Software Engineering Assignment-4 (1)
Software Engineering Assignment-4 (1)
Software Engineering Assignment-4 (1)
verification Validation
Ensures the product is built according Ensures the product meets user
to specifications. needs and requirements.
Process-oriented (how the product is Product-oriented (what the product
built). does).
Involves reviews, inspections, and Involves dynamic testing, user
static analysis. acceptance testing, and feedback.
Conducted throughout the Conducted after the development
development lifecycle. process is complete.
Identifies issues in the development Identifies issues in the final product.
3. What is the difference between alpha testing and beta
- Examples of defects:
- Logic error: Incorrect calculation in a formula.
- Syntax error: Missing semicolon in code.
- Examples of defects:
- Functional error: Incorrect output for a given input.
- Usability issue: Difficulty navigating through the
3 What are the common challenges faced during system
testing? Explain how to overcome these challenges.
Unit Testing
- Tests individual units of code
- Advantages: Fast, inexpensive, easy to maintain
- Disadvantages: Limited scope
- Example: Testing a single function or method
Integration Testing
- Tests how units of code work together
- Advantages: Catches integration issues
- Disadvantages: Complex, time-consuming
- Example: Testing multiple functions or methods interacting
System Testing
- Tests the entire system
- Advantages: Ensures system meets requirements
- Disadvantages: Time-consuming, expensive
- Example: Testing a complete software application
Regression Testing
- Tests existing functionality after changes
- Advantages: Ensures changes didn't break existing functionality
- Disadvantages: Time-consuming
- Example: Testing existing features after a software update
2. Describe a case study where code reviews were
implemented in a software development project.
What were the benefits and challenges of
implementing code reviews?
Best Practices: