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 Please read the product manual completely before assembly

WARNING  Check against the parts list to make sure all parts are received
 Wear proper safety goggles or other protective gears while in
Missing parts or questions on assembly?
Pleasecontact sales@agrotkindustrial.com

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NOTES 56/56

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Congratulations for having this Excavator ! Your Excavator was
carefully designed and manufactured to give you years of dependable
service. Your Excavator will require some minor maintenance(such as
cleaning and lubricating) to keep it in top working condition.
Be sure to observe all safety precautions and maintenance procedures
as described in this manual.


This manual has been designed to help you do a better and
safer job. Read this manual carefully and become familiar with
its contents. Remember, never let anyone operate this unit
without reading the "Safety Precautions" and "Operation
Instructions" sections of this manual.

When service your trencher, pls. remember to use only
manufacturer replacement parts. Substitute parts may not
meet the standards required for safe, dependable operation. To
facilitate parts ordering, pls. record the model No. and serial
No. of the metal plate on your unit.

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1. The operator must read the operation manual carefully before

installation, operation or maintenance. Improper operation will
cause the machine damaged or the operator dead.
2. Read all the safe signs and safe declarations. Obey all the
professional safe terms, local laws or the professional
3. Familiar with the Excavator about functions, specs and
operation. Replace the to-be-damaged parts in time. Make sure all
the hydraulic installations and couplings connect firmly, and all
the safe signs stick on the suitable positions clearly.


Always wear proper safety glasses, goggles, or a face

shield when driving pins in or out, or when any operation
causes dust, flying debris, or any other hazardous

2. Don’t modify the Excavator casually.

3. Should keep the machine on the flat ground when repair, far
away from the transportation and other dangerous places.
4. Should use the right tools to repair.
5. Don’t operate the machine, unless you are professional, have
certificates, and familiar with its functions, specs and safe
operation rules.
6. Must not leave the machine when the machine is running. Must
stop the engine at first and then remove the key if want to leave.

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These are common practices that may or may not be applicable to the products
described in this manual.

Safety at All Times Look For The Safety Alert Symbol

Thoroughly read and understand the The SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL indicates there is a
instructions given in this anual before potential hazard to personal safety involved and extra
operation. Refer to the "Safety Label" safety precaution must be taken. When you see this
section, read all instructions noted on symbol, be alert and carefully read the message that
them. follows it, In addition to desian and confiauration of
equipment. hazard control, and accident prevention are
Do not allow anyone to operate his dependent upon the awareness. concern, prudence, and
equipment who has not fully read and proper training of personnel involved the operation,
comprehended this manual and who transport, maintenance, and storage of equipment.
has not been roperly trained in the safe
operation of the equipment.

► The operator must not use drugs or Be Aware of

alcohol as they can change the alertness WARNING
Signal Words Indicates a potentially hazardous
or coordination of that person while situation which, if not avoiced,
operating equipment. The operator should A Signal word designates a degree could result in death or serious
or level of hazard seriousness. injury, and includes hazards that
if taking over-the-counter drugs, seek The signal words are: are exposed when guards are
medical advice on whether he/she can removed. It may also be used to
safely operate the equipment. DANGER alert against unsafe practices.
► Operator should be familiar with all Incates an imminently hazardous
functions of the unit. situation which, if not avoided, will
result in death or serious injury. CAUTION
►Make sure all guards and shields are in
This signal word is limited to the Indicates a potentially hazardous
place and secured before operating most extreme situations, typically situation which, if not avoided,
implement. for machine components that, for may result in minor or moderate
functional purposes, cannot be injury. It may also be used to alert
► Keep all persons away from equioment against unsafe practices.
and work area. guarded.
► Start skid steer with steering levers and
hydraulic controls in neutral.
► Operate implement and loader arms
from the driver's seat only. For Your Protection Avoid Underground
► Dismounting from a moving unit can ► Thoroughly read and understand Utilities
cause serious injury or death. the "Safety Label" section, read all
►A Do not allow anyone to stand between ►Dig Safe
instructions noted on them.
skid steer and implement while hooking-up Always contact your local utility
to implement. companies (electrical, telephone,
oas, water, sewer, and others)
► Keep hands, feet, and clothing away
before digging so that they may
from power-driven parts. mark the location of any
► Watch out for obiects overhead and underground services in the area.
along side such as fences buildinas, wires, ►Be sure to ask how close you
trees, limbs, etc..while transporting and can work to the marks thay
operating attached implement. positioned
► Detach and store implement in an area
where children nomally do not play. Secure
implement by using blocks and supports.

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These are common practices that may or may not be applicable to the products
described in this manual.

Shutdown and Storage Transport Safety ► IMPORTANT: Do not tow a

Comply with slate and local load That is more than
Before leaving operator’s ►
double the weight of the
seat ► Never travel at a speed which vehicle towing the load.
►Lower it arms and does not allow adequate control ► Use towing vehicle and
put attachment flat on the of steering and stopping Some traler of adequate size and
ground. rough terrains requre a skower capacity, Secure equipment
► Turn off engine and engage speed. towed on a trailor with tie
parking brake. ► Avoid contact with any over downs and chains.
►If included, raise seat bar and head utilty lines or electrically ►Sudden braking can cause
move controls until both lock. charged conductors. a towed trailer to swerve
► Remove key to prevent ► Always drive with load on end and upset. Reduce speed it
unauthorized starting. of loeder arms low to the towed trailer is note quipped
► Use steps, grab-handles and ground. with brakes.
anti-slip surfaces when getting ► Always drive straight up and
on or off the loader. down ramps with load on
►Detach and store implements "uphill" side of skid steer.
in an area where children ► Engage parking brake when
normaliy do not play, Secure stopped on an incline.
implemment by using blocks
and supports.

Use Safety Practice ► Disconnect battery ground

Lights and Devices SafeMaintenance cable (-) before servicing or
adjusting electrical systems or
► Slow moving selil-propellec ► Understand procedure
before doing work. Use before welding on implement.
equipment, and towed implements ► Do not grease or oil
proper tools and equipment,
can create a hazard when driven implement while it is in
refer to Operator's Manual
on public roads. They are difficult for additional information. operation.
to see, especially at night. ►Work in a clean dry area. ► Inspect all parts. Make sure
perts are in good concition &
► Flashing waning lights and turn ► Lower attached implement
to the ground and follow all instaled properly.
signals are recommended ► Remove buidup of grease,
shutdown procedures before
whenever driving on publc roads. oil, or debris.
leaving the operator's seat to
perform maintenance. ► Remove all tools and
► Allow implement to cool unused parts from implement
completely before working on before operation.

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These are common practices that may or may not be applicable to the products
described in this manual.

Prepare for emergencies Wear Wear

Protective Equipment
►Be prepared if a fire starts. Protective Equipment ►Escaping fluid under pressure
►Keep a first aid kit and fire ►Wear protective clothing and can penetrate the skin causing
extinguisher handy. equipment appropriate for the serious injury.
►Keep emergency numbers job.Clothing should be snug ►Avoid the hazard by relieving
fitting without fringes and pull pressure before disconnecting
for doctor, strings to avoid entanglement
ambulance, hospita and fire hydraulic lines or performing
with moving parts. work on the system.
department near phone. ►Prolonged exposure to loud ►Make sure all hydrauic fluid
noise can cause hearing connections are tight and all
impairment or hearing loss. ydraulic hoses and lines are in
Wear suitable hearing good condition before applying
protection such as eamiuffis or ressure to the system.
earplugs. ►Use a piece of paper or
►Operating equipment safely cardboard, NOT BODY PARTS
requires the operators ull to check for suspected leaks.
attention, Avoid wearing radio ►Wear protective gloves and
headphones while operating safety glasses or goggles when
machinery working with hydraulic systems.
accident occurs, see a doctor
familar with this type of injury
immediately. Any fluid injected
into the skin or eyes must be
treated within few hours or
gangrene may result.

