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Journal of Water Resource Research and Development

Volume 6 Issue 1

Design of Floating Residence: A Case Study

Rohith1, Jikhil Joseph2*

BTech Student, Dept of Civil Engineering, Govt Engineering College Thrissur
Assistant Professor*, Dept of Civil Engineering, Govt Engineering College Thrissur
Corresponding Author
E-Mail Id:-jikhil@gectcr.ac.in

Due to the meeting of four major rivers—the Meenachil, the Manimala, the Pampa, and the
Achenkovil—which flow into the Arabian Sea via the Vembanad Lake, Kuttanad, also known
as the rice bowl of Kerala, has a deltaic trough-like formation and is extremely vulnerable to
flooding. The residents of this area, who are about 70% below the poverty line, suffer
enormous losses every year. Due to the size of the fields and the fact that they are located
below sea level, flooding that occurs unexpectedly does a lot of damage to everything. Even
though it is challenging, when a flood occurs, the occupants can adjust to it even if the
severity is low. The residents must relocate to other locations or relief camps for shelter as
their homes and neighbourhood would submerge as the flood intensity increases. One
approach to address issue is floating architecture. Amphibious architecture, a type of
floating architecture, should be used to increase flood resistance.

Keywords:- flood, water, floating, gravity, relocated, process, address

INTRODUCTION architecture, should be used to increase

Approximately 170,000 inhabitants were flood resistance
relocated to relief camps during the most
recent floods of 2018. The lives of the Kuttanad
people are much more unpleasant during Known as the "Rice Bowl of Kerala,"
floods, and all activities will stop and Kuttanad is an area in South Central
freeze during this time. Kerala that is well-known for its vast
paddy fields and plenty of rice crops.
After the flood, there are massive losses to
their properties, which is such a pitiful This area, which is located in the
scenario. The process continues every Alappuzha district's backwaters, is
year, but as of yet, there are no effective bordered by coconut palms, water bodies,
programmes in place to address this and primarily crisscrossing canals. It is
problem. People in Kuttanad should have one of Kerala's top tourist sites. It is a
new homes built that can withstand the substantial region of partially domestic
flooding and rising water. land that is covered in vividly green paddy
fields and divided by dykes. The
These residents ought to be secure, flood- distinctive aspect of paddy farming in
proof, preventing the need to rebuild after Kuttanad is that the marine level is a few
a storm, and thus offering a healthier and feet higher than the surrounding land. It is
more stable family. One approach to the lowest point in all of India and one of
address issue is floating architecture. the few locations where farming is
Amphibious architecture, a type of floating practised up to two metres below sea level.

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Journal of Water Resource Research and Development
Volume 6 Issue 1

Fig.1:-Classification of Kuttanad region

Kuttanad is separated into six agro-ecological zones (Fig. 13) based on the soils,
geomorphology, and salt intrusion: (i) Upper Kuttanad; (ii) Kayal lands; (iii) Vaikom Kari;
(iv) Lower Kuttanad; (v) North Kuttanad; and (vi) Purakkad Kari.

Fig.2:-Aerial view of flood affected Kuttanad in 2018 floods

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Volume 6 Issue 1

Fig.3:-House submerged in floodwaters

Flood affected single storeyed house with water marks showing the water level it reached

Fig.5:-House on the edge of paddy field

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Volume 6 Issue 1

Fig.6:-Adversely flood affected single storeyed house

Fig.7:-Flood affected elevated house with almost drowned ground floor

Fig.8:-People moving to safer places to escape from flood

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Volume 6 Issue 1

Floating Architecture
Basic principles of floatation

Archimedes principle
A body floating or submerged in a fluid is buoyed (lifted) upward by a force equal to the
weight of the fluid that would be the volume displaced by the fluid. This force is known as
the buoyant force.

Fig.9:-Principle of buoyancy and stability

The centre of buoyancy, which is situated can also be used to distinguish between
at the centre of gravity of the fluid volume stability and non-stability. The metacenter
that was displaced, is the point through (me) is the name given to this intersection.
which the buoyant force acts. A floating body is steady if its CG is
below the me and unstable if its CG is
A floating body in equilibrium is depicted above the me, as can be seen by looking at
in Figure (a), with the centre of gravity Figures. 1(b) and (c).
(CG) located directly above the centre of When a body is floating, the metacenter
buoyancy (CB). The floating body is must be above the centre of gravity for
stable if the centre of gravity (CG) is to the stable equilibrium. The metacenter for an
right of the buoyant force's line of action unstable floating entity is located below
when the body is turned slightly the gravitational centre, and for neutral
anticlockwise, as shown in Figure (b). equilibrium, the CG and I coincide. When
The floating body is unstable if the centre referring to a floating structure, the term
of gravity (CG) is to the left of the buoyant "metacentric height" refers to the distance
force's line of action, as seen in Fig. 1(c). between the metacenter and the centre of
The junction of the vertical axis (A-A) and gravity.
the line of the buoyant force's action (B-B)

