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Vlsi Design

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Elective -I

Elective -II


Subject Microcontrollers for Embedded System Design CPLD & FPGA Architectures and Applications VLSI Technology & Design Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation Hardware Software Co-Design Digital System Design Device Modeling Advanced Digital Signal Processing Network Security & Cryptography Micro Electromechanical Systems Simulation Lab (VLSI) Seminar Total Credits (6 Theory + 1 Lab.)

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Unit I: Introduction to Embedded Systems Overview of Embedded Systems, Processor Embedded into a system, Embedded Hardware Units and Devices in system, Embedded Software, Complex System Design, Design Process in Embedded System, Formalization of System Design, Classification of Embedded Systems. Unit II: Microcontrollers and Processor Architecture & Interfacing 8051 Architecture, Input/Output Ports and Circuits, External Memory, Counters and Timers, PIC Controllers. Interfacing Processor (8051, PIC), Memory Interfacing, I/O Devices, Memory Controller and Memory arbitration Schemes. Unit III: Embedded RISC Processors & Embedded System-on Chip Processor PSOC (Programmable System-on-Chip) architectures, Continuous Timer blocks, Switched Capacitor blocks, I/O blocks, Digital blocks, Programming of PSOC, Embedded RISC Processor architecture ARM Processor architecture, Register Set, Modes of operation and overview of Instructions Unit IV: Interrupts & Device Drivers Exceptions and Interrupt handling Schemes Context & Periods for Context Switching, Deadline & interrupt latency. Device driver using Interrupt Service Routine, Serial port Device Driver, Device drivers for Internal Programmable timing devices Unit V: Network Protocols Serial communication protocols, Ethernet Protocol, SDMA, Channel & IDMA, External Bus Interface TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. Embedded Systems - Architecture Programming and Design Raj Kamal, 2nd ed., 2008,TMH. PIC Microcontroller and Embedded Systems Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Rolin D.Mckinaly, Danny Causy PE. Designers Guide to the Cypress PSOC Robert Ashpy, 2005, Elsevier.

REFERENCES: 1. Embedded Microcomputer Systems, Real Time Interfacing Jonathan W. Valvano Brookes / Cole, 1999, Thomas Learning. 2. ARM Systems Developers Guides- Design & Optimizing System Software - Andrew N. Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, 2004, Elsevier. 3. Designing with PIC Microcontrollers- John B. Peatman, 1998, PH Inc.

UNIT I Programmable logic : ROM, PLA, PAL PLD, PGA Features, programming and applications using complex programmable logic devices Altera series Max 5000/7000 series and Altera FLEX logic-10000 series CPLD, AMDs- CPLD (Mach 1to 5), Cypres FLASH 370 Device technology, Lattice PLSTs architectures 3000 series Speed performance and in system programmability. UNIT II FPGAs: Field Programmable gate arrays- Logic blocks, routing architecture, design flow technology mapping jfor FPGAs, Case studies Xitir x XC4000 & ALTERAs FLEX 8000/10000 FPGAs: AT &T ORCAs ( Optimized Reconfigurable Cell Array): ACTELs ACT-1,2,3 and their speed performance UNIT-III Alternative realization for state machine chat suing microprogramming linked state machine one hot state machine, petrinetes for state machines-basic concepts, properties, extended petrinetes for parallel controllers. UNIT-IV Digital front end digital design tools for FPGAs& ASICs: Using mentor graphics EDA tool (FPGA Advantage) Design flow using FPGAs UNIT - V Case studies of paraller adder cell paraller adder sequential circuits, counters, multiplexers, parellel controllers. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Field Programmable Gate Array Technology - S. Trimberger, Edr, 1994, Kluwer Academic Publications. 2. Field Programmable Gate Arrays, John V.Oldfield, Richard C Dore, Wiley Publications. REFERENCES : 1. 2. 3. 4. Digital Design Using Field Programmable Gate Array, P.K.Chan & S. Mourad, 1994, Prentice Hall. Digital System Design using Programmable Logic Devices Parag.K.Lala, 2003, BSP. Field programmable gate array, S. Brown, R.J.Francis, J.Rose ,Z.G.Vranesic, 2007, BSP. Digital Systems Design with FPGAs and CPLDs Ian Grout, 2009, Elsevier.