Tire Safety Use Seat Belt and ROPS Keep Riders

►Tire changing can be dangerous ►Operate only skid Off Machinery
and should be preformed by steers equipped with a Roll-Over ►Never carry riders or use
trained personnel using the Protective Structure (ROPS) and Machinery as a person lift.
correct tools and equipment. seat belt. ►Riders obstruct operator's
►When inflating tires, use a
clip-on chuck and extension hose ►Fasten seat belt snugly and view.
long enough to allow you to stand securely to help protect against ►Riders could be struck by
to one side and NOT in front of or serious injury or death from foreign objects or thrown
over the tire assembly. Use a falling and skid steer overturn. from the machine. Never
safety cage if available. ►Wearing protective equipment allow children to operate
►When removing and installing
wheels, use wheel handing such as safety shoes, safety equipment.
equipment adequate for the glasses, hard hat, and ear plugs
weight involved. is highly recommended.

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1 Upper frame assembly 1
2 Lower frame assembly 1
Front work equipment
3 1
4 slewing bearing assembly 1
Connecting shaft between
5 1
boom and upper frame
Connecting shaft between
6 1
boom and upper frame
7 Pivot sleeve 2

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1 1.1 welded dozer shovel 1
2 1.2 welded lower frame 1
3 1.3 slewing joint 1
4 1.4 Rubber crawler 2
5 1.5 Lock nut 2
6 1.6 sprocket nuts 16
7 1.7 Drive wheel 2
8 1.8 Connecting disc 2
9 1.9 sprocket bolts 16
10 1. 10 Bolts fixing the track roller 8
11 1. 11 Traveling motor 2
12 1. 12 Track roller 4
13 1. 13 Idler assembly 2
14 1. 14 Pivot nuts 4
Connecting shaft of dozer
15 1. 15 2
16 1. 16 Connecting shaft of cylinder 2
17 1. 17 Cylinder of dozer shovel 1
18 1. 18 Bolts fixing idler assembly 8

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1 2.1 welded upper frame 1
2 2.2 Covers of rear housing 1
3 2.3 Covers of left housing 1
4 2.4 Covers of right housing 1
5 2.5 welded inside support frame 1
6 2.6 Rear counterweight plate 1 set
7 2.7 Arm rest 1
8 2.8 seat and supports 1

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9 2.9 Left- upper cover 1
10 2. 10 Right - upper cover 1
11 2. 11 L- shaped covers 1
12 2. 12 Console 1
13 2. 13 Pedal 1
14 2. 14 Hydraulic oil tank 1
15 2. 15 Hydraulic oil tank 1
16 2. 16 Hydraulic oil tank support 1
17 2. 17 Diesel tank 1
18 2. 18 Multiway valve 1
19 2. 19 Battery platen 1
20 2.2 Master cylinder 1
21 2.21 Coupler 1
22 2.22 Pump disc 1
23 2.23 Engine 1
24 2.24 Rear bracket base of engine 1
25 2.25 Front bracket base of engine 1
26 2.26 Intake cover 1
27 2.27 Battery 1
28 2.28 Rotary motor 1
29 2.29 slewing bearing 1
30 2.3 Dust cover 1
31 2.31 Main power switch 1
32 2.32 Manual accelerator 1
33 2.33 Key starter 1
34 2.34 Traveling handle 2
35 2.35 work handle 2
36 2.36 Front shovel handle 1

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1 3.1 Boom 1
2 3.2 Arm 1
3 3.3 Bucket 1
4 3.4 Connecting rod 1
5 3.5 push rod 1
6 3.6 Boom cylinder 1
7 3.7 Arm cylinder 1
8 3.8 Bucket cylinder 1
9 3.9 Medium shaft of boom 1
10 3. 10 Rear shaft of arm cylinder 1
11 3. 11 Front shaft of arm cylinder 1
12 3. 12 Front shaft of boom 1
13 3. 13 Rear shaft of bucket cylinder 1
14 3. 14 Medium shaft of arm 1
Front shaft of bucket
15 3. 15 1
16 3. 16 Front shaft of arm 1
Connecting shaft between
17 3. 17 1
bucket and connecting rod
18 3. 18 shaft locker sleeve 7

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Overall dimensions Unit: mm

9A wheel track 895
B overall length of track 1203
C Ground clearance of platform 357
D Ground clearance of platform tail 800
E Chassis width 930
F Crawler width 180
H Crawler height 313
I Transportation length 2775
J overall height 2219

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Work range Unit: mm

A Max. digging radius on ground 2850
B Max. digging depth 1650
C Max. digging height 2600
D Ground clearance of platform tail 800
E Chassis width 930
F Crawler width 180
H Crawler height 313
I Transportation length 2775
J overall height 2219

Performance parameters
weight of complete machine kg 900
standard bucket capacity ml 0.025
Rated power kw 8.2Kw/3600r/min

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Overview on Excavators
Excavator is composed of power train, work equipment, swing mechanism,
control mechanism, drive system, raveling mechanism and auxiliary cquipment,
as shown in fig. 1-1. Mounted on the rotary table are the regular full-swing type
hydraulic excavators, main components of drive system, swing mechanism and
auxiliary devices, which are referred to as upper rotary. Therefore, a excavator
is divided into work equipment, upper rotary and traveling mechanism.

Work Principle of Excavators

Diesel engine changes the chemical energy of diesel into mechanical energy
that is then altered with hwdraulis gear pump to hydraulic energy that is
distributed to each actuating element (such as hydraulic cylinder, swing motor
and traveling motor). Ater that, each actuating ekment transform the lhydraulic
energy back to mechanical energy, driving the work equipment and running the
complete machine.

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Movement and power transmission route of excavator shown below:

l. Traveling power route: diesel engine —— coupler —— hydraulic pump(mechanical
energy changed to hydraulic energy) —— distributor valve —— central swing joint ——
traveling motor(hydraulic energy changed to mechanical energy)—— sprocket ——
rubber crawler—— starting of traveling
2. swing power route: diesel engine —— coupler —— hydraulic pump
(mechanical energy changed to hydraulic energy)—— distributor valve—— swing
motor(hydraulic energy changed to mechanical energy) —— slewing bearing ——
realizing of wing
3. Boom power route: diesel engine —— coupler —— hydraulic pump
(mechanical energy changed to hydraulic energy) —— distributor valve —— boom
cylinder (hydraulic energy changed to mechanical energy)——boom movement
4. Arm power route: diesel engine —— coupler —— hydraulic pump(mechanical
energy changed to hydraulic energy)—— distributor valve —— arm cylinder(hydraulic
energy changed to mechanical energy)—— arm movement
5. Bucket power route: diesel engine ——coupler —— hydraulic pump
(mechanical energy changed to hydraulic energy) —— distributor valve ——
bucket cylinder(hydraulic energy changed to mechanical energy)—— bucket movement

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Basic structure of excavators mechanical system

1. Power system
Excavator is equipped with single-cylinder air-cooling diesed engine.

2. Drive system
Excavator's drive system could transfer the output power from diesel engine through the
hydraulic system to work equipment, swing mechanism and traveling mechanism.

