ABC Planning for Success
ABC Planning for Success
ABC Planning for Success
of Internal Auditing
Audit Planning
This unit covers annual audit planning.
By the end of this unit, you should be able to:
- Identify the requirements of annual audit planning.
- Record information needed to understand your organization.
- Identify areas of risk and which areas to audit.
- Identify and practice using techniques to select audit teams.
- Identify tools and techniques to schedule and manage audits.
Audit Planning
Obtain an Understanding
Audit management has the responsibility of determining where to best use the organization s limited audit
Typically audit management identifies and classifies the organization s auditable units/ activities by area
(for example, inventory, cash counts, contracts, IT, departmental audits) and identifies the auditable units
within each classification. They assign risk values for each auditable unit/activity based on criteria such as
experience, exposure and management input. Management ranks the scores and then chooses those areas
with the highest scores for inclusion in the annual audit plan.
Activities that have higher risks should be audited more intensely. Determining audit intensity takes into
consideration the time involved and time available as well as the audit resources and skill and experience
available to perform the audit.
Process Audit management usually invites input from the organization s managers and senior
management. Including these members of management as part of the planning process helps
gain their support for the audit and often helps in gaining cooperation, during the audit, from
the audit clients who report to these members of management.
This means to measure and match expertise with staff assignments and
set growth goals as well.
Resource Allocation
Selecting Your Best Team
Purpose: The purpose of this activity is to practice applying methods to allocate limited
human resources, address audit risk coverage, and satisfy customer demand.
The Hutt Stuff Operations’ regional manager of North America reviewed and agreed with the audit
program’s audit scope and auditable activities. He asked, however, that you move up the date of the
billing and credit audit to IMMEDIATE. Since credit and billing was rated high-risk relative to Hutt
Stuff management‘s objectives, you agree and begin to assemble an audit team. You have a staff of
five auditors who are fairly well balanced in their skill set. Your team is skilled at performing
operational, compliance, and financial audits. The average experience is 2.5 years.
As you are going over the assignment schedules, you also receive an e-mail from the chief audit
executive that the implementation of Hutt Stuff @ the Edge is “blowing up in Europe.”
Knowing that you worked on the successful implementation of Hutt Stuff @ the Edge in North
America, you are asked to consult and “lend a hand” with the audit team in Europe. On your team
of five, two staff members stand out with leadership qualities. The other three are more junior and
have not led audits in the past. The two lead auditors are: Jen and Ken. Jen has been on the audit
staff the longest. She came out of a public accounting firm and is one of the few people you know
who just love to audit. In her last review, you discussed with her that she needed to develop staff
and work on her interpersonal skills more. Jen is fairly well versed in ACL and usually finished her
work on time with minimal rework as a result of your review.
Ken’s background is in Operations. He has been with Hutt Stuff for 10 years, with the past four
years in Internal Audit. He was hired into Hutt Stuff Billing right out of college. Ken loves to party
and have a good time. In his last review, his area of needing improvement was to put more focus
toward completing his work on time. Ken is a motivator though and knows how to get the most out
of staff on the job as well as works well with the client.
As the audit manager, you realize that you need to do your best to match the strengths of your staff
with the work assignments, work toward their development, accomplish the audit assignments in a
risk-based approach, and satisfy the needs and desires of your boss and customers. Knowing these
things, what is your plan to accomplish your objectives?
1. Do you say “No” to the Operations regional manager or your boss? If so, state who, justify your
answer, and address how the business risk will be mitigated.
2. Do you go to Europe? If so, who do you leave in charge and what are your expectations and
3. Do you stay and send someone else to Europe? State why this is the best alternative.
Be creative as to which course of action would be the best. Discuss as many details as possible
regarding audit approach, documentation requirements, communication methods, audit procedures,
and methods to monitor audit progress.