot be determined
II. Descriptive question:

1. Show that for a first order reaction, the time required for 75% conversion is double to that
required for 50% conversion.
2. Show that the irreversible first order reaction is a special case of the reversible reaction
when XAe = 1 (CAe = 0, or Kc = ∞).

3. Find out the fractional change of volume of the following reaction systems
(a) A  3R
(b) A  3R with 30% Inert
4. How is conversion defined in a chemical reaction?
5. Differentiate space time and space velocity.
6. Differentiate between a batch reactor and a continuous stirred-tank reactor.

6. Find the fractional change in volume (εA) for the reaction system: A + B  P with 30% A,
60% B and rest inert.
10. For the liquid phase reaction A  D, A  U, k1 = 5.1 h-1, k2 = 0.9 h-1, CA0 = 9
k1 k2

mol / litre. CD0 = 0 = CU0. Find out the amount of A reacted and amount of D and U produced
in moles in 15 mins.
11. For a homogeneous first order gas phase reaction, SO2Cl2  SO2 + Cl2, the half-life time
is 445 s. Calculate the time required for the concentration of SO2Cl2 to be reduced to 2% of the
original value.
12. Find the first order reaction rate constant, k, for the gas phase reaction, 2A  P, if on
holding the pressure constant, the volume of the reaction mixture decreases by 20% in 3
minutes. Initially 80% A and 20% inert is present. Also, find the conversion at that time.
13. Liquid A decomposes by first order kinetics and in a batch reactor 50% of A is converted
in a 5 min run. How much longer would it take to reach 75% conversion?
14. For the liquid phase reaction A  D  U, k1, k2 = reaction rate constants; CA0
k1 k2

= Initial concentration of A. CD0 = 0 = CU0. Derive the expression of the maximum

concentration of D and the time at which the maxima occur.
15. What are the steps in integral methods of analysis in kinetics?
16. Discuss the forms of the kinetic rate equations of reactions with shifting order.
17. Find out the integrated rate expression for a zero-order variable volume system
18. Consider the gas phase reaction N2O4 → 2 NO2, find out the partial pressure relationship
of N2O4 (A) and NO2 (B), starting with pure N2O4.
19. Show graphically, that the performance of a PFR is better than that of a CSTR
20.The reaction 2A →A2 is carried out at a temperature of 325oC at constant volume. The total
pressure data are recorded as the reaction proceeds
Time, 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Pressure, 84.25 78.9 74.25 71.12 68.52 66.25 64.52 63.05 61.72
π, kPa

Find out the rate expression.

21. The following data are obtained at 0oC in a constant volume batch reactor using pure
gaseous A:
Time, min 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 ∞
Partial pressure of 760 600 475 390 320 275 240 215 150
A, mm Hg
The stoichiometry of the reaction is A   2.5P. Find the rate expression that satisfactorily

represents this decomposition.

22. A zero order homogeneous gas phase reaction (with 20 % inert and rest A initially), A 
rP proceeds in a constant volume bomb, where pressure rises from 1 to 1.3 atm in 2 mins. If
the same reaction is carried out in a constant pressure batch reactor, calculate the fractional
change in volume in 4 mins if the feed contains 40% inert initially and the initial pressure is 3
23. For a certain chemical reaction, the half-life is doubled when the concentration of reactant
is doubled. Find the order of the reaction.
24.For a homogeneous first order gas phase reaction, A  B + C, the half-life time is 440 s.
Calculate the time required for the concentration of A to be reduced to 3% of the original
25. A second order irreversible reaction is carried out in a plug flow reactor. The reaction is
represented as A  B + 2C. Calculate (a) the length of PFR required for 68% conversion.
(b) the error in length calculation if the volume change is neglected.
Data: Reaction rate constant, k = 4.2 lit / mol.sec
Cross sectional area = 1.5 m2
Volumetric flow rate = 1.3 lit / sec
Initial concentration of A = 0.025 mol/lit
26. Describe Differential method of analysis.
27. Explain how the half-life date helps in finding the kinetic rate equation.
28. Find out the integrated rate expression of a first order system
29. Explain the concept of a semi-batch reactor. When and why is it used in chemical
30. For elementary reactions, as per theory explain the temperature dependance of reaction rate
31. A 10 min experimental run shows that, for a half order liquid phase reaction A  k
75% of A is converted to product. What would be the amount converted for a 35 minutes run.
32. Write down the expression of reaction rate in terms of conversion
33. The first order reversible liquid phase reaction A = R, CAo = 0.5 mol/liter, CRo = 0 takes
place in a batch reactor. After 8 minutes, the conversion of A is 33.3%, while the equilibrium
conversion is 66.7 %. Find the rate equation for this reaction.
34. Find out the integrated expression for a zero-order variable system.
35. Write short notes on multiple reactions
36. Show that for nth order reaction, the ratio of time required for 50% completion of reaction
to the time required for 75% completion of reaction is independent of the concentration and is
function of n alone.
37. If the rate of reaction (- rA) = 0.2 mol / lit.sec, when CA = 1 mol / lit, what is the rate of
reaction when CA = 10 mol / lit. Note that the order of the reaction is not known.
38. Liquid A decomposes by second order kinetics and in a batch reactor 50% of A is
converted in a 5 min run. How much longer would it take to reach 75% conversion?
39. Prove that for reactions in series, it is the slowest step that has the greatest influence on the
overall rate of reaction.
40. In an isothermal batch reactor 70% of a liquid reactant is converted in 13 min following
first order kinetics. What space time are needed to effect this conversion in a mixed flow
reactor and in a plug flow reactor.

