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MCQ (1)

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MCQ: In the modeling of union type classes, the partial

category of super class is represented by
(single line)

MCQ: The type of classes which specifies the operations and

attributes but the corresponding classes are not available are
classified as
(abstract classes)

MCQ: The entity type from which the subgroups can be made is
classified as

MCQ: Considering the conceptual synthesis and refinement,

the generalization process is classified as
(conceptual synthesis)

MCQ: The kind of class which does not have its own subclasses
is called
(leaf node)

MCQ: The root super class in diagrams of generalization and

specialization is considered as
(base class)
MCQ: The association between aggregate and primitive objects
is classified as
(IS-A-PART-OF relationship)

MCQ: The concept which describes the domain of knowledge is

considered as

MCQ: Considering abstraction concepts, the process of

assigning the similar entities to similar entity types
systematically is called

MCQ: The category which considers the subset of union of

entities included in super class is classified
(partial super class)

MCQ: The kind of class whose entities belongs to some other

data class is called
(concrete classes)

MCQ: According to enhanced-entity relationships, the

association between super class and subclass is as
(subclass is subset of super class)
MCQ: The possible specialization constraint includes
(disjoint, total, overlapping and partial)

MCQ: The hierarchy in which each subclass participates in one

subclass relationship is classified as
(specialization hierarchy)

MCQ: The type of lattice in which a subclass can be class or

subclass in more than one association of subclasses is classified
(specialization lattice)

MCQ: In the process of specialization, the subclasses are

attached by

MCQ: The kind of subclass on which the entity become part of

subclass by putting some condition on attribute values is
classified as
(predicate-defined subclass)

MCQ: The kind of subclass in which there are no constraints for

deciding membership in any given subclass is classified as
(user-defined subclass)
MCQ: Considering the knowledge representation and
conceptual modeling, the reasoning mechanisms are classified
as part of
(knowledge representation)

MCQ: The main constraints applicable in specialization are

(disjointness constraint and completeness constraint)

MCQ: In the modeling of union type classes, the total category

of super class is represented by
(double line)

MCQ: The category which considers the union of super class

entities is called
(total super class)

MCQ: Considering the conceptual synthesis and refinement,

the specialization process is classified as
(conceptual synthesis)

MCQ: If the super class contains the entities in subclasses and is

derived from super class then the super class is considered as
MCQ: The process of defining the entity type subclasses is
classified as

MCQ: The entity types, super classes and subclasses are

classified as
(EER schema constructs)

MCQ: The subclass which has more than one super class is
(shared subclass)

MCQ: The type of subclass constraint that one entity can be

member of at most one subclass is classified as
(disjointness constraint)

MCQ: In UML class diagrams, the inheritances that are

permitted includes
(single inheritance and multiple inheritance)

MCQ: The leaf nodes in diagrams of generalization and

specialization are considered as
(leaf classes)
MCQ: The concept in which the shared subclass takes over the
relationship from multiple classes is considered as
(multiple inheritance)


of relationships to associate
(object instance to object class)

MCQ: The generalization and specialization lattices are

classified as
(multiple inheritance)

MCQ: The inverse process of classification which focuses on

specific examination of different entities of classes is called

MCQ: The type of attributes that are applicable to specific

subclasses is classified as
(local attributes)

MCQ: The identification, aggregation and instantiation are

abstraction concepts used in
(semantic data models)
MCQ: The type of specialization in which all the subclasses have
membership condition on super class of similar attribute is
classified as
(attribute-defined specialization)

MCQ: If there is no association between aggregate and

primitive objects then this can be represented as
(IS-A-COMPONENT-OF relationship)

MCQ: In the process of specialization, the specific attributes are

also classified as
(local attributes)

MCQ: The predicate-defined subclasses are also known as

(condition-defined subclasses)

MCQ: The process of abstraction in which the objects and

classes are identified with some kind of identifier is classified as

MCQ: Considering the constraints of generalization and

specialization, the constraint of disjointness and completeness
is usually
MCQ: The relationship between vocabulary to represent
different concepts is classified as
(Dictionary, thesaurus and glossary)

MCQ: Consider representation of specialization and

generalization, the blank triangle is used to indicate the specific
constraint called
(disjoint constraint)

