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Physicochemical character and antioxidant activity of lemon (Citrus Limon (L.) BURM. F.) beverage with addition of spice extract and honey as a functional drink _ AIP Conference Proceedings _ AIP Publishing

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 Lukman Junaidi 


Volume 2957, Issue 1 RESEARCH ARTICLE | FEBRUARY 06 2024

6 February 2024 Physicochemical character and antioxidant activity View Metrics
of lemon (Citrus Limon (L.) BURM. F.) beverage with
addition of spice extract and honey as a functional
drink  Citing Articles Via
Nami Lestari  ; Lukman Junaidi; Eddy Sapto Hartanto; Reno Fitri Hasrini; Tita Aviana;
Rhoito Frista Silitonga; Ainun Khoiriyah Google Scholar

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AIP Conf. Proc. 2957, 060015 (2024) Publish with us -
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PROCEEDINGS OF THE  Share   Tools 

AND AGRICULTURAL Lemon (Citrus limon (L) Burm. f.) has important economic value due to it contains
SCIENCES (ICFAS) 2022: vitamin C (ascorbic acid), flavonoid glycosides, coumarins, and essential oils. Vitamin
Advanced Agricultural
Technology to Deal with C is known as a very powerful antioxidant. In addition to lemon, spices such as ginger,
Climate Change Issues for
Achieving Food Security lemongrass, star anise, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves also contain antioxidants. The
purpose of this study was to determine the physicochemical character and antioxidant
activity of packaged honey-spiced lemon functional beverage products. The research
was conducted by preparing functional drinks made from lemon juice plus honey and
extracts of several types of spices such as ginger, lemongrass, star anise, cinnamon,
nutmeg flesh, and cloves. The product is packaged in a plastic bottle. The results
showed that the physicochemical properties of the product consisted of moisture
content 92.0–92.6%, ash content 0.12–0.19%, total dissolved solid 8.44–8.75%, pH
2.69–2.78, the amount of sugar (saccharose) 6.17–7.29%, total acid 0.50–0.57%,
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vitamin C 0.5 mg/kg and total phenol 63.6–94.3 mg/kg. Antioxidant activity (DPPH
method) ranged from 32.79 ppm to 263.63 ppm. The highest value of antioxidant
activity was obtained in functional drinks made from lemon, honey, and star anise,
which was 263.63 ppm. Most Read Most Cited

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Coumarin, Chemical properties, Free radicals, Ascorbate, Flavonoid, Vitamins androrat

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