41. Show that, as the recycle ratio is raised in a recycle reactor, the behavior shifts from
plug flow to mixed flow.
42. What is the primary advantage of a recycle reactor?
43. Derive the general equation for calculating the time needed to achieve a given
conversion XA in a batch reactor
44.Substance A in the liquid phase decomposes to produce D and U as follows:
A 
D (Desired product) , rate equation rD  k1C 2A , k1  0.4 m 3 .mol -1.min -1
A 
U (Undesired product) , rate equation rU  k 2 C A , k 2  2 min 1
Derive the expression of the instantaneous fractional yield of the desired product
A→C, (rC) = 0.1CA1
If CA0 = 20 mol/L and the initial concentration of the products B and C are 0, C A = 4 mol/L,
then calculate the final concentration of B in CSTR (in mol/L) .
46. If the reactions A→B and A→C are represented as (-rA) = k1CA3 and (-rA) = k2CA6 of
activation energies 130 and 150 J/ mol, then justufy the selection of CSTR and low
temperature to increase selectivity of B?
47. Discuss the key characteristics and advantages of a plug flow reactor (PFR)
48. Derive the general equation for calculating the time needed to achieve a given
conversion XA in a batch reactor for variable volume system
49. Substance A in the liquid phase decomposes to produce D and U as follows:
A 
D (Desired product) , rate equation rD  0.4C 2A
A  k2
U (Undesired product) , rate equation rU  2C A
Derive the expression of the instantaneous fractional yield of the desired product
50. Derive the performance equation of a CSTR
51. If for the parallel reactions A→B and A→C, if the final concentration of B is 26 mol/ L
and A converted is 36 mol/L, then calculate the final concentration of C.
52.Explain the concept of a mixed flow reactor (CSTR)
53. Derive the general equation for calculating the time needed to achieve a given
conversion XA in a batch reactor for a first order reaction
54. Substance A in the liquid phase decomposes to produce B and C as follows:
A  k1
B (Desired product) , rate equation rB  0.45C 2A
A 
C (Undesired product) , rate equation rC  2.4 C A
Derive the expression of the instantaneous fractional yield of the desired product
55. Derive the performance equation in terms of space time of a Back mix reactor
56. Derive the performance equation in terms of space time of a Plug flow reactor
57. Assuming a stoichiometry A  R, for a first order gas phase reaction, the size of the
plug flow reactor needed for 99% conversion of pure A feed is 32 liters. In fact, however,
the reaction stoichiometry is A 3R. With this correct stoichiometry, find out the required
reactor volume.
58. Consider a gas phase reaction 2A  R + 2S with unknown kinetics. If a space velocity
of 1 / min is needed for 90% conversion of A in a plug flow reactor, find the corresponding
space time and holding time of fluid in the reactor.
59. Prove that N plug flow reactors in series with a total volume V gives the same
conversion as a single plug flow reactor of volumn V.
60. Substance A in the liquid reacts to produce D and U as follows:
A  k1
D (Desired product)
A  U (Undesired product)

Both the reactions are of first order. A feed (CAo = 1 mol/lit, CDo= 0 and CUo = 0) enters
two mixed reactors in series (τ1 = 2.5 min, τ2 = 5 min). Knowing the composition in the
first reactor (CA1 = 0.4 mol/lit, CD1= 0.4 mol/lit and CU1 = 0.2 mol/lit), find the composition
in the second reactor.
61. A homogeneous liquid phase reaction, A  R, - rA = k CA2, takes place with 50%
conversion in a mixed reactor.
62.what will be the conversion, if this reactor is replaced by one 6 times as large – all else
remaining unchanged?
63.What will be the conversion, if the original reactor is replaced by a plug flow reactor of
equal size – all else remaining unchanged?
64. A first order reaction is to be carried out in a series of two reactors. Show that, the total
volume of the two reactor is minimum when they are of equal size.
65.Derive the performance equation of a CSTR for a first order reaction
66. A homogeneous gas phase reaction A  3P satisfactorily follow second order kinetics.
For a feed rate of 4 m3/hr of pure A at 350oC and 5 atm, an experimental reactor (size: 25
mm ID pipe×2 m length) reaction gives 60% conversion of A. A commercial plant is to
handle 320 m3/hr of feed containing 50 mole% A and 50 mole% inert at 350 oC and 25 atm
for obtaining 80% conversion of A.
(a) How many 2 m lengths of 25 mm ID pipe are needed for 80% conversion?
(b) Should they be arranged in parallel or series?
Assume, plug flow in pipe and ideal gas behavior.
67. For parallel reaction A→R with rate equation r R = k1CAα1 and A→S with rate equation
rS = k2CAα2, find the expression of the selectivity. If α1< α2, comment on the selection of
reactor and level of CA to get maximum production of R.
68.Justify the statement with suitable example “For reactions in parallel, concentration
level of reactants is the key to proper control of the product distribution.”
69. In an isothermal batch reactor 70% of a liquid reactant is converted in 13 min. What
space time and space velocity are needed to effect this conversion in a plug flow reactor.
70. Show that N numner of CSTR in series is equivalent to a PFR
71. Substance A in the liquid reacts to produce D and U as follows:
A  k1
D (Desired product)
A  U (Undesired product)

