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Thermofluids - Level5 - Solutions 6 - HeatTransfer Conduction

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Heat generation

w Q1 . The resistance wire of a 1 200W hair drier is 80cm long and has diameter D=0.3cm.
Determine the rate of heat generation in tlre wire per unit uoiume, in Wicm3, and the heat
flux on the outer surface of the wire as a result of this heat generation.
(21 2.2W lcffi 3, 1 S. 9W/cm2)

U)= C. S$]r,'

h- [?ao w

Antul\1{ hear .u c}e+"-e.hed ur,$rr"\ in-t{ag,-.,",d, of {D.&. t2e(r.trr (4 *"**::?}\

Q,*e * xrt- ffr*Otioq pr inlr yr\ : L = L
\,ip (S\l
= trq--
= 2t2 . 2 tliCG 'w /unr
= Lt)- 7t v\,( cr,i3

f,r* :
And hzc-t
{.: Fs =-

Ar,"r flDL
= _\l+''
(x 0 grii C,S
'= @lcrnt
Mrc {k* ha,. ryrvt-r*\ot
4 r+ c$aqzet prr- unt-r,c.L;.tr,e, wl*.r4,e hecr fiu*{o [rJi ..nF ci6ed

v Simple conduction
Q2' Skin's inner temperature is 35 "C. The thickness of skin is 3 mm and
thermal conductivity can be assumed to be 0.3 W(mK). The person's
it,s effective
surface area is 1.g
m2' The surrounding airtemperatureis24 'C. What is the resulting
skin temperature and
rate of heat loss to the environment? The convective heat
transfer coefficient for air is 2
W(m2K) r r{i AicUr.rr tra+
fLx = 6o. 6t Wrnna"
I r
lt t%
krst4 '/ T*= Z1T y I

k ,o.n = u,3
h o,, '' 2t{lm* K f' \n
$vrga Shq 5 \.$*z
I a'
'/' / dI
a\ 7
,if -i. $
l: "// E

-,s Afi 4*rrrl,un\ /
9 rnth
Agrw.ttv,s :- 4adfs'tc (i,ndrrtn5 @
t0 tu"r+o"sQr \ ra,&araa*[*JL <lan
.- thipr U.*ir
Radurror exchaqp ht^,an,9aa a,.Qa a.A arcovr4lo* \: hlvsa
- g,./!ull 3rfua
-4 t*tr e.ctoar. @ otrl€rrr0rraile
- %W oAl.rtu e, ruEtistde

9la" a,'Q.n tcr.g r",a5bc abhi^€a

\ f,&.",, e^ng t,baa' O'Fb-\ o+ gtaewpai_
Er^- E* =A * [.r r.rof o*a _ LL, ^ Lh = O

ur5 4-"^d = o,!P l

-+ k6!) - lo't)- 6c(r54$r
n-r,) )
O\*r-,^,nit^G , hr ra,oot eo\w erg\'orl5 &"o 1+4"r*. frrrtx\okt5, rre"reljr*e
10A61104 hear $"x ded =5a.61 Ul"f.

4 k(\d) - h6d - 6o.61:-o


E"o - Yt, - hT, t hT.o *6o.6t = o

a, (+-h) = @.6t- h-r"-ta

Tl -- 6o.6t - hT.,- +I.
= &.61 - axZQT- ruyy)z
(-#r-2) =w
R44g dt \ot \€G tD er\IonF&rk i: -tt*,jt con&a{a. -tq"ts\ lryr e.-
(q= *\ 46a: 4A = L$).4 -- ol(Y2) x r3.r =i$+,^,
Heat equation
Q3. The temperature distribution across a wall 1m thick at a certain instant of time is given
as T(x) = a + bx + cxz, Where T=temperature(degC), x=distance(m), a=900degC,
b=-300degC/m, c=-50de gCtm2. A uniform heat generatio n q =t000Wmt, is present in the
wall of area 10m2 having the properties p=16Q0kg/mt, k=40WmK, Co=4kJlkgK.
(a) Determine the rate of heat transfer entering the wall (x=0), and leaving the wall (x=1m).
(b) Determine the rate of change of energy storage in the wali.
(c ) Determine the time rate of temperature change at x=0, o.2s, and 0.5m.

