Unit 3 of C
Unit 3 of C
Unit 3 of C
The pointer in C language is a variable which stores the address of another variable. This
variable can be of type int, char, array, function, or any other pointer. The size of the
pointer depends on the architecture. However, in 32-bit architecture the size of a
pointer is 2 byte.
Consider the following example to define a pointer which stores the address of an
1. int n = 10;
2. int* p = &n; // Variable p of type pointer is pointing to the address of the variable n of t
ype integer.
Declaring a pointer
The pointer in c language can be declared using * (asterisk symbol). It is also known as
indirection pointer used to dereference a pointer.
Pointer Example
An example of using pointers to print the address and value is given below.
As you can see in the above figure, pointer variable stores the address of number
variable, i.e., fff4. The value of number variable is 50. But the address of pointer variable
p is aaa3.
By the help of * (indirection operator), we can print the value of pointer variable p.
Let's see the pointer example as explained for the above figure.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main(){
3. int number=50;
4. int *p;
5. p=&number;//stores the address of number variable
6. printf("Address of p variable is %x \n",p); // p contains the address of the number theref
ore printing p gives the address of number.
7. printf("Value of p variable is %d \n",*p); // As we know that * is used to dereference a po
inter therefore if we print *p, we will get the value stored at the address contained by p.
8. return 0;
9. }
Pointer to array
1. int arr[10];
2. int *p[10]=&arr; // Variable p of type pointer is pointing to the address of an integer arr
ay arr.
Pointer to a function
1. struct st {
2. int i;
3. float f;
4. }ref;
5. struct st *p = &ref;
Advantage of pointer
1) Pointer reduces the code and improves the performance, it is used to retrieving
strings, trees, etc. and used with arrays, structures, and functions.
3) It makes you able to access any memory location in the computer's memory.
Usage of pointer
There are many applications of pointers in c language.
In c language, we can dynamically allocate memory using malloc() and calloc() functions
where the pointer is used.
Pointers in c language are widely used in arrays, functions, and structures. It reduces the
code and improves the performance.
NULL Pointer
A pointer that is not assigned any value but NULL is known as the NULL pointer. If you
don't have any address to be specified in the pointer at the time of declaration, you can
assign NULL value. It will provide a better approach.
int *p=NULL;
Before swap: *p1=10 *p2=20
After swap: *p1=20 *p2=10
Data type 3 -
o (): This operator is a bracket operator used to declare and define the function.
o []: This operator is an array subscript operator
o * : This operator is a pointer operator.
o Identifier: It is the name of the pointer. The priority will always be assigned to this.
o Data type: Data type is the type of the variable to which the pointer is intended
to point. It also includes the modifier like signed int, long, etc).
To read the pointer, we must see that () and [] have the equal precedence. Therefore,
their associativity must be considered here. The associativity is left to right, so the
priority goes to ().
Inside the bracket (), pointer operator * and pointer name (identifier) p have the same
precedence. Therefore, their associativity must be considered here which is right to left,
so the priority goes to p, and the second priority goes to *.
Assign the 3rd priority to [] since the data type has the last precedence. Therefore the
pointer will look like following.
o char -> 4
o * -> 2
o p -> 1
o [10] -> 3
This pointer will be read as p is a pointer to such function which accepts the first
parameter as the pointer to a one-dimensional array of integers of size two and the
second parameter as the pointer to a function which parameter is void and return type
is the integer.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. void main ()
3. {
4. int a = 10;
5. int *p;
6. int **pp;
7. p = &a; // pointer p is pointing to the address of a
8. pp = &p; // pointer pp is a double pointer pointing to the address of pointer p
9. printf("address of a: %x\n",p); // Address of a will be printed
10. printf("address of p: %x\n",pp); // Address of p will be printed
11. printf("value stored at p: %d\n",*p); // value stoted at the address contained by p i.e. 1
0 will be printed
12. printf("value stored at pp: %d\n",**pp); // value stored at the address contained by th
e pointer stoyred at pp
13. }
address of a: d26a8734
address of p: d26a8738
value stored at p: 10
value stored at pp: 10
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main(){
3. int number=50;
4. int *p;//pointer to int
5. int **p2;//pointer to pointer
6. p=&number;//stores the address of number variable
7. p2=&p;
8. printf("Address of number variable is %x \n",&number);
9. printf("Address of p variable is %x \n",p);
10. printf("Value of *p variable is %d \n",*p);
11. printf("Address of p2 variable is %x \n",p2);
12. printf("Value of **p2 variable is %d \n",*p);
13. return 0;
14. }
Address of number variable is fff4
Address of p variable is fff4
Value of *p variable is 50
Address of p2 variable is fff2
Value of **p variable is 50
In the above question, the pointer arithmetic is used with the double pointer. An array
of 6 elements is defined which is pointed by an array of pointer p. The pointer array p is
pointed by a double pointer pp. However, the above image gives you a brief idea about
how the memory is being allocated to the array a and the pointer array p. The elements
of p are the pointers that are pointing to every element of the array a. Since we know
that the array name contains the base address of the array hence, it will work as a
pointer and can the value can be traversed by using *(a), *(a+1), etc. As shown in the
image, a[0] can be accessed in the following ways.
o a[0]: it is the simplest way to access the first element of the array
o *(a): since a store the address of the first element of the array, we can access its
value by using indirection pointer on it.
o *p[0]: if a[0] is to be accessed by using a pointer p to it, then we can use
indirection operator (*) on the first element of the pointer array p, i.e., *p[0].
o **(pp): as pp stores the base address of the pointer array, *pp will give the value
of the first element of the pointer array that is the address of the first element of
the integer array. **p will give the actual value of the first element of the integer
Coming to the program, Line 1 and 2 declare the integer and pointer array relatively.
Line 3 initializes the double pointer to the pointer array p. As shown in the image, if the
address of the array starts from 200 and the size of the integer is 2, then the pointer
array will contain the values as 200, 202, 204, 206, 208, 210. Let us consider that the base
address of the pointer array is 300; the double pointer pp contains the address of
pointer array, i.e., 300. Line number 4 increases the value of pp by 1, i.e., pp will now
point to address 302.
Line number 5 contains an expression which prints three values, i.e., pp - p, *pp - a, **pp.
