Khansabbir Ahmed 28nov2024 Yyz Dac
Khansabbir Ahmed 28nov2024 Yyz Dac
Khansabbir Ahmed 28nov2024 Yyz Dac
Thursday 28 November 2024
Biman Bangladesh Airline BG 306 (Operated By Biman Bangladesh Airline, BG)
Departure 28 November 17:30 LESTER B. PEARSON INTL TORONTO Terminal : 3
Arrival 29 November 22:35 HAZRAT SHAHJALAL INTL DHAKA Terminal : 2
Stop Airport Name City Name Arr. Time - Dep. Time
Istanbul Airport Istanbul 11:15 - 12:30 . Ground Time: 01:15
Duration 18:05h (1 Stop) Arrival Day+1
Class Business
Booking Status Confirmed
Check-in Equipment Boeing 787-9
Seat 04F(AISLE) - Confirmed for Mr Sabbir Ahmed Khan
Baggage Allowance 2PC for Mr Sabbir Ahmed Khan
Frequent Flyer Number BG400267676 for Mr Sabbir Ahmed Khan
Flight Meal Meal
Thursday 19 December 2024
Biman Bangladesh Airline BG 305 (Operated By Biman Bangladesh Airline, BG)
Departure 19 December 03:35 HAZRAT SHAHJALAL INTL DHAKA Terminal : 2
Arrival 19 December 13:40 LESTER B. PEARSON INTL TORONTO Terminal : 3
Stop Airport Name City Name Arr. Time - Dep. Time
Istanbul Airport Istanbul 09:30 - 10:45 . Ground Time: 01:15
Duration 21:05h (1 Stop)
Class Business
Booking Status Confirmed
Check-in Equipment Boeing 787-9
Seat 06J(AISLE,WINDOW,RIGHT SIDE) - Confirmed for Mr Sabbir Ahmed Khan
Baggage Allowance 2PC for Mr Sabbir Ahmed Khan
Frequent Flyer Number BG400267676 for Mr Sabbir Ahmed Khan
Flight Meal Meal
At check-in, you must show a photo ID.
Baggage Policy
1st Checked Bag Free of Charge XTRA BAG OR OVER WT UP TO 32KG
2nd Checked Bag Free of Charge XTRA BAG OR OVER WT UP TO 32KG
Name of the carrier whose baggage rules apply: BIMAN BANGLADESH AIRLINE
1st Checked Bag Free of Charge XTRA BAG OR OVER WT UP TO 32KG
2nd Checked Bag Free of Charge XTRA BAG OR OVER WT UP TO 32KG
Name of the carrier whose baggage rules apply: BIMAN BANGLADESH AIRLINE
YYZDAC: MAX Free of Charge
DACYYZ: MAX Free of Charge
LB = Weight In Pounds, KG = Weight In Kilos, LI = Linear Inches, LCM = Linear Centimeters, MAX = Maximum Allowed, PC = Number of Pieces
Baggage allowance and charges are provided for information only. Additional discounts may apply depending on advance purchase or Flyer-specific
factors (e.g. Frequent flyer status, military, Credit card used for purchase, early purchase over the internet, etc.) Most carriers' e-tickets have expiration
dates and conditions of use. Check the carrier's fare rules for more information.
Airline Booking Reference BG/ABZRSN
Ticket number : 997-5702895778 Mr Sabbir Ahmed Khan Ticketed Date: 21Nov24
Issued In Exchanged Ticket Number : 997-5702895769
Original Ticket Number : 997-5702895769
Form of payment : INV
Restriction(s)/Endorsements : VALID ON BG ONLY// EACH PC 32KG// FBA 02 PCS -BG BG
The fare that applies on the date of purchase is only valid for the entire itinerary and the specific travel dates mentioned on the ticket.
If you are denied boarding or your baggage is lost or damaged, you may be entitled to certain standards of treatment and compensation under the Air
Passenger Protection Regulations. For more information about your passenger rights please contact your air carrier or visit the Canadian Transportation
Agency’s website.
The carriage of certain hazardous materials, like aerosols, fireworks, and flammable liquids, aboard the aircraft is forbidden. If you do not understand these
restrictions, further information may be obtained from your airline.
Data Protection Notice: Your personal data will be processed in accordance with the applicable carrier’s privacy policy and, if your booking is made via a
reservation system provider (“GDS”), with its privacy policy. These are available at or from the carrier or GDS directly.
You should read this documentation, which applies to your booking and specifies, for example, how your personal data is collected, stored, used, disclosed and
transferred. (applicable for interline carriage)