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RWS-Hand-outs (1)

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Lesson 1: Written Text as a Connected Discourse a thousand forms, and it appeals as much to the imagination to-

* The Philippines is visited by an average of 19 typhoons day as it did when Antony deserted his almost victorious troops
annually. With these typhoons come other disasters, one of and hastened in a swift galley from Actium in pursuit of
which is the storm surge. A storm surge is an abnormal rise of Cleopatra.
water primarily caused by the strong winds of a typhoon. It is Types of Reading
produced when wind circulation near the eye of the typhoon 1. Developmental – to develop reading skills
blows on the surface of the sea or ocean. This produces a 2. Pleasure – to provide entertainment
vertical circulation in the ocean which is disrupted of the ocean 3. Functional – to help the reader learn the basic reading skills
floor once it reaches the shallow coastal area. Since the water 4. Remedial – aims to correct the effect of poor learning
cannot go down anymore, there is no other way but to go
inland. A storm surge is further aggravated during high tides. Lesson 2: Techniques in Selecting and Organizing
For instance, a 20-feet storm surge on top of a 3-feet high tide Information
will produce a 23-feet storm surge. The highest recorded storm A. Brainstorming is a process of writing down specific topics
surge in history is 43 feet at Bathurst Bay. gathered from different sources.
Reading is a cognitive process of decoding and understanding Methods of Brainstorming
symbols. 1. Idea list 2. Idea map
Reading Models B. Graphic organizer is a communication tool that uses visual
1. Bottom-up processing 2. Top-down processing symbol to express ideas and the relationship between them.
Stages of Reading Kinds of Graphic Organizers
1. Pre-reading – draw background knowledge 1. Knowledge Map
2. While-reading – understand the meaning of the text
3. Post-reading – check understanding of the text
* The Metamorphosis (Franz Kafka)
One morning, as Gregor Samsa woke up from anxious
dreams, he discovered that, in his bed, he changed into a
monstrous vermin. He lay on his armour-hard back and saw, as
he lifted his head up a little, his brown, arched abdomen divided
up into rigid bow-like sections. From this height the blanket, just
about ready to slide off completely, could hardly stay in place.
His numerous legs, pitifully thin in comparison to the rest of his
circumference, flickered helplessly before his eyes.
Basic Reading Skills
1. Rapid (a.) skimming – main idea (b.) scanning – specific
2. Previewing – look over the material and focus on the relevant 2. Concept Map
3. Literal – understanding of ideas and facts in a text
4. Inferential – reading between the lines
5. Critical – close and thorough evaluation of claims
* Of all love stories that are known to human history, the
love story of Antony and Cleopatra has been for nineteen
centuries the most remarkable. It has tasked the resources of
the plastic and the graphic arts. It has been made the theme of 3. Story Map
poets and of prose narrators. It has appeared and reappeared in
archipelago. At that point, signal no. 2 was raised in
Catanduanes and other parts of Luzon. By Saturday morning,
reports on flooding started to pour in. Meanwhile, President
Arroyo declared a state of calamity in Metro Manila.
Immediately after President Arroyo’s declaration, various
government agencies began the rescue and relief operations.
As soon as Typhoon Ondoy exited the Philippines, more and
more relief and rescue operations were conducted.
* During flooding, one thing that may probably save your
life is an improvised floatation device. You can make one using
your pants. First, knot off the leg holes of your pants. Then hold
the open waist and swing the pants around to fill the legs with
air. Promptly, knot off the waist to trap the air and hold the
paints underwater so that the water would not escape.
B.) Description is painting a verbal picture of something.
(above, amidst, beneath, beyond, by, farther, here, on)
*Informative/ Objective Description
4. Venn Diagram Ex. The man sitting on the green arm chair is my best
Ex. The bluish white face of the man gave me a hint that
he is already lifeless.
