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Week:06 Date of planning :5/10 /2024

Period 11 Date of teaching : …/… / ……

Lesson 4: Communication
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Offer help and respond to an offer;
- Talk about means of transport that they use.
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
3. Personal qualities
- Be ready and confident in real life conversations
- Know about means of transport
- Actively join in class activities
- Grade 9 textbook, Unit 2, Communication
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV
- hoclieu.vn
1. ACTIVITY 1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To introduce the topic;
- To enhance students’ skills of cooperating with team mates.
b. Content:
- Look and answer
- Charades
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use their background knowledge to answer the questions.
d. Organisation:
Option 1: Look and answer. Pictures of means of
- Show pictures of means of transport (bicycle, tram, sky transport.
train, car, bus). Ask Ss what means of transport they
know, and what might be common means of transport in
the city.
- Tell Ss that in this lesson, they will read and talk about
transport in the city. Introduce the objectives of the lesson
(Ss will learn how to offer help and respond; and how to
talk about their favourite means of transport). Write the
objectives in the left corner of the board.
- Listen and follow the instruction.
Option 2: Charades
- Divide the class into two teams. Words:
- Write down some means of transport on slips of paper - metro
and put them in a bag/hat/box. - bus
- One student from each team takes turns to pick a slip - car
and act out the word without speaking. The other students - tram
from their team have to guess what it is within a time - cyclo
limit (e.g. one minute). If they guess correctly, they get a - motorbike
point. If not, the other team can steal the point by - walk
guessing correctly. The team with the most points at the - bike
end wins.
- Listen and play games in teams
a. Objectives:
- To introduce ways of offering help and responding.
b. Content:
- Vocabulary pre-teaching
- Task 1: Listen and read the conversations below. Pay attention to the highlighted parts.
- Task 2: Work in pairs. Make similar conversations with the following situations.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use the structures to offer help and respond.
d. Organisation:
Vocabulary pre-teaching (3 mins)
- Introduce the vocabulary by: New words:
+ giving a situation; 1. rush hour (n)
+ giving an explanation 2. tram (n)
- Listen to the explanation of the words.
- Write the new words in their notebooks.
Task 1: Listen and read the conversations below. Pay attention to the highlighted
parts. (5 mins)
- Tell Ss a situation: “Duong’s best friend is going to Audio script:
Singapore to study there. Duong’s dad knows that Duong 1 Listen and read the
wants to go to the airport to see him off. What will Duong’s conversations below. Pay
dad do?” attention to the
- Encourage Ss to make some guesses. Possible guesses highlighted parts.
might be Duong’s dad will take him to the airport; Duong’s
dad will catch a taxi for him to the airport, etc.
- Write on the board: “I can take you to the airport if you
like.” Tell Ss that Duong’s dad says this sentence to offer to
help him.
- Play the recording for Ss to listen and read the
conversations between Duong’s dad and Duong, and
between Minh and Hoang. Ask Ss to pay attention to the
highlighted language. Tell them that these are two common
ways to offer help.
- Ask Ss what Duong and Hoang say to accept the offers.
- Have Ss read aloud the conversations as a class first, then
practise them in pairs. Call on some pairs to act the
conversations in front of the class.
- Answer questions.
- Listen.
- Listen and read the conversations.
- Read aloud the conversation.
- Practise in pairs to act the conversations.
Task 2: Work in groups. Make similar conversations with the following situations.
(7 mins)
- Ask Ss to work in pairs to make similar dialogues, using Suggested dialogues:
the language they have learnt. Situation 1:
- Move around to observe and provide help. Call on some You: I can show you how
pairs to practise in front of the class. Comment on their to use the library smart
performance. card if you like.
- Work in pairs to make similar dialogues. Friend: Thanks. That’s so
kind of you.
Conversation 2
You: Would you like me
to write a note for Ms
Friend: Thank you. That’s
so kind of you.
Transition from Everyday English to Transport in the city.
- Choose two strong Ss (A & B) in the class. Tell them to
imagine B is new to the city and he/she doesn’t know how to Possible offers may
use the public transport system. Tell A to offer help to B and include
B to respond to A’s offer. to get to the train station,
- Tell Ss they are going to read the opinions of some to buy a bus ticket, to use
students about their favourite means of transport in the city. the sky train system.
- Listen and follow the instruction.
a. Objectives:
- To provide students with information about three means of transport in the city;
- To give students an example of the structure for their talk;
- To help students plan their talk about their familiar means of transport;
- To provide students with a chance to talk about their familiar means of transport.
b. Content:
- Task 3: Work in pairs. Read the descriptions of three teenagers about their favourite
means of transport. Then complete the table below.
- Task 4: Make notes about a means of transport you are using.
- Task 5: Work in groups. Talk to your friends about the means of transport that you
use. Use your notes in 4.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students get some information about means of transport.
- Students can talk about their familiar means of transport.
d. Organisation:
Task 3: Work in pairs. Read the descriptions of three teenagers about their
favourite means of transport. Then complete the table below. (5 mins)
- Have Ss work in pairs. Assign one description for each Key:
pair to read and complete the gaps in the table. 1. traffic jams
- Invite some pairs to share their answers. Confirm the 2. sky train
correct answers. 3. crowded
- Put three pairs who read different descriptions together. 4. tram
In their group, they tell each other about the description of 5. discount
the transport that they have read. Cultural notes for
- Work in pairs to read and complete the table. teachers:
- Share their answers. The Bangkok Mass Transit
- Share descriptions of the transport that they have read in System, commonly known
groups. as BTS Skytrain, started to
operate in 1999. It covers a
length of more than 70
kilometres in the city and
serves about 108 million
passenger trips each year.
Tram is a major form of
public transport in
Melbourne, Australia. It
started to operate in 1885.
As of May 2017, the tram
system covers a length of
250 kilometres. It serves
more than 206 million
passenger trips each year.