3. Swing mechanism
Swing mechanism could tum the work equipment and upper rotary leftwards and
rightwards, so as to do the excavating and the unloading, excavators swing mechanism
has to fix the rotary table onto frame and has it swing flexibly, without any inclining risk.
Therefore, excavator is equipped with a slewing support (supports) and a slewing drive
(power ofturntableslewing), which are called by a joint name as swing mechanism.

3.1 Slewing Support

Excavator has its rotary table supported with a rolling bearing, realizing the swinging of
upper rotary.

3.2 Rotary Drive

Excavator adopts the direct drive type. Namely, the output shaft of low-speed
high-torque hydraulic motor is mounted with a driving pinion which meshes with the
slewing gear ring.

4. Traveling Mechanisme
Traveling mechanism supports the complete weight of excavator and drives it to run.
Excavator has the crawler traveling mechanism similar to other crawlers, with one
hydraulic motor driving one track. This excavator adopts low-speed high-torque motor.
When two hydraulic motors run in the same direction, this machine goes straightly forward;
when one motor is supplied with oil and the other is braked, excavator steers around the
braked track; when two motors runs reversely, excavator rotates insitu.
Each part of traveling mechanism is mounted on integral traveling frame. The pressure oil
from hy draulic pump soes through the multi-way directional valve and the central swing
joint into the hydraulic traveling motor that changes the pressure cnerey into output torque
that then goes to sprocket, driving excavator to run.

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Each part of traveling mechanism is mounted on integral traveling frame. The pressure oil
from hy draulic pump soes through the multi-way directional valve and the central swing
joint into the hydraulic traveling motor that changes the pressure cnerey into output torque
that then goes to sprocket, driving excavator to run.
Excavator's sprockets are of integral castings and able to correctly engase with track,
featuring balance drive rockets located at rear part of excavator, shortening the tensioner
part and relieving the track abrasion, wear and power cons umption. Each track is
equipped with a tensioner, adjusting the track tension and reducing the track vibration
noise, abrasion, wear and power loss.

5. Work Mechanism
The hydraulic excavator could have multiple work equipment, up to dozens of varicties,
with backhoe and ripper most popular.
Excavator has the boom, am and bucket articulated with each other, as shown in figure and
swing around their articulated points respectively with aid of the hy draulic cylinder,
finishing the excavating, lifting and unloading.

5.1 Boom
As the main component of backhoe work equipment, the intgrated skewed boom is
adopted on excavator.
Being of the most popular type at present, skewed boom could allow excavator to dip
deeper and to lower the unloading depth, satisfying the backhoe requirenents.

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5.2 Bucket
1) The longitudinal profile of bucket meets the law of motion of various materials
inside of bucket, facilitating the material flow and minimizing the loading resistance
and thus fulfilling the bucket.
2) Bucket teeth are mounted to increase the linear specific pressure of bucket onto
material, with unit Icutting resistance relatively low and easing to cut in and break soil.
In addition, the teeth are resistant to wear and easy to replace.
3) The load is easy to get off, shortening the unloading time and increasing the
effective capacity of bucket.
Bucket shape and size for backhoe are highly related to work objects. In order to
meet various excavation, one excavator could be equipped with multiple types of buckets,
with backhoe most popular. Bucket tecth could be mounted with rubber pins and bolts.
Connection between bucket and hydraulic cylinder is of linkage mechanism, with
bucket direct articulated with hydraulic cylinder, which drops the rotation angle of bucket
but enables the work torque to change greatly..

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Hydraulic system structure of excavators I. Rotary motor

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Main Pump

13 DHP006-08 Gear 1 20CrMnTi
12 DHP006-07 Shim 2 Nylon
11 DHP006-06 Mat Seal 2 Rubber1-4
10 DHP006-05 Side Plate 1 25 Steel
9 DHP006-04 Pump 1 QT450-10
8 DHP006-03 Sealing Rings Prevent 1 Rubber1-4
7 DU Bearing Φ21×Φ19×20 4 Assembly
6 DHP006-02 Front Cover 1 QT450-10
5 Oil Seals NY19X32X7 1 Assembly
4 GB893.1-86 Back-up Ring 32 1 65Mn
3 DHP006-01 Gear Shafts 1 20CrMnTi
2 GB93-87 Gasket 10 4 65Mn
1 GB80-85 ScrewM10X65-10.9 4 40Cr

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Traveling Motor
Dise Valve Motors-6000 series 005 and 006

Traveling Motor
Dise Valve Motors-6000 series 005 and 006

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Schematics of main valve





Front shovel




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Electrical system diagram

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Being of high temperature and pressure, the excavator could have the
hydraulic oil temperature as high as 85 ℃ the engine silencer temperature as
high as 700 ℃ and pressure as high as 16-18MPa. Therefore. the operators
should be specially trained to obtain the proper certificates and to be familiar
with the contents in this manual before the operations. In addition,
maintenance and repair of excavator should be strictly in line with regulations to
avoid any accident.

Schematics of main valve

There are four basic movements: bucket rotation, arm stretching / backing, boom lifting / lowering
and tumtable swinging.

In general, pulling/pushing of hydraulic cylinder and rotation of hydraulic motor is controlled with
three-way axial slide valve through the oil-flow direction and the work speed is controlled by
operator or auxiliary devices according to the quantitative system and the valve openness.

1.1 Basic requirements on control system

Basic requirements on control system include:
1) Control system should be centralized in the driving area of upper rotary and satisfy the
man-machine requirements. For example, controllers and driver seat should be designed
according to 160-180 cm for males and 150-170 cm for females.
2) Startup and stop should be steady, with its speed and strength in control. At the same
time, the combine actions should be also in control.
3) Easy, handy and visual operations In general, the operational force on handle does not
exceed 40-60 N and handle travel does not exceed 17cm.
4) Control mechanism should minimize the deformation of its lever, as well as the inside
clearance and the idle travel.
5) Ensure the operational performance does not change in -40-50℃ .

Preparation for work

1. Inspection before startup

In order to prolong its service span, check the following before startup:
①. Check if there is dirt around or below machine, bolts loosened, any oil leaked and if any
part damaged or worn.
②. Check if all switches, lamps and fuse box could work normally.
③. Check if the work equipment and hydra0.ulic parts could work normally.
④. Check if all engine oil levels and fuel level are proper.
The above should be checked normal: otherwise engine cannot be started up until they are checked
normal after troubleshooting.

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2. Maintenance before startup

Before startup each shift, it is needed to grease the work equipment and the slewing bearing.

3. Preheating of machine on cold days

If it is cold, engine is difficult to start up, fuel may be frozen and hydraulic oil may increase its
viscosity. Therefore, selection of fuel should be dependent on environment temperature.
When hydraulic oil is less than 25℃, it is needed to preheat the machine before any work; otherwise
machine may not respond or react very quickly, leading to severe accident.
Therefore it is needed to preheat machine if it is cold:
① . Adjust the manual accelerator to have engine run at medium speed, and then slowly move bucket
forth and back for 5min.
Caution: do not operate other actuators than the bucket.
②. Adjust the manual accelerator to have engine run at high speed, and then move the boom, the arm
and the bucket for 5- 10min.
Caution: operations are merely limited on boom, arm and bucket, instead of any slewing or traveling.
③. Each complete action of excavator should be carried out for a few times, completing the preheating
and ready to work.

