KALLIALAY Price list
KALLIALAY Price list
KALLIALAY Price list
Aim: To catch your own foam wave and stand up on the surfboard
Aim: To catch your own green Aim: To catch your own green waves
waves (unbroken) and start (unbroken), start taking directions and
taking directions. trimming along the face of the wave.
- 16,000rs per person (1:8 PEOPLE) - 24,500rs per person (1:8 PEOPLE)
Aim: To catch your own green Aim: To catch your own green waves
waves (unbroken) ,start taking (unbroken) ,start taking directions and
directions and trimming along the trimming along the face of the wave
face of the wave with control with control on a smaller board
Aim: To catch your own foam wave and stand up on the surfboard
We set up the lessons according to the sea conditions and tides, since
those shift everyday, timings get confirmed a day before only.
Please be on time as the instructors have back-to-back scheduled
lessons and it’s not fair to the other students that respect the timings.
You should bring your own swimwear, sunscreen and towel. The rest
will be provided (surf top and surfboard).