Afinancial market helps to link the savers and the investors by mobilising funds between them. In doing so it
performs the 'allocative function. It allocates or directs funds available for investment into their most productive
Top Tip
The process bywhich allocation of funds is done is called "financial intermediation'.
Consequences of allocative function
When the allocative function is performed well, two consequences follow:
1. The rate of return offered to the households would be higher.
2. Scarce resources are allocated to those firms which have the highest productivity for the economy.
Alternative mechanisms of allocation of funds
There are two major alternative mechanisms through which allocation of funds can be done:
1. via banks Households can deposit their surplus funds with banks, who in turn could lend these funds
to business firms.
2. via financial markets Households can buy the shares and debentures offered by a business using
financial markets.
Business Firms
Financial Markets
Financial System
Thus, banks and financial markets are competing intermediaries in the system, and give households a choice of
where thcy want to place their savings.
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Functions of Financial Markets
Financial markets play an important role in the allocation of scarce resources in an cconomy by performing the
following four important functions:
1. Allocative function mobilisation of savings and channeling them into the most
productive uses
A financial market facilitates the transfer of savings from savers to investors. It gives savers the choice of different
investments and thus helps to channelise surplus funds into the most productive use.
2. Facilitating price discovery
In the financial market, the households are suppliers of funds and business firms represent the demand. The
interaction between the forces of demand and supply helps to establish a price for a financial asset being traded
in the financial market.
Top Tip
Money market is a market where low risk, unsecured and short term debt instruments that are highly liquid are issued
and actively tradedeveryday. It has no physical location, but is an activity conducted over the telephone and through the
Certificate of Commercial
Commercial Treasury bill Call money
paper deposit
1. Commercial paper
Commercial paper is a short-term unsecured promissory note, negotiable and transferable by endorsement and
delivery with a fixed maturity period.
It is issued by large and creditworthy companies/financially strong companies to raise short-term funds at
lower rates of interest than market rates.
" It usually has a maturity period of 15 days to one year.
Purposes of funds raised through commercial paper:
(i) To provide short-terms funds for seasonal and working capital needs.
(ii) To meet the flotation costs of new issues of securities, e.g., brokerage, commission, printing of
applications and advertising, etc. This is known as Bridge Financing'.
" The issue of commercial paper is an alternative to bank borrowing.
" It is sold at a discount and redeemed at par.
2. Treasury bill
India on behalf of
ATreasury bill is an instrument (in the form of a promissory note) issued by Reserve Bank of
the Central government to meet its short term requirements of funds.
It is highly liquid, has an assured yicld and negligible risk of default.
Treasury Bills can be issued for aminimum amount of{25,000 and its multiples thereof.
is lower
Treasury Bills are also known as Zero Coupon Bonds' because they are issued at a price which
than their face value and repaid at par. The difference between the price at which the treasury bills are
issued and their redemption value is the interest receivable on them and is called discount. For example.
suppose an investor purchases a 91 days Treasury bill with a face value of 1,00,000 for 95.000.
holding the bill until the maturity date, the investor receives 1,00,000. The difference of5,000 berween
theproceeds received at maturity and the amount paid to purchase the bill represents the interest received
by him.
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3. Call money
Callmoney is short term finance used for inter-bank transactions.
" Call money is a method by which banks borrow from cach other to be able to maintain the cash
Commercial banks have to maintain a nminimunn cash balance known as cash reserve ratio. The Reserve Bank of India cBhanges the
cash resene ratio from ine to time which in tun aflects the anount of fuds available to be given as loans by commercial banks.
When goods are sold on credit, the buyer becomes liable to nmake payment onaspecific date in future. The seller could waut ill dhe
specitied date or make use of abill of exchange.The seller (drawer) of the goods draws he bill and the buyer (drawee) accepts it.
Onbeing accepted, he bill becomes a marketable instrument and is called a trade bill. These bills can be discouted with a bank if
tle seller eeds funds lefore the bill matures. When a trade bill is accepted by a comnercial bank it is known as a comnereial bill.
Capital Market
Capital market refers to facilities and institutional arrangements through which medium and long-term
funds, both debt and equity are raised and invested.
Typesof Capital Market
The capital market can be divided into two parts:
1. Primary Market (New Issues Market)
2. Secondary Market (Stock Exchange)
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3. Call money
Call money is short term finance used for inter-bank transactions.