UNIT I: Review of Microelectronics and Introduction to MOS Technologies: MOS, CMOS, BiCMOS Technology, Trends And Projections. Basic Electrical Properties of MOS, CMOS & BiCMOS Circuits: I ds-Vds relationships, Threshold Voltage Vt, Gm, Gds and o, Pass Transistor, MOS, CMOS & Bi CMOS Inverters, Zpu/Zpd, MOS Transistor circuit model, Latch-up in CMOS circuits. UNIT II: LAYOUT DESIGN AND TOOLS: Transistor structures, Wires and Vias, Scalable Design rules, Layout Design tools. LOGIC GATES & LAYOUTS: Static Complementary Gates, Switch Logic, Alternative Gate circuits, Low power gates, Resistive and Inductive interconnect delays. UNIT III: COMBINATIONAL LOGIC NETWORKS: Layouts, Simulation, Network delay, Interconnect design, Power optimization, Switch logic networks, Gate and Network testing. UNIT IV: SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS: Memory cells and Arrays, Clocking disciplines, Design, Power optimization, Design validation and testing. UNIT V: FLOOR PLANNING & ARCHITECTURE DESIGN: Floor planning methods, off-chip connections, Highlevel synthesis, Architecture for low power, SOCs and Embedded CPUs, Architecture testing. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Essentials of VLSI Circuits and Systems, K. Eshraghian Eshraghian. D, A.Pucknell, 2005, PHI. 2. Modern VLSI Design - Wayne Wolf, 3rd ed., 1997, Pearson Education. REFERENCES: 1. Principals of CMOS VLSI Design N.H.E Weste, K.Eshraghian, 2nd ed., Adisson Wesley.

UNIT I PRELIMINARIES Introduction to Design Methodologies, Design Automation tools, Algorithimic Graph Theory, Computational complexity, Tractable and Intractable problems. UNIT II GENERAL PURPOSE METHODS FOR COMBINATIONAL OPTIMIZATION Backtracking, Branch and Bound, Dynamic Programming, Integer Linear Programming, Local Search, Simulated Annealing, Tabu search, Genetic Algorithms. UNIT III LAYOUT COMPACTION, PLACEMENT, FLOORPLANNING AND ROUTING Problems, Concepts and Algorithms. UNIT IV MODELLING AND SIMULATION Gate Level Modelling and Simulation, Switch level Modelling and Simulation. UNIT V LOGIC SYNTHESIS AND VERIFICATION Basic issues and Terminology, Binary-Decision diagrams, Two-Level logic Synthesis UNIT VI HIGH-LEVEL SYNTHESIS Hardware Models, Internal representation of the input Algorithm, Allocation, Assignment and Scheduling, Some Scheduling Algorithms, Some aqspects of Assignment problem, High-level Transformations. UNIT VII PHYSICAL DESIGN AUTOMATION OF FPGAS FPGA technologies, Physical Design cycle for FPGAs, partitioning and Routing staggered Models.

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UNIT VIII PHYSICAL DESIGN AUTOMATION OF MCMS MCM technologies, MCM phsical design cycle, Partitioning, Placement - Chip Array based and Full Custom Approaches, Routing Maze routing, Multiple stage routing, Topologic routing, Integrated Pin Distribution and routing, Routing and Programmable MCMs. TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. Algorithms for VLSI Design Automation, S.H.Gerez, 1999, WILEY Student Edition, John wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation Naveed Sherwani, 3rd Ed., 2005, Springer International Edition.

REFERENCES: 1. 2. Comoputer Aided Logical Design with Emphasis on VLSI Hill & Peterson, 1993, Wiley. Modern VLSI Design:Systems on silicon Wayne Wolf, 2nd ed., 1998, Pearson Education Asia.