Task 4: Make notes about a means of transport you are using. (7 mins)
- Tell Ss to make notes about the means of transport they Suggested answers:
are using, following the given outline. They can look at the Means of transport: bus
table in Activity 3 for an example. Advantages: near house
- Monitor and provide support when needed. and school, clean, on time,
- When they finish their outline, tell them to talk to a friend air conditioning
using the notes they have prepared. Drawbacks: crowded at
- Make notes about the means of transport they are using. rush hour
- Talk to their friends using the notes they have prepared.
Task 5: Work in groups. Talk to your friends about the means of transport that you
use. Use your notes in 4. (8 mins)
- Form new groups of four students. In their group, Ss take Suggested talk
turns to talk, using their notes in 4. I go to school by bus every
- Monitor and provide support when needed. day. It is convenient
- Comment on Ss’ talks. because there are bus stops
near my house and my
school. The bus is clean and
on time. It is very crowded
at rush hour, but it has air
conditioning, so it is cool.
That’s why I choose to use
a. Objectives:
- To help students have chance to work in groups.
- To help students practice speaking and be confident in
front of large people.
b. Content:
- Thoughts of a means of transportation.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can give their own opinion of a means of
d. Organisation:
- Ask Ss which of the three means of transportation in the
reading text they have used or would like to use. Give them
a little time to think of how they felt when they used them
and/or why they would like to use them.
- Have Ss share their thoughts with a partner.
- Put Ss in groups of three or four. Have them share their
thoughts with other group members. Encourage them to ask
questions for further details and answers.
- Talk, using notes in 4 in groups.
- Choose one means of transportation in the reading text.
- Think how they felt when they used and why they would
like to use them.
- Work in groups to share their ideas.
a. Wrap-up
- Have Ss say what they have learnt in the lesson.
b. Homework
- Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2. Skills 1
Week: … Date of planning : …/… / …..
Period … Date of teaching : …/… / ……
Lesson 5: Skills 1
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Read for main idea and specific information in an article about a competition to find solutions
to city problems
- Talk about city problems and their solutions
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
- Develop presentation skills
3. Personal qualities
- Understand more about city problems and their solutions
- Actively join in class activities
- Grade 9 textbook, Unit 2, Skills 1
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV
- hoclieu.vn
1. ACTIVITY 1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To help Ss understand and activate their knowledge of the topic.
b. Content:
- Mind map
- Survey
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students gain knowledge about their school.
d. Organisation:
Option 1: Mind map Mind map:
- Make a mind map with “City problems” in the centre. Ask
Ss to list some problems of living in the city. Write their
ideas in the mind map and keep it there throughout the City problems
- Tell Ss that they are going to read and speak about some
problems of city life and their solutions.
- Introduce the objectives of the lesson. Write the objectives
in the left corner of the board.
- Listen and follow the teacher's instruction.
Option 2: Survey Questions:
- Ask the students to conduct a survey among their “What is the biggest
classmates about city problems. problem in your city?”
- You can give them some questions to ask. “How does it affect you or
- You can also ask them to make a chart or a graph to show your family?”
the results of their survey and present it to the class. “What do you think is the
- Listen and follow the instruction. best solution to it?”
a. Objectives:
- To help Ss learn new vocabulary in the reading text.
- To improve Ss’ skill of reading for details (scanning).
b. Content:
- Vocabulary teaching
- Task 1: Work in pairs. Match the words / phrases with their pictures.
- Task 2: Read part of an announcement about the Teenovator competition. Match the topics in
the competition with their winners. There is one extra topic.
- Task 3: Read the announcement again. Choose the correct answer.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students identify some new words and how to use the target vocabulary.
d. Organisation:
Vocabulary teaching (5 mins)
- Ask Ss to get the meaning of the words in context. New words:
- Say the meaning of the words. 1. leftover (n)
2. biogas (n)
