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UNIT 16 Assembly Drawings LEARNING OBJECTIVES After completing this unit, you will be able to: + Explain the nature and role of assembly drawings in the industrial setting. ‘+ Explain different ways of creating pictorial and multiview assembly drawings used in industry. * Discuss the role of the subassembly drawing ‘+ Identify and read information about the components within an assembly drawing * Identify sectioning techniques used to delineate component parts in an assembly drawing, ‘+ Identify and read parts list information about assembly drawings that are drawn for multiple variations. TECHNICAL TERMS assembly drawing detail assembly drawing diagram assembly drawing exploded assembly drawing inseparable assembly drawing installation assembly drawing subassembly subassembly drawing it 15 discussed the nature of detail drawings in industry. These drawings are necessary to Ui every piece or part of a product. This unit examines assembly drawings. These drawings are helpful by showing how each unit or subunit is put together. It is important to note that the terminology and definitions related to assembly drawings can vary greatly depending on the industry. Terms are not clearly defined and textbooks do not all agree, although standards such as ASME Y14.24, Types and Applications of Engineering Drawings , are working toward that end Drawing types can also be combined. For example, an assembly drawing may describe precise manufacturing processes that need to be applied after the assembly of two or more parts, but it may also contain detailed information about a part. In these cases, some drawings may function both as detail drawings and assembly drawings. It is common to express several specifications for the entire assembly using general notes In ASME Y14.24, the inseparable assembly drawing is defined as a drawing composed of two‘or more parts that, once assembled, are permanently joined and thus become one unit. Examples include welded or brazed parts, riveted parts, and parts with pressed or molded inserts. Within the context of this textbook, inseparable assembly drawings serve in the same capacity as detail drawings of single parts. Specific examples, such as welding drawings, are covered in other units. Assembly Drawings In general, assembly drawings are those drawings that show the working relationship of the various parts of a machine, structure, or product as they fit and function together. Usually, each part in the assembly has its own unique part number. Within the assembly drawing, the part number is indexed and listed in a parts list on the drawing, as described in Unit 3. The assembly drawing usually provides the following: ‘* Name of the subassembly or assembly mechanism, as well as a part number that can be used in higher assemblies and inventory Visual relationship of one part to another in order to correctly assemble components Parts list or bill of materials Overall size and location dimensions, when necessary to provide critical information «Information that cannot be determined from the separate part drawings Assembly An assembly drawing often serves as the detail drawing of the entire product, machine, or device as a whole, See Figure 16-1 . This drawing is often a multiview drawing and may be sectioned in ‘one or more views, although one view may be sufficient to describe the assembly. The drawing contains only the hidden lines critical to explaining how the parts are assembled. This usually means few, if any, hidden lines appear on the assembly drawing. Center lines are still appropriate. Dimensions that express the overall measurements or the range of movement for a particular part may also be applied.ASI Martacng ios Figure 16-1. Assembly drawings serve as the detail drawing of the entire product, machine, or device Subassembly While an assembly drawing may be made for a complete mechanism or machine, more complex machines and structures may require several subassembly drawings for subunits. Subassembly is a term for any assembly that fits within a larger assembly. Subassembly drawings are similar in nature to other assembly drawings. They include a group of related parts composing a subunit of a larger mechanism, such as a drill press spindle assembly, automatic transmission assembly, or drive sprocket assembly. The drawing in Figure 16-2 is an example of a subassembly drawing. In this figure, the subassembly is a multiview projection that provides information about a part composed of other parts. In essence, this subassembly drawing is like a detail drawing, in that it provides identification about the group of parts as a new unit. The subassembly part number is used for inventory and process control, As with any assembly drawing, dimensions are not usually required because all the materials are already manufactured and inspected, although the final dimensions of the subassembly can be included, as well as any other dimensions that may need to be inspected or controlled.PULLY ~ PN678-036 / BUSHING ~ PNE7E-193 Wi NOTE: PRESS FIT BUSHING ~ DO NOT DAMAGE INNER BUSHING HOLE. aware PR-9638 OWN ENGINEERING iNete a [TARPROVALS Toare: Shcoe Sat Tae nee 427] PULLY SUBASS'Y = rR = = = a Ee ort SU-876-.012 [x Figure 16-2. Subassembly drawings include @ related group of parts composing a subunit of a larger mechanism Detail Assembly In ASME Y14.24, the term “detail assembly” is applied to an assembly drawing that also contains all dimensions for all features of the individual parts within the assembly. These detail assembly drawings are useful for very simple assembly mechanisms. The drawing in Figure 16-3 is a detail assembly drawing, The company saved documentation time and expense by showing the dimensions of all parts in this one drawing. However, this practice can be problematic with respect to maintaining one print for individual components as well as the assembly. Unless the pieces of this item are all manufactured and assembled before arriving in inventory, tracking can be difficult. Diagram Assembly Diagram assembly drawings use conventional symbols joined with single lines to show piping flow and wiring assemblies. The drawing explains to the reader how to assemble parts, but the parts are shown as symbols only. An example of a diagram assembly drawing is shown in Figure 16-4.ba thi oe ora 0 @ Beto ioe Cia cat oot 388 1» f f Coe x ae oww® [1722077 Bistncs eS 3221 ie seed on AY b-12 wean, PO SE BE Lrswiaats g tig toe met es woe earn BE BB Sno Sr 7a 720 to aime Company Figure 16-3. Detail asseribly drawings combine the features of detail drawings and assembly drawingsEXHAUST | (® 2-way PusH-BUTTON VALVE ——CLIPPARD Muv-2 < @ Tite AR TME DELAY VALVE MAC_VALVES INC 1 (TIMING RANGE .2-20 SECONDS) MODEL 71A-2-2 © @ aw canoer ARMATIC. VALVE INC + © sawn sport 2—Posmon MILLER FLUO POWER. co. f ‘Sonne RETORN valve NODEL S04. 474 Nor { ' EXHAUST CONTROL ARMATIC VALVE INC. OR (NEEDLE VALYE) ESA PRODUCTS. CO, SHUTOFF VALE \ | @ FLTER-REGUATOR-LUBRICATOR NORGREN OMBINATION Ts PRESSURE | <}>——— cnc UNIDYNAMICS | PHOENIX | PHoExx. ‘A OWISION OF UMC INDUSTRIES, INC. ARIZONA TOOL WANE PNEUMATIC CIRCUIT FOR DEAD WEIGHT PRESS ‘SIZE [CODE IDENT NOOWG (TOOL) NO. B|12079} 20-837 aries ‘igure 16-4. Diagram assembly drawings use conventional symbols joined with single lines to show flow and wiringInstallation Assembly Installation assembly drawings provide the necessary information to install or erect a piece of equipment. For example, a dust collector system or other large piece of equipment may be shipped knocked down and then erected at the customer’s plant or field location. An installation assembly drawing provides the instructions for correctly installing the equipment. Installation assembly drawings are often shown in pictorial form, Exploded Assemblies Exploded assembly drawings show some or all of the parts separated from each other to help show the correct order or method of assembly, Figure 16-5 . Exploded assembly drawings are really not a separate type of assembly drawing. Both multiview and pictorial assemblies can be drawn in an exploded manner. Exploded assemblies are easy to read and understand when analyzing a mechanism or product. Thus, they are most often used for service manuals or part request diagrams intended for the general public. oodteaiacPbtier Figure 16-5. Exoloded assembly drawings represent parts separated from each other to help show the correct order or method of assembly. This drawing also serves as a maintenance document Part Identification A system is necessary for identifying the parts of the assembly. Most assembly or subassembly drawings use leaders to identify the parts. Many assembly drawings use balloons neatly arranged on the drawing to identify the parts. As defined in Unit 3, balloons are circles containing a number or letter and are usually connected to leader lines, Figure 16-6 .Sections in Assembly Drawings Section lines for different parts of an assembly drawing are turned at different angles, or the scale and spacing of the section lines may be different. This is important to keep in mind when reading an assembly drawing. As covered in Unit 6, Section Views , there are a few conventional practices related to assembly sections. Alll section lines assigned to any one part should all be the same angle and spacing, Adjacent parts should feature section lines at different angles or spacing, with spacing getting closer on smaller parts. See Figure 16-7 . To clarify an assembly drawing with many section lines, it is also helpful to use the section line patterns representing the part material, rather than general-purpose section lines. Thin materials such as gaskets may have the sectioned area filled in solid. For parts such as shafts, bolts, and other fasteners, it is common practice to leave those parts uncut by the central cutting plane. oO ee Oo = _ i R-20-09 APPROVALS [OATE| Goode iaxPbtier Figure 16-6. Balloons contain the find numbers for the part list.