UNIT I CO- DESIGN ISSUES Co- Design Models, Architectures, Languages, A Generic Co-design Methodology. CO- SYNTHESIS ALGORITHMS : Hardware software synthesis algorithms: hardware software partitioning distributed system co-synthesis. UNIT II PROTOTYPING AND EMULATION: Prototyping and emulation techniques, prototyping and emulation environments, future developments in emulation and prototyping architecture specialization techniques, system communication infrastructure TARGET ARCHITECTURES: Architecture Specialization techniques, System Communication infrastructure, Target Architecture and Application System classes, Architecture for control dominated systems (8051-Architectures for High performance control), Architecture for Data dominated systems (ADSP21060, TMS320C60), Mixed Systems. UNIT III COMPILATION TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS FOR EMBEDDED PROCESSOR ARCHITECTURES: Modern embedded architectures, embedded software development needs, compilation technologies practical consideration in a compiler development environment. UNIT IV DESIGN SPECIFICATION AND VERIFICATION: Design, co-design, the co-design computational model, concurrency coordinating concurrent computations, interfacing components, design verification, implementation verification, verification tools, interface verification UNIT V LANGUAGES FOR SYSTEM LEVEL SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN-I System level specification, design representation for system level synthesis, system level specification languages, LANGUAGES FOR SYSTEM LEVEL SPECIFICATION AND DESIGN-II Heterogeneous specifications and multi language co-simulation the cosyma system and lycos system. TEXT BOOKS : 1. Hardware / software co- design Principles and Practice Jorgen Staunstrup, Wayne Wolf 2009, Springer. 2. Hardware / software co- design Principles and Practice, 2002, kluwer academic publishers


Unit-I: Designing with Programmable Logic Devices Designing with Read only memories Programmable Logic Arrays Programmable Array logic Sequential Programmable Logic Devices Design with FPGAs Using a One-hot state assignment, State transition table- State assignment for FPGAs - Problem of Initial state assignment for One Hot encoding - State Machine charts Derivation of SM Charts Realization of SM charts Design Examples Serial adder with Accumulator - Binary Multiplier Signed Binary number multiplier (2s Complement multiplier) Binary Divider Control logic for Sequence detector Realization with Multiplexer PLA PAL. Unit-II: Fault Modeling & Test Pattern Generation Logic Fault model Fault detection & Redundancy- Fault equivalence and fault location Fault dominance Single stuck at fault model Multiple stuck at fault models Bridging fault model Fault diagnosis of combinational circuits by conventional methods Path sensitization techniques, Boolean Difference method Kohavi algorithm Test algorithms D algorithm, PODEM, Random testing, Transition count testing, Signature analysis and test bridging faults. Unit-III: Fault Diagnosis in Sequential Circuits Circuit Test Approach, Transition Check Approach - State identification and fault detection experiment, Machine identification, Design of fault detection experiment. Unit-IV: PLA Minimization and Testing PLA Minimization PLA folding, Fault model in PLA, Test generation and Testable PLA Design. Unit-V: Minimization and Transformation of Sequential Machines The Finite state Model Capabilities and limitations of FSM State equivalence and machine minimization Simplification of incompletely specified machines. Fundamental mode model Flow table State reduction Minimal closed covers Races, Cycles and Hazards. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Fundamentals of Logic Design Charles H. Roth, 5th ed., Cengage Learning. 2. Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design Miron Abramovici, Melvin A. Breuer and Arthur D. Friedman- John Wiley & Sons Inc. 3. Logic Design Theory N. N. Biswas, PHI REFERENCES: 1. Switching and Finite Automata Theory Z. Kohavi , 2nd ed., 2001, TMH 2. Digital Design Morris Mano, M.D.Ciletti, 4th Edition, PHI. 3. Digital Circuits and Logic Design Samuel C. Lee , PHI