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The following equation can be used to The earliest terps were erected in the
calculate the distance from the CB to the Netherlands around 500 B.C., where tides
me in order to assess if the CG is below or from neighbouring rivers had an impact on
above the me (and hence stable or daily life. The terps, which could reach
unstable, respectively). heights of 15 metres, were designed to
MB=I/Vd ; where I=moment of inertia and offer ample room for storing food and
Vd=Volume of water displaced. cattle while also keeping a dwelling dry.
Once distance MB is determined, the body The creation of a permanent dyke system
can be judged to be stable if the me is started around 1000 A.D. when the locals
above the started linking these mounds together to
body‘s CG or unstable if it is below the stop the sea from flooding their farms. The
CG. terp house is attached to the ground and is
dry until the water level reaches its
Water building typologies maximum. Despite the fact that it feels
Water dwellings can be divided into terp more safe and secure than a floating home.
dwellings, static elevation, pile dwellings, However, it is not secure because there is
amphibious dwellings, and floating no escape route under exceptionally and
dwellings based on their foundations and unexpectedly high water levels. The
proximity to the water. Some varieties, Bridge House in Achterhoek, Netherlands,
like the amphibious house, are relatively is one of the few modern terps that may be
recent technologies, while others have found today in all of Europe. To make the
been around for decades. Each kind has, soil less fruitful for the replanting of
however, demonstrated resilience in the indigenous trees, the landscape architect
face of rising water levels. removed the top layer of soil from the
entire property. A typical Dutch terp
Terp dwellings residence was created by reusing the soil
The purpose of a terp is to offer safe to create an elevated platform beneath the
ground in the case of an increase in water house in the event of rising flood levels.
levels. It is an artificial earthwork mound.

Static Elevation

Fig.10:-Pile dwelling

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Volume 6 Issue 1

Elevating a home to a required or desirable locations with shallow water, along the
Base Flood Elevation (BFE) is one of the coast, or near lakes where it is possible to
most used techniques. The living area will forecast changes in the water level. This
be above everything when a house is style of home, which normally rests 8 to
suitably elevated. There are various 15 feet from the ground, has been used all
elevation methods available. They often throughout the world as a measure of
involve two techniques, which are detailed water protection.
(1) Lifting the house and either Houseboats
constructing a new foundation or The history of houseboats begins with the
extending the current one beneath it. transformation of ships and fishing boats
(2) Keeping the existing structure while into dwelling spaces. These homes have a
either constructing an additional story or design and structure that is similar to a
an elevated floor inside it land-based building, yet they are buoyant
enough to endure the forces of the water.
Pile Dwelling On the Dal Lake near Srinagar and the
Pile homes are a type of housing that are backwaters of Kerala in India, houseboats
constructed on top of concrete, steel, or are a regular sight.
wooden poles and are common in

Fig.11:-Houseboats in Kerala

In Kerala, house boats are enormous, Numerous employees converted ancient

leisurely drifting barges. In earlier times, fishing boats into residences due to a
they were utilised to transport rice and housing shortage.
spices from various locations. These
houseboats are thought of as practical Amphibious Dwelling
forms of transportation. Its midsection is Amphibious housing is a sort of home that
roughly 15 feet broad and between 60 and is both fixed to the ground and floatable. A
70 feet long. Wooden planks that are family will be lifted by the water during a
tightly fastened together by ropes and fast rise in water, either by pontoons or a
coconut fibre make up the hull. Palm hollow basement to guarantee it stays dry,
leaves and bamboo rods make up the roof. and will then fall back to the ground as the
A cashew nut oil coat serves as a water recedes. The dwellings are able to
protective coating for the boat's surface. rise vertically while preventing horizontal

