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Flanagan Reliability_of_the_Reactive_Strength_Index_and.39

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Biomechanics Research Unit, College of Science, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland; 2Strength and Conditioning Research
Laboratory, Department of Physical Therapy/Program in Exercise Science, Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin; and
Dept. HPER, Northern Michigan University, Marquette, Michigan


Flanagan, EP, Ebben, WP, and Jensen, RL. Reliability of the lyometric exercises have been demonstrated to
reactive strength index and time to stabilization during depth improve power output (5), agility (7), and running
jumps. J Strength Cond Res 22(5): 1677–1682, 2008—The reli- economy (13). These exercises use rapid, powerful
ability of the reactive strength index (RSI) and time to stabi- movements that are preceded by a preloading
countermovement that activates the stretch-shortening
lization (TTS) during maximal-effort plyometric depth jumps was
cycle. Depth jumps are one of the most commonly used
examined. Twenty-two subjects performed three depth jumps
plyometric exercises (14) and have been used in many
from a height of 30 cm. Measures such as height of jump (JH),
published strength and conditioning studies (2,5,10,14). A
ground-contact time (CT), RSI, and TTS were obtained and ana- depth jump requires the athlete to step from a measured drop
lyzed for reliability using Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient height and, on landing on the ground, to perform a maximal-
and intraclass correlations. The JH, CT, and RSI were shown to effort vertical jump, with a short ground-contact period.
be highly reliable from trial to trial (evidenced by high Cronbach The reactive strength index (RSI) has been developed as
reliability coefficients (a . 0.95) and high single- and average- a mechanism to monitor the stress on the musculotendinous
measures intraclass correlations (.0.9). Time to stabilization complex during plyometric exercises such as depth jumps (6).
was not reliable from trial to trial, as evidenced by a low The RSI describes an individual’s ability to change quickly
Cronbach reliability coefficient (a , 0.7) and poor single- from an eccentric to concentric muscular contraction (16)
(,0.5) and average-measures (,0.7) intraclass correlations. and expresses athletes’ explosive capabilities in dynamic
The RSI was observed to be consistent for single measures, jumping activity. The index can be used to provide
suggesting that coaches dealing with large numbers of athletes
recommendations for optimal drop height in plyometric
exercises (6), to compare athletes’ plyometric capabilities, or
can conduct only a single trial from each depth jump height
to monitor plyometric training progress (6). The RSI is
when attempting to optimize plyometric depth jump heights for
calculated by dividing the height jumped in a depth jump by
their athletes. Time to stabilization could be a useful tool for
the time on the ground developing the forces required to
strength and conditioning investigators to quantify the landing make that jump (6). The components of RSI, the jump height
portion of plyometric exercises, but the protocol used in the (JH) and the ground-contact time (CT), also provide usual
current study to measure this variable did not prove to be information to coaches. Jump height is a simple outcome
reliable. Investigators wishing to use this measurement in such measure that can be used by coaches to assess plyometric
a context in future research studies may need to allow subjects performance. Contact time provides key information
appropriate habituation periods and control for arm movement regarding the manner in which jumps are performed. Short
during the landing phase of the exercise. ground-contact times are encouraged in depth jumping, and
monitoring CT can provide a useful feedback tool (6).
KEY WORDS plyometrics, balance, stretch shortening cycle The RSI can be readily determined via force platforms or
more simply in the clinical setting using contact mats.
Although the measure seems to be growing in popularity in
both the practical and research setting, definitive reliability
data of the variable have not been produced. Flanagan and
Address correspondence to Eamonn Flanagan, eamonn.flanagan@ Harrison (3) have presented reliability data suggesting that
gmail.com. RSI is a reliable measure during dynamic jumping activity.
22(5)/1677–1682 However, in this study, subjects performed one-legged drop
Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research jumps on a force sledge apparatus. The force sledge apparatus
Ó 2008 National Strength and Conditioning Association provides strong control of eccentric loadings and minimizes