T(?0)- q+brrt d
An A= /Nhrr" /
,;" f A=\@wl *)
r _.,,o' -,r1"
" L= 4oulnK
e- - \ee k9fu"3
c0 = +t$lI"gK
I' jr'

./ .r''
,/ ,/
rl--Dz, l.
\rle ara :l* -tb tfifan{€ dtst b*tovr l,/rkLin baJl ar a GJEi,A i.efrt { trnc. 11'i,
te1-g dis"lhaoo, tu5 k€" catd b3 4)o oA t*, tn .d/(Xol tD te*r gao,-uc" ',A-it.r,adhrl6

d- \O onArron i,r')c dtecttn
'# Ca,sf . bctl prupne*
-'- Unr(uw, rn\rnd tvor (L

(A\ Or.c.*t9 t€ilSuat< de$burt" b t.oo"r, t\a coedrctrr tEmfr,E€.. ro+edo^J

e^V del<*\d, ui^9 Farriert Laur Un&

4L^= qr.b) = ^r^f;*l*=.: -o^#:+bz16z') = -laA (6*2.)*"

- 4ox [o x Gw+ 2x-frro)
'= t2o lz'v"

w= Q.*0\ :-VWJ
dr la
: -lrfiA!+h+crt) : -Aox lo r (*vo r 2x- aoxl)
'= l& t^u.r
0\ grr *C@{ea"95suaqp'yl uru E* d4{d,,a b dfure"{acgg:- @
Er^ t Ec- E* = L, t 6s= 4lL

en = 6r"*{- f*
= t,, + ,fuAu - b,r
=- \?p uw r (tw ,.to*}x to r l) - toourp

=- -3lrw

C\ f,*a r&ke + &wy at- an5 go\nt d€kn i,,f, F*. lro",r. eryo,hna t0 3-

*('T) + L: ucp, {t)

=D [: 3- ._ ({)
}E eq

t*, g,t**VA Wgc*'w.e

Ur =.L/A
dtshd'b,,t$o^ dt&^n e "tutce-
)r' )rL bP )
t at
:L (br2c4
6Osrtt,f5 V(kirfo (t\'
* go = 2x-g 4c/*
tr= P- . xetq
bt \6Dx 4ru' t6o r 4rtd =
t (aaie &,r\u6"n<i9 \,dE
= - {.126x t0-4 + \.56*tf ^Ur
of peil.U^ tn atl Iv.w al*
4.6{ xt0"a &5L lsr"t
tlr"t tz,lc Q tca^gcra, c- drrgd.
Plane wall
Q4. A thin silicon chip and Srnm thick aluminium substrate are separated by a 0.02mm thick
epoxy joint. The chip and the substrate are cooled by air which is at temperature 25degC
and provides convection coefficient of 100Wm'K. af the chip dissipates 1x104Wm2 under
normal conditions, determine if it will operate below the maximum allowable temperature of
85degC. k =I
ruiirT 3
n1."1)*;* --l
n= 100 wmz.K
BeiS,BrC"g cr1
unrt a.<a begtg
Epoxy joint
(0.02 mm)
/R, =
\ 4\

r"iii,:3 r-=25"c
?:d:" _:,-: I n= 100 wm2.K

Aear"ptufS $- 6"rdb- €-'iate c"ndrtims

t0 rbdirhcr

r€g\.$e chip +h<rral rceavutb

C isp+taryfict c!If)
G Gnsr. |.tqnzp;
'A f.legttgibtr, radtc/rnr *&\, .^\tu Er$oqndts

AS5 (at*<rruvoq ,& etryro chig @,% dt fruntt ^.d o;-

' -j Ecr :il

JX*Er-i |uouycws't*,w\
jD4 l_Ot"(

,lL = trli (eoury1$r- p*<.