* A laptop is one of the greatest inventions of the modern
era. It is a lightweight device that can save a vast amount of
information. The screen, touchpads, speakers, keyboard,
battery, and AC adapter are the basic parts of a laptop. The
C. Outline is the skeletal framework of a composition. most noticeable part of a laptop is its screen, which is
Kinds of Outline responsible for displaying information. Another major
1. Topic 2. Sentence component is the keyboard. On it are the keys needed to enter
Methods of Numbering data into the computer. Near the keyboard, you will find a
1. Traditional or Alphanumeric 2. Modern or Decimal smooth, rectangular surface which acts like a desktop computer
Tips in Outlining mouse – this is the touchpad. At the bottom part of this
1. Have at least two items for every level of importance. rectangular surface you will see buttons that operate like a
2. Indent every level of importance. mouse button. Below the keyboard and touchpad, built into the
3. Capitalize the initial word in each item. laptop itself are the speakers which allow you to hear sounds
4. Put a period after each number or numeral. and music. Found at the back of the keyboard is the battery; it
Lesson 3: Patterns of Development in Writing serves as the lifeline of the computer. Finally, a laptop also
A.) Narration is a basic strategy used by writers in presenting comes with an AC adapter which charges the battery and
action. It can be fiction or non-fiction, objective or subjective. serves as the source of electric power when it is plugged in.
(about, after, as soon as, at this point, eventually, meanwhile, C.) Definition is used in explaining unfamiliar terms. (is
prior to, soon, today, till) defined as, as defined, means, refers, to define, to illustrate)
* Ondoy began to develop from an active low pressure * A one-sentenced logical definition
area to a tropical cyclone on September 24, 2009. The following Term – the word or phrase to be defined
day, PAGASA raised storm signals all over the Philippine Genus – class where the term belongs,
Differentia –characteristic that makes the term different from conservative plate boundary or transform fault. During this type
the other members of the class. of earthquake, two tectonic plates slide past one another.
Ex: Creosote is a thick oily liquid made by distilling coal or wood tar. E.) Comparison and Contrast (also, both, equally, likewise,
* Dictionary Definition similarly, but, conversely, in spite of, instead, however,
•Spelling •Tense •Function nonetheless, on the contrary, otherwise, unlike, whereas, yet)
•Syllabication •Levels of meaning •Antonym Comparison deals with the similarities of at least two subjects.
•Pronunciation •Etymology or Origin •Synonym Contrast tackles the differences between or among topics.
* Extended Definition explains something with the use of Two ways of Arranging the Ideas
several related sentences. 1. Alternating Pattern/Point-by-point Manner
* Social engineering is defined as any method which tricks 2. Opposing Pattern/Block Organization
people to share personal information through the use of * Are you not sure which phone to buy? To help you
technology. The ‘social’ component in this scheme means that decide, this review will inspect the basic similarities and
there is reliance on various psychological tricks and on the differences of the flagship phones of two giant companies:
gullibility of users rather than technical hacking. Social Apple’s iPhone6 and Samsung’s Galaxy S5. Both brag to be the
engineering also refers to various malicious acts online such as best smart phones in the market to date. While these state-of-
phishing, spamming, pretexting. the-art phones have similarities in the form of their sleek
D.) Exemplification/Classification involves combining design, multi-touch touch screen, and multimedia features, they
objects or items into categories based on distinct have their distinctive features as well. As for the operating
characteristics. (as an example, consider the following, for system iPhone6 uses iOS (8.x) while S5 uses Android (5.0,
instance, namely, to be specific, another kind, classified as, one 4.4.2). in terms of the camera, S5 has a 2.1-megapixel front-
kind, the first category, the last group) facing camera which is higher than iPhone’s 1.2 megapixels.
Three Elements of Classification Unlike S5, iPhone’s battery is not user-replaceable and has a
1. Species shorter talk time, but when it comes to built-in storage iPhon6
2. Genus outperforms S5. Now that you know the basic differences of the
3. Basis two phones, you can decide.
* While the Internet offers so many benefits to man, it also F.) Cause and Effect explain why things happen. (as, because,
has its downsides. One of these is phishing, which refers to the due to, for, inasmuch as, one reason, accordingly, as a result,
acts of obtaining personal information, such passwords and consequently, hence, therefore, thus)
credit card details, through online means. In other words, * The advancement in technology and economy has
phishing is a form of cybercrime. As an example, let us consider created major changes in modern society. One of these
the case of Mr. Liwanag. He received an email stating that his changes is globalization. As we know, globalization has affected
Gmail account has been compromised and that he needed to the world in many ways. First, it served as a catalyst in
click a link to update personal information. If Mr. Liwanag clicks worldwide trading, thus allowing countries to access foreign
on the link, his personal information will be illegally acquired by products. Although this had positive effects, it also posed a real
cybercriminals. threat to the merchandise of local traders. Second, globalization
* Earthquakes can be classified into three main types affected the financial market. As a result, different countries
based on the plate movements. The first type is known as the had more access to funds, and the exchange in the national
convergent boundary. Also known as destructive plate currencies dramatically increased. Finally, globalization also led
boundary, this type of earthquake happens when two tectonic to the privatization of various facilities, such as public health
plates move toward one another and collide. The second type of institutions. These institutions were being privatized due to the
earthquake is called the divergent boundary. During this type of idea that the private sector can better manage and provide
earthquake, two plates are forced to move away from each health services. In consequence, health policies become more
other resulting in a rift zone. The last type is called the and more of a commodity on a global scale.