MCQ: The Web project which allows exchange of information

among different computers on Web is classified as
(semantic web)

MCQ: In the enhanced-entity-relationship, the collection of

entities in the form of set is classified as

MCQ: The entity involved in the process of specialization is

considered as
(super class of entity)

MCQ: The subclass which represent objects collection of

distinct entity types is classified as
(intersection type and union type)
MCQ: The procedure of building composite objects from
components of objects is classified as

MCQ: Consider representation of specialization and

generalization, the filled triangle is used to indicate the
constraint called
(overlapping constraint)
MCQ: The graphical representation of database description is
(schema diagram)

MCQ: The program interface which provides the feature to

client-side programs to call the database management system
is classified as
)application programming interface)

MCQ: In hierarchical structures, they can be nested to create

)simple data structures)

MCQ: In DBMS, the description of database in the form of

schema is also called
)Intension of schema)

MCQ: In the two-tier architecture, the server is considered as

(transaction server)

MCQ: The complete description of database which is described

in design phase and is changed rarely is called
MCQ: If here is no strict separation between internal and
conceptual levels, the language used by database designer is
)data definition language)

MCQ: If the commands of data manipulation language are

embedded in general programming language then that
programming language is called
(host language)

MCQ: The type of data independence in which the internal

schema can be modified without modifying the conceptual
schema is classified as
)physical data independence)

MCQ: The types of architectures of DBMS are

)two-tier architecture and three-tier architecture)

MCQ: The type of data manipulation language which is used to

describe the complex operations in more precise way is
classified as
(nonprocedural language)

MCQ: In DBMS, the set-at-a-time manipulation language is also

)high level data manipulation language)
MCQ: The system which schedules the inputs or outputs of the
disk in database is classified as
(operating system)

MCQ: The hierarchical models and network models are

classified as
(legacy data models)

MCQ: In Three-Schema Architecture, the schema which gives

details about data types, constraints and entities is classified as
(conceptual schema)

MCQ: If the high-level data manipulation language is used in

standalone interface manner then this language is considered
(query language)

MCQ: In data modeling, the data constraints, data relationships

and data types for the stored data are classified as
(structure of database)

MCQ: The type of relational database which incorporate the

concepts of object database is classified as
)extended relational system)
MCQ: In client ⁄ server architecture, the machine that have
capability of providing user interface and local processing is

MCQ: In DBMS, the property of interest which further describes

the entity is classified as

MCQ: The language used to insert, delete, modify and retrieve

data in DBMS is considered as
)data manipulation language)

MCQ: The machines which works as the interface to use the file
servers, Web servers and printer servers are classified as
)client machines)

MCQ: In categories of data modeling, the high-level data

models are also called
(conceptual data models)

MCQ: In database management system, the current set of

instance or database snapshot is also called
(extension of schema)
MCQ: In Three-Schema Architecture, the schema in which the
part of database is described to the user group who is
interested and other details are kept hide is called
)external schema)

MCQ: The features which allows users to update the database

and specifying retrievals are part of
)basic set of operations)

MCQ: In the network model, the one-to-many relationship is

denoted by
(1: N)

MCQ: The high-level query language used in relational database

is considered as

MCQ: The standard used popularly for the interchanging the

data over internet is classified as
(extended markup language model)

The data model which uses the concepts such as attributes,

relationships and entities is classified as
)conceptual data model)
The type of database management system in which all the :
application programs are executed and processes with one
machine is classified as
)centralized DBMS)

MCQ: In a database of company, if the employees are classified

as entity then the name of employees is called

MCQ: All the information about usage standards, decision of

designs, user information and description of application
programs is stored in
)data repository)

MCQ: In Three-Schema Architecture, the schema which gives

the description about physical data model, access path and
details of storage of data is called
)internal schema)

MCQ: The local concurrency control, storage of data on disk

pages and the buffering of disk pages are considered as tasks of
)server level)

MCQ: The objects in database description are called

)schema construct)
MCQ: The collection of all the concepts that must be used to
describe database structure is called
)data model)

MCQ: In two-tier client ⁄ server architecture, the functions of

transaction server and query server are controlled by
(server side)

