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Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)

Course Title
Manufacturing Process Technology – Part- 2

Module- 47
Additive Manufacturing Processes

Prof. Shantanu Bhattacharya
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
IIT, Kanpur

Hello and welcome to this manufacturing process technology part 2, Module 47.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:17)

We were talking and discussing about the rolling process and we actually try to figure out what is
the neutral angel in the last step where we created the p/2k value before and after.

(Refer Slide Time: 00:28)

And in this manner we were able to find out a common λ m through which you could actually
find out what is going to be the neutral angle θm for the rolling process ,so having said that if we
wanted to plot you know the p/ 2k that is the you know the pressure ratio you can say with
respect to the yield criteria and that you plot with respect to θ you are basically so this is the exit
side the roll may be this is the entry side so we are left with a plot something like this where you
know the maximum value of this would happen to be at λ = λn okay and θ = θn so this the
neutral point actually.

So the p/ 2k value really would peak around the neutral point where you can say that the before
and after you know the neutral point whatever p/ 2k values are sort of equated at the neutral
point, so that there is a continuity of the of the pressure related to this value so this held right
here is also known as the friction held which is very commonly use terminology in case of a
rolling processes, which corresponds to an angle θ = θn neutral angle which has been calculated
earlier by this expression before.

(Refer Slide Time: 01:52)

So let us now determine the other parameters related to rolling process one of them is the roll
separating forces and for doing this we again assume similar in a similar manner the width of the
step to be unity so width of the strip that is being rolled is taken as unity and the total force f
trying to separate the rolls that you know comes here can be really be obtained so let us say f is
the total force trying to separate the rolls.

So you know f is basically equal to 0 to the value θi the whole you know angle that basically the
roll covers over the sheet at point t = 0 okay, of the total force here which is actually equal to the
you know if assume the width to be unity the pressure which is their form the roll times of R cos
θ if you look at the way again let us go back yeah.

(Refer Slide Time: 03:24)

So if you look at basically this earlier figure right here you know that this is the direction of the
roll pressure P and it is a triangle θ with respect to the horizontal so we are talking about this
separating roll force which is a component of this p which actually is imparted by the sheet on
the roll, so that roll try to separate out because of the rolling process.

So can they are held in place by their dear rings, so it is actually some kind of a bearing roll that
we are talking about. So this is p cos of θ times of the area of this particular sheet which is
actually nothing but the total radios of the roll you know d θ so this Rd θ is the length of this
particular element that we are talking about times 1 which is see the width of this particular value
and gives the area, so pressure times of Rd θ is the total amount of force and the component of
this force in this direction is f cos θ okay. So that is how you consider this particular you know
expression and that is how you generate this roll force.

(Refer Slide Time: 04:35)

As I was illustrating here in this example as pR cos θ d(θ) so having said that now if you have
this as the vertical force which is trying to separate the rolls because of the incretion of the sheet
medal and if we again assume these θ value to be small so since θ is the small we can have the
cos sort of converge to 1 cos of θ converge to 1 and we are left with approximately an expression
0 to θi of pressure p times of R d θ to be = to this force f.

But mind you there is a problem or a catch here and the problem is that you know if we are
taking about the hole angle 0 to θi this really needs to be divided into 2 different angels 0 to θn
which is the neutral angle where the friction force is assumed to be enabler for the rolling
process to happen and after the neutral angle the friction force becomes a disabler okay so we
have 0 to θn p let us say after because this is really the point you know if you look at the way that
θ was assumed.

The θ was assumed from the neutral point on words so this basically is again illustrating the hole
rolling process and as you see here the angle θ actually starts from this last point of contact all
the way to this particular point here and θi in fact is from θ = 0 at this end all the way to θi okay
so θ towards the initial this thing initial sort of point of contact of the roll with respect to the
work surface.

So when are talking about neutral point really so there are 2 issues 1 is from θ = 0 to θ neutral
point where the friction force is playing the, roll of a disabler and beyond the neutral point all the
way to θi where the friction plans force is playing the, roll is a enabler so having said that now let
us look at this equation we can modify this is 0 to θn p after times of Rd θ + integral of θn to θi

And then you have p before which is actually enabler in this case times of Rd θ so that is how
you have the force or obtain the total force of the rolls because of the hole forming process, so
normally the integration of this is a in this equation is a computational afire so integration of this
equation, is normally computed numerically and therefore numerically it gives quite a good
reasonable estimate of a the total force phased by the by the rolls. So the other issue is of course
the driving torque and the power.