G.) Problem – Solution arranges the ideas from the
discussion of the problem to the outlining of the solutions. (but,
first, nonetheless, one reason for the, one way is)
* Today, most of the energy resources we have are
generated from coal, oil, and natural gas. However, these
resources are limited. If continuously consumed at an alarming
rate, fossil fuels necessary for generating power to operate
vehicles and factories will run out before long. Nonetheless, this
problem can be resolved through the use of alternative sources
of energy and conservations efforts. First, using alternative
sources of energy such as solar energy and fusion energy would
lessen pollution. These alternatives are actually more accessible
and cost-efficient. Although there are some potential risks in
using fusion energy, these risks can be mitigated by
implementing strict safety measures. The second solution that
governments can adopt is the enhancement of conservation 2. Coherence and Cohesion
efforts. To do this, the governments need to make the public
more aware of the benefits of conservation, as well as ways of
conserving energy, such as recycling. Laws can also be passed
to mandate the public and all stakeholders to recycle energy.
H.) Persuasion involves presenting a position or standpoint
which is a product of careful research and supported with valid
claims in order to change the attitude or behavior of others.
Argumentation makes use of the following:
Logos, or appealing to the audience’s logic;
Pathos, or appealing to the audience’s emotions and
Ethos, the appeal to credibility
* Euthanasia or mercy killing has been a widely debated
issue. It is an act to end a person’s life to alleviate the suffering
brought about by a terminal or grave illness. While it may be
supported by some, mercy killing is not only an unethical
medical practice, it is also a crime. After all, on the most basic
level, euthanasia still takes a life. In fact, majority of the 3. Language Use
countries in the world, including those that have legalized it, a. Use clear use clear and concise sentences.
consider it as homicide. Aside from being a crime, euthanasia is b. Avoid redundancies, wordiness, clichés and highfalutin
unethical in the medical context because it violates the language.
principle of “primum non nocore” which means “first, do no c. Avoid excessive use of “there“ and “it” structures.
harm.” In their code of ethics, doctors have the responsibility of d. Use precise vocabulary
saving lives, not destroying them, which is why euthanasia can e. Be consistent with the pronoun’s POV
never be acceptable. f. Avoid sexist language.
g. Use appropriate level of formality.
Lesson 4: Properties of a Well-Written Text 4. Mechanics is the over-all characteristics of the written text.
1. Organization It covers the punctuation, spelling, abbreviation, capitalization
and format.
posts about people’s achievements. All of these tend to make
us more envious of other people.
Critical Reading is a technique which involves analyzing the
claims presented in the text.
Explicit And Implication Claims In A Text
Explicit claim is directly stated in the text.
Implicit claims are the ideas which you need to infer.
Types of Claim
1. Claim of Fact
Ex: Computer games improve the logical thinking skills of the
* Despite the seemingly marked difference of today’s
songs from those of the past decades, the current pop music
scene does not offer something new that can progress music. In
fact, one of the findings from the research of a group of
scientist reports that the timbre palette of songs from 1955 to
2010 has been more or less homogenous (Serra et al., 2012).
Timbre is the property of music which distinguishes one sound
from another, even when the pitch and loudness are the same.