Task 1: Work in pairs. Match the words / phrases with their pictures. (3 mins)
- Have Ss work in pairs and match the given words/phrases Keys:
with the pictures. 1. a
- Check the answers as a class. 2. c
- Tell Ss to find these words and phrases in the reading text 3. b
and highlight them. 4. d
- Do exercise in pairs
- Listen and check.
Task 2: Read the passages again and complete the sentences. (5 mins)
- Tell Ss that they are going to read part of an announcement Keys:
about the winners of the Teenovator competition. Ask them 1. C 2. B 3. A
to skim the announcement and name the winners (Central
School, Bookworm Team, Helena Wilson).
- Ask Ss to skim the text again and underline the city
problem that each winner has found (Central School – (the
more) food people throw away, Bookworm Team – city
library is not teen-friendly, Helena Wilson – too many
vehicles around the school gates).
- Ask Ss if these problems are solved, how the city will be
like (less food waste, teen-friendly library, safety in front of
school gates).
- Tell Ss that they will now match a topic in the competition
with the winner. Let Ss do the exercise individually.
- Check answers as a class.
- Skim the announcement and name the winners.
- Skim again and underline the city problem.
- Listen and answer.
- Match the topic in the competition with the winner.
- Listen and check.
Task 3: Read the announcement again. Choose the correct answer. (7 mins)
- Have Ss review how to do this multiple-choice exercise. Keys:
- Briefly tell them the steps: Read the questions, underline 1. A 2. D 3. B 4. C
the keywords in each question, locate the keywords in the 5. A
text and find the information to answer the question.
- Ask Ss to repeat the steps if necessary. Suggested information to
- Ask Ss to do the exercise individually and then check their add to the mind map:
answers in pairs. Problem 1: food waste
- Invite a student to write their answers on the board. Have + Solution: a farm comes
other Ss explain their answers. Confirm the correct answers. and takes leftovers at
school canteens. They
Transition from Reading to Speaking process them into biogas.
- To connect the reading and the speaking parts, expand the Problem 2: not teen-
mind map in Warm up. Ask Ss to add more ideas about city friendly city library
problems and solutions from the article to the mind map. + Solution: design lively
- Listen and follow the instruction. learning spaces; add
- Repeat the steps. teen’s favourite desserts in
- Do exercise individually. the cafeteria’s menu.
- Listen and check. Problem 3: too many
vehicles around school
+ Solution: not allow cars
at school gates at special
hours; no motorbike
parking on the pavement
near school gates
a. Objectives:
- To help students use what they have learnt so far to talk about city problems and solutions;
- To practise public speaking.
b. Content:
- Task 4: Make a list of city problems and some solutions to them.
- Task 5: Work in pairs. Talk to your friends about the city problems and suggest solutions to
them. You can use the ideas in 4.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can talk about the city problems and suggest solutions to them in front of other
d. Organisation:
Task 4: Make a list of city problems and some solutions to them. (7 mins)
- Ask Ss to work in pairs and add as many details of
problems of city life and solutions in the mind map as
possible. Alternatively, Ss can use problems given in the
textbook and think of solutions to them.
- Ask pairs to share their answers with the class.
- Work in pairs to add details of problems of city life and
solutions in the mind map.
- Listen and check.
Task 5: Work in pairs. Talk to your friends about the city problems and suggest
solutions to them. You can use the ideas in 4. (8 mins)
- Elicit from Ss some useful structures for starting a talk and Suggested answer:
introducing problems and solutions. We think that there are
- Have Ss work in groups. Tell them that they will talk to several problems in our
each other about problems of city life and solutions. They city. First, some streets are
could use their notes when talking. dirty. Many people put
- Remind them that they can use the given template in the rubbish on the pavements
book in their talk. or near the walls. Second,
- Set a time limit for pair work. Go around, monitor and the city looks like a
support when necessary. concrete jungle. It lacks
- Invite some Ss to share their discussion to the class. green space and the air is
- Ask other pairs to listen and give comments. Comment on not fresh. To solve these
Ss’ answers. problems, the city
authority should instruct
people to throw rubbish
properly. Another
solution is to plant more
trees even on the roof of
high buildings. By doing
so, the city can be a more
liveable place.