(Refer Slide Time: 07:38)

So let us look at part as well the driving force of the driving torque and the power that is needed
for rolling operation obviously we initially can think of that the driving force or the driving
torque in this particular case is required to overcome the torque exerted on the roles torque
exerted on the roll by very interfacial friction force and you can say the friction force to be EP
okay, so therefore the total spark can be represented as from 0 to θi times of the zone UP times of
the Rdθ which is actually = width of that element 1.

If it is unit width in the were directions so you have Rθ times of 1 Rdθ times 1 times of if it is a
torque in the torque is really rate because of frictional force which is initial to the roll surface at
the center of the role so multiply that with the spark radius r in this particular case.
And we can easily because you know this p value would change it is properties before after the
neutral point so again we are left with estimating this with – of 0 to θnj because this actually is
visible up after times of R2dθ + again θn to θi when the friction force to comes in, so this is post
it spark μp before R2dθ so it should be noted that the friction would resist after the neutral point
the rolling action and before the neutral point it will enable or a to the rolling action, so because
of using this method.

The result would really come as a difference of two very large quantities then there will be a lot
of numerical error of, if wanted to numerically calculate these two integrals there would be very,
very large quantities and then it going to be a significant, numerical errors in this methods so
calculating torque although it is logically current but calculating torque in this manner may have
involves, the computed values of the integral1 and 2 mentioned about this is integral 1 okay this
right this as integral 1.

And this is integral 2 so involve the computed values of integrals 1 and 2 and therefore both of
them are sort of you know cancelling each other there is going to be a large error okay, so which
are quite large the numerical error will also be very large so let us look at some kind of an
alternate strategy by not really directly calculating what is going to happen by the friction on the
rolls but to sort of consider the horizontal equilibrium of the deformation is shown of the strip to
The spark with probably more accuracy than such a large numerical error which is involved in
the last step here, so in this case we would like to determine T by considering the horizontal
equilibrium of the deformation zone, and this is shown right here so you have now many forces
which come into play this is let say the whole volume of the strip where on one side the
thickness changes to some t final value.

And other side it is starts expressing to the roll at thickness T initial and you having sparks on
both sides, one of them is σxi and other is σxf okay and similarly you also roll pressures all along
the way so the pressure of the rolls, are actually perpendicular at every level you know and
corresponding to the premature of the sheets which are been pressed, and so it will result in some
kind of equivalent horizontal force fe.
Which can be represented by a cross section of this dotted line with respect to the profile here on
both the sides and so this fe values the one which is created by the friction between the roll and
the sheet and disable to push forward the sheet from the filling the gaps in the roll, okay so I will
said that the equivalent horizontal force fe represents the a net frictional interaction between each
roll and the step so therefore the you know reaction – fe of this force fe has to be overcome by the
roll driving dark T.

So that is the consideration in this case and then therefore calculating fe is much of a simpler job
then you know calculating the numerical value of this integral and trying to create the met spark
out of it, so let us actually a see in this particular force system here write here, how to calculate
this fe so the force fe can really be determined by into the let say the let force in the direction
from initial to final which is actually given by half times and remember the section has a unit

Coming out of the plane of the vapor here plane of the screen here so here ½ σ xi times of Ti – of
σxf times of ef is going to really give the total forces on this element because of the torque and
you have to remember why this ½ factor here is because when we are talking about this
particular element we all mean by the coordinate frame is to look at the thickness which is
actually you know why basically Tf /2.
And similarly this Ti/2 on both sides so we are following the same coordinate here, so that is one
and then you have a frictional force here and the frictional force here again will be given by
again twice 0 to θi the roll pressure P times of R sin θ times of d θ obviously the width is unity so
R d θ times of unity is the area and you can think of a that the pressure P which is actually at a
certain angle here.

Let us say this is the pressure P at a certain angle θ here so we are talking about a component of
this P which is trying to sort of push the sheet out from the smaller thickness to the higher
thickness side okay. So in this case the component of the roll pressure is really not aiding the
rolling process, so it is only this FE force which is responsible for the mid force towards the
right, okay.

So these forces are towards the right here which could cause the sheet to move forward and
therefore it has to essentially overcome the difference between distress area product of the left
and the right and also the component of the role pressure on the surface of this particular element
that we are talking about which is R d θ, okay. So you can probably at smaller θ estimate this to
be approximately ½ times of σ xi Ti – σ xf Tf +.

