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1- Departments of Phycology and Mycology, N.G. Kholodny Institute of Botany, NAS of Ukraine,
Tereshchenkivska Str., 2, Kyiv, 01601,
2- Departement of Physiology and Taxonomy of Micromycetes, D.K. Zabolotny Institute of
Microbiology and Virology, NAS of Ukraine,
Zabolotny Str. 20, Kyiv, Ukraine,
3- Laboratory of Radioecological Monitoring of Institute of Agroecology, UAAS,
Metrologichna Str.12, 03143, Kyiv,
The Chornobyl catastrophe is unprecedented both by the territory of radioactive
contamination and by intensity of doses absorbed by biota objects. Even 25 years after the
accident radioactive contamination of mushrooms is quite significant, in some cases reaching
very high levels, and creates human health problems resulting from their nutritional and
medicinal use. The capacity of mushrooms to be concentrators of heavy metals and
radionuclides of natural and technogenous origin is well documented in special literature [1-
8]. A strong argument in favor of use of macromycetes as bioindicators is a clear prevailance
of radiocaesium contamination for the whole post-Chornobyl period in some macromycetes
species relative to forest litter (by several to hundreds times), which, in turn is the main
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radionuclides depot [9-11]. It must be noted that the radioactively polluted areas of Ukraine
are characterized by the mosaic pattern of contamination that complicates the estimation and
forecast of radionuclides uptake by biota objects. 137Cs (during the first post-catastrophe
period in combination with 134Cs) was confirmed to be the main doze-forming radionuclide
in the contaminated area, and that conditioned a priority given to the uptake of this element
by mushrooms. However, fruiting bodies having a high activity are only an insignificant part
of the total mycelial biomass which is situated in the organic soil layer. An essential
contribution of the macro-and micromycetes mycelia biomass and its ability to uptake and
retain radionuclides play a very important role in its migration and distribution processes.
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The most numerous group of mushroom specimens was taken from region with the
surface contamination of 37 – 185 kBq/m2 ( of an intensified radiation control).
Presently over 1.5 million people of Ukraine live at such contamination level [12]. Here,
despite the considerable variability of the obtained data, that is typical for radiobiological
research, quite high levels of radiocesium accumulation were observed. Coefficients of
accumulation (which are equal to the ratio between activity of radiocesium in mushrooms and
its activity in the substrate/soil in the location) reach tens, hundreds, and during the first post-
accident years even thousands. For instance, during the period from 2000 to 2005 the maximum
levels of radiocesium in the studied locations with this average levels of surface contamination
of soils with 137Cs have been observed in L. rufus – 375294 (vil.of Kolentzi), P. involutus –
282764 (vil.of Fenevychi), Cortinarius sp. – 269692 (vil. of Lutizh), Pluteus cervinus
(Schaeff.) P.Kumm.– 161643, B. badius - 120711, S. luteus – 117771 (near city of Ivankiv),
Hebeloma crustuliniforme (Bull.) Quél.– 100519 Bq/kg dry weight (settl.of Klavdievo-
Tarasove). High levels of radiocaesium uptake constantly were shown by B. badius from
different locations (Fig. 1). A considerable decrease in levels of radiocaesium was observed
only in drough-affected years. During all period of investigations accumulation of radiocesium
in wild growing mushrooms represents a damped wave process with rises in wet years and
lowest values in dry years.
Figure 1. Activity of 137Cs in fruiting bodies of B.badius from locations with average soil
surface contamination 37 – 185 kBq/m2 (I – city of Ivankiv, II – vil. of Shpyli, vil.of Lutizh,
Kyiv region).
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Figure 2. 137Cs and 90Sr activities in mushrooms in 2010 (vil.of Karpylivka, Chernihiv region).
Analysis of literature and our results of 1990-2010 monitoring allows concluding that
level of radionuclide accumulation in mushroom depends both on specific radioecological
situation in the area of mushroom sampling (quantitative and qualitative composition, forms of
radionuclides present in soil, moisture, pH, type of soil, climatic factors, landscape peculiarities
etc) and on mushroom species specificity, belonging to ecological trophic groups, depth of
mycelia location in soil. It must be noted that the tendency of increase of accumulation ability
in the sequence from lignotrophs →humus saprotrophs →litter saprotrophs
→mycosymbiotrophs, described earlier [9, 11] apparently concerns only the accumulation of
radiocesium. It is clear that in case of 90Sr this sequence will be of other kind.
In spite of positive correlation is marked between the level of contamination of soils,
humidity and level of contamination of mushrooms on the whole, mosaic pattern of
contamination of territory of Ukraine, complex of the controlled and non-controlled factors,
and especially extraordinarily high variability of mushrooms contamination levels (Table 1)
complicate the prognosis estimation of the dose loadings on the human as a result of
consumption of wild growing mushroom species.
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The analysis of radiocesium accumulation dynamics in wild growing mushrooms gives
evidence of a long-term radiological risk resulting from their consumption as food and
medicine on the territory with 137Cs contamination more than 37 kBq/m2. It can be said that this
situation will remain dangerous for many years. In these conditions the only reasonable
alternative is to increase the industrial mushroom cultivation involving new perspectives with
species having high nutritional and medicinal properties on tested free from 137Cs and 90Sr
Authors express their gratitude to Professor Solomon P. Wasser (University of Haifa, Israel)
and Prof. Kurt Haselwandter (Institute of Microbiology, Innsbruck, Austria) for long-term
[1] Grüter H. (1971). Radioactive fission product 137Cs in mushrooms in W.Germany during
1963-1970. Health Physics. 20: 655-656.
[2] Haselwandter K. & Berreck M. (1989). Accumulation of radiocaesium in fungi. In: Metal
ions in fungi. Pp 259-277, Winkelmann G. and Winge D.R., Eds. Marcel Dekker, N.Y., Basel,
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[4] Wasser S.P., Grodzinskaya A.A. (1993). Content of radionuclides in macromycetes of
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Gardens, Kew, pp 189-210.
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collected from Japanese forests. Sci. Tot. Environ. 157: 197-205.
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[7] Kalač P. A Review of Edible Mushroom Radioactivity. (2001). Food Chemistry. 75: 29-35.
[8] Steiner M. et al. (2002). The role of fungi in the transfer and cycling of radionuclides in
forest ecosystems. J. Environ. Rad. 58: 217-241.
[9] Wasser S.P. et al. (1995). Accumulation of radionuclides by cryptogamic plants and higher
fungi of Ukraine (Eds.S.P.Wasser). Kyiv: 131 p. (in Ukr.)
[10] Grodzinskaya A.A. et al. (1995). Radiocesium in fungi: Accumulation pattern in the Kiev
district of Ukraine including the Chernobyl zone. Nova Hedw, Beiheffte: 88-94.
[11] Grodzinskaya A.A. et al. (2003). Radiocaesium Contamination of Wild-Growing
Medicinal Mushrooms in Ukraine. Int. J. Med. Mushrooms. 5: 61-86.
[12] 20 years after Chornobyl Catastrophe: Future outlook. In: National Report of Ukraine/
Kyiv. Atika. 2006. – 216 (in Ukr.).
[13] Kuchma M.D., Grodzinskaya A.A. (2004). Accumulation of 137Cs and 90Sr in wild-
growing and cultivated lignotroph macromycetes. Ukr. Bot. Journ. 61: 36-43.
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