VOLUME 22 | NUMBER 5 | SEPTEMBER 2008 | 1677

Reliability of RSI and TTS

the contribution of extraneous factors such as arm swing and METHODS

contralateral leg action (3), potentially increasing trial-to-trial Experimental Approach to the Problem
reliability. As a result, these findings may not be generalizable This experiment tested the hypothesis that measures of RSI
to plyometrics performed outside the constraints of the force and vertical TTS calculated during plyometric depth jumps
sledge. Additionally, the study of Flanagan and Harrison (3) and landings would be reliable from trial to trial. A repeated-
used a relatively small sample size (n = 10), which may result
measures experimental design was implemented with subjects
in an overestimation of reliability (8).
performing three depth jumps from a fixed height of 0.30 m in
Whereas the RSI describes the performance of the athlete a nonfatigued state. The study examined the dependent
during the jumping phase of a depth jump, the nature of the variables of JH, CT, RSI, and TTS. The reliability of each of
landing from such a jump can also be quantified. Time to these variables was statistically assessed.
stabilization (TTS) is a recently developed measure of
neuromuscular control that incorporates sensory and
mechanical systems to complete the task of a landing after Subjects
a jump (15). More specifically, TTS can be derived through Twenty-two NCAA Division I athletes who participated in
force plate data and used to evaluate postural stability as the track and field in a major conference (20.43 6 2.43 years,
body transitions from a dynamic to a static state (15). The 92.80 6 17.19 kg, 175.6 6 9.1 cm) volunteered to serve as
TTS can be calculated by measuring the time taken subjects for the study. Twenty of 22 subjects were involved in
for vertical ground-reaction force to reach and stabilize throwing events (discus, javelin, hammer), and 2 of 22 subjects
within 5% of the subject’s body weight after the landing from were involved in sprinting. The study was conducted during
a jump (15). the subjects’ off-season. Subjects were participating in off-
TTS has been used in a number of research studies season training including Olympic weightlifting and multi-
investigating variables such as the effect of functional ankle joint lower-body exercises such as the squat. All subjects were
instability on balance (12), differing fatigue protocols on experienced in plyometric exercise including depth jumps but
balance (15), differences between bracing and taping tech- were not performing these exercises at the time of the study.
niques on ankle stability (4), and to compare the bio- Subjects gave informed consent before participating. Approval
mechanical factors between kicking and stance limbs (11). for the use of human subjects was obtained from the university
One area in which the TTS variable could be used would be office of research compliance before commencing the study.
as a means of quantifying the instability of the landing portion Subjects had performed no strength training in the 48 hours
of plyometric exercises. The National Strength and Condi- before data collection.
tioning Association outlines balance as an important require-
ment before participating in plyometric training (1, p. 438). Procedures
Athletes are recommended to have a stable base of support Warm-up before the plyometric depth jumps consisted of
on which they can safely perform the plyometric exercises 3 minutes of low-intensity exercise on a stationary cycle
(1, p. 438). The measure of TTS could provide researchers ergometer. This was followed by dynamic stretching, including
with a mechanism with which to assess the relative impor- at least one exercise for each major muscle group of the lower
tance of balance to the landing phase of each plyometric limbs. Subjects were then given a visual demonstration of
exercise, and understanding the TTS associated with a variety a depth jump. They were instructed that when performing
of plyometrics will help to further quantify the intensity of a depth jump, they step forward off the box without stepping
these exercises. To date, research has primarily attempted to down, or jumping up and on contact with the force platform to
quantify the jumping phase of plyometrics, and the landing jump as high as possible, as quickly as possible. It was
portion of plyometric exercises has been largely neglected. emphasized that subjects should minimize their time in contact
Unfortunately, no previous research study has thoroughly with the ground and think of the force plate as a ‘‘hot plate.’’ For
investigated the reliability of the TTS measure. determination of the measure of TTS, subjects were instructed
The purpose of the current study was to examine the trial- to ‘‘stick’’ their landing and to stabilize as quickly as possible
to-trial reliability of the RSI and TTS in the jump-landing task while facing straight ahead and remaining motionless for
of plyometric depth jumps. To our knowledge, this has not a period of 7 seconds. Arm position was not controlled
been established in the literature. Establishing the reliability of throughout the jumping and landing movements because we