Fr,.ntr Aa , WZ*i"

f=* + R** :
(G- t ({.-TA r !Js- r
Ll:h(rrr,r\ + W
Ri,.a +\+f
(,= Tp r qL:
f^. (a;. * v* '+) l-'
^ -l
\": 25oc f lxto+ ( tm r @
L Lo.oxtrS't + @, -*)\
= 2E'c t [*0t
f* 3.341*tf' r@. ,ril
: ZtrC + 6O.2'C
?- 75"LC \2 {he chlO ,r,tlqzra4< belo- iro 6''cr..hr.{ui,r

a\Lo.*{ {earQcrchre'

Q5. The composite wall of an oven consists of three materials, two of which are of
known thermal conductivity, kA = 20 W(mK), kC = 50 W(mK), and known thickness,
lA - 0.30 m and LC = 0.15 m. Thethird material, B, which is sandwiched between
materialsA and C, is of thickness, LB = 0.15 m, but unknown thermal conductivity kB.
Under steady-state operating conditions, measurements reveal an outer surface
temperature, Tso = 20 "C, an inner surface temperature, Tsi = 600 "C and an oven air
temperature, Tbo-,800'C. The inside convection coefficient h is known to be 25Wlm2.
What is the value of kB?

,...',,: .... I I

I t.in
l'.,,..,,..,.,. ,',

, ,'
.. I
:l !,,
Rg, rono


ft'*"': Pio + Ah,$ +(i,.

Ru, crolA

[brf,^;eP" Tg,, '* Tr,r)

Ry, o+AB
(ms. e tu, ek^d-etot€ cotdhiors "o'-
&gg ryl
(rs{.t5t, ti\nk rr) &1rar c

= h CF -1i) - h 6'/r; F t,'-c,1

fi Rirr"r k,r'u
sina attcr
?VC,\ tilPA anbUnh,

C - 25 (}..c>--6e4) E fu*2e c
oi toj
2fr lz.G
t w$cr

fl ke = \" 513 \ru/o.K

4 A*Eu*Ph6(rt \fu+ ne (oaV{thi'orr hvi,F *t *r(e-r ecci.o-: e il 6rtcn- cv{cn t;c;
$Q 9tA(<

Tip i rcq\r \e*rqNa'tt've '

Cb-_ Q6 Skin's inner temperature is 35 'C. The thickness of skin is 3 mm and it's effective
)7 thermal conductivlty can be assumed to be 0.3 W(mK). The person's surface area is 1.8
m2. The surrounding air temperature is 10 'C. To reduce heat loss rate, the person wears
special sporting gear with extremely low thermal conductivity of 0.014 W(m.K) and
emissivity of 0.95. How thick should this sporting gear be to reduce the heat loss rate to
100 W?. What is the resulting skin temperature? Sketch the resulting temperature
distribution. The convective heat transfer coefficient for air is 2Wl(mZK). Assume the outer
_tempelat{9 {lgrface ls 94'C \aillq11 S.tWirn'tt\\.a.t.}*,^,171'l toter +egf *$ u* *Sa*,ipu*-w1.

