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Real-time Operating Systems

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Aptitude Engineering Mathematics Discrete Mathematics Operating System DBMS Computer Networks D

Real Time Operating System (RTOS)

Last Updated : 27 Sep, 2024

Real-time operating systems (RTOS) are used in environments where a large

number of events, mostly external to the computer system, must be accepted
and processed in a short time or within certain deadlines. such applications
are industrial control, telephone switching equipment, flight control, and real-
time simulations.
Examples of real-time operating systems are airline traffic control systems,
Command Control Systems, airline reservation systems, Heart pacemakers,
Network Multimedia Systems, robots, etc.

What is a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS)?

A real-time operating system (RTOS) is a special kind of operating system
designed to handle tasks that need to be completed quickly and on time.
Unlike general-purpose operating systems (GPOS), which are good at
multitasking and user interaction, RTOS focuses on doing things in real time.
The idea of real-time computing has been around for many years. The first
RTOS was created by Cambridge University in the 1960s. This early system
allowed multiple processes to run at the same time, each within strict time

Over the years, RTOS has improved with new technology and the need for
reliable real-time performance. These systems are now more powerful,
efficient, and full of features, and they are used in many industries, including
aerospace, defense, medical science, multimedia, and more

Got It !
Over the years, RTOS has improved with new technology and the need for
reliable real-time performance. These systems are now more powerful,
efficient, and full of features, and they are used in many industries, including
aerospace, defense, medical science, multimedia, and more.

Types of Real-Time Operating System

The real-time operating systems can be of 3 types –


Hard Real-Time Operating System

These operating systems guarantee that critical tasks are completed within a
range of time. For example, a robot is hired to weld a car body. If the robot
welds too early or too late, the car cannot be sold, so it is a hard real-time
system that requires complete car welding by the robot hardly on time.,
scientific experiments, medical imaging systems, industrial control systems,
weapon systems, robots, air traffic control systems, etc.

Soft Real-Time Operating System

This operating system provides some relaxation in the time limit. For example
– Multimedia systems, digital audio systems, etc. Explicit, programmer-
defined, and controlled processes are encountered in real-time systems. A
separate process is changed by handling a single external event. The process
is activated upon the occurrence of the related event signaled by an interrupt.

Multitasking operation is accomplished by scheduling processes for execution

independently of each other. Each process is assigned a certain level of
priority that corresponds to the relative importance of the event that it
services. The processor is allocated to the highest-priority processes. This
type of schedule, called, priority-based preemptive scheduling is used by real-
time systems.

Firm Real-time Operating System

RTOS of this type have to follow deadlines as well. In spite of its small impact,
missing a deadline can have unintended consequences, including a reduction
in the quality of the product. Example: Multimedia applications.

Uses of RTOS
Defense systems like RADAR .
Air traffic control system.
Networked multimedia systems.
Medical devices like pacemakers.
Stock trading applications.
Different Between Regular and Real-Time operating

Regular OS Real-Time OS (RTOS)

Complex Simple

Best effort Guaranteed response

Fairness Strict Timing constraints

Average Bandwidth Minimum and maximum limits

Unknown components Components are known

Unpredictable behavior Predictable behavior

Plug and play RTOS is upgradeabl

The advantages of real-time operating systems are as follows:

Maximum Consumption: Maximum utilization of devices and systems. Thus

Task Shifting: Time assigned for shifting tasks in these systems is very
less. For example, in older systems, it takes about 10 microseconds.
Focus On Application: Focus on running applications and less importance
to applications that are in the queue.
Real-Time Operating System In Embedded System: Since the size of
programs is small, RTOS can also be embedded systems like in transport
and others.
Error Free: These types of systems are error-free.
Memory Allocation: Memory allocation is best managed in these types of
The disadvantages of real-time operating systems are as follows:

Limited Tasks: Very few tasks run simultaneously, and their concentration
is very less on few applications to avoid errors.
Use Heavy System Resources: Sometimes the system resources are not so
good and they are expensive as well.
Complex Algorithms : The algorithms are very complex and difficult for the
designer to write on.
Device Driver And Interrupt Signals: It needs specific device drivers and
interrupts signals to respond earliest to interrupts.
Thread Priority: It is not good to set thread priority as these systems are
very less prone to switching tasks.
Minimum Switching: RTOS performs minimal task switching.

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