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Volume 6 Issue 1

movement on the water by sliding along Normally, these houses are perched on the
two vertical mooring rods that are buried ground like any other house would, but
deep into the ground. Even though the when a flood occurs, they rise to a specific
amphibious house resembles a houseboat, height and then sink back down to their
the two styles differ significantly. An former positions. Vertical guiding poles
amphibious home's hollow basement is serve to define movement. Here, a
visible when there is no water, which watertight, light, and robust base that
forces architects to conceal the foundation resembles a ship's hull serves as the
in the ground or under water. foundation for a lightweight
The distribution of forces within the base superstructure.
is the second distinction. The basement of
the property is greater than the barge of a Though not widespread in India,
houseboat when it is on land because it amphibious housing experiments are
does not feel the uniform upward push of common in nations with flooding issues.
water that it does when it floats. The link When it comes to material selection and
to land that houseboats and amphibious construction technologies, industrialised
dwellings have is their main distinction. In and developing countries show a
contrast to houseboats, which must house pronounced discrepancy. In the
all utilities inside the vessel, amphibious Netherlands, the United States, and
homes are typically built where water Australia, the buoyant base is composed of
levels are moderate but rarely subject to expanded polystyrene (EPS) and
significant floods. As a result, all utility autoclaved aerated concrete (AAC), both
services can be connected to the municipal of which have densities that are lighter
pipelines. The Maasbommel water than water at 881 kg/m3 and 600–700
dwelling, which is located beside the River kg/m3, respectively. Buildings that float
Maas, is one of several examples of permanently in deep water occasionally
similar homes that can be seen throughout have their basements constructed with
the Netherlands. high performance reinforced cement
concrete (RCC) tanks. Despite being
Flood resilient amphibious construction heavier than water, RCC manages to float
Amphibious architecture is a flood control with some of its structure submerged
method that complements rather than thanks to buoyancy void. The lighter bases
attempts to hinder the natural cycles of are known as "dry-proofing" since they are
flooding in flood-prone areas. Amphibious constantly above the water line, while
buildings are a tried-and-true flood RCC tanks use the "wet-proofing"
protection method that gives a community principle. On the other hand, developing
defence against and increases its ability to nations like Bangladesh and Ghana
recover from disaster, despite the fact that employ less expensive materials, which
there are many other sorts of strategies to necessitate less technical infrastructure.
defend against rising water levels.
Amphibious construction 'lives with' Land use planning, site selection, policy
flooding in environmentally sensitive areas considerations, and community resilience
by elevating a building using floodwater as challenges, such as where to deploy
the active agent. Amphibious solutions amphibious structures in multiple-line-of-
allow the presence of floodwater but stop defense systems, are also included in
it from significantly damaging the building amphibious design. Infrastructure,
rather than erecting barriers. powered systems, utilities, system
Unlike floating objects like a houseboat, components, selection criteria, and
amphibious constructions are land-based. codification and certification challenges

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Volume 6 Issue 1

are all addressed by amphibious class to affluent people in industrialised

engineering. nations. Amphibious architecture,
Expanded polystyrene (EPS) buoyancy however, also has a lot to offer to rural and
blocks and sliding sleeves fitted over steel low-income populations in developing
guidance poles buried in the ground have nations, whether it is included into brand-
been used by inhabitants of Old River new, affordable housing developments or
Landing, Louisiana, to modify their used as a retrofit solution to boost
fishing camps for more than 40 years. This resilience in flood-prone areas.
arrangement enables the homes to rise
with the floodwater, minimising the harm PARAMETERS FOR DESIGNING AN
brought on by the neighbouring AMPHIBIOUS STRUCTURE
Mississippi River's seasonal flooding. The An amphibious home must meet a number
UK, Bangladesh, the US, and Thailand of requirements in order to be livable,
have all produced amphibious prototypes, useful, and pleasurable. These homes must
and fresh projects are being worked on in be a worthwhile alternative to typical
France and Canada. The majority of housing. The house needs to be versatile
amphibious structures in use today are new and adjustable.
constructions that primarily serve middle-

Capability of Floating

Fig.12:-Foundation block of Maasbommel project

The most important architectural the weight of the entire structure,

consideration that will determine if the including the dead and live loads, is less
house can truly float during flooding than the volume of the water. To prevent
conditions. As was demonstrated in the cracking, the buoyant base should also be
preceding cases, a house can float during a watertight. For the structure to stand on its
flood with the aid of mooring pole own without additional support, watertight
supports and simple calculations of a walls and floors should be taken into
buoyant foundation. The house can float if account. To make the building equal to the

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Volume 6 Issue 1

volume of the water, lightweight or rectangular foundation, and the height

construction materials should be of the building is the only factor that can
employed. change the amount of water. This implies
Foundation that as the sea level rises, the volume of
To support the light weight structure and the water will also increase. As a result,
to float during flooding conditions, the any construction that is lighter than the sea
foundation is a crucial component of the water will float. The float line should be
building. In comparison to shallow built to extend 5 feet below the pier, but if
foundations, deep foundations are the the grade steepens and the water level
structural elements that transport loads rises, it won't work because the pier will
into deeper layers of ground material. be fully submerged at that point.
Driven pile foundation, drilled shafts, The basic equation for Archimedes force is
micropiles, and grouted in situ piles are all as follows:
examples of deep foundation. The U = G / (A x P)
calculation of the pile design load and the
provision of other structural information is Where: U is the vertical drop below the
the responsibility of the structural design water line (m) G is the dead load of the
engineers. The structural engineer should total building construction (kN) A is the
calculate and determine the foundation area of the floating body (m²) P is the
technique and material for the planned site density of water (kN/m³)
condition using the site seismicity and the 3.4. Buoyant foundation height calculation
factored load. In accordance with the Archimedes
principle, "the floating force of the
Float Line submerged object is equal to the heaviness
The building's starting point for floating is of the fluid that is displaced by the object."
indicated by the float line. According to By calculating the whole structure's dead
the buoyant principle, an object will float and live loads, the depth of the foundation
if it displaces a volume of water that was determined. The weight of the water
weighs more than it does. Similar to this, a that equals the depth at which the home
structure won't float if it displaces a will be immersed when it is floating
volume of water that weighs less than it should be divided by the weight of the
does. The building will have a fixed square structure per square foot.

