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set-up manual

The bearings used in the LV-V are of very high quality and are precisely adjusted. Care
should be taken to insure that no unnecessary forces are applied to the bearings that might
adversely affect the ir adjustment. We have detailed in the notes below some precautions
that should be followed.


To derive the best possible performance from this arm, it is necessary that the cartridge
be mounted as firmly as possible to the headshell. This requires that a considerable
amount of force be applied to the cartridge mounting screws. If this force is applied while
the arm is mounted on the turntable, some of this force will be transmitted through the
arm to the bearings and adversely affect their adjustment. To avoid this problem, after
you have loosely mounted the cartridge end completed the alignments REMOVE THE
DETACHABLE HEADSHELL FROM THE ARM, and then fully lighten the cartridge
mounting screws. This eliminates the possibility of undue force being applied to the
arm bearings.


Never ship a turntable with the arm mounted on it. Always remove the arm and place it in
its original packing. For short distances; i.e., transporting it across town in your car, you
may leave the arm on the turntable. But be sure to remove 'the counterweight!


Note: These instructions are based on the assumption that the arm is being mounted on a
Linn bonded LP12 turntable.

l) Mount the arm base on an armboard that has been cut as per the template on the last
page of this manual.

NOTE: lf you are using an armboard drilled for the Linn Ittok LV-II tonearm you will
have to drill a new set of three mounting boll holes, rotated 60 degrees from the original
holes, per the template. You will also have to use the button head socket screw, washer
and nut provided with the LV-V to fill the armrest hole for the LV-l1, since the LV-V
does not use this hole. Precut boards are available from Audiophile Systems.

The arm base should be positioned on the arm board with the "Linn Basik'' logo facing
the rear of the board and the height locking screw towards the right. The base is attached
to the armboard by three socket head cap screws and their associated lock washers. All
three bolts should be lightened firmly with the allen wrench supplied. Tighten the bolts
until the lock washers just begin to sink into the wood of the armboard.

2) Attach the armboard to the turntable. Use only two screws for now. The screw closest
to the arm will be installed when the arm cable grounding is accomplished.

3) Mount the cartridge LOOSELY in the headshell. Under no circumstances should nylon
mounting hardware be used. DO NOT FULLY TIGHTEN THE SCREWS AT THIS

4) Place the arm mounting template over the turntable spindle. Insert the arm through the
hole provided in the template and into the arm base. Engage the arm height locking screw
in the receiver slot and tighten the locking screw sufficiently to hold the arm in position.

5) Fit the counterweight to the rear of the arm. Place the counterweight in the position
that balances the army and set the vernier ring to '0'. Apply the appropriate tracking force
by rotating the counterweight until the vender lines up at the desired figure. (The
appropriate tracking force for the cartridge supplied with the LV-V is 1.7-2.0 grams-)

6) Using the templates set the cartridge overhang. Tighten the cartridge mounting screws

7) Remove the headshell from the arm, and fully tighten the cartridge mounting screws.

8) Replace headstall on the arm. It is important that the locking collar for the headshe ll be
tightened very tight, not just snug. Check the tracking force adjustment to make sure it is
still correct, the counterweight may have shifted. Also check the position of the cartridge
against the template to make sure that the cartridge did not shift while you were
tightening it. Remove the template. Replace the arm, again tightening the height locking
screw sufficiently to hold the arm in position.

9) Adjust the height of the arm so that the arm tube is parallel to the record. Tighten the
height locking screw, gripping the alien wrench by the long end and inserting the short
end into the locking screw.

10) Place the arm in the armrest. Set the antiskate force to the proper value for the
tracking force applied.
11) Complete the set-up of the turntable as per the instructions in the LP12 Technical
Bulletins; i.e. clamp the arm cable in the P-clip, fit the ground wires to the arm board
screw closest to the arm, adjust the suspension, etc. In short, go over the entire LP 12 set-
up check list again.

12) Check and adjust cueing operation.

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