The first reaction is of second order and the second one is of first order. A feed (C Ao = 1
mol / lit, CDo= 0 and CUo = 0) enters two mixed reactors in series (τ1 = 2.5 min, τ2 = 10
min). Knowing the composition in the first reactor (CA1 = 0.4 mol/lit, CD1= 0.4 mol/lit and
CU1 = 0.2 mol/lit), find the composition in the second reactor.
72. A gas phase reaction A  2B + C is carried out separately in a PFR and in a CSTR at
500oC and 5 atm pressure. The feed A enters in pure state at a mass flow rate of 0.2 kg/s.
The rate constant is given by the expression k = 108 exp(- 1.5×104/T). The conversion
achieved is 80% and the molecular weight of the compound is 105. Calculate for both
(i) space time
(ii) volume of the reactor
73. A and B react with each other as follows
2A  R, rR = k1CA2
A + B  S, rs = k2CACB
2B  T, rT = k3CB2
Find what ratio of A to B should be maintained in a mixed flow reactor so as to maximize
the fractional yield of of desired product S.
74. An equimolar elementary liquid phase reaction A + B  R + S, is carried out in a PFR.
Initial concentration of A and B is 0.9 mol / lit. If a CSTR as large as a PFR is to be
arranged in series with the existing unit, which unit needs to be arranged first and by what
fraction the production can be enhanced by this set up?
75. Justify the statement with suitable example “For reactions in series, mixing of fluid of
different composition is the key to proper control of the product distribution.”
76. Distinguish the instantaneous fractional yield and overall fractional yield.
77. A vapor phase reaction with unknown kinetics is carried out in a MFR. The reaction is
represented as 2B  C + 2D. The space velocity is 1.5 min-1 and the conversion achieved
is 80%. Calculate the space time in a MFR and the mean residence time of the material in
78. Find out the performance equation of a recycle reactor
79. For the elementary reaction A  R (Desired product)  S , show for mix flow
k1 k2

the optimum space time is τm, opt = 1 /(k1 k2)

80. A gas phase reaction A  2B + C is carried out separately in a PFR and in a CSTR at
500oC and 5 atm pressure. The feed A enters in pure state at a mass flow rate of 0.2 kg/s.
The rate constant is given by the expression k = 108 exp (- 1.5×104/T). The conversion
achieved is 80% and the molecular weight of the compound is 105. Calculate for both
(i) mean residence time
(ii) volume of the reactor
80. For the parallel decomposition of A, where S is the desired product
A  R, rR = 1
A  S, rs = 2CA
A  T, rT = k3CA2
CAo = 2
What is the maximum CS we may expect in isothermal operations in (a) in a mixed reactor,
(b) in a plug flow reactor?
81. An equimolar elementary liquid phase reaction A + B  R + S, is carried out in a PFR.
Initial concentration of A and B is 0.9 mol / lit. If a CSTR 10 times as large as a PFR is
placed before the existing PFR unit in series, by what fraction the production can be
enhanced by this set up?
82. Define active sites of a catalyst and turn over frequency (TOF).
83. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis with example.
84. Show various possible deviations occurs in CSTR and Packed bed reactor with neat
85. Define Eley -Rideal reaction mechanism.
86. A gas phase adsorption reaction is reaction controlling. The reaction follows Eley –
Rideal mechanism, represented by A + B → R. If the product also adsorbs, which of the
following rate expressions is true?
87. X-rays of an unknown wavelength are diffracted by a nickel sample. The 2θ angle was
102.0720 for the {220} planes. What is the wavelength of the x-rays used? (The lattice
constant of nickel=0.352236 nm; assume first-order diffraction, n=1)
88. Distinguish between Supported and unsupported catalyst with example.
89. How much mass transfer co-efficient can be increased if the fluid flows at twice its
90. Derive the Langmuir adsorption isotherm equation.
91. Establish the relation between F and E curves for non-ideal reactors.
92. What is non-ideal reactor and What are the causes of non-ideality in ideal reactors.
93. Write down the steps of catalytic reaction with neat diagram.
94. Derive the adsorption kinetic equation for catalytic reaction.
95. Write down the function of promoter and inhibitor in catalytic reaction with example.
96. What is the residence time distribution in chemical engineering?
97. A catalytic reaction A→B + C(g) carried out in a reactor. Find out the rate law,
assuming adsorption is the rate controlling step. Also draw the nature of the curve.
98. Differentiate between the two injection methods in terms of their input and output and
sketch their responses.
99. Briefly discuss about the precipitation process of catalyst preparation with example and
flow diagram.

100. Derive the adsorption isotherm equation for non-dissociated adsorption process.
101.The simple autocatalytic reaction A+B→2B takes place in a non-ideal tank reactor that has
the resistance time distribution 𝝆𝒛 = 𝑪𝒏 (𝟏 − 𝝉 ), τ=0,….τmax.

Find analytically the conversion (X A). Data given: τmax= 15 minutes, CAO=1 M, CBO=10-3 M, k=
1 M-1 min-1.

102. Nitrogen was employed to determine the surface area of 1.0 gm sample of silica gel was
maintained at the normal boiling point of liquid nitrogen (77 K). One molecule of nitrogen
occupies 16.2 × 10-20 m2 area of plane surface. Calculate the specific surface area of silica gel by
the BET method. The saturated vapor pressor P0 of nitrogen at 77 K is 101.3 Kpa.

