ç'u la[;k 1 ls 100 rd ds ç’u ds lkFk pkj fodYi fn;s x;s gSa] ftuesa ls ,d lgh
gSA fdUgha 50 ç'uksa ds dk mÙkj vius }kjk pqus x, lgh fodYi dks 𝑶𝑴𝑹 'khV ij
fpfºur djsaA 𝟓𝟎 × 𝟏 = 𝟓𝟎
Questions nos. 1 to 100 have four options, out of which only one is correct.
Answer any 50 questions. You have to mark your selected option on the OMR-
Sheet. 50 × 1 = 50
1. rRiw.kZde vuqekue~ vuqeku dk ifjHkk’kk nh xbZ gS%
(A) la[;k }kjk (B) U;k; }jk
(C) oS”ksf’kd }kjk (D) ;ksx }kjk
22.lka[; ,oa ;ksx n'kZu fdl nk'kZfud lEçnk; esa vkrs gS\
(A) vkfLrd esa (B) ukfLrd esa
(C) (A) rFkk (B) nksuksa esa (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
What is called the specific and essential relation between two objects ?
(A) Existence (B) Non-existence
(C) Vyapti (D) Contact
32.ckS) n'kZu esa nq%[k dk dkj.k fdl vk;Z lR; dks cryk;k x;k gS \
(A) çFke (B) f}rh;
(C) r`rh; (D) prqFkZ
What kind of relation does Descartes accept between mind and body?
(A) Externalism (B) Parallelism
(C) Determinism (D) None of these
53.eu vkSj 'kjhj ds chp fLiukstk fdl çdkj ds laca/k dks Lohdkj djrs gSa \
(A) lekukUrjokn (B) vUrfdZ;kokn
(C) fuR;okn (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
What kind of relation does Spinoza accept between mind and body?
(A) Parallelism (B) Interactionism
(C) Externalism (D) None of these
54.vuqHkookfn;ksa ds vuqlkj Kku dk Lo:i D;k gS \
(A) uohu (B) lkoZHkkSe
(C) vfuok;Z (D) fuf'pr
Who is a rationalist?
(A) Locke (B) Berkeley
(C) Spinoza (D) Hume
69.buesa ls dkSu çkxuqHkfod Kku esa fo'okl ugha djrk \
(A) nsdkÙkZ (B) cdZys
(C) fLiukstk (D) ykbcuht
Which thinker has said that our reason remains inactive in the creation of
simple ideas?
(A) Locke (B) Berkeley
(C) Descartes (D) Kant
79.fdlus dgk gS fd cqf)okn dk vUr va/kfo'okl esa rFkk vuqHkookn dk vUr
la'k;okn esa gksrk gS\
(A) nsdkrZ us (B) y‚d us
(C) áwe us (D) dk.V us
Who has said that rationalism ends in dogmatism and expiricism ends in
(A) Descartes (B) Locke
(C) Hume (D) Kant
80.Hkkjrh; nk'kZfud ç.kkyh dh mRifÙk dk çeq[k dkj.k D;k gS \
(A) ckSf)d larqf"V (B) HkkSfrd lq[k dh [kkst
(C) lkekftd vlarqyu (D) vk/;kfRed vlarqf"V
What is the main reason for the origin of Indian philosophical system ?
(A) Rational contentment (B) Search for physical
(C) Social imbalance (D) Spiritual
81.dkj.k dks HkkokRed vkSj fu"ks/kkRed mikf/k;ksa dk ;ksx fdlus ekuk gS \
(A) fey us (B) dk.V us
(C) áwe us (D) vjLrw us
Ethics analyses:
(A) The nature of conduct (B) The ideals of conduct
(C) The facts of conduct (D) None of these
87.vuklDr deZ dkSu fl[kkrk gS \
(A) xhrk (B) U;k;
(C) pkokZd (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
ç'u la[;k 31 ls 38 nh?kZ mÙkjh; gSaA fdUgha pkj ç'uksa ds mÙkj nsaA çR;sd ds fy, 5
vad fu/kkZfjr gSA vf/kdre 100 'kCnksa esa çR;sd mÙkj nsaA
𝟒 × 𝟓 = 𝟐𝟎
Question Nos. 31 to 38 are Long Answer Type. Answer any 4 questions. Each
question carries 5 marks Answer in not more than 100 words each.
3 × 5 = 15