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JPPIPA 9(10) (2023)

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA

Journal of Research in Science Education


Factors Affecting Junior High School Students' Scientific

Literacy: An Empirical Study
Ade Mayasari1*, Usmeldi2
1 Magister of Physics Education, Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Science, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia.
2 Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Negeri Padang, Padang, Indonesia.

Received: August 13, 2023 Abstract: This research goals to find out the effect of factors that affecting Junior High
Revised: September 18, 2023 School scientific literacy such as reading habit, learning motivation, learning
Accepted: October 25, 2023 achievement, parental attention and creativity, and the effect between each variable. This
Published: October 31, 2023 empirical study used the PLS-SEM in data analysis with SmartPLS 3.0 version app. The
number of study samples was 270 students. The samples were taken by probability
Corresponding Author: sampling technique with stratified random sampling type by school accreditation.
Ade Mayasari Questionnaire and test techniques were employed in data collection. The output revealed
adepfr09@gmail.com that there were significant effect of reading habit and creativity on scientific literacy, with
a t-value ≥ t-statistic of 1.96. There was no significant effect of learning motivation,
DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i10.5377 learning achievement and parental attention on scientific literacy, with a t-value ≤ t-
statistic of 1.96. In addition, there were significant effect of reading habit on learning
© 2023 The Authors. This open motivation and creativity, parental attention to reading habit, learning motivation and
access article is distributed under a learning achievement, and learning motivation to learning achievement and creativity.
(CC-BY License)
Keywords: Junior high school; PLS-SEM; Scientific literacy

Introduction International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS).

The results of measurements carried out by TIMSS
Scientific literacy is a person's ability to apply his during Indonesia's participation as an object of this
knowledge to identify questions, construct new research showed that Indonesia in 2011 when compared
knowledge, provide scientific explanations, draw to 2015 was still in the low category (Suparya et al.,
conclusions based on scientific evidence and the ability 2021).
to develop a reflective mindset so that he is able to Based on data from PISA and TIMSS, it can be seen
participate in overcoming issues and ideas related to that students' scientific literacy abilities in Indonesia are
science. Literacy ability is very important for various still relatively low. The low scores of Pisa and TIMSS
human activities, including following instructions in a Indonesia show that students' abilities are still weak in 3
manual, to find out various information about the categories, namely linguistic literacy, scientific literacy,
occurrence of an event, to communicate with other and mathematical literacy (Amanda et al., 2023).
people for certain purposes or transactions (Bybee et al., Teachers play an important role in developing scientific
2009; Nur’aini et al., 2021; OECD, 2013; Mulyana et al., literacy skills because they can increase knowledge in
2023). The 2018 PISA (Program for International Student science investigations, increase oral and written
Assessment) scores for Indonesia in the areas of literacy, vocabulary in understanding and communicating
mathematics and science show that students' scientific knowledge, besides that they can also improve the
literacy in Indonesia is still relatively low. Based on relationship between science, technology and society
scientific literacy data, it is stated that students' ranking (Pertiwi et. al., 2018) . Learning preparation makes
in 2018 was ranked 70 out of 78 countries surveyed with students be able to literate in science (increase their
a score of 396 (Fuadi et al., 2020). In addition to scientific literacy), have good competence, logical,
measurements made by PISA, measurements of creative, and able to think critically and collaborate
scientific literacy were also carried out by the Trend In (Anshar et al., 2023). The low PISA and TIMSS scores