Let's calculate them each one of them.
o pp = 302, p = 300 => pp-p = (302-300)/2 => pp-p = 1, i.e., 1 will be printed.
o pp = 302, *pp = 202, a = 200 => *pp - a = 202 - 200 = 2/2 = 1, i.e., 1 will be
o pp = 302, *pp = 202, *(*pp) = 206, i.e., 206 will be printed.
Therefore as the result of line 5, The output 1, 1, 206 will be printed on the console. On
line 6, *pp++ is written. Here, we must notice that two unary operators * and ++ will
have the same precedence. Therefore, by the rule of associativity, it will be evaluated
from right to left. Therefore the expression *pp++ can be rewritten as (*(pp++)). Since,
pp = 302 which will now become, 304. *pp will give 204.
On line 7, again the expression is written which prints three values, i.e., pp-p, *pp-a, *pp.
Let's calculate each one of them.
o pp = 304, p = 300 => pp - p = (304 - 300)/2 => pp-p = 2, i.e., 2 will be printed.
o pp = 304, *pp = 204, a = 200 => *pp-a = (204 - 200)/2 = 2, i.e., 2 will be printed.
o pp = 304, *pp = 204, *(*pp) = 300, i.e., 300 will be printed.
Therefore, as the result of line 7, The output 2, 2, 300 will be printed on the console. On
line 8, ++*pp is written. According to the rule of associativity, this can be rewritten as,
(++(*(pp))). Since, pp = 304, *pp = 204, the value of *pp = *(p[2]) = 206 which will now
point to a[3].
On line 9, again the expression is written which prints three values, i.e., pp-p, *pp-a, *pp.
Let's calculate each one of them.
o pp = 304, p = 300 => pp - p = (304 - 300)/2 => pp-p = 2, i.e., 2 will be printed.
o pp = 304, *pp = 206, a = 200 => *pp-a = (206 - 200)/2 = 3, i.e., 3 will be printed.
o pp = 304, *pp = 206, *(*pp) = 409, i.e., 409 will be printed.
Therefore, as the result of line 9, the output 2, 3, 409 will be printed on the console. On
line 10, ++**pp is writen. according to the rule of associativity, this can be rewritten as,
(++(*(*(pp)))). pp = 304, *pp = 206, **pp = 409, ++**pp => *pp = *pp + 1 = 410. In
other words, a[3] = 410.
On line 11, again the expression is written which prints three values, i.e., pp-p, *pp-a,
*pp. Let's calculate each one of them.
o pp = 304, p = 300 => pp - p = (304 - 300)/2 => pp-p = 2, i.e., 2 will be printed.
o pp = 304, *pp = 206, a = 200 => *pp-a = (206 - 200)/2 = 3, i.e., 3 will be printed.
o On line 8, **pp = 410.
Therefore as the result of line 9, the output 2, 3, 410 will be printed on the console.
1 1 206
2 2 300
2 3 409
2 3 410
Pointer Arithmetic in C
We can perform arithmetic operations on the pointers like addition, subtraction, etc.
However, as we know that pointer contains the address, the result of an arithmetic
operation performed on the pointer will also be a pointer if the other operand is of type
integer. In pointer-from-pointer subtraction, the result will be an integer value.
Following arithmetic operations are possible on the pointer in C language:
o Increment
o Decrement
o Addition
o Subtraction
o Comparison
Incrementing Pointer in C
If we increment a pointer by 1, the pointer will start pointing to the immediate next
location. This is somewhat different from the general arithmetic since the value of the
pointer will get increased by the size of the data type to which the pointer is pointing.
We can traverse an array by using the increment operation on a pointer which will keep
pointing to every element of the array, perform some operation on that, and update
itself in a loop.
For 32-bit int variable, it will be incremented by 2 bytes.
For 64-bit int variable, it will be incremented by 4 bytes.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main(){
3. int number=50;
4. int *p;//pointer to int
5. p=&number;//stores the address of number variable
6. printf("Address of p variable is %u \n",p);
7. p=p+1;
8. printf("After increment: Address of p variable is %u \n",p); // in our case, p will get incre
mented by 4 bytes.
9. return 0;
10. }
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. void main ()
3. {
4. int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
5. int *p = arr;
6. int i;
7. printf("printing array elements...\n");
8. for(i = 0; i< 5; i++)
9. {
10. printf("%d ",*(p+i));
11. }
12. }
Decrementing Pointer in C
Like increment, we can decrement a pointer variable. If we decrement a pointer, it will
start pointing to the previous location. The formula of decrementing the pointer is given
For 32-bit int variable, it will be decremented by 2 bytes.
For 64-bit int variable, it will be decremented by 4 bytes.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. void main(){
3. int number=50;
4. int *p;//pointer to int
5. p=&number;//stores the address of number variable
6. printf("Address of p variable is %u \n",p);
7. p=p-1;
8. printf("After decrement: Address of p variable is %u \n",p); // P will now point to the im
midiate previous location.
9. }
C Pointer Addition
We can add a value to the pointer variable. The formula of adding value to pointer is
given below:
For 32-bit int variable, it will add 2 * number.
Let's see the example of adding value to pointer variable on 64-bit architecture.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main(){
3. int number=50;
4. int *p;//pointer to int
5. p=&number;//stores the address of number variable
6. printf("Address of p variable is %u \n",p);
7. p=p+3; //adding 3 to pointer variable
8. printf("After adding 3: Address of p variable is %u \n",p);
9. return 0;
10. }
As you can see, the address of p is 3214864300. But after adding 3 with p variable, it is
3214864312, i.e., 4*3=12 increment. Since we are using 64-bit architecture, it increments
12. But if we were using 32-bit architecture, it was incrementing to 6 only, i.e., 2*3=6. As
integer value occupies 2-byte memory in 32-bit OS.
C Pointer Subtraction
Like pointer addition, we can subtract a value from the pointer variable. Subtracting any
number from a pointer will give an address. The formula of subtracting value from the
pointer variable is given below:
For 32-bit int variable, it will subtract 2 * number.
For 64-bit int variable, it will subtract 4 * number.
Let's see the example of subtracting value from the pointer variable on 64-bit
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main(){
3. int number=50;
4. int *p;//pointer to int
5. p=&number;//stores the address of number variable
6. printf("Address of p variable is %u \n",p);
7. p=p-3; //subtracting 3 from pointer variable
8. printf("After subtracting 3: Address of p variable is %u \n",p);
9. return 0;
10. }
You can see after subtracting 3 from the pointer variable, it is 12 (4*3) less than the
previous address value.