UNIT I: Introduction to Semiconductor Physics: Review of Quantum Mechanics, Boltzman transport equation, continuity equation, Poisson equation Integrated Passive Devices: Types and Structures of resistors and capacitors in monolithic technology, dependence of model parameters on structures UNIT II: Integrated Diodes: Junction and Schottky diodes in monolithic technologies static and dynamic behavior small and large signal models SPICE models Integrated Bipolar Transistor: Types and structures in monolithic technologies Basic model (Eber-Moll) Gunmel - Poon model- dynamic model, parasitic effects SPICE model parameter extraction UNIT III: Integrated MOS Transistor: nMOS and pMOS transistor threshold voltage threshold voltage equations MOS device equations Basic DC equations second order effects MOS models small signal AC characteristics MOS FET SPICE model level 1, 2, 3 and 4 UNIT IV: VLSI Fabrication Techniques: An overview of wafer fabrication, wafer processing oxidation patterning diffusion ion implantation deposition Silicon gate nMOS process CMOS processes n-well- p-welltwin tub- Silicon on insulator CMOS process enhancements interconnects circuit elements UNIT V: Modeling of Hetero Junction Devices: Band gap Engineering, Bandgap Offset at abrupt Hetero Junction, Modified current continuity equations, Hetero Junction bipolar transistors (HBTs), SiGe TEXT BOOKS: 1. Introduction to Semiconductor Materials and Devices Tyagi M. S, 2008, John Wiley Student Edition. 2. Solid state circuits Ben G. Streetman, Prentice Hall, 1997 REFERENCES: 1. Physics of Semiconductor Devices Sze S. M, 2nd edition, Mcgraw hill, New York, 1981 1. Introduction to Device Modeling and Circuit Simulation Tor A. Fijedly, Wiley-Interscience, 1997.

UNIT I Review of DFT, FFT, IIR Filters, FIR Filters, Multirate Signal Processing: Introduction, Decimation by a factor D, Interpolation by a factor I, Sampling rate conversion by a rational factor I/D, Multistage Implementation of Sampling Rate Conversion, Filter design & Implementation for sampling rate conversion, Applications of Multirate Signal Processing UNIT II Non-Parametric methods of Power Spectral Estimation: Estimation of spectra from finite duration observation of signals, Non-parametric Methods: Bartlett, Welch & Blackman & Tukey methods, Comparison of all Non-Parametric methods UNIT III Parametric Methods of Power Spectrum Estimation: Autocorrelation & Its Properties, Relation between auto correlation & model parameters, AR Models - Yule-Waker & Burg Methods, MA & ARMA models for power spectrum estimation. UNIT IV Linear Prediction : Forward and Backward Linear Prediction Forward Linear Prediction, Backward Linear Prediction, Optimum reflection coefficients for the Lattice Forward and Backward Predictors. Solution of the Normal Equations: Levinson Durbin Algorithm, Schur Algorithm. Properties of Linear Prediction Filters UNIT V Finite Word Length Effects: Analysis of finite word length effects in Fixed-point DSP systems Fixed, Floating Point Arithmetic ADC quantization noise & signal quality Finite word length effect in IIR digital Filters Finite word-length effects in FFT algorithms. TEXTBOOKS: 1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms & Applications - J.G.Proakis & D.G.Manolokis, 4th ed., PHI. 2. Discrete Time signal processing - Alan V Oppenheim & Ronald W Schaffer, PHI. 3. DSP A Pratical Approach Emmanuel C.Ifeacher, Barrie. W. Jervis, 2 ed., Pearson Education. REFERENCES: 1. 2. 3. Modern spectral Estimation : Theory & Application S. M .Kay, 1988, PHI. Multirate Systems and Filter Banks P.P.Vaidyanathan Pearson Education Digital Signal Processing S.Salivahanan, A.Vallavaraj, C.Gnanapriya, 2000,TMH