How to Cite:
Mayasari, A., & Usmeldi. (2023). Factors Affecting Junior High School Students’ Scientific Literacy: An Empirical Study. Jurnal Penelitian
Pendidikan IPA, 9(10), 8341–8350. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v9i10.5377
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8341-8350

indicate that there is something that needs to be Hypothesis 11 (H11): Parents' attention has a significant
improved in the learning process and in measuring effect on students' learning motivation
exam results at school (Suparya et al., 2021; Jufri et al., Hypothesis 12 (H12): Learning motivation has a
2019). significant effect on student creativity
Various factors influence students' scientific Hypothesis 13 (H13): Parents’ attention has a significant
literacy abilities, namely internal factors and external effect on student achievement
factors. The external factors can be in the form of the Hypothesis 14 (H14): Creativity has a significant effect
availability of parental attention, teaching materials, the on student achievement
professional ability of teachers who teach, as well as Hypothesis 15 (H15): Parent’ attention has a significant
school facilities and infrastructure that support optimal effect on student creativity
learning in schools. While factors from within students
include reading habits, learning motivation, creativity
and student achievement. Parental attention is
important in supporting children’s growth and
development, especially in children's education (Susiani
et al., 2022). The duties and responsibilities of parents
towards children's education are more in the form of
character formation, character, skills training and social
education. Parents also play a role in preparing children
to achieve their future, and this is also manifested in the
provision of learning facilities and infrastructure so that
students are motivated in carrying out learning tasks
and obligations as well as the skills and talents that Figure 1. The proposed theoretical model
children will develop (Susanti, 2020).
The purpose of this empirical study is to find out The results of this study can be used for further
how reading habit, learning motivation, learning research to determine other variables that affect student
achievement, parental attention and creativity effected scientific literacy skills.
and later can be used to increase students' scientific
literacy. The theoretical model for determining Method
constructs that influence scientific literacy is the Partial
Least Square- Structural Equation Model (PLS-SEM). In This type of research is an empirical study which
this model there are 15 hypotheses proposed: looks for the relationship of several variables to scientific
literacy through questionnaire surveys and tests. This
Hypothesis 1 (H1): Reading habits have a significant research aims to explain the influence of 5 exogenous
effect on students' scientific literacy variables namely reading habit, learning motivation,
Hypothesis 2 (H2): Learning motivation has a significant learning achievement, parental attention and creativity
effect on students' scientific literacy on scientific literacy. The research was conducted at
Hypothesis 3 (H3): Learning achievement has a various state junior high schools in the city of Padang.
significant effect on students' scientific literacy The sample selection used stratified random sampling,
Hypothesis 4 (H4): Parents’ attention has a significant which is based on school accreditation. State Middle
effect on students' scientific literacy Schools in the city of Padang and had three levels of
Hypothesis 5 (H5): Creativity has a significant effect on accreditation, namely A, B and C. Therefore, one sample
students' scientific literacy of each school was taken. have different accreditations
Hypothesis 6 (H6): Reading habits have a significant randomly. The selected schools were SMPN 12 Padang
effect on students' learning motivation (accreditation A), SMPN 40 Padang (accreditation B) and
Hypothesis 7 (H7): Reading habits have a significant SMPN 39 Padang (accreditation C). The characteristic of
effect on student achievement respondent can be seen in Table 1.
Hypothesis 8 (H8): Parents’ attention has a significant Based on Table 1, it can be seen that the respondent
effect on students' reading habits data consists of 155 women (57.59%) and 115 men
Hypothesis 9 (H9): Reading habits have a significant (42.41%). It can also be seen that the majority of the
effect on students' creativity respondents consisted of SMPN 12 Padang with 122
Hypothesis 10 (H10): Learning motivation has a respondents (45.19%), SMPN 40 Padang with 77
significant effect on student achievement respondents (28.52%) and SMPN 39 Padang with 71
respondents (26.30%). Data are processed using
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8341-8350