‘coda io Puhr Figure 16-7. Section lines for different parts of an assembly drawing are Different spacing is also used to help delineate parts. ined at different angles Application Blocks In some cases, an application block is located adjacent to the title block. As mentioned in Unit 3, an application block provides the opportunity to indicate the larger unit, subassembly, or assembly for a particular part or subassembly. As illustrated in Figure 16-8 , the application block usually has a column for the part number or assembly number titled NEXT ASSEMBLY .BR-5S48Xx—-4 548Z BR-549X—4 549Z NEXT ASSEMBLY USED ON APPLICATION ‘codheat oP Figure 16-8. Application blocks are used to indicate what assernbly is next in line for the part or subassembly. They may include @ number for the model ar main system in which the assembly is used. Application blocks are sometimes rated into the parts list. Another column titled USED ON indicates a higher level system number, such as the model number of the product in which the part or assembly is used. Additional quantity columns can be added to indicate the number of subassemblies required at the next assembly or the total quantity used in the product. The application block can also be incorporated into the parts list. Parts List Information As discussed in Unit 3, the parts list is a chart listing the parts within an assembly drawing, Figure 16-9 . It usually appears immediately above the title block on a print. As illustrated, the following items are usually included in a basic parts list: « Find number. This matches the number found within a balloon on the drawing. * Quantity required. This indicates the number of the item needed within the assembly. + Part number (PIN). This indicates the identification number assigned by the company to the part. + Nomenclature or description. This provides an opportunity to name or describe the part.5 |] 4 725-P45 ¥” LOCK WASHER 4 | 4 3452-M12_|4" X 1” MACHINE SCREW! 3] 2 658-4512 SLIDE BAR 2] 2 985-4567 BASE GROOVE GUIDE 1 [4 985-1345 BASE FIND | QTY No. |REQD PART NO. NOMENCLATURE OR DESCRIPTION PARTS LIST cota thesia Figure 16-9. At minimurn, a parts list should contain a find number (if applicable), the quantity required, the part number, and the description of that part Additional Listings Additional columns are often found in the parts list for assembly drawings. These columns may include information about materials, code numbers, or even application block information. See Figure 16-10 for an expanded parts list that incorporates the following columns: * Cage code column * Material column * Procurement specifications column © Unit weight column # Notes or remarks column The CAGE code column appears on assembly drawings that use parts with these supplier codes, See Figure 16-10A . As mentioned in Unit 3, CAGE codes are applicable to activities and parts provided for the federal government. CAGE stands for “Commercial and Government Entity.” This code is only listed if the part is purchased from a registered vendor. At one time, this was referred to as the Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers (FSCM) number. Took Wise [ex FAR SOT HEAD On oe 2 Geode WikorPabiter Figure 16-10. Parts lists can also include columns for (A) CAGE codes, (8) material, (C) procurement specifications, (0) unit weight, and (E) notes or remarks ‘The material column lists the commercial name of the material used in making the part. SeeFigure 16-10B . This may be a trademark name, such as Lexan, or an industry abbreviation, such as CRS (cold rolled steel). ‘The procurement specification column furnishes the commercial specification and stock size of the part material. This column is sometimes labeled material specification, sizes, notes, or suppliers. See Figure 16-10C . The names and addresses of manufacturers of purchased parts are sometimes included in this column. The unit weight column gives the actual weight of the part. See Figure 16-10D . This information is typically supplied only when it is required by contract. An additional column for notes or remarks can be added to provide information related to a vendor source, general notes on the drawing, or specific conditional information about the part. See Figure 16-10E Notes concerning interchangeability and replaceability are sometimes included in a column. These notes indicate parts that are interchangeable with parts in other assemblies. These notes are also used to indicate parts that are likely to wear rapidly and thus need replacement. Replacement parts is another designation for replaceability. When these notes appear on a drawing, they often indicate that additional parts must be stocked. A zone column is used for a zone designation code. Detail parts on larger prints may be more easily located within the prints using the zone designation code Parts lists can also be created as a separate document. In these cases, the note SEE SEPARATE. PARTS LIST should be placed on the drawing above the title block. Versions in Assembly Drawings It is sometimes practical to create an assembly drawing that illustrates more than one version of the assembly. In these cases, each version is identified by a dash number following the assembly number, such as 65302-1, 65302-3, and 65302-5. When dash-numbered assembly drawings are created, columns and rows are added to accommodate all versions of the assembly. Figure 16-11 illustrates an assembly drawing parts list configured in such a way as to define two different assembly options. The first column is for assembly number 557-2100-5, while the second column is for $57-2100-3. The third column is for shared parts, in this case the frame and slide. In this example, the -3 assembly has a base, while the -5 assembly has a channel, two glides, and two setscrews. Drawings with options and versions can quickly become rather confusing, especially to those who are viewing the drawing for the first time. The print reader may have to study the print carefully and be patient until all the information is digested. 