Limiter Vili Article
Limiter Vili Article
Limiter Vili Article
Ventilator-induced (VILI) and patient-self-induced lung outcomes [3]. High-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) reduces
injury (P-SILI) contribute to acute respiratory distress the risk of intubation in acute hypoxemic respiratory
syndrome (ARDS) progression in a relevant proportion failure (AHRF) [3]. CPAP and noninvasive ventilation,
of patients. VILI is a well-established concept encom- despite being applied worldwide, are not formally rec-
passing all deleterious effects of mechanical ventila- ommended but can be considered. Prolonged sessions of
tion (MV) [1]. It is a consequence of the excessive stress awake prone position may provide further advantages on
(pressure applied to the lungs) and strain (deformation lung protection in certain clinical circumstances.
induced by inflated volume) imposed by MV to the aer- Independently from the chosen technique, delayed
ated lung. VILI jeopardises patient’s outcome through intubation has been associated with worse outcomes
lung biotrauma, which induces systemic inflammation [4], possibly because of the occurrence of P-SILI dur-
and may contribute to multiorgan failure, a frequent ing treatment. The time of exposure to hypoxemia and
cause of death in ARDS patients. P-SILI is a more recent elevated respiratory rates (RR) during noninvasive sup-
concept and includes all the conditions in which sponta- port is proportional to respiratory system compliance
neous breathing in ARDS patients exhibiting high inspir- (Crs) deterioration, which makes it difficult to maintain
atory effort causes the inflation of large tidal volumes gas exchange, keeping driving pressure (ΔP) within safe
(Vt) yielding large transpulmonary pressure (PL) swings, limits after intubation [5]. Accordingly, patients’ moni-
increases in transvascular pressure favouring hydrostatic toring for early detection of noninvasive support failure
pulmonary oedema and regional overinflation through is essential during any treatment. Worsening Respira-
an intra-tidal redistribution of Vt from non-dependent to tory rate-OXygenation (ROX) index, defined as the ratio
dependent lung regions (i.e. pendelluft) [2]. between SpO2/FiO2 and respiratory rate (RR), and heart
We summarise the strategies that can potentially pre- rate, acidosis, consciousness, oxygenation, and respira-
vent the physiological mechanisms of both P-SILI and tory rate (HACOR) score, consisting of 5 different vari-
VILI at the bedside (Fig. 1). These are based on patient ables (heart rate, acidosis [pH], consciousness [GCS],
monitoring to provide personalised treatments tai- oxygenation, and RR) are reliable tools to identify HFNO
lored to physiological phenotypes. Most of these can be and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) (ROX)
applied without additional equipment and may be feasi- and noninvasive ventilation (NIV) (HACOR) failure [4].
ble in resource-limited settings. Another accurate predictor of NIV failure is the lack of
inspiratory effort reduction, which, however, requires
Safer use of noninvasive respiratory support oesophageal pressure monitoring [6]. This might not be
Different noninvasive respiratory support techniques feasible in all patients with AHRF, and alternative tech-
have distinct physiological effects that may influence niques to noninvasively estimate inspiratory effort are
being developed. Finally, clinical signs such as worsen-
ing PaO2/FiO2 ratio, respiratory rate, and dyspnoea are
*Correspondence: indicative of the patient’s deterioration and may prompt
Servei de Medicina Intensiva, Parc Taulí Hospital Universitari, Institut de the decision to intubate.
Recerca Part Taulí – I3PT, Parc del Taulí 1, 08028 Sabadell, Spain
Full author information is available at the end of the article
Safer use of controlled mechanical ventilation The use of prone position
Tidal volume and driving pressure In intubated patients, sessions of prone position for
Strain and stress are the major determinants of VILI. 12–18 h in moderate-to-severe ARDS patients convinc-
ΔP refers to the stress applied to the lung during tidal ingly reduce the risk of VILI and reverse right ventricle
ventilation. It is the ratio between Vt and Crs, which is failure and are a simple intervention to improve oxygena-
proportional to the size of the aerated lung. Patients tion [12]. To prevent VILI, the prone position should be
with high respiratory system elastance (Ers) (> 3 maintained regardless of the improvement in oxygena-
cmH2O/(ml/kg)) are most likely to benefit from lower tion achieved.