Lesson 5: Critical Reading as Looking for Ways of This means that songs from 1955 until 2010 have more or less
Thinking the same sound. Since music evolves through the development
* During the 21st century the word Facebook (FB) came into of new techniques and exploration of new sound elements, this
our awareness. In fact, it is one of the most popular social trend of timbre homogenization indicates that today’s music
networking sites with over one million users. Almost ¾ of these scene does not offer a fresh contribution that can advance the
users are between 13 to 25 years old, and these people use FB growth of the field.
every time they have opportunity to do so at school, at home, in 2. Claim of Value
the mall, and anywhere else. So, FB seems to just be a waste of Ex: the effect of violent TV programs on the minor is bad.
time. It is a complete distraction to students. Many students fail * Euthanasia, which is also known as mercy killing, is an
to complete their assignments and projects because they are act to end a person’s life to alleviate the suffering brought
addicted to FB. Some use words and acronyms that only they about by a terminal or grave illness. While it may be supported
can understand, and it crosses over even during face-to-face by some, euthanasia is not only an unethical medical practice, it
conversations. FB also becomes a tool for bashing and a venue is also a crime. After all, on the most basic level, this practice
for gossiping. These are just some of my impressions of FB. takes a life. In fact, majority of the countries in the world
* There is no doubt that FB is a great technological consider it as homicide. Aside from being a crime, euthanasia is
innovation. It offers the opportunity to connect and reconnect unethical in the medical context because it violates one of the
with people. It is a venue for self-expression. It can be a toll for tenets of the Physician’s Oath, namely that of “primum non
marketing and entrepreneurship. But according to new nocore” which means “first, do no harm”. In the Declaration of
research, Facebook makes us spend more. It also changes our Geneva, doctors have the responsibility of saving lives, not
appetite by making us eat more. Facebook users tend to be destroying them. In essence, euthanasia is a violation of life and
more prone to pressure as well. They tend to like things they do it can never be an acceptable procedure.
not really like just because some of their friends clicked the 3. Claim of Policy
“like” button. Other psychologists claim the Facebook is a * Alternative sources of energy and conservation efforts
butcher of self-esteem. In Facebook, we see happy faces must be applied to pre-empt potential energy problems. Today,
enjoying parties and dining. We see families bonding. We see most of the energy resources we have are generated from
limited resources like coal, oil and natural gas. If continuously 3. Opinion - The popularity of sampaguita flowers is most
consumed at an alarming rate, fossil fuels necessary for evident in places of worship.
generating power to operate vehicles and factories will run out 4. Preference - Sampaguitas are the most beautiful and most
before long. Nonetheless, this problem can be addressed by fragrant of all flowers.
using alternative sources of energy and by emphasizing Formulating Claims
conservation. First, using alternative sources of energy such as Counterclaims are claims made to rebut a previous claim.
solar energy and fusion energy would lessen pollution. These They provide a contrasting perspective to the main argument.
alternatives are actually more accessible and cost-efficient. Determining Textual Evidence
Although there are some potential risks in using fusion energy, Evidence is defined as details given by the author to support
these risks can be mitigated by implementing strict safety his/her claim. It may include the following:
measures. The second solution that government can adopt is -Facts and statistics
the enhancement of conservation efforts. To do this, the -Opinion
government needs to make the public more aware of the -Personal anecdotes
benefits of conservation as well as ways of conserving energy, The following are the characteristics of a good evidence:
such as recycling. Laws can also be passed to mandate the - Relevant to the central point - Unified
public and all stakeholders to recycle energy. - Specific and concrete - Accurate
Context of Text Development - Representative or typical
1. Intertext refers to a work whose meaning is shaped by
referencing other texts. Lesson 7: Purposeful Writing in the Disciplines and for
2. Hypertext is characterized by external links embedded in a Professions
text (online) by the writer. Sentence – group of words that expresses a complete thought
Paragraph – group of related sentences that talks about one
Essay – group of paragraph that talks about one central idea
Thesis Statement – central idea of a multiple-paragraph text
Topic Sentence – guides, controls and unifies ideas in a
Supporting Details – pieces of information or evidences
Levels: Major (topic sentence) Minor (major details)
Parts of an Essay
I. Introduction
A. Lead or Attention-getter - aims to hook the readers
B. Transitional Statement - links the lead to the thesis
Lesson 6: Critical Reading as Reasoning C. Thesis Statement - states the main idea or argument
Formulating Evaluative Statements II. Body - meat of the essay, discusses thesis statement in detail
Assertion is a declarative sentence that claims something is A. Major Point 1 - topic sentence
true about something else. 1. Minor Detail 1 - supporting detail
Four Common Types of Assertion 2. Minor Detail 2 - supporting detail
1. Fact - The sampaguita’s roots are used for medical III. Conclusion
purposes, such as an anaesthetic and a sedative A. Reiteration of Thesis Statement – uses different structure
2. Convention - The sampaguita belongs to the Jasminum of B. Transitional Statement - purpose, benefits,
the family Oleaceae. recommendations
C. Closing Statement - wraps up the essay
The Writing Process Professional Writing is any type of written communication
1. Preparation 6. Drafting done specifically in a professional context; it is most often
2. Modelling 7. Feedback applied in business and technical writing.
3. Generating Ideas 8. Revising A. Book Review or Article Critique is a specialized form of
4. Focusing on a Topic 9. Editing/Proofreading academic writing in which a reviewer evaluates the contribution
5. Organizing Ideas 10. Publishing to knowledge of scholarly works such as academic books and
journal articles, usually ranges from 250 to 750 words.