1. Address2 -
Address1 = (Subtraction of two addresses)/size of data type which pointer points
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. void main ()
3. {
4. int i = 100;
5. int *p = &i;
6. int *temp;
7. temp = p;
8. p = p + 3;
9. printf("Pointer Subtraction: %d - %d = %d",p, temp, p-temp);
10. }
Pointer to function in C
As we discussed in the previous chapter, a pointer can point to a function in C. However,
the declaration of the pointer variable must be the same as the function. Consider the
following example to make a pointer pointing to the function.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int addition ();
3. int main ()
4. {
5. int result;
6. int (*ptr)();
7. ptr = &addition;
8. result = (*ptr)();
9. printf("The sum is %d",result);
10. }
11. int addition()
12. {
13. int a, b;
14. printf("Enter two numbers?");
15. scanf("%d %d",&a,&b);
16. return a+b;
17. }
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int show();
3. int showadd(int);
4. int (*arr[3])();
5. int (*(*ptr)[3])();
7. int main ()
8. {
9. int result1;
10. arr[0] = show;
11. arr[1] = showadd;
12. ptr = &arr;
13. result1 = (**ptr)();
14. printf("printing the value returned by show : %d",result1);
15. (*(*ptr+1))(result1);
16. }
17. int show()
18. {
19. int a = 65;
20. return a++;
21. }
22. int showadd(int b)
23. {
24. printf("\nAdding 90 to the value returned by show: %d",b+90);
25. }
void pointer in C
Till now, we have studied that the address assigned to a pointer should be of the same
type as specified in the pointer declaration. For example, if we declare the int pointer,
then this int pointer cannot point to the float variable or some other type of variable,
i.e., it can point to only int type variable. To overcome this problem, we use a pointer to
void. A pointer to void means a generic pointer that can point to any data type. We can
assign the address of any data type to the void pointer, and a void pointer can be
assigned to any type of the pointer without performing any explicit typecasting.
1. void *ptr;
In the above declaration, the void is the type of the pointer, and 'ptr' is the name of the
Let us consider some examples:
p=fp; // incorrect.
fp=&i; // incorrect
ptr=p; // correct
ptr=fp; // correct
ptr=&i; // correct
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. void *ptr = NULL; //void pointer
5. int *p = NULL;// integer pointer
6. char *cp = NULL;//character pointer
7. float *fp = NULL;//float pointer
8. //size of void pointer
9. printf("size of void pointer = %d\n\n",sizeof(ptr));
10. //size of integer pointer
11. printf("size of integer pointer = %d\n\n",sizeof(p));
12. //size of character pointer
13. printf("size of character pointer = %d\n\n",sizeof(cp));
14. //size of float pointer
15. printf("size of float pointer = %d\n\n",sizeof(fp));
16. return 0;
17. }
o The malloc() and calloc() function return the void pointer, so these functions can
be used to allocate the memory of any data type.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. #include<malloc.h>
3. int main()
4. {
5. int a=90;
7. int *x = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)) ;
8. x=&a;
9. printf("Value which is pointed by x pointer : %d",*x);
10. return 0;
11. }
o The void pointer in C can also be used to implement the generic functions in C.
The void pointer in C cannot be dereferenced directly. Let's see the below example.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. int a=90;
5. void *ptr;
6. ptr=&a;
7. printf("Value which is pointed by ptr pointer : %d",*ptr);
8. return 0;
9. }
In the above code, *ptr is a void pointer which is pointing to the integer variable 'a'. As
we already know that the void pointer cannot be dereferenced, so the above code will
give the compile-time error because we are printing the value of the variable pointed by
the pointer 'ptr' directly.
Now, we rewrite the above code to remove the error.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. int a=90;
5. void *ptr;
6. ptr=&a;
7. printf("Value which is pointed by ptr pointer : %d",*(int*)ptr);
8. return 0;
9. }
In the above code, we typecast the void pointer to the integer pointer by using the
statement given below:
Then, we print the value of the variable which is pointed by the void pointer 'ptr' by
using the statement given below:
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. float a[4]={6.1,2.3,7.8,9.0};
5. void *ptr;
6. ptr=a;
7. for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
8. {
9. printf("%f,",*ptr);
10. ptr=ptr+1; // Incorrect.
12. }}
The above code shows the compile-time error that "invalid use of void expression" as
we cannot apply the arithmetic operations on void pointer directly, i.e., ptr=ptr+1.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. float a[4]={6.1,2.3,7.8,9.0};
5. void *ptr;
6. ptr=a;
7. for(int i=0;i<4;i++)
8. {
9. printf("%f,",*((float*)ptr+i));
10. }}
The above code runs successfully as we applied the proper casting to the void pointer,
i.e., (float*)ptr and then we apply the arithmetic operation, i.e., *((float*)ptr+i).
Why we use void pointers?
We use void pointers because of its reusability. Void pointers can store the object of any
type, and we can retrieve the object of any type by using the indirection operator with
proper typecasting.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. int a=56; // initialization of a integer variable 'a'.
5. float b=4.5; // initialization of a float variable 'b'.
6. char c='k'; // initialization of a char variable 'c'.
7. void *ptr; // declaration of void pointer.
8. // assigning the address of variable 'a'.
9. ptr=&a;
10. printf("value of 'a' is : %d",*((int*)ptr));
11. // assigning the address of variable 'b'.
12. ptr=&b;
13. printf("\nvalue of 'b' is : %f",*((float*)ptr));
14. // assigning the address of variable 'c'.
15. ptr=&c;
16. printf("\nvalue of 'c' is : %c",*((char*)ptr));
17. return 0;
18. }
C dereference pointer
As we already know that "what is a pointer", a pointer is a variable that stores the
address of another variable. The dereference operator is also known as an indirection
operator, which is represented by (*). When indirection operator (*) is used with the
pointer variable, then it is known as dereferencing a pointer. When we dereference a
pointer, then the value of the variable pointed by this pointer will be returned.
o It can be used to access or manipulate the data stored at the memory location,
which is pointed by the pointer.
o Any operation applied to the dereferenced pointer will directly affect the value of
the variable that it points to.