MCQ: The data model, access path and number of users of

database management system are the criteria for
)classification basis of DBMS)

MCQ: The computing model in which the large number of

printers, PCs, Web servers and database servers are connected
to each other with the help of network is classified as
)client ⁄ server architecture)

MCQ: The popular technique in Web-based user interfaces is

)pull-down menus)

MCQ: The capacity to alter the database schema at one level

without altering any other schema level is classified as
(data independence)
MCQ: The database management architecture in which there is
middle level between database server and client server is
classified as
)three-tier architecture)

MCQ: While designing the database management system, if the

performance is the main issue to be considered then the DBMS
designed is called
)special purpose DBMS)

MCQ: The handling of user interface, data dictionary,

concurrency control and global query optimization are tasks of
)client level)

MCQ: In database schema, the database snapshot is also called

(current set of instances)

MCQ: The Conference on Data Systems Languages Database

Task Group is a committee to
(specify network model and language)

MCQ: In client ⁄ server architecture, the system which consists

of software's and peripheral devices for archiving, printing and
accessing files is called
MCQ: The behavior which allows the database designer to
specify user defined operations for databases is called
)dynamic behavior)

MCQ: The association between two or more entities in a

database system is classified as

MCQ: The process of suppression of details regarding storage

and data type to highlight important features for better
understanding is called
)data abstraction)

MCQ: In a particular time, the data available in the database at

specific moment is called
(database state)

MCQ: The module of DBMS which focuses on eliminating

redundancies, operations reordering and rearrangements is
classified as
(query optimizer)

MCQ: In database management system, the module which

support handling of data search, data access and data storage is
classified as
(server module)
MCQ: In two-tier client ⁄ server architecture, the running of
application programs and the user interface programs is in
control of
)client side)

MCQ: The standard which allows the access to DBMS by the

Java client programs is classified as
(JDBC standard)

MCQ: The type of data manipulation language which is

embedded in programming and used to retrieve individual
objects from database is classified as
)procedural language)

MCQ: The levels in which the three-schema architecture can be

defined includes
)internal schema, conceptual schema and external schema)

MCQ: The type of data independence in which the schema can

be altered on conceptual level without altering external level is
classified as
)logical data independence)

MCQ: The middle computer system which is accessed to access

database server is classified as
)application server)
MCQ: For a three-schema architecture, there is strict partition
between external, internal and conceptual level and the
language used in this structure is
)view definition language)

MCQ: The user interface which uses both menus technique and
forms is classified as
)graphical user interface)

MCQ: The feature of database management which makes it

effortless to find any particular record from the collection is
(access path)

MCQ: If there is separation between conceptual and internal

levels then the language used by database designers is
)storage definition language)

MCQ: The predefined procedures to specify operations for each

class is called

MCQ: The types of database system utilities are

(backup utility, performance monitoring utility and loading
MCQ: In database management system, the CAD is an
abbreviation of
(computer aided design)

MCQ: The same class objects are arranged and organized in a

way called
)Hierarchies and acyclic graphs)

MCQ: The type of legacy data model in which related records

are represented by each hierarchy in the tree structure is
classified as
)hierarchy models)

MCQ: The type of data model which provide concepts in a way

user of data recognize data models is considered as
)high level data models)

MCQ: The module of database management system which

controls the access to database stored on the disk is considered
(stored data manager)

MCQ: The hierarchical models and network models are

considered as types of
(legacy data models)
MCQ: The process of converting the requests into results
between three-schema architecture internal, external and
conceptual levels is called

MCQ: The compiler which pull out the commands written in

host programming language from application program is
classified as
(interface compiler)

MCQ: The DBMS in which the systems involved are coupled

together while having local autonomy is classified as
)federated DBMS)

MCQ: In DBMS, the record-at-a-time manipulation language is

also called
)low level data manipulation language)

MCQ: The information stored in the information repository can

be accessed by
(database administrators)

MCQ: The application program interface in the two-tier

architecture database management system is provided by the
(open database connectivity)
MCQ: In database management system, the term which is used
to represent the real-world concept or object is classified as

MCQ: In database management system, the module which is

designed to be used on workstation and personal computer
systems is classified as
)client module)

