Reaserch Work By Rizwana Aslam
Reaserch Work By Rizwana Aslam
Reaserch Work By Rizwana Aslam
The questionnaire for this study used a version that has been
used and widely proven, and its validity. And reliability are not in
question. Also, following its administration, we evaluated the
questionnaire’s valid it and reliability, and there were no problems
with the actual test.
The Level of mindfulness Scale was adapted from the Adolescent
Level of mindfulness Scale developed by Greco et al. [33]. The
original scale, which assesses a person’s level of mindfulness, has
10 items with a 5-point Liker scale that range from “never” to
“always.” (e.g., “I have some bad thoughts and I don’t think I
should have them “). The scale is reverse scored, and the higher
the total score, the higher the level of mind fullness. The internal
consistency coefficient of the scale in this study, Cronbach’s a
was 0.91.
Psychological resilience
The Psychological Resilience Scale developed by Block and
Kerman [34] was used. The original measure con sits of 14 items
(e.g., “Most people I’ve met are cute”) and is graded on a range
of 1 to 4 points (1= “not at all”, 4= “completely”), and the
components were added up to create the entire scale score. The
greater the total score, the more psychological resilience was
shown to exist. The scale’s internal consistency coefficient in the
current investigation was 0.92.
The Depression Self-Rating Scale used in this study was
developed by W.K. Zing in 1965 [35]. The scale has 20 items
(egg.. “I think others would live better if I died”) and uses a 4-
point Likert scale (1= “no or little time”, 4= “constantly”), half of
the items were reverse scored, with higher scores indicating more
severe depression. The internal consistency coefficient of the
questionnaire was 0.84 in the actual test.
Statistical methods Descriptive statistics and a correlation
analysis of the data were performed using SPSS 24.0., and
PROCESS 3.4 was used for mediating and moderating effect
Common method bias and test
Because the data for this study were gathered by quest tinnier
using random sampling, there is a possibility of common data
bias, and a bias test is required. For the test, we employed the
Harman single-factor technique and discovered that there were
ten eigenvalues greater than one. The first component explained
23.52% of the variation, which was less than the crucial criterion
of 40%, and there was common technique bias.
Descriptive statistics of each variable
The descriptive statistics and correlations of each. Variable are
shown in Table 1 mindfulness were sig- militantly positively
correlated with psychological resell- lance try = 0.22 p < 0.01 )
and significantly negatively. Correlated with depression among
college students iota*r = - 0.36 p < 0.01 ) psychological resilience
was signify- cantle negatively correlated with depression among
col loge students (r = - 0.45, p < 0.01)