1. int x =9;
1. int *ptr;
o After the declaration of an integer pointer variable, we store the address of 'x'
variable to the pointer variable 'ptr'.
1. ptr=&x;
o We can change the value of 'x' variable by dereferencing a pointer 'ptr' as given
1. *ptr =8;
The above line changes the value of 'x' variable from 9 to 8 because 'ptr' points to the 'x'
location and dereferencing of 'ptr', i.e., *ptr=8 will update the value of x.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. int x=4;
5. int y;
6. int *ptr;
7. ptr=&x;
8. y=*ptr;
9. *ptr=5;
10. printf("The value of x is : %d",x);
11. printf("\n The value of y is : %d",y);
12. return 0;
13. }
Note: According to us, if we change the value of 'x', then the value of 'y' will also get
changed as the pointer 'ptr' holds the address of the 'x' variable. But this does not happen,
as 'y' is storing the local copy of value '5'.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. int a=90;
5. int *ptr1,*ptr2;
6. ptr1=&a;
7. ptr2=&a;
8. *ptr1=7;
9. *ptr2=6;
10. printf("The value of a is : %d",a);
11. return 0;
12. }
In the above code:
Note: If we have more than one pointer pointing to the same location, then the change
made by one pointer will be the same as another pointer.
1. malloc()
2. calloc()
3. realloc()
4. free()
Before learning above functions, let's understand the difference between static memory
allocation and dynamic memory allocation.
memory can't be increased while executing memory can be increased while executing
program. program.
malloc() function in C
The malloc() function allocates single block of requested memory.
1. ptr=(cast-type*)malloc(byte-size)
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include<stdlib.h>
3. int main(){
4. int n,i,*ptr,sum=0;
5. printf("Enter number of elements: ");
6. scanf("%d",&n);
7. ptr=(int*)malloc(n*sizeof(int)); //memory allocated using malloc
8. if(ptr==NULL)
9. {
10. printf("Sorry! unable to allocate memory");
11. exit(0);
12. }
13. printf("Enter elements of array: ");
14. for(i=0;i<n;++i)
15. {
16. scanf("%d",ptr+i);
17. sum+=*(ptr+i);
18. }
19. printf("Sum=%d",sum);
20. free(ptr);
21. return 0;
22. }
calloc() function in C
The calloc() function allocates multiple block of requested memory.
1. ptr=(cast-type*)calloc(number, byte-size)
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include<stdlib.h>
3. int main(){
4. int n,i,*ptr,sum=0;
5. printf("Enter number of elements: ");
6. scanf("%d",&n);
7. ptr=(int*)calloc(n,sizeof(int)); //memory allocated using calloc
8. if(ptr==NULL)
9. {
10. printf("Sorry! unable to allocate memory");
11. exit(0);
12. }
13. printf("Enter elements of array: ");
14. for(i=0;i<n;++i)
15. {
16. scanf("%d",ptr+i);
17. sum+=*(ptr+i);
18. }
19. printf("Sum=%d",sum);
20. free(ptr);
21. return 0;
22. }
realloc() function in C
If memory is not sufficient for malloc() or calloc(), you can reallocate the memory by
realloc() function. In short, it changes the memory size.
1. ptr=realloc(ptr, new-size)
free() function in C
The memory occupied by malloc() or calloc() functions must be released by calling free()
function. Otherwise, it will consume memory until program exit.
o Construct individual arrays for storing names, roll numbers, and marks.
o Use a special data structure to store the collection of different data types.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. void main ()
3. {
4. char names[2][10],dummy; // 2-
dimensioanal character array names is used to store the names of the students
5. int roll_numbers[2],i;
6. float marks[2];
7. for (i=0;i<3;i++)
8. {
10. printf("Enter the name, roll number, and marks of the student %d",i+1);
11. scanf("%s %d %f",&names[i],&roll_numbers[i],&marks[i]);
12. scanf("%c",&dummy); // enter will be stored into dummy character at each iteration
13. }
14. printf("Printing the Student details ...\n");
15. for (i=0;i<3;i++)
16. {
17. printf("%s %d %f\n",names[i],roll_numbers[i],marks[i]);
18. }
19. }
Enter the name, roll number, and marks of the student 1Arun 90 91
Enter the name, roll number, and marks of the student 2Varun 91 56
Enter the name, roll number, and marks of the student 3Sham 89 69
The above program may fulfill our requirement of storing the information of an entity
student. However, the program is very complex, and the complexity increase with the
amount of the input. The elements of each of the array are stored contiguously, but all
the arrays may not be stored contiguously in the memory. C provides you with an
additional and simpler approach where you can use a special data structure, i.e.,
structure, in which, you can group all the information of different data type regarding an
What is Structure
Structure in c is a user-defined data type that enables us to store the collection of
different data types. Each element of a structure is called a member. Structures ca;
simulate the use of classes and templates as it can store various information
The ,struct keyword is used to define the structure. Let's see the syntax to define the
structure in c.
1. struct structure_name
2. {
3. data_type member1;
4. data_type member2;
5. .
6. .
7. data_type memeberN;
8. };
1. struct employee
2. { int id;
3. char name[20];
4. float salary;
5. };
The following image shows the memory allocation of the structure employee that is
defined in the above example.
Here, struct is the keyword; employee is the name of the structure; id, name,
and salary are the members or fields of the structure. Let's understand it by the diagram
given below:
Declaring structure variable
We can declare a variable for the structure so that we can access the member of the
structure easily. There are two ways to declare structure variable:
1st way:
Let's see the example to declare the structure variable by struct keyword. It should be
declared within the main function.
1. struct employee
2. { int id;
3. char name[50];
4. float salary;
5. };
The variables e1 and e2 can be used to access the values stored in the structure. Here,
e1 and e2 can be treated in the same way as the objects in C++ and Java.
2nd way:
Let's see another way to declare variable at the time of defining the structure.
1. struct employee
2. { int id;
3. char name[50];
4. float salary;
5. }e1,e2;
If no. of variables are fixed, use 2nd approach. It saves your code to declare a variable in
main() function.
Let's see the code to access the id member of p1 variable by. (member) operator.