the RSI and its components (JH and CT) allows strength and wanted to keep the plyometric activity as close as possible to
conditioning coaches to use these variables to optimize their that experienced in the training environment.
athletes’ depth jumps and monitor their progress through Subjects then practiced the test jump at approximately 75%
plyometric training programs. Establishing the trial-to-trial of their self-perceived maximum effort. After this warm-up,
reliability of the TTS measure opens up the possibility for subjects were allowed at least 5 minutes of rest before testing
strength and conditioning researchers to use this variable to with the plyometric exercise. Subject performed three
quantify the landing portion of plyometric jumps, which has plyometric depth jumps. A 1-minute rest interval was
not been previously established in the literature. maintained to ensure sufficient recovery between each
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jump (10). After performing the depth jumps, subjects were Statistical Analyses
instructed to stand motionless on the force platform for All statistical analysis of the data was carried out in SPSS
measurement of body mass. (version 12.0.1). Trial-to-trial reliability analysis of recorded
variables used the Cronbach alpha reliability coefficient and
both single- and average-measures intraclass correlations to
Data Analysis absolute agreement. A repeated-measures analysis of variance
The plyometric exercises were performed by taking off from was used to determine possible differences between trials. The
and landing on a 60 3 120-cm force platform (BP6001200, criterion for significance was set at an alpha level of p # 0.05.
AMTI, Watertown, Mass), which was bolted to the laboratory The dependent variables were JH, CT, RSI, and TTS.
floor according to manufacturer specifications and mounted
flush in the center of a 4 3 8-foot weightlifting platform. The RESULTS
size of the platform and its flush-mounted configuration were Table 1 displays the trial-to-trial reliability of all dependent
thought to ensure that the subjects’ jump landings were on variables measured during depth jumps. The measures of JH
target and safe. Kinetic data were collected at 1000 Hz, real- and CT were shown to be highly reliable from trial to trial as
time displayed, and saved with the use of computer software evidenced by high Cronbach reliability coefficients (a .
(BioAnalysis 3.0, Advanced Mechanical Technologies, Inc., 0.95), high single-measure intraclass correlations (.0.9), and
Watertown, Mass) for later analysis. Ground-reaction force high average-measures correlations (.0.95). Because these
data were collected for the sample period and used to calculate two variables constitute the measure of RSI, the following
several variables from the vertical force components (Fz). analysis of this variable also demonstrated very high reli-
Instants of initial foot contact, take-off, and landing were ability, with a high Cronbach reliability coefficient (a . 0.95)
identified from the vertical ground-reaction force datasets and single- and average-measures intraclass correlations
(see Figure 1). Flight time, the time subjects spend ‘‘airborne’’ observed (.0.95).
in each jump, was calculated as the time between the points Time to stabilization was not reliable from trial to trial, as
of take-off and landing. Using the flight time, JH was evidenced by a low Cronbach reliability coefficient (a , 0.7)
calculated as (9.81 3 flight time2)/8. Ground-contact time, and poor single- (,0.5) and average-measures (,0.7)
which was defined as the time subjects were in contact with intraclass correlations.
the ground immediately preceding each jump, was calculated Figures 3 and 4 display the RSI and TTS data (mean 6 SD)
as the time between initial foot contact and take-off. for each of the three trials. The group demonstrated a mean
Calculations of RSI were also performed and determined RSI of 1.12 6 0.49 across all depth jumps from 30 cm. The
as JH divided by CT. Vertical TTS was established as the time mean TTS after landing was 0.97 6 0.46 seconds. The
from the point of landing to when the vertical force repeated-measures analysis of variance detected no signifi-
component reached and stayed within 5.0% of the subject’s cant differences between trials 1, 2, or 3 for the measures of
body weight for a 1-second duration (see Figure 2). RSI (p = 0.40), CT (p = 0.98), JH (p = 0.25), or TTS (p = 0.56).
This study is the first to examine
the reliability of both RSI and
TTS during the jumping and
landing phase of depth jumps.
The RSI provides an indicator
of stress on the musculotendi-
nous complex during plyometric
exercises (6). One of the primary
benefits of measuring the RSI
is its ability to optimize the
height from which plyometric
depth jumps can be performed
from both a performance and
injury-risk-minimization per-
spective. McClymont (6) has
described this process in which
athletes perform three jumps
Figure 1. Graphical representation of acquired vertical ground-reaction force traces and identified action points from each of three different drop
used to calculate reactive strength index during the plyometric depth jump. heights (15, 30, and 45 cm), with
the RSI calculated for each