Operational essentials
1. Traveling
Use the traveling handles.
(1) Straight
Forwards or backward move the handle, running the machine forwards or backwards.
(2) Steering
a. Left turn in situ: backward shift the left handle and meanwhile forward push the right handle.
b. Right turn in situ: backward shift right handle and meanwhile forward push the left handle.
c. Left turn with left track as axis: forward move the right handle
d. Right turn with right track as axis: forward move the left handle
2. 1 The excavator slewing and the work equipment are respectively controlled with two handles,
with positions shown below:

Forward Forward Forward

Dozer Left Right

shovel travel travel

Back Back Back

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Boom down
Arm stretch

Right turn

Left turn Bucket Load Unload

Arm stretch Boom Up

2.2 Basic excavation

1. Before excavation, the arm cylinder should have angle with the arm as 90, bucket with
ground to be excavated as 30. Only in such case, can each cylinder have the max. excavating
force. It is suitable for relatively hard soil, so as to decrease the excavating resistance.
2. To excavate any soft soil, bucket should be angled with the soil to be 60°, increasing the
work efficiency.
2.3 Lower excavation
Keep the angle between bucket base and the bevel at 30°, and retract the arm to start work.
2.4 Upper excavation
Keep the bucket blade vertical to the ground, and retract the arm to start work.
2.5 Ditching is carried out in 7 steps, as shown in figure.

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Operational Precautions
prohibitions and precautions for hydraulic excavators
1. Avoid the landsliding and the stone falling.
2. Avoid any striking of work equipment.
3. Avoid the bucket from colliding with other vehicle body, the loaded bucket crossing over
other vehicle cab or persons.
4. Avoid the excavator from sinking into soft ground or wetland.
5. In traveling, avoid any large obstacles such as large stone.
6. It is prohibited to work with water depth exceeding the allowable limit.
7. while unloaded or loaded, the large stones should be handled carefully not to fall down.
8. On cold days, park the machine on solid ground to avoid the track being frozen. Remove
any scrap away from track and its frame. If track is iced onto ground, use boom to lift track
and carefully move the machine, so as not to damage the sprocket and the track.
9. Before movement of machine, make sure the traveling direction is consistent with its
handle. when traveling motor is at rear part, forward push the traveling handle, to drive
machine forwards.
10. For long - distance traveling, please rest for 5min every running for 20min, so as not to
damage the traveling motor.
11. Never try to cross over a slope of more than 15 degree, so as to avoid the machine from
12. Avoid any accidents occurring during machine reversing or slewing.
13. In work, do not completely dig the soil out of bottom of machine.
14. Avoid any collapse: never run on high dam or slope, which otherwise may have the
machine collapsed or sliding away, leading to severe accident.
15. Be careful of underground facilities: unexpected cutoff the underground cables
or gas pipe may lead to explosion, fire or even personal casualty.
16. Be careful of overhead facilities such as bridge: if work equipment or other parts collides
with over-bridge or others, it may result in personal injury; care must be taken to prevent the
boom or the arm from colliding with any elevated item.
17. Keep safe distance from overhead power line: in work around power line, do not have
any part of machine or any load move to 3m timed by 2 of away from the power insulation.
Verify and abide by the local related laws and rules. wetland may have the range of electric
shock enlarged. Therefore, the irrelative should be kept away from work area.

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Daily inspection and maintenance

Interval (h)
S/N Item Quantity Remark
10 50
Check the engine oil level in sump 1 ★
Check the hydraulic oil level in hydraulic oil tank 1 ★
Check the fuel level in tank 1 ★
Check the oil-water separator to completely
1 ★
drainany water or sediment out.
Check if the fuel pipe is leaked or cracked. ★
Check if the fuel pipe is cracked or bent. ★
Check the work equipment pivots ★
Check if the hydraulic hose and the pipeline leak ★
Check if the bucket teeth is worn or loosened. 4 ★
Check the seatbelt 1 ★
Check the bolts and nuts for tightening torque ●
Check the bolts and nuts for tightening torque Aperiodically

Note: ★ : Maintenance interval under normal conditions

●: Maintenance needed at the first inspection
◆ : 1nitial 100h

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Periods of overhaul, medium and minor repair.

Interval (h)
S/N Item Quantity Remark
100 250 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 4000
Greasing of
1 ★
slewing bearing
Greasing of slewing
2 ★
bearing gears
3 Change the engine oil ● ▲ ★
4 Change the hydraulic oil. △ ★ △
Change the hydraulic
5 ★
oil suction filter elements
Check if the fuel pipe is
6 ★
cracked or bent.
Change the
7 ★
oil-water separator
Check the fuel hose for
8 ★
leakage / crack
Check the fuel hose for
9 ★
crack / leakage
10 Change the bucket
11 Connection of bucket
12 Remove the traveling handle
13 Replace the seatbelt
14 Check the defection of track ★
15 Maintenance of tensioner ★ ★

Note: ★: Maintenance interval under normal conditions

▲ : Maintenance interval of engine oil
△: Change interval of hydraulic oil is dependent on the work oil type.
☆: Under the dusty environment, shorten the maintenance interval.

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A Grease
Parts Quantity
10 50 100 250 500 1000 2000
Pivot at base of boom
Pivot at base of boom
1. Lubrication of
cylinder ★
work equipment
Pivots of bucket and
connecting rod
others: ★
2. Lubrication of slewing bearing ★
3. Lubrication of external

meshing gear of slewing bearing
Note: it is recommended to use the lithium grease.
★Maintenance interval under pormal conditions

Preparation for work

●Pivot between bucket and connecting rod

●Pivot at base of boom

●Pivot at base of boom

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● Others
Pivot between boom and arm; pivot of arm cylinder plunger;
pivot at , base of bucket cylinder.

2. slewing bearing - every 250h

1. Park machine on the flat ground.
2. Lower the bucket onto ground.
3. Idle engine at low speed for 5min.
4. Turn the ignition switch to oFF and then take off the key.
5. with the upper.structure standing still, add the grease into the two grease nipples.
6. start up engine to lift the bucket free from the ground, and then swing the upper.structure by 45
degree ( 1/8 cycle).
7. Lower the bucket onto ground.
3. External meshing gear 45 of slewing bearing----- every 500h
Lower the bucket onto the ground
Turn off the engine.
1. Park machine on the flat ground.
2. Lower the bucket onto ground.
3. Idle engine at low speed for 5min.
4. Turn the ignition switch to off and then take off the key.
5. The grease has to be stored on the top of external meshing gear of slewing bearing, free of any
Add approximate 0.5kg of grease if needed.
Any polluted grease should be replaced with new one.

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Parts Quantity
10 50 100 250 500 1000 2000

Engine oil ★
Engine oil filter ★

According to the temperature range during the interval, select the

viscosity of oil listed in the table below: Recommended engine oil brand:
15W-40 engine oil

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Inspection of engine oil level ———each day

Change of engine oil ———every 500 h
Change the engine oil filter ———every 500 h
1. start up engine to preheat up engine oil properly.
2. Park the vehicle on the flat ground.
3. Lower the bucket onto the ground.
4. Idle engine at low speed for 5min.
5. Turn the ignition switch to OFF and then take off the key.
6. Take off the drain plug to have oil pass through clean cloth into the 2L container.
7. After that, check if there is metal scrap or others left on cloth.
8. Put the drain plug back on and tighten it
9. Loosen the drain plug to have oil flow through the filter cylinder into a container.
10.Take off the screws fixing the engine oil filter elements with a screwdriver to take the filter
element out.
11. Reinstall the new filter and tighten the screws fixing the new element with a screwdriver.
12. Remove the oil filter cap to add the recommended oil into engine. After 15 min, check if
the oil level is between the circle markers.
13. Put the oil filler cap back on.
14. Shut down engine Unplug the ignition key.
15. Check if the drain plug is leaking.
16. Check the oil level on dipstick.