Structure of a Book Review
1. Introduction (around 5% of the paper)
2. Summary (around 10% of the paper)
3. Review/Critique
4. Conclusion
Guidelines in Writing a Book Review or Article Critique
1. Read the article or book carefully to get the main concept.
2. Reread to get the arguments.
3. Relate the content to what you already know.
4. Focus on discussing how the book treats the topic.
5. Examine whether the findings are adequately supported or
6. Suggest some ways o how the writer can improve his
7. Discuss how the same topic is explained from another
8. Examine the connection between ideas and how they affect
the findings.
9. Show your reaction to the writer’s ideas and present an
B. Literature Review – is a type of academic writing that
provides an overview of a specific topic.
Structure of a Literature Review
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusions
Guidelines in Writing a Literature Review
1. Review the documentation style.
2. Choose and focus on a topic.
Lesson 8: Academic Writing in the Discipline 3. Determine the kind and number of sources you will use.
Academic and Professional Writing 4. Survey the available online databases relevant to your topic.
Components of Academic and Professional Writing 5. Use relevant keywords when searching for scholarly
1. Context 4. Purpose documents.
2. Message 5. Audience 6. Always evaluate the sources for coverage and currency.
3. Language 6. Product C. Research Report – presents interpretations and analyses of
Academic Writing is a type of writing produced by students in a phenomenon based on experiments and previous information
an academic setting. so that readers can better understand it.
Structure of a Research Report 1. Research about the issue
1. Title page 5. Methodology 2. Be aware of the various positions
2. Abstract 6. Results 3. Present a unique way of approaching the issue
3. Introduction 7. Discussion 4. Limit the paper to two pages
4. Literature Review 8. Conclusion 5. Analyze the target readers
(a.) Related Concepts 9. References 6. Arrange the evidences logically
(b.) Related Studies 7. Check for fallacies and revise
Guidelines in Writing a Research Report 8. Use ethical, logical and emotional appeals
1. 50 to 75 % of the paper is devoted to results and discussion
2. Cite all sources Lesson 9: Writing Professional Correspondence
3. Follow the required documentation style A. Resume (E-resume) – a document that contains a brief
4. Topics should be relevant, interesting, current and account of a person’s education, skills, work experience and
manageable other qualifications
5. Research question should directly address the given topic. Components of a Resume
D. Project Proposal – a highly persuasive and informative text 1. Contact Information
that aims to address a certain issue 2. Summary of Qualifications
Types of Project Proposal 3. Objective Statement
1. Solicited external 3. Solicited external 4. Employment History
2. Unsolicited internal 4. Unsolicited external 5. Education
Structure of a Project Proposal 6. Skills
1. Cover letter 7. Project implementation 7. Training
2. Title page (a.) Activity plan (b.) Resource 8. Organizations
plan 9. Professional Licensure and Certifications
3. Abstract 8. Budget 10. Honors and Awards
4. Context of the Proposal 9. Monitoring & Evaluation 11. Preferences and Signature
5. Project Justification 10. Reporting scheme Tips on Making an Effective Resume
6. Personnel involved 11. Conclusion 1. Align the content to the job description and requirements
12. References 2. Use readable and professional-looking fonts
Guidelines in Writing a Project Proposal 3. Point out strengths and omit weaknesses
1. The title page must be unnumbered. The abstract is page 1. 4. Limit it from 1 to 3 pages
2. Avoid abbreviations in the title 5. Edit and proofread
3. Attach the curriculum vitae 6. Avoid using “I’
4. Use Gantt chart in presenting timeframe 7. Target the resume to your potential employee
5. Study other proposals 8. Never send a resume without a cover letter
6. Be factual 9. Be mindful of the unexplained time gaps
7. Use a reader-friendly format 10. Never include reasons for leaving other jobs
E. Position Paper – written with a purpose of presenting your
personal stance on an issue and try to persuade the readers to
take on your side.