Equilibrium 5.0 6.3 7.5 9.0 11.2


Vol. 6.7 7.0 7.2 7.4 7.7

(m3) (STP)

103.Write down the different components of catalyst.

104.A tank of 860 L is used as a liquid-gas reactor. The gas bubbles rise through the reactor and
exit the top part. The liquid flows in the opposite direction to the gas, with a volumetric flow
rate of 5 L/s. To get an idea of the pattern of fluid flow in this tank, a pulse tracer is injected (M
= 150 g) at the entrance of the liquid and the concentration is measured at the exit as shown in
the figure.
a) Is this experiment well done?
b) If so, calculate the fraction of reactor occupied by the liquid.
c) Determine the E curve as a function of the concentration curve measured.

105.Briefly discuss about the sol-gel of catalyst preparation with example and flow diagram

106. Why Calcination is required in catalyst preparation process.

107. Derive the adsorption isotherm equation for dissociated adsorption process.
108. What do you mean by single site mechanism of surface reaction in catalysis process. Give
109. Adsorption of N2 on TiO2 was carried out at 75 K. A plot of (𝟏−𝒁)𝑽
Vs Z (P/PO) gives a
straight line with an intercept, 4.0×10-6 mm-3 and slope, 1.0 × 10-3. Determine the volume
monolayer (Vmono). (round off to the nearest integer).
110.What is dead zone, channeling, and short-
circuiting in the reactors. Show with neat diagram.

111. The concentration reading in given table represents a continuous response to a pulse input
into a closed vessel which is to be used as a chemical reactor. Calculate the mean residence time
of the fluid in the vessel.

Time t, min Tracer Output Concentration, Cpulse

(gm/L fluid)

0 0

5 3

10 5

15 5

20 4

25 2

30 1

35 0

112. State Bragg’s Law.

113.A sample of BCC metal was placed in an x-ray diffractometer using x-rays with a
wavelength of λ=0.1541 nm. Diffraction from {310} planes was obtained at 2θ=101.5020.
Calculate a value for the lattice constant ‘a’ for this BCC elemental metal. (Assume first order
diffraction, n=1)

114. Write down the different types of catalyst with example.

115. Distinguish between two term Selectivity and yield in catalysis process.
116. Briefly discuss about the impregnation process of catalyst preparation with example and
flow diagram.

117. What do you mean by molecular sieve.

118. Write down the different types of adsorption isotherm and their characteristics.
119. Draw the different types of hysteresis loop of adsorption isotherm and how it gives an idea
about catalyst pore structure

120. An x-ray diffractometer recorder chart for an element which has either the BCC or the FCC
crystal structure showed diffraction peaks at the following 2θ angles: 38.184 0, 44.3920, 64.5760
and 72.5470. (Wavelength of the incoming radiation was 0.1541 nm). Determine the crystal
structure of the element and determine the lattice constant of the element.
121. Dispersed non-coalescing droplets (CAO= 2 mol/liter) react (A→R, -rA=kCA2, k=0.5
liter/mol.min) as they pass through a contactor. Find the average concentration of A remaining
in the droplets leaving the contactor if their RTD is given by the curve in the following figure.

122. Postulate the mechanism and rate law for decomposition of cumene to from benzene and
propylene. Consider that the reaction is surface reaction controlled. If the inert is present what
will be the rate of reaction for the previous question.
123. Differentiate between supported and unsupported catalyst.
124.Differentiate between physisorption and chemisorption.

125. Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis process.

126. Spherical catalyst of particle size 4 mm is used in the reaction with rate constant 2× 10 -5
l/mol. s. The effective diffusivity is 5×10 -6 cm2/s, and initial concentration is 0.25 M. What is
the value of Thiele modulus?
127. A solid catalysed first order reaction A→R takes place with 55 % conversion in a basket
type mixed reactor. Find the conversion if the reactor size is trebled -all else i.e., temperature,
composition etc. remains unchanged.
128. Derive the relation between apparent reaction order nʹ(nApparent) and true reaction order n
129. Write down the function of catalyst in chemical reaction.
130.Write down the Frossling correlation and also state its significance.
131. A mechanism similar to dehydrogenation of butanol(A) to methyl ethyl Ketone(B) was
proposed as follows:
A) A+S↔A.S
B) A. S+S→B.S+C. S
C) B. S↔B+S
D) C. S↔C+S
Assuming step II (i.e.-irreversible surface reaction) to be the rate limiting step. Which of the
following is suitable rate law? Where, CT= total number of active sites and, K3 and K1 are
desorption co-efficient.

132.Write down the significance of Thiele Modulus and how the impregnation of the active
catalytic agent has to be done based on Thiele Modulus value.
133.Distinguish between progressive conversion model and shrinking core model.
134.Deduce the expression of Thiele Modulus for first order reaction.

135.Write down the rate expression when desorption is the rate controlling step for reaction:
C→B + P(g)
136.Write down the rate expression when surface reaction is the rate controlling step for
reaction: C→B + P(g)

137.Briefly discuss about Thoenes-Kramer Correlation and its significance.