Caution: Keep your body and face away from the breather. when gear oil is still hot,
please wait until it cools down and then slowly release the breather pressure!

Parts Quantity
10 50 100 250 500 1000 1500 2500 4000
Check the hydraulic oil level 1 ★
Clean the drain pipe of
1 ★
hydraulic oil reservoir
Change the hydraulic oil. 16.5L ★
Change the hydraulic oil
1 ★
suction filter elements

Check the hose ★

and pipeline ★
Change the hose ★
Note: ★ normal maintenance interval

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Inspection and maintenance of hydraulic system

Caution: in work, the hydraulic system may become very hot. Please cool the machine
down before inspection or maintenance!

1.Before maintenance of hydraulic system, make sure the machine stands on flat and solid
2.Lower the bucket onto ground and shut down engine.
3.Do not start any maintenance until the systems, hydraulic oil and lubricant completely cool
down, as the hydraulic system may be still hot and pressurized as soon as work is over.
a. Drain the air out of hydraulic oil reservoir to release inside pressure.
b. Cool the machine down.

Caution: inspection and maintenance of hot and pressure parts may cause them or
hydraulic oil to spray out, leading to personal injury!

c.while removing the bolts or nuts, do not have your body facing them, as the
hydraulic parts, even if they cools down, still have pressure. .
d.Never try to check the traveling or slewing motor circuits on slope, as they may have
pressure due to their dead weight. .
4. while connecting the hydraulic hoses and pipeline, keep the seal surface free of any dirt and
damage. Keep the above mentioned in mind:
a. Clean the hose, the pipeline and inside of hydraulic oil tank with detergent, and then
thoroughly dry them.
b. Use the o.ring free of any damage or defect.
c. while connecting the pressure hose, do not twist it: otherwise its service span will be
shortened. .
d. Carefully tighten the low.pressure hose clamp.
5. The hydraulic oil to be added should have the same grade. Namely, do not mix the oil with
different grades. The hydraulic oil has been added before delivery, and therefore, please
use the recommended oil. All oil in system should be changed at once.
6. with no hydraulic oil, never start up engine.

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I. Inspection of hydraulic oil level ---each day

Important: with no hydraulic oil, never start up engine!

1. Park machine on the flat ground.

2. Completely retract the arm cylinder and extend out the bucket cylinder, so as to locate the
3. Lower the bucket onto the ground.
5. Idle engine at low speed for 5min.
6. Shut down engine Unplug the ignition key.
7. Check if the oil level in hydraulic oil tank between the markers on dipstick, and add it if
Caution: Hydraulic oil tank has pressure, and therefore slowly open its cap to release
pressure before adding of oil

9. Open the hydraulic oil tank to add oil and then check the oil level again
10. Put the cap back on hydraulic oil tank

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I.Change the hydraulic oil ---2000 h

Replace the hydraulic oil suction filter element-----every 1000 h

Important: with no hydraulic oil, never start up engine!

1. Park machine on the flat ground.

2. Completely retract the arm cylinder and extend out the bucket cylinder, so as to locate the
3. Lower the bucket onto the ground.
4. Idle engine at low speed for 5min.
5. Shut down engine Unplug the ignition key.
6. Dismantle the covers
7. Clean the top of hydraulic oil reservoir to avoid any dirt into its system.
8. Slowly open the hydraulic oil cap to release the pressure.
9. Loosen and take down the oil-pickup filter element cap.
10. Loosen and take down the drain plug at bottom of hydraulic oil tank to drain the oil out
11. Take out the oil-pickup filter and the levers.

Caution: the hydraulic oil tank has pressure. slowly open the hydraulic oil cap to
release the pressure before taking off the cap !

12. Clean the filter and inside of hydraulic tank.

13. Use oil -pickup pump to suck the oil residue out of bottom of hydraulic oil tank.
14. Put on the filter and the levers to make sure the filter is correctly fixed onto the outlet.
15. Clean and re-install the drain plug onto the bottom of tank.
16. Add the oil until between markers on oil dipstick.
17. Put on the oil-pickup filter element cap to make sure the filter and the levers are at
correct position and then tighten the bolts to 49N.m.
1mportant: with no oil in hydraulic pump, starting up of engine may damage to hydraulic
18. Tighten the oil tank cap.
19. With engine idling at low speed, slowly and steadily control the lever for 15min to drain
the air out of hydraulic system.
20. Completely retract the arm cylinder and extend out the bucket cylinder, so as to locate
the machine.
21. Lower the bucket onto the ground.
22. Turn off the engine. Unplug the ignition key.
23. Check the hydraulic oil level in hydraulic oil tank and add it if needed.

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V. Inspection of hose and pipeline
--Each day
--every 250 h

Caution: any sprayed fluid could penetrate your skin, leading to personal casualty!

Therefore, use a paperboard to check for leakage.

In addition, care must be taken to keep your hands and body away from pressure oil.
In case of accident, please immediately go to doctor with trauma experience. Any fluid into skin has
to be removed in a few hours, which otherwise may lead to gangrene.

Caution: leaked hydraulic oil and lubricant may lead to fire or personal casualty!

1. Park machine on the flat ground. Lower the bucket onto the ground. shift the pilot switch to Lock
Turn off the engine. Unplug the ignition key.
2. Check if there is lost part, loosened pipe clamps, twisted hose, pipeline or hose rubbing with each
other. In case of any abnormal, please replace or tighten it according to table 1.3.
3. Tighten, repair or replace any loosened, damaged or lost pipe clamps, hoses, pipes, oil cooler and
flange bolts.
Do not bend or impact any pressure pipeline.
Never install any bent or damaged hose or pipeline.
Caution: related positions of check points and the abnormalities

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Interval (h) Check points Abnormal Measures

Replace it
Hose surface Leakage 1
Replace it
Every day Hose end Leakage 2
Tighten or replace the
Connector body Leakage 3
hose or o-ring

Crack 4
Replace it
Hose surface Crack 5
Replace it
Hose end Reinforcing material
Replace it
Hose surface protruded 6
Replace it
Every 250h Hose surface Local part protruded 7
Replace it
Hose Bend 8
Change it (proper bending
Hose Bend 9
Hose end and joint body Deformation or corrosion
Replace it

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Fuel system capacity of fuel tank:7L

Parts Quantity
10 50 100 250 500 1000 2000 2500 4000

Drain dirt out of collector of fuel tank 1 ★

Check the oil-water separator 1 ★

Change the oil-water separator 1 ★

Check the Leakage ★ ★

fuel hose Crack / twist / others ★ ★

Note: ★ normal maintenance interval

Recommended fuel:
Merely use the quality diesel (selection of fuel grade should be dependent on environmental temperature).
Fill up the fuel
1. Park machine on the flat ground
2. Lower the bucket onto ground
3. Idle engine at low speed for 5min
4. Shut down engine Unplug the ignition key.
Caution: fuel should be disposed carefully. Before filling of fuel, shut down engine.
No smoking before filling fuel or with fuel system working.
6. Pay attention to the fuel scale. Add the fuel if needed. Important: keep any dirt, dust, water or other
foreign material from getting into fuel system!
7. While filling of fuel tank, make sure the fuel is not sprayed on machine and added properly.
8. Put the cap back on fuel filler to avoid any lost or damage.

