Internet and Open Source Concepts
Internet and Open Source Concepts
Internet and Open Source Concepts
Open Source software (OSS): OSS refers to software whose source code is
available to customers and it can be modified and redistributed without any
Open Source Software can be freely used but it does not have to be free of
charge. Modified code need not be OSS.
Eg: Mozilla Fire fox, Unix.
The distribution terms of OSS must comply with the following criteria:
1. Free Redistribution
2. Source Code
3. Derived works
4. No Discrimination Against persons or groups
5. No Discrimination against Fields or Groups
6. Distribution of License
7. License Must Not be Specific to a Product
8. The license must Not Restrict other Software
Free software: Free software is freely accessible and can be freely used,
changed, improved, copied and distributed by anyone. Free software need not be
free of charge.
There are 4 kinds of freedom given by free software are
1. Freedom to run the program
2. Freedom to study how program works and change it.
3. Freedom to redistribute copies.
4. Freedom to distribute copies of modified versions.
The code derived from free s/w should also be released as free s/w Eg: GNU
• Software is available free of cost.
• Source code is not available. So modification is not possible.
• It allows copying and redistribution.
• It is closed software.
Eg: Google chrome, Adobe acrobat.
FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software): The term FLOSS is used to refer
to software which is both free software as well as open source software.
W3C: W3C is acronym for World Wide Web Consortium. W3C is responsible for
producing the software standards for World Wide Web.
Concepts of Internet:
WWW: The World Wide Web (WWW) is a set of protocols that allows accessing
any document on the Net with the help of URL. It is the information space where
documents and web services are identified by URL.
Web Browser: A Web Browser is software application that enables the user to
view web pages, navigate web sites and move from one website to another.
Web Server: Web Server is an internet host computer that may store thousands
of websites.
Home page: It is the main page of a website which serves as an index or table of
contents to other documents of that site.
E-Commerce: E-Commerce is the trade of goods and services with the help of
telecommunications and computers.
Types of e-commerce:
C2C (Consumer to Consumer): There are many sites offering free classifieds,
auctions and forums where an individual can buy and sell. Online systems like
credit cards make it easier. Eg: OLX
Advantages of E-commerce:
1. Optimization of resources.
2. Global participation
3. Exclusive discounts for online shopping.
4. Easy and time saving.
5. Broader range of products to choose.
1. We can’t try before purchasing
2. No guarantee of product quality
3. Should pay for shipping and Handling charges
1. E-mail
2. E-banking
3. Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
4. Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
5. Digital cash
6. Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT)
Working of E-Commerce:
Customer places order through online.
Web server sends orders to order manager.
Order manager checks and confirms from stock DB.
If it is present in stock, it gives estimated delivery date and requests
Confirmation and authorization for payment will be done.
After the exchange of digital cash, request will be sent to data warehouse
manager for dispatch of goods.
Finally, goods are delivered to customers digitally or physically.
Domain name: It identifies and locates the computers connected to the internet.
Domain name is also called as host name.
Each domain name corresponds to numeric IP address. IP address takes the
form of 4 numbers separated by period.
Domain Name System (DNS): It is a naming system containing information
about domain names and their corresponding IP addresses.
URL (Uniform Resource Locator): It is a formatted text string used by web
browser, e-mail clients to identify files on the internet. Every webpage has unique
URL consists of 3 parts:
1. N/W protocol: (http://, ftp://, mailto://)
2. Host name or Domain name
3. File or resource location
Syntax: N/W protocol:// host name:// file
Eg: http://
Absolute URL: Absolute URL contains all 3 substrings.
Relative URL: It contains only substring element in some cases such as within a
web page.
Internet Server Service
FTP File Transfer Protocol
TCP Transfer Control Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
POP Post Office Protocol
NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol
SMTP Mail Transfer Protocol
Domain Id Affiliation
com Commercial
edu Education
gov Government
mil Military
biz Business
co Company
tv Television
org organization
Country Abbreviation
• au – Australia
• dk — Denmark
• in — India
• nz — Newzealand
• ca — Canada
• fr — France
• uk — United Kingdom