MCQ: The type of legacy data model in which data is

represented as record types and limited one to many
relationships is called
(network model)

MCQ: The type of server in two-tier architectures which

provides the data to client stored on disk pages is called
)data server)

MCQ: In categories of data modeling, the low-level data models

are also called
)physical data models)

MCQ: The concepts of data models that are only useful to

computer specialists rather than end users of programs are
classified as
(physical data models)
MCQ: The non-procedural language and the procedural
language are classified as types of
(data manipulation language)

MCQ: The objects in DBMS belongs to same structure and

behaves in the same way are considered as
)same class objects)

MCQ: In relational database management system, the server is

classified as
)SQL server)

MCQ: The architecture of database in which the characteristics

such as program insulations, multiple user support and the use
of catalogs are achieved is classified as
(three-schema architecture)

MCQ: The data communication system and the database

management system are also considered as
)DB ⁄ DC, MS ⁄ DC system and BM ⁄ CS system)

MCQ: The form of data model which focuses the concepts in

the same way as the data stored in computer system is
classified as
)low level data models)
MCQ: The state in database management system which
satisfies the constraints and specified schema structure is
classified as
)valid state)

MCQ: The database system which supports the majority of

concurrent users is classified as
(multiuser system)

MCQ: In the three-tier architecture, the intermediate layer

between database and client servers is classified as
)application server)

MCQ: The software whose main function is to provide the

access the database from remote location with the help of
work stations, local PCs and computer terminals is called
)communications software)

MCQ: The form of data model in which the concepts provided

are useful for end users and are also close to the way it is
stored in computer system is called
(representational and implementation data models)

MCQ: When the primary key is null of the new tuple then the
constraint violated is
)entity integrity constraint)

MCQ: In formal relational model, the set of indivisible values is


MCQ: In relational model terminology, the table is considered


MCQ: The key which specifies that two different tuples cannot
have the same value is classified as
(super key)

MCQ: The format or data type must be specified for


MCQ: In a relation schema, each key of schema having more

than one key is classified as
)candidate key)
MCQ: In the data model schemas, the constraints that are
cannot be expressed directly are classified as
(application-based constraints, semantic constraints and
business rules)

MCQ: The cardinality in relational data model is considered as

(total number of values)

MCQ: The constraint violated when the given value of attribute

is not included in the corresponding domain is
(domain constraint)

MCQ: If two or more constraints are violated by using insert

operation then by default the
(insert is rejected)

MCQ: In the data model, the inherent constraints are classified

(implicit constraints)

MCQ: The multi-valued dependencies and functional

dependencies are classified as category of
(data dependencies)
MCQ: The model in which the multi-valued and composite
attributes is considered as
)flat relational model)

MCQ: The type of constraint in which value of each attribute (X)

must be an indivisible value from domain (X) is classified as
(domain constraint)

MCQ: The constraints which deals with the changes in the

database are classified as
(transition constraints)

MCQ: The multivalued dependencies used to develop relational

design theory of database is classified as

MCQ: In the data model schemas, the constraints that are

expressed directly are classified as
(explicit constraints)

MCQ: In relational database schemas, the transition constraints

are also known as
(dynamic constraints)
MCQ: A row of table in relational model terminology is
classified as

MCQ: The constraint which is used to specify the consistency in

two or more relations among tuples is classified as
(entity integrity constraint)

MCQ: The ordered list of all the n-values is classified as

(n-tuple, l-tuple and v-tuple)

MCQ: The state in which the database follows all the integrity
constraints is classified as
)valid state)

MCQ: The column header of table in relational model

terminology is classified as

MCQ: The operation which violates only one constraint called

referential integrity when it is performed is called
(Delete operation)

MCQ: The distribution in which each row denotes some related

values collection is classified as
MCQ: When the foreign key refers to a tuple which does not
exists in subjected relation then the constraint violated is
(referential integrity)

MCQ: The basic operations that can be performed on relations

)Deletion, insertion and modification)

MCQ: In relational database schemas, the state constraints are

also known as
(static constraints)

MCQ: The tuples in relation are sensitive to


MCQ: The state in which the database does not follow integrity
constraints is classified as
(invalid state)