Inspection of oil-water separator ---every 200h

Oil-water separator is used to separate the water or sediment from fuel. Oil-water separator ① has a float
able to rise up when water becomes full. When there is water or sediment in the collector of oil-water
separator, please drain oil-water separator①.
Important: shorten the inspection interval of oil-water separator ① if there is excessive water in the fuel!
Drain steps:
Caution: the drain plug is designed to be counter- thread type and should be turned with hands. instead of
vise and wrench for protection of threads.

1. Manually loosen the drain plug at bottom of oilwater separator.

2. After the draining, manually tighten the drain to ensure no leakage of oil or air.
Caution: after the draining, make sure air is drained out of fuel system to make sure the engine could
start up normally.

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Electrical system -battery
I. Check the battery electrolyte level and the terminals.

Caution: gas inside of battery may explode it. Therefore, keep any spark and flame away
from battery.Use a flashlight to check the electrolyte level. In addition, the sulphuric acid in
battery electrolyte is as toxic as to burn your skin or your cloth holes or to blind your eyes.

Therefore, take the following methods to avoid any risk:

1. Refilling of battery should be done at well-ventilated site.
2. Put on goggles and plastic gloves.
3. Care must be taken not to spray out the electrolyte.
4. Use the proper measures to assist battery startup.
If touched with acid:
1. Rinse the skin
2. Use the soda or the lime to neutralize the acid.
3. Rinse eves for 10-15 min and then go to doctor.


a. Always firstly disconnect the battery clips (-) away from the ground and then lastly connect it.
b. Always keep the terminals at top to battery and the breather clean, to avoid the battery from
discharging. Check if the battery terminal is loosened or rusted. Coat the terminals with vaseline to
avoid any corrosion.

Replace the battery

There is a 12V battery with one negative pole (-) grounded.
If battery cannot be charged or store any electricity, replace the battery with same model.
Replace the fuse
If the electrical device does not work, please firstly check the fuse
Important: please install the fuse with correct amperage, so as to prevent against burning of electrical
system due to overloading!

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Parts Quantity
10 50 100 250 500 1000 2000 4000

Check if the bucket teeth

is worn or loosened.

Change the bucket If needed

Replace the bucket and connect If needed, replace the bucket and connect
the new one to machine. the new one to machine

Adjust the connecting rod of bucket 1 If needed

Take down the traveling lever 2 If needed

Check and replace the fuse 1 ★ Every 3 years

Check the track defection 2 ★ ★

Maintenance of tensioner 2 ◎

Check the fuel injection timing ◎

Measure the compression pressure of engine

Check the starter and the AC generator

Check the bolts and nuts for tightening torque ▢ ★

Note: ★ normal maintenance interval

◎Contact dealers
▢Maintenance needed at the first inspection

Check the bucket teeth -each day

1. Check if the bucket teeth is worn or loosened.
Worn beyond the service limit, the bucket teeth may be replaced.

Bucket tooth dimensions mm

New Service
190 130

Caution: care must be taken to avoid the metal scrap from flving out, leading to personal
injury. Wear the goggles or the safe glasses or safe devices suitable for operations!

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Caution: while hitting out or into the connecting pin, care must be taken to prevent against
any personal injury due to out-flied metal scrap. Wear the goggles or the safe glasses or safe
devices suitable for operations!

1. Park the machine on flat ground and lower the flat surface of bucket onto ground to make sure the
bucket does not move after the removal of pin
2. Slide the O-ring out, as shown in the figure
3.Remove the bucket pins A and B to separate the bucket and the arm. Clean the pin and its pin hole
and then properly grease them
4. Adjust the arm and the new bucket correctly, and make sure the bucket does not roll away.
5. Install the bucket pins A and B.
6. Put the locker and ring onto pins A andB.
7. Adjust the connection clearance of bucket at pin A. Refer to the way to adjust the bucket connection
8. Grease the pins A andB.
9. Start up engine and run it at low speed. Slowly rotate the bucket to two directions to check if there is
any interference to movement of bucket. Do not use any machine with interference, which should be
solved immediately.

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Check the bolts and nuts for tightening torque
every 250 h (initially at 50 h)
Check the tightness at initial 50h and then every 250 h. Tighten it to the set torque if needed. Replace it
with bolts and nuts with same or higher grade.

Important: please use the torque wrench to check the torques of bolts and nuts

Metric bolts and nuts

Thread dimensions Standard torque (N.m) Thread dimensions Standard torque (N.m)

M6 12.3 M14 160±3

M8 28.7 M16 240±4

M10 55. 10 M20 460±6

M12 100.2 M30 1600±2

2. Torque of main components: (N.m)

Thread dimensions Recommended torque

M16 bolts fixing the traveling motor 252±39.2 1
M16 bolts fixing the sprocket 252±39.2
M20 bolts fixing the slewing bearing 570±60
M20 bolts fixing the swing mechanism 570±60


1. Before installed. the bolts and nuts should be cleaned

2. Grease the bolts and the nuts (such as the white zinc b able to be dissolved to lubricant), so as to
stabilize their abrasion coefficient
3. The counterweight bolts should be kept tightened up.

Caution: all the tightening torques should be expressed with kef.m.

For example: use a wrench with 1m long to tighten the bolts and nuts, and apply 12kgf of force to the
end of wrench, generating the following torque:


To generate the same torque with 0.25m wrench: 0.25mxy=12kgf.m

Needed force: y=12kgf.m / 0.25m=48kgf

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Maintenance under the special cases

Operational conditions Precautions for maintenance

Before operation, check all the drain plugs are tightened up.
Moor land, rainy or snowy After operation, clean machine and check bolts and nuts for break,
damage, looseness or loss. Lubricate all parts to be lubricated on time.
Before operation, check all the drain plugs are tightened up.
After work, thoroughly clean the clean to remove the salt. Frequently
On beach
the electrical system from being corroded.
Track: careful operations Frequently check if bolts and nuts are broken,
damaged or lost Loosen the track a little than the usual.
Stony roads
Work equipment: parts may be damaged on stony roads. and therefore
please use the reinforced bucket or heavy-duty bucket
Fuel: use the high fuel suitable for low temperature
Lubricant: hydraulic oil and engine oil with dry quality and low viscosity.
Freezing cold Battery: keep the battery fully charged and maintain it at shorter interval.
The electrolyte may be frozen if it is not fully charged. Track: keep the
track clean. Park the machine on solid ground to avoid the track frozen.
Roof at driver seat: add the protective for cab roof if needed to prevent
Falling stone the
machine from being damaged with falling stone.

Storage of machine
1. Repair any worn or damaged parts, and put the new one if needed.
2. Clean the primary air filter elements.
3. If possible, retract all the hydraulic cylinders. If not, grease all the plungers exposed out of cylinder.
4. Lubricate all the grease points.
5. Put the track on the solid and long pad.
6. Cleaning of machine especially in winter, clean each part of excavator, especially the track.
7. Fully charged, the battery should be stored at dry and safe site. If battery cannot be taken down,
separate the battery negative pole from (-) pole.
8. Painting if needed to avoid rusting.
9. Store the machine at dry and safe site. If outdoors. it should be covered with water-proof cloth.
10. If machine is to be stored for long time, run it at least once each month.