a. Objectives:
- To help students have chance to work in groups.
- To help students practice speaking and be confident in
front of large people.
b. Content:
- Thoughts of city problems.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Student can give their own opinion of two city problems
d. Organisation:
- Have Ss work in five groups and assign one of the
following roles to each group: The local authority, the
school board, the local television channel, the local
newspaper, and the student association.
- Choose two city problems, e.g. food waste and crowded
traffic in front of school gates. Have groups think of
solutions to these problems from the perspectives of their
assigned roles.
- After a certain time, organise a meeting among
representatives of the groups. Have them present their
solutions to the whole class and come up with an action plan
to solve the problems.
- Listen and practise.
- Talk about problems of city life and solutions in groups by
using their notes.
- Share their discussion with the class.
- Listen and give comments.
- Work in groups.
- Find solutions to city problems & Present their solutions.
a. Wrap-up
- Summarise what they have learnt in the lesson.
- Have Ss look at the objectives written on the board at the beginning of the lesson and tick the
objectives they have learnt.
b. Homework
- Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2. Skills 2

Week: … Date of planning : …/… / …..

Period … Date of teaching : …/… / ……
Lesson 6: Skills 2
By the end of this lesson, Ss will be able to:
1. Knowledge
- Listen for specific information in an interview about life in the city
- Write a paragraph on what they like or dislike about city life
2. Competences
- Develop communication skills and creativity
- Be collaborative and supportive in pair work and teamwork
3. Personal qualities
- Be encouraged to express opinion about city life
- Actively join in class activities
- Grade 9 textbook, Unit 2, Skills 2
- Computer connected to the Internet
- Projector / TV
- hoclieu.vn
1. ACTIVITY 1. WARM-UP (5 mins)
a. Objectives:
- To create an active atmosphere in the class before the lesson;
- To lead into the new lesson.
b. Content:
- Think!
- Game: Pass the ball
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can answer the questions related to school.
d. Organisation:
Option 1: Think! Pictures:
- Show photos or a video of a modern and beautiful
city. Ask Ss if they like that city and why.
- Lead to the new lesson: Listening and Writing
lesson on advantages and disadvantages of city life.
- Introduce the objectives of the lesson. Write the
objectives in the left corner of the board.
- Look and show ideas.
Option 2: Pass the ball Questions:
- Give two balls to two different Ss. - Which city do you want to live
- When the music starts, Ss pass the balls to Ss next in? Why?
to them.
- When the music stops, the two Ss have a ball must
stand up to tell about beautiful city that they want to
live in.
- Listen and play games.
a. Objectives:
- To help Ss develop their skill of listening for specific information about city life
b. Content:
- Task 1: Work in pairs. Tick ( ) the things that you want in your hometown. Add more ideas if
you have any.
- Task 2: Listen to an interview with three teenagers about life in their cities. Decide if the
statements are true (T) or false (F).
- Task 3: Listen again. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Ss can listen for general and specific information to do the learning tasks.
d. Organisation:
Task 1: Work in pairs. Tick ( ) the things that you want in your home town. Add
more ideas if you have any.
- Tell Ss to look at the given phrases and ask them to tick the Suggested answers:
things they want in a city. Students’ own answers.
- Invite answers from Ss.
- Tell Ss that these phrases will appear in the listening, so
they should pay attention to them.
- Listen and follow.
Task 2: Listen to an interview with three teenagers about life in their cities. Decide
if the statements are true (T) or false (F)
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to three teenagers Answer key:
talking about what they like and dislike about their city. 1. T
- Have Ss look at the statements. Elicit from them the 2. F
keywords in each statement. Remind them that they need to 3. F
listen attentively. 4. T
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and decide if the
information is true or false according to the recording.
- Ask one or two Ss to go to the board and write their
answers. Have other Ss work in pairs to compare their
- Confirm the correct answers. Play part of the recording
again when needed.
- Listen to the instruction.
- Find keywords.
- Listen and do the exercise.
- Check answers in pairs.
- Show the answers.
- Listen and check answers.
Task 3: Listen again. Choose the correct answer A, B, or C.
- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to the speakers again Answer key:
and choose the correct answer. 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. C
- Have Ss read the questions and underline the keywords in
each question. Elicit from Ss that Question 1 helps practise
listening for gist.
- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen again and choose the
correct answer. Then Ss work in pairs to compare their
answers with each other.
- Check the answers to 3 with the whole class. Ask Ss to
explain their choices. Confirm the correct answers.