So basically I am sorry I just made a small error here this is only about one side of this force FE
because we are talking about only the upper half here just you know look at it in this manner that
we are talking about Y = Ti/2 or Tf/2 so the amount of roll pressure in the component of the roll
pressure is only because of one of the rolls on the top side and therefore is actually one into not
two into okay.

So we just modify this here where I think + 0 to θi times of P times of R and you have you know
you can mention or we can substitute approximately sin θ as θ because of smaller θ, so we are
actually sort of assuming here smaller values of θ so we have PR θ times of d θ is the final
formulation and obviously if this is the total amount of frictional force we talked that this force
will exert on the center of the roll would actually be the FER product.

Or force time radiation product or force various product and this torque is approximately
estimated as ½ R times of again you know σ xi times of Ti – σ xf times of Tf is obviously
reasons + integral of 0 to θi PR 2 θ d θ and you have top remember then again that when we are
talking about the roll we have to solve or divide this into again 2 parts 1 is 0 to θm, PR2 θ d θ +
you know θ n2 θi and this is for P after and this is P before, okay.
P before R θ d θ so that is how we calculate actually the torque value rather than creating a
direct you know roll of friction here you basically try to find out what is the force that is needed
for pushing the element and that is assumed to be if there are no other losses which are there of
the energy then it is assumed to be the same as the force that is needed for pushing the element
forward or the force of the roll friction force of the roll.

So there is no loss between these two forces and they are equal and opposite to each other so
therefore that is an alternate strategy to calculate what is going to be the torque value, so power
as you know in this particular case is given by torque ω so if I had a certain value of torque and if
I a knew that the rolls are rotating at a certain ω so inert RPM we should be able to give you give
a good estimate of what is going to be the rolling power.

So we have now made a case where we have tried to mechanistically observe the rolling process
very closely we have try to make a force balance to which we could predict what is going to be
the roll pressure what is going to be the friction force what is also going to the driving torque and
the power which is needed for a driving the roll okay or executing the rolling process and then
also try to determine what is going to be the roll separating force.

So typically all the different forming examples be you know forging of a block or forging of a
circular disk or may be even the extrusion or you know drawing or deep drawing or bending
processes they have to be modeled sort of in that manner so that you know you can have sort of a
mechanistic first principle based modeling of the various factors like what is the power that is
needed to execute the process or what are the kind of forces that are subjected or there are being
subjected onto the material by the either the roll or the you know the die in case of forging so on
so forth.
So I am not going to go into the modeling of any other aspect at this time because we are already
at the towards the end of the lecture but what I am going to do is to sort of give you some brief
sort of schematic illustrations about the various metal forming processes which are there and
then may be torque a little bit about additive manufacturing enclose this topic of contraction
process technology part II.

However we have made sure that there are online notes available for the different processes like
forging of a block or forging of let us say a circular block or a rectangular block or even related
to extrusion so if you have any kind of queries or questions the modeling is typically made in the
same manner as has been given here mechanistically so you can actually feel free to interact
through the online portal.

And we will try to answer all your queries or take up all the ovaries so let us now look into the
different processes.

(Refer Slide Time: 23:04)

Which are available so we have already done the rolling process so rolling can be done various
configurations rolling mills you can have a two high rolling mills as we have seen here a three
high where again as you can see that you know there are set of 3 rolls which are spaced by
different distances so you have the first pass somewhere here and the second pass where the
metal is sort of reefed back okay.

From the first gap into the second gap right here or we also have again rolling done with
different argumentation like fore high rolls or cluster rolls or cluster mills or tandem rolling mill
so typically the roll of the fore high or the cluster mills is to provide the support or the added
support which is needed for rolling of hard materials particularly, so you provide a backup
support for the main roll which is creating the actual definition process of harder material.

You have two different configurations for that one is four high or another is a cluster meld
configuration that you can see and in tandems means that you are having a success for reducing
pass as you are going between different roles at feed velocity so that you can have a thinner
second emerge from a thicker section by just in tandem or rolling sequentially between different
role gaps or roll separations. So that is about rolling we have other process of significant.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:32)

Like forging where either can have a open type forging case and there is a very nice illustration
in the notes as well where we talk about how frictional force related to the die here and the
expanding metal would vary there would really a point where the deformation would be at the
same velocity as the or the force of the formation of the stress total principle stress would be the
same value as the frictional force occur between the dies and the work piece.

Similarly you have again impression die forgoing where there is so where you have some kind of
an impression or a cavity being created in the die and basically the shape gets formed because of
the you know negative shape gets formed on the metal element because of the cavity which is
shaped in to the forging die.

