Lecture 9
Lecture 9
Lecture 9
Lecture 9
Covalent bonding: Molecular orbital theory
Atomic orbitals are associated with Molecular orbitals are associated with
only one atom. the whole molecule
Atomic orbitals have specific sizes, Molecular orbitals have specific sizes,
shapes and energies shapes and energies
Molecular orbital theory
How are molecular orbitals formed?
Atomic orbitals of the bonding atoms combine together to form molecular orbitals.
In this theory, the wave nature of electrons explains the different types of molecular
orbitals obtained.
Remember! Electrons in orbitals have wave properties, they behave like waves.
It is known that waves can interact either constructively or destructively.
end-to-end overlap
Sigma () molecular orbitals
Note that: The two bonding π molecular Note that: The two antibonding π* molecular
orbitals are equal in energy (degenerate). orbitals are equal in energy (degenerate).
Molecular orbital energy level diagram
Rules Governing Molecular Electron
Configuration and Stability:
1. The number of molecular orbitals formed is
always equal to the number of atomic orbitals
2. The more stable the bonding molecular orbital,
the less stable the corresponding antibonding
molecular orbital.
3. The filling of molecular orbitals proceeds from
low to high energies. In a stable molecule, the
number of electrons in bonding molecular orbitals
is always greater than that in antibonding molecular
4. Like an atomic orbital, each molecular orbital can
accommodate up to two electrons with opposite
spins in accordance with the Pauli exclusion
5. When electrons are added to molecular orbitals
of the same energy, we follow Hund’s rule; that is,
electrons enter singly with parallel spin before we
start pairing.
6. The number of electrons in the molecular orbitals
is equal to the sum of all the electrons on the
bonding atoms.
Molecular orbital energy level diagram
Rules Governing Molecular Electron
Configuration and Stability:
1. The number of molecular orbitals formed is
always equal to the number of atomic orbitals
2. The more stable the bonding molecular orbital,
the less stable the corresponding antibonding
molecular orbital.
3. The filling of molecular orbitals proceeds from
low to high energies. In a stable molecule, the
number of electrons in bonding molecular orbitals
is always greater than that in antibonding molecular
4. Like an atomic orbital, each molecular orbital can
accommodate up to two electrons with opposite
spins in accordance with the Pauli exclusion
5. When electrons are added to molecular orbitals
of the same energy, we follow Hund’s rule; that is,
electrons enter singly with parallel spin before we
start pairing.
6. The number of electrons in the molecular orbitals
is equal to the sum of all the electrons on the
bonding atoms.
Molecular orbital energy level diagram
Example Draw the molecular orbital energy level diagram for the oxygen molecule.
Calculate the total electrons
present in the molecule.
Oxygen atom has 8 electrons, so we
σ* 2px
have a total of 16 electrons.
Draw the molecular orbitals п* 2pz
represented as boxes or lines , п* 2py
starting from the bottom which п 2pz п 2py
represents the molecular orbital of
lowest energy. σ 2px
Arrange the rest of the molecular
orbitals moving upwards according to σ* 2s
increasing energy.
If two orbitals have the same energy σ 2s
such as π 2pz and π 2py draw them
at the same level. σ* 1s
Start putting electrons in the bottom
(orbital of lowest energy) and σ 1s
continue filling moving upwards.
If all electrons are paired so diamagnetic O2 molecule has unpaired electrons so it is
If there is unpaired electrons so paramagnetic
Molecular orbital energy level diagram
Example Draw the molecular orbital energy level diagram for the oxygen molecule.
Calculate the total electrons
present in the molecule.
Oxygen atom has 8 electrons, so we
σ* 2px
have a total of 16 electrons.
Draw the molecular orbitals п* 2pz
represented as boxes or lines , п* 2py
starting from the bottom which п 2pz п 2py
represents the molecular orbital of
lowest energy. σ 2px
Arrange the rest of the molecular
orbitals moving upwards according to σ* 2s
increasing energy.
If two orbitals have the same energy σ 2s
such as π 2pz and π 2py draw them
at the same level. σ* 1s
Start putting electrons in the bottom
(orbital of lowest energy) and σ 1s
continue filling moving upwards.
If all electrons are paired so diamagnetic O2 molecule has unpaired electrons so it is
If there is unpaired electrons so paramagnetic
Molecular orbital energy level diagram
Example Draw the molecular orbital energy level diagram for the oxygen molecule.
Calculate the total electrons
present in the molecule.
Oxygen atom has 8 electrons, so we
σ* 2px
have a total of 16 electrons.
Draw the molecular orbitals п* 2pz
represented as boxes or lines , п* 2py
starting from the bottom which п 2pz п 2py
represents the molecular orbital of
lowest energy. σ 2px
Arrange the rest of the molecular
orbitals moving upwards according to σ* 2s
increasing energy.
If two orbitals have the same energy σ 2s
such as π 2pz and π 2py draw them
at the same level. σ* 1s
Start putting electrons in the bottom
(orbital of lowest energy) and σ 1s
continue filling moving upwards.
If all electrons are paired so diamagnetic O2 molecule has unpaired electrons so it is
If there is unpaired electrons so paramagnetic
Bond order in molecular orbital theory
It is the difference between the number of bonding electrons and the number of anti bonding
electrons divided by two.
Bond order indicates the approximate strength of a bond, the bigger the bond
order, the stronger is the bond.
If Bond order > zero Bond order =zero
the molecule is the molecule is unstable and
relatively stable and cannot exist.
1s 1s 1s 1s
AO of H
AO of H AO of
AO of H
MO of H2-
bond order
= 1/2(1-0)
= 1/2 bond
order =
1 H2+ does exist 1/2(2-1)
B.O = (2 − 0) = 1 = 1/2
H2- does exist
Bond order
Compare the bond order of He2, He2+
He2+ He2
1 1
B.O = (2 − 1) = 1/2 B.O = (2 − 2) = 0
2 2
He2+ Exists He2 Cannot Exist
Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules of
Second-Period Elements
General molecular orbital energy level
diagram for the second-period homonuclear
diatomic molecules Li2, Be2, B2, C2, and N2.
Homonuclear Diatomic Molecules of
Second-Period p-block elements
Order of molecular
orbitals is as expected;
2py 2pz
i.e not flipped
Practice Exercise
Use the molecular orbital model to predict the bond order
and magnetism of each of the following molecules:
HOMO = Highest
occupied molecular
LUMO = Lowest
molecular orbital.
Practice Exercise
For each of these species; O2, O2+ and O2- give:
The molecular electronic configuration & the bond order
Determine which has the strongest bond & predict the magnetism of
No. of valence O2 = 12 O2+ = 11 O2- = 13
electrons: (6+6) (6+6-1) (6+6+1)
The simplified MO diagrams:
O2+ = Strongest
No. of 10 10
valence (4+5+1) (5+6-1)
Bond Order ½ (8-2) = 3 ½ (8-2) = 3
Magnetism Diamagnetic Diamagnetic