Transition from Listening to Writing Suggested answers:

Ask Ss to work in pairs and recall information about Tom,
Elena and Chi. Note down the answers to the questions.
- What does each person like about life in their city?
- What does each person dislike about life in their city?
- Listen to the instruction.
- Find keywords.
- Listen and do the exercise.
- Check answers in pairs.
- Listen and check answers.
- Work in pairs. Note down the answers.


a. Objectives:
- To help Ss practise writing a paragraph about what they like or dislike about living in a city.
b. Content:
- Task 4: Work in pairs. Put the phrases from the box in the correct column.
- Task 5: Write a paragraph (about 100 words) about what you like or dislike about living in a
city. You can use the ideas in 4 or your own ideas.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Students can use learned vocabulary and grammar to write a paragraph about what they like or
dislike about living in a city.
d. Organisation:
Task 4: Work in pairs. Put the phrases from the box in the correct column.
- Have Ss work in pairs to put the phrases in the correct Answer key:
- Have some Ss present their answers or write their answers
on the board. Confirm the correct answers.
- Work in pairs to do the exercise.
- Present their answers.
Task 5: Write a paragraph (about 100 words) about what you like or dislike about
living in a city. You can use the ideas in 4 or your own ideas.
- Tell Ss to look at the outline in 5. Tell Sample paragraph:
them that they should follow this structure I love city life. First, it is very convenient
when writing this paragraph. to live in the city. The public transport
- Ask Ss to write their paragraph system reaches almost all areas of the
individually based on the table in 4. city, so it is easy for me to get around. In
Remind them that they do not need to use addition, there are many shops that sell
all suggested ideas, and that they can add all kinds of goods, so I can buy almost
their own ideas. everything I need. Second, the city often
- When Ss have finished, if time permits, has many good schools and hospitals.
check one writing in class. Otherwise, Therefore, people here can enjoy quality
collect some writings to correct at home. education and healthcare. Finally, city life
is exciting. There are many entertainment
places for me and my friends. For
example, we can hang out at shopping
malls, watch movies at the cinema, and
visit beautiful parks downtown. In
conclusion, I find the city a liveable place
for me.


a. Objectives:
- To help students have chance to work in groups
- To help students practice and improve wrting skills.
b. Content:
- Thoughts of city life.
c. Expected outcomes:
- Student can give their own opinion of city life.
d. Organisation:
- Prepare a handout of the sample writing but
remove supporting sentences. The handout may
contain information like this “I love city life. First,
it is very convenient to live in the city. Second, the
city often has many good schools and hospitals.
Finally, city life is exciting. In conclusion, I find
the city a liveable place for me.”
- Put Ss in groups of four or five. Tell them that
they are going to complete a paragraph by adding
supporting sentences to it. When the teacher says
“Move”, they have to stop writing even if they are
in the middle of a sentence. Then they give their
paper to the person next to them and this person
will continue writing where they stopped.
- After a certain time, collect Ss’ work and give
feedback to some of them with the whole class.
Alternatively, Ss can swap their work and do peer
feedback before whole-class feedback.
- Listen.
- Write a paragraph by using table in 4.

a. Wrap-up
- Summarise the main points of the lesson.
b. Homework
- Rewrite the paragraph in the notebooks.
- Do exercises in the workbook.
- Prepare the next lesson: Unit 2. Looking back & Project


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