Santosh Lakshmi H1B
Santosh Lakshmi H1B
Santosh Lakshmi H1B
The aoove petition and accompanying requesi a cilange uf status hase beeli approved. The scalus of named beneiieiuy(ies) is
valid as indicated on the 1-94 attached below. The beneficiary(ies) can work for the petitioner pursuant to this approval notice, but only as detailed in the
peution and during the petition validity period indicated above, unless otherwise authorized by law. Changes in employment or training may require you to
file a new Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker.
The dates in the 1-94 attached below might not be for the same dates as the petition validity dates above because the 1-94 below may contain a grace period
of up to 10 days before and up to 10 days after the petition validity period for the following classifications: CW-I, E-l, E-2, E-3, H-IB. H-2B, H-3.1--1 A.
L-IB. 0-1, 0-2, P-I, P-IS, P-2, P-2S, P-3, P-3S, TN-I, and TN-2. An 1-94 for H-2A nonimmigrants may contain a grace period of up to one week before
and 30 days after the petition validity period. However, the beneficiary(ies) may not work during such grace periods, unless otherwise authorized by law.
The decision to grant a grace period and the length of the granted grace period is discretionary, final, and cannot be contested on motion or appeal. Please
contact the IRS with any questions about tax withholding.
The petitioner should keep the upper portion of this notice. The lower portion should be given to the beneficiary(ies). The beneficiary(ies) should keep the
right pan (the 1-94 portion) with his or her other Forms 1-94, Arrival-Departure Record, The 1-94 portion should be given to the U.S. Customs and Border
Protection when he or she leaves the United States. The left pan is for his or her records. A person granted a change of status who leaves the U .S. and is not
visa-exempt must normally obtain a visa in the new classification before retuming. The left part can be used when applying for the new visx If a visa is not
required, he or she should present it, along with any other required documentation, when applying for reentry based on this approval notice at a port of entry
or pre-flight inspection station. The petitioner may also file Form 1-824, Application for Action on an Approved Application or Petition. to request that we
notify a consulate, port of entry, or pre-flight inspection office of this approval.
The approval of this petition does not guarantee that the beneficiary(ies) will be found to be eligible for a visa, for admission to the United States (if traveling
abroad and seeking re-admission), or for a subsequent extension of stay, change of status, or adjustment of status.
Please see the additional information on the back. You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
U CIS encourages you to sign up fora CI online account. o learn more about creating an account and the bene Its, goto ttps•
Nebraska Service Center
P.O. Box 82521
incoln NF. 69501-2521
USCIS Contact Center.
If you have questions about your application or petition, you may: When you leave the United States, you must turn in the right
half of your 1-94 (kept in your passport) to the officials at the
• Go to to check your case airport, border or seaport. If you do not do so, it may delay your
status online. entry into the United States in the future.You may stay in the
• Call the USCIS ContactCenter at 1800-375-5283. United States only until the date indicated on this form. If you
want to remainin the UnitedStates past this date, you Will
• TelecommunicationsDevice for the Deaf (TDD) 1-800-767-1833. need furtherauthorizationfrom USCIS.
• Send us a letter and include a copy of this notice. If you are a student planning to reenter the United States within
Schedule an appointmentat a local USCIS office using InfoPass 30 days to returnto the same school, review the "Instructions
at https:/ to Students" on Page 3 of Form 1-20before surrendering your
replacement 1-94.
If you filed Form 1-907,Request for Premium Processing Service,
and you have any questions about the decision or status of If you lose the right half of your replacement Form 1-94(kept In
your application or petition, please follow the Instructions for your passport), submit a copy of the left half of the Form 1-94
contacting the Premium Processing Unit printed on the receipt (that you keep with your personal records), along With a new
notice we mailed you. Form 1-102,to apply for a new replacement 1-94.
Warning: If you accept employmentwithout our authorization.
you may be subject to removal or deportation
NOTICE: Although this applicauon or petition has been approved, USCIS and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security reserve the right to verify this
information before and/or after making a decision on your case so we can ensure that you have complied with applicable laws. rules, regulations. and other
legal authorities. We may review public information and records. contact others by mall, the internet or phone, conduct site inspectionsof businesses and
residences.or use other methodsof verification. We will use the informationobtainedto determinewhetheryou are eligible for the benefit you seek. If we
find any derogatory information. we will follow the law in determining whether to provide you (and the legal representative listed on your Form G-28. if you
subrniued one' an opponunicyto addless befoce we make a fe,cnuddeeÄ0ii on your casc or stall proceedings.
Please see the additional Informationon the back, You will be notified separately about any other cases you filed.
USCIS encourages you to sign up for a I online account. To learn more about creating an account and the benefits, go to https•
If you have questions about your application or petition, you may: When you leave the United States, you must turn in the right
half of your 1-94 (kept in your passport) to the officials at the
• Go to to check your case airport, border or seaport. If you do not do so, it may delay your
status online. entry into the United States in the future.You may stay in the
• Call the USCIS Contact Center at 1800-375-5283. United States only until the date indicated on this form. If you
want to remain in the United States past this date, you will
• Telecommunications Device for the Deaf (TDD) 1-800-767-1833. need further authorizationfrom USCIS.
• Send us a letter and include a copy of this notice. If you are a student planning to reenter the United States within
• Sdnedule an appointment at a local USCIS office using InfoPass 30 days to returnto the same school, review the "Instructions
at to Students" on Page 3 of Form 1-20before surrendering your
replacement 1-94
If you filed Form 1-907,Request for Premium Processing Service,
and you have any questions about the decision or status of If you lose the right half of your replacement Form 1-94(kept In
your application or petition, please follow the instructions for your passport), submit a copy of the left half of the Form 1-94
contacting the Premium Processing Unit printed on the receipt (that you keep with your personal records), along with a new
notice we mailed you. Form 1-102,to apply for a new replacement 1-94.
Waming: If you accept employmentwithout our authorization.
you may be subject to removal or deportation.