(Refer Slide Time: 25:29)

There are other processes particularly exclusion it is a bulk deformation process and which the
work is force to flow through a die opening you know you can produce the desire cross section
shapes there are different kind of exclusions for example direct exclusion here or indirect as you
are seeing here in this direct exclusion case there is a direct forming being incorporated by
pressing a billet work billet from a small RFS which is available in this particular die to generate
the final work shape you can do a solid shape or a hallow shape based on it there is a reason
additional mandrill to create this hallow.

Similarly in a indirect exclusion process is you can see here you basically trying to flow the
meddle in the reverse direction through the gapes or the you know the sort of in this case it is the
gape formulated by a solid cross section or if there is a hollow cross section also a similar kind of
back flow of the metal can happen because of the ramming action done in a direction from left to

So this is again in a indirect manner you are doing the same metal forming process like what was
happening earlier by just direct fitting of work billet.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:45)

We also have various other sheet metal working processes like bending where there is a punch
which is used to basically bend thin sheets okay, you can also draw thin sheets as is illustrated
here there is a die cavity and the punch and die cavity in this I am able to create a sort of you
know drawn shape of the cavity there is also a shearing action which happens in two states where
one there is punch which comes and strikes on the work piece here and then there is a cleaving
off which happens at this particular inter phase and that is the second part of the process after
cutting where the remaining part of the shear to component of the shear sheet is taken away from
the zone of shearing.

So that is how some of these operations are schematically shown the idea here is why we are
discussing this is that in the same manner as we did rolling you have make it the strike models
available for each of these processes and this kind of concludes from outside the whole metal
forming domain we also wanted to do a small module and introductory module to additive
manufacturing for which I will just have a few slides as a ending for this manufacturing process
technology part 2.

So let us look in to additive manufacturing.

(Refer Slide Time: 28:17)

So you have various conceptually different techniques of manufacturing one is subtractive
manufacturing where really it is about you know starting from a bigger shape or a size and then
trying to chip of this, so that there is a material removal and you know because of the removal
you obtain the shape of the final product and that is typically call subtractive manufacturing
because you are taking half material from the billet in order to converted in to a hallow cavity
shape like this which is being indicated here in the final product.

However in the additive manufacturing it is actually just building upon rather than subtracting so
you have small base rolled sheet which is to built up on and for building up you are using a wire
and you are trying to melt the wire and deposit it locally on the top of this roll shade so that from
this initial shade you can have a final product. So here there is really no chipping action or
subtractive process but additive built up and the buildup is done by a wire which is typically
heated and fed whatever shaped and sizes need to be realize the spooler of this wire which
actually feeds the wire and its scoots the wire kind of moves.

And create this section by section deposition so that you can have the final product. So this is
really the basic difference between what you have done earlier in machining and what you would
be doing now at the manufacturing.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:47)

The many different kinds of additive manufacturing process for example you have the very
famous FDM or fusion deposition modeling which actually I illustrated also and there is a video
on lecture 8 for D* which has been recently uploaded for seeing that how from a soft drawing
you could convert you know using the FDM process in to a complex part. There are other
processes like sterioliythography then this digital light projective base 3D printing again photo
polymer phase changing jets poly jets kind of redo manufacturing you have selective lasers
centering which is a process which is used not only for polymers but also for other classes of
materials like metals you have direct metal laser sintering as well.

Then you are many others like plaster based 3D printing or thermal phase change injects or the
laminated object manufacturing etc, so we are going to look in to few process here which will
give you some basic idea about these redo manufacturing processes.

(Refer Slide Time: 30:50)

So let us know first understand what is the fusion deposition modeling so this process was
developed in the 80’s by Scoter and Lisa Crump and you know it is basically trade mark the
company call statuses which actually provides a technology and this technology is based on
various events which happen across this drawing here you can see there is a Philomena of a
plastic wire which is normally being pushed in to a heating block here and this heat block is
something like excluder which actually melts at the material in to a sort of a using out jelly okay
and this only happens when the metals goes in to its so the material to its class conjunction
temperature through which when I comes in to a usable flow state and then what happens is that
you know you can often move the bed in the x and y axis and the excluder in the z axis.

So that you have a layer by layer depositor, and so the inter phase that this machine as is really
through a powerful cad package which kind of takes any shape and cuts in to various sections
and one section is actually equal to the thickness that is being deposited at one run or one
particular you know layering as given by this device. So it is really dependent on the resolution
of the whole system is to how this is Z axis movement can be realized from once at to the other.