SmartPLS SEM because the sample size is relatively Table 3. Experimental Design (Amna, 2016; Hariati,
small, or ten times as many indicators used. In this 2015; Hutomo, 2022; Nasution, 2021; OECD, 2001)
study, data was also taken from 189 respondents (70.5%) Construct Item Indicator
of students living with their parents and 81 respondents RH1 Intensity
(29.5%) of students living with guardians. Data was RH2 Time spent reading
design in February 2023 and collected from May to July Reading RH3 Various types of reading
habits RH4 Attitude in reading
2023. To understand this research, you can see the
RH5 Motivation in reading
research flow in Figure 2. RH6 Techniques in reading
LM1 Persevere in facing the task
Tabel 1. Respondent Characteristics LM2 Tenacious in the face of difficulty
Respondent Characteristics Frequency Percentage LM3 Show interest in various issues
Female 155 57.59% LM4 Prefer to work independently
Gender Learning
Male 115 42.41% LM5 Get bored quickly with routine
Total 270 100% motivation
LM6 tasks
SMPN 12 Padang 122 45.19% LM7 Can defend an opinion
School SMPN 40 Padang 77 28.52% Pleasure to find and solve
SMPN 39 Padang 71 26.30% question
Total 270 100% Learning LA Student 2nd Semester Final Exam
Live with Live with parents 189 70.5% achievement results
whom Live with a guardian 81 29.5% PA1 Accompany children while
Total 270 100% PA2 studying
PA3 Give directions, warn and control
Identify- Data
Parents’ PA4 Provide support to children
Study Collecting Analyzing
data data
interpret- attention PA5 Give respect to children
problems ation PA6 Be a role model for children
Figure 2. Research flow Providing fair treatment of both
How to investigate the proposed hypothesis in a C1 Fluently
theoretical model, partial least squares structural C2 Flexibility
C3 Originality
equations have been used. The most significant impact
C4 Elaboration
on students' scientific literacy will come from the results SL1 Context
of PLS-SEM, which made predictions about Scientific
SL2 Content
construction. The PLS-SEM consists of two parts that can literacy
SL3 Process
be seen in Table 2, which make up the estimation process
(Cepeda-Carrion et al., 2019; Hair et al., 2019; Hair et al., Result and Discussion
2021; Fadhilah et al., 2023). The experimental design can
be seen in Table 3. All constructs of the developed model meet the
criteria of internal consistency, convergent validation
Table 2. Estimation Process in PLS-SEM (Table 4), and discriminant (Table 5). The final
Measurement Model theoretical model is shown in Figure 3.
Structural Model Evaluation
Consistency reliability:
R square: model predictions are
Cronbach's Alpha (α) and
weak (0.25), moderate (0.5), and
consistency reliability
strong (0.75).
(CR) of 0.7.
Convergent Validity:
Path coefficient: if p-value < 0.05
outer loading 0.7 and
the hypothesis is accepted and
average variance extracted
(AVE) 0.5.
Q square: has a predictive
Discriminant Validity:
model relevance if Q square > 0,
weak (0), moderate (0.25), and
Ratio (HTMT) < 0.9.
large (0.5).
Effect size (f2): the effect of
exogenous to endogenous
constructs if f2 0.02, 0.15, and
0.35 have small, medium, and Figure 3. Structural model result
large effects.
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8341-8350

Table 4. Consistency Reliability and Convergent Validity

Consistency reliability Convergent validity
Construct Item
Cronbach alpha α≤0.7 Composite reliability CR≥ 0.7 Outer loading ≥0.7 AVE≥0.5
RH1 0.939
RH2 0.913
RH3 0.856
Reading Habits 0.938 0.952 0.768
RH4 0.903
RH5 0.727
RH6 0.904
LM1 0.825
LM2 0.899
LM3 0.907
Learning Motivation LM4 0.954 0.962 0.925 0.786
LM5 0.874
LM6 0.886
LM7 0.884
Learning Achievement LA 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
PA1 0.931
PA2 0.930
PA3 0.943
Parents’ Attention 0.971 0.976 0.874
PA4 0.946
PA5 0.945
PA6 0.914
C1 0.891
C2 0.913
Creativity 0.912 0.938 0.791
C3 0.875
C4 0.879
SL1 0.852
Scientific Literacy SL2 0.745 0.855 0.810 0.663
SL3 0.779

Table 5. Heterotrait-Monotrait Ratio (HTMT)

