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Math Anxiety and Mathematical Representations of Grade 7 Students

Article in International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies · March 2022
DOI: 10.53378/352868

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2 authors, including:

Delon Ching
Laguna State Polytechnic University


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International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies
Volume 3 Issue 1 March 2022

Math Anxiety and Mathematical

Representations of Grade 7 Students
Yno Ferdinand D. Escarez Jr. & 2Delon A. Ching


Naturally, students are afraid to learn Mathematics that progresses as a fear of getting things wrong. This
study utilizes the descriptive-correlational research design to test how the math anxiety and mathematics
are connected to each other. Forty-two (42) Grade 7 students participated in the study during the school
year 2020-2021. It used a researcher-made survey questionnaire on math anxiety and an examination on
mathematical representations through modular learning. The math anxiety is indicated by mathematics
test anxiety and numerical anxiety both with ten statements. Meanwhile, the examination was focused on
the different components of mathematical representation such as pictures, manipulative models, written
symbols, real-world situations and oral language. The result showed that students have high level of
anxiety towards mathematics. Although students experience high level of test and numerical anxiety, their
mathematical representations examination showed ‘developing’ level of performance. These two inverse
results were supported by a no significant relationship between the math anxiety and students’
performance in mathematics. Although the inverse relationship proved the effect of the anxiety on the test
scores, the null hypothesis on the relationship of the variables was rejected. The study recommends
further testing involving different modalities of learning such as online and hybrid.

Keywords: Grade 7 Students, Math Anxiety, Mathematical Representations, Representations

Received: August 31, 2021 Revised: January 20, 2022 Accepted: March 6, 2022

Suggested Citation: Escarez, Y.D. & Ching, Delon A. (2022). Math Anxiety and Mathematical
Representations of Grade 7 Students. International Journal of Educational Management and
Development Studies, Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 166 - 181.

About the authors:

1Corresponding author. BSEd- Mathematics Student, Laguna State Polytechnic University- San Pablo City
2Research Advisor. Instructor I, Laguna State Polytechnic University- San Pablo City Campus

* This paper is a finalist in the IIARI Research Competition (IRC) – 2021 Category 2 – Undergraduate

© The author (s). Published by Institute of Industry and Academic Research Incorporated.
This is an open-access article published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license,
which grants anyone to reproduce, redistribute and transform, commercially or non-commercially, with
proper attribution. Read full license details here: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/.
ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online) | 167

1. Introduction

Mathematics can improve students’ understanding through solving problems, logical

reasoning and critical thinking skills. According to Sullivan (2013), mathematics formalizes
some of the innate ideas about mathematical objects, develops the ability to make and write good
proofs, improves problem-solving skills and aptitude to use mathematical knowledge and
cultivates an appreciation for art and science of mathematics. While few enjoy the critical
thinking in mathematics, majority fear the subject and its concept alone. The fear of mathematics
is known as math anxiety. It affects many people in a passive behavior that can be distressing. As
stated by Ziegler and Loos (2017), mathematics would not motivate students at school to do
math, they cannot consider mathematics as a possible career choice. Furthermore, math anxiety
may be a crucial factor which may determine the level of mathematics performance among high
school students, to minimize the anxiety level and its attributes to commend their performance in
mathematics (Jolejole-Caube et al., 2020).
That being said, math anxiety could affect students’ working memory that might disrupt
students such as their peers, struggles, and their study habits. Moreover, teachers who experience
math anxiety has the tendency to transfer it to students (Ramirez et al., 2018). It causes negative
behavior due to the fear being felt while working on numbers or solving word problems in the
subject. Students could overcome the math anxiety if they could manage their stress and
behavior by improving the basic mathematical skills that would help students to develop their
performance in the class (Ruff & Boes, 2014).
According to Guita and Tan (2018), the learners who suffer from math anxiety may not
be manifested in other disciplines. As a result, it is proven that students' anxiety is inversely
linked to their mathematical success, because pupils who are fearful of circumstances, tension,
and uneasiness associated with arithmetic may reflect anxiety in other disciplines. Given these
premises, this study aims to evaluate the Grade 7 students’ level of math anxiety and their
performance in the mathematical representations. The mathematical anxiety is specifically
focused on test anxiety and numerical anxiety while mathematical representations include
pictures, manipulative models, written symbols, real-world situations and oral language. To refute
previous studies linking students’ anxiety to mathematical success, this study aims to prove the
following hypothesis:
168 | International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, Volume 3 Issue 1

Ho1: There is no significant relationship between math anxiety and mathematical

representations of Grade 7 students.