So this idea shows an exadurationally by makert.com and you know there are different
components in the FDM system like CNC table stepper motors controller and material filament
in the extruder assembly and hot bed which is to typically used for realizing any such fusion
because of the modeling in fact we have a details video that I have given for this using machine
called FDM.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:50)

Again manufactured by strategies and sell by so please have a look at it, it is actually lecture 48
or module 48 on this particular course the other every interesting method that is available for a
manufacturing which is SLA stereo lithography method where in the idea is that again now you
have a resist okay it is sort of sensitive polymer and then you heat or when you basically try to
clear this polymer with laser beam in a section by section or you can actually have the result flow
vacuum flow between the moving plate okay.

And the section of thickness that has already may incorporated exposes at different heights at
different depths so that the whole structure can be build up I think I had given a bigger
illustration of stereo lithography while looking at we micro systems fabrication processes it is
basically process why is exactly the same the only thing is that we are utilization of laser here
and basically again a motion of x and y scanning mirror which would try to write down the
different sections okay Across the SLA

So the UV light or UV laser is basically cross linking the monomer on the thin liquid from above
this structure support base and the elevator plate is lowered by small prescribed step exposing a
fresh layer of the liquid monomer in the processes repeated like this and at the end of the job the
whole part is cured once more after excess resin and support structures are removed from it.
(Refer Slide Time: 34:24)

So that is how you do a layer by layer printing so the various factors affecting the stereo
lithography process in fact we can estimate the time that is needed to complete you know one
layer I basically there may be n such layers you can there in the system so we can actually
estimate the time required to build part by this layering process from down one other for small

And so other factors that would affect really as a cycle time the cycle time of a scan speed and
also the layer thickness that is incorporated so in general there is a sort of a very simplistic way
of estimation of the time so the total time that is needed to complete the layer I in seconds can be
given by the area that you are trying to print off this layer I oaky in n2/the velocity diameter
cadet of the scanning laser V.
So if V is the average scanning speed in the laser beam and at the limit is millimeter per second
and D is the diameter to a laser at a surface spot so basically if you have a spot and let us say
there is an area like this where this spot has centered this spot which is no more velocity V so the
area that this spot would basically cover oaky is by its motion per unit time is going to be very
Dv okay.

And so that is exactly what we are trying to say here that if Ai the total area is divided by the dv
the diameter velocity product is going to get how much time this scanner is going to take scan
out area Ai and added to this is the time for repositioning which are the between the layers
between obviously between on layer on the other there is some kind of transmission time before
the you know the scanner can be back to the position to the origin from here it is started this hole
scanning activity.

And this origin could be this side wherever it has completed its last step or if you want to set it
back it comes back to the 0 depending on what is going to be the strategy that you are using or
variate the time in this manner and so that is going to be equal to the time required for the layer if
you are exactly you know one layer I can say the total cycle time in this particular case basically
represented as ∑of al such Ti is between I varying between 1 and n1 where n1 are the number of
layers which are been used.

(Refer Slide Time: 36:56)

So this is the small example problem which looks at the prototype tube with this square cross-
section is fabricated using SLA technique outside dimension to the square given to be 100mm
and inside the dimensions are about 90mm and thickness is almost everywhere is about 5mm
except at the corners where it is slightly higher and height of the tube in Z direction the height of
the tube is about 80 mm and layer thickness that we are using here is .1mm.

So obviously if you are having 80 mm and 0.10 mm as 1 layer thickness so it is about 800 layers
that you are trying to obtain okay and each layer should have a time which is based on obviously
the size or the diameter and of course the total area and this case the area is cross-section because
it is hollow tube of square cross-section that we are creating we have the area 100 2-902 which is
about 1900 mm2 so that is Ai okay.

And with this Ai if I wanted to find out what is going to be the total time for 1 layer it is going to
divide those width with the laser beam diameter times the mm per second of the time speed of
the laser beam so this comes out to be equal to so the Ti basically comes out to be equal to this
plus the repositioning time Tr which is about 10 second in this case.

You know it is change that principles are lost to reach layer low by platform and whole the power
may be just take in to the origin so here therefore the Ti comes out to be 15.2+10 that is 25.2
seconds okay. Ai been equal to 1900mm2 and therefore the total number of layers that you
manufacturing is 800 the cycle time is required about 336 minutes which is 5.6 hours so that is
how you estimate you know in the preliminary manner what is going to be the time for the total
cycle okay to happen you can see this part has been manufactured relatively higher time of 5.6
hours that is because of the extremely slow nature of the SLS.

