Bizneo desde inicio
Bizneo desde inicio
Bizneo desde inicio
Vacaciones, 5 dias hasta acabar el anio, a partir de 3 meses a partir del 2022 25 dias
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Git history)
Hacer merge a develop cuando termina la teray y colocar la tarea en pending deplyment
21. Procedure for the requester (Team Leader or responsible for this new employee)
32. Procedure for Gsuite Administrators
43. Procedure for JIRA
54. Procedure for Bizneo Administrators
To ensure that all keep the same basis to communicate the same info and to the same interlocutors we make this
procedure to follow when a new member is added to your teams and need specific access to the corp apps.
Please "Star" the page to receive notifications about changes on this procedure.
COMPLETE NAME OF THE PERSON -> Firstname and all complete lastname
DATE OF SIGN UP -> Date on format YEAR-MONTH-DAY when the person starts to work with us
TEAM LEADER ASSOCIATED -> Name of the person that it will his/her Team Leader
DEPARTMENT -> Marketing, Project Management, Development
For example:
On the body of the email, put the same line as the subject.
So, on the thread email created, the following responsibles will respond on it on the following order.
Fill the form and keep the both options to create a random password and ask for a new user
password on the first login
Share the screenshot of the user creation with the password visible on the thread email initiated
by the requester
Click on the "More actions" of the dialog and use the "Add to groups" option. If you lost the
dialog, then go to the user page and find the "Groups" option to add it.
Fill the groups with the proper groups for this user. For access to DRIVE
WEBIMPACTO, you must grant the group "Webimpacto Spain" at least.
Remember: The user name must be the same as the email: first letter of
the name + the complete surname.
Once the information has been completed, click on Crear usuario.
2) Once the user has been created, add it to your team. In order to do so:
Select your team from the list (Do not modify "Inactive" groups
when adding a new member, only when removing):
It is a must to have an estimation in every task that is in JIRA. So, every task that you work must have an
estimation on it.
This is a SHARED responsibility between a project manager and a team leader. We do not have to wait for
customer approval to do the task with the estimation. (Every customer will allow us to work straight task under x
hours of estimation. This peculiarity of every customer must be known by The Team Leader and the Project
To Project Managers & Team Leaders, to register the info of the "autoapproval" hours gap, or concerns about
this BOTH OF YOU must use the project description field on the "Project Settings" on JIRA. Please start to fill this
Most time you need to purchase a module, theme/template, addon or similar to achieve some task that you have.
The site where you can purchase this can vary depends on the platform, for example for PrestaShop may
be and if is a template, most time could be
If you don't have credentials (on the platform or the payments) please ask help to your team lead, project manager
assigned to the project, or Blanca Gomez.
But remember, that always that you finish the purchase, you need to send the invoice to
"" giving also the JIRA issue that is related to it.
Don't forget to write or add the purchase total on the "Modulos" row on the master of "Facturación a horas XXXX" for
the specific project.
Algunas observaciones:
Petición de las vacaciones en Bizneo, tal a lo indicado en el documento de Sistema de Vacaciones y Reglas.
Hi everyone!
We need to unify the way we record the management and vacation worklogs in JIRA. We will proceed as follows:
Some comments:
1) The holiday registration in JIRA does not replace the procedure in Bizneo. The register process in this case, will
be as follows:
Any question please contact to
Thanks !
Lo primero que tenemos que hacer es conectarnos a git con nuestra cuenta corporativa e ir a la organización de
Webimpacto que es a la que tendremos acceso y crear un nuevo repositorio, privado y generalmente con un
nombre que defina al proyecto.
Luego clonas en tu ordenador local el repositorio con el "git clone". Después dentro de la carpeta donde lo hemos
clonado cogemos y nos copiamos un archivo de gitignore de otro proyecto similar tipo a este:
Ejemplo gitignore
Despues de esto copiamos “todo” el proyecto en la carpeta del repositorio el todo entre comillas es porque solo
deberemos copiar lo mas importante, ya que lo demás y que no se va a modificar ya va estar en el servidor por lo
tanto no tendremos que tenerlo en nuestro repositorio innecesariamente, solamente código, tal y como aparece en
la siguiente imagen.
Archivos locales
Haremos una búsqueda por tamaño para borrar los archivos más grandes que pueda haber, tipo backups,
comprimidos, imágenes, csv, etc además de eliminar todas las imágenes que no las vamos a necesitar.
Una vez hecho esto tendríamos los cambios listos para comitearlos
Y hacemos nuestro primer commit!
NOTA!! Para Deploy con Plesk en entornos de Test 3 - Configuration git deployments puedes encontrar aquí
explicación: Server Installation Videos
Here are a guide to guide you how to facing most of the common task to create and replicate a project to work
within. As this, is a guide and you need to concentrate on learn and get the things for yourself and the project that
you have in your hands, so as always I say, "I teach you to fish, but I don't catch the fish for you" :D
Also, is very important to see this videos also: Server Installation Videos
The videos are on Spanish but use the "Automatic Captions Translation" that has YouTube by default to understand
it if you don't get it.
Spent time to
do the task
Title Summary & (Use Automatic Captions Translation)
(not the video
development Dump production files to ~30 minutes
environment - test server
Part 1