138.Denitrifying bacteria are immobilized in gel beads and used in a stirred reactor for removal
of nitrate from groundwater. At a nitrate concentration of 3 g m-3, the conversion rate is 0.011 g
s-1 m-3 catalyst. The effective diffusivity of nitrate in the gel is 1.5×10 -9 m2 s-1, the beads are 6
mm in diameter, and the liquid-solid mass-transfer coefficient is 10-5 m s-1. Km for the
immobilized bacteria is approximately 25 g m-3. What is the value of an observable modulus for
external mass transfer, Ω?
139.Hydromethylation of toluene to form benzene and methane is carried out in a packed bed
reactor. The Reaction is: C6H5CH3 + H2 → C6H6 + CH4. Find the mechanism and also calculate
the ratio of sites occupied by the toluene to that of benzene at 40% conversion. Where, rate
constant k=0.00087 mol/atm2. Kg Cat. Min
Equilibrium constant KT=1.038 atm-1, KB=1.39 atm-1.
140. Briefly discuss about progressive conversion model with neat diagram.
141.Postulate the mechanism and rate law for formation of phenol from benzene. Consider that
the reaction is surface reaction controlled.

142. Derive the concentration profile in non-dimensional term of spices A inside the catalyst
pore when internal diffusion is the rate controlling step and identify the Thiele modulus in that
143.Deduce the expression of effective mass transfer co-efficient (keff) of mass transfer to a
single particle with reaction when
(a) rate of diffusion from bulk to the catalyst surface limits the overall reaction rate.
(b) rate of surface reaction limits the overall reaction rate.
144.The rate parameter for the proposed mechanism of butanol dehydrogenation were
determined by linear regression of experimental data. Using the following rate law, find the
approximate weight of the catalyst required for 90% conversion in CSTR
Given data: PA0=10 atm, FA0= 10mol/min,

0.56 p A
 rA'  mol / h.gmofcat.
Rate law: (1  2.04 p A ) 2

(1  X )
p A  p A0 atm.
(1  X )

145.Briefly discuss about Shrinking Core model.

146.A second order reaction A→B+2C is carried out in a packed bed reactor. The reaction is
strongly internal diffusion controlling. Determine the length of the reactor.

Data given: U=4 m/s, T=2600C, dp=0.38 cm, P=4.94 atm., ρb=2.1×106 gm/m3, Sa=410 m2/gm,
DeA=2.68×10-8 m2/s, k˝=51 m6/m2mol.s. and X=81 %
147. Develop the relation between internal effectiveness factor and Thiele modulus.
148.Write down the purpose for finding the internal effectiveness factor.
149.The rate parameter for the proposed mechanism of butanol dehydrogenation were
determined by linear regression of experimental data. Using the following rate law, find the
approximate weight of the catalyst required for 90% conversion in Packed Bed Reactor.

Given data: PA0=10 atm, FA0= 10mol/min,

0.56 p A
 rA'  mol / h.gmofcat.
Rate law: (1  2.04 p A ) 2

(1  X )
p A  p A0 atm.
(1  X )

(Linear Graph paper required)

150.A first-order heterogeneous irreversible reaction (A → B) is taking place within a spherical
catalyst pellet which is plated with platinum throughout the pellet. The concentration at the
external surface is 0.001 gmole/cm3, the diameter (2R) is 2 ×10-3 cm, and the diffusion co-
efficient is 0.1 cm2/s, Thiele modulus =0.6. Find the concentration of reactant at a distance of
3×10-4 cm in from the external pellet surface in gmole/cm3 ?
151.Find the mechanism and rate law for hydromethylation of toluene to form benzene and
methane. The Reaction is: C6H5CH3 + H2 → C6H6 + CH4. Also verify the rate law with
experimental data. The experimental data is given below.

Set Run Rate ×10 10 Partial Pressure

No. No. (atm)
toluene/ gm pT pH pM pB

A 1 71.3 1 1 1 0

2 71.3 1 1 4 0

B 3 42.0 1 1 0 1

4 17.1 1 1 0 5

C 5 71.8 1 1 0 0

6 142.0 1 2 0 0

7 284.0 1 4 0 0

D 8 47.0 0.5 1 0 0

9 117.0 5 1 0 0

10 131.0 15 1 0 0

11 133.0 20 1 0 0

152.Calculate the mass flux of reactant A to a single catalyst pellet 1 cm in diameter suspended
in a large body of liquid. The reactant is present in dilute concentrations, and the reaction is
considered to take place instantaneously at the external pellet surface (i.e., C AS ≈0). The bulk
concentration of the reactant is 1.0 M/dcm3 and the free system liquid velocity is 0.1 m/s. The
kinematic viscosity is 0.5 cS. Diffusivity DAB=10-10 m2/s at T=300K
153.A catalytic reaction A→4R is run at 3.2 atm and 117OC in a mixed flow reactor. Determine
the amount of catalyst needed for 35 % conversion of A to R for a feed rate of 2000 mol/hr of
pure A at 3.2 atm and 117OC. The rate of reaction is -rAʹ=96 CA, mol/kg cat.hr. Consider
CAO=0.1 mol/liter and ϵ=3

154.A catalytic reaction A→4R is run at 3.2 atm and 117OC in a plug flow reactor which
contains 0.01kg of catalyst and uses a feed consisting of the partially converted product of
20liters/hr of pure unreacted A. The results are as follows:

Run CAin, CAout,

mol/lit mol/lit

1 0.100 0.084

2 0.080 0.070

3 0.060 0.055

4 0.040 0.038

Find rate equation to represent this reaction.