Depth of the house submerged =

Structure Type strategy to reduce the weight of the

The material should be light weight in structure.
order to make the building float. The
structure above the foundation that will Road and parking condition
float should be constructed of light weight For the residents, a separate parking
material, while the foundation is made of a garage for vehicles can be built. Parking
sturdy concrete hull or any other material. spaces might be placed close to the home,
In order to build a sustainable structure, as in the Maasbommel project, or parking
these materials should also be waterproof lots can be set up for all the homes in the
and should encourage insulation and other neighbourhood. Residents can leave their
passive heating and cooling techniques. cars in the parking garage and travel to
Lightweight wood frame for doors and their homes on bikes or motorcycles. The
windows is being developed as a future usage of material and a difference in level
can help to distinguish the parking space

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Volume 6 Issue 1

from other locations. These automobiles to fluctuate. Umbilical cables that are
can be moved out of the parking lots located behind the metre box will
during flood conditions to more secure vertically expand as the house moves.
location. Boats are available for residents Pipes made of coated steel or ductile iron
to utilise for transportation or in an can be utilised to pass through these
emergency. The pedestrian walkway might distribution boards and metre boards.
be made of aluminium. Aluminium
requires less upkeep and does not become Fire Safety
slick in the event of rain. In the event of The same fire safety regulations that apply
any maintenance issues, the aluminium to typical residences should also apply to
panel can be removed without difficulty. amphibious dwellings. The Community
Street or corridor should have a minimum
Utility Access width of 10 feet to accommodate both
A challenging design criterion for floating rushing residents leaving the home and fire
or amphibious structures is utility access. fighters. A dry hose could run underneath
Like any other typical residential building the platform or garden next to the structure
on land, these amphibious homes should since the fire hose might not be long
have access to all utility services. The enough to reach all the community
utilities will run water, sewage, and members. It may also be close to the other
electricity through this forced entry point utility service pipes and cables. The fire
inside the house. This is a necessary step department sets up a pump waggon on the
because modern practice of burying mainland in case of a fire so that it can fill
utilities will not be adequate for life on the the dry hose with water. Every homeowner
water. It is essential that elements like should have a place to connect a fire hose.
height, utility access points, float lines,
footprints, and other elements are Water Maintenance
consistent throughout the development. The structure will deteriorate due to the
Additionally, a simple installation process salt water, and flowing water might gather
and flexible connectivity should be sludge and other waste particles. As time
offered. As in Netherlands, a service goes on, a layer of waste or sludge may
pipeline can be installed from the land to build up, damaging the building's utility
an amphibious house that is long and connection and corroding the steel in the
flexible, allowing it to rise along with the walls and foundation. The house needs to
building as the floodwaters do. When the be protected with high-quality materials
structure is in its typical location on the that will stop water from corroding the
land, these pipelines will be lengthy, but in building's materials. Any debris will be
times of flooding, they will be appropriate carried by the flood water when it returns
for their length. after the building has subsided. Checking
and maintaining the structure will ensure
The provision of a different type of that no particles get caught in the dock
pipeline is also possible for floating and area.
amphibious housing. The pipeline will
automatically burst when the building There will be an issue with the structure's
begins to rise, and the connection may be ability to move smoothly if anything is
restored using a simple installation impacted. There will be an issue with the
technique when the building continues to structure's ability to move smoothly if
sink. The lighting and metre boxes can be anything is impacted. Because the home
positioned above or inside the entrance will become stuck in the mud if the water
bridge to prevent water from causing them