Structure of a Position Paper
1. Introduction
2. Body
3. Conclusion
Guidelines in Writing a Position Paper
C. Application Letter for Employment – a letter that
B. Application Letter for College Admission – a letter that accompanies your resume and highlights the strengths that you
outlines your objectives and reasons in choosing the school to have listed
take your college education Tips in Writing an Application Letter for Employment
Tips in Writing an Application Letter for College 1. Be creative in beginning your letter
Admission 2. Do not just repeat the contents of the resume
1. Market yourself by presenting your academic qualifications & 3. Address the letter to a specific person and be specific with
community engagements the position you are applying for
2. Address the letter to a specific person 4. Focus on what you can do for the company
3. Highlight two to three most significant accomplishments 5. Do not beg for the job
4. Be realistic and factual 7. Imagine that you are writing a script for your interview
5. Use letter head – name, address, phone number, e-mail 8. Match the letter to the job description and requirements
7. Be sure to have correct grammar, spelling, vocabulary and
Kinds of Business Correspondence
D. Various Forms of Office Correspondence 1. Sales Letter – offers a product or service
(1.) Professional Correspondence (business letter) – the a. Attracting the Attention of the Reader
exchange of information in a written format for business b. Arousing Interest and Desire
activities c. Convincing the Reader
Parts of a Business Letter d. Issuing a Challenge
1. Letterhead 7. Complimentary close 2. Letter of Inquiry – used to inquire pertinent information on
2. Date 8. Signature block a specific subject (product, services or policies of a company)
3. Inside address 9. Identification initials a. Purpose of the letter or inquiry
4. Attention line 10. Enclosure notation b. Brief introduction about yourself and the organization you
5. Salutation 11. Copy notation represent, if any
6. Body c. Courteous closing remarks and expectation to hear from the
3. Letter Making a Reservation – place a reservation or
place an order for a product or service in a company
4. Order Letter – includes all the pertinent information about
the product or service you want to avail, which includes the
quantity and description and the specific details on terms of Guidelines in Writing a Letter
payment preferred or required by the company 1. Use correct format, punctuation, spelling and grammar
5. Letter of Resignation – written by the employee, 2. Present ideas clearly & logically
addressed to the employer with an intention of terminating the 3. Focus on the readers by using the “you” approach
bond of employer-employee relationship with the company 4. Specify the name of the receiver
a. Objective 5. Leave 3 to 5 blank lines for a signature before typing your
b. Appreciation being part of the company name
c. An appropriate closing strategy and intention to still work 6. Use January 7, 2019 or 7 January 2019 for dates
with the company in the future (2.) Memorandum – most familiar form of internal
6. Letter of Reference or Recommendation – written by a communication with various uses and purposes such as giving
person who provides a character reference to a person usually a recommendation, requesting for information, sending orders to
job applicant employees, providing responses to queries, sketching out
a. Purpose procedures, rules and regulations, reporting about finished
b. Detailed information about the person’s strengths and actions or new information and finalizing business decisions. It
weaknesses follows the pyramid structure – the most important information
c. Appropriate closing remarks comes first.
7. Letter of Acceptance – a positive message given to a Parts of a Memo
request or offer 1. Letter head 6. Subject line
a. Statement of what is being accepted 2. Date line 7. Body
b. Details of the acceptance 3. To line 8. Identification initials
c. Appropriate closing remarks 4. Attention line 9. Enclosure notation
8. Letter of Refusal – includes statements which formally 5. From line 10. Copy notation
announce a decline or rejection of any offer or proposal Types of Memo
a. Statement of what is being refused 1. Instruction 3. Announcement 5.