(Linear graph paper required)

153.A mass transfer-limited reaction is being carried out in two reactors of equal volume and
packing, connected in series as shown in figure (a) below. Currently, 86.5% conversion is being
achieved with this arrangement. Now if the reactors be separated and the flow rate be divided
equally among each of the two reactors, as shown in figure (b) what will be the conversion?

154.It is proposed to reduce the concentration of NO in an effluent strea from a plant by passing
it through a packed bed of spherical porous carbonaceous solid pellets. A 2% No-98% air
mixture flows at a rate of 1 × 10-6 m3/s through a 2″ ID tube packed with porous solid at a
temperature of 1173 K and a pressure of 101.3 kPa. The reaction: NO + C→CO + 0.5 N2 is first
order in NO, that is, -rʹNO=k1″SaCNO
And occurs primarily in the pores inside the pellet, where Sa=Internal Surface Area=530 m2/g
K1″=4.42 × 10-10 m3/m2.s
Calculate the weight of porous solid necessary to reduce the NO concentration to a level of
0.004% (CAb).
Additional information:
At 1173 K, the fluid properties are
ν=Kinematic viscosity=1.53×10 -8 m2/s

DAB=Gas phase diffusivity=2.0 ×10-8 m2/s

De=Effective diffusivity=1.82×10 -8 m2/s
The properties of the catalyst and bed are
ρC= Density of catalyst=2.8 gm/cc
φ=Bed porosity=0.5
ρb= Bulk Density of Bed= ρC(1-φ) =1.4 ×106 gm/m3
R=Pellet radius=3×10-3 m

155.The hydromethylation of toluene is to be carried out in a fluidized CSTR. The molar feed
rate of toluene to the reactor is 50 mol/min, and the reactor is operated at 40 atm and 640 OC.
Determine the catalyst weight and reactor volume. Bulk density of catalyst=400 kg/m3.
156.Derive the expression of length of the packed bed reactor considering external diffusion is
the rate limiting step.

157.Derive the expression for overall effectiveness for catalytic reaction.

1. With suitable example explain zero order reaction. Find out the integrated rate expression for a zero-order reaction

2. Show that the irreversible first order reaction is a special case of the reversible reaction when X Ae = 1 (C Ae = 0, or Kc = ∞).

3. Prove that for reactions in series, it is the slowest step that has the greatest influence on the overall rate of reaction.

differential method of analysis of batch reactor data.

5. For the disappearance of A as per gas phase first order reaction A1.9 P, starting with pure reactant A, find out the rate equation for the
disappearance of A, if the volume of the reaction mixture increases by 60% in 5 minutes. Assume the total pressure of the system to be
constant at 1.25 atm and the temperature to be 25 oC.

Ans: k = 0.22 min-1

Discuss about the reactions where the order shifts from higher to lower value.

7. Write short notes on the transition state theory dictating the temperature dependent terms of rate equation.
8. Deduce the performance equation of a CSTR.

9. Differentiate space time and holding time for a PFR considering suitable parameters required for explanation.

3. The reaction 2A  P is carried out in a batch reactor to achieve 90% conversion of A. Find the reaction time, if the feed contains 30%
inert along with reactant ‘A’. The kinetic rate law is - rA  7  10 -4 (m 3 / kmol.s) C 2A . The density of pure A is 10 kmol / m3.
Ans: 1836.735 s = 30.61 min

Prove that N number of CSTR of volume V is equivalent to a PFR of volume V.

5. Justify the following statement “for reactions in series, the mixing of fluid of different composition is the key to maximize the formation
of intermediate.”

6. For parallel reaction A+B→R with rate equation rR = k1CAα1CBβ1 and A+ B →S with rate equation

rS = k2CAα2 CBβ2 discuss about the selection of reactors and other conditions to maximize the production of the desired product R.

A catalytic reaction A→4R is run at 3.2 atm and 117 OC in a mixed flow reactor. Determine the amount of catalyst needed for 35 %
conversion of A to R for a feed rate of 2000 mol/hr of pure A at 3.2 atm and 117 OC. The rate of reaction is -r Aʹ=96 CA, mol/kg cat.hr.
Consider C AO=0.1 mol/liter and ϵ=3
Ans: 230 Kg

Differentiate between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysis with example. [5]

Define active sites of a catalyst and turn over frequency (TOF).

Design a fixed-bed reactor for a gas-solid catalytic reaction where the gas flows through the bed of catalyst pellets at a steady state. Given:

Inlet concentration of reactant A: C A0=2 mol/m3; Outlet conversion X: 70%; Rate constant k: 0.1 s−1; Catalyst mass W: 10 kg; Gas flow rate
FA0: 1 mol/s. Determine the reactor volume required.

Ans: 11.66 m3

The Fisher-Tropsch synthesis was studied using a commercial 0.5 wt. % Ru on Al 2O3. The Catalyst dispersion was found 49%. At a pressure
of 988 kPa and a temperature of 475 K, a turnover frequency, fCH4 was 0.044 s-1. What is the rate of formation of methane in mol/s. gm of

Write down the Frossling correlation and determine how much mass transfer co-efficient can be increased if the fluid flows at twice its

Develop the relation between internal effectiveness factor and Thiele modulus.

Differentiate between the two injection methods in terms of their input and output and sketch their responses.

Determine the plug flow reactor volume, if the mean residence time is 8 hours and the flow rate is 2 m³/h.