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Volume 6 Issue 1

level is low, a minimum height from the less water and are more stable than
water level should be maintained. concrete caissons. They tend to be less
stable than the preceding model since they
TYPES OF FLOATING sit higher in the water, however engineers
FOUNDATIONS can take this into account when designing
Many companies build floating the foundation.
foundations utilising a range of
components and techniques. The main The different types of floatation
criteria that drove the development of foundations are as listed below:
present technologies and will drive the 1. Expanded Poly Styrene(EPS) with
creation of future ones are buoyancy, cost, concrete filling
and durability. The hulls of the earliest 2. Concrete hull
Dutch houseboats were made of steel and 3. Pneumatic stabilizing platforms
wood because they adapted modern 4. Plastic water bottles
shipbuilding techniques for domestic use.
However, newer houseboats often feature Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) with
a hollow reinforced concrete box known as concrete filling
a concrete caisson because to maintenance The foundation of this system is a concrete
concerns and the desire for more stability shell surrounding an EPS polystyrene
and comfort. The majority of this foam core. This technology makes it
foundation is submerged, while the rest of possible to construct structures on water
the building floats above. The interior of and reduces draught so they may be used
the concrete box resembles a basement and in shallower waters. The technology also
can serve as extra mechanical storage or has the additional benefit of being
living quarters. unsinkable. Polystyrene, often known as
EPS, is completely inert and non-toxic in
Due to their strength and low cost, this terms of the environment. Since EPS does
foundation typology has been used in not break down, it offers lifetime
floating constructions other than durability. Maximum moisture pickup
houseboats. The biggest barrier to over 30 years is estimated at 5-6%. The
employing a concrete caisson foundation substance is completely recyclable. EPS is
for floating structures is the depth of the impermeable and does not leak or
water. The foundation of a building must deteriorate. Because concrete is so
be deeper than the depth of the canals it durable, its carbon impact gradually gets
must cross because many of these smaller. 96% of EPS is air. It can build
structures are made off-site in dry docks; foundations that are 10 square metres or
the deeper the caisson, the heavier the larger. They satisfy the toughest
structure. If it does surpass this dimension, specifications and are unsinkable. Flex
it can be transported through land, but this base floating platforms have a significant
will increase the project's expenses buoyancy because to its lightweight
significantly. design, which also increases their load
carrying capacity. This technology makes
Flat buoyant foundations constructed from it possible to build on the water in any
a combination of materials are an protected spot.
alternative to concrete caissons; the
material mix must be watertight, robust, The floating pavilion in Rotterdam and the
buoyant, and strong enough to sustain the floating greenhouse in Naaldwijk, both in
building. These foundations are ideal for the Netherlands, serve as two examples of
places with shallow water since they draw EPS construction.

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Fig.13:-Floating pavilion in Rotterdam

Fig.14:-Floating greenhouse in Naaldwijk, Netherlands.

Concrete Hull structures are monolithic and sealed, they

Because the hull is composed of concrete, cannot absorb water and are hence
there is no corrosion and very little unsinkable unless broken. Ferro cement
condensation. These reinforced concrete costs little. Small ones could simply be
containers are hollow and buoyant enough manufactured on board, and they would be
inside to support both the framework and quite simple to connect to one another.
the concrete. Its designs contain included The most effective technology for
structural studs, pile rings and shock- protected waters is this one.
absorbing connectors. Because the

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Fig.15:-Concrete hull

Fig.16:-Concrete hull used in floating building

Pneumatic Stabilizing Platforms

Fig.17:-Steel platform pontoon

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A Pneumatic Stabilizing Multiple containers have the drawback that as depth

cylinders constructed of steel, concrete, or increases, the air is compressed and
plastic make up platforms. The platform's displacement decreases. This flotation is
buoyancy is due to the air that is contained inexpensive to produce and is stackable for
in the cylinder by the deck on the top side simple transportation.
and the water on the bottom side. Open

Plastic Bottles

Fig18:-Plastic bottles used for foundation

MATERIALS FOR Light weight steel

Timber work Steel has the best strength-to-weight ratio
Advantages of any material, making it suitable for use
 Heat retention, in structures with wide spans and
 Soundproofing considerable wind resistance. Lightweight
 moisture resistance steel-frame homes are more resilient to
 Rot proof natural disasters due to the special
 Fire proof intensity and toughness of steel.
 Termite proof
Greater architectural design flexibility
 Windproof
allows for easier structural reconstruction
 healthy and environmentally
and the removal, replacement, and
reconstruction of non-load-bearing walls.
Steel is the most artificial material with the
highest coefficient of recovery (up to
 Timbers tend to silver or 66%), and all steel products are recyclable.
appearance old if left natural and Steel may be recycled without degrading it
unpainted. as well. To reduce building site waste and
 Timber upkeep can appear to be project costs, steel can be processed into a
more expensive than that required for variety of prefabricated, standard, and
other building materials. traditional elements.

