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Annexure 1


Section 1: Project title

Title of the Project (not exceeding 150 letters)

Section 2. Principal Investigator and Co- Investigators:

 Name (surname first)

 Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy)
 Affiliation(s)
 Address for correspondence
 Email address
 Mobile No./ telephone/fax number
 Specialization in key words (not more than 20 words)

Section 3. Principal Implementing Institution

a. Status (University/Govt./autonomous/private etc.)

b. In case of University, provide AICTE Registration No. or UGC Notification No.
c. In case of private or registered society, one of the PI/Co-PIs should be in
active service and from Govt./Autonomous bodies. In such cases a bond has
to be executed between the PIs institution and MoES for proper use and the
management of the funds (subsequent to the approval of the proposal).
Copies of the annual report and audited annual accounts for the last two
years are to be enclosed along with a copy of the SIRO certificate.

Section 4: Collaborating Investigators/Institutions

In case a project is to be executed by more than one Institutions (which MoES

encourages) and/or requires regular inputs from other scientists, the names of
collaborating institutions and Scientists are to be recorded.

The Project should also explicitly indicate the nature of contributions by the
individual PIs (who will do what) in terms of Scientific/technological contributions.

Section 5: Project: salient features (two page), to include a statement each on the

Intellectual merit:

State briefly why this work is important in the national and international context and
what new science is being explores or new hypotheses are being examined.
Data Collection and Analysis:

Detail the primary data to be collected and state what novel methodology or
computational aspects will be explored

Broader impacts:
A statement each on the following: Include statements on the following aspects
a. Training and support of (a) scientists, (b) students (MS, PhD)
b. Fostering of new interdisciplinary collaborations between scientists.
c. Development or Calibration or lab facilities.
d. Dissemination of results by students and collaborators at professional
meetings and in peer-reviewed journals.
e. Activities that reach out to the society or general public such as exhibitions,
school-education etc.
f. A brief about the technical expertise of PI & Co-PI to execute the Proposed
Project supported by Publications in the cited journals having Impact Factor.
g. A statement about sharing of data and knowledge to the scientific
communities of India

Project Summary:

The project title, PI name and name of the Institution involved should precede the

The summary (in telegraphic language) should be a self-contained description of the

research activity including (a) subject (b) research objectives (c) methodology to be
adopted (d) expected outcome and deliverables of the project and (e) brief budget.

Section 6: Project Description (not to exceed 10 pages including figures, tables and
references 500 words /page) First 10 pages of this section will only be considered.

(a) Objectives

The objectives may be given point by point in telegraphic language keeping in

view the definition of the problem. (<200 words)

(b) State of knowledge

This should be based on literature survey with key references and relevance
of the knowledge both at National and International level. Also, identify gaps
in the area vis-à-vis their relevance in line with our national priorities and
how the work proposed will help in addressing the gap areas. Include
important references. Crisp and digital statements will help.

 National Scenario
 International Scenario

(c) Importance of the proposed project

(d) Justification for support -

Highlight the new science questions being asked and justify your equipment
needs here.

(e) Patent details (domestic and International), if anticipated

(f) Methodology (should explicitly mention the hypotheses being tested)

(g) Work schedule and detailed plan of implementation with year wise time lines
and targets time

(h) Utilisation of research results

 Specific deliverables-digital statements

 Impacts of the proposed work on the broader scientific community in terms
of training, and publication of results, collaborations and benefits to society

Section 7: Budget

(a) Budget for Research Manpower & Justification for their salaries and wages

Provide monthly consolidated salary outflow and a detailed justification for the
manpower requirement

(b) Budget for Consumables with justification,

(c) Budget for travel within India with detailed justification.

(d) Budget for other costs and justification for the same

Some projects may have special requirements not covered under sections 7(a) to
(c). Costs for such requirements are to be indicated, based on realistic estimates
and due justifications.

(e) Budget for permanent equipment and justification.

Apart from other minor items list all items of permanent equipment costing
Rs.50,000/- or above, or requiring import. Include provisions for installation charge,
inland transport, insurance etc. in the estimated cost.

 Detailed Specifications of the equipment proposed

 Details of such equipment in the country and the need for additional facility
 statement on the capabilities of the PI in using these
 cost estimate (notional quotations)
 For major equipment of cost > 50 lacs, please indicate as to how the
instrument will be maintained after the project completion. This should be a
formal statement by the head host institution on its letter head indicating
how much financial and infrastructural support will be available.

Section 8: Existing facilities

Basic infrastructural facilities, equipment and other resources available that would be
extended by the institute to the project should be recorded viz.

(a) Equipment within the research group of PI/Co-PIs.

(b) Equipment in the Department/University/Institution
(c) Equipment in other Departments or Centres of the institution in the region
including Regional Sophisticated instrumentation centres.

Section 9 : CURRICULUM VITAE (Max 2 pages)

One page CV with 5 relevant publications of the Principal Investigator and Co-
Investigators who are in employment and will contribute to the project. Publication
record should include publication during the last 5 years in peer reviewed SCI
journals; h-index and citation details.

Section 10: Other research projects with investigators (one page)

List of Projects with the PI/Co-PI along with name of funding agency, project funding
amount, and date of completion and summary details of the projects (completed/
on-going or proposed) with different investigators may be given. A summary of
results from these projects and publication is to be enclosed.

Section 11: Any other information (in direct relevance to the project)

Section 12. Certification and Endorsement from Head of the institute/organization

(Annexure 2 & 3)


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