Get (eBook PDF) Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach 5th Edition free all chapters
Get (eBook PDF) Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach 5th Edition free all chapters
Get (eBook PDF) Building Java Programs: A Back to Basics Approach 5th Edition free all chapters
(eBook PDF) Building Python Programs 1st Edition
The newly revised fifth edition of our Building Java Programs textbook is
designed for use in a two-course introduction to computer science. We have
class-tested it with thousands of undergraduates, most of whom were not
computer science majors, in our CS1-CS2 sequence at the University of
Washington. These courses are experiencing record enrollments, and other
schools that have adopted our textbook report that students are succeeding
with our approach.
Introductory computer science courses are often seen as “killer” courses with
high failure rates. But as Douglas Adams says in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to
the Galaxy, “Don’t panic.” Students can master this material if they can learn it
gradually. Our textbook uses a layered approach to introduce new syntax and
concepts over multiple chapters.
The Java language is always evolving, and we have made it a point of focus
in recent editions on newer features that have been added in Java 8 through
10. In the fourth edition we added a new Chapter 19 on Java’s functional
programming features introduced in Java 8. In this edition we integrate the
JShell tool introduced in Java 9.
This year also marks the release of our new Building Python Programs
textbook, which brings our “back to basics” approach to the Python language.
In recent years Python has seen a surge in popularity in introductory computer
science classrooms. We have found that our materials and approach work as
well in Python as they do in Java, and we are pleased to offer the choice of
two languages to instructors and students.
The following table shows how the layered approach works in the first six
Answers to all self-check problems appear on our web site and are accessible
to anyone. Our web site has the following additional resources for students:
Our web site has the following additional resources for teachers:
We have recorded a series of instructional videos to accompany the textbook.
They are available at the following web site:
Roughly 3–4 videos are posted for each chapter. An icon in the margin of the
page indicates when a VideoNote is available for a given topic. In each video,
we spend 5–15 minutes walking through a particular concept or problem,
talking about the challenges and methods necessary to solve it. These videos
make a good supplement to the instruction given in lecture classes and in the
textbook. Your new copy of the textbook has an access code that will allow
you to view the videos.
First, we would like to thank the many colleagues, students, and teaching
assistants who have used and commented on early drafts of this text. We
could not have written this book without their input. Special thanks go to
Hélène Martin, who pored over early versions of our first edition chapters to
find errors and to identify rough patches that needed work. We would also like
to thank instructor Benson Limketkai for spending many hours performing a
technical proofread of the second edition.
Second, we would like to thank the talented pool of reviewers who guided us
in the process of creating this textbook:
Finally, we would like to thank the great staff at Pearson who helped produce
the book. Michelle Brown, Jeff Holcomb, Maurene Goo, Patty Mahtani, Nancy
Kotary, and Kathleen Kenny did great work preparing the first edition. Our
copy editors and the staff of Aptara Corp, including Heather Sisan, Brian
Baker, Brendan Short, and Rachel Head, caught many errors and improved
the quality of the writing. Marilyn Lloyd and Chelsea Bell served well as
project manager and editorial assistant respectively on prior editions. For their
help with the third edition we would like to thank Kayla Smith-Tarbox,
Production Project Manager, and Jenah Blitz-Stoehr, Computer Science
Editorial Assistant. Mohinder Singh and the staff at Aptara, Inc., were also
very helpful in the final production of the third edition. For their great work on
production of the fourth and fifth editions, we thank Louise Capulli and the
staff of Lakeside Editorial Services, along with Carole Snyder at Pearson.
Special thanks go to our lead editor at Pearson, Matt Goldstein, who has
believed in the concept of our book from day one. We couldn’t have finished
this job without all of their hard work and support.
Stuart Reges
Marty Stepp
Location of Video Notes in the Text
Chapter 10 667
Adding, in the Horatian spirit which marked him all through life:
‘Sed fuerint nulli, forsan, quos spondeo, coeli,
Nullaque sint Ditis numina, nulla Jovis;
· · · · ·
‘My Dear—I left Edinr upon fryday the 29th of the last. Dean of [Guild] Allane
nor your sister either durst venture to travell to Glasgow with [me], on account of
the season, but said that Mr Bell, Lisis younge husband, was there, whom Dean of
Guild Allane had trusted with any business that could bee done for him. I called at
Lithkow and saw Lissie, who was very kinde, was at Kilsyth all that night, came to
Glasgow the next day, beeing Saturday, at twelve of the clock, and at two of the
clock that day went down to the chesting of your father. He was buried yesterday
att four a clock afternoon, beeing Monday the first instant, very devoutlie and
honourablie, for Blythswood had ordered all things proper and suitable to a nicety.
All the gentlemen in the place, the magistrates, and the citiezens of best esteem
and substance, accompanied the funerall in very good order. I carried his head,
Blythswood on my right, and Alex. Bell, Lissies husband, on my left hand; other
nerest relations and Sr James Campbell of Auchinbrook carried all the way. After
the funerall, there was prepared in the large room of the Coffee-house a very
handsome and genteele treat, to wh the Magistrates and Gentlemen and friends
were invited. The treat consisted of confections, sweet breads, and bisket of divers
sorts, very fine and well done, and wines. There were at it upwards of thirtie. Wee
are this day to look to his papers in presence of Bailie Bowman and town-clark,
wherof you shall have account of after this. I have sent a letter to Sir Robert Pollock
just now, whose answer I will wait. I am like to stay five days after this here, and
the time I may stay in Edir depends on my success from Sir Rot Pollock. In the
mean time let Robie[466] be making himself ready, for his master told Dean of
Guild that he thought he would bee readie to saill about the middle of this instant.
When I come to Edr I shall know whither it will be needfull to send for him before I
come home myselfe or not. I recommend you all to the protection of God, and am,