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GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced cementing. Due to the cement content and
Concrete) application techniques, it is lighter than
Cement, polymers, and ingested glass concrete and waterproof. Steel or iron are
fibres are all components of the two frequently utilised metals. It is used to
constructed material known as glass fibre create a variety of shapes and relatively
reinforced concrete. The production thin, hard, strong surfaces and structures,
process, mix design, and glass content all such as water tanks, shell roofs, and boat
have an impact on the attributes. Since it hulls. A highly adaptable type of
boosts its load-bearing capacity, GFRC is reinforced cement is ferro cement. It is a
primarily employed for outdoor kind of thin reinforced concrete structure
applications. It creates a material that is where the cross section is uniformly
incredibly strong and lightweight. covered in a lot of small-diameter wire
Advantages meshes. Metal or any other suitable
 Because GFRC concrete can be material can be used to make mesh.
cast in thinner portions, it can weigh up to Portland cement for concrete is substituted
75% less than comparable parts made of with mortar. The cement mortar mixture
traditional concrete. and the calibre of the reinforcing material
 As GFRC is lightweight, lighter are two factors that affect its strength.
foundations may be used, which also
lowers transportation expenses. Advantages
 GFRC is durable and resistant to  The majority of countries have
cracking, providing high strength. Its easy access to basic raw materials.
strength to weight ratio is high.  Can be fabricated into any required
 Since GFRC is internally shape.
reinforced, other, potentially complex  Minimum necessary labour skill.
forms of reinforcement are not required for  Simple assembly, light weight, and
complex moulds. long lifespan.
 Because the materials have a fibre  Cheap building supplies.
covering, they are resistant to corrosion • Greater earthquake resistance.
attacks, the impacts of the environment,
and other negative effects. Disadvantages
 GFRC is considered sustainable  Collisions with pointed objects can
since it uses less cement than similar cause structures formed of it to be pierced.
concrete and frequently makes use of large  Reinforcement materials corroding
amounts of recycled resources. as a result of mortar covering metal
Disadvantages insufficiently.
 The incumbent contractors don't  Fastening to ferrocement via bolts,
have the necessary experience, screws, welding, nails, etc. is challenging.
 Extensive planning is required  Numerous labourers are needed.
during the design phase  The cost of unskilled and semi-
 Free space and equipment areas are skilled labour is expensive.
necessary during construction  Tying rods and mesh together
 Scale-based pricing is the only way requires a lot of time and effort.
to get a price advantage.
EPS (Expanded Poly Styrene)
Ferro Cement Large, lightweight blocks of expanded
The process of layering cement, sand, and polystyrene (EPS) or extruded polystyrene
water on wire mesh and steel (XPS), a type of geofoam, are produced.
reinforcement is known as ferro The blocks come in a variety of sizes, but

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most are 2m x 0.75m x 0.75m. These available. It has a low density yet a great
geofoam fillers are lightweight. It has a strength.
wide range of uses, including thermal  A cubic metre of EPC has a
insulation, drainage, compressible buoyancy of 984 kg and a density of 16
inclusions, green roof fill, and light weight kg/m3.
fill.  Long-term R-Value (―R‖ is the
Walls, roofs, and foundations in resistance to heat flow)
prefabricated structures are made of EPS  Energy efficiency
panels. Compared to conventional designs,  Constant thermal resistance
EPS insulated panels offer a novel  Measurable energy savings
construction and maintenance choice.  Low cost
 Dimensional stability
 Chemical inertness
 The structure can be built using
prefabricated EPS panels without the need
for expert workers. Buildings can be
constructed with local assistance and little
 Geofoam needs to be treated to
training, which reduces the cost of work
stave off pest invasion. Ants and other
overall. Maintenance is minimum
insects can tunnel into the geofoam, which
 Prefabricated construction offers weakens the substance.
the attractive advantage of design freedom,
 Not widely utilised in Kerala
and multiple panel thicknesses are


Housing in Maasbommel, Netherlands

Fig.19:-Aerial view of Maasbommel project, 2005

INTRODUCTION of the nation is below sea level. The threat

The Netherlands has a long history of of flooding in the Netherlands is not just a
reducing flood risk and preparing for flood result of the sea level rising. Flooding is a
damage. The creation and execution of concern that rivers also present. Climate
flood-resistant infrastructure has become a change increases this danger by making
significant aspect of Dutch culture as 60% rains more frequent and intense.

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Volume 6 Issue 1

Fig.20:-Visualization of Maasbommel housing

The creation of natural floodplains, where risk of flooding in low-lying places like
water may be temporarily retained in the the Netherlands. The Maasbommel River's
event of rising water levels, was part of the amphibious homes are built there and have
1997 programme "Ruimte voor de Rivier" the ability to rise with the water when it
(Room for the River). As permanent comes in and sink back to the ground
construction could no longer be developed, when it goes out.
this had significant effects on the urban
development of these places. Even though a 2011 flood demonstrated
the viability of the technology behind
The first amphibious homes were built in amphibious homes, the Netherlands has
2005 at Maasbommel (on the Maas river), only partly embraced the idea. In 2012, it
one of these places. 32 actual amphibious was projected that there were several
homes as well as 14 floating homes were hundred "water houses" in the
built there. Amphibious architecture— Netherlands, which is the category that
buildings that can be used on land and in amphibious homes fell within.
water—was developed as a response to the

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Geographical conditions of Netherlands

Fig.21:-Part of Netherlands at flood risk shown in blue colour

The Netherlands is a country whose 60% the Maas Rivers. The lower lying
of the territory is situated between rivers "komgronden" (roughly translated: "bowl
and the sea and is below sea level. Due to grounds"), which flooded in the winter but
its location on the delta, Netherlands were used for cow grazing in the summer,
frequently floods due to ocean storms and divide these river courses.
By the tenth century, more land was
The majority of Dutch municipalities are needed for cultivation and cattle because
fortified with dykes, levees, and of the growing population. For agricultural
floodgates. However, some rural purposes, the ground next to the rivers was
communities are situated away from these drained, which caused the land to slump
flood defences. Massbommel, a village and become more vulnerable to flooding.
along the Meuse River, is one of these The villagers built dikes that directed
rural communities. Early settlers began to floodwater from the upper sections of the
establish themselves on raised former river river around their farmed land in order to
channels known as creek ridges in the protect themselves from flooding.
river region between the lower Rhine and