Reading habits Learning motivation Learning achievement Parents’ attention Creativity
Reading habits
Learning motivation 0.661
Learning achievement 0.014 0.131
Parents’ attention 0.683 0.864 0.031
Creativity 0.567 0.582 0.059 0.557
Scientific literacy 0.788 0.696 0.013 0.676 0.838

Table 6. Bootstrapped Results

Path analysis Path coefficient T statistic P-value < 0.05 Hypothesis result
RH→SL 0.341 6.066 0.000 Hypothesis accepted
LM→SL 0.113 1.760 0.079 Hypothesis rejected
LA→SL -0.029 0.668 0.504 Hypothesis rejected
PA→SL 0.029 0.411 0.681 Hypothesis rejected
C→SL 0.437 8.098 0.000 Hypothesis accepted
RH→LM 0.150 3.785 0.000 Hypothesis accepted
RH→LA -0.082 0.967 0.334 Hypothesis rejected
PA→RH 0.652 17.962 0.000 Hypothesis accepted
RH→C 0.276 3.440 0.001 Hypothesis accepted
LM→LA 0.383 5.410 0.000 Hypothesis accepted
PA→LM 0.734 20.248 0.000 Hypothesis accepted
LM→C 0.285 4.227 0.000 Hypothesis accepted
PA→LA -0.259 2.887 0.004 Hypothesis accepted
C→LA 0.025 0.340 0.734 Hypothesis rejected
PA→C 0.107 1.022 0.307 Hypothesis rejected

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8341-8350

parental attention while the remaining 64.2% is

explained by other variables outside the research model.

Table 7. R and Q Square

Construct R2 Category Q2 Category
Reading habits 0.426 Weak 0.323 Moderate
Learning motivation 0.705 Moderate 0.549 Strong
Learning achievement 0.046 Weak 0.014 Weak
Creativity 0.358 Weak 0.279 Moderate
Scientific literacy 0.612 Moderate 0.397 Moderate

Figure 4. Bootstrapped result The significance of the prediction model (Q2) for
reading habits (0.323) is moderate, learning motivation
Based on Figure 3 its shows that that all indicators (0.549) is strong, learning achievement (0.014) is weak,
have an α value ≥ 0.7, meaning that the indicators can creativity (0.279) is moderate and scientific literacy
measure what they want to measure in each variable. Or (0.397) is moderate. It can be concluded that the
it could be said that each indicator in the instrument is variables reading habits, learning motivation, learning
valid and can be used. There are 4 path coefficient values achievement, creativity and scientific literacy have good
out of 15 relationships that are negative. The negative observation values because Q2 > 0.
sign on the path coefficient value means that the
relationship formed is in the opposite direction. Table 8. F Square
Construct F Square Category
Structural Model Evaluation: Smart PLS-SEM RH→SL 0.154 Medium
The results of the path coefficient are shown in LM→SL 0.009 Small
Table 6 and Figure 3. It shows that creativity (C) has the LA→SL 0.002 Small
PA→SL 0.001 Small
most influence on students’ scientific literacy. Apart
C→SL 0.316 Medium
from that, all other exogenous variables also influence RH→LM 0.044 Small
students' scientific literacy except learning achievement. RH→LA 0.004 Small
Four out of ten relationships between other exogenous PA→RH 0.741 Large
variables did not result in any influence between these RH→C 0.065 Small
exogenous variables. LM→LA 0.044 Small
Figure 4 shows that there are 6 relationships that PA→LM 1.049 Large
have a p-value > 0.05, meaning that there is no influence LM→C 0.037 Small
between these variables. The predictive power of the PA→LA 0.020 Small
C→LA 0.000 Small
model from exogenous to endogenous constructs can be
PA→C 0.005 Small
seen in Table 7. It can be seen that the scientific literacy
construct can be explained by the variables reading
The effect size based on table 8 which has the
habits, learning motivation, learning achievement,
greatest effect is parents' attention to learning
parental attention and creativity of 0.612 or 61.2%, while
motivation and which has the smallest effect is creativity
the remaining 38, 8% is explained by other variables
on learning achievement. There are two relationships in
outside the research model. 42.6% of the reading habit
large effect, two in medium effect, and eleven in small
construct can be explained by the parental attention
variable, while the remaining 57.4% is explained by
other variables outside the research model. The
The Effect of Reading Habits on Scientific Literacy
construct of learning motivation can be explained by
Based on Table 6, the parameter coefficient for the
70.5% by the variables of parental attention and reading
influence of the reading habit variable on scientific
habits, while the remaining 29.5% is explained by other
literacy (original sample) is 0.341, which means there is
variables outside the research model. The construct of
a positive influence between these two variables. Or it
learning achievement can be explained by 4.6% by
can be interpreted that the higher the students’ reading
reading habits, learning motivation, parental attention
habit, the higher the scientific literacy. Then the resulting
and creativity while the remaining 95.4% is explained by
T-statistic value is 6.344, which means the result is said
other variables outside the research model. The
to be significant because the t-statistic value is greater
creativity construct can be explained by 35.8% by the
than the t-table (6.344 > 1.96) or it can be said that the
variables of reading habits, learning motivation and
hypothesis is accepted. This is in line with research