Vt [9]. In contrast, allowing Vt > 6 mL/kg of predicted
body weight (PBW) in patients with low elastance PEEP and recruitability
allows less sedation and facilitates the transition to High PEEP prevents VILI only if it increases the volume
assisted ventilation. Therefore, a pragmatic approach of the aerated lung to an extent capable of sufficiently
could be starting with 6 mL/kg PBW, and then titrat- reducing dynamic strain (strain during tidal ventilation).
ing Vt to achieve a ΔP < 15 cmH2O. Significantly, PEEP This varies according to different degrees of recruitability.
below the airway opening pressure (AOP) can sub- High PEEP in patients with poor recruitability results in
stantially overestimate ΔP. Ongoing trials aiming baby lung overinflation and VILI. Recruitability is diffi-
to test whether titrating Vt limiting ΔP are underway cult to assess at the bedside. Computed tomography scan
(NCT05440851). Strain represents the deformation of is the gold standard, but may not always be clinically fea-
lung units during tidal ventilation, and it is defined as sible. Different bedside methods to assess recruitability
the ratio between Vt and the end-expiratory lung vol- have been described.
ume (the lung size at PEEP). Traditionally, Vt could be First, the recruitment-to-inflation (R/I) ratio can be
delivered using volume or pressure-controlled ventila- measured through a single-breath PEEP-reduction
tion, as no difference in outcomes has been observed manoeuvre with a low PEEP level above the AOP [13].
[7]. Moreover, it has been suggested that airway pres- Importantly, the R/I ratio accurately estimates the extent
sure release ventilation using time-controlled adaptive of PEEP-induced reduction in dynamic strain. Low R/I
ventilation may be even more protective in terms of ratio values (< 0.5–0.3) accurately identify patients with
VILI [8]. poor PEEP-induced recruitment and may benefit from
Finally, the extent of Vt reduction to minimise ΔP lower PEEP. Conversely, high PEEP might be considered
should, however, be balanced to the increase in RR in patients exhibiting high R/I values (> 0.5–0.7).
needed to ensure adequate alveolar ventilation, since Second, the hysteresis ratio, i.e. the maximal distance
high RR is itself injurious. Clinically, the combination between the inspiratory and expiratory limb weighted by
of Vt and RR that minimises the sum of [(4*ΔP) + RR] the maximal volume generated during a low-flow pres-
best limits the risk of death [10]. Mechanical power was sure–volume [14], and the Crs changes during a decre-
also described aiming to include the effect of RR and mental PEEP trial have also been shown to predict lung
PEEP on the effect of airway pressure and Vt in VILI recruitment.
development [11]. Despite being physiologically attrac- Some imaging techniques could be used. Electrical
tive, the main limitation of its use is that it is not easily impedance tomography monitoring during a decremen-
calculated at the bedside. tal PEEP trial allows identifying the level of PEEP that
Conflicts of interest
Safer use of assisted modes and spontaneous OR reports receiving a research grant from Hamilton Medical AG and
Fihser&Paykel Healthcare Ltd, speaker fees from Hamilton Medical AG,
breathing Fisher&Paykel Healthcare Ltd, Aerogen Ltd, and non-financial research support
In ARDS, assisted ventilation should be resumed as soon from Timpel, and he is a minority stakeholder of Tesai Care SL, all outside the
as clinically possible. During assisted ventilation, inspira- submitted work. DLG has received speaking fees from Gilead, Intersurgical,
MSD and GE, and reports having received travel accommodation from Fisher
tory effort should be monitored to minimise the risk and Paykel. DLG discloses a research grant from GE. IT receives salary support
of P-SILI. Although there is no conclusive safe thresh- grant from the Canadian Institutes for Health Research in the form of a Post-
old, inspiratory effort should not exceed 10–15 c mH2O. Doctoral Fellowship Award, teaching honoraria from Medtronic, Getinge, and
consulting fees from MbMED SA, all outside the submitted work.
If oesophageal manometry is unavailable, a simple
Publisher’s Note in ARDS patients: why, when, how and for whom. Intensive Care Med
Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub- 46:2385–2396
lished maps and institutional affiliations. 13. Chen L, Del Sorbo L, Grieco DL, Junhasavasdikul D, Rittayamai N, Soliman
I, Sklar MC, Rauseo M, Ferguson ND, Fan E, Richard JM, Brochard L (2020)
Received: 11 December 2023 Accepted: 17 February 2024 Potential for lung recruitment estimated by the recruitment-to-inflation
ratio in acute respiratory distress syndrome. A clinical trial. Am J Respir
Crit Care Med 201:178–187
14. Chiumello D, Arnal JM, Umbrello M, Cammaroto A, Formenti P, Mistraletti
G, Bolgiaghi L, Gotti M, Novotni D, Reidt S, Froio S, Coppola S (2020)
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