b. Justification of the refusal Authorization
9. Letter of Collection – written primarily with a purpose of 2. Request 4. Transmittal
informing the reader on his/her financial obligations and to Guidelines in Writing a Memo
remit the payment 1. Use correct format and standard language
a. General reminder to settle due accounts 2. Use bullet or numbered list to enumerate information
b. Specify the outstanding amount needed to be settled 3. Use positive tone and concise wording
c. Specify that this is a general reminder letter and should be 4. Use headings to highlight topics
disregarded in case payment was made already 5. Check for grammatical and typographical errors
10. Letter of Complaint – a formal written communication of 6. Sign beside your typed name (sender)
any dissatisfaction on products or services 7. Conclude the memo just by saying “Thank you”
a. Description of the complaint 8. Use January 7, 2019 or 7 January 2019 for dates
b. Suggest a solution of the complaint made
c. Statement of expectation for an immediate response
11. Letter of Adjustment – a letter in response to the letter of
a. Appreciation of the client’s effort to relay the concerns
b. Expression of regret on the complaints and dissatisfaction in
the product or services
c. Statement of justification
d. Presentation of alternatives
(3.) Electronic Mails (E-mail) – used for directives,
transmittals, documentation, confirmations, explanations of
procedure, recommendations, status reports, and inquiries.
Performance Task 1 (Selecting and Organizing
I.) BRAINSTORM on some problems in your school that
need to be prioritized. Briefly discuss each problem and
suggest some solutions to it.
Problems Solutions
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

II.) Choose two of your all-time favorite movies. Compare

and contrast them in terms of settings, characters, plot,
cinematography, and audience reception using VENN

III.) Come up with a SEMANTIC MAP of the concept “Peer

Pressure” without you reading the selection first.

IV.) Use the following information to create a

KNOWLEDGE MAP about “Social Networking Sites”.
Think of your own subtopics, there should be four (4).
-can be a tool for bashing chemistry set may be off-limits because the crowd laughs at
-connects people them. So, teens often drop these interests or exchange them
-interactive for riding around in cars and hanging out at the mall. Even
-text-based worse, teens have to give up their own values and mock the
people who stay interested in such hobbies. Against their
-prone to security breaches
better instincts, they label as "creeps" the girl who is always
-serves as a marketing tool reading books or the boy who spends after-school time in the
-relies on the internet biology lab. Most important, giving up private pleasure during
these years can mean that the teenager loses these interests
V.) Summarize the excerpt below through the use of a forever. It may only be as an adult that the person wishes he
STORY MAP. or she had kept up with piano, ballet, or astronomy—and feels
The Metamorphosis it is now too late to start again.
One morning, when Gregor Samsa woke from Finally, teenagers sometimes give up the people they
troubled dreams, he found himself transformed in his love in order to be accepted. If necessary, they sacrifice the
bed into a horrible vermin. He lay on his armor-like back, old friend who no longer dresses well enough, listens to the
right kind of music, or refuses to drink or take drugs. Potential
and if he lifted his head a little he could see his brown
boyfriends and girlfriends may be rejected, too, if the crowd
belly, slightly domed and divided by arches into stiff doesn't like their looks or values. Sadly, teenagers can even
sections. The bedding was hardly able to cover it and cut their families out of their lives. They may be ashamed of
seemed ready to slide off any moment. His many legs, the parents who are too poor, too conventional, too different
pitifully thin compared with the size of the rest of him, from friends' parents. Even if the teens are not completely
wave about helplessly as he looked. ashamed of their parents, they may still refuse to participate
in family get-togethers or spend time with younger brothers
VI.) Read the article and organize the key ideas using an or sisters.
OUTLINE (either a topic outline or a sentence outline). It is true that many teenagers face the pressures of
being forced to take drugs, to perform dangerous stunts, to
Peer Pressure do risky things. But a more common and perhaps more painful
We often hear about the dangers of peer pressure to pressure is to conform to the crowd by giving up part of
teenagers. Teenagers take drugs, skip school, get drunk, or oneself. Attachments to learning, to special interests, and to
have sex because their friends do these things. However, special people are often thrown away must to "be one of the
there is another—perhaps equally bad— effect of peer guys."
pressure. Desperate to conform to their friends' values, teens
may give up their interests in school, in hobbies, and even in
certain people.
Teenagers may, first of all, lose or hide their interest in school
in order to be like their friends. They adopt a negative
attitude in which school is seen as a battlefield, with teachers
and other officials regarded as the enemy. In addition,
teenagers may stop participating in class. It is no longer cool
to raise a hand or seem anxious to learn. It is cool to show up
without the assigned homework. Conforming also means not
joining many after-school activities. A teenager might be
curious about the band, the Spanish club, the student council,
or the computer club but does not dare join if the gang feels
such activities are for squares.
Teenagers also give up private pleasures and hobbies to
be one of the crowd. Certain pastimes, such as writing poems,
practicing piano, reading books, or fooling around with a

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