MCQ: The type of constraint which states that not even a single
value with primary key can be a null value is classified as
(entity integrity constraint)

MCQ: The values which cannot be divided further are classified

)atomic values)
MCQ: On a relational database, the kind of constraint which
must be specified and does not contain large classes of
constraints is considered as
)semantic integrity constraints)

MCQ: The definition of relation in which values and attributes

are ordered in tuple is classified as
(first definition of relation)

MCQ: The constraint violated when key value in tuple already

exists in some other relation's tuple is called
(key constraint)

MCQ: The type of diagram in which the operations are specified

on objects is considered as
)class diagrams)

MCQ: Considering the binary relationships, the possible

cardinality ratios are
)M: N, 1: N AND 1:1)

MCQ: The attributes that can be arranged into hierarchy are

)composite attributes)

MCQ: The set of all the entities having same attributes is

classified as
(entity type)

MCQ: The set of values which specifies which values are to be

assigned to individual entities is considered as
(domain of values)

MCQ: The type of attributes that can be divided into smaller

parts is classified as
)atomic attributes)
MCQ: The particular database and the set of related programs
which helps in implementation of updates and queries is called
(database application)

MCQ: The detailed description on entity constraints, entity

relationships and entity types are expressed in
)conceptual design)

MCQ: The types of partial constraints are

(total and partial)

MCQ: The attributes which have only one value for a specific
entity are called
)single valued attributes)

MCQ: The phase in data designing in which the access paths

and database indexes are specified is classified as
)physical design of database)

MCQ: In programming languages, the available data types are

(Integer, string and float and Boolean)
MCQ: The kind of constraint which cannot let two entities to
have similar values is classified as
)uniqueness constraint)

MCQ: The data model in which the relationships are explained

in terms of attributes is classified as
)functional data models)

MCQ: The first step in designing high level conceptual data

model is
(requirement analysis)

MCQ: The weak entities and their identifying relationship in the

ER diagrams are represented by
(diamond shape with double line)

MCQ: In ER diagrams, the rectangles are used to denote

(entity types)

MCQ: In entity-relationship diagrams, the participating entities

are represented by
)rectangular box)
MCQ: The relationship type in which one attribute is migrated
to the N-side of relationship is classified as
) N:1(

MCQ: The entities that have key attributes to be distinct are

considered as
)strong entity)

MCQ: The schema which specifies that all the database users'
requirements have been met is called
(high level conceptual schema)

MCQ: For a relationship type, the participation constraints and

cardinality ratio are considered together to make
)structural constraints)

MCQ: The parent entity type or identifying entity type are

considered as other names of
)dominant entity type)

MCQ: The relationship type with two degrees is classified as

)binary relationship)
MCQ: The constraint which specifies the minimum number of
relationship instances is classified as
)participation constraint)

MCQ: In the commercial database management system, the

relational database model is also known as
)implementation data model)

MCQ: In constructing ER diagrams, the double ovals are used to

)multi-value attributes)

MCQ: The total participation constraint is also known as

(existence dependency)

MCQ: The weak entities are represented in UML diagrams by

using aggregations called
(qualified aggregation)

MCQ: The attributes which have only more than one value for a
specific entity are classified as
)multi-valued attributes)
MCQ: The derived attributes in entity relationship diagrams are
denoted by
(dotted oval)

MCQ: In designing of software, the functional requirements are

specified with the help of
)sequence diagrams, dataflow diagrams and scenarios)

MCQ: In the database, the set of all entities related to a

particular entity type is classified as
)entity set)

MCQ: In entity-relationship, the entity type which has existence

dependency constraint is classified as
)weak entity)

MCQ: The set of key attributes that identify weak entities

related to some owner entity is classified as
(partial key)

MCQ: IN DBMS, the set of associations can be defined among

different entities from different entity types as
)relationship set and relationship type)
MCQ: The two main types of constraints of entity relationships
)Participation and cardinality ratio)

MCQ: In ER diagrams, the partial participation is shown by

)single line)

MCQ: The partial key is differentiated by other keys in database

by underlining the key with
(dotted line)

MCQ: In entity-relationship diagram, the key attributes are

represented by
(oval shape and underline)

MCQ: In traditional DBMS, the application programs are

considered to be the part of domain of
(software engineering)