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Section I General
To ensure excellent performance of excavator, all components and parts are of high quality. Machine's
performance and service life are determined not only by manufacturing quality and assembling
quality,but also maintenance quality.
The marketing representative and service engineer shall remind the user that preventive maintenance is
the easiest and most economical one among various ways of maintenance.
There are daily inspection and long-, medium- and short-term maintenance according to maintenance
Section II Troubleshooting of mechanism

Symptom Possible causes How to solve

1. The loose fasteners make noise. 1.Inspect and tighten.

Noisy structural components 2. Aggravated abrasion between bucket 2.Adjust the clearance to less
and end face of bucket rod. than 1mm.
1. Deformed spring and weakened
Bucket teeth have dropped elasticity of bucket tooth pin.
Change the bucket tooth pin
during operation 2. Unmatched bucket tooth pin and
1. Tighten the crawler
1. Loose crawler
2. The guide wheel shall
The crawler has tangled up 2. The driving wheel moves fast in front
move slowly in front on
on rugged road.
rugged road

Section III Troubleshooting of hydraulic system

Symptom Possible causes How to solve

Low oil level of hydraulic oil tank that

Add enough hydraulic oil
the main pump sucks no oil
Change the filter and clean the
Oil filter is blocked
Engine coupling is damaged (such as
plastic plate, elastic plate)
The whole excavator
does not move The main pump is damaged. Change or repair the main pump

Adjust to regular pressure. If it fails

to increase the pressure of servo
The servo system pressure is low or
overflow valve, disassemble to
wash: if the spring is fatigue, add a
washer or change the spring.

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Symptom Possible causes How to solve

Adjust to regular pressure. If it fails

to increase the pressure,
The safety valve is set at low pressure or
disassemble and wash. If the
spring is fatigued, ass a washer or
change the spring.
Oil suction pipe of main pump explodes
Change with a new one
or comes off
The main pump supplying fuel to
unilateral crawler is damaged.
The main valve rod is stuck and the
Repair or change
The unilateral crawler spring is broken

fails to move Traveling motor is damaged Change

The upper and lower chambers of swivel Change the oil seal or clean
joint are connected the assembly
Fuel pipe of traveling system explodes. Change
Less oil in hydraulic oil tank. Adjust to specified pressure
Low engine rpm. Adjust engine rpm
Low system safety valve pressure Adjust to specified pressure
Serious leak inside the main pump Change or repair the pump
The traveling motor, rotation motor and
cylinder are worn of different degree, Change or repair the worn parts
which causes internal leak.
The aged sealing components, worn Change hydraulic oil, change
hydraulic elements, degraded oil of old sealing components of the whole

The whole excavator excavator cause the operation speed machine, adjust the fit clearance

moves slowly or becomes powerless along with the and pressure of hydraulic

powerless increase of temperature. components.

The blocked engine filter causes serious
decrease of loaded rpm and even flames Change the element
The blocked hydraulic filter accelerates Clean and change the element
abrasion of pump, motor and valve and according to the maintenance
leads to internal leak. schedule.

Serious between main valve rod and

Repair the valve rod
valve hole causes serious internal leak.

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Symptom Possible causes How to solve

Change the oil seal and change

Central rotation connector is damaged.
the groove if it is damaged
The high pressure chamber and low
pressure chamber of traveling operation Change
valve is connected.
The right and left
Serious leak inside the traveling
traveling systems do not Change
operation valve
move (no other
Low overloaded pressure of traveling
valve of main valve or the valve rod is Adjust and grind
The left and right traveling reducers fail Repair
The left and right traveling motors fail Repair
The oil pipe explodes Change
Wrong adjustment of variable point of
main valve or serious internal leak of a Adjust or repair
Internal or external spring of one
traveling valve core of main valve is Change
damaged or tightened
Deviation during
The traveling motor leaks inside due to
traveling (no other Repair or change
The sealing component of central
rotation connector is aged and Change the sealing component

The left and right crawlers are of

different tightening.

Boom (bucket rod and

Main valve core is stuck or valve rod
bucket) move to one Repair or change
spring breaks.
direction only.
Boom valve rod is stuck or of low
overloaded pressure
Fuel supply pipe leaks, detached, O Change the damaged
Boom (bucket rod and
ring, damaged or pipe fitting is loose component
bucket) does not move.
Sandstone in main valve or the low
pressure chamber is connected to the Change
high pressure chamber

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Symptom Possible causes How to solve

Boom (bucket rod and Low overloaded valve pressure Adjust

bucket) drops too quick Change the sealing component,
or the cylinder drops at a Serious internal leak of cylinder repair the inner wall or groove of
certain height even it is cylinder or change the cylinder.
not operated due to dead
weight Loose oil pipe fitting, damaged O ring Change

Serious internal leak of multiway valve

or sandstone inside it
Boom (bucket rod and
Low overloaded pressure Adjust
bucket) works
Serious internal leak of oil cylinder Change the oil seal
The main valve is disabled due to
Repair or change
internal leak.
Multiway valve core is stuck or serious
Grind or change
internal leak
Boom (bucket rod and Multiway valve rod spring breaks Change
bucket) moves even it is Leak of working cylinder, or the working
Change the oil seal
not operated device drops due to dead weight
Low pressure of overload overflow Adjust to specified pressure.
valve or the spring breaks Change the spring if it is broken.

Wrong grade of hydraulic oil for

Change the hydraulic oil

Hot hydraulic oil Hydraulic oil cooler surface is polluted

by oil.and dirt, which blocks the air hole.

Low oil level of hydraulic oil tank Add enough hydraulic oil

The hydraulic components such as

motor, main valve and oil cylinder or
sealing components are seriously worn
and cause internal leak, which
increases the oil temperature. Traveling
Change the elements in time
rotation and working device are delayed
and powerless. The hot temperature
degrades the hydraulic oil. The safety
valve is of poor air tightness, which
leads to overflow.

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Symptom Possible causes How to solve

Hydraulic oil pipe breaks Change

No action of rotation (no Rotary valve rod on main valve is stuck Repair
other abnormalities) Rotary motor is damaged Repair or change
The rotation support is damaged Change
The right and left rotation of multiway valve is
Indifferent left and right Adjust
of different overloaded pressure
rotation speed (no other
Rotation valve rod of multiway valve is slightly
Change pipe fitting and
Serious external leak of hydraulic oil pipe
sealing components
Low overloaded pressure for rotation of
Delayed or powered multiway valve
rotation (no other Serious internal leak of rotary motor Repair or change
abnormalities) The high and low pressure chambers of
multiway valve are connected, sand hole on
valve body due to casting, which causes
oneway action or linked actions

The rotation mechanism

moves even it is Main valve rod spring breaks Change
Low oil level of hydraulic oil tank Add oil
The oil contains too much moisture and air Change
Safety valve of multiway valve makes noise Adjust
Damaged coupling Change
The excavator makes
Vibration caused by loose pipe clamp Adjust
abnormal noise and
Blocked filter Change
shakes during operation.
Air exists in oil suction hose Release the air
Uneven engine rpm Adjust
The bearing of working device is not Apply lubrication oil or
lubricated or scraped. change the shaft or sleeve

Change the sealing

Damaged sealing components
A groove is found on the piston rod due to
Powerless oil cylinder or Coat, paint, repair or
abrasion or detachment of chromium coating
oil leak change
of piston rod, which causes oil leak.
The air in the cylinder causes shaking noise
Release the air
during operation

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Section IV Troubleshooting of electrical control system

Fault codes of electrical control system of excavator

The engine fails to start
The engine flames out during operation
The engine fails to flame out
Automatic slow-down does not work
Slewing and traveling of all working devices.