" Call money is a method by which banks borrow from cach other to be able to maintain the cash reserve
Commercial banks have to maintaina minimun cash balance known as cash reserve ratio. The Reserve Bank of Indiachanges the
cashresene ratio from time to time which in tunn aflects the amount of funds available to be given as loans by commercial bauks.
Capital Market
Capital market refers to facilities and institutional
funds, both debt and equity are raised and invested.
arrangemnents through which medium and long-term
Types of Capital Market
The capital market can be divided into two parts:
1. Primary Market (New Issues Market)
2. Secondary Market (Stock Exchange)
Chapter 10: Financial Markets SUBHASH DEY (Shree Radhey Publications) 61
Features of capital market securities
1. The capital market deals in medium and
long term
securities such as equity shares and debentures, which CAPITAL MARKET
require less financial outlay.
2. Capital market securities are less liquid because a share may
not be actively traded, i.e. it may not casily find a buyer.
3, Capital market instruments are riskier both with
respect to
returns and principal repayment.
4. The investment in capital markets generally yicld a higher PRIMARY SECONDARY
return for investors. MARKET MARKET
Capital market consists of a series of channels through which savings of the community are made available for industrial and
commercial enterprises and for public in general. It directs these savings into their most productive use leading to growth and
developnment of the economy. An ideal capital market is one where finance is available at a reasonable cost. The process of
economic development is facilitated by the existence of awell functioning capital market. The capital market should be eficient in
respect of the information that it delivers, minimise transaction costs and allocate capital most productively.
Safety Money market instruments are comparatively safer Capital market instrument are riskier than money
than capital market securities with a minimum market instruments both with respect to returns
risk of default due to the shorter duration of and principal repayment. Isuing companies may
investment and financial soundness of the issuers fail to pertorm as per procCtions and promoters
the government, banks and highly rated companics.may defraud investors.
Expected Money market securities yield comparatively less Generally yicld ahigher return than money market
return return due to shorter duration. instruments due to longer duration; scope of
carning capital gains in cquity share: prosperity
of a company is shared by shareholders by way of
|high dividends and bonus issues.
Advances in infornmation technology have made trading hrough stock exchanges accessible from anywhere in the couitry through
radng teminals. Along with the growth of the priary narket in the country, the secondary market ha also grow signilicantly
duringthe last ten years.
Stock Exxchange
A stock exchange is an institution which provides
a platform for buying and selling of existing
As a market, the stock exchangefacilitates the exchange
of a security (share, debenture etc.) into money and
vice versa. Stock exchanges help companies raise
finance, provide liquidity and safety of investment
to the investors and enhance the credit worthiness of BUY SELL
individual companies.
According to Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act
1956, stock exchange means any body of individuals,
whether incorporated or not, constituted for the Stock exchange - a platform for buying and
purpose of assisting, regulating or controlling the selling of existing securities.
business of buying and selling or dealing in securities.
Distinction between Primary Market and Secondary Market
Basis Primary Market Secondary Market
Securities traded There is a sale of securities by new companies There is trading of existing securities only.
or further new issues of securities by existing
companies to investors.
Buying and Selling Only buying of securities takes place in the Both the buying and the selling of securities
primary market, securities cannot be sold there. can take place on the stock exchange.
Company Securities are sold by the company to theOwnership of existing securities is exchanged
involvement investors directly (or through an intermediary). between investors. The company Is not
involved at all.
Capital formation The low of funds is from savers to investors, Enhances encashability (liquidity) of securities,
ie. the primary market directly promotes capital | ie.capital
the formation.
secondary market indirecly promotes
Price determination Prices of securities are determined and decided| Prices are determined by demand and supply
by the management of the company. of the securities.
Company Securities are sold by the companies to the Securities are exchanged between investors,
involvement investors directly. company is not involved at alII.
Capital It directly promotes capital formation. It indirectly promotes capital formation.
Buying/selling Only buying of securities takes place. Both buying and selling of securities take place.
Price Prices are determined by management of the Prices are determined by the forces of demand
determination company. and supplyof securities.
Location It has no fixed geographical location. It has fixed geographical location.
1. Offer through prospectus: It is a method of floating new issues by inviting subscriptions from the public through issue of
prospectus. " It is one of the most popular methods of raising funds by public companies. " The issue may be underwritten
& has to be listed with one stock exchange.