MCQ: The type of relationship between attributes in which

similar entity participates more than once by playing different
roles is classified as
)recursive relationship)

MCQ: The other names of weak entity types are

(child entity type and subordinate entity type)
MCQ: The user defined operations which includes update
transactions and retrieval transactions are classified as
)functional requirements)

MCQ: The type of association which associates an owner entity

to weak entity is classified as
(identifying relationship)

MCQ: The type of attributes that can be easily divided into

smaller parts is classified as
)composite attributes)

MCQ: The weak entities are used in entity relationship

diagrams and are denoted by
(double rectangles)

MCQ: The databases which are used to represent reference

attributes are classified as
(object databases)

MCQ: The Universal Modeling Language in database

management system is classified as
)object modeling methodology)
MCQ: In the entity-relationship diagram, the partial key is
sometimes also called

MCQ: In ER diagrams, the existence dependency is shown by

(double line)

MCQ: In entity set, the type of attribute having distinct values

for specific entity is classified as
(key attribute)

MCQ: In E-R diagrams, the relationship type with three degrees

is classified as
)ternary relationship)

MCQ: In relational databases, the key which are considered as

type of reference attribute is classified as
)foreign keys)

MCQ: The step of high-level conceptual models designing in

which the data requirements are documented by interviewing
database users is
)requirement collection and analysis)
MCQ: The kind of entities without any key attributes are
classified as
)weak entity)

MCQ: The most popular high level conceptual model in

database management system is
)entity relationship model)

MCQ: The maximum number of instances that can participate

into the binary relationship is classified as
(cardinality ratio)

MCQ: In entity-relationship diagrams, the types of relationships

among entities are represented by
)diamond shaped box)

MCQ: If in database of employees, the Age attribute is derived

attribute then date of birth is classified as
(stored attribute)

MCQ: In binary relationship, the participation cardinality is also

known as
)minimum cardinality constraint)
MCQ: The number of entity types participating in the E-R
diagrams is represented by
)degree of relationship)

MCQ: The identifying entity type is also known as

(owner entity type)

MCQ: The step-in database design in which the high-level data

model is converted into the model of data implementation is
considered as
)physical design of database and logical design)

MCQ: In UML diagrams, the relationship between the object

and component parts is represented by
MCQ: If every functional dependency in set E is also in the
closure of F then this is classified as
)E is covered by F)

MCQ: If there is more than one key for relation schema in

DBMS then each key in relation schema is classified as
(candidate key)

MCQ: The form of dependency in which the set of attributes

that are neither a subset of any of the keys nor the candidate
key is classified as
(transitive dependency)

MCQ: The property of normalization of relations which

guarantees that functional dependencies are represented in
separate relations after decomposition is classified as
)dependency preservation property)

MCQ: The rule which states that addition of same attributes to

the right side and left side will results in other valid
dependency is classified as
(augmentation rule)
MCQ: The functional dependency of two sets E and F are
considered as equivalent if
)* E * = F)

MCQ: The process of analyzing relation schemas to achieve

minimal redundancy and insertion or update anomalies is
classified as
(normalization of data)

MCQ: Considering the relational database, the functional

dependency between two attributes A and B is denoted by
)A → B)

MCQ: If the attribute of relation schema R is member of some

candidate key then this type of attributes is classified as
(prime attribute)

MCQ: The procedure of storing higher normal form relations

which are in lower normal form as a base relation is classified
)de-normalization of data)

MCQ: If the attribute of relation schema R is not a member of

some candidate key then this type of attribute is classified as
(nonprime attribute)
MCQ: In the reflexive rule (IR1), the true dependencies
generated are classified as

MCQ: The extensions of relation that satisfy the constraint of

functional dependency are considered as
(legal extensions)

MCQ: If each tuple has relation R within it then this type of

relation is classified as
(nested relation)

MCQ: In normalization of relations, the property which is

critical and must be achieved is classified as
(nonadditive join property)

MCQ: In the functional dependency between two sets of

attributes A and B then the set of attributes A of database is
classified as
)left hand side)

MCQ: Considering the functional dependency, the one in which

removal of some attributes does not affect dependency is
(partial dependency)
MCQ: The constraint between two different attributes sets is
classified as
)functional dependency)