2. Literature Review
2.1 Math Anxiety
Laguen (2020), citing the results of the 2019 Trends in International Mathematics and
Science Study, mentioned that Filipino Grade 4 students ranked bottom among 58 countries
involved in the study, scoring 297 and 249 in Mathematics and Science, respectively. Filipinos
ranking bottom is also true for the results in the Program for International Student Assessment
(PISA) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The poor
performance in mathematics is normally linked to students’ dislike of the subject (Khasawneh et
al., 2021; Carey et al., 2016; Caviola et al., 2022; Essuman et al., 2021).
Math anxiety designates the deleterious actions of the students that assumes elicit tough
reactions and the uneasiness of the attitude towards mathematics than the academic subjects
(Downer et al., 2016). It reacts as the opposed mood that might affect the success and the future
career of the students in the subject (Dagaylo-An & Tancinco, 2016). It states the feelings
towards the subject that deals with the aspect of an individual. According to Seng (2015), the two
categories of math anxiety include mathematics test anxiety and numerical anxiety. Test anxiety
is described as ‘I can’t syndrome,’ a feeling of uncertainty” (Gresham, 2007, p. 181) and internal
pressure within students that they have not grasped the concept (Cavanagh, 2007). On the other
hand, numerical anxiety occurs when undertaking math operations and manipulating numbers
(Luttenberger et al., 2018; Kazelskis, 1998; Baloglu, 2007).
In the Philippines, math anxiety is normal to some students, but it could happen to every
student at any age. Most of the students are afraid to learn math because of the following
reasons: lack of motivation, failure in examinations, terror teachers, instant gratification, learned
helplessness, the denigration of deep thought in the society and the neglectful of pressure-
inducing parents (Lee-Chua, 2012). Futalan and Mamhot (2018) found that math anxiety of
students increases from the lower grade levels to upper grade levels. Nevertheless, students with
math anxiety still rise when students are confronted with subject matters that are innovative and
come in loose. Students' increased anxiety when it comes to mathematics learning has been
linked to an overburdened content of the curriculum and the additional courses or subjects that
were not sufficiently framed in a pre-spiraled form.
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According to Ramirez et al. (2018), there are ways to identify where math anxiety comes
from. For instance, the student’s reflection involves self-report questionnaires that would ask
them to tell how they feel in the subject, the situations and the environment in the class. As Math
Anxiety continues, things would not be cleared enough to improve their performance and it
might affect student’s big impact on them. It is mentioned that most people are vulnerable to the
effects of math anxiety for the reason that the demographic factors still exist in the scale of the
math anxiety and mathematical achievement.
2.2 Mathematical Representations
The basic manner in which students may comprehend concepts and problems in
Mathematics is through proper mathematical representation. Since in most
constructs, representation is provided by using a sign or a configuration of signs, elements
through texts, or objects to symbolize, characterize, or depict something to properly represent,
students use representations to support their comprehension by dealing with abstract ideas into
specific ideas using logical thinking. Mathematical representations were efficiently used to
clarify word problems and fractions, the use of visual representations and develop the conceptual
understanding of the students (Widakdo, 2017).
Mathematical representations are one of the significant standards of learning to develop
the students thinking and analyzing skills that processes the construction and abstraction of
mathematical ideas of the students (Rahmawati et al., 2017). The purpose of mathematical
representations is to get the idea of the student’s capability of expressing mathematical concepts
and apply the problems in real life (Siregar, 2019). The importance of mathematical
representations is to grow the skill of students in conceptual understanding (Jitendra et al., 2016).
Building connections between different representations is crucial to produce conceptual
understanding. Due to the fact that students could struggle from presenting the tasks given, it
might cause them to overthink about what students think about the task (Smith et al., 2018).
According to Widada et al. (2018), the augmentation of mathematical representations
could implement the process of mathematical communication in oral and writing skills. Learning
mathematics could be more memorable if the ability was taught in the meaningful manner. For
instance, Trance et al. (2012) explored the visual representations of the students alongside
mathematics to transform the educational curricula of learning from teacher-centered to learner-
centered that utilizes the games and the learner’s imagination to develop the student’s interest
within the traditional learning methods of mathematical representations. Similarly, Rahmawati et
170 | International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, Volume 3 Issue 1