(Refer Slide Time: 39:07)

So you have again the selective lesser sintering which is normally used by having this powder
delivery come fabrication post there is one piston here which shows the you know the feeding of
the powder which is actually a sort of you know, you can say a part of fuse together to create the
whole part okay and then also the feeding of this powder using the roller to this other piston
which moves in steps downwards and each time it moves, it moves after the scanner system
using a laser as scanned and symptom proportion.

So this is a actually fabricated part by part sintering, as a result downward motion of the question
BM. So that I show the SLS work, the advantage in this system as polymers but also it is able to
do on metals and after removal of machine from the machine unstinted dry powder is brushed off
and recycled, so that you can have the part without the powder. So materials that you can use
typically vary between glass polymers, nylon, polystering, metals particularly steel, titanium so
on so forth, it does not require any supports structure or over hangs, they are typically supported
by powder material.

The thing you need to do is sort of retain the powder without putting the laser into the region and
then this powder can be again reused that into the system. So that is how SLS is done.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:44)
There are some part here manufactured by simple SLS process, obviously it is expensive related
to the few position modeling or even the 3d printing done earlier by the other step but also there
is other limitation the quality of the material bars that could produce nearly as not as high as a
machine would produce and in this case you may not serve the distance requirement that is need
by some of the dynamics machining to produce such parts.

(Refer Slide Time: 41:23)

So then there is digital light projector based 3D printing, which I had already illustrated earlier
that instead of a you know of single laser points standing the whole structure in this particular
case it is basically a digital light projector which is also keno as DMD digital micro device,
which is actually used by scanning and rotating a ray of very small mirror, so that the limits can
be formulated and the idea there package which can section, a particular geometry.

The section by section manufacturing can be done opening and closing you know the different
layers on using that DMD technology or digital, the only thing it is very expensive because you
should have optics precise to avoid or basically to beat the deflection terms. And basically it is
again used to sort of cure the liquid curable for the polymer resumes like photo resist and the
same manner is done by this earlier.

Instead of one short go this posses much faster actually then the SLS process you can actually
have a structure cable. These structure created by DDLP 3D printing.

(Refer Slide Time: 42:43)

The other technology which is widely used is again is the animated objective method
manufacturing, where there is laminar sheet which is made up of some kind of paper and plastic
or composite or metal ceramics and what basically this technology does is that. In this case you
know the sheet is near to the substrate with the heated roller and there is the laser which traces
the desired dimension prototype and cut it off.

The laser cross hatches non part areas to facilitate the waste removal and basically bonds the part
areas to the lower already deposited part which is there from the previous role. So role by role
you can create such layer by not changing the position aligning different layers, so that you can
have the cut parts welded together by laser and so there is laser by laser build sup structures this
way. But this is you know complex process relatively the FDM happens to be much wider you
know to applied, to parts manufacturing through 3D printing.

And therefore we have decided that we will, probably try to show the real applications of this
title and feel free to watch the video for this, which is available in the next lecture. So with this I
would like to close here for the whole manufacturing technology process to domain we have
been able to cover, so far advanced to manufacturing process particularly, process related to
small system like and we have seen how we can manufacturing on silicon, manufacturing on
alternative materials like, polymers.

You can also manufacturing over glasses of ceramics or composites using non convention
techniques and then you have done, some mechanistic modeling, some details regarding how
metal forming can be carried out and you know you have classified different metal forming
process and finally ended with small nice introduction on editing manufacturing. So this is going
to be end of this particular course. I wish you all the best for your quiz and assignments and

So if you have any question feel free to drop an email to us through the portal and we will be
happy to answer some of the questions. The other issues the last assignment to be due as per the
announcement that has been made on the portal and we are going to evaluating you on the basis
of assignments and the final examination. Thank you for being patient to all the deliberation
regarding all these course and I wish you all the best for your exam thank you, thanks.


Ministry of Human Resources & Development

Prof. Satyaki Roy

Co – ordinator, NPTEL IIT Kanpur

Sanjay Pal
Ashish Singh
Badal Pradhan
Tapobrata Das
Ram Chandra
Dilip Tripathi
Manoj Shrivastava
Padam Shukla
Sanjay Mishra
Shubham Rawat
Shikha Gupta
K.K Mishra
Aradhana Singh
Ashutosh Gairola
Dilip Katiyar
Hari Ram
Bhadra Rao
Puneet Kumar Bajpai
Lalty Dutta
Ajay Kanaujia
Shivendra Kumar Tiwari
an IIT Kanpur Production
@copyright reserved

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