MCQ: The joining property which guarantees that spurious

tuple generation problem is not created after decomposition is
(lossless join property and nonadditive join property)

MCQ: The normalization form which is based on the transitive

dependency is classified as
(third normal form)

MCQ: Considering the functional dependency, the one in which

removal from some attributes must affect dependency is called
)full functional dependency)

MCQ: The normal form which only includes indivisible values or

single atomic values is classified as
)first normal form)

MCQ: The concept in normalization of relations which is based

on the full functional dependency is classified as
)second normal form)
MCQ: In the tuples, the interpretation of the values of the
attribute is considered as
(semantics of relation)

MCQ: The rule which states that set of attributes determines

any of its subset is classified as
)reflexive rule)

MCQ: In the functional dependency between two sets of

attributes A and B then the set of attributes A of database is
classified as
)right hand side)

MCQ: The rule that always generate true dependencies is called

)reflexive rule)
MCQ: The normal form which consider all the types of
constraints and dependencies is classified as
)domain-key normal form)

MCQ: The tuples that are represented in one of two relations

and are lost if the JOIN operation is performed are called
(dangling tuples)

MCQ: The inclusion dependencies that are preceding are used

to represent
(referential integrity constraint)

MCQ: The template conclusion is a set of tuples that must be

included in the relations in the template dependency called
)tuple generating templates)

MCQ: The other name of project-join normal form is

(fifth normal form)

MCQ: The types of template dependencies are

(constraint generating templates and tuple generating
MCQ: The decomposition of one relation say R into two
relations is classified as
)binary decomposition)

MCQ: The type of algorithm in which decomposition of relation

schema is constructed from other specific set of functional
dependencies is classified as
(relational synthesis algorithm)

MCQ: The conclusion of the template is a condition which must

be held on tuples hypothesis in the template dependency
(constraint generating templates)
.____ Database is collection of

is collection of interrelated data and set of ______________

.program to access them
(Database Management System)

.__ DBMS should provide following feature(s)

)Protect data from system crash,
Safety of the information stored and Authorized access)

Which of the following is considered as DBMS……?

(Oracle, Fox pro and Access)

.______ Before use of DBMS information was stored using

)File Management System)

The DBMS acts as an interface between what two components

?of a database system
(Database Application and Database)

.__________ Long form of DBA is

)Database Administrator)
.______ DBMS stands for
)Database Management System)

.__ A database is a complex type of

)Data Structure)

.In ______ data can be stored in structured manner


is collection of operations that performs a single logical ____

.function in database application

Transaction operation on database performs Accessing and

.Updating of data items

Transaction management ensures ________ and ______

(Atomicity and Durability)

is an interface between low level database and ________

.application program
(Database Manager)
Which of the following are functions of Database Manager
1.Interacting with File Manager
2.Creating Queries to Access data
3.Security Enforcement
4.Database Definition and Schema Generation
(1 2 3)

Database Manager Translates different DML commands to

.lower-level commands

!Database Manager Performs following query related operation

(Retrieving Record)

Duty of Database manager is to enforce integrity and _____


Who detects the failure of the system and restore the database
to consistent state?
)Storage Manager)

.Database Manager is having control over the system

._____ Schema Definition is written by
(Database Administrator)

Granting and Authorization for data access is provided by


Integrity Constraints are enforced by Naive Users while DBA

.write those integrity constraints

,____ Database Manager is also known as

(Storage Manager)

Which of the user write program in host language and embed

?the DML statements into it
(Application Programmer)

User which interacts with the system using database query

._______ language is called as
)Sophisticated User)

Farmer goes to ATM Center to withdraw an amount of Rs.300/-

?. Which type of user farmer is
(Unsophisticated User)
Who is called as Master of Complete boss of database system?
(Database Administrator)

.______ Schema Definition is written by

)Database Administrator)

Person A is Java Developer interacts with Person D

to understand the complete database schema
written by him.
Person B knows the database Schema ans he is
able to hit complex queries.
Unlike Person B, Person C does not use traditional
.database processing frameworks
Who among the 4 users will be called as Sophisticated User?
)Person C)

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