MCQ (1)
MCQ (1)
MCQ (1)
MCQ: The entity type from which the subgroups can be made is
classified as
MCQ: The kind of class which does not have its own subclasses
is called
(leaf node)
MCQ: The subclass which has more than one super class is
(shared subclass)
MCQ: The machines which works as the interface to use the file
servers, Web servers and printer servers are classified as
)client machines)
MCQ: The user interface which uses both menus technique and
forms is classified as
)graphical user interface)
MCQ: When the primary key is null of the new tuple then the
constraint violated is
)entity integrity constraint)
MCQ: The key which specifies that two different tuples cannot
have the same value is classified as
(super key)
MCQ: The state in which the database follows all the integrity
constraints is classified as
)valid state)
MCQ: The state in which the database does not follow integrity
constraints is classified as
(invalid state)
MCQ: The type of constraint which states that not even a single
value with primary key can be a null value is classified as
(entity integrity constraint)
MCQ: The attributes which have only one value for a specific
entity are called
)single valued attributes)
MCQ: The schema which specifies that all the database users'
requirements have been met is called
(high level conceptual schema)
MCQ: The attributes which have only more than one value for a
specific entity are classified as
)multi-valued attributes)
MCQ: The derived attributes in entity relationship diagrams are
denoted by
(dotted oval)
Who detects the failure of the system and restore the database
to consistent state?
)Storage Manager)