VOLUME 22 | NUMBER 5 | SEPTEMBER 2008 | 1679

Reliability of RSI and TTS

convenient tool to use to mon-

itor plyometric progress or to
optimize drop heights in depth
jump training.
The individual components
that make up RSI, CT, and JH
were also found to be highly
reliable. These variables may be
useful for strength and condi-
tioning coaches or researchers
as different means to provide
feedback or determine intensity
of various exercises. For exam-
ple, McClymont and Gibson (6)
investigated the use of enthusi-
asm and augmented feedback
on performance in depth
jumps. After each jump, ath-
Figure 2. Graphical representation of acquired vertical ground-reaction force traces and identified action points letes in an experimental group
used to calculate time to stabilization during the landing phase of the plyometric depth jump. were given enthusiastic feed-
back via their ground-contact
times and their jump height.
This augmented feedback sig-
jump. When the RSI is maintained or improves with an nificantly increased performance, as measured through RSI,
increase in drop height, it is assumed that an individual’s compared with a control group. Consequently, the present
reactive strength capabilities are sufficient at that height of study provides strength and conditioning coaches with the
depth jump. The height at which the RSI decreases indicates knowledge that they can use the measures of ground-contact
a depth jump height that may represent a heightened injury time or height jumped as a reliable means of feedback to
risk for that individual or that might provide a suboptimal enhanced plyometric training performance.
training stimulus. Intensity of plyometric activity may also be measured by
In the present study, the measure of RSI was determined to the difficulty of a landing task (9), which may be quantified by
be highly reliable across trials of depth jumps. To our TTS (15). The mean TTS observed in the present study of
knowledge, despite the increasing use of RSI in the practical 0.97 6 0.46 seconds is considerably lower than data reported
and research setting, this finding had not previously been by Wikstrom et al. (15) of approximately 2.2 seconds. This
established in plyometric depth jumps. Significantly, the finding suggests that the current landing task was easier than
intraclass correlations revealed the RSI to be consistent for those used in other research. Yet, despite this decreased
single measures. This is an important finding for strength and difficulty, a large degree of variability between trials was
conditioning coaches or researchers using RSI to assess large observed in the present study. The protocol to measure TTS
numbers of athletes at once. Conducting only a single trial that was used in this study varied from those in previously
from each depth jump height, rather than repeated measures, published literature in a number of ways. Previous research
could save significant time. Thus, RSI is a quick and examining TTS employed a 70-cm horizontal jump during
which subjects were required to
reach up and touch a fixed over-
head target, land on one leg, and
TABLE 1. Reliability data for all measured variables. stabilize as quickly as possible
with their hands on their hips.
Intraclass correlation We chose to allow use of the
arms, to not standardize the
Reliability a Single measures Average measures
jump height, and to allow two-
Jump height .989 0.968 0.989 legged landings to more closely
Ground-contact time .976 0.934 0.977 simulate actual plyometric exer-
Reactive strength index .989 0.967 0.989 cises. These factors may partially
Time to stabilization .683 0.423 0.687
account for lower values of TTS
than previous studies. However,
despite not controlling these
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subjects three practice trials

before data collection, whereas
Wikstrom et al. (15) allowed
subjects ‘‘as many practice trials
as required to ensure consistent
performance before beginning
the actual experimental trials.’’

This research has demonstrated
that the RSI, CT, and JH are
reliable measures as assessed
during depth jumps from
30 cm. These variables are valid
for coaches to use to optimize
the height from which depth
jumps can be performed, to
Figure 3. Mean reactive strength index (RSI) during the depth jumps. No significant differences were observed compare athletes’ plyometric
between trials (p . 0.05). capabilities, or to monitor plyo-
metric training progress. These
data suggest that for coaches
variables, extremely high trial-to-trial reliability was observed attempting to conduct this process with large numbers of
for jump height in each plyometric exercise. Accordingly, we athletes, it may be sufficient to take just a single measure of
do not feel that variability in jump height contributed to RSI from each drop height, rather than repeated trials.
the lack of reliability observed in TTS. Thus, we discount Time to stabilization could potentially be a useful tool for
these differences because, theoretically, these should make strength and conditioning researchers to attempt to quantify
the landing task easier to accomplish and, therefore, more the landing phase of plyometric exercises, which has not
consistent from trial to trial. previously been established in the literature. However, the
The major methodological factor that may have negatively methodological procedures used in the present study produce
influenced the reliability of the measure of TTS is the a measure of TTS that is not reliable and, thus, renders it
habituation period given to the subjects in the current study. unsuitable for use in the research or coaching setting. To
Subjects were afforded only one practiced repetition of the improve reliability, a greater habituation period may need to
protocol before data collection. Ross et al. (12) allowed their be allowed. Subjects should be afforded multiple practice
jumps or a prolonged period of
familiarization before data col-
lection to ensure consistent
performance during the exper-
imental trials. Some degree of
control for arm position/move-
ment during the landing phase
should also be applied. To
maintain specificity of the plyo-
metric exercises, researchers
may wish to allow arm move-
ment during the jumping
action, but to improve reli-
ability, subjects should be
instructed to place their hands
on their hips when landing.
These suggested methods of
increasing TTS reliability were
not implemented in this study
Figure 4. Mean time to stabilization (TTS) during the depth jumps. No significant differences were observed because maintaining exercise
between trials (p . 0.05). specificity was a principle aim.
However, the lack of reliability

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Reliability of RSI and TTS

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