The original PSoC Creator 4.1 release added web-based content delivery, enabling rapid installation of
new device support, new and updated component versions, and Code Examples. This release also
added support for pre- and post-build user commands and improved the user experience for several
existing features, with a refresh of the popular Start Page and changes to the parameter editor dialog.
This release does not replace existing production versions of PSoC Creator (e.g., 3.2, 3.3, or 4.0); it
installs alongside them. We guarantee that your existing designs can be opened in the new software, but
please upgrade your components to the latest version. To ensure that you can always return to your
previous setup, a backup of your project is automatically created when opening a project in a new version
of the tool. It is stored in a folder named "backup" in the project’s folder.
Overview ....................................................................................................................................................... 1
Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ 1
Installation ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Minimum and Recommended System Requirements .......................................................................... 10
Software Update Instructions ............................................................................................................... 12
Open Source......................................................................................................................................... 12
Installation Notes .................................................................................................................................. 12
Update 1 Features
This update includes the following defect fixes:
ID Description
281150 Unable to place a breakpoint after upgrading project from PSoC Creator 4.0.
282311 PSoC Creator 4.1 router erroneously assumes that a TCPWM signal can be routed through the
programmable analog subsystem and generates routing error messages (e.g. E1216: Routing of net
<net> Failed).
282578 Components in user libraries that target a generic device are reported as incompatible (regardless of
the target device).
282537 Error from .NET on opening PSoC Creator (Unable to open file from disk: (A window with the key
<key> is already being managed by the dock manager).
277352 Debugger fails to update Watch, Local and Memory windows for PSoC 5LP devices with less than
64 kB SRAM.
282602 PSoC Creator 4.1 erroneously prevents valid pin selections for CSD Comparator.
276933 Tool disallows XTAL watchdog setting below 5, preventing the use of a series resistor with a low
power oscillator.
276092 Bootloadable projects fail to build after exporting to IAR Embedded Workbench due to errors in the
makefile and postbuild.bat.
278305 Projects containing a USBFS Component but targeting a device that does not support USB generate
a System.IndexOutOfRangeException exception when building.
281114 New project wizard erroneously complains that "No code example has been selected." and gives no
indication how to download it.
278407 PSoC Creator 4.1 router times out in the pin selection phase causing the build to fail unless some of
the design’s pins are manually locked in the Pins Design-Wide Resource editor.
278409 Can't download incompatible Component via Web-based Content Delivery (WCD).
Known Issues
This section lists the known issues with this release:
CDT ID Problem Workaround
274102 There are large performance problems in the Unplug the device you do not currently intend to
Select Debug Target GUI while one device is debug.
connected to CMSIS-DAP and another device is
connected to a MiniProg3.
The Tools menu has been updated to add two items to find new Components and devices.
As part of this feature, many older versions of Components have been removed from this release. See
the Removing Older Component Versions section.
The Find Code Examples dialog has been updated with indicators when new/updated code examples are
The Learn section provides links to three types of information. “News and Information” is a blog with
design features, event news, kit releases, and other interesting PSoC stories. “New in 4.1” provides
experienced users with an overview of the new features in the release. “Getting Acquainted” gives a very
general introduction to key aspects of the product for new users.
The Start section is where you’ll create new projects, either from scratch or from code examples.
The Recent section lists the most recent workspaces and projects you’ve worked on so you can jump
back into them quickly.
Components/Code Examples
This release includes the following new and updated Components, as well as code examples for them.
Refer to the Component datasheets and code example documents for more details.
New Components
Updated Components
CapSense_P4 4.0
CSD_ADC 1.10
cy_boot 5.60
cy_lfclk 1.20
LIN 4.0
PowerMonitor_P4 2.0
Scan_ADC 1.30
Smart I/O™ 1.10
Design Impact
PSoC Creator 4.1 will not Find Some Older Component Versions
As mentioned under the Web-Based Content Delivery section, only the latest versions of Components
now ship with the product. If you are working on a project and update your software to PSoC Creator 4.1,
you will see the following symbol in the schematic file for impacted components.
To resolve this issue, you have the choice between the following:
Download the original versions using Web-Based Content Delivery tools.
Update to the latest versions, which are always included in the distribution.
Supported Devices
The design flow and tools available in this release of PSoC Creator support the following:
Family/Series Part Numbers
EZ-BLE modules CYBLE*
PSoC 4200, PSoC 4200L, PSoC 4200M, CY8C42* CY8C42*L CY8C42*M CY8C42*BL
PSoC 4200 BLE, PSoC 4200DS CY8C42*DS
PSoC 4100, PSoC 4100M, PSoC 4100S, CY8C41* CY8C41*M CY8C41*S CY8C41*BL
PSoC 4100 BLE
PSoC 4000, PSoC 4000S, PSoC 4000DS CY8C40* CY8C40*S CY8C40*DS
PSoC Analog Coprocessor CY8C4A*
PSoC 3 CY8C32* CY8C34* CY8C36* CY8C38*
System Hardware Manager (SHM) CYSHM*
FM0+ S6E1A* S6E1B3* S6E1B8* S6E1C1*
ARM GCC Generic – This option can be used to select a separately-installed version of the ARM GCC
ARM MDK Generic – This option can be used to select a separately-installed version of the ARM
Microcontroller Development Kit. The officially supported version is 4.72a.
The free Keil toolchain comes with a 30-day evaluation license. You can extend the license, without cost,
by registering the product from within PSoC Creator (Help > Register > Keil…). Note that the extended
license is for one year and that you will need to re-register it each year.
DP8051 Keil Generic – This option can be used to select a separately-installed version of the Keil
toolchain. While any version can be selected, the only officially supported versions are 8.16, 9.03, 9.51.