Ans: 16 m3

A laboratory-scale fixed-bed reactor is designed for a catalytic gas-solid reaction in which a reactant gas A reacts with a solid catalyst. The
reaction is first-order with respect to the concentration of A and has a rate constant k=0.5 s −1. The reactor is packed with a catalyst that
has a bulk density of 1,200 kg/m3 and the total volume of the reactor bed is 0.002 m 3. The inlet concentration of the reactant gas C AO is
2.0 mol/m3, and the gas flow rate is 0.001 m3/s. Calculate the residence time (τ) of the gas in the reactor and the conversion (X) of A in the
reactor assuming plug flow conditions.

Ans: τ=2 S, X=0.0632

Consider a catalyst with an intrinsic reaction rate constant k intrinsic=0.2 s−1 and an observed reaction rate robserved=0.08 mol/(m3⋅s)

Calculate the effectiveness factor η (Assume that the concentration at the catalyst surface C A,s=0.4 mol/m3

Ans: 1

Calculate the volume of a plug flow reactor for a catalytic gas-solid reaction. The reaction rate is governed by first-order kinetics with a
rate constant k=0.15 s−1 at operating conditions.


Feed gas flow rate: FA0=2 mol/s

Concentration of reactant A in the feed: CA0=0.5 mol/L

Outlet conversion of A: 80%

Ans: 42.9 m3

. The liquid phase reaction A  P + Q, with C P0 = 0 and CQ0 = 55 mol/l proceeds as follows

Time, min 0 35 65 100 160 ∞

CA, mol/l 0.182 0.145 0.122 0.103 0.08 0.05

Find the rate expression for this reaction.

Ans:-r𝐴 = 6.72475 × 10-3 𝐶𝐴 − 4.638 × 10-5 𝐶𝑃 𝐶𝑄

2. For the liquid phase reaction A 

D, A
 U, k1 = 5.1 h-1, k2 = 0.9 h-1, CA0 = 9 mol / litre. CD0 = 0 = CU0. Find out
the amount of A reacted and amount of D and U produced in moles in 15 mins.

Ans : Moles of A consumed = 6.992 mol.

Moles of D produced = 5.943 mol.

Moles of U produced = 1.0487 mol

3. A zero order homogeneous gas phase reaction (with 20 % inert and rest A initially), A  rP proceeds in a constant volume bomb, where
pressure rises from 1 to 1.3 atm in 2 mins. If the same reaction is carried out in a constant pressure batch reactor, calculate the fractional change in
volume in 4 mins if the feed contains 40% inert initially and the initial pressure is 3 atm.

Ans: V  1.6487 litre.

4. Deduce the integrated rate expression for a second order of the type A + B  P with C Ao= CBo occurring in a variable volume batch reactor.

5. For a series reaction of the type A  R  S, find out the expression of time required to get the maximum concentration of the desired
product R.

1. A liquid phase reaction, A + B → C + D is carried out in a CSTR to produce 25000 kg/day of product C , where two feed streams of A
and B with concentration of 2 kmol/m3 each and same volumetric flow rate at the same temperature. (a) Calculate the volume of the reactor
to achieve 90% conversion of A. Molecular weight of A and C = 60 each. (b) Also calculate the space time and , the individual volumetric
flow rate of each stream. The rate constant is 0.06 m3/kmol.s.

Ans: V  8.038 m , 25 min , 0.1608 m /s

3 3

2. Deduce the expression for calculating the length of the plug flow reactor, for a first order gas phase reaction.

3. A homogeneous gas phase reaction A → 3P has a reported rate (mol/lit.s) at 215 oC as – r A = k C An, where k = 0.01 and n = 0.5.Find the
space time needed for 80% conversion of A in a PFR operating at 215oC and 5 atm pressure. The feed is a 50% - 50% mixture of A and

Ans: 33.125 s

. A reaction of constant density A → R is planned to carry out in a combination of three CSTRs of different sizes in series. Find out the
suitable sequencing of the units to achieve the highest conversion. The kinetic rate equation is – r A = 0.4 C A0.55. The volume of three reactors
are 1.5, 4.5 and 9.0 m3. The mass flow rate of A = 10 kmol/hr . Initial concentration of A = 4.5 kmol/m 3.
Ans: Ordering the reactor as Big CSTR – Middle CSTR – Small CSTR

Briefly discuss about the precipitation process of catalyst preparation with example and flow diagram.

A mechanism similar to dehydrogenation of butanol(A) to methyl ethyl Ketone(B) was proposed as follows:

A) A+S↔A.S

B) A. S+S→B.S+C. S

C) B. S↔B+S

D) C. S↔C+S

Assume that the reaction is surface reaction controlled. Deduce the rate law?

A catalytic reaction A→B + C(g) carried out in a reactor. Find out the rate law, assuming adsorption is the rate controlling step. Also draw
the nature of the curve

Derive the expression for overall effectiveness for catalytic reaction.

Dispersed non-coalescing droplets (C AO= 2 mol/liter) react (A→R, -r A=kC A2, k=0.5 liter/mol.min) as they pass through a contactor. Find the
average concentration of A remaining in the droplets leaving the contactor if their RTD is given by the curve in the following figure.