TE=#L $= 0.qb


5t<ro lW i'
O,ol4U\har ',

r- k,rns=
r. C l

K4,ct t- , G=(0G(. .i
0.itll/r-,rf i : h=2VlprrK

Ls*,n =3mro Li*,=/
ttt ftrR

&an{,*ias <;@he (.'.1}clirurg

l$ Wr+atr.,fu b1 an&xtn .ltnp$h try"s

- i
Gnrart &c,#,Blk q3J[Srt
- (oisr e f4{-'he4'
'- fu{iaiut *fur* trtr.c,:/t chn arQc" ^"t arrqldinjr \ttoLtwetzl 1?4tl
gr$a *d llxcy- elrcborrt at-iL' cr\' WV'atue'
n cpV! lacltat'rtr nt5l'i$'e '

I *n t'loa

\.,at*rt A

{herw.t aegtt"n&. *eeAfl b ochte^re ddcd }4u* hs* (osE R* = g q-

= li'- la
tG *

= qJ-r)
R*. r (srstrv*J rtbm."s[p & reeB]rnc.et ^rtt frde4 toouu

ad,rr Vdl*15@ s- = O25Vw


Q*,*,: ffu" +ffio

-' - 0"jo'oo3 tW
rr$ O.0l$x1.0
.w-fil Wt.t{
=t L*, = (++")

5Vn t€rer@hrr( ca{. b, Cn\ap+eA

5 crna\&r^rj carr&,*;en -{0,ragt EL;" IAV 4* f
L=@ Lenrt

sG= 1i- 1r@ = gg"C* t0Ow 3xO*' :
VEouh 03 x \.s
t- 16.q6rtr\
v Cylindrical wall
a7(a) Use the diagram below and the one-dimensional steady-state Fourier equation
show that the thermal resistance (conductive resistance) to heat transfer through a

cylindrica! pipe is given by:

D lrr)
t\qlind", -_ln(rr
Where k=thermal conductivity, L=length, r2=outer pipe diameter, 11=inner pipe diameter.

(b) A 3mm diameter and 5m long electrical wire is tightly wrapped with a 2mm thick piastic
cover whose thermal conductivity is k=0.1SWmdegC. Electrical measurements indicate that
a current of 10A passes through the wire and there is a voltage drop of 8V along the wire. lf
the insulated wire is exposed to a medium at T-=3OdegC with heat transfer coefficient of
h=12Wm', determine the temperature at the interface of the wire and the plastic cover in
steady-state operation. Also determine whether doubling of the thickness of the plastic
cover will increase or decrease this interface tem

tq\ €orAtrL Lo- $r t0 tvat Concttktrrr -kt^rrgt, ca\irdnccl lVrrer" Vexle**d ag!:-

Qr^a^rr,*,,., = -UA# Lrh€re Q = lruur. 6an$efiru r"r" CW)

A = 2nr L (6rcocn(*^ x t.,1jt )
g heet- 'hra..gc€r sur@a crrar
a,t- to ceL.iol ( inqtrd$r
$goot.5 vsdobl4s ord htq.trr,5 f* r=c, r.,LreT(r)=I b f=f,ut€.eT(fd=Tr ?-

I d.,l6,
A r-
5"ua*run\A= 2firL

I @'c\r
:- -[:"
+dr : -ra[-
Q,n^r .,
, oot

([ cra, ar : -L F];
2ttt- [,^',,];
= -t'(r'd)
2ttL [tcr)-t,,{
=ry Q*4g :-S) \*[r)- \nCr)

= 2r Lta (r,,t) (N).


= I-t,
_r_ u[ore pA : \@-
Rg, zrrLk

\L Rc.r - \" Calcr wJio lS,n**a,*\

2ff * L*$t" x'tL,Err',la,{ &td',Q+'5

tb) A"-,.p|*r Steanyst"t' h,tt'{sGr Go &$t;tut$.

I \0 t&k Xr^rk grn Ce {tgrral S5m nztg ob@,ir @ntrr -lt^a ,nd ro
qxta{ vq^*{En

'F (onsF ygcr$*

a [gtgiblc rulto^on el4oa.


.n'' \ =
ir* Ta=%v

\d fr = O.aol, p
f = O"oOtSo
[^= 5-
l\at5e"aatad\n u,\c ! o c@{h* toiswAt*1 d,= \E= !1,o11ex\Or..f, O
_ BOr.".g"

Tl.rr3ul @A6A Mf,r-od. i'rwllrc, Cr&6+n, .33BtmC G t[",nr Co.,q ai Cn\r€chq fG,tsi{G' &'
axc a.ll\n Q&4.