1. p1.id
C Structure example
Let's see a simple example of structure in C language.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include <string.h>
3. struct employee
4. { int id;
5. char name[50];
6. }e1; //declaring e1 variable for structure
7. int main( )
8. {
9. //store first employee information
10. e1.id=101;
11. strcpy(e1.name, "Sonoo Jaiswal");//copying string into char array
12. //printing first employee information
13. printf( "employee 1 id : %d\n", e1.id);
14. printf( "employee 1 name : %s\n", e1.name);
15. return 0;
16. }
employee 1 id : 101
employee 1 name : Sonoo Jaiswal
Let's see another example of the structure in C language to store many employees
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include <string.h>
3. struct employee
4. { int id;
5. char name[50];
6. float salary;
7. }e1,e2; //declaring e1 and e2 variables for structure
8. int main( )
9. {
10. //store first employee information
11. e1.id=101;
12. strcpy(e1.name, "Sonoo Jaiswal");//copying string into char array
13. e1.salary=56000;
15. //store second employee information
16. e2.id=102;
17. strcpy(e2.name, "James Bond");
18. e2.salary=126000;
20. //printing first employee information
21. printf( "employee 1 id : %d\n", e1.id);
22. printf( "employee 1 name : %s\n", e1.name);
23. printf( "employee 1 salary : %f\n", e1.salary);
25. //printing second employee information
26. printf( "employee 2 id : %d\n", e2.id);
27. printf( "employee 2 name : %s\n", e2.name);
28. printf( "employee 2 salary : %f\n", e2.salary);
29. return 0;
30. }
employee 1 id : 101
employee 1 name : Sonoo Jaiswal
employee 1 salary : 56000.000000
employee 2 id : 102
employee 2 name : James Bond
employee 2 salary : 126000.000000
typedef in C
The typedef is a keyword used in C programming to provide some meaningful names
to the already existing variable in the C program. It behaves similarly as we define the
alias for the commands. In short, we can say that this keyword is used to redefine the
name of an already existing variable.
Syntax of typedef
In the above syntax, 'existing_name' is the name of an already existing variable while
'alias name' is another name given to the existing variable.
For example, suppose we want to create a variable of type unsigned int, then it
becomes a tedious task if we want to declare multiple variables of this type. To
overcome the problem, we use a typedef keyword.
In the above statements, we have declared the unit variable of type unsigned int by
using a typedef keyword.
Now, we can create the variables of type unsigned int by writing the following
1. unit a, b;
instead of writing:
1. unsigned int a, b;
Till now, we have observed that the typedef keyword provides a nice shortcut by
providing an alternative name for an already existing variable. This keyword is useful
when we are dealing with the long data type especially, structure declarations.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. int main()
3. {
4. typedef unsigned int unit;
5. unit i,j;
6. i=10;
7. j=20;
8. printf("Value of i is :%d",i);
9. printf("\nValue of j is :%d",j);
10. return 0;
11. }
Value of i is :10
Value of j is :20
1. struct student
2. {
3. char name[20];
4. int age;
5. };
6. struct student s1;
In the above structure declaration, we have created the variable of student type by
writing the following statement:
1. struct student s1;
The above statement shows the creation of a variable, i.e., s1, but the statement is quite
big. To avoid such a big statement, we use the typedef keyword to create the variable
of type student.
1. struct student
2. {
3. char name[20];
4. int age;
5. };
6. typedef struct student stud;
7. stud s1, s2;
In the above statement, we have declared the variable stud of type struct student. Now,
we can use the stud variable in a program to create the variables of type struct
From the above declarations, we conclude that typedef keyword reduces the length of
the code and complexity of data types. It also helps in understanding the program.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. typedef struct student
3. {
4. char name[20];
5. int age;
6. }stud;
7. int main()
8. {
9. stud s1;
10. printf("Enter the details of student s1: ");
11. printf("\nEnter the name of the student:");
12. scanf("%s",&s1.name);
13. printf("\nEnter the age of student:");
14. scanf("%d",&s1.age);
15. printf("\n Name of the student is : %s", s1.name);
16. printf("\n Age of the student is : %d", s1.age);
17. return 0;
18. }
1. int* ptr;
In the above statement, we have declared the variable of type int*. Now, we can create
the variable of type int* by simply using the 'ptr' variable as shown in the below
1. ptr p1, p2 ;
In the above statement, p1 and p2 are the variables of type 'ptr'.
C Array of Structures
Why use an array of structures?
Consider a case, where we need to store the data of 5 students. We can store it by using
the structure as given below.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. struct student
3. {
4. char name[20];
5. int id;
6. float marks;
7. };
8. void main()
9. {
10. struct student s1,s2,s3;
11. int dummy;
12. printf("Enter the name, id, and marks of student 1 ");
13. scanf("%s %d %f",s1.name,&s1.id,&s1.marks);
14. scanf("%c",&dummy);
15. printf("Enter the name, id, and marks of student 2 ");
16. scanf("%s %d %f",s2.name,&s2.id,&s2.marks);
17. scanf("%c",&dummy);
18. printf("Enter the name, id, and marks of student 3 ");
19. scanf("%s %d %f",s3.name,&s3.id,&s3.marks);
20. scanf("%c",&dummy);
21. printf("Printing the details....\n");
22. printf("%s %d %f\n",s1.name,s1.id,s1.marks);
23. printf("%s %d %f\n",s2.name,s2.id,s2.marks);
24. printf("%s %d %f\n",s3.name,s3.id,s3.marks);
25. }
In the above program, we have stored data of 3 students in the structure. However, the
complexity of the program will be increased if there are 20 students. In that case, we will
have to declare 20 different structure variables and store them one by one. This will
always be tough since we will have to declare a variable every time we add a student.
Remembering the name of all the variables is also a very tricky task. However, c enables
us to declare an array of structures by using which, we can avoid declaring the different
structure variables; instead we can make a collection containing all the structures that
store the information of different entities.
Array of Structures in C
An array of structres in C can be defined as the collection of multiple structures variables
where each variable contains information about different entities. The array of structures
in C are used to store information about multiple entities of different data types. The
array of structures is also known as the collection of structures.