PSoC Creator will execute correctly in highly resource-constrained systems. However, performance
(startup time, project creation and opening, build times, and so on) may be impacted when resources are
scarce. The most directly impacted performance metric is build time. The following sections provide
examples of the resource scarcity impact.
Note During initial startup, PSoC Creator builds and caches component DLL files used to display the
component parameter editors. As a result, the tool will launch less quickly the first time after a new
installation or a Windows® reboot.
Hardware/Operating System Requirements Minimum
▪ Processor 1.3 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or Intel 64/
AMD64 64-bit
▪ RAM 1.5 GB
▪ Free Hard Drive Space 5 GB
▪ Screen Resolution 1024x768
▪ USB 2.0
* To install and run PSoC Creator, you may also need to install additional software. The Cypress Installer
will guide you through the process if the additional programs are not already installed.
** For Windows 7, the minimum required version of Adobe Reader is version 9.2. You can download the
latest version here: You can also use a non-Adobe PDF reader if you
prefer; however, Cypress has no recommendations for any particular non-Adobe reader or version.
1.3 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or Intel 64/AMD64 64-bit processor is required.
PSoC Creator exhibits a predictable relationship between CPU speed and build time above 1.3 GHz.
Doubling the CPU speed, e.g., from 1.5 GHz to 3 GHz, almost halves the build time.
On a fast (3 GHz) PC, simple designs can build in about one minute. At low speeds even designs that fill
the device and generate complex routing solutions will build in under 5 minutes.
Operating System
PSoC Creator requires 5 GB of free disk space. PSoC Creator will install and run with just 1 GB of free
disk space. However, in order to allow Windows to do memory paging, we recommend a minimum free
disk space requirement of 5 GB.
If your disk is highly fragmented it will severely impact memory paging time and can result in very long
build times. Disks that are nearly full are particularly prone to fragmentation. We recommend de-
fragmenting your disk if you experience excessively long build times (10 minutes or more).
Note The build time examples given above were obtained with new product installations on minimally
fragmented disks with no other applications running. If your build times exceed these expectations we
recommend closing unnecessary applications, adding RAM to the system (to reduce paging) and
ensuring that there is sufficient free and unfragmented disk space.
Open Source
Portions of this software package are licensed under free and/or open source licenses such as the GNU
General Public License. Such free and/or open source software is subject to the applicable license
agreement and not the Cypress license agreement covering this software package. The applicable
license terms will accompany each source code package. You may obtain the source code of such free
and/or open source software at no charge from the following web site:
Installation Notes
The installation process is a set of wizards that walk you through installing various components. You can
install PSoC Creator and various prerequisites from the web or from a DVD. There are slight differences
in the process based on the medium used to install the software.
The DVDs provide the necessary prerequisites and the wizards to guide you through installing the
appropriate software. The following sections contain more specific installation details.
Note Do NOT plug in your Miniprog3 until all software installation is complete AND the PSoC Creator
application has been opened.
The PSoC Creator DVD contains PSoC Creator and PSoC Programmer, as well as various prerequisites.
1. Load the DVD. The main installer program should run automatically. If not, double-click the
cyautorun.exe file to launch it.
2. On the main installer, click the Install PSoC Creator <version> button to launch the PSoC
Creator InstallShield Wizard.
3. Follow the prompts on the wizard. The CyInstaller for PSoC Creator opens and displays steps to
install PSoC Creator.
4. Click the hyperlink for any software that is not installed as indicated (such as, Acrobat Reader,
etc.). Run the installer for that program as needed.
5. Continue following the prompts to install PSoC Creator.
A kit DVD contains PSoC Creator and PSoC Programmer, as well as projects, documentation, and
prerequisites needed for the associated kit. Refer to kit instructions.
Web Installation
If you are downloading the software from the web (, run the PSoC Creator
single package executable.
1. Double-click the PSoC Creator executable file to launch the installer.
2. Follow the prompts to install PSoC Creator. The CyInstaller for PSoC Creator opens and displays
a series of steps to install PSoC Creator, and it will perform pre-requisite checks and install the
3. When complete, close the installer.
Further Reading
The primary documentation for PSoC Creator is provided in the Help, which you can open from the Help
menu or by pressing [F1]. Other documents included with this release are also available from the Help
menu, under Documentation. These documents include (but are not limited to):
Quick Start Guide
System Reference Guide
Component Author Guide
Cypress Semiconductor
198 Champion Ct.
San Jose, CA 95134-1709 USA
© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 2016-2017. This document is the property of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation and its subsidiaries,
including Spansion LLC (“Cypress”). This document, including any software or firmware included or referenced in this document (“Software”), is
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license (without the right to sublicense) (1) under its copyright rights in the Software (a) for Software provided in source code form, to modify and
reproduce the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products, only internally within your organization, and (b) to distribute the Software
in binary code form externally to end users (either directly or indirectly through resellers and distributors), solely for use on Cypress hardware
product units, and (2) under those claims of Cypress’s patents that are infringed by the Software (as provided by Cypress, unmodified) to make,
use, distribute, and import the Software solely for use with Cypress hardware products. Any other use, reproduction, modification, translation, or
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Cypress reserves the right to make changes to this document without further notice. Cypress does not assume any liability arising out of the
application or use of any product or circuit described in this document. Any information provided in this document, including any sample design
information or programming code, is provided only for reference purposes. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to properly design,
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Cypress, the Cypress logo, Spansion, the Spansion logo, and combinations thereof, WICED, PSoC, CapSense, EZ-USB, F-RAM, and Traveo are
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