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Fig.22:-River Maas when flooded in 1995

Foundation wood-frame homes are built on top of

The most popular method for them once the guidance posts are in place.
implementing the floating notion is to Each pair is set up on a slab of concrete or
create a hull and set a light house on top of on heaps of concrete. The amphibious
it. Every houseboat that uses a steel or homes, which normally stand on dry land,
wood hull as the foundation for the are built on the concrete slab. The homes
construction of a dwelling follows this are supported by a concrete foundation at
concept. In these homes, a concrete hull low water levels. The floating homes,
that serves as a basement has been which normally spend the entire year in
adapted. A prefabricated, 23 centimeter- the water, use the concrete piles as a basis
thick concrete hull was carried later to its to rest upon when the water level is low.
site. It is watertight. About 70 tonnes of The framework is made of wood to keep
concrete made up the hull, while 22 tonnes the houses as light as possible. A steel
of wood made up the house. Six concrete bracing that fastens two steel plates to the
foundation piles support the concrete hull. corners of each of the concrete basements
The houses are constructed on top of connects the dwellings. Both houses will
concrete foundations that serve as both a be able to rise and fall with the water at the
buoyant foundation and a watertight same rate thanks to these steel braces. The
hollow chamber for habitation and prefabricated timber frame house is
flotation. On-site construction of the rebar- covered with the roof, which is
reinforced concrete basements. Each constructed on site. The dwellings can
basement weighs 70 tonnes, and the slide along the two vertical guidance posts
concrete is poured in detachable pairs. to a maximum height of 18 feet when the
Two fifteen-foot steel vertical guidance water levels are high. The vertical guide
poles are drilled into the riverbanks posts prevent lateral wave and current
through the concrete slab. The concrete motions, preventing the dwellings from
basements are lifted into position and the floating away during high tides.

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Fig.23:-Prefabrication of concrete hull on site and placed into the dock of amphibious homes

Construction water level does. The docks where the

The 32 amphibious homes are normally amphibious vehicles are docked will be
supported by concrete foundations but pulled out and filled with water. After the
begin to float when the water level rises or flood, a steady drop should be maintained,
when it is flooded. The benefit of these therefore the docks should always be free
homes is that they resemble regular of obstructions. There will be issues with
residences in terms of size, parking, the house's continual decline if anything
garden, and road access. The only time the got hit underneath it when the water
resident feels like the house is floating is recedes. Providing a lightweight
when there is flooding. Two mooring construction on top of a concrete box
poles serve as the anchors that hold two serves as the foundation of the house's
dwellings in place. These steel columns structure. The fundamental timber
are driven deep into the ground. With the construction was manufactured in advance
aid of these steel columns, the structure and put together on site. Steel and wood
will remain in place and be able to were used to construct the roof, which was
withstand the current of rushing water then covered with PVC roofing on-site
even under high flood conditions. Steel before being raised to the building. The
framework connects these steel columns. living area and master bedroom both have
The connected houses also reduce the superb views of the lake thanks to the
waves' impact on the building. About 200 arched roof, which is lower towards the
tonnes is the weight of two dwellings. The dike side and rises towards the east
homes and mooring poles will rise as the

Fig.24:-Amphibious structure dock and mooring piles

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Fig.25:-Amphibious homes during normal condition

Fig.26:-Amphibious homes durng flood conditions

Fig.27:-Section of Maasbommel floating house

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Fig.28:- Flexible connection between two houses

The home has all the amenities that typical essential services to its people without
Dutch homes have. Natural gas is used in relying on the city's service network. The
the home's central heating system to lift home offers affordable amphibious
provide heat. Like all other houses, it is housing that is resistant to flooding and
connected to the sewage, gas, electricity capable of living on both land and water.
and water networks. The two amphibious lift home modules
rise with the floodwater as it rises and go
The link between the home and the back to the earth as it drops down.
pipeline on the property is the only
distinction. There is a connection from the An affordable and secure alternative to
dock to the sides of each pair of enduring static elevation is amphibious
residences. Although the length of this architecture, which is made possible by the
connection is excessive for typical design of buoyant foundations. Through
circumstances, it will still be in place in a the use of passive resources like solar
flood. The flexible pipelines are designed electricity, natural ventilation, rainwater
for both floating and amphibious homes. collecting, and composting toilets, the lift
6.2. Lift house, Dhaka, Bangladesh home is self-sustaining in delivering basic
services without relying on municipal
Introduction infrastructure.
In Dhaka, Bangladesh, the LIFT House
(Low Income Flood proof Technology) Foundation
project was created as a sustainable In this house, two different types of
housing option for low-income amphibious foundation were utilised.
communities in flood-prone locations. By (1) a bamboo frame with empty used water
utilising local resources and expertise, it is bottles
a method of housing that offers all (2) a hollow Ferro cement structure

