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Table 1. The Six Main Centers of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration [7–9]. Phase I clinical trials evaluate a drug’s performance and
determine its maximum safe dose in a small number of healthy
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)*
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)*
volunteers. Phase II trials are the first to include subjects with
Center for Devices and Radiological Health the condition the investigational agent is intended to treat. The
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition evaluation of safety remains the priority while preliminary data
Center for Tobacco Products are also captured to evaluate efficacy/effectiveness trends. Phase
Center for Veterinary Medicine
III drug trials are designed to evaluate whether the drug is ef-
*Primary focus of this review.
fective in treating the condition of interest. For drugs that dem-
onstrate safety and efficacy through phase III clinical trials, a
legally considered drugs so they are (or historically were) comprehensive data package that includes results from preclin-
covered by the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research ical studies and all clinical phases of evaluation are compiled
therapeutic monoclonal antibodies regulated by CDER and the CBER to CDER [11]. At present CBER continues to have ju-
vaccines and biologics that are regulated by CBER. For now, all risdiction over human blood and blood-related products, sera
monoclonal antibodies (including nirsevimab) remain under used for allergic desensitization, live biotherapeutics (eg, pro-
the purview of CDER and its advisory committees. biotics, fecal microbiota transplantation), human cells and tis-
sues, diagnostic assays for HIV, devices used to transfuse/infuse
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research blood and blood products, and vaccines (Table 2). As noted,
CBER was not originally part of the U.S. FDA. Instead, it began all monoclonal antibodies, whether intended for use as thera-
as one of several federal public health agencies that would even- peutics or for disease prevention, remain under the jurisdiction
tually merge to form the National Institutes of Health. From the of CDER.
beginning, its mission included a mandate to foster the devel-
opment of new vaccines. In 1972, CBER came under the juris- Advisory Committees to the FDA
diction of the FDA and was renamed the Bureau of Biologics. Federal laws and policies of the Department of Homeland
As part of this organizational restructuring, the agency retained Security outline the requirements for the CDER and the CBER
oversight of vaccines and gained an expanded regulatory role to establish and maintain advisory committees [12, 13]. The
that included blood products and allergy desensitization sera. size, purview, and designated responsibilities of these advi-
A decade later, as the biotechnology revolution took off and sory committees continue to grow, necessitating the formation
the distinction between a drug and a biologic became less clear, of subgroups, or panels of individuals, who together, have the
the Bureau of Biologics was merged with the FDA’s Bureau of multidisciplinary expertise to provide authoritative and com-
Drugs, to form the Center for Drugs and Biologics, although prehensive advice on questions posed to them about drugs and
the leaders from the two merged sections were charged with biologics under their review by their respective committees.
enforcing different public health laws and did so with philo- Each of the current technical and scientific advisory com-
sophical differences. In the early 1980s, CBER was declared the mittees and panels includes both scientific experts and mem-
primary agency for HIV/AIDS-related products, since blood bers of the public (Table 4). Applicants for available positions
products were already under their purview and a substantial on the advisory committee are selected based on their expertise
number of cases of HIV had been transmitted via the transfusion to meet the anticipated needs of the group [14]. FDA Advisory
of various blood products. Then, in 1987, the Center for Drugs committees typically include representation from most or all of
and Biologics was formally split into CBER and the CDER the following groups: physicians, physician-scientists, experts
under the leadership of FDA Commissioner Frank Young, the in biostatistics, biomedical engineers, physical chemists, bio-
organizational format that still exists today. The next substan- chemists, biologists, a consumer and/or patient representative,
tial shift in oversight responsibilities occurred in 2002 when the and a representative from industry.
FDA transferred regulatory responsibilities for certain biologic The primary role of an FDA advisory committee is to
products that were manufactured and used as therapeutics from provide independent, outside, expert advice on drugs and
The US Drug and Vaccine Approval Process • JPIDS 2024:13 (Suppl 2) • S95
Table 4. Current Advisory Committees to the Food and Drug Administration The Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee
The Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee (ADAC), (for-
Allergenic Products Advisory Committee
merly known as the Anti-Infective Drugs Advisory Committee)
Anesthetic and Analgesic Drug Products Advisory Committee
Antimicrobial Drugs Advisory Committee* is one of the largest and busiest advisory committees under
Antiviral Drugs Advisory Committee CDER [15]. The group is responsible for reviewing data on
Arthritis Advisory Committee the safety and efficacy/effectiveness of both marketed and in-
Blood Products Advisory Committee vestigational human drug products that target infections. The
Cardiovascular and Renal Drugs Advisory Committee
Committee is comprised of 13 voting members who are selected
Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee
Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee
by the FDA Commissioner or designee. The selected voting
Device Good Manufacturing Practice Advisory Committee members may include one individual with consumer interests
Digital Health Advisory Committee who is recommended by consumer stakeholder groups. A non-
The US Drug and Vaccine Approval Process • JPIDS 2024:13 (Suppl 2) • S97
The manufacturer, with guidance from the FDA, also develops a permission to market the vaccine in the United States for use in
protocol that lists the quality tests to be conducted on every vac- the approved population.
cine lot produced. For vaccines that earn FDA approval, each
item on this checklist must be performed and meet acceptable Regulatory Oversight Continues After Approval
standards before being released for public use. Prior to lot re- Despite the rigorous and comprehensive nature of the vaccine
lease, the FDA requires the manufacturer to submit their quality development process and regulatory approval pathway, over-
assurance protocols, a list of the agreed-upon tests to be per- sight, and surveillance continue after FDA approval. Federal
formed on each lot, and results of the testing that has been per- agencies (FDA, CDC) use both passive and active surveillance
formed, including assessments of purity, potency, and sterility. systems to monitor the safety of new and existing vaccines.
The manufacturer must also submit samples of the vaccine from The vaccine manufacturer, independent researchers, and other
the lot under evaluation. This permits the FDA to perform inde- stakeholders also regularly participate in these surveillance
The US Drug and Vaccine Approval Process • JPIDS 2024:13 (Suppl 2) • S99
project lead is assigned to each Breakthrough Therapy develop- secretary is authorized to temporarily designate ex officio mem-
ment program to ensure that the review of the product’s data is bers as voting members, per the committee charter. Meetings
efficient across all disciplines. are announced, advertised, open to the public, and available on-
None of the four accelerated pathways/designations that line via webcast. Meeting minutes, and slide sets or supporting
have been described change the established requirements for materials used during the discussion are available on the CDC
gaining FDA approval. All products must demonstrate safety website within 90 days of the conference, often sooner.
and effectiveness in the same manner. The designations are, At the 2010 October meeting, the ACIP adopted the GRADE
instead, meant to move applications through the required pro- (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and
cesses by prioritizing and shortening review timelines [48, 50, Evaluation) framework to guide their discussions [58]. The
53]. Perhaps more importantly, some designations provide process includes a comprehensive review of the FDA-approved
for enhanced and more frequent communication between the labeling and prescribing information, a review of the scientific
The US Drug and Vaccine Approval Process • JPIDS 2024:13 (Suppl 2) • S101
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44. Sachs RE, Donohue JM, Dusetzina SB. Accelerated approval—taking the FDA’s 54. Walton LR, Orenstein WA, Pickering LK. The history of the United States Advisory
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48. Michaeli DT, Michaeli T, Albers S, Boch T, Michaeli JC. Special FDA designations 58. https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/acip/recs/index.html Accessed February 6, 2024.
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