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8341-8350

conducted by Nurul Azizah Ayu. The habit of reading learning process scientific literacy is practiced.
in students will be the basis for obtaining, processing, simultaneously with the development of life skills
and managing scientific knowledge so that students can (Rompegading et al., 2022).
use it to develop scientific literacy which is important for
life in the future (Ayu et al., 2018; Wahyuni et al., 2018). The Effect of Parents’ Attention on Scientific Literacy
Scientific literacy is the ability to think scientifically to Based on Table 6, the parameter coefficient for the
identify problems and draw conclusions from existing influence of the parents’ attention variable on scientific
facts in order to understand natural phenomena so that literacy (original sample) is 0.029, which means there is
they can make decisions to solve scientific/science a positive influence between these two variables. Or it
problems at hand (Berliana et al., 2023). can be interpreted that the higher the parental attention,
the better scientific literacy will be. Then the resulting T-
The Effect of Learning Motivation on Scientific Literacy statistical value is 0.422, which means the result is said
Based on Table 6, the magnitude of the parameter to be not significant because the t-statistical value is
coefficient of the influence of the learning motivation smaller than the t-table (0.422 < 1.96) or it can be said that
variable on scientific literacy (original sample) is 0.113, the hypothesis is rejected. This is not in line with existing
which means there is a positive influence between the research that there is a direct influence of parental
two variables. Or it can be interpreted that the higher the attention on scientific literacy abilities (Adzkia, 2016).
students’ learning motivation, the higher the scientific Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further research
literacy will be. Then the resulting T-statistic value is regarding parental attention and scientific literacy
1.912, which means the result is said to be not significant abilities from various factors because the results of the
because the t-statistic value is smaller than the t-table research conducted found that there is no significant
(1.912 <1.96) or it can be said that the hypothesis is relationship between parental attention and scientific
rejected. This is in line with existing research on literacy.
motivation learning does not affect scientific literacy
abilities (Yanti et al., 2021). Therefore, it is necessary to The Effect of Creativity on Scientific Literacy
carry out further research on learning motivation and Based on Table 6, the parameter coefficient of the
scientific literacy abilities from various factors because influence of the creativity variable on scientific literacy
from the results of the research conducted it was found (original sample) is 0.437, which means there is a
that there is no significant relationship between learning positive influence between the two variables. Or it can
motivation and scientific literacy. be interpreted that the higher the creativity, the higher
the scientific literacy. Then the resulting T-statistic value
The Effect of Learning Achievement on Scientific Literacy is 8.343 which means the result is said to be significant
Based on Table 6, the parameter coefficient for the because the t-statistic value is greater than t-table (8.343
influence of the learning achievement variable on > 1.96) or it can be said hypothesis accepted. This is in
scientific literacy (original sample) is -0.029, which line with research conducted by Azimar Rusdi and M
means there is a negative influence between the two Adzkia. Creativity is one of the internal factors of
variables. Or it can be interpreted that the lower the student learning success. It is very important for an
learning achievement, the higher the scientific literacy. educator to develop student creativity because in
Then the resulting T-statistic value is 0.666, which means everyday life, people with high creativity will also be
the result is said to be not significant because the t- able to solve problems better (Chalsum et al., 2023). With
statistic value is smaller than the t-table (0.666 <1.96) or creative thinking, a person will be able to contribute to
it can be said that the hypothesis is rejected. This result developing science and technology and produce varied
turns out to be inconsistent with research conducted by ideas that are in line with the goals of scientific literacy
Jufrida et al. which stated that there is a significant itself (Rusdi et al., 2017; Adzkia, 2016).
relationship between scientific literacy and science
learning achievement (Jufrida et al., 2019; Armas et al., The Effect of Reading Habits on Learning Motivation
2019). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further Based on Table 6, the magnitude of the parameter
research on learning achievement and scientific literacy coefficient of the influence of the reading habit variable
abilities from various factors because from the results of on learning motivation (original sample) is 0.150, which
the research conducted it was found that there is no means there is a positive influence between the two
significant relationship between learning achievement variables. Or it can be interpreted that the higher the
and scientific literacy. Scientific literacy is a requirement reading habit, the better the motivation to learn. Then
that must be possessed by students in solving a the resulting T-statistic value is 3.670, which means the
challenge that occurs in fast-changing times so that in the result is said to be significant because the t-statistic value
is greater than the t-table (3.670 > 1.96) or it can be said
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8341-8350