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Let's see an example of an array of structures that stores information of 5 students and
prints it.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include <string.h>
3. struct student{
4. int rollno;
5. char name[10];
6. };
7. int main(){
8. int i;
9. struct student st[5];
10. printf("Enter Records of 5 students");
11. for(i=0;i<5;i++){
12. printf("\nEnter Rollno:");
13. scanf("%d",&st[i].rollno);
14. printf("\nEnter Name:");
15. scanf("%s",&st[i].name);
16. }
17. printf("\nStudent Information List:");
18. for(i=0;i<5;i++){
19. printf("\nRollno:%d, Name:%s",st[i].rollno,st[i].name);
20. }
21. return 0;
22. }
Nested Structure in C
C provides us the feature of nesting one structure within another structure by using
which, complex data types are created. For example, we may need to store the address
of an entity employee in a structure. The attribute address may also have the subparts
as street number, city, state, and pin code. Hence, to store the address of the employee,
we need to store the address of the employee into a separate structure and nest the
structure address into the structure employee. Consider the following program.
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. struct address
3. {
4. char city[20];
5. int pin;
6. char phone[14];
7. };
8. struct employee
9. {
10. char name[20];
11. struct address add;
12. };
13. void main ()
14. {
15. struct employee emp;
16. printf("Enter employee information?\n");
17. scanf("%s %s %d %s",emp.name,emp.add.city, &emp.add.pin, emp.add.phone);
18. printf("Printing the employee information....\n");
19. printf("name: %s\nCity: %s\nPincode: %d\nPhone: %s",emp.name,emp.add.city,emp.a
20. }
name: Arun
City: Delhi
Pincode: 110001
Phone: 1234567890
1. By separate structure
2. By Embedded structure
1) Separate structure
Here, we create two structures, but the dependent structure should be used inside the
main structure as a member. Consider the following example.
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1. struct Date
2. {
3. int dd;
4. int mm;
5. int yyyy;
6. };
7. struct Employee
8. {
9. int id;
10. char name[20];
11. struct Date doj;
12. }emp1;
As you can see, doj (date of joining) is the variable of type Date. Here doj is used as a
member in Employee structure. In this way, we can use Date structure in many
2) Embedded structure
The embedded structure enables us to declare the structure inside the structure. Hence,
it requires less line of codes but it can not be used in multiple data structures. Consider
the following example.
1. struct Employee
2. {
3. int id;
4. char name[20];
5. struct Date
6. {
7. int dd;
8. int mm;
9. int yyyy;
10. }doj;
11. }emp1;
1. e1.doj.dd
2. e1.doj.mm
3. e1.doj.yyyy
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. #include <string.h>
3. struct Employee
4. {
5. int id;
6. char name[20];
7. struct Date
8. {
9. int dd;
10. int mm;
11. int yyyy;
12. }doj;
13. }e1;
14. int main( )
15. {
16. //storing employee information
17. e1.id=101;
18. strcpy(e1.name, "Sonoo Jaiswal");//copying string into char array
19. e1.doj.dd=10;
20. e1.doj.mm=11;
21. e1.doj.yyyy=2014;
23. //printing first employee information
24. printf( "employee id : %d\n", e1.id);
25. printf( "employee name : %s\n", e1.name);
26. printf( "employee date of joining (dd/mm/yyyy) : %d/%d/%d\n", e1.doj.dd,e1.doj.mm,e
27. return 0;
28. }
employee id : 101
employee name : Sonoo Jaiswal
employee date of joining (dd/mm/yyyy) : 10/11/2014
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. struct address
3. {
4. char city[20];
5. int pin;
6. char phone[14];
7. };
8. struct employee
9. {
10. char name[20];
11. struct address add;
12. };
13. void display(struct employee);
14. void main ()
15. {
16. struct employee emp;
17. printf("Enter employee information?\n");
18. scanf("%s %s %d %s",emp.name,emp.add.city, &emp.add.pin, emp.add.phone);
19. display(emp);
20. }
21. void display(struct employee emp)
22. {
23. printf("Printing the details....\n");
24. printf("%s %s %d %s",emp.name,emp.add.city,emp.add.pin,emp.add.phone);
25. }
Union in C
Union can be defined as a user-defined data type which is a collection of different
variables of different data types in the same memory location. The union can also be
defined as many members, but only one member can contain a value at a particular
point in time.
Union is a user-defined data type, but unlike structures, they share the same memory
1. struct abc
2. {
3. int a;
4. char b;
5. }
The above code is the user-defined structure that consists of two members, i.e., 'a' of
type int and 'b' of type character. When we check the addresses of 'a' and 'b', we found
that their addresses are different. Therefore, we conclude that the members in the
structure do not share the same memory location.
When we define the union, then we found that union is defined in the same way as the
structure is defined but the difference is that union keyword is used for defining the
union data type, whereas the struct keyword is used for defining the structure. The
union contains the data members, i.e., 'a' and 'b', when we check the addresses of both
the variables then we found that both have the same addresses. It means that the union
members share the same memory location.
The below figure shows the pictorial representation of the structure. The structure has
two members; i.e., one is of integer type, and the another one is of character type. Since
1 block is equal to 1 byte; therefore, 'a' variable will be allocated 4 blocks of memory
while 'b' variable will be allocated 1 block of memory.
The below figure shows the pictorial representation of union members. Both the
variables are sharing the same memory location and having the same initial address.
In union, members will share the memory location. If we try to make changes in any of
the member then it will be reflected to the other member as well. Let's understand this
concept through an example.
1. union abc
2. {
3. int a;
4. char b;
5. }var;
6. int main()
7. {
8. var.a = 66;
9. printf("\n a = %d", var.a);
10. printf("\n b = %d", var.b);
11. }
In the above code, union has two members, i.e., 'a' and 'b'. The 'var' is a variable of
union abc type. In the main() method, we assign the 66 to 'a' variable, so var.a will print
66 on the screen. Since both 'a' and 'b' share the memory location, var.b will print 'B'
(ascii code of 66).
1. union abc{
2. int a;
3. char b;
4. float c;
5. double d;
6. };
7. int main()
8. {
9. printf("Size of union abc is %d", sizeof(union abc));
10. return 0;
11. }
As we know, the size of int is 4 bytes, size of char is 1 byte, size of float is 4 bytes, and
the size of double is 8 bytes. Since the double variable occupies the largest memory
among all the four variables, so total 8 bytes will be allocated in the memory. Therefore,
the output of the above program would be 8 bytes.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. union abc
3. {
4. int a;
5. char b;
6. };
7. int main()
8. {
9. union abc *ptr; // pointer variable declaration
10. union abc var;
11. var.a= 90;
12. ptr = &var;
13. printf("The value of a is : %d", ptr->a);
14. return 0;
15. }
In the above code, we have created a pointer variable, i.e., *ptr, that stores the address
of var variable. Now, ptr can access the variable 'a' by using the (->) operator. Hence the
output of the above code would be 90.