al. (2017) used mathematical representation through images, tables, graphs, verbal
representation, numerical and algebra. As such, tt is important to translate mathematical
representations for articulating mathematical concepts.
According to Van De Walle (2004) and Chen and Wu (2004), mathematical
representation acts as the mathematical concept or relationship that forms into the ideas that are
tangible. Students have the ability to create and represent their mathematical ideas to organize,
record, select, apply and translate these mathematical representations to solve word problems.
When students develop flexibility with a lot of diverse representations for mathematical ideas, it
might obtain a skill to apply into new areas and add their own understanding to communicate
ideas with other students.

Figure 1
The Modes of Mathematical Representations

Source: Van De Walle (2004)

Figure 1 shows the modes of mathematical representations. This shows the connection of
the modes that produce the performance of each student. It also conceptualizes the manipulative
models that involves mathematical concepts that could be more attractive, durable and simplistic.
Pictures help students to engage their critical thinking and imagination. Written symbols utilize
ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online) | 171

the value of using mathematical operations, Real-world situations applies the students’ daily life
basis and oral language that would help them to communicate mathematically.

3. Methodology
Descriptive-correlational research design was utilized in this study. As expounded by
Baker (2017), in this design there are two variables which are tested for relationship. The
participants of the study were 42 Grade 7 Students of an integrated high school in San Pablo,
Laguna, Philippines. These students are in one group duly enrolled during the school year 2020 –
2021 consisting of 18 males and 24 females. All the students in the class were included as study
There are two data gathering instruments used in the study: survey questionnaire and test.
The researcher-made survey consists of two sections that assessed the test anxiety and numerical
anxiety of the participants. There were ten (10) questions for each section. On the other hand, the
examination tested the students’ knowledge on mathematical concepts. It is focused on picture,
written symbols, oral language, real-world situations and manipulative models. The survey
questionnaire was tested for internal consistency using Cronbach Alpha as shown in table 1.

Table 1.
Cronbach’s Alpha Result

Subscale No. of Items Cronbach’s Alpha Internal Consistency

Math Anxiety
Mathematics Test Anxiety 10 .939 Excellent
Numerical Anxiety 10 .943 Excellent

During the first week of the class, the module on modes of mathematical representation
was given to the students as their preparation guide for the assessment. After two (2) weeks, a
printed copy of the questionnaire and examination were given to each student. After another two
(2) weeks, the answered survey questionnaire and examination were retrieved and tabulated.
To ascertain the math anxiety of the respondents based on the variables and descriptors in
the study, mean and standard deviation were determined. In evaluating the result of students’
examination in mathematical representations, frequency distribution was used. Lastly, to test
whether there is significant relationship between math anxiety and mathematical representations,
Pearson product-moment correlation was used.
172 | International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, Volume 3 Issue 1

4. Findings and Discussion

Table 2
The Students’ Manifestation of Mathematics Test Anxiety
Statements Verbal
Mean SD
Whenever I take Examinations in Mathematics… Interpretation
1. I feel nervous if the teacher gives feedback to my output, then I can 2.64 0.73 Agree
no longer answer the questions in the next activity.
2. If I open module to review concepts, it felt like I’m finding it 2.98 0.64 Agree
difficult to understand due to heavy concepts presented.
3. While I’m answering a test, I think about how badly I’m doing. 2.45 0.83 Disagree

4. Time affects my performance whenever I’m taking a test. 2.83 0.76 Agree
5. My feeling as I accomplish the test is that I have done badly. 2.60 0.70 Agree
6. I am afraid that I can’t catch up with the rest of the class. 2.62 0.76 Agree
7. I have a feeling that we will have to take a Math Test in advance 2.74 0.77 Agree
without any announcement.
8. I become tensed while preparing myself for a Math Test. 3.02 0.64 Agree
9. I may not do well in Math Tests. 2.74 0.89 Agree
10. My heart is beating fast during examinations. 2.90 0.79 Agree
Overall 2.75 0.41 Agree
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 (Strongly Agree/Very High Level of Anxiety), 2.50 – 3.49 (Agree/High Level of Anxiety),
1.50 – 2.49 (Disagree/Low Level of Anxiety), 1.00 – 1.49 (Strongly Disagree/Controlled Level of Anxiety)