Ar= 2TQxL = 2xTx0,o3sx5 = O&'

r- coav : =O.16"C/w
hA, \2 x o.lto

Rro = t" (r/r) : ,"(#") : o.r$._?.{

2rrLL 2rax $xO.tS

Ha,Ce, R* - Ranu t Rfrorro

= 0,16 r o"lS

ft* ft$n,hron cS 0eeitstoo, Q= + =P Q
: B
-t (t"t" A
Qe-o..a^g!,Sto 6'nA Tr ". \ = 0e*^ tToo

= 90* o.1+ +b
GWa ?d&:,n 4 insuta,t^tvt i: Aef.xut, ae ^t F'|,q'-- ak.h *
O"l5 WIU'C \2.5.^
= #=z-
t2\^rl #c
tlpoc doubtl5-tt^" ilerllal,sr { ghatrtirr.ll mloitoi{,*tarek rrLrr,h t^ll la,c.6a
e$ec* q dcccecring Tt if q ,ts W fuv+rtnYr Cr 1,tsinftJ,
Q8 Hot water at Ti=12OdegC flows in a stainless steel pipe (k=1SWmdegC) whose inner
diameter is 1.66m and thickness 0.2cm. The pipe is to be covered with adequate insutation
so that the temperature of the outer surface of the insulation does not exceed 4OdegC when
the ambient temperature To=25degC. Taking the heat transfer coefficients inside and outside
the pipe to be hi=7OWm2degC ond ho=20Wm2degC respectivety, determine the thickness of
fibreglass insulation (k=0.038WmdegC) that needs to be insulated on the pipe.

,-*f \
.-2f-*e#':\:'-- \

k * \9 u{*t

To=f34 (o*urenr\ s 29t,

T.=ffif k *o-036 W*t
Ct = O. OOb t"
fL ) O, olOP
ho = ZoWln'f f3 = UN\APOrr'N.

(i R. Q" R.

Ti \ ,*L
Cn o ?*r -lnt \f"5ru ed&^ * Ptf t A,= 2nr,L = 0ai$@)
Ar5 = 2ngL - 6.zarr G)
R.r = Rr*r,{ = -L:
hrA 7O x o.C&)
= a.:zg+ %/w

R, = Rt,o,- : [n
(r,/r) ln (o .ot%. ooa)
= 0. Oo 277 'e./w (go *i* tsUftJ
2:KLk Lxd, lr r t5

R, = R,rrr,-*ru F =t@o 4, tSB l" (rr7o.r,J,q["rd

Z.*'ttr(lir o,gfu

: 0rr^ru,e :--l : _t -- .t 'clw

Q.u r?;5.6 r,
hrA % r Ca.z9 rr)
ftt\ aoi*w\eb \n emlAct I tu^ e- F

Rtr.t : Pit0,+PrtP,
= o"att r a"@25;. r 4.r9t t" (%.r,J r kr,

Antfr, &[rnu, * Rermton o "d

{-Td =
Q=P \ 2O'C- 26"C
Rrn+'r cr"r* + 0-u2za f 4.rss u(r%"^J *#*rJ

N"t5*,-a *ta o,rter s*Q* V*gr-xrt",3 5M os 4OZ , *Q lax lq <-,olsq

ucft\en ag't-

a= B
- a"
:. w- = \serhG. -{r)

tn"u5 W\ = ,r!:i) , ^t q,tviSp C gru6 ]-

t2o -29 : \ S$lt r,

O.z$4ro.cnzy +4tgg\n{C>r \ + L
\ /o.uo) '129-6r,

iu $\rr\rrun *lnrdcrestrynd = G-f. = O.OL7O-O.oto

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