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Fig.29:-Ferro cement foundation

Fig.30:-Water bottle foundation


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Fig.31:-Different stages of construction

(a)Service Spine Materials
The reinforced concrete and brick used to Bamboo was chosen as the material of
build the service spine. This construction construction for the amphibious homes
houses a kitchen, a bathroom, a due to its adaptability, light weight,
composting toilet storage tank, and two advantages for the environment, and low
different kinds of water cisterns. cost. The bamboo had a 3 inch diameter
(b) Electricity and was sliced into different lengths
Two 60W solar panels produce electricity. according to its intended use. Every
The bamboo wall and roof panels are bamboo portion that was hollow had two
covered in a web of electrical wiring. holes drilled into it. After that, these poles
(c) Sanitation were immersed in a chemical solution that
The LIFT House converts solid waste and included water, boric acid, and borax to
urine into resources that inhabitants can protect the bamboo from insect assault.
use, shifting the burden of sewage disposal The mixture will be able to penetrate
from a huge, centralised system to an on- through the bamboo's apertures and break
site composting system. Through an up the starch that attracts insects in the
underground conduit, composting latrines internal cavities.
redirect urine and deposit it in the garden's
soil where it can be utilised as fertiliser. There were two different sorts of
The latrine system in the lift house is less connections: (1) a metal rod snugly
prone to leaching and will naturally inserted through pre-drilled holes across
compost at a higher rate as a result of two members, and (2) hand-tied nylon
redirecting the urine from solid waste. rope that resisted the members'

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Journal of Water Resource Research and Development
Volume 6 Issue 1

inclinations to pull apart. The first member the various sizes of apertures in the
made were the prefabricated columns, bamboo wall, the doors of the house are
which consisted of four long bamboo poles constructed on the spot.
and a few little stiffeners. The stair railing that extended from the
One of the most significant architectural first floor level to become the railing on
features in Bangladesh is roofing. The the second story was also made of
LIFT House's roofing was created to be bamboo.
inexpensive, lightweight, and
maintenance. Due to the unsuitable LIVE CASESTUDY
environment and the rarity of thatch in Housing conditions in Kuttanad
metropolitan areas, the conventional In Kuttanad regions, a variety of house
material choice of corrugated tin was types are currently seen. The recent flood
rejected. For roofing, bamboo was used in of 2018 left some homes fully demolished
three layers. The outermost layer is visible. and damaged, some homes partially
The roof, the section of the plant that is the destroyed, some new stilt homes or static
most resilient, was covered in elevated homes under construction, and
multicoloured bamboo skins. The bamboo other homes that are currently being raised
was manually fastened to the support by piling using hydraulic jacks, or
structure using galvanised metal wire. The elevated, the existing homes. As a result,
roof system is specifically created to fit the Kuttanad's regions have recently started to
amphibious homes using traditional experience floating building typologies.
techniques. To get over the challenge of

Static Elevation

Fig.32:-One storey elevated house in Mancombu One storey elevated house, Kainakary

Pile dwellings

Fig.33:-Pile dwelling, Pallathuruthy

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Volume 6 Issue 1

Houses lifted using hydraulic jacks

Fig.34- House made to rise using hydraulic jacks

Emerald Pristine Island Resort

(b) Electric lines drawn to the cottage (c)Water supply pipe from
Fig.35:- (a)Floating cottages of
Pristine Island Resort the supply main

Poovar Island Resort

Fig.36:- Poovar Island Resort

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Volume 6 Issue 1

Images of some heavily flood prone houses in Kuttanad

Fig.37:-Example of vulnerable houses

Amphibious structures are a tried-and-true 1. https://easychair.org/publications/prep
low impact flood protection solution that rint/QBFv
increases a community's capacity for 2. Vidya, G. H. S., & Manasa, D. Design
disaster recovery and flood resilience. And Analysis of Floating House: A
When there is flooding, the water housing Review.
rises vertically to be safely above water 3. Ambica A., Venkatraman, K. Design
and then falls back into place as the water on Hydrophilic Floating House for
recedes. Fluctuating Water Level
4. Appendix on ‗Releasing a floating
Successful amphibious foundation systems city‘; by K.K.M. Ko.
can offer flood protection that is more 5. Wang, C. M., & Tay, Z. Y. (2011).
dependable and practical than permanent Very large floating structures:
static elevations, and they are already in applications, research and
use in Bangladesh, New Orleans, development. Procedia
Sausalito, and the Netherlands. The LIFT Engineering, 14, 62-72.
house in Bangladesh has demonstrated
low-cost, sustainable construction using
materials that are readily available locally,
and the house offers service by being
independent of the government. Therefore,
amphibious structures are a solution for
Kuttanad regions' flood-affected homes.

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