UNIT-I Introduction: Attacks, Services and Mechanisms, Security attacks, Security services, A Model for Internetwork security.Classical Techniques: Conventional Encryption model, Steganography, Classical Encryption Techniques. UNIT-II Modern Techniques: Simplified DES, Block Cipher Principles, Data Encryption standard, Strength of DES, Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis, Block Cipher Design Principles and Modes of operations. Algorithms: Triple DES, International Data Encryption algorithm, Blowfish, RC5, CAST-128, RC2, Characteristics of Advanced Symmetric block cifers. UNIT-III Conventional Encryption Placement of Encryption function, Traffic confidentiality, Key distribution, Random Number Generation. Public Key Cryptography Principles, RSA Algorithm, Key Management, Diffie-Hellman Key exchange, Elliptic Curve Cryptography. UNIT-IV Number theory Prime and Relatively prime numbers, Modular arithmetic, Fermats and Eulers theorems, Testing for primality, Euclids Algorithm, the Chinese remainder theorem, Discrete logarithms. Message authentication and Hash functions: Authentication requirements and functions, Message Authentication, Hash functions, Security of Hash functions and MACs. UNIT-V Hash and Mac Algorithms MD File, Message digest Algorithm, Secure Hash Algorithm, RIPEMD-160, HMAC. Digital signatures and Authentication protocols: Digital signatures, Authentication Protocols, Digital signature standards. UNIT-VI Authentication Applications: Kerberos, X.509 directory Authentication service.Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good Privacy, S/MIME. UNIT-VII IP Security Overview, Architecture, Authentication, Encapsulating Security Payload, Combining security Associations, Key Management. Web Security Web Security requirements, Secure sockets layer and Transport layer security, Secure Electronic Transaction. UNIT-VIII Intruders, Viruses and Worms : Intruders, Viruses and Related threats. Fire Walls : Fire wall Design Principles, Trusted systems. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice - William Stallings, 2000, PE. REFERENCES: 1. Principles of Network and Systems Administration, Mark Burgess,John Wiel



UNIT I Introduction, basic structures of MEM devices (Canti-Levers, Fixed Beams diaphragms). Broad Response of Micro electromechanical systems (MEMS) to Mechanical (Force, pressure etc.) Thermal, Electrical, optical and magnetic stimuli, compatibility of MEMS from the point of power dissipation, leakage etc. UNIT II Review of mechanical concepts like stress, strain, bending moment, deflection curve. Differential equations describing the deflection under concentrated force, distributed force, distributed force, deflection curves for canti-levers- fixed beam. Electrostatic excitation columbic force between the fixed and moving electrodes. Deflection with voltage in C.L, Deflection Vs Voltage curve, critical fringe field field calculations using Laplace equation. Discussion on the approximate solutions transient response of the MEMS. UNIT III Two terminal MEMS - capacitance Vs voltage Curve variable capacitor. Applications of variable capacitors. Two terminal MEM structures. Three terminal MEM structures controlled variable capacitors MEM as a switch and possible applications. UNIT IV MEM circuits & structures for simple GATES- AND, OR, NAND, NOR, Exclusive OR<simple MEM configurations for flip-flops triggering applications to counters, converters. Applications for analog circuits like frequency converters, wave shaping. RF Switches for modulation. MEM Transducers for pressure, force temperature. Optical MEMS. UNIT V MEM Technologies: Silicon based MEMS- process flow brief account of various processes and layers like fixed layer, moving layers spacers etc., and etching technologies. Metal Based MEMS: Thin and thick film technologies for MEMS. Process flow and description of the processes. Status of MEMS in the current electronics scenario. TEXT BOOKS: 1. 2. 3. MEMS Theory, Design and Technology - GABRIEL. M.Review, R.F.,2003, John wiley & Sons. . Strength of Materials Thimo Shenko, 2000, CBS publishers & Distributors. MEMS and NEMS, Systems Devices; and Structures - Servey E.Lyshevski, 2002, CRC Press.

REFERENCES: 1. Sensor Technology and Devices - Ristic L. (Ed) , 1994, Artech House, London.


I Year I Sem. M.Tech (VLSI Design) SIMULATION LAB (VLSI)

CYCLE 1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Digital Circuits Description using Verilog. Verification of the functionality of designed Circuits using function simulator. Timing Simulation for critical Path time calculation. Synthesis of Digital Circuits. Place and route techniques for major FPGA Vendors using Xilinx, Altera, Cypress etc., Implementation of Designed Digital Circuits Using FPGA and CPLD devices.

CYCLE 2: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. MoS inverter DC Characteristics, AC Characteristics, Transient Analysis. NMOS, PMOS Characteristics. Layout basics- INV, NAND, NOR, EXOR, EXNOR. Layout of adder, subtractor, multiplexer. Layout Comparator.

For Experiments in cycle 2: 3,4,5: Draw the Schematics Perform Simulation, Extract the Layout, Run Physical Verification (DRC, LVS, PEX) and post layout simulation.


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