that the hypothesis is accepted. This is in line with of elaboration (Wang, 2012). Thinking skills are closely
existing research that reading habits have a correlation related to language development, and it is highly
with learning motivation and contribute to improving possible that creative thinking has a certain connection
students' writing abilities (Jasni & Atmazaki, 2020). with reading and writing abilities. Creativity is
consistently associated with the abilities that are
The Effect of Reading Habits on Learning Achievement required for reading and writing. The traits that are
Based on Table 6, the parameter coefficient for the encouraged by reading and writing appear to have the
influence of the reading habit variable on learning same characteristics that creativity researchers suggest
achievement (original sample) is -0.082, which means foster creativity, such as the freedom and ability to
there is a negative influence between these two communicate ideas, an emphasis on self-discovery and
variables. Or it can be interpreted that the lower the attention to the individual (Wang, 2012). Creativity is an
reading habit, the higher the motivation to learn. Then important aspect of learning and teaching. This ability
the resulting T-statistical value is 0.969, which means the can be interpreted as the ability to respond and provide
result is said to be not significant because the t-statistical a way out of all existing solutions, is involved in the
value is smaller than the t-table (0.969 < 1.96) or it can be discovery process for problems and the ability to
said that the hypothesis is rejected. This is not in line produce or create something new. In everyday life,
with existing research that there was a correlation people with high creativity will also be able to solve
between reading habit and academic achievement and problems better (Chalsum et al., 2023).
reading habit influenced academic achievement (Erlina
et al., 2019). Therefore, it is necessary to carry out further The Effect of Learning Motivation on Learning Achievement
research on reading habits and learning achievement Based on Table 6, the magnitude of the parameter
abilities from various factors because from the results of coefficient of the influence of the learning motivation
the research conducted it was found that there is no variable on learning achievement (original sample) is
significant relationship between reading habits and 0.383, which means there is a positive influence between
learning achievement. the two variables. Or it can be interpreted that the higher
the motivation to learn, the better the learning
The Effect of Parents’ Attention on Reading Habits achievement will be. Then the resulting T-statistic value
Based on Table 6, the parameter coefficient for the is 4.815, which means that the result is said to be
influence of the parental attention variable on reading significant because the t-statistic value is greater than the
habits (original sample) is 0.652, which means there is a t-table (4.815 > 1.96) or it can be said that the hypothesis
positive influence between these two variables. Or it can is accepted. This is in line with existing research that
be interpreted that the higher the parental attention, the there is a positive and significant relationship between
better reading habits will be. Then the resulting T- learning motivation and learning achievement
statistic value is 17.327, which means the result is said to (Waritsman, 2020). With the high of motivation learning,
be significant because the t-statistic value is greater than students will be able to do learning activities and always
the t-table (17.327 > 1.96) or it can be said that the pay attention to the lesson so that learning achievements
hypothesis is accepted. Path analysis in other studies will be easy to achieve (Lestari, 2020). Achievement
shows that half of parental influence on children's motivation is considered an important factor in learning
reading ability is negligible and the other half is due to because, with this motivation, students will try to
children's cognitive foundations. The pair correlation is achieve standards of perfection in learning (Syamsinar
small but significant (van Bergen et al., 2015). et al., 2023).