2. Offer for sale: It is a method in which the securities are not issued directly to the public but through intermediaries like
issuing houses or stock brokers. " The company sells securities en-bloc at an agreed price to the brokers who in turn resell
them to the investing public.
3. Private placement: It refers to the allotment of securities by a company to institutional investors and some selected
individuals. " It helps the company to raise capital more quickly than a public issue.
4. Rights issue: It is the right/privilege given to existing shareholders to subscribe to new issue to purchase new shares in proportion
to the number of shares they already hold.
5. e-1POs: These refer to issuing securities through the online system of stock exchange. " The company needs to appoint
SEBIregistered brokers for inviting applications, a registrar having electronic connectivity with the excharnge and a lead
manager to co-ordinate allthe activities amongst the intermediaries connected with the issue.
1. This market helps to save time, effort and money that both buyers and sellers of a financial asset would have to otherwise
spend to try and find each other. The market and the function being referred to are
(Fill in the blank witha correct answer)
2. 'Financial markets are classifiedon the basis of the maturity of financial instruments traded in them. The market inwhich
the instruments with more than one year maturity are traded is .(Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
3. MICO Automobiles Ltd' is engaged in manufacturing of auto parts for car manufacturing companies. The company enjoys
good creditworthiness. It nowwants to expand its business by investing in new plant and machinery. FOr this it requires
long terms finance. Arch,the Finance Manager of the company advised the CEO of the companyto raise funds by issuing
equity shares. It requires huge flotation cost the company decided to tap the money market. The money market instrument
the company can use for meeting the flotation cost is (Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
4. Instruments with a maturity period of less than one year are traded in the (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) capital market (b) money market
(c) Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) (d) National Stock Exchange (NSE)
5. Which of the following is not a participant in the money market? (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) RBI (b) SEBI
(c) Mutual funds (d) NBFCs
66 SUBHASH DEY (Shree Radhey Publications) Business Studies XII Part-B 2024-25 Edition
17. There are two major alternative mechanisms through which allocation of funds can be done; via or
29 is a market where short-term debt instruments that are highly liquid are issued and actively traded
everyday. (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Money Market
(b) Capital Market
(c) New Issues Market
(d) Stock Market
30. The money market has no physical location." True/ False ? Give reason.
31. enables the raising of short-term funds for meeting the temporary shortages of cash and obligations
and the temporary deployment of excess funds for earning returns. (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Capital Market
(b) Money Market
(c) Primary Market
(d) Secondary Market
32. The major participants in the money market are (Complete the sentence)
33. is an instrument of short-term borrowing by the Government of India maturing in less than one year.
(Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Treasury Bill (b) Commercial Bill
(c) Commercial Paper (d) Certificate of Deposit
34. Treasury bills are also known as issued by the on behalf of the Central
Government to meet its short-term regquirement of funds. (Fill up the blanks with correct answers)
35. Treasury bills are also known as Zero Coupon Bonds since (Complete the sentence)
36. Treasury bills are availables for a minimum amount of and in multiples there of.
(Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
37. is a short-term unsecured promissory not, negotiable and transferable by endorsement and delivery
with a fixed maturity period of issued by large and creditworthy companies to raise short-term funds
at lower rates of interest than market rates. (Fillup the blanks with correct answers)
38. The issuance of is an alternative to bank borrowing for large companies that are generally considered
to be financially strong. (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Treasury Bill (b) Commercial Paper
(c) Commercial Bill (d) Certificate of Deposit
39. The original purpose of commercial paper was (Complete the sentence)
40. is sold at adiscount and redeemed at par. (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Treasury Bill (b) Commercial Paper
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) Commercial Bill
41. Funds raised through commercialpaper are used tomeet the flotation costs. This is known as
(Fillin the blank with a correct answer)
42. isshort-term finance repayable on demand, with maturity period of used for inter-bank
transactions. It is a method by which banks borrow from each other to be able to maintain the cash reserve ratio.
(Fill up the blanks with correct answers)
43. The interest rate paid on call money loans is known as the (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Lending rate (b) Call rate
(c) Repo rate (c) Bank rate
44. The interest rate paid on call money loans (known as 'call rate') is a highly volatile rate. True/False ? Give reason.