557—2100-K Figure 16-11. One assembly drawing can sometimes be configured to cover more than one version ofthe assembly, each designated with a dash number. Summary «+ Assembly drawings are those drawings that show the working relationship of the various parts of a machine, structure, or product as they fit and function together. + An assembly drawing serves as the detail drawing for a group of parts that have already been detailed, so some of the hidden lines and dimensions that are not critical to the assembly may not be present. «+ Subassembly drawings, often given a part name and number, are similar to assembly drawings and serve to define a subset of parts that fall within the total machine or product, + Detail assembly drawings are sometimes created that contain all the dimensions and information required for all of the parts within the assembly. + Diagram assembly drawings use conventional symbols and linework to show how parts are assembled, and they are commonly applied to wiring diagrams or piping flow drawings such as those used to describe hydraulic and pneumatic mechanisms. ‘+ As the name implies, installation assembly drawings are those that help explain how parts are to be assembled or installed, and they are often shown in an exploded pictorial format. + A system for identifying the parts and listing them on the drawing often involves identification balloons and a parts list chart near the title block. + When sectional views are used within an assembly drawing, section line patterns are systematically spaced and angled to help distinguish the individual parts. + An application block, in the form of a small table near the title block, can also be implemented to assist with identifying the larger assembly in which a part or subassembly will be used. + A wide variety of information can be incorporated into the parts list, including CAGE codes, weight, procurement specs, and other notes or remarks. « Parts lists are sometimes created to facilitate multiple assemblies within one assembly drawing, Unit Review Name Date Class Answer the following questions using the information provided in this unit. Know and Understand 1. True or False? ASME standards define drawings of multiple parts that will be permanently assembled (for example, by welding) as inseparable assembly drawings. 2. Which of the following is least characteristic of, or common to, an assembly drawing? A.A parts list table B. A unique part name and part number C. Critical overall size and location dimensions D, Surface texture symbols for each partMatch the following symbol descriptions to the symbol names. Answers are used only once. Subassembly . Detail assembly . Diagram assembly Installation assembly . Exploded assembly emoos> . An assembly that still includes the dimensions specific to the individual parts A term that could apply to many assemblies, as it describes how the parts are positioned ae . An assembly, usually pictorial, that describes the sequence and process for assembling the parts . An assembly drawing of a group of parts that will function as one part of a larger unit xa ‘An assembly drawing that most likely is comprised of lines and symbols 8. Which term was used in this unit to describe the circles and numerals, often connected to parts with a leader line, that identify the parts for the parts list? A. Bubbles B. Balloons C. Tags D. Flags 9. Which of the following statements about an assembly section view is false ? ‘A, The section lines for each part should be created at a different spacing or a different angle. B, Features such as shafts and bolts may be shown as whole rather than cut. C. Thin materials such as gaskets may be filled solid rather than hatched with section lines. D, Section lines on one side of the center line should be a mirror image of the other side. 10. Which term was used in this unit to describe the table near the title block that serves to provide information about the next assembly or assemblies in which a part or subassembly is used? A. Parts list B. Revision block C. Application block D, Assembly status Critical Thinking 1. What are some assembly drawings that are common to everyday life? 2. What might be some of the factors involved in deciding whether or not to do an exploded assembly and whether or not the views should be pictorial or orthographic?NotesApply and Analyze Name Date Class Industry Print Exercise 16-1 Refer to the print PR 16-1 and answer the questions below. 1. How many assemblies are described by this one assembly drawing? 2. Each assembly described by this drawing uses one of two subassemblies, either part number or part number. 