Table 2 shows the manifestation of the student-respondents towards mathematics test

anxiety. It is stated that student-respondents agreed to all the indicators with the overall mean of
2.75, and standard deviation of 0.41. It signifies that most of the students have high level of math
anxiety while anticipating a mathematics test in a modular setting. According to Oxford
Learning (2017), students become worried as a result of the deadlines imposed by timed tests. As
a result, people forget concepts that they don't have trouble recalling at home. The student's
dread of failing is validated because these assessments can have a detrimental influence on
marks. This can lead to a difficult-to-break vicious cycle. The results are same as the findings
from Reyes and Castillo (2015) that mathematics test anxiety is a physiological condition which
involves pressure and discomfort before, during and after taking the test. It connotes that student
find it difficult to pass the Mathematics Test.
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Table 3
The Perception of the Student-Respondents towards Numerical Anxiety
Statements Verbal
Mean SD
Whenever I face Numerical Figures and Concepts… Interpretation
1. I feel frustrated to do mental arithmetic during class. 2.71 0.74 Agree
2. I’m hesitant to show my calculations for the solutions of the 2.88 0.63 Agree
3. I was nervous given a set of numerical problems involving 2.71 0.83 Disagree
4. I felt uneasy when I try my best to solve mathematical 2.93 0.78 Agree
5. I discern myself that Mathematics seem like hard for me. 2.90 0.69 Agree
6. I just “freeze up” when I saw a math problem. 2.52 0.92 Agree
7. I was given a Math assignment with lots of numerical problems 2.60 0.70 Agree
to answer.
8. I felt anxious when I think about numbers. 2.64 0.76 Agree
9. I’m concerned about my skills to solve mathematical problems. 2.98 0.72 Agree
10. I’m worried that I can’t express my solutions and calculations 2.86 0.78 Agree
in front of the class.
Overall 2.77 0.43 Agree
Legend: 3.50 – 4.00 (Strongly Agree/Very High Level of Anxiety), 2.50 – 3.49 (Agree/High Level of Anxiety), 1.50 – 2.49
(Disagree/Low Level of Anxiety), 1.00 – 1.49 (Strongly Disagree/Controlled Level of Anxiety)

It can be gleaned from table 3 that students agreed from the indicators provided with the
overall mean of 2.77, and the standard deviation of 0.43. From the result it can be seen that
students are frightened to perform calculations and solutions manifesting numerical anxiety in
daily life situations and disrupts the performance of the individual.
Numerical anxiety are omnipresent from the perspective of a single individual of the
student and the civilization as a whole. It also involves the mathematics in the real world and
academic situations (Mitchell, 2018; Skagerlund et al., 2019). In the study of Dowker et al.
(2016), numerical anxiety was given solution in the past years by enhancing students to focus on
the mathematical performance to lessen the anxiety. Santos et al. (2015) recommended to utilize
mathematical modeling that could have impact towards numerical anxiety.
174 | International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, Volume 3 Issue 1

Table 4
The Students’ Performance in Mathematical Representations

Scores F % Interpretation
4 -- -- Excellent
3 6 14.30 Proficient
2 10 23.80 Developing
0-1 26 61.90 Beginner
Manipulative Models
7-8 4 9.50 Excellent
5-6 9 21.40 Proficient
3-4 6 14.30 Developing
0-2 23 54.80 Beginner
Written Symbols
2 17 40.50 Excellent
1 20 47.60 Proficient
0 5 11.90 Beginner
Real-World Situations
15-18 6 14.30 Excellent
10-14 27 64.30 Proficient
5-9 5 11.90 Developing
0-4 4 9.50 Beginner
Oral Language
7-8 4 9.50 Excellent
5-6 4 9.50 Proficient
3-4 13 31.00 Developing
0-2 21 50.00 Beginner

Table 4 shows the test performance of the students in mathematical representation.