The Effect of Reading Habits on Creativity The Effect of Parents’ Attention on Learning Motivation
Based on Table 6, the magnitude of the parameter Based on Table 6, the magnitude of the parameter
coefficient of the influence of the reading habit variable coefficient of the influence of the parental attention
on creativity (original sample) is 0.276, which means variable on learning motivation (original sample) is
there is a positive influence between the two variables. 0.734, which means there is a positive influence between
Or it can be interpreted that the lower the reading habit, the two variables. Or it can be interpreted that the higher
the higher the creativity. Then the resulting T-statistic the parental attention, the better the motivation to learn.
value is 3.513, which means that the result is said to be Then the resulting T-statistic value is 21.066, which
significant because the t-statistic value is greater than the means that the result is said to be significant because the
t-table (3.513 > 1.96) or it can be said that the hypothesis t-statistic value is greater than the t-table (21.066 > 1.96)
is accepted. This is in line with existing research that or it can be said that the hypothesis is accepted. This is
habitual reading and writing have a positive in line with existing research that parental attention will
relationship with creative thinking, especially the ability
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8341-8350

directly affect children's learning motivation which in The Effect of Creativity on Learning Achievement
turn has an impact on children's learning achievement at Based on Table 6, the parameter coefficient of the
school (Afrida, 2017). Parents are an essential factor in influence of the creativity variable on learning
supporting children's motivation to learn. Parents' achievement (original sample) is 0.025, which means
supervision and direction will influence children's there is a positive influence between the two variables.
motivation to participate in teaching and learning Or it can be interpreted that the higher the creativity, the
activities well at home and school (Mayona et al., 2022). better the learning achievement will be. Then the
Parental attention has a good impact on children, such resulting T-statistic value is 0.330, which means the
as increasing children's enthusiasm and motivation to result is said to be not significant because the t-statistic
learn. Parental attention and guidance at home will value is smaller than the t-table (0.330 < 1.96) or it can be
influence students' learning readiness, both studying at said that the hypothesis is rejected. This is not in line
home and at school. The attention given by parents to with existing research that there were positive
their children can motivate students to carry out their significant relationships between creativity and
activities, including motivating children to learn (Safitri achievement (Nami et al., 2014). Therefore, it is
et al., 2018). necessary to carry out further research on creativity and
learning achievement from various factors because from
The Effect of Learning Motivation on Creativity the results of the research conducted it was found that
Based on Table 6, the magnitude of the parameter there is no significant relationship between creativity
coefficient of the influence of the learning motivation and learning achievement.
variable on creativity (original sample) is 0.285, which
means there is a positive influence between the two The Effect of Parents’ Attention on Creativity
variables. Or it can be interpreted that the higher the Based on Table 6, the parameter coefficient of the
motivation to learn, the better the creativity will be. Then influence of parental attention on reading habits
the resulting T-statistic value is 4.137, which means the (original sample) is 0.107, which means there is a
result is said to be significant because the t-statistic value positive influence between the two variables. Or it can
is greater than the t-table (4.137 > 1.96) or it can be said be interpreted that the higher the attention of parents,
that the hypothesis is accepted. This is in line with the better creativity will be. Then the resulting T-statistic