3. What part number (not item number) is common to all of the assemblies described by this drawing? 4, How many different BODY options are there with respect to this drawing? 5. How will the date code be applied to the assembly? 6. What is the find (item) number of the part that is adjusted to set the spring compression? 7. What is the basic height of this assembly as shown in the section view? 8. What process is to be performed just prior to assembly? 9. Is the main spring shown as a section? 10. Part PRV250-3 is a threaded part whose top surface must be assembled to a distance of below the top surface of the body. Review questions based on previous units: 11. What paper size is the original version of this print? 12. Who checked this drawing? 13. What does it mean that the .875 HEX dimension value is in parentheses? 14. What is the scale of the views on the original drawing? 15. Are there any cutting-plane lines shown in this drawing| (278 109 emurne wom —“P | HE gee ey ; veer ory ; ee oT ; oO 1 A —e— Pa vooeasax Pan supplied Reg0 Cryo Fon Products PR 16-1. PRV Blank Apply and Analyze Name Date Class Industry Print Exercise 16-2 Refer to the print PR 16-2 and answer the questions below. 1, How many assemblies are described by this one assembly drawing? 2. The catalog numbers for the assemblies described by this drawing all begin with KMSO- MCLN. List the unique numbers that finish the catalog numbers for each assembly. 3. Some of the assemblies described by this drawing are left-hand and some are right-hand. Which of the two is the way the drawing is represented? 4. Is STEEL BODY 224292-01 a left-hand or right-hand body? 5. List the find (detail) numbers of the parts that are common to all assemblies.6. In inches, what is the largest overall dimension value specified in this assembly drawing? 7. What part number and description are associated with find number 6? 8. In general, what is the name of this series of assemblies? 9. Give a one-word description of the items that must be purchased separately. 10. List the three angular measurements that are important to this assembly. Review questions based on previous units: 11. What do the numerical values in brackets indicate? 12. What does the comma represent in the dimension that reads “ 50,000 OVER N.R. GAGE INSERT ”? 13. What former value was specified for the 7 ° angular measurement? 14. What are the initials of the person who approved adding the KM logo? 15. Is the drawing first-angle projection or third-angle projection? | Pane sped KennametalPR 16-2. KM50 Head Apply and Analyze Name Date Class Bonus Print Reading Exercises The following questions are based on various bonus prints located in the folder that accompanies this textbook. Refer to the print indicated, evaluate the print, and answer the question. Print AP-004 1. Of the types of assembly drawings discussed in the text, which type best describes this drawing? 2. Name the three subparts indicated on this drawing. Print AP-009 3. If this assembly drawing were changed to identify the parts within a parts list, how many part rows would be needed? 4. Is any part of this assembly drawing considered “exploded”? Print AP-010 5. Carefully examine this assembly drawing. Within each identification bubble, there is an upper number and a lower number. What does each number stand for? 6. Does the 109.41 dimension on this drawing apply before assembly or after? 7. On this print, the assembly is sectioned. Are there any parts that have not been sectioned? Print AP-013 8. Not counting the two closures (not shown), give the total number of pieces required for this assembly. 9. How many products or models are covered by this one assembly drawing? 10. What must be done to the label before it is attached? 11. Give the part names of the two parts that are different depending on the model assemblynumber. 12. How is item $ to be positioned in relation to item 13? 13. Calculate the total height of the assembly, as shown on the drawing Print AP-014 14. How many products are covered by this one assembly drawing? 15. How do we know that item $ is not shown or identified in the views of the drawing? 16. Are items 1 and 2 both visible in the top view? 17.Is item 4 visibly shown in either view? 18. If you think of the top view as a clock, there is one insert shown at 6 o’clock. How many inserts are there on the actual manufactured milling cutter? Print AP-015 19. Analyze the assembly and describe the basic purpose for the assembly. 20. How will item 5 be attached to item 9.1?
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11 pages
Compost Turn Your Trash Into Treasure
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Compost Turn Your Trash Into Treasure
9 pages
Israels Samson Option Nuclear Threat
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Israels Samson Option Nuclear Threat
5 pages
Instructions For Painting A Rug On A Floor
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Instructions For Painting A Rug On A Floor
1 page
Creo7.Htm Instructions
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Creo7.Htm Instructions
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
4/5 (105)
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