45. There is an relationship between call rates and other short-term money market instruments such as certificates
of deposit and commercial paper. (direct/inverse) (Fill in the blank with correct option)
46. There is an inverse relationship between call money rates and other short-term moneymarket instruments.
True/False?Give reason.
47 is unsecured, negotiable, short-term instrument in bearer form, issued by commercial banks and development
financial institutions. It helps to mobile alarge amount of money for short periods. (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Treasury Bill
(b) Commercial paper
(c) Certificate of Deposit
(d) Commercial Bill
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68 SUBHASH DEY (Shree Radhey Publications)
companies during periods of
to individuals, corporations and (Choose the correct alternative)
48. Certificates of Deposit can be issued
(a) Bulish phase of business cycle
(b) Bearish phase of business cycle for credit is high.
growth of banks is slow but the demand
(c) Tight liquidity when the deposit
(d) Growth of business opportunities When atrade bill is accepted bv
discounted with a bank if the seller needs funds before the bill matures.
49. Trade bills can be (Eill in the blank with a correct answer)
a commercial bank it is known as future. The seller could
becomes liable to make payment on a specificdate in
credit, the buyer bill and the buver
50. When goods are sold an
bill of exchange. The seller (drawer) of the goods drawn the
wait till the specified date or make use of called a trade bill. (trade bil/
being accepted, the bill becomes a marketable instruments and is
(drawer) accepts it. On
commercial bill)
the working capital requirements of business firms.
51. A is a billof exchange used to finance (Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
is used to finance the credit sales of
is a short-termn negotiable, self-liquidating instruments which(Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
52. A
firms. which long-term funds, both debt
refers to facilities and institutional arrangements through (Fillin the blank with acorrect answer)
53. The term
and equity are raised and invested. available for
which savings of the community are made
54. The consists of a series of channels through into their most-productive use
in general. It directs these savings
industrialand commercial enterprises and for the public
leading to growth and development of the economy. (Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
55. The participants in the capitalmarket are commercial
instruments traded in the capital market are short-term debt instruments such as Treasury bills,
56. The main True/False? Give reason.
paper, certificate of deposit, etc. True/False? Give reason.
huge financial outlay.
57. Investment in the capital market-securities requires a True/False ?Give reason.
of money.
58. In the money market, transactions entail huge sums debentures.
egquity shares and
deals in medium and long-term securities such as
for a single day. (Money market/Capital
59. The
even be issued
instruments have a maximum tenure of one year, and may (Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
market) True/False? Give reason.
60. Capital market securities are considered less liquid investments. True/False? Give reason.
than capital market securities.
61. Money market instruments enjoy a higher degree of liquidity True/False? Give reason.
principal repayment.
62. Capital market instruments are riskier both with respect to returns and due to the
much safer with a minimum risk of default. This is
63. The money market instruments are generally (Complete the sentence)
is higher if securities are held for a
64. In the capital markets, the possibility of earnings returns (Fillin the blank with a correct answer)
(Shortest/ longer) duration.
investors than the money markets.
65. The investments in capítal markets generally yield a higher return for True/False? Give reason.
(Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
66. The primary market is also known as True/False? Give reason.
67. The primary market is also known as the New Issues
68. The essential function of a is to facilitate the transfer of investible funds from savers to entrepreneurs
issues of securities for the first time.
seeking to establish new enterprises or to expand existing ones through the
(a) Capital market
(b) Money market
(c) Primary market
(d) Secondary market (Complete the sentence)
69. The investors in the primary market are (Complete the sentence)
primary market in the form of
70. A company can raise capitalthrough the (Complete the sentence)
71. Funds raised in the primary market may be for
Chapter 10: Financial Markets SUBHASH DEY (Shree Radhey Publications) 69
72. Match the following:
(a) The most popular method of raising funds by public companies in the() Right Issue
primary market.
(b) Acompany sells securities en-bloc at an agreed price to brokers who, in (ii) Offer through prospectus
turn, resell them to the investing public.
(c) Allotment of securities by a company to institutional investors and some (ii) Offer for sale
selected individuals.
(d) The shareholders are offered a privilege to buy new shares in proportion (iv) Private
tothe number of shares the already posses.