Ans: 0.69 mol/L

A tank of 860 L is used as a liquid-gas reactor. The gas bubbles rise through the reactor and exit the top part. The liquid flows in the
opposite direction to the gas, with a volumetric flow rate of 5 L/s. To get an idea of the pattern of fluid flow in thi s tank, a pulse tracer is
injected (M = 150 g) at the entrance of the liquid and the concentration is measured at the exit as shown in the figure.

a) If so, calculate the fraction of reactor occupied by the liquid.

b) Determine the E curve as a function of the concentration curve measured.

Explain the importance of catalyst particle size in reactor design

The rate parameter for the proposed mechanism of butanol dehydrogenation were determined by linear regression of experimental data.
Using the following rate law, find the approximate weight of the catalyst required for 90% conversion in CSTR

Given data: PA0=10 atm, FA0= 10mol/min,

0.56 p A
 rA'  mol / h.gmofcat.
Rate law:
(1  2.04 p A ) 2
(1  X )
p A  p A0 atm.
(1  X )

The rate law for the hydrogenation (H) of ethylene (E) to form ethane (A) over a cobalt-molybdenum catalyst is, -rE’=(kPEPH/ 1+KE PE),
suggest a mechanism and rate-limiting step consistent with the rate law

Why Calcination is required in catalyst preparation process.

Explain the concept of a Thiele modulus and its relevance in catalyst design.
Derive the adsorption isotherm equation for non-dissociated adsorption process.
What is the effectiveness factor of a catalyst, and how is it defined? Explain its importance in catalytic reactor design
An isomerization reaction of N-pentene (N) to form I-pentene (I) was studied using a commercial 1 wt % Pt (MW=195) on Al 2O3.The
catalyst dispersion was found 50%. Calculate the maximum and minimum rates of reaction in (mole/gm catalyst. S) where, the maximum
and minimum turn over frequency is 5 molecules/site. S and 3×10 -3 molecules/site. S, respectively.

Ans: -r’min=1.28×10-4 mole/gmcat.S

-r’Max=7.69×10-8 mole/gmcat.S

Explain the concept of a Thiele modulus and its relevance in catalyst design.
What is the effectiveness factor of a catalyst, and how is it defined? Explain its importance in catalytic reactor design.

Briefly discuss about Shrinking Core model.

What are the differences between ideal and non-ideal reactors? Provide an example of each.
Calculate the mass flux of reactant A to a single catalyst pellet 1 cm in diameter suspended in a large body of liquid. The reactant is present
in dilute concentrations, and the reaction is considered to take place instantaneously at the external pellet surface (i.e., CAS ≈0). The bulk
concentration of the reactant is 1.0 M/dcm3 and the free system liquid velocity is 0.1 m/s. The kinematic viscosity is 0.5 cS. Diffusivity
DAB=10-10 m2/s at T=300K

Briefly discuss about the sol-gel of catalyst preparation with example and flow diagram

A first-order heterogeneous irreversible reaction (A → B) is taking place within a spherical catalyst pellet which is plated with platinum
throughout the pellet. The concentration at the external surface is 0.001 gmole/cm 3, the diameter (2R) is 2 ×10-3 cm, and the diffusion co-
efficient is 0.1 cm2/s, Thiele modulus =0.6. Find the concentration of reactant at a distance of 3×10 -4 cm in from the external pellet surface in

Ans: CA=2.36×10-5 mol/cm3

The dehydration of n-butanol was carried out over an alumina-silica catalyst. The feed consisted of pure butanol. Assume that the reaction is
duel site surface reaction controlled. Deduce the rate law at initial condition and evaluate the rate law parameters.

Data given:

1 2 3 4 5 6

-rAO’ 0 0.275 0.5 0.77 0.77 0.5


pAO (atm) 0 4.5 27 54 112 229

(Two linear graph is required)

The gas phase reaction A→ R + S, -r A’=k’C A2 was carried out in a plug flow reactor with 2 kg of a solid catalyst. With pure A entering the
reactor at a rate of 6,000 lit/min at 4 atm and 160 OC, the conversion was found to be 70%. If it is desired to treat 60,000 lit/min of a 50% -
50% inert feed in a plug flow reactor at 15 atm and 160 OC, how much catalyst would be required for 90% conversion of A?
ANS: 34.8 Kg og Catalyst

′ 𝑘 𝐾 𝐶𝑡2 𝑝𝐴𝑂
𝑠 𝐴
Ans:−𝑟𝐴0 = (1+𝐾 2 gmmole/hr.gm Cat., KA ⁓0.172 & k ⁓ 0.053
𝐴 𝑝𝐴𝑂 )

Consider a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) operating with a non-ideal flow characterized by the following RTD function:
1 𝑡
𝐸(𝑡) = 𝑒 −𝜏

Where τ=10 minutes is the mean residence time of the reactor.

The reaction occurring in the reactor is first-order, with the following rate expression: −r A=kC A


k=0.1 min−1 is the reaction rate constant, CA0=2 mol/L is the inlet concentration of reactant A.

Determine the overall conversion X of reactant A in the reactor and calculate the concentration of A in the outlet stream, C A.

Ans: X= 0.63, C A= 0.73 mol/L

Briefly discuss about Thoenes-Kramer Correlation and its significance.

A mass transfer-limited reaction is being carried out in two reactors of equal volume and packing, connected in series. Currently, 86.5%
conversion is being achieved with this arrangement. Now if the reactors be separated and the flow rate be divided equally among each of the
two reactors what will be the conversion?

Ans: X2=0.76

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