In terms of pictures, most of the student-respondents are in the beginning level (61.9
percent). Essentially, it was observed that student-respondents have poor understanding of the
concepts found in the examination. Meanwhile, some student-respondents (14.3 percent) are
Proficient in analyzing pictures. Azizaa (2017) argued that pictures are fundamental in forming
the thoughts of students with the use of their own imagination that growths the student’s
creativity and understanding via learning Mathematics in the Classroom.
In terms of manipulative models, students (54.8 percent) are also in the beginning level.
Majority of the student-respondents failed to apply the manipulatives given in the examination. It
is mediocre that student-respondents did not attempt to answer it or use the manipulatives
appropriately, and refused to answer the questions. Although 9.5 percent of the student-
respondents received “Excellent” in their total score, fewer student-respondents clearly used the
ISSN 2719-0633 (Print) 2719-0641 (Online) | 175

manipulatives prior to the given. Moreover, these students are those identified as students who
excel in class. Meke et al. (2019) contended that manipulatives in mathematics intend to aid
students to solve mathematical problems, utilize the tool, concrete abstract ideas and make the
subject more interactive and fun that increases student’s learning interest in the learning process
to understand the concept in the given problem.
In terms of written symbols, students are predominantly (47.6 percent) proficient. This
result can be interpreted that students merely understand the essence of solving equations and
representing written symbols mathematically. On the other hand, few of the student-respondents
(11.9 percent) were “beginners”. Fundamentally, fewer student-respondents did not operate the
values of performing mathematical operations that refers to the mathematical quantities given.
Based on the study of Selvianiresa and Jupri (2017), the aptitude to attain the mathematical
symbols was to develop the numeracy skills early to answer the symbols and equations easily.
Also, teachers have to deliver the topic as well as students to understand the core of Roman
Numerals in the daily life, as long as you could saw in the clock, books or novels, and the Bible.
In relation to this, mathematical symbols could envisage the number sense that leads to strong
efficient and perceive the student’s performance. But it was not enough to reach the
mathematical ability, it requires experience to develop the purpose of mathematical symbols in
using number operations and equations (Hua et al., 2019).
In terms of real-world situations, students (64.3 percent) were also in the proficient level.
It shows that, most likely, students can apply mathematical concepts to real-world situations.
However, some student-respondents (9.5 percent) were in the “Beginning” level in Real-World
Situations. Ojose (2011) mentioned that students shall apply real-world situations that is
pertinent to their interest, either educational or professional.
Majority of the students (50 percent) were in the beginning level in oral language. It
further denotes that student-respondents fail to develop mathematical thinking skills that could
affect the way students communicate and explain their solutions to mathematical problems. In
contrast, a few student-respondents (9.5 percent) were “proficient” and “excellent”. These
students are capable to answer the word problems given in the oral languages and accurately
communicates solutions to the problems and the concepts given. As determined by Fuchs et al.
(2018), oral language is one of the predictors that plays a role in solving word problems.
Moreover, students are enabled to use the representation to interpret the physical, social and
mathematical phenomena (Minarni et al., 2016).
176 | International Journal of Educational Management and Development Studies, Volume 3 Issue 1

Table 5
Relationship Between Math Anxiety and Mathematical Representations
Manipulative Written Real- World Oral
Variables Pictures
Models Symbols Situations Language
Mathematics Test Anxiety .024 .051 .129 -.023 .072
Numerical Anxiety -.095 .149 .044 -.144 -.076
Legend: **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Based on table 5, math anxiety does not significantly relate to mathematical

representations of students by taking a math test and solving numerical concepts. Even though
majority of the students have higher level of anxiety in mathematics, their performance in
mathematical representations is in the developing level. The results further show negative or
inverse relations for most of the variables. The result is congruent to the study of Sokolowski and
Ansari (2017) that there is no proof that math anxiety of the students would affect their
mathematical ability, Puteh and Khalin (2016) that no significant relationship between the level
of math anxiety of the female and male students and Susilawati (2020) that there is no significant
relationship between mathematical representations.

5. Conclusion
This study tested the relationship between the level of math anxiety and performance of
the students in mathematical representations using descriptive-correlational design. The
evaluation of the 42 Grade 7 students no significant relationship between the math anxiety and
performance in mathematical representations. It signifies that most of the students are still aware
of their own mathematics anxiety and fear of answering problems in mathematics but these do
not greatly affect their abilities to answer the questions. Although the students’ math anxiety
level is relatively high, the test results showed developing performance in mathematical
Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, individual mathematical skills of the students were not
actually monitored in the modular distance learning modality. As such, it is recommended that
further studies be conducted with other sets of students to verify the results. The study can also
be replicated in different learning modalities such as online or hybrid to validate the outcomes of
the current study.
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