Sector: Clinical
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Culti-Loops are recommended for use in the performance testing of culture media,
stains, diagnostic kits and reagents, for the maintenance of stock cultures and in the
evaluation of bacteriological procedures. Each loop is individually packaged in a foil
pouch, and each pack contains five loops.
Cut open the end of the foil packet as indicated on the label. The film in each loop is
made from a gelatin formulation and then dried by special processing. To rehydrate the
film, the loops must come into contact with both warmth and moisture.
Direct inoculation of Culti-Loops onto selective media may result in slow or absent
growth. It is therefore recommended that where this is observed, inoculation onto a
nonselective medium (such as blood agar) should precede subculture onto selective
The following two methods may be used for inoculation. Utilise the appropriate method
for the selected micro-organism.
Most organisms grow in 24-48 hours under the proper conditions. However, some
exhibit a considerable lag phase and should be incubated for an additional 24 hours.
For further information on the use of Oxoid Culti-Loops, simply download the Quality
Control Organisms data sheet (937KB) in PDF format.
Store Culti-Loops at 2-8°C (or frozen for Campylobacter spp.). Remove only the
quantity of loops required for immediate use. Under these conditions, Culti-Loops will
retain their viability until the date shown on the foil pouch.
Culti-Loops contain viable micro-organisms and should be used only by individuals
with bacteriological training. Each loop should contain an intact dried film. Do not use
the loop if there is any evidence of hydration.Refer to national Guidelines for
Microbiological Containment Category information. After use, all loops and packaging
should be placed into an appropriate container and sterilised by autoclaving before their
final disposal. Do not place the loops into bunsen burners.
Those who receive Culti-Loops are responsible for their safe storage, handling and use.
Oxoid is not liable for damages or injuries resulting from the receipt and/or use of Culti-
Loops. Oxoid is not liable for damages arising from the misidentification or
misrepresentation of strains.
Prier J., Bartola E. and Friedman H. (1973) Quality Control in Microbiology. University
Park Press, Baltimore.
The organisms used in Culti-Loops® are derived from original ATCC® stock cultures
according to the number shown.
Culti-Loops® are manufactured for Oxoid Ltd by Remel Inc., an FDA approved
company (FDA Registration No. 1625984).
Culti-Loops® is a registered trademark of Remel Inc..
ATCC® is a registered trademark of American Type Culture Collection.
The ATCC Licensed Derivative Emblem™, the ATCC Licensed Derivative word
mark®, and the ATCC catalogue marks are trademarks of ATCC. Oxoid Limited is
licensed to use these trademarks and to sell products derived from ATCC® cultures.
Look for the ATCC Licensed Derivative Emblem™ for products derived from ATCC®