Store owners want to store the records of the above-mentioned two items along with
the relevant information. For example, Books include Title, Author, no of pages, price,
and Shirts include Color, design, size, and price. The 'price' property is common in both
items. The Store owner wants to store the properties, then how he/she will store the
1. struct store
2. {
3. double price;
4. char *title;
5. char *author;
6. int number_pages;
7. int color;
8. int size;
9. char *design;
10. };
The above structure consists of all the items that store owner wants to store. The above
structure is completely usable but the price is common property in both the items and
the rest of the items are individual. The properties like price, *title, *author, and
number_pages belong to Books while color, size, *design belongs to Shirt.
1. int main()
2. {
3. struct store book;
4. book.title = "C programming";
5. book.author = "Paulo Cohelo";
6. book.number_pages = 190;
7. book.price = 205;
8. printf("Size is : %ld bytes", sizeof(book));
9. return 0;
10. }
In the above code, we have created a variable of type store. We have assigned the
values to the variables, title, author, number_pages, price but the book variable does not
possess the properties such as size, color, and design. Hence, it's a wastage of memory.
The size of the above structure would be 44 bytes.
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. struct store
3. {
4. double price;
5. union
6. {
7. struct{
8. char *title;
9. char *author;
10. int number_pages;
11. } book;
13. struct {
14. int color;
15. int size;
16. char *design;
17. } shirt;
18. }item;
19. };
20. int main()
21. {
22. struct store s;
23. s.item.book.title = "C programming";
24. s.item.book.author = "John";
25. s.item.book.number_pages = 189;
26. printf("Size is %ld", sizeof(s));
27. return 0;
28. }
In the above code, we have created a variable of type store. Since we used the unions in
the above code, so the largest memory occupied by the variable would be considered
for the memory allocation. The output of the above program is 32 bytes. In the case of
structures, we obtained 44 bytes, while in the case of unions, the size obtained is 44
bytes. Hence, 44 bytes is greater than 32 bytes saving lots of memory space.
Self-referential structure
The self-referential structure is a structure that points to the same type of structure. It
contains one or more pointers that ultimately point to the same structure.
As we all know, the role of a linked list is used to store the data elements of the same
type, in which address locations are not at the consecutive difference. In this linear
linked list, the current node holds the address of the next node so that it ultimately
forms the Link between the current node and the next node.
Here in the linked list, we will define a common structure, which contains the data and
address pointer to carry the address of the next node, so to form the multiple nodes, we
from each node using the node structure.
Unlike a static data structure such as an array where the size of the array limits the
number of elements that can easily to inserted into the array, a self-referential structure
can dynamically be expanded or contracted.
Linked list
o A linked list is a useful data storage method, and it is very easy to implement it in
C programming Language.
o Several kinds of linked lists, including single linked lists, double linked
lists, and binary trees.
o Each type is suited for certain types of data storage.
o The one thing that these lists have in common is that the links between data
items are defined by the information contained in the items themselves, in the
form of pointers.
o The linked list is distinctly different from arrays, in which the links between data
items result from the layout and storage of the array.
Here, we will discuss the self-referential structure in more detail using the linked list
Let's understand the concept of self-referential structure in more detail using the
example mentioned below:
In a singly linked list, there is only a single pointer that carries the address of the next
node, and that pointer variable is of the structure node type itself. It is mainly used when
we want to store the different data items by fetching out them from various addresses
and connecting all of them by storing the address of one data item into the linked part
of the other node. In this way, we can easily connect all the data items by using these
connecting links.
Let's look at the working of single link self-referential structure with the help of an
In a doubly-linked list, two single pointers carry the address of the next node and the
previous node, and that pointer variable is of the structure node type itself. It is mainly
used when we want to store the different data items by fetching out them from various
addresses and connecting all of them by storing the address of one data item into the
linked part of the other node; in this way, we can easily connect all the data items by
using these connecting links.
Let us look at the working of, multiple link self-referential structure with the help of an
1. // Multiple link self-referential structure implementation in C language
2. #include<stdio.h>
3. #include<stdlib.h>
4. struct node
5. {
6. int info ;
7. struct node *prev ; // Self-referential structure link is pointing the same
8. // structure of the type node but to the previous node
10. struct node *next; // Self-referential structure link is pointing the same
11. // structure of the type node but to the next node
13. } ;
15. struct node * START = NULL ; // Start pointer of the list and initially it must be nu
ll, // represents that no node is present
16. void insertnodeatfirst() ;
17. void deleteatfirst() ;
18. void viewlist() ;
19. int menu() ;
20. void insertnodeatfirst() // Inserting the node at first
21. {
22. struct node * newnode ;
23. newnode = malloc( sizeof( struct node ) ) ;
24. printf ( "Enter Data: \n " ) ;
25. scanf ( " %d" , &newnode->info ) ;
26. newnode->prev = NULL ;
27. newnode->next = NULL ;
28. if ( START == NULL )
29. START = newnode ;
30. else
31. {
32. START->prev = newnode ;
33. newnode->next = START ;
34. START = newnode ;
35. }
36. }
37. void deleteatfirst() // deleting the first node
38. {
39. struct node * temp ;
40. if ( START == NULL )
41. printf ( "List is empty \n " ) ;
42. else
43. {
44. temp = START ;
45. START = START->next ;
46. START->prev = NULL ;
47. free( temp ) ;
48. }
49. }
50. void viewlist() // displaying all the nodes in the list
51. {
52. struct node * t ;
53. if ( START == NULL )
54. printf ( "List is empty \n " ) ;
55. else
56. {
57. t = START ;
58. while ( t != NULL )
59. {
60. printf ( " %d \n " , t->info ) ;
61. t = t->next ;
62. }
63. }
64. }
65. int menu()
66. { int n ;
67. printf ( " \t \t \t 1. VIEW LIST \n " ) ;
68. printf ( " \t \t \t 2. INSERT AT FIRST IN LIST \n " ) ;
69. printf ( " \t \t \t 3. DELETE AT FIRST IN LIST \n " ) ;
70. printf ( " \t \t \t 4. EXIT \n " ) ;
71. printf ( "ENTER YOUR CHOICE \n " ) ;
72. scanf ( " %d" , &n ) ;
73. return ( n ) ;
74. }
75. int main()
76. {
77. while ( 1 )
78. {
79. switch ( menu() )
80. {
81. case 1 :
82. viewlist() ;
83. break ;
84. case 2 :
85. insertnodeatfirst() ;
86. break ;
87. case 3 :
88. deleteatfirst() ;
89. break ;
90. case 4 :
91. exit ( 1 ) ;
92. break ;
93. default :
94. printf ( " NOT AVAILABLE \n " ) ;
95. }
96. }
97. }
15 20 25
15 20 25
15 20 25
File Handling in C
In programming, we may require some specific input data to be generated several
numbers of times. Sometimes, it is not enough to only display the data on the console.