73. Under this method, securities are not issued directly to the public but are offered for sale through intermediaries like
issuing houses or stock brokers. (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) e-IPOs
(b) Private placement
(c) Rights Issue
(d) Offer for sale
74. Private placement help to raise capital more quickly than a public issue. (True/False)
75. Some companies cannot afford a public issue and choose to use private placement. True/False? Give reason.
is a privilege given to existing shareholders tosubscribe to a new issue of shares according to the
terms and conditions of the company. (Fillin the blank with a correct answer)
77. Acompany proposing to issue capitalto the public through the on-line system of the stockexchange has to enter into
an agreement with the stock exchange. This is called (Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
78. Under e-lPO method of fluatation, have to be appointed for the purpose of accepting applications and
placing orders with the company. (Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
79. Under e-IPO method of floating new issues in the primary market, the issues company should appoint a
tothe issue having electronics connectivity with the stock exchange. (Fill in the blank witha correct answer)
80. It is a market for the purchase and sale of existing securities. (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Capital market
(b) Stock market
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) Capital market
81. helps existing investors to disinvest and fresh investors to enter the market.
(Fill in the blank with acorrect answer)
82. contributes to economic growth by channelising funds towards the most productivity investments
through the process of disinvestment and reinvestment. (Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
83. In the
only buying of securities takes place; securities cannot be soldthere. (Primary market/secondary
market) (Fillin the blank with a correct answer)
84. In prices are determined by demand and supply for the security. (Fill in the blank with a correct
85. There is no fixed geographical location of (Choose the correct alternative)
(a) Money market
(b) Capital market
(c) primary market
(d) Both (a) and (c)
86. The primary market directly promotes capital formation, whereas the secondary market indirectly promotes capital
formation. True/False? Give reason.
87. In the securities are sold by the company to the investor directly or through an intermediary.
(primary market/secondary market). (Fill in the blank with a correct answer)
88. A is located at specified places. (Fillin the blank with acorrect answer)
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210 Meca Ltd. a reputed automobile manufacturer needs Rupees ten crorc as additional capital to expand its
business. Atul Jalan, the CEOof the company wanted to raise funds through equity. On the other hand
the Finance Manager, Nimi Sahdev said that the public issue may be expensive on account of various
mandatory and non-mandatory expenses. Therefore, it was decided to allot the securities to institutional
Name the method through which the company decided to raise additional capital. (1 mark)
Ans. Private Placement.
Q.11 Vani Oil Refinery' is a large company, engaged in processing crude oil and refining it into more useful
products like Petroleum, Kerosene, LPG etc. It has built a good reputation over the years. It has been
consistently carning profits and paying regular dividend to its shareholders. It needs additional working
capital immediately to finance a project. It expects to return this amount after seven to eight months.
Ashish Batra, the Finance Manager of the company does not want to get into procedural requirements of
securing finance from a Commercial Bank.
Suggest how the company can raise the required finance for meeting its additional working capital
requirements. (1 mark)
Ans. Vani Oil Refinery can raise the required finance for meeting its additional working capital requirements
through Commercial Paper.
Q.13 The directors of acompany want to modernise itsplant and machinery by making a public issue of shares.
They wish to approach thestock exchange, while the finance manager prefers to approach a consultant
for the new public issue of shares. Advise the directors whether to approach the stock exchange or a
consultant for new publicissue of shares and why. Also advise them about different methods which the
company may adopt for the new public issue of share. (6 marks)
Ans. The directors should approach a consultant for new public issue of shares. The stock exchanges deal with sale
and purchase of existing securities only, not in new issue of securities.
Different methods which thecompany may adopt for the new public issue of shares:
(i) Ofer through prospectus (ii) Offer for sale
(iii) Private placement (iv) Rights issue
(v) e-IPOs. (explain)
Q.14 These days, the development of a country is also judged by its system of transferring finance from the
sector where it is in surplusto the sector where it is needed most. To give strength to the economny, SEBI is
undertaking measures to develop the capital market. In additionto this there is another market in which
unsecured and short-term debt instruments are actively traded everyday. These markets together help the
savers and investors in directing the available funds into their most productive investment opportunity.
(a) Name the function being performed by the market in the above case
(b) Also, explain briefly three other functions performed by this market. (4 marks)
Ans. Mobilisation of savings and channeling them into the most productive uses/Allocative function.
Other functions performed by Financial market are:
(i) Facili tating price determination/discovery.
(ii) Providing liquidity to financial assets.
(iii) Reducing the cost of transactions.