existing research that there was a positive and value is 1.012, which means the result is said to be not
significant influence of motivation and learning style significant because the t-statistic value is smaller than
together on student creativity (Prasela et al., 2022). the t-table (0.330 > 1.96). Therefore, it is necessary to
Creativity plays a very important role so that students carry out further research on parents’ attention and
are better prepared to face the development of science creativity abilities from various factors because from the
and technology (Nurulwati., 2023). results of the research conducted it was found that there
is no significant relationship between parents’ attention
The Effect of Parents’ Attention on Learning Achievement and creativity. This is not in line with existing research
Based on Table 6, the magnitude of the parameter that there is a significant direct influence of parental
coefficient of the influence of the parental attention attention on student creativity (Adzkia, 2016).
variable on learning achievement (original sample) is -
0.259, which means there is a negative influence between Conclusion
the two variables. Or it can be interpreted that the lower
the parental attention, the better the learning A total of 15 hypotheses were proposed, 9
achievement will be. Then the resulting T-statistic value hypotheses were accepted and 6 hypotheses were
is 2.910, which means the result is said to be significant rejected. Acceptance and rejection of the hypothesis are
because the t-statistic value is greater than the t-table based on data analysis that has been carried out using
(2.910 > 1.96) or it can be said that the hypothesis is the SmartPLS application. There are various obstacles in
accepted. This is in line with existing research that carrying out research, but the research can still be carried
parental attention will directly affect children's learning out well. In compiling research variables that influence
motivation which in turn has an impact on children's scientific literacy, they are limited to 5 variables, namely
learning achievement at school (Afrida, 2017). The reading habits, learning motivation, learning
family has an important role in their children's achievement, parental attention and creativity. As for
education, parents' attitude that cares for the child can the rejection of the hypothesis, it can be assumed that
make a child being excellent in education because the there are other variables that can influence scientific
child's behavior can be influenced by the attention of literacy more significantly.
both parents (Nofrizal et al., 2020).

Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA (JPPIPA) October 2023, Volume 9 Issue 10, 8341-8350

Acknowledgments https://doi.org/10.1002/tea.20333
The author thanks the parties, and students from SMPN 12 Cepeda-Carrion, G., Cegarra-Navarro, J. G., & Cillo, V.
Padang, SMPN 39 Padang, and SMPN 40 Padang for their (2019). Tips to use partial least squares structural
assistance in this research. In addition, the author also thanks
equation modelling (PLS-SEM) in knowledge
the lecturers at Padang University who have guided me in
management. Journal of Knowledge Management,
compiling this article. The author appreciates the various
forms of assistance that have been given to the author to help 23(1), 67–89. https://doi.org/10.1108/JKM-05-
complete this article. 2018-0322
Chalsum, U., Arsyad, M., & Helmi, H. (2023).
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Conseptualization idea by AM and UU. Prepared the research Measure Student Creativity. Jurnal Penelitian
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the article by AM. Methodology and validation by UU. https://doi.org/10.29303/jppipa.v9i4.2674
Investigation by AM. Analyzed the data by AM. Resources by
Fadhilah, F., & Husin, M. (2023). Student Readiness on
AM and UU. Review and editing by AM and UU. All authors
have read and agreed to published version of the manuscript. Online Learning in Higher Education: An
Empirical Study. International Journal of Instruction,
Funding 16(3), 489–504.
This research received no external funding. https://doi.org/10.29333/iji.2023.16326a
Fuadi, H., Robbia, A. Z., Jamaluddin, J., & Jufri, A. W.
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