The data to be displayed may be very large, and only a limited amount of data can be
displayed on the console, and since the memory is volatile, it is impossible to recover
the programmatically generated data again and again. However, if we need to do so, we
may store it onto the local file system which is volatile and can be accessed every time.
Here, comes the need of file handling in C.
File handling in C enables us to create, update, read, and delete the files stored on the
local file system through our C program. The following operations can be performed on
a file.
o The file name (string). If the file is stored at some specific location, then we must
mention the path at which the file is stored. For example, a file name can be
like "c://some_folder/some_file.ext".
o The mode in which the file is to be opened. It is a string.
Mode Description
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. void main( )
3. {
4. FILE *fp ;
5. char ch ;
6. fp = fopen("file_handle.c","r") ;
7. while ( 1 )
8. {
9. ch = fgetc ( fp ) ;
10. if ( ch == EOF )
11. break ;
12. printf("%c",ch) ;
13. }
14. fclose (fp ) ;
15. }
void main( )
FILE *fp; // file pointer
char ch;
fp = fopen("file_handle.c","r");
while ( 1 )
ch = fgetc ( fp ); //Each character of the file is read and stored in the
character file.
if ( ch == EOF )
fclose (fp );
C fseek()
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. main(){
3. FILE *fp;
4. fp = fopen("file.txt", "w");//opening file
5. fprintf(fp, "Hello file by fprintf...\n");//writing data into file
6. fclose(fp);//closing file
7. }
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. main(){
3. FILE *fp;
4. char buff[255];//creating char array to store data of file
5. fp = fopen("file.txt", "r");
6. while(fscanf(fp, "%s", buff)!=EOF){
7. printf("%s ", buff );
8. }
9. fclose(fp);
10. }
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. void main()
3. {
4. FILE *fptr;
5. int id;
6. char name[30];
7. float salary;
8. fptr = fopen("emp.txt", "w+");/* open for writing */
9. if (fptr == NULL)
10. {
11. printf("File does not exists \n");
12. return;
13. }
14. printf("Enter the id\n");
15. scanf("%d", &id);
16. fprintf(fptr, "Id= %d\n", id);
17. printf("Enter the name \n");
18. scanf("%s", name);
19. fprintf(fptr, "Name= %s\n", name);
20. printf("Enter the salary\n");
21. scanf("%f", &salary);
22. fprintf(fptr, "Salary= %.2f\n", salary);
23. fclose(fptr);
24. }
Enter the id
Enter the name
Enter the salary
Now open file from current directory. For windows operating system, go to TC\bin
directory, you will see emp.txt file. It will have following information.
Id= 1
Name= sonoo
Salary= 120000
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. main(){
3. FILE *fp;
4. fp = fopen("file1.txt", "w");//opening file
5. fputc('a',fp);//writing single character into file
6. fclose(fp);//closing file
7. }
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include<conio.h>
3. void main(){
4. FILE *fp;
5. char c;
6. clrscr();
7. fp=fopen("myfile.txt","r");
9. while((c=fgetc(fp))!=EOF){
10. printf("%c",c);
11. }
12. fclose(fp);
13. getch();
14. }
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include<conio.h>
3. void main(){
4. FILE *fp;
5. clrscr();
7. fp=fopen("myfile2.txt","w");
8. fputs("hello c programming",fp);
10. fclose(fp);
11. getch();
12. }
hello c programming
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include<conio.h>
3. void main(){
4. FILE *fp;
5. char text[300];
6. clrscr();
8. fp=fopen("myfile2.txt","r");
9. printf("%s",fgets(text,200,fp));
11. fclose(fp);
12. getch();
13. }
hello c programming
C fseek() function
The fseek() function is used to set the file pointer to the specified offset. It is used to
write data into file at desired location.
There are 3 constants used in the fseek() function for whence: SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR and
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. void main(){
3. FILE *fp;
5. fp = fopen("myfile.txt","w+");
6. fputs("This is javatpoint", fp);
8. fseek( fp, 7, SEEK_SET );
9. fputs("sonoo jaiswal", fp);
10. fclose(fp);
11. }
C rewind() function
The rewind() function sets the file pointer at the beginning of the stream. It is useful if
you have to use stream many times.
File: file.txt
File: rewind.c
1. #include<stdio.h>
2. #include<conio.h>
3. void main(){
4. FILE *fp;
5. char c;
6. clrscr();
7. fp=fopen("file.txt","r");
9. while((c=fgetc(fp))!=EOF){
10. printf("%c",c);
11. }
13. rewind(fp);//moves the file pointer at beginning of the file
15. while((c=fgetc(fp))!=EOF){
16. printf("%c",c);
17. }
19. fclose(fp);
20. getch();
21. }
As you can see, rewind() function moves the file pointer at beginning of the file that is
why "this is simple text" is printed 2 times. If you don't call rewind() function, "this is
simple text" will be printed only once.
C ftell() function
The ftell() function returns the current file position of the specified stream. We can use
ftell() function to get the total size of a file after moving file pointer at the end of file.
We can use SEEK_END constant to move the file pointer at the end of file.
File: ftell.c
1. #include <stdio.h>
2. #include <conio.h>
3. void main (){
4. FILE *fp;
5. int length;
6. clrscr();
7. fp = fopen("file.txt", "r");
8. fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
10. length = ftell(fp);
12. fclose(fp);
13. printf("Size of file: %d bytes", length);
14. getch();
15. }