Principle diagram
1. The engine fails to start

Fault description •The engine fails to start

Low engine rpm Adjust to regular rpm
The fuel pump system Pump fault Change
does not supply fuel or Less fuel in the tank Add fuel
supply less fuel Fuel tube breaks, tube connector is loose
and O ring is damaged

Possible causes Standard value in regular condition and reference value of fault diagnosis
Battery voltage Color of charge state dens imeter
1 Low battery
Above 12V Green (if it is white, change the battery)
In case the fuse is burnt, the GND fail may happen.If he monitoring indicator on
2 Fuse Fl and F11 fail the monitor panel is not illuminated, inspect the circuit between battery and
specified fuse.
★Turn the start switch of engine to OFF as preparation and keep it at OFF
during diagnosis.
Engine ignition
3 Ignition switch Position Resistance
switch fault
Between 30 and 17
Start Below1Ω
★Turn the start switch of engine to OFF as preparation and keep it at OFF
during diagnosis.
Pin Resistance
4 Starter relay K3 fault
85-86 200-400Ω
87-30 Above1MΩ
87a-30 Below1Ω
Security lock switch ★Turn the start switch of engine to OFF as preparation and keep it at OFF
5 fault (open circuit during diagnosis.
inside) Lock rod Resistance

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Possible causes Standard value in regular condition and reference value of fault diagnosis
Unlocked 1MΩ
Between 105 and GND
Locked Below1Ω
★Turn the start switch of engine to OFF as preparation and keep it at OFF
during diagnosis. If all PS. GND, signals and engine start input are correct while
engind start output is abnomal, the engine starter relay fails.
Start motor fault
Engine or start motor Engine start switch Voltage
6 (open circuit or
PS; terminal B
short.circuit inside) 20~30V
and GND
Input of engine start, terminal C
and GND
★Turn the start switch of engine to OFF as preparation and keep it at OFF
7 Alternator fault
Below 1V
★Turm the start switch ofengine to OFF as preparation and keep it at OFF
Disconnected wire
during diagnosis.
harness (disconnect
from connector or
Resistance Below 1
poor contact)

★Turn the start switch of engine to OFF as preparation and keep it at OFF
Poor GND of wire during diagnosis.
9 harness (contact
with.earth circuit) Resistance Above 1M

Short circuit of wire ★Turn the start switch of engine to OFF as preparation and keep it at OFF
10 harness (contact with during diagnosis.
24V circuit) Voltage Below 1V

2. Engine flames out during operation

Symptom ●Engine flames out during operation
Standard value in regular condition and reference value of fault
Disconnected wire ★Turn the start switch of engine to OFF as preparation and keep
harness (disconnect it at OFF during diagnosis.
from.connector or poor
Between CN-12T ① and CN-132F ⑥ Resistance Below 1
★Turn the start switch of engine to OFF as preparation and keep
Poor GND of wire
it at OFF during diagnosis.
2 harness (contact with
earth circuit) Between CN-12T ① and CN-132F ⑥ Resistance

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Section IV Troubleshooting of electrical control system

1. Symptoms of failed startup of engine:

When starting the engine, the starter drives the engine but the engine fails to be started.
Possible causes:
(1) Low battery;
(2) Battery terminal is rusted or loose;
(3) Battery earth wire is rusted or loose or poor GND ofengine;
(4) Starter relay armature fails to disengage;
(5) Ignition switch fault or starter fault.

How to solve:
(1) Low battery is caused by electrical appliances that are not powered off in previous day. Next time,
do not forget to power off all electrical appliances at the end of the dav. If vou have well charged the
battery during driving the day before. the battery shall be on a full charge at the end of the day. For
failed start-up caused by low battery, change the battery pack or connect to another battery pack in
parallel to start the engine.
(2) Clean the battery terminal, tighten the PS wire clip to contact the PS wire with battery temminal
(3) Clean the battery earth wire terminal to ensure reliable GND; ensure reliable GND of engine.
(4) Repair or change starter relay;
(5) Inspect and repair ignition switch and inspect and repair the starter;
(6) Long period operation of battery may increase the internal resistance: therefore. it is necessary to
repair the battery and correctly charge the battery and change with new battery pack if necessary; the
battery shall be fully charged to ensure successful start-up of engine.

2. Check if it is low fuel level that makes hard to start the diesel engine
When starting the engine, the starter runs at acceptable rpm, however, it fails to start the engine.
Possible causes:
(1) Fuel tank is empty;
(2) Fuel supply system channel fault;
(3) Air, water or foreign matter exist in fuel system, which block the system;
(4) Fuel pump fault;
(5) Engine fault;
How to solve:
(1) Fill the fuel tank with standard fuel, start the engine and run the engine to deliver the fuel to
(2) Inspect pipeline of fuel supply system, fuel filter and fuel pump; change blocked and damaged
assembly if necessary to ensure unobstructed fuel supply;
(3) Release air in fuel system. If the engine can not be started due to air blockage, decrease the
(4) Inspect the fuel pump. Only when the fuel pump works well can the fuel supply be unobstructed.
Fuel supply seldom fails and air blockage and water blockage seldom happen when the fuel supply of
fuel pump islarge.

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(6) Inspect and repair the engine. Only when the engine works well can the start-up fail never or
seldom happen.

3. Check if it is hard to start the engine

(1) Starter runs at correct rpm and drives the engine: however, it is hard to start the engine.
(2) It is hard to start the engine when it is cold.
(3) It is hard to start the engine when it is hot Possible causes.
(1) Fuel filter is blocked.
(2) Fuel pump fault.
(3) Wrong injection timing.
(4) Low temperature of oil and intake air.
(5) Intake air filter is blocked.
(6)Leak of fuel tubeStarter fault.
(8) Improper start operation.
(9) Wrong fuel grade.
(10) Engine faultHow to solve.
(1) Inspect and change the fuel filter.
(2) Inspect and change the air filter element.
(3) Inspect and adjust the fuel pump.
(4)Inspect the fuel tube and oil channel to ensure unblocked oil supply.
(5) Inspect the starter and start control device for reliable operation.
(6) Start the engine in correct ways.
(7) Add fuel of correct grade and discharge the water in fuel in the low part of fuel tank if necessary.
(8) Repair the engine.

4. Check if the starter fails to start the engine

(1) Turn the ignition switch to ON, the starter does not work.
(2) The driving gears of starter do not engage.
(3) The driving gears of starter fail to disengage.
(4) Low engine rpm and uneven engine rpm;
Possible causes:
(1) The battery is not fully charged.
(2) Terminals of battery are loose.
(3) Battery earth wire is loose.
(4) Start circuit is disabled.
(5) Electromagnetic relay armature is adherent;

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(6) Starter fault.

(7) Driving gear of starter is stuck by engine flywheel gear ring.
(8) Driving gear of starter adheres to the bearing.
(9) The starter fails to drive the engine;
(10) Engine fault;

How to solve:

(1) Check if the battery is fully charged; if not, charge it change the battery if necessary.
(2) Connect the battery terminal and connector;
(3) Repair the battery earth wire.
(4) Inspect the start circuit and ensure the terminal of starter shall be live.
(5) Inspect starter electromagnetic relay to eliminate fault of electromagnetic relay; it shall obvious to
hear the sound making by the relay when it sucks and separates.
(6) Inspect and repair the starter.
(7) Start again to engage the starter driving gear and engine flywheel gear.
(8) Inspect the bearing on the end of starting shaft of starter.
(9) Small torque of starter, change the starter if necessary.
(10) Repair the engine to ensure sound operation of engine.

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