Steps in Grounded Theory
Steps in Grounded Theory
Steps in Grounded Theory
- Research is designed to allow an investigators to just look around with respect to some phenomenon. - The research should endeavor to develop suggested ideas, and the research should be as flexible as possible. Comment in class: It is systematic observation, but it needs to be flexible and open for exploring. - If possible, the research should be conducted in such a way as to provide guidance for procedures to be employed in research activity during stage two. 2. Describe: - The goal at the second stage is to develop careful descriptions of patterns that were suspected in the exploratory research. - This will lead you in your data collecting and your coding . Grounded theory believes in the power of describing things. There is something about grounded researchers, with anthropology. They work hard to put into words social behaviors. The description of reality is what will lead you to the data collecting and coding. Pointers: Data analysis- first you form a code, and then collect a data. Grounded theory- First you collect data, and then you form a code. y y Data collecting- data, tv, archives, database, etc. Coding- numbers. method define the meaning you are investigating On the contrary what we discussed last week in data collecting and coding, this is the way we do it in regular research. In grounded theory that data collecting will be another process and the coding is going to be very different. It will be something that has very few common grounds with regular coding. 3. Explanation: The goal at this third stage is to develop explicit theory that can be used to explain the empirical generalizations that evolve from the second stage. This is a continuous cycle of: -Construction - Testing -Reformulation
The explanation therefore in grounded theory, is what you are describing. The next step would be to explain it. This will be the conclusion in grounded theory. In other regular research the explanation is of your findings. - In basic research you construct your coding, test it, and say if it worked or not. The goal of grounded theory is to push a little further. The third and last step in grounded theory is reformulation. If for instance your hypothesis turns out to be wrong, you suggest another hypothesis for someone to research in the futures. You give tools for someone in the future. Deductive: The researcher begins with a theory which is an explanatory idea. You work from the theory and get an hypothesis from it. General specific Inductive: is the opposite You start with a specific case, and generalize it. Specific case general This is too simple. To do a good grounded theory you will analyze data, and you try to link the data together to see how they relate and explain each other. That is how you get to your theory. All this process is achieved by what we call grounded theory . Pattern- what we call in grounded theory. The goal for you is to find this pattern so you can form this theory. The way you to identify themes and patterns: y What do people consistently talk about in a given social setting? y What aspects of issues are consistently presented in the media? y What concerns are common across several different interviewees. During the research I build up my theory. Not before. Then you constantly add data, and check if the article is relevant to what you are trying to understand. Grounded theory begins with a research situation more than a research question. Your task is to understand what is happening, and how the players manage their roles within the situation. You don t copy your mental framework into the situation, but check the different entities and find the common ground between them (like if you a researching Abu Mazan s speech- you let Israel, the Palestinian authority, etc. exist as it is, and find the relation between them). The goal is to use consistent categories, but also allowing them to emerge from the data. Rather than having a preconceived explanation or idea that misrepresent what is going on. Grounded